Porterville Post - The Right News at the Right Time  ©
Welcome to The Porterville Post -- A Christian {} Conservative news service. In the coming months we'll be covering news from the local area and eventually expand with additional articles, writers and columnists. A.L."LUCKY" Lucketta : Editor
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1941 New World Order Map

1941 New World Order Map

H.G. Wells : The New World Order
Click to Read -- H.G. Wells 'The New World Order'

Moyers : The Secret Government

Who Owns the World | Videos

HAARP : Weather & Mind Control

How Nexrad HAARP Works :

VIDEO : What are they Spraying ?

VIDEO : Why are they Spraying ?


MONTAGE: Everything is Ok !


GRAY STATE : The Movie

Jefferson on Federal Banking

From the beginning our Founding Fathers - specifically Thomas Jefferson - warned us about national, corporate and commercial banking. They had enough hind sight from past practices in England to forecast what will happen if a free people allow banks to control the money and the value there of. Click here to read a few quotes from Thomas Jefferson.
01.) USA isn't a Nation - It's a Corporation
02.) Quotes & Warnings re: Federal Reserve
03.) History & Owners of the Federal Reserve
04.) History of Central Banking in America
05.) History of the House of Rothschild
06.) Historical Quotes You Need to Know
07.) NEW WORLD ORDER Map from 1941
09.) VIDEO : Occult World of Commerce
10.) VIDEO : Phantom Shares & Short Selling
11.) VIDEO : Bankers Addicted to drug profits
12.) VIDEO : Wall St funding Enemy
13.) VIDEO : Meet the Federal Reserve Bank
14.) VIDEO : The Crisis of Credit Visualized
15.) VIDEO : The Future of Food
17.) VIDEO : Birth Certificate - NWO Owned
18.) VIDEO : DHS Secretly Trucking Flu Virus
19.) VIDEO : The Great Water Heist
20.) VIDEO : Insiders, Bloodlines & the NWO
21.) VIDEO : OBAMA'S Prolonged Detention's
23.) VIDEO : Your HDTV is Watching You
24.) AUDIO : Paul Harvey : Stealing Hawaii
25.) VIDEO : Geo-Engineering PLAN B
26.) VIDEO : Quantitative Easing Explained
27.) VIDEO : Hollywood's Satanic Agenda
28.) VIDEO : Report from Iron Mountain

Father's Against Drunk Driving

The POST Honor's the Fallen

Honoring The Fallen

- 07/08/12 | Army Pfc. Alejandro J. Pardo
- 12/03/11 | Army Spc. Thomas J. Mayberry
- 09/08/11 | Army Pfc. Douglas J. Jeffries Jr.
- 06/21/11 | Marine Lnc. Cpl. Jared C. Verbeek
- 02/02/08 | Army Sgt. Timothy P. Martin
- 07/15/06 | Army Spc. Manuel J. Holguin
- 05/25/04 | Army Pfc. Daniel P. Unger
- 04/04/04 | Army Sgt. Michael W. Mitchell

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Porterville Post Corrections

(12/31/11) Correction Noted :
If the Post errors in a report, we will admit our error or mistake and post the correction on the front page. Hopefully we will get it "Right" the next time.

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Mug Shots of Rich and Famous

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The Porterville Post | On-Line News and Information

Welcome to Porterville : In GOD We Trust : <ΙΧΘΥΣ><

(VOTE : 2024) - VOTE RIGHT - LIKE THE POST” : NOV 5th !!!
Post Political Feature : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Every election cycle the Porterville Post submits a "VOTERS GUIDE" for the public to read and take to the polls on election day. As of {Today} the Post - to assist those with mail-in ballots - has released this guide (100% Complete) re: which candidates, propositions, measures, and bonds to vote for or against. So, GOD Bless you guys greatly and we hope you'll VOTE RIGHT - LIKE THE POST. This is the final up-date released before NOVEMBER 5th.

Post News Feature : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This POST feature connects you to on-line Post news services from all over the world. Daily we add to this web page important news items from countries and communities which include 'POST' in their name. From the beginning this has been an important feature ... so enjoy.

OHIO (www.HNewswire.com) -- Renowned American attorney Tom Renz has testified before the Ohio Senate, making explosive allegations that hospitals & doctors were incentivized to “MURDER” patients in order to exaggerate the threat of COVID-19. Renz’s testimony has ignited a firestorm of controversy, drawing both sharp criticism & fervent support from different quarters. During his testimony, Renz argued that financial incentives provided by the federal gov't led healthcare providers to falsely attribute deaths to COVID-19.

(Oct 21 2024) - Renowned Virologist “WARNS” Fully Vaxxed Have Just Years Left to Live: “TSUNAMI OF DEATH IS UPON US
WORLD WIDE (www.DissWire.com) -- Belgian virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche sounded the alarm over a looming collapse of immunity among the fully vaccinated, resulting in widespread global turbo cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and ultimately death. The mass deaths, which Bossche describes as a “massive, massive tsunami,” will be a result of compromised immune systems among those who received the COVID-19 vaccine. The incoming mass deaths will not only overwhelm hospitals; it will destroy the economy and thus cause social chaos.

