The Porterville Post | On-Line News and Information
| Conservative Opinions
(Mar 07 2025) - PORTERVILLE POST OPINIONS by A.L. "Lucky" Lucketta
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta -- <ΙΧΘΥΣ><
PORTERVILLE -- For years I have researched many subjects ranging from Theology to Time Travel, from Parapsychology to Politics and just about every other issue in between ... and I have an opinion on most. My personal library is the envy of many "High-Hats" in many of the "High-Degrees" within most occult / secret societies. My personal experiences and contacts, over the years, have fine-tuned all of my apologetics and insights from all that is open and transparent to all that is dark and unredeemable. It is from these arenas where facts have been found and truth was discovered, and lastly, where opinions are formed. Please consider mine. For they are not musings penned as selective misgivings or misguided manufacturings, but opined considerations for Christians, Conservatives and Constitutionalists.
(Mar 07 2025) - “THE INTERNET OF EVERYTHING” ~ Is Here !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Finally more people out there in the blogosphere have the tendency to tell the world - in a way that they might understand - that you've been had !!! Yes, for years I've warned people - especially Christians - that your "SMART PHONES" & "SMART DEVICES" will one day connect you - not only to the govt's surveillance apparatus' - but, in the end to THE ANTI-CHRIST !!! Folks, "The Internet of Everything" Is Already Here !!! And, all you ignoramus' helped build it, by freely providing all your personal info on-line.
(Mar 04 2025) - “POSSIBLE REASON” Behind Plane Crashes ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, when you add it all up re: all these plane crashes, something's wrong - DEAD WRONG !!! Sure, most of us deep diving investigators and researchers have trailed these covert operations for years, and now their "Game Plan" is pretty-much out in the open. I'm tellin' y'all from the git-go, these NWO Nut-Jobs do not care if y'all know what they're up to. As a matter of fact, they intentionally and incrementally reveal their agenda - just for laughs - knowing only a few will notice, and even fewer will blow the whistle !!! Listen, your silence - in their convoluted minds and paperwork - is considered consent !!! So, now that you've become aware, "Whatcha Gonna Do" ???
(Feb 27 2025) - Introducing “JOSH ALLEN FLOWERS” !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Tomorrow you'll get a chance to read The Post's newest columnist, Josh Allen Flowers. In his first column The Road to Rediscovering America’s Identity he takes a little time to differentiate between what happened way back then and what's happening today. His conclusions are openly obvious and very relative. Josh will also challenges you to conduct the same comparisons as well, in your own personal life and of course in politics. So, starting tomorrow - and mostly on Fridays - Josh will make his views and opinions known from his column called - BORN RIGHT !!!
(Feb 21 2025) - SEE Something SAY Something GET Something
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- After watching a few hundred episodes of "Dog The Bounty Hunter" and concluding that Bounty could help DHS round up illegals - I pondered - why hasn't this tactic being used to solve the immigration crisis before now ??? Apparently a couple of legislators - one from Missouri and the other one from Mississippi - have thought the same thing and are moving forward with a few bills to make it happen. REWARD MONEY - Bounty - for information leading to the capture of illegals, that's a no-brainer. Look, President Trump and these two legislators are doing their part. It's high-time we do ours !!!
(Feb 11 2025) - “WHAT'S GOING ON IN A NUTSHELL” !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This report, by Catherine Austin Fitts, highlights areas of concern re: "What's Going On" with the Second Trump Administration, and what could possibly happen down the road a bit. Yes, she's been over the target many times - politically speaking - and has come out on the other side smarter and safer. I (for one) will heed her info and wisdom. Why ??? Because that's what good researchers do. Look, President Trump knows what's coming, and maybe he will heed her call (report) as well, unless - and I hope and pray she's wrong - he is part of the coup to takedown of America. GOD HAVE MERCY !!!
