Porterville Post - The Right News at the Right Time  ©
Welcome to The Porterville Post -- A Christian {} Conservative news service. In the coming months we'll be covering news from the local area and eventually expand with additional articles, writers and columnists. A.L."LUCKY" Lucketta : Editor
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1941 New World Order Map

1941 New World Order Map

H.G. Wells : The New World Order
Click to Read -- H.G. Wells 'The New World Order'

Moyers : The Secret Government

Who Owns the World | Videos

HAARP : Weather & Mind Control

How Nexrad HAARP Works :

VIDEO : What are they Spraying ?

VIDEO : Why are they Spraying ?


MONTAGE: Everything is Ok !


GRAY STATE : The Movie

Jefferson on Federal Banking

From the beginning our Founding Fathers - specifically Thomas Jefferson - warned us about national, corporate and commercial banking. They had enough hind sight from past practices in England to forecast what will happen if a free people allow banks to control the money and the value there of. Click here to read a few quotes from Thomas Jefferson.
01.) USA isn't a Nation - It's a Corporation
02.) Quotes & Warnings re: Federal Reserve
03.) History & Owners of the Federal Reserve
04.) History of Central Banking in America
05.) History of the House of Rothschild
06.) Historical Quotes You Need to Know
07.) NEW WORLD ORDER Map from 1941
09.) VIDEO : Occult World of Commerce
10.) VIDEO : Phantom Shares & Short Selling
11.) VIDEO : Bankers Addicted to drug profits
12.) VIDEO : Wall St funding Enemy
13.) VIDEO : Meet the Federal Reserve Bank
14.) VIDEO : The Crisis of Credit Visualized
15.) VIDEO : The Future of Food
17.) VIDEO : Birth Certificate - NWO Owned
18.) VIDEO : DHS Secretly Trucking Flu Virus
19.) VIDEO : The Great Water Heist
20.) VIDEO : Insiders, Bloodlines & the NWO
21.) VIDEO : OBAMA'S Prolonged Detention's
23.) VIDEO : Your HDTV is Watching You
24.) AUDIO : Paul Harvey : Stealing Hawaii
25.) VIDEO : Geo-Engineering PLAN B
26.) VIDEO : Quantitative Easing Explained
27.) VIDEO : Hollywood's Satanic Agenda
28.) VIDEO : Report from Iron Mountain

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Honoring The Fallen

- 07/08/12 | Army Pfc. Alejandro J. Pardo
- 12/03/11 | Army Spc. Thomas J. Mayberry
- 09/08/11 | Army Pfc. Douglas J. Jeffries Jr.
- 06/21/11 | Marine Lnc. Cpl. Jared C. Verbeek
- 02/02/08 | Army Sgt. Timothy P. Martin
- 07/15/06 | Army Spc. Manuel J. Holguin
- 05/25/04 | Army Pfc. Daniel P. Unger
- 04/04/04 | Army Sgt. Michael W. Mitchell

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The Porterville Post | On-Line News and Information

Welcome to Porterville : In GOD We Trust : <ΙΧΘΥΣ><

Post News Feature : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This POST feature connects you to on-line Post news services from all over the world. Daily we add to this web page important news items from countries and communities which include 'POST' in their name. From the beginning this has been an important feature ... so enjoy.

(Mar 25 2025) - Trump Signs “ELECTION INTEGRITY” Executive Order !!!
WHITE HOUSE (www.100PercentFedUp.com) -- President Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order on election integrity, which includes putting a citizenship question on the federal voting form. Free, fair, and honest elections unmarred by fraud, errors, or suspicion are fundamental to maintaining our constitutional Republic. The right of American citizens to have their votes properly counted and tabulated, without illegal dilution, is vital to determining the rightful winner of an election,” the executive order read.

(Mar 25 2025) - The Illuminati’s “SATANIC” Council ... !!!
NEW WORLD ORDER (www.HNewswire.com) -- There are only two perspectives on history: one that everything happens by chance, and the other that everything happens on purpose. The uninformed, stupid, and liar have the first viewpoint, whereas the wise hold the second. History is created on purpose, rather than by chance. This was realized by two public people separated by time. "Nothing in politics ever occurs by accident," stated Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), the 32nd President of the U.S.