(Oct 21 2024) - The “EPITOMY OF EVIL” Is Running Operations
U.S.A. (www.CitizenWatchReport.com) -- Are you ready for the truth? Since Joe Biden entered the White House, we have witnessed a tsunami of (ILLEGALS) migration that is unlike anything we have ever seen before. Millions upon millions of people (ILLEGALS) that are not being properly screened are taking advantage of our deeply broken immigration system. As a result, South American gangs are now absolutely thriving in major cities all over America. In fact ...

(Oct 20 2024) - "Pushing the Pause Button to Reflect"
The RIGHT Word - with Brother Scott : Post Columnist
THE RIGHT WORD© with Brother Scott PORTERVILLE, CA -- When we lose someone close to us (as we just did here in our church family), or someone that we had known for a significant amount of time, it causes us to reflect on several things. We think about the person we lost; his or her life, contributions, hardships, and accomplishments, where they are now in the eternity that began when they died, what their absence will mean, and about those they left behind. For some people, there are the thoughts of Did I treat that person right or Should I have done more for him or her,” and perhaps even deeper regrets about something between you and that person ...

(Oct 20 2024) - CROSSING “GOD'S RED LINE !!!
AMERICA (www.HarbingersDaily.com) -- Unless America Turns Back To God, We Will Stay On The Precipice !!! The truth is ... that although we like to claim that ours is a Christian nation, that is no longer demonstrably true. An argument can be made that we were founded upon Christian principles and once aspired to Christian ideals (albeit imperfectly throughout our national history). But ... that is no longer the case !!!


(Oct 19 2024) - The Monster Behind “WEATHER ENGINEERING
ANTARCTICA (www.LewRockwell.com) -- For certain, whenever you hear “fake news” to comments & reports about geoengineering & weather weaponizing, you can be sure the so-called fake news are actually the truth. And this is the case for most everything else called “fake news”. However, what tops it all, is the recent discovery through a former employee at the South Pole Station in Antarctica. He says, what he saw at the South Pole Station is HAARP on steroids”. He became a whistleblower, who testified before the U.S. Senate.

(Oct 19 2024) - GEOENGINEERING” Watch Global Alert ... #480
U.S.A. (www.GeoEngineeringWatch.org) -- From unnatural firestorms to chemical cooldowns, "Global water cycle off balance for first time in human history, threatening half the planet’s food production" (CNN). "Scientists Warn of Irreversible Damage in 2024 Climate Report – The Future of Humanity Hangs in the Balance” (SciTechDaily). After decades of covert climate intervention operations, how's it going so far? The latest installment of Global Alert News is here - NOW !!!

(Sep 19 2024) - Secrets about FREEMASONRY & ILLUMINATI !!!
Is this Guy, the Mystic Lie or Mystic Tie. Click to Read More. by Post Editor : A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
Freemason's, I've always believed, are not free to believe. They've taken an oath, never to reveal & always to conceal. To be a brother to a brother & to cover up for that brother, especially against a non-masonic-brother. Their rituals, symbols, tokens & religion are (G)eneric - intending to mislead. And all they want from the un-initiated is to be left alone - code words for "Mind your own 'Bees'-ness". This page is a good start re: current news, their history, connection with "THE ILLUMINATI" {Letter} and of course SATAN ... (2 Cor 11:14). ☠️☠️☠️

(Oct 18 2024) - "EARTHQUAKE ACTIVITY" Around Porterville : 2.1
Post News Feature : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The Porterville Post has noticed an increase of earthquake activity & intensity all over the globe & felt it was necessary to start posting earthquake activity around PORTERVILLE. The Bible says in Matthew 24:7 "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." Especially CALIFORNIA.

CANADA (www.SlayNews.com) -- Leading doctors in Canada are speaking out to warn the public about new “replicon” self-amplifying Covid mRNA “vaccines” which have been dubbed the third atomic bomb by renowned experts in Japan. As Slay News recently reported, some of Japan’s most prominent scientists, doctors, immunologists, and academics are sounding the alarm over the new injections. They are warning that the self-replicating RNA vaccines will trigger a worldwide disaster.”

(Oct 18 2024) - Scientists Turn “ORDINARY SMARTPHONE” into a Movie-Quality Full-Body Motion Capture System !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
Porterville Post Opinons by A.L. 'LUCKY' Lucketta PORTERVILLE -- All these "SATANIC SMART DEVICES" are a huge part of the END-GAME !!! In the not too distant future - if not already - these devilish devices will flesh-out the frequency of your mind - let alone your DNA - and slowly alter it, causing you to think and behave differently. Folks, I'm tellin' you, their END-GAME is DEPOPULATION - by any means necessary !!! Look, your critical thinking skills may have already been altered, and if that's the case then you'll end up going-with-the-flow - via their "SMART TRACKING & TRACING TOYS" ... straight into no-mans-land ... HELL !!!

(Oct 18 2024) - SMART TV's” = “DIGITAL SURVEILLANCE !!!
AMERICA (www.AmericaFirstReport.com) -- The streaming TV industry has morphed into a vast data-driven viewer surveillance apparatus, transforming people’s TVs into tools for monitoring, tracking & targeting, according to a new report (...) The 48-page report, How TV Watches Us: Commercial Surveillance in the Streaming Era,” charts the evolution from broadcast, cable & satellite television to (CTV), a term that encompasses the wide range of content delivered through the internet to smart TVs.