(Feb 05 2025) - Google “REMOVES PLEDGE” Not to Develop (AI) Technology for Weapons and Surveillance !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- ANOTHER WARNING !!! Listen, (AI) was created to TAKE OVER - not only THE WORLD - but HUMANITY !!! Now that this "Conspiracy Theory" is out in the open, lets quit splitting hairs - Alright !?!. Look, (AI) will - in fact - create a crisis that only (AI) can solve. NeXt, everything that's connected to anything electronic, especially everything associated with the (IoT), (IoB), (IoTh) - via frequencies - will be forced into it's control, or become non-extict. And lastly, the only one who will control & direct (AI) - after the (AI) WARS - will be the anti-Christ !!!
(Jan 25 2025) - (AI) “LAW & ORDER” ??? Yeah, right !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- (AI) has taken over much of the internet, and is self-replicating so fast, IT CAN'T BE STOPPED. Your best bet is to reduce your on-line activities as much as possible - especially using your cell-phones for any on-line social media activity. But, if you haven't already accomplish the previous, then I'm tellin' you right now, you ain't gonna make it back to Kansas. IT'S TOO LATE, unless you shut everything down TODAY !!! Why ??? Because there's no such thing as "LAW & ORDER" when The Terminator (AI's) take over - said John Connor in 2029 !!!
(Jan 20 2025) - “LOTS TO DO TODAY”
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yup ... I will be in-and-out of the office today, taking care of a few loose ends. However, there should be a ton of on-line outlets and HONEST MEDIA broadcasts that'll cover most of President Donald Trump's swearing in ceremony and inauguration. Second - only to that important event - are those DEEP STATE devils and Manchurian type candidates that are still lurking behind the scenes waiting for commands that need watching. So, keep an eye out for those evil entities and send - as usual - what you find. Thanks ...
(Jan 16 2025) - PAY ATTENTION : Nearly 100 Countries Have Acquired “CELLPHONE SPYWARE” and They’re Using It !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday - for the umpteenth time - I had a conversation re: "CELL PHONES" (+) the "DANGERS" they impose on humans - not to mention the "SPY-WARE" that's embedded in them - with a new acquaintance and as usual "Cognitive Dissonance" manifested as this persons defense mechanism. Now, as y'all will read, others countries are profiting from the SPY-WARE hidden in these SPY-PHONES and you - the ignorant consumer - are paying the price. Look, there's still a few ways around this "MARK OF THE BEAST" technology, and you best find them ASAP or "Hasta La Vista" !!!
(Jan 05 2025) - “FORSAKE NOT THE ASSEMBLY” ... UNLESS !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- UNLESS The Tares Have Taken Over !!! Today, many "Church Buildings" (CB's) have surrendered to "Caesar" & his "Surveillance Toys, Tricks & Temptations". Their CB's - out of convenience - are filled with all kinds of electrical apparatus' - to make their Church goers feel right at home. Look, I rarely attend any Church anymore. I want to, but it's no longer safe - spiritually speaking - because ... the tares "Terminator Technologies" have taken over the Church Buildings, its pastors, programs & people !!! And that is THE TRUTH !!!
(Dec 30 2024) - Jimmy Carter “WAS NEVER” a Good Man
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, this article {by Daniel Greenfield} about Jimmy Carter hits only a few nails on the heads regarding all his "superposed" ignorant decisions. He was very well connected to the NEW WORLD ORDER elites & organizations - like the Trilateral Commission and the CFR - and towed the line for these "Masters of Deception". His ingratiating smile - like you know who - was all he had to offer America, besides high inflation, interests rates, and HIGH GAS PRICES !!! The MSM - towing the line for their masters - knew all about his incompetence (+) friends in low places ... like you know who.
(Dec 24 2024) - “OUTSOURCE YOUR MIND” To Your AI Companion
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- A few days ago Rob Braxman produced a VIDEO addressing why you MUST NOT BUY certain cell phones. His analysis is always spot-on, and should be taken serious - especially by Christians. Look, he's only one of hundreds of geek-techs out there in the net-world that know what these devilish devices are programmed to do - PROGRAM YOU !!! Yes, in the beginning these satanic cell phones will benefit you, but in the end, it's gonna cost you a lot - like forcing your mind to accept the commands of the anti-christ's (AI) or lose all that you have, and all that you are !!!
