Porterville Post � - The Right News at the Right Time
Welcome to The Porterville Post -- A Christian Conservative publication. In the coming months we will be covering news from the local area and eventually expand with additional articles, writers and columnists. A.L."LUCKY" Lucketta : Editor
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The Poterville Post | On-Line News and Information | Correcting the Post

»  (Jan 31 2008) - In the event that a correction is needed, it will be placed in this section on a month by month basis. As well, if an article, column, news item or story needs a part two - because of additional information - the Porterville Post will run "That Part Two" in another article, column, news item or story referencing that additional information and if necessary, by whom. by A.L."LUCKY" Lucketta : Porterville Post Editor -

(Dec 31 2011) - Dear Mr./Ms. Lucketta:
I just now saw your post of 10 Dec 2011, referenced above "The Alarming Truth About Obama".

The idea that Terrible Truth is anything but research and reporting emanating from my sole efforts is preposterous. Your poster has absolutely no basis upon which to make such a statement. I consider it defamatory.

Casting dispersions upon Mr. Apuzzo's integrity is also unacceptable. I can attest that what he stated in his post re: the source of his information is absolutely accurate.

Please note that your poster has plagiarized my work by utilizing - without permission, attribution or links to - my reported research, including the identity of "Obama's" mother and the nature of her relationship with Malcolm X.

Kindly advise re: your paper's policy regarding the matters above. Many thanks, Martha Trowbridge

Martha Trowbridge
Investigative Researcher, Columnist

Terrible Truth

America, Stand Proudly!

Executive Producer & Host Martha Trowbridge Radio, LLC Empathic Wisdom For Suffering Women http://www.MarthaTrowbridgeRadio.org

Bail Jumpers
Most Wanted
U.S. Troops
Estab. Jan 2008

Welcome to the newest on-line new service in the Porterville area. Our goal is to report the right news at the right time. In doing this, we believe that the community will get a greater sence of being connected.

The Right News @ The Right Time

Our second goal is to report above and beyond the main stream media.

Politically Inform and Educate

Our third goal is to politically inform and educate the public at lareg.

A Conservative Publication

The Porterville Post is a conservative publication and news service and when the Post makes a mistake in our reporting, we'll address it "Right Here" and if needed, with an appology. Please feel free to contact us with your comments or suggestions.

Writers | Columnists | Reporters

The Post, in the new few weeks, will be looking for new writers, columnists and reporters. We understand the need for new writers to have the chance of starting a new career and we'd like to offer a free internship at the Post.

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An American Newspaper