(Oct 17 2024) - PREDICTIVE PROGRMMING ???” Solar Eruption Can "Take Out the Internet for Weeks or Months" !!!
U.S.A. (www.HalTurnerRadioShow.com) -- The appearance of "news stories" talking about Solar Eruptions that "can take out the Internet for weeks" leads many to think they're going to do exactly that - on purpose - to stop the flow of info. What is described as an "Urgent warning over intense solar storms strong enough to cripple the world's internet for WEEKS" from NASA, which says we've hit the peak in the sun's 11-year cycle. Scientists have confirmed that solar maximum has officially arrived ...

(Oct 17 2024) - ISRAEL'S “WAR ON THE WORLD !!!
ISRAEL (www.GlobalResearch.ca) -- Israel is not only attacking its neighbors, it's at war with the entire world. Israel is especially threatened when the govt's of the world come together at the U.N. and in international courts to try to enforce the rule of international law, under which Israel is legally bound by the same rules that all countries have signed up to in the UN Charter & Geneva Conventions. In July, the International Court of Justice ruled that Israel’s occupation of Gaza, the West Bank & East Jerusalem since 1967 is illegal, and it must withdraw its military forces & settlers from all those territories.

Post News Feature : by Post On-line Staff & Readers :
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- American's must now monitor all Muslims - ALL THE TIME - everyday ... "HERE" ... in the U.S., where they resettle & abroad. WHY ? Because our border patrol agents can't do it all, ICE can't do it all, NSA can't do it all, DHS can't do it all, as well as our county & local policing agencies. They need our help ! All of them ! And they all say, if we SEE SOMETHING - SAY SOMETHING. So, let's "Back the Badge" & report what we see & hear. GOD Bless America !

(Oct 17 2024) - DOD “SHREDS ALL” Remaining Constitutional Protections from Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 ... !!!
AMERICA (www.NaturalNews.com) -- In anticipation of rioting or even a second CIVIL WAR following the upcoming election, the DoD is preliminarily gutting the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 to allow for the U.S. military to execute law, i.e., MARTIAL LAW, on American soil. As it was written, Posse Comitatus does not allow for any constitutional exceptions. The U.S. military is not supposed to be involved with law enforcement activities in any capacity whatsoever, and yet the Congress-passed bill has been so watered down over the past 50 years or so that armed soldiers could soon become commonplace on the streets of America.

CALIFORNIA (www.CalMatters.org) -- This dashboard — updated daily — tracks large California wildfires currently engulfing parts of the state and Valley, along with historical context showing how much more destructive & widespread fires are today compared to decades past. In a fast-changing natural world, there are some things California fire officials can reliably count on: the unpredictability of climate-driven {Geo-Engineered} wildfires, their increasing size & inevitability of new blazes.

(Oct 16 2024) - Bird Flu Is “KILLING” So Many Livestock ...
TIPTON, CA. (www.SHTFPlan.com) -- Bird flu-infected livestock is dying at an alarming rate in California, according to KGET. The report claims that so many cows are dying that disposal services can't keep up. In a video taken by Dr. Crystal Heath (...) one can see the dead cows off Mendonsa Farm in Tipton in Tulare county - 50 miles north of Bakersfield. “I was shocked that they'd have cows on the side of the road like that, uncovered, where anybody could see,” said Heath. “I was also shocked that there were no warning signs, warning people of this avian outbreak.”

(Oct 16 2024) - California’s “UNEMPLOYMENT SURGES” to 5.3%
CALIFORNIA (www.CitizenWatchReport.com) -- California’s unemployment rate is spiraling upward, reaching a concerning 5.3% as of August 2024. This is a sharp 0.5 percentage point increase from August 2023, and it now significantly exceeds the national average of 3.7%. The rapid rise is a worrying indicator of deeper economic troubles that could spell disaster for the state. California’s heavy reliance on tourism and hospitality has contributed to its higher unemployment rates.

(Oct 16 2024) - "12 Expressions of the Redeemed" Part 5
The RIGHT Word - with Brother Scott : Post Columnist
THE RIGHT WORD© with Brother Scott PORTERVILLE, CA -- What I share with you today is the conclusion of what's been to me over the years an impressive passage of Scriptures. At 1 Chronicles 16, King David has written a psalm and given it to his chief praise and worship leader to be presented to the nation. As you now know, it has at least twelve expressions by God’s people instructed to be made unto the Lord our God and Savior. We are taught that as a people of God, and we as the most blessed of the three 2,000-year periods since Adam, and a people that should be the most spiritually advanced among all the peoples of God over 6,000 years, we are to: Give thanks unto the Lord, make known His deeds ...

Part 1 * Part 2 * Part 3 * Part 4 * Part 5

(Oct 15 2024) - If Trump wins, there's talk of “CIVIL WAR
WASH D.C. (www.PAlexander.com) -- If Trump wins, there is talk of civil war that the democrats will not certify the election; Kamala Harris is the Vice President, will she certify the election if she loses and it's too close to call ??? Then they'll could use section 3 of 14th amendment - labelling him an insurrectionist. This is a very interesting video, food for thought !!!

(Oct 15 2024) - ARMED CITIZEN” Saves Florida Woman & Kids
FLORIDA (www.BearingArms.com) -- When Florida adopted its permitless carry law last year, gun control advocates were quick to predict that the state would become a more dangerous place. Instead, homicides declined in most cities around the state, including Orlando, Jacksonville, Tampa, and Miami. That trend has continued this year, with murders down a whopping 52% in Jacksonville and 15% in Orlando and Miami.