(Dec 20 2024) - “DRONE SEASON” IS NOW OPEN ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yeah ... it looks like it's time to do a little "Drone Hunting" since some policing officials are now authorized to shoot down them-there pesky varmints. However, the public wants to know, where can they obtain one of these "Licences" during "Drone Season" ??? Second, what if one of these drones - that's shot-down - crashes on your property, causes damage or injury ??? Who ya gonna call - a Drone Lawyer ??? Look, many of these DEEP STATE DRONES are armed and will at some point fire back, instigating a FALSE FLAG ATTACK ???
(Dec 14 2024) - VIDEO : 25-Year Radar Operator “CLAIMS” ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- AND NOW THIS !!! More speculation re: those Unidentified Psy-Op's flying overhead. Yeah, for the most part these "Shiny Objects" are getting more attention than they deserve ... BUT WHY ??? My first guess is they're flying in and over our friendly skies as a distraction. My second guess is, these "Mysterious Drones" need the collective cooperation of the military's radar and air-traffic control head-honcho's to pull off this circus in our skies - meaning - it's getting closer to SHOW TIME ... leading to MORE FEAR and CONTROL !!!
(Dec 05 2024) - FBI Issues “WARNING” to iPhone & Android Users
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm telling y'all right now, these hacks & breaches where all part of their plan. They lure you in with their free and convenient contractions and once you have loaded all of you confidential data and information up inside these satanic snitchen' cell phones - and have no way back or out - they got you by the short-hairs. You, my friends, helped build this "Mark of the Beast" machinery and you have no one to blame but yourself. Will GOD forgive you, even though you've been "Biblically Warned" re: this end-time event ??? I hope so, because these machines - now supercharged by AI - Sure As HELL Won't !!!
(Nov 30 2024) - WARNING : “FALSE FLAG” In London ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- After reading through several of the links inside this report, I thought it wise that our researching readers should do likewise. Why ??? Just in case there is a FALSE FLAG attack and the FAKE NEWS folks cover it up, or agree to blame it on a FAKE ENEMY. Look, time is running out for these NEW WORLD ORDER Luciferians, and sacrificing innocent people, places and things, for their master, is par for their course. So, stay on the look-out and screen-capture, video-tape and record everything - just in case !!! You have your orders !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Just this last week I struck up a conversation with a LCSW concerning "AUTISM" and what really causes this damnable diagnosis in a huge percentage of the cases - VACCINES !!! She, admitted that the cases are increasing where families are now experiencing multiple diagnosis' of AUTISM - like the one family in Porterville that had 6 out of 6 kids confirmed as AUTISTIC, and another family in Goshen that had 7 out of 7 !!! To be honest, I ran out of emotions - starting with anger, and ending with HATE, after she shared these heart-breaking stories !!! Folks, your pediatricians and nurses LIED re: those childhood vaccines, right along side BIG PHARMA, and need - at least - their licenses revoke, and fined, or be incarcerated ... FOR LIFE !!!
(Nov 14 2024) - CNN's “SHOCKING LOW RATINGS” Revealed ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, these good-for-nothing press-ti-tutes have no one else to blame for their low ratings. They LIE all the time, and now the SOCIAL MEDIA WARRIORS have become the true & trusted sources of information. I'm telling y'all right now, the MSM ain't never coming back to it's former glory. It was bought off years ago & lost all control to covert agencies & DEEP STATE. Listen, America is in a crisis right now because of FAKE NEWS, as well as the world. So remember, as long as have the 1st Amendment at the ready ... WE WILL WIN !!!
(Nov 04 2024) - Will America “SURVIVE THE ELECTION” ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday at Church there was some talk about Tuesdays' election - which was good - but then SILENCE took hold inside the auditorium, and the sheeple obeyed !!! As much as I wanted to SOUND THE ALARM re: their disobedience, I never received the go-ahead from The LORD. Don't get me wrong, it's a good Church that has some good parishioners in it, but their SILENCE tells me more about their FEAR than their FAITH. Christians are suppose to be able to hear GOD's Voice - in times like these - and do the right thing. But, tomorrow, we will see if GOD'S Mercy on America prevails or HIS Judgment begins.