(Mar 24 2025) - Secrets about FREEMASONRY & ILLUMINATI !!!
Is this Guy, the Mystic Lie or Mystic Tie. Click to Read More. by Post Editor : A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
Freemason's, I've always believed, are not free to believe. They've taken an oath, never to reveal & always to conceal. To be a brother to a brother & to cover up for that brother, especially against a non-masonic-brother. Their rituals, symbols, tokens & religion are (G)eneric - intending to mislead. And all they want from the un-initiated is to be left alone - code words for "Mind your own 'Bees'-ness". This page is a good start re: current news, their history, connection with "THE ILLUMINATI" {Letter} and of course SATAN ... (2 Cor 11:14). ☠️☠️☠️

(Mar 24 2025) - A “NEW WORLD ORDER” With European Values ???
GERMANY (www.JonathanTurley.org) -- “A New World Order With European Values.” Emblazoned across banners and signs, those words met the participants at this week’s meeting of the World Forum in Berlin. Each year, leaders, executives, journalists and academics gather to address the greatest threats facing humanity. This year, there was little doubt about what they view as the current threat: the resurgence of populism and free speech.

(Mar 24 2025) - Possible Plans To “ELIMINATE FEMA ... ???
WASH D.C. (www.Breitbart.com) -- Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kristi Noem revealed that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will be eliminated. As Breitbart News reported, during an interview on CNN in Feb, Noem was asked what she would say if President Donald Trump asked her if he should get rid of FEMA. Noem responded by stating that she “would say, yes, get rid of FEMA the way it exists today,” and described FEMA as being a “bureaucracy that’s picking and choosing winners” ...

MISSISSIPPI (www.CitizenWatchReport.com -- Good news for the people of Mississippi - lawmakers have finally removed the state income tax. Mississippi is now joins Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, Texas, and Wyoming in eliminating this excessive and predatory taxation practice. The first income tax was created in 1861 during the Civil War as a mechanism to finance the war effort.

(Mar 24 2025) - RED STATES” Are Paying For Illegals Health Care
CALIFORNIA (www.TheFederalist.com) -- In 2024, California Gov. Gavin Newsom proudly made California the first state to offer medical care for people (Illegals) who entered the country illegally and reside in the Golden State. However, the cost, estimated at almost $8 billion, is being paid by all taxpayers, not just Californians. Do people in Texas, North Carolina, and hyper-taxed Illinois want to fund California’s 700,000 illegal immigrants? They don’t have a choice !!!

(Mar 23 2025) - FIRST FOCUS” ~ A Closer Look
The RIGHT Word - with Brother Scott : Post Columnist
THE RIGHT WORD© with Brother Scott PORTERVILLE, CA -- We have taken a good look at the command of God to love Him above all others and to love others as we do ourselves (ex. Deuteronomy 6:4, 10:12, Mark 12:28-31). In today’s follow-up discussion we are going to more closely define what that love looks like as it is to be expressed through the mind, heart, words and actions of a believer that walks in biblical love. Why take the time? Because like the lawyer in the parable of the good Samaritan, we can easily try to set the conditions for what that love will be in us toward God and others, which will inevitably fall short of the what God requires.

(Mar 23 2025) - RFK Jr “WARNS” USDA’s ‘Leaky Vaccine’ Scheme Will Supercharge Bird Flu into “DEADLIER VIRUS !!!
AMERICA (www.ThePeoplesVoice.tv) -- The United States Dept' of Agriculture (USDA) has unveiled a billion-dollar scheme to vaccinate millions of chickens against bird flu - a move they tout as the ultimate fix to a looming bird flu crisis. But Health Sec' Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is pulling back the curtain on what he calls a corrupt & dangerous ploy, exposing the dark underbelly of Big Pharma’s influence & a gov't hell-bent on control.

(Mar 22 2025) - RED ALERT ISSUED” as American Scientists Confirm ‘Covid Vaccines’ Trigger “DEADLY HEMOPHILIA
U.S.A. (www.SlayNews.com) -- A group of leading American scientists has issued a chilling warning to the public after confirming that “Covid mRNA vaccines” trigger Acquired Hemophilia A (AHA) – a deadly autoimmune bleeding disorder. The discovery was made during a study by a team of researchers at the prestigious George Washington University led by Dr. Jennifer Kate Beckerman. The scientists sought to investigate surging reports of patients bleeding to death after receiving mRNA injections.