(Oct 15 2024) - FBI & US Secret Service “PLOT AGAINST” Trump
U.S.A. (www.AmericanThinker.com) -- A recent report shows that the assassination attempts on President Donald Trump were facilitated by unacceptable misconduct & unprofessional behavior by employees of the FBI & United States Secret Service (USSS) stemming from deep-seated politicization within these agencies. The increasing politicization of the U.S. gov't and its institutions has become a pressing concern in many media. Conservative pundits have been sounding the alarm about that issue since at least 2016, when the FBI plot against Trump ...

(Oct 14 2024) - A CIA PLOT TO “KILL TRUMP {By Cliff Kincaid}
OAKLAHOMA (www.NewsWithViews.com) -- It looks like the FBI stumbled upon a CIA plot to KILL President Trump. On Tues, Oct 8th, the Justice Department announced that an Afghan man was arrested & charged with an Election Day terrorist attack. One day later, it was leaked that the “Afghan man” was a CIA employee allowed into the United States by the Biden/Harris Admin' in 2021 on a special immigrant visa.” His co-conspirator was a legal permanent resident in the U.S.

(Oct 14 2024) - SHOCKING GOV'T REPORTS : Are the CoVid-19 Vaxxed at Risk of “DEVELOPING AIDS ??? ... {Kinda Looks Like It}
U.K. (www.Expose-News.com) -- Vaccine Surveillance Report figures on Covid cases show that doubly vaxxed 40-70 year olds have lost 40% of their immune system capability compared to unvaxxed people. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (...). If this continues then 30-50 year olds will have 100% immune system degradation, zero viral defence by Christmas & all doubly vaxxed people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year.

(Oct 14 2024) - Biden's Regime Issued “SUSPICIOUS DIRECTIVE” Permitting Military Intervention in US Domestic Affairs ???
WASH D.C. (www.PaulCraigRoberts.org) -- The DHS has flagged individuals questioning COVID-19 origins, vaccine efficacy, and election integrity as potential domestic terrorism threats. Is a coup being set in place? A new Department of Defense directive 5240.01 issued September 27, 2024, just prior to the November presidential election allows the US military to use lethal force against American citizens in assisting police authorities in domestic disturbances.

(Oct 14 2024) - UP-DATE : Armed Coachella Rally-Goer Vem Miller is Pro-Trump, Independent Reporter “NOT WOULD-BE ASSASSIN
LAS VEGAS (www.TheNationalPulse.com) -- A man arrested near a rally for Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump on Saturday has denied allegations of planning an assassination attempt. Vem Miller, 49, who is personally known to The National Pulse, and has interviewed The National Pulse’s Editor in Chief, Raheem Kassam, asserted in a lengthy video statement that he is a dedicated Trump supporter who has never fired a gun.

COACHELLA, Calif. (www.BasedUnderground.com) -- QUESTION : Was a third assassination attempt against President Donald Trump thwarted Saturday? If so, where is corporate media? Only one major news outlet, The Epoch Times, appears to be covering an incident that took place during the Coachella rally. To be fair, this may be a matter of activist law enforcement covering it up as the news apparently was dropped via text message with the county sheriff. But one would think this would still make national news at some point. Here's what we know so far (#1 - #2 - #3)

(Oct 13 2024) - Is “THE SHROUD OF TURIN” In The Bible ???
ITALY (www.AmericanThinker.com) -- As fresh evidence pointing to the authenticity of The Shroud of Turin gains momentum, a few seemingly obvious, but largely unexplored questions come to the fore. Does The Shroud appear anywhere in the Bible, and if so when it is first mentioned? Do the Gospel accounts of Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection make any palpable references? Any answers in the affirmative lead to more questions. Here are some ...

(Oct 13 2024) - "12 Expressions of the Redeemed" Part 4
The RIGHT Word - with Brother Scott : Post Columnist
THE RIGHT WORD© with Brother Scott PORTERVILLE, CA -- 1 Chronicles 16:28-36 It takes three consecutive breaths for David to make the point that we are to give unto the Lord. In similar terms, you can think of giving to the Lord like this: “Hand over to God those things which He wants from us and the things He deserves from us”. The Hebrew word that is used by the psalmist simply means “give” or to “put before” Him. A more definitive definition for our 21st century understanding today would include “to freely transfer the possession of something to someone [else]; to hand over to. To provide or supply with. To present without expecting compensation ...”

Part 1 * Part 2 * Part 3 * Part 4 * Part 5

(Oct 13 2024) - New “FEAR CAMPAIGN” for Bird Flu Vax !!!
U.S.A. (www.USAWatchdog.com) -- Dr. Peter McCullough is a renowned cardiologist who's been fighting the gov't CV19 vax propaganda from the beginning. Dr. McCullough's on record saying The CV19 vaccine did not help a single person.” Now, he's fighting a new false gov't narrative on the Bird Flu. They just held the International Bird Flu Summit near Washington D.C in early October. At the same time, they were holding a Bird Flu summit in Arkansas for veterinarians. So, the evidence says, they are planning on A NEW PANDEMIC !!!