(Oct 18 2024) - Scientists Turn “ORDINARY SMARTPHONE” into a Movie-Quality Full-Body Motion Capture System !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- All these "SATANIC SMART DEVICES" are a huge part of the END-GAME !!! In the not too distant future - if not already - these devilish devices will flesh-out the frequency of your mind - let alone your DNA - and slowly alter it, causing you to think and behave differently. Folks, I'm tellin' you, their END-GAME is DEPOPULATION - by any means necessary !!! Look, your critical thinking skills may have already been altered, and if that's the case then you'll end up going-with-the-flow - via their "SMART TRACKING & TRACING TOYS" ... straight into no-mans-land ... HELL !!!
(Oct 12 2024) - “PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING” 7 Years Ago ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yeah, these cretins have thought this one through and believe-you-me, along with the neo-con's, it's on their NEW WORLD ORDER to-do list. Hollywood, which is still consulted controlled by the CIA, have from time-to-time displayed their "PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING" on their big and small screens their intentions and plans. DOUBT IT NOT !!! So these questions remain, (#1) who benefits, (#2) what exactly will they pull off, and (#3) when ??? Now, if you've done any research re: these questions, you already know the answers. If not, well, YOU AIN'T GONNA MAKE IT, as folks in Florida will attest.
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now that's a great idea - Deputizing the Whole Church - making it essential in times of FAKE PANDEMICS & EMERGENCIES !!! An even better idea would be for Sheriff Mike Boudreaux of Tulare County to DEPUTIZE EVERYONE who legally possess a CCW Permit. That way, whenever the policing authorities are too busy with paper-work and such, the deputized CCW holders can help out in areas they're needed. Back when Butch Collie was Sheriff, I put together a similar organization - with his approval - called The NDA - The Neighborhood Defense Alliance. It could still work today !!!
(Sep 24 2024) - Telegram “AGREES TO SHARE” User Data ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- THERE YOU HAVE IT !!! Most, if not all, of these so-called "FREE" social media platforms are now in cahoots with govt's world wide - especially here in the U.S. Am I entitled to a long over-due "I Told You So" ??? Of course !!! Do I take pleasure in saying "I told You So" ??? NO !!! It grieves me that y'all were so easily deceived. Telegram, was threatened by France and caved, and so will all the others if the U.N. has any say-so about "FREE SPEECH" world wide !!! But, y'all still possess satanic cell phones because they possess you - and ya' know it.
(Sep 14 2024) - Today's “A GOOD DAY” To Do Good Things
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today I'll be in-and-out of the office to play catch-up with a few friends and family. Hopefully, I'll be back in time to address some of the e-mails that usually come in on the weekends, as well as updating the Porterville Post. As a side note, I gotta say ... especially to Christians ... y'all need to find a way to ditch-the snitch - your cell phones !!! Look, these satanic snitching machines are tracking everywhere you go, everything you say and do and buy. Every minute you procrastinate hooks you into the Mark of the Beast system and away from GOD !!!
(Sep 06 2024) - The Dangers of a “CASHLESS SOCIETY” !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- How about a in-your-face reminder concerning how fragile this whole "Internet of Things" can quickly go belly up. Folks, for years The Porterville Post has been WARNING its readers, and - as this VIDEO points out - that CASH IS STILL KING !!! Yes, stores will function for a few days (...) but vender's ain't gonna re-supply them if they're not connected to THE MARK OF THE BEAST SYSTEM. So, you better have an emergency bag-'o-cash handy, when they start pulling the plugs - and they will - possibly before November 5th !!!