(Mar 22 2025) - MEDICAL UP-DATE : The Truth Revealed About the “DEADLY 1918 SPANICH FLU” : It Was Actually Bacterial Pneumonia
WORLD WAR I (www.WinterWatch.net) -- When the United States entered WWI in April 1917, the fledgling pharmaceutical industry had something they had never had before: a large supply of human test subjects. During the war years of 1918 to 1919, the US Army ballooned to 6 million men, of which 2 million were sent overseas. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research took advantage of this new pool of human guinea pigs to conduct vaccine experiments !!!

(Mar 22 2025) - "MARK OF THE BEAST" : UP-DATES :
Post News Feature : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Knowing that technology will be used to implement the "Mark of the Beast" (Rev.13) the Porterville Post will be up-dating and posting informational links and articles about these devilish devices to ALERT THE PUBLIC ! Obviously the agenda of the NEW WORLD ORDER is to track and control humans. Your goal - as a Christian Believer - is to STAND UP and SAY NO !!!

(Mar 22 2025) - Trump to “STRIP LEGAL STATUS” from 532,000 Illegals
WHITE HOUSE (www.TheGatewayPundit.com) -- President Trump is set to strip the status of 532,000 illegals living in the U.S. who were flown in on Biden’s parole program. Recall that Biden brought in more than a half a million migrants Haiti, Cuba, Nicaragua & Venezuela on his CHNV program. CBP data found that over 1 million illegals have been allowed into the US through what the Biden Regime defined as “legal” means.”

(Mar 22 2025) - GEOENGINEERING” Watch Global Alert ... #502
U.S.A. (www.GeoEngineeringWatch.org) -- Crop crushing weather whiplash flash freezes and Florida firestorms, weather warfare operations are taking a massive toll in the US and around the world. Devastating drought and deluge scenarios are wreaking havoc in countless countries and racking up trillions in losses for the financial sector. But can the true cost of what is taking place be measured with money? How catastrophic will conditions need to become before the climate engineering elephant in the equation is finally acknowledged?


(Mar 21 2025) - MTG Calls for “COVID VACCINE BAN ... !!!
WASH D.C. (www.SlayNews.com) -- Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has called for Covid mRNA “vaccines” to be banned in the United States for “causing permanent harm and deaths.” Greene is calling on the U.S. to withdraw (FDA) approval for the injections. In a post on X, Greene said: “FDA approval for COVID-19 vaccines needs to be pulled and they need taken off the childhood vaccine schedule ASAP.” !!!

(Mar 21 2025) - SOMETHING REALLY BIG IS COMING ... ???
WORLD WIDE (www.SGTReport.com) -- If peace is on the way, why are they feverishly preparing for World War III? It appears to me that NATO countries are convinced that something really big is coming. Is there something that they know that they aren’t telling us? As I discussed yesterday, things in the Middle East are really heating up & the conflict in Ukraine has reached a very dangerous stage. If negotiations with Russia fail, both sides are likely to significantly escalate matters in a desperate attempt to win the war, and (Russians Could Conclude) that a final showdown with NATO has begun !!!

(Mar 21 2025) - SUPPLY CHAIN SABOTAGE” Biden “Killed 8M Chickens” Right Before Trump Entered Office
U.S.A. (www.Uncanceled.news) -- White House Press Sec' Leavitt posted an image showing that the Biden-Harris regime ramped up mass cullings of egg-laying hens nationwide due to bird flu ahead of President Trump taking office. Questions are swirling over whether the misguided cullings resulted from sheer incompetence or deliberate sabotage. “The Biden Admin' killed 8M chickens ahead of President Trump’s Inauguration, leading to supply shortages ...”

(Mar 21 2025) - The Road to Rediscovering America’s Identity IV
BORN RIGHT - with Josh Allen Flowers : Post Columnist
PORTERVILLE, CA -- BORN RIGHT with Josh Allen Flowers Once upon a time, Americans were tough. They built railroads through mountains, fought wars against tyranny, and settled untamed land with little more than grit and determination. Now ... You can’t even say “good morning” without someone feeling personally attacked. This sudden national fragility didn’t happen by accident. It was engineered. The War on Free Speech Was Always the Goal. One of the first rules of Marxist subversion is controlling language. Why ???