(Oct 13 2024) - Welcome to the “SWING STATE STORMS” of 2024, brought to you by “HAARP” and the “DOD ... {To Name a Few}
SWING STATES (www.NaturalNews.com) -- Not a day will go by before this election that the powers that be aren’t up to something nefarious behind closed doors. The Left is about to lose this election in the biggest way, unless they can cheat across the board, especially in the 7 swing states. The latest is weather modification machinery and geo-engineering (...) Just a couple years ago, this would all be labeled “conspiracy theory,” except now the man (U.S. gov't) has admitted to having all this power because of… global warming battle initiatives.

(Oct 12 2024) - GEOENGINEERING” Watch Global Alert ... #479
U.S.A. (www.GeoEngineeringWatch.org) -- "Weather Wars: If states decided unilaterally to use more radical geoengineering technologies it could trigger dramatic climatic disruptions" (World Economic Forum). For the record, there is no "if" in this equation, the damage already done includes further fueling extremely rapid worldwide environmental collapse. "Earth’s wildlife populations have disappeared at a ‘catastrophic’ rate in the past half-century, new analysis says" (Washington Post). "Scientists: We Are on the Brink of Irreversible Disaster" (MSN).

(Oct 12 2024) - "EARTHQUAKE ACTIVITY" Around Porterville : 3.2
Post News Feature : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The Porterville Post has noticed an increase of earthquake activity & intensity all over the globe & felt it was necessary to start posting earthquake activity around PORTERVILLE. The Bible says in Matthew 24:7 "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." Especially CALIFORNIA.

(Oct 12 2024) - Putin Advocates for a “NEW WORLD ORDER ???
MOSCOW (www.YourNews.com) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin has reiterated Moscow’s strong alliance with Iran, pledging continued support for Tehran while calling for a “NEW WORLD ORDER that diminishes the influence of Western nations and Israel. During a meeting on the sidelines of a forum in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, Putin and Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian discussed their strategic partnership and aspirations for reshaping global power dynamics.

(Oct 12 2024) - PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING” 7 Years Ago ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
Porterville Post Opinons by A.L. 'LUCKY' Lucketta PORTERVILLE -- Yeah, these cretins have thought this one through and believe-you-me, along with the neo-con's, it's on their NEW WORLD ORDER to-do list. Hollywood, which is still consulted controlled by the CIA, have from time-to-time displayed their "PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING" on their big and small screens their intentions and plans. DOUBT IT NOT !!! So these questions remain, (#1) who benefits, (#2) what exactly will they pull off, and (#3) when ??? Now, if you've done any research re: these questions, you already know the answers. If not, well, YOU AIN'T GONNA MAKE IT, as folks in Florida will attest.

WORLD WIDE (www.ThePeoplesVoice.tv) -- The world has been told to prepare for a severe geomagnetic storm which could bring chaos to cellphone networks, GPS and power grids on Friday. The severe solar storm is currently blasting Earth and it could stress power grids according to the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. The NOAA issued an extreme geomagnetic storm watch for the next two days ...

(Oct 11 2024) - Monkeypox Is a “SIDE-EFFECT” of Covid Vaxx
UNITED NATIONS (www.SlayNews.com) -- The United Nations’ (UN) World Health Organization (WHO) has admitted that monkeypox is actually a side effect of Covid mRNA “vaccines.” The admission is buried on the WHO’s VigiAccess website, which contains a database that lists all known side effects of all drugs & vaccines that's been approved for public use.

CHICAGO (www.HNewswire.com) -- Following a largely peaceful demonstration in the Chicago area, social media and the press have been ablaze this week with fear of the upcoming pandemic, which is being portrayed as a new and improved virus that is deadlier than ever and is sure to rig the elections once more. It's highly likely that you've heard of the notorious but colloquial "Disease X."

(Oct 11 2024) - REMDESIVIR KILLED” 601 service members
U.S. MILITARY (www.NewsTarget.com) -- More than 600 service members died after being treated with the controversial COVID-19 drug remdesivir at a time when it had not been approved by the FDA for treating the virus. This is according to documents from DoD's Joint Trauma System that were released by a military whistleblower, and they note that the military gave the drug “liberally” to service members who were believed to have COVID-19 months ahead of its official FDA approval.

(Oct 10 2024) - California Bringing Back “MASK MANDATES ???
SAN FRANCISCO (www.CaliforniaGlobe.com) -- The San Francisco Chronicle reports that mask mandates are coming back to the San Francisco Bay Area. “As the annual cold and flu season gears up, several Bay Area counties have recently issued local health orders requiring face masks to be worn in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and other health care facilities starting Nov. 1 until either March 31 or April 30, 2025.”

(Oct 10 2024) - Sheriff Warns of “TERROR CELLS” in America !!!
AMERICA (www.NewsWithViews.com) -- Chuck Jenkins, the tough-talking sheriff of Frederick County, Maryland, told a candlelight vigil in support of the victims of the terrorism in Israel that he fears a wave of crime and violence is being planned for the United States by terror cells and foreign criminal gangs already on American soil. It is all part of an orchestrated effort to destroy America, Sheriff Jenkins said. “I believe this is very orchestrated, very calculated.”

NEW WORLD ORDER (www.GumshoeNews.com) -- Rumours abound along with sketchy details but now we have more evidence of govts’ intent to have us forcibly injected in the very near future. (...) The Global elites’ depopulation agenda is very real, as promoted by themselves, but delicately balanced against the cravings for profit, so the economic reality is gently tilted towards two objectives, the elites self-enrichment & the underclasses dying off, both outcomes are engineered ...