(Aug 23 2024) - Top Virologists Blow Whistle re : “MONKEY-POX”
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday I talked with several "Ignorant" folks who were conned into taking the weponized CoVid-19 shot. In the beginning they thought it was the lessor of two evils. Now, they know it was the WORST DECISION they ever made, and now they hope that they can beat out the SIDE EFFECTS. However, knowing that their bodies have been altered and their immune system is crapping out, fear of contracting the "MONKEY-POX" has consumed their day-to-day lives, and believe it or not, they are considering taking the weaponized "MONKEY-POX" VAXX. UN-FLIPPEN' BELIEVABLE !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today I made my usual rounds - visiting friends and businesses - and noticed people wanted to talk a lot more about END TIME EVENTS !!! Have y'all noticed the same. I hope so, because we need to talk about what's coming down the pike. In many of my conversations I usually include the question about their Salvation - Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord & Saviour. Why ??? Well, if you got that part wrong, then you're gonna be deceived during THE END TIMES & suffer a lot more than need-be - here & in The HERE-AFTER IN HELL !!!
(Jul 28 2024) - CIA Addresses The Claims That Thomas Matthew Crooks Was Subject of an “MKULTRA EXPERIMENT” ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Listen, just because the CIA says they had nothing to do with the "Attempted Assassination" of President Trump - Via MKULTRA PROGRAMMED PATSY - it doesn't mean they didn't actually do it, but it does mean they did know the "How-and-Who" was trained and paid to do it. These types of "Wet-Works" have always been in the CIA's "Wheel-House" !!! I'm surprised that it took this long to flesh this out. Look, all these agencies do not trust each other, and when it's crunch time for budget increases, IT'S SHOW TIME !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- When an "Assassination Attempt" on the President, or former President of The United States take place, all avenues of possibilities and probabilities must be thoroughly and exhaustively looked at and reported - that includes looking into "All Intelligence Agencies" !!! Questions of motive by the assassine must be asked, but we must also ask - WHO BENEFITS - and which "Intel Agency" could pull this off. Only one, who has a past practice of this EVIL ACTION comes to mine ... and that's THE CIA !!! Check out this "WHITE HATS" post.
(Jul 14 2024) - “TODAY IS NOT A DAY TO FORGIVE” !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Waiting for the dust to settle re: the details of who tried to ASSASSINATE President Trump, and of course why, was employed on my part, as it was for millions in America and around the world. However, finger-pointing had already started and as usual the press-ti-tutes chimed in, claiming fault will be laid upon the secret service. That may be somewhat true, but a bigger percentage of blame lies with their FAKE NEWS narratives, hearsay as truth, and Character Assassinations. Today is not a day to forgive !!! Maybe tomorrow - but NOT TODAY !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is it too late for millions of people who still swallow every word that the press-ti-tutes dribble out - per their NEW WORLD ORDER handlers ??? YES !!! Look, these flat-liners refused to listen way-back-when and are now ANGRY, knowing that their "Check-Out Time" is quickly approaching. But, are these zombies ANGRY at the FAKE NEWS for LYING to them ??? NO !!! They are ANGRY at those of us who have "QUESTIONED EVERYTHING" and made much better decisions - refusing to volunteer for their POISONOUS pills, shots, skies, food, water, information, culture, politics and AGENDA !!!
(Jun 22 2024) - “CAN TRUMP STOP WORLD WAR III” ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- YES and NO !!! Yes, if a DEEP STATE Deal is in the works to stop a possible NUKE ATTACK, if Trump agrees - once elected - to give them a hard pass. NO, if the DEEP STATE knows for 100% that they'll be arrested and tried for treason if Trumps elected again, then A FALSE FLAG Operation - to take out Wash D.C. - will then be green-lighted, as all "Contingency Powers & Plans" shift right back into the DEEP STATE hands !!! That's their FINAL FAIL SAFE plan to stay in power, and it could happen before the elections !!! I Pray I'm Wrong !!!