~ Part I ~ Part II ~ Part III ~ Part IV ~ Part V ~

(Mar 20 2025) - Trump Signs Executive Order “DISMANTLING THE DOE
WHITE HOUSE (www.YourNews.com) -- President Donald Trump fulfilled a major campaign commitment on Thursday by signing an executive order that dismantled the U.S. Department of Education. The decision, which Trump said eliminates what he called a big con job,” shifts the dept’s core responsibilities to state govt's & other federal agencies. Education Sec' Linda McMahon (...) described it as a necessary move to empower states & reduce federal overreach.

(Mar 20 2025) - DEMOCIDE : When A “GOV'T KILLS” Without Remorse
AMERICA (www.SonsOfLibertyMedia.com) -- It has been rightly said that every country deserves the government that it has in place (Galatians 6:7). How true! What is sad to say is that in America, We the People” are the government and because we have failed to be that government, we are now in a position where an alliance of corrupt politicians, acting in a foreign manner to American government, have taken up that vacant position (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).

(Mar 20 2025) - The Judicial Insurrection Is “WORSE” Than You Think
U.S.A. (www.TheFederalist.com) -- At this point it’s not too much to say that the federal judiciary has plunged us into a constitutional crisis. The fusillade of injunctions and temporary restraining orders issued by district court judges in recent weeks against the Trump administration — on everything from foreign aid to immigration enforcement to Defense Department enlistment policy to climate change grants for Citibank — boggles the mind.

(Mar 20 2025) - Trump admin' “CUTS OFF WATER” to MEXICO ...
WHITE HOUSE (www.TheBlaze.com) -- The Trump admin' has nailed Mexico over the country's failure to comply with a water treaty made in 1944, according to Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. Cruz has been demanding that Mexico meet its water supply obligations, but it took the Trump admin' to finally take action to protect the rights of farmers near the Rio Grande. Mexico's president said the water commission is looking into the issue.

(Mar 19 2025) - AMERICA RISING” - Part V
UNALIENABLE RIGHTS - with Ed McKervey : Post Columnist

“People Saving Your Climate Habitat and Outdoors” ~ PSYCHO

PORTERVILLE, CA -- Climate Eschatology is a form of Neo-Paganism. Earth worship has taken on a whole new meaning in this age. The fear based approach to all carbon always ignores the basic premise that carbon is life. Humans are carbon based life forms. Climate eschatology went from we need clean air and water to we need to reduce and sequester a basic building blocks of life or we all die. Extortion? It is not reasonable at all to burden all of the people with these unfounded anti-life policies that make our lives less free.

AMERICA RISING ~ Part I ~ Part II ~ Part III ~ Part IV ~ Part V

(Mar 19 2025) - Trump’s “STRATEGIC USE” of the Alien Enemies Act
WHITE HOUSE (www.Aim4Truth.org) -- President Trump’s invocation of the Alien Enemies Act (AEA) has ignited fierce debate, with critics on the left arguing that its use is unjustified without a formal state of war or a traditional invasion. However, this perspective overlooks the meticulous legal, political & fiscal groundwork Trump has laid over the past two months (...) Far from an impulsive decision, Trump’s actions (...) reflect a calculated strategy to address what he has consistently described as an “invasion” at the southern border.

(Mar 18 2025) - STUDY WARNS : Adolescents with Heart Damage After ‘Covid Vaccine’ Face “LONG-TERM HEALTH CHALLENGES !!!
SOUTH KOREA (www.SlayNews.com) -- Children and young people who suffered heart damage after receiving a “Covid mRNA vaccine are facing long-term, and possibly life-long, health issues, a new study has revealed. A team of South Korean researchers, led by Professor Yoonsun Yoon of Korea University College of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics, sought to investigate rising concerns over myocarditis and pericarditis following mRNA injections.

(Mar 18 2025) - ARE THINGS “GOING AMISS ???
WASH D.C. (www.PaulCraigRoberts.org) -- During the Biden regime, Trump criticized the Democrats for dropping bombs on Yemen. You don’t have to do that, Trump said, you can talk through problems over the telephone. Now it's Trump who's bombing Yemen. Those few who think about foreign affairs chalk it up to another Trump favor to Israel. Even so, it makes no sense. It doesn’t help to stop the killing in Ukraine to start the killing in Yemen and to continue the killing in Gaza and the small remnant of the West Bank.