(Oct 09 2024) - MARTIAL LAW PLAN'S : New DoD Directive Expands Military’s Domestic Role And “USE OF LETHAL FORCE
DoD (www.YourNews.com) -- A newly updated Department of Defense directive has expanded the military’s ability to assist domestic law enforcement, including provisions for the use of lethal force in life-threatening situations. The Directive 5240.01, effective from September 27, 2024, outlines circumstances under which military personnel may engage in domestic operations, a significant shift in policy that raises concerns about civil-military boundaries.

(Oct 09 2024) - THE PAPER BOY” - Part XIX
UNALIENABLE RIGHTS - with Ed McKervey : Post Columnist
PORTERVILLE, CA -- UNALIENABLE RIGHTS with Ed McKervey Merit is our Strength 4 of 4 :
One of the things I focused on for my paper boys was scholarships. I helped the Roper clan with a scholarship for Glade while he was a paper boy. We never had a problem on Glade’s route and I’m proud to say many if not most of those kids grew up young and became very successful. The responsibility at an early age was the merit badge whether you were in the boy scouts or not. You knew it, you lived it, and you didn’t need to wear a badge. Remember that reality check in blazing saddles where they made fun of the badges. The punch line was “We don’t need no stinking badges.”

PARTS : I ~ II ~ III ~ IV ~ V ~ VI ~ VII ~ VIII ~ IX ~ X
~ XI ~ XII ~ XIV ~ XV ~ XVI ~ XVII ~ XVIII ~ XIX ~

(Oct 09 2024) - Conspiracy Theorists, “YOU WERE RIGHT !!!
NEW WORLD ORDER (www.Expose-News.com) -- On Tuesday, The Guardian published an article that admits the climate agenda is the depopulation agenda !!! What is also notable is the article boldly claims the global human population is increasing by 200,000 people a day. The world’s population is a guesstimate, so how can they know it is increasing by that number? The truth is they don’t. It simply isn’t possible to be sure exactly how many people there are on the Earth at any one time.

(Oct 09 2024) - "MARK OF THE BEAST" : UP-DATES :
Post News Feature : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Knowing that technology will be used to implement the "Mark of the Beast" (Rev.13) the Porterville Post will be up-dating and posting informational links and articles about these devilish devices to ALERT THE PUBLIC ! Obviously the agenda of the NEW WORLD ORDER is to track and control humans. Your goal - as a Christian Believer - is to STAND UP and SAY NO !!!

(Oct 09 2024) - All “AMERICA’S” Problems are “LEFTIST” Problems
AMERICA (www.FrontPageMag.com) -- The problem with solving problems is that once they are solved, no one needs the solver anymore. The better kinds of problems are recurring problems that ensure customer retention, employing plumbers, locksmiths and police officers, but the best kind are the completely unsolvable problems. And those are the only kinds of problems that the Left wants to solve. (...) Why create unsolvable problems? They’re a virtually infinite source of MONEY & POWER !!!

(Oct 08 2024) - LAWLESS NARCO-STATE” Newly Elected Mexican Mayor - Alejandro Arcos - Decapitated Just 6 Days Into Office
MEXICO (www.ZeroHedge.com) -- The severed head of a newly elected mayor in southern Mexico was found on top of his vehicle just 6 days into his tenure. Footage of the gruesome scene was shared on X, highlighting Mexico as a lawless narco-state run by ultra-violent cartels. On Sept. 30, Alejandro Arcos was sworn in as the mayor of Chilpancingo, the capital and 2nd-largest city of the Mexican state of Guerrero. The newly elected mayor didn't even last a week because ...

(Oct 08 2024) - Millions of Christians “NOT PLANNING TO VOTE
AMERICA (www.JustTheNews.com) -- Millions of Christians in the U.S. indicated in a study released Monday that they are not likely to vote in the upcoming election this November, signaling a potential problem for the Republican Party. Just over half of interviewees (51%) in a Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University study, who identified as "people of faith" responded that they are likely to vote in the presidential election between President Trump and VP Harris.

(Oct 08 2024) - PORTERVILLE POLICE DEPT | PPD Facebook

(Nov 18 2023) - It is Not the Time to be Fearful ...
RIGHT to the End - with Pastor Randy Minnick : Post Columnist
RIGHT to the End © with Pastor Randy Minnick PORTERVILLE, CA -- We are called to this hour in the end-of-the-end times. It is not the time to be fearful ... neither to cower before our enemy, Satan. Wait upon the Lord. Be still and know that He is God. The fact that America has seen relatively little persecution of its Christian population belies the fact that persecution is part and partial of living a Godly life. The Bible says: “For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake” (Philippians 1:29). “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2Ti mothy 3:12).

(Apr 24 2023) - True "MELL-OF-A-HESS" !!!
Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack : Post Columnist
Muster RIGHT Here © with Sgt Mack PORTERVILLE, CA -- Stand at EASE!!! The longer the demoncraps stay in power, the more our country declines. The quality of services, the attitude of people in service industries, the moral integrity of even some of our legitimately elected, much less those fraudulently empowered, from jobama and his merry band of cesspool sludge, to the lowest corrupt city council crook is, frequently truly, reprehensible and, sometimes, evil.