(Jun 16 2024) - REAL DADS ARE “LOCKED & LOADED” !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now-a-days, giving anyone the benefit of the doubt comes with too high-a-price !!! Everywhere you read someone is being robbed or murdered. While vandals destroy property, and burglars are breaking in to assault & rape women, the need for PERSONAL PROTECTION is at it's highest !!! Listen Up America !!! Real dads are not only "Locked and Loaded" but their families are "Locked and Loaded" as well. That's what REAL DADS do !!! So, if your dad has taken these steps to protect his family, then honor him this "Fathers Day". If not, then question his position as head of household.
(Jun 08 2024) - TODAY IS “ONE OF THOSE DAYS” !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today, is one of those days where I need to be out of the office for a few hours - you know, taking care of business, visiting family and friends - etc. etc. etc. As important, I need a little alone time with GOD, to gather a few on my thoughts and hopefully share those with other "Like Minded Christian". It's vital, as a Christian - let alone being "One of GOD's Watchman" - to garner the witness of two or three, making sure of what's needed, necessary or not. So, until I'm back in the office today, keep sending me what y'all research or find. Thanks ...
(Jun 03 2024) - CELL PHONE USE “CAN BE DEADLY” !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, if you think that "Cell Phone Use" ain't DEADLY, then your brain is already cooked and has slipped a few cogs. And NO ... I ain't buying the argument that you can't go back to a cell phone that doesn't contain all your life's activities, pictures and purchases. You Can !!! But, since y'all are "HELL-BENT" on building satan's "Mark of the Beast" system, stear clear of me, and for GOD's sakes, stop bringing your "CONTACT TRACING CON'TRAP'TION" to Church !!!
(May 26 2024) - Does The World See “A FEARLESS CHURCH” ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The Quick Answer is NO !!! Most church gatherings today are no longer stalwarts against sin. Many encourage and enable a compromised culture, that sides-in with the flavor of the day, and OBEYS whatever the gov't says they should do. However, the few that have been on the front lines - protecting what the Word Of GOD says - have taken a beating, while waiting for the next generation of "Watchmen & Remnants" to get in the battle before it's too late. So, are you or your church Fearless or Fainting ??? There's no time to second guess anymore !!! It's either Yea or Nay !!!
(May 17 2024) - WAKE UP : “WE ARE BEING WARNED” ... !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- QUESTION : Will THE PURE BLOODS survive the coming inward and outward attacks from these vaccine infected masses ??? Yes, but only if they are "High and Tight" with JESUS CHRIST !!! Look, all of you who are now coming on-line re: the DEPOPULATION plans and agendas of the NEW WORLD ORDER, are already behind the 8-ball, and your only hope is to accept JESUS CHRIST as your Saviour and Lord. Listen folks, your days are numbered, and your hidden hopes that all this shall pass ... IT WON'T !!! JUDGMENT must begin in the house of GOD first ... THEN ... all bets are off !!!
(Apr 28 2024) - Attending “ANOTHER ENTERTAINMENT CENTER”
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Sunday morning I ventured into another "Entertainment Center" where a few of my friends attend. It was in the parking lot, just before services, where I enjoyed some good fellowship 'til it was time to amass inside. All of a sudden the lights were dimmed and the show began. Once the music stopped, it was then show-time, where in the pastor took the stage. In a nutshell I have to say, the message was more comedic than correct, and the scripture was arranged from an altered Bible - NEVER A GOOD SIGN, so I departed early. Maybe next Sunday I'll find a church where I can visit more than once. Any suggestions ???
(Apr 21 2024) - “WAY PAST TIME” for “CUTTING DEAD WOOD” !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- One of the first pieces of DEAD WOOD that you should've cut off years ago was your SATANIC SNITCHEN CELL PHONE. And, if you still need one, keep it at home, and quit dragging it around everywhere you go. The next piles of DEAD WOOD you're gonna have to cut off are your family, friends & faith leaders - for the same reasons. Look, you've helped no one by OBEYING whatever your cell phone says, and NOW You Can't Even "Hear from GOD" because of those 5G cell phone frequencies. Yes, it's way past time for cutting dead wood, and y'all know it. Just ask all those J6 prisoners still locked up.
(Apr 08 2024) - Today's A Good Day To “WAIT AND SEE” !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- From most articles and reports that I've come across this year re: The Great Eclipse of 2024 - concerning what may or may not happen today - I gonna side in with caution and take the rest of the day off ... excusing myself from anything electronic or internet. Typically I'm not one to "WAIT AND SEE" but today, I'm not gonna risk what many have been predicted, and turn many of my appliances off. So, maybe tomorrow we'll have a better light on the subject. Until then, we'll just have to wing-it.
(Mar 30 2024) - “TODAY I'M CATCHING UP ON VIDEOS” !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today, as the title says, I'm catching up on video's that were either sent to me or suggested I watch. Well, many were short & sweet, but I saved some of the best for last, which were an hour to 2 hrs in length - mostly interviews with special guests & documentaries. As the editor of The Porterville Post, it's sometimes necessary to preview the video's message(s), to make sure the subtext is the same as the text, before it's given any space on The Porterville Post. So, tommorow it's back to business with The Right News @ The Right Time !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Being prepared for whatever crisis visits your neck-of-the-woods means preparing & planning DAILY. With that as a forethought, it's time for me to remind my neighbors in my neighborhood to get-on-the-stick re: PREPAREDNESS !!! So, that also means I will be out of the office for a few hours today - walking and talking with my neighbors about preparing daily - but I will return to continue updating The Porterville Post (+) return your e-mails. Back in a few ...
(Mar 08 2024) - Joe's “STATE OF DELUSION” Address !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Last night Americans and the whole world heard - first hand - that the "State of The Union" was in a STATE OF DELUSION !!! Lie after lie was issued from an empty suit in the House of Representatives as the "Intruder of Intruders" excessively embellished for the evil empire. Fact-checkers and press-ti-tutes alike, cleaned up what they could, but The STATE OF DELUSION (...) is now in full view. America - because of this "Strong Delusion" - is now on course for a hard landing, takeover, civil war or worse !!! May GOD's Forgiveness & Mercy Prevail !!!
(Feb 25 2024) - “VOICE TO SKULL” Technology Seen On TV ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yeah ... They got "Your Voice" dialed in, to the point where you may not know if it really is your own voice. "VOICE TO SKULL" technology was developed years ago by our gov't, but as always the case, they're waiting until the private sector came out with it. Look, with all of those bio-weapons - (aka Vaxxes) already deployed (+) 5G frequencies getting ready to ramp up, and AI - which can reproduce the sound of your voice (via cell phones) - while millions won't know or believe that their voice and mind are being controlled or worse !!!
(Feb 24 2024) - “PREPPING NEIGHBORS” For What May Come !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today is another door-knocking day, where I have a chance to bring together our neighbors in our neighborhood. I won't be banging on all the doors, but only on those who are want more info re: several issues that are emerging throughout the nation, state and Porterville. In doing this, “TRUST IS BUILT” !!! Expert opinions re: emergencies have stressed that this is the best way to accomplish trust, and to prepare everyone for what may come. So, I'll be back in the office a bit later today, but first I need to talk to my neighbors.
(Feb 15 2024) - LOOK UP FOLKS : Bill Gates' “DARK DREAM” of Blocking Sunlight From The Earth Is About To Be Realized !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- People, this ain't gonna end well for y'all if you continue in your silence. NO !!! "This Too Will Not Pass" as many Pastors are promising from the pulpits. Gates and his minion of madmen want to "PAINT IT ALL BLACK" as the Stones sang in the 60's, and your ignorance & complicity is allowing this "END TIME EVENT" to happen. Look, fallen on your own sword is one thing, but taking everyone down with you, because of your FALSE FAITH & DOCTRINE isn't GLORIFYING GOD !!! WAKE UP - The Sky Will Soon be Falling - literately !!!