(Dec 06 2019) - Are We Americans Being Duped ?
RIGHT INSIGHT - with James Horn : Post Columnist
RIGHT INSIGHT - with James Horn PORTERVILLE, CA -- I am sick and tired of all of this phony impeach Trump nonsense. The Democrats, driven by hatred and fear of President Trump just won’t give up. First, it was Stormy, then the Russians (are coming) hoax, and now the Ukranian hoax, soon to be another hoax. We know that Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi are insanely manipulative liars. Chuckie Schumer is waiting in the wings for the impeachment process to hit the Senate where he can lie and fulminate in front of the cameras. What or who is behind all of this?

Post Political Feature : Collected by Post Online News Staff
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Have you read the Post's "The Obama Files" today ? Well you should. There's a Place in HELL for those who LIE In this exclusive web page we'll track and collect news that's under-reported or considered inside information. Then it'll be placed in this section - making it a little easier for the public to locate and to help Obama keep his promise of being transparent. "QUOTE" Enjoy ...

(Apr 03 2016) - What's gone wrong with the Water Projects ?
RIGHT from Russ - with Russ Waymire : Post Columnist
RIGHT from Russ © with Russ Waymire HANFORD, CA -- My ancestors, like many midwest 1930's Dust Bowl casualties, migrated to California's Central Valley. Why settle here? Because the (CVP) Central Valley Water Projects created all kinds of Valley jobs and opportunities. What's gone wrong ??? Politicians passed laws seizing CVP Friant & Westside contract water, turning the Central Valley into a "Politician Created Dust Bowl". Politicians force us to pay for water delivery systems and for water not received.

(Aug 29 2015) - Explaining Today's Cop Violence
OFF THE GRID - with Melinda Pillsbury-Foster : Post Columnist
OFF THE GRID - with Melinda Pillsbury-Foster PORTERVILLE, CA -- Why & How the Meaning of Words are Changed Intentionally. Remember the term, "Peace Officer?" A Peace Officer was charged with ensuring the safety of those in their community. A policeman was someone you could trust, someone who protected the rights of individuals. When did our understanding change ? A Peace Officer knew their job could entail placing themselves between potential victims of crime and the criminal. The Officer signed an oath to uphold the Constitution and was assumed to be familiar with that and other American founding documents. Today few sign such an oath ..

NEW WORLD ORDER EXPOSED : Post Editor - A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
DEADLY VIRUS AND VACCINATION UPDATES PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Since there is so much at risk regarding the flu and vaccinations the Post decided to add this section. It's vitally important that you research the facts and {ingredients Pg.1 | Pg.2 | Pg.3 } to determine the risks and to ensure you make the best possibly choice for you and your family. The Post Prays you'll look at both sides of this issue before you settle on one.

Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
RADIATION - FALLOUR & PROTECTION PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The Boys Scouts motto is "Be Prepared" ... for anything, and that's how we need to conduct our selves in Porterville, just in case we receive more bad news re: RADIATION LEAKS from Japan, or anywhere else. In the coming days the Post will add important information, we believe, you will need to be prepared.

(Dec 30 2014) - POST - VIDEO OF THE WEEK :
Post News Feature : by Post On-line Staff & Readers :
Porterville Post Video of the Week PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The Porterville Post has created this web page for our readers and as a special request from our online staff. We're fully aware that the NWO control freaks and their "Masonic Miscreants" would like nothing else than to eliminate your "FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS" and internet freedom's. Don't let this happen ! Make sure you save these video's to your own files and make sure you e-mail the Post additional video's to be placed in this archieve.

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak - is to speak. Not to act - is to act. -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer --
Bail Jumpers
Gang Info
GAS Prices
U.S. Troops
Estab. Jan 2008

Welcome to the newest on-line news service in the Porterville area. Our goal is to report the right news at the right time. In doing this, we believe that the community will get a greater sence of being connected.

The Right News @ The Right Time

Our second goal is to report above and beyond the main stream media.

Politically Inform and Educate

Our third goal is to politically inform and educate the voters and public at large.

A Conservative News Service

The Porterville Post is a Conservative on-line news service and when the Post makes a mistake in our reporting, we'll address it "Right Here" and if needed, with an appology. Please feel free to contact us with your comments or suggestions.

Writers | Columnists | Reporters

Mark Twain once said, "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you're misinformed." So what should folks read to be informed - The Porterville Post - "The Right News at The Right Time"

~ Porterville Post Editor ~
A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta

Welcome to the newest on-line news service for the Porterville area. In the coming years, we hope to provide to the public another news information outlet highlighting Christian and Conservative values, views and voices. BTW - If you've always prayed that GOD would open the door for an opportunity to write - here it is baby. Fear not, let your heart be connected to your pen and send me an e-mail or call our office at (559) 933-POST.