(Feb 01 2024) - Are “BLACK SWAN EVENTS” On the Way ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In politics, every angle is considered, making sure that your candidate gets voted in, or your opponent gets hauled out. It's called Opposition Research. After reading this column re: BLACK SWAN EVENTS that could determine the 2024 presidential election, my percentages and possibilities of FALSE FLAGS taking place have increased. Look, possession is 9/10's of the law, and Biden's in possession of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and those democ-RATS in the DNC who want him in, need BLACK SWAN EVENTS to occur as well. Meaning, if there's no election, no one gets in - including "Gavin Newsom" or "Big Mike" and especially "President Trump" !!!
(Jan 28 2024) - “NO REVIVAL = NO SURVIVAL” !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- From the Old Testament to today, that's been the message. It's not a secret or parable, it's the same as it was from the beginning. Church-goin' Christians who attend small congregations know this better than those assembling the larger entertainment centers. Why ??? Simply because the worship atmosphere for the masses, lends itself to idol worship and drowns out what the HOLY SPIRIT is saying, if there's no repentance, then there'll be No Revival or Survival. So y'all better find a body of believers who can hear The VOICE OF GOD, and not the voice of men !!!
(Jan 19 2024) - How World War III “TARGETS YOUR MIND” !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Of course the MIND WARS have been going on for eon's and now it's been observed, noted & documented by Dr. Michael Nehls, a German medical doctor, that a specific area of the brain - the hippocampus - is under attack by subversive & evasive technology. Folks, it's bad enough that we're bombarded with chemtrails, shot up with vaccines & sold GMO garbage as food, now, we're being gaslighted & assaulted from all directions with FAKE NEWS, that's slowly shunting your spiritual immune system. To be blunt, most of y'all are already damaged & unless you "Get Right With GOD" you're a goner.
(Jan 13 2024) - Experiment conducted by “HAARP” in Alaska !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- After watching this archaic video, I'm reminded that the human body is mostly made up of water. Now combine that factoid with 5G, Frequencies (+) Chemtrails, and wham-o, you've got yourself a ready made battalion of ZOMBIES !!! Folks, these Mad Scientists are HELL BENT on destroying humanity - GODS CREATION - and the planet. None of what they do has any redeeming value. Yes, for a minute something good might be discovered, but it's hardly used to benefit humanity or earth, unless of course a profit can be made.
(Jan 06 2024) - THE “EPA IS ARMING UP” BIG TIME !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The EPA is only one "Un-Elected Agency" that's arming is agents to the teeth. Billions have been spent arming these administrative anti-Constitutional actors. And (...) the EPA has NO AUTHORITY OR JURISDICTION outside of America, meaning their target is you and your personal property ... because you and your property have been levied upon since 1913 as collateral by and for THE BANKS. Honestly, no one really owns anything, as many farmers are finding out !!! So, collect and gather accordingly ASAP !!! 2024 is gonna be rough ride - even for preppers !!!
(Jan 01 2024) - “GOLD & SILVER” ... BUYER BEWARE !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Owning Gold and Silver (GAS) - hoping that one day you'll cash in - takes patience. Look, if you didn't buy into (GAS) back in the 70's, IT'S TOO LATE !!! Those of us who listened and invested in (GAS) will reap some harvest, only if there's a business or someone who's stupid enough to buy your (GAS) - at today's prices. Here's the caveat. NO ONE HAS TO BUY YOUR GOLD !!! There's no law that says buyers must buy your (GAS). However, if the gov't says they need your (GAS) and issues mandates again to turn in your gold - that you bought in the last decade - your investment just got conficated. So, if your pantry ain't full of CANNED GOODS and your powder is HIGH & DRY ... Gold ain't your salvation - JESUS CHRIST is !!!
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A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
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BOOK : The Franklin Scandal
The FRANKLIN SCANDAL is the story of a nationwide pedophile ring that pandered children to a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ring�s pimps were a pair of Republican powerbrokers who used Boys Town as a pedophiliac reservoir, had access to the highest levels of our government, and connections to the CIA.
Nebraska legislators nearly exposed the ring in 1990, but its unveiling had the potential to produce seismic political aftershocks: a rash of deaths and a full court press by federal and local law enforcement effected an immaculate cover-up.