“American Hero”
Military Banner Program
A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta

Petty Officer 3rd Class - A. L. 'LUCKY' Lucketta

NOV 24th 2023
Porterville 44th Annual

Porterville 44th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

Jan 23, 2022
January 23, 2022 | Washington, DC : DEFEAT THE MANDATES
Washington, DC

NOV 8-11 2021

NOV 29th 2020
"From 8am to 11am"

MAY 11th 2019
"Rollin' Relics Car Show"


FEB 23rd 2019
"Patriots Unite California"


MAR 9th 2018
Releasing Fire and Glory

A CALL TO PRAYER - Releasing Fire & Glory in Tulare County

NOV 18th 2017

Toys for Tots - Car and Bike Show by Nasty Habits

OCT 21st 2017
" A Christmas to Remember "

A Christmas to Remember Car & Bike Show

OCT 17th 2017
"Ribbon Cutting Ceremony"

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Veterants Park - Oct 17th @ 10:00 AM

AUG 12th 2017


May 17th - 21st

PORTERVILLE FAIR : May 17th - 21st 2017

Revival in Porterville : May 19th 2017
Veteran's Memorial : 1900 West Olive
Friday Night 7PM to 9PM

The Afters : Feb 12th 2017

EXPOSED : False Faith Healing Gospel

EXPOSED : The False Faith Healing-Prosperity Gospel


Dear Concerned Student, I'm not allowed in Schools - - 'GOD'


Click here to Buy and Sell Classic Cars

Porterville Post
Special Events Page

If you have a special event coming up, please e-mail the Post at least one week in advance. We try to up-load the events page every week.

JUNE 13th,14th & 15th


Jul 21st : Porterville to Hold Public Presentations on Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan

(Jul 21 2011) PORTERVILLE - [PDF] The Tulare County Health & Human Services Agency's Office of Emergency Services, in cooperation with 8 of the County's cities, the Tulare County Office of Education, and the Tule River Tribe, has launched a countywide effort to review the risks posed by man-made & natural disasters & identify ways to reduce the damage from those risks. Citizens are invited to learn more about the draft plan at one of the 3 info sessions to be held on Thursday, July 21st. 2011.

Springville Rodeo
Apr 26th 27th & 28th

Join us for the 65th Annual P.R.C.A. Rodeo in the foothills of the Sierra-Nevada mountains

May 3rd : Porterville Step Up

May 5th : Porterville Step Up
May 5th : Porterville Step Up

Around Tulare County

April / May 2012 : Around Tulare County

Mysterious Light on the Hill ?

(Nov 06 2009) Close to four years ago, a friend (Ernie Cortez) and I were driving one Sunday morning from Porterville - heading to Fresno to attend a Church service - when out of the periphery of my right eye I saw what appeared to be a slowed down version of lightening. I shouted to Ernie to stop and turn the truck around so we both could get a better look. Fortunately I had my camera with me but only one of the many pictures came out. Neither of us had ever seen anything like this and as we stared motionless - because of the beauty that this light from this cloud emanated ... we were left with more questions than answers. If you or a friend has seen anything like this please e-mail the Post.

Bro. Ben needs to know,
have you seen

Have you seen the HAND WRITING ON THE WALL ???
(Jan 05 2009) Today the Post saw Brother Ben on Henderson Avenue, next to the Church of the Nazarene, showing a sign which read "THE HAND WRITING IS ON THE WALL" and so we stopped for a quick interview and learned that Brother Ben has a message that is "Burning in his Bones" regarding these last days. To be sure we promised to stay in touch with Brother Ben and we'll let you know what the LORD told Ben. So ... stay tuned, we will be back with a full report.

Who's this Patriotic Peddler ?

Click to Enlarge : And Win $100.00 Dollars
(Mar 09 2009) We know you have seen this man peddling around town, but have you taken the time to tell him thanks, for being patriotic ? And do you know who he is ? Many of the folks at Perko's knows. If you know e-mail the Post.

Who's That Girl in the Love Bus

Click to Enlarge : And Win $100.00 Dollars
(Feb 02 2009) Here we go again. You could WIN $100.00 DOLLARS if you can Identify who the owner of the Love Bus is and a little history. We had so much fun the last time the Post wanted to see if you could name that owner ... one more time. Like last month we will announce who guessed right along with the reat of the story. So e-mail who you think that girl is and a little history. Have Fun !

Scooby Doo : We Found You !

Click to Enlarge : And Win $100.00 Dollars
(Jan 31 2009) WIN $100.00 DOLLARS : Yes you can win $100.00 dollars if you can name the owner of this "SCOOBY DOO" van and where it is located. The Post will reveal who won this contest on Jan 31st 2009 and a little history of the individual in the van. E-Mail Editor. Congratulations Pastor Frankie for identifying Who owns the Scooby-Doo Van.

PC Swap Meet on Saturday's

www.PortervillePost.com  )    • Porterville Post Articles
      Mar 01 - Former Lady Pirate Wins Prestigious Award
      Feb 25 - Porterville Pet Fair: Under New Management
      Feb 08 - Conservative concerns from PARA

  • Porterville Post Stories of Faith
      Apr 19 - Prophecy in Motion class offered in Porterville
      Apr 02 - What's it like to be A Woman Pastor
      Mar 05 - Prophetic History, Messages and Destiny
      Feb 18 - Santa Maria group stops at Coffee Camp

  • Porterville Post News Stories
      Mar 01 - An Enterprising move.
      Feb 18 - Lowes opens with commercial event.
      Feb 16 - Rookie cop - rookie mistake ?
      Feb 15 - Burgler suspect caught in the act

  • Porterville Post Opinions
      Feb 17 - Gee ... What does that "G" stand for ?
      Feb 10 - 2 B 1 Ask 1 - What a waist of Time

Welcome to Porterville, CA. Population 51,467

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For more Information - editor@portervillepost.com
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An American News Service