(Mar 18 2025) - MORE “JFK FILES RELEASED ... !!!
U.S.A. (www.DailyMail.co.uk) -- TOP SECRET FILES on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy have finally been released. The bombshell documents were published on the website of the National Archives on Tuesday. It came roughly 24 hours after President Donald Trump announced that a trove of 80,000 pages of new material would be revealed.

(Mar 18 2025) - 38K “CHINESE ILLEGALS” Living in U.S. !!!
CALIFOTNIA (www.breitbart.com) -- Close to 40,000 illegals from China are now living in the United States despite having been ordered deported by a federal immigration judge, a new report suggests. “Roughly 390,000 undocumented Chinese illegals live in the US, according to the Migration Policy Institute, with more than a quarter residing in California,” The Guardian reports.

(Mar 17 2025) - Trump Admin' DeportsISLAMIC PROFESSOR ... !!!
RHODE ISLAND (www.YourNews.com) -- The Trump administration deported Rasha Alawieh, a Lebanese kidney transplant doctor & assistant professor at Brown Medicine & Rhode Island Hospital, after she admitted to U.S. officials that she attended the funeral of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. The Department of Homeland Security confirmed on Monday that Alawieh had been removed from the United States for attending the event and ...

(Mar 17 2025) - Trump “VOIDS” Biden's Autopen-Signed Pardons
WHITE HOUSE (www.Zerohedge.com) -- Overnight, President Trump declared that the 11th-hour pardons, including those given to members of Congress who investigated the January 6 insurrection, were "void, vacant, and of no further force or effect, because of the fact that they were done by autopen." Some of those last-minute pardons include Deep Staters, such as former Representative Liz Cheney, retired General Mark Milley, and gov't scientist Anthony Fauci.

(Mar 17 2025) - USAID & UN ... DEEP STATE TOOLS !!!
WORLD WIDE (www.TheNewAmerican.com) -- The United Nations & U.S. Agency for International Development have been using U.S. taxpayer dollars to fuel oftentimes ruthless persecution & terror against Christians worldwide, world-renowned African missionary Peter Hammond tells The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. From Syria, the Middle East to Congo & Zimbabwe, the pattern is always similar.

(Mar 16 2025) - SO NOW THEY FESS-UP : Federal Agencies Admit Planes Alter Weather by “SPRAYING CHEMICALS” In The Sky !!!
U.S.A. (www.SlayNews.com) -- Multiple federal gov't agencies have just admitted that planes have been spraying lingering chemicals into the sky that alter the weather. That admission was revealed in a new report published by the (FAA), (NASA), and (NOAA). The agencies refer to the lingering atmospheric particles as “contrails.” While the gov't refers to them as “contrails,” (...) people have been calling them CHEMTRAILS for years.

(Mar 16 2025) - Why's the “TRUTH STILL HIDDEN” re: Jeffrey Epstein ???
WASH D.C. (www.YouTube.com) -- Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself. That much is obvious. The real question is: who killed him, and why is the truth still being covered up? Years later, we still don’t have answers. The Department of Justice has buried the investigation, Pam Bondi - who played a key role in his first slap-on-the-wrist sentence - has remained silent, and even Kash Patel, a supposed truth-teller, has not exposed what really happened.

(Mar 16 2025) - 81 IllegalsARRESTED” in ICE Raids ???
KENTUCKEY (www.Breitbart.com) -- A host of federal law enforcement agencies banded together with ICE to carry out deportation raids as part of Operation Take Back America within four days that ended on Friday. The United States Attorney’s office for the Southern District of Kentucky announced the arrest of 81 illegal aliens, 25 of whom now face various federal criminal charges.

(Mar 16 2025) - "FIRST FOCUS" ~ Part II
The RIGHT Word - with Brother Scott : Post Columnist
THE RIGHT WORD© with Brother Scott PORTERVILLE, CA -- “If you try and try and try to walk in the righteous ways of our holy God but consistently fail (you sin by lying, sexual issues, hatred, unforgiveness, envy, etc.) It Boils Down To This One Reason: You do not love God nor fear Him enough! There is the need for the work of the cross on your sinful nature to put an end to sinning but if you do not love God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength, you do not have the needed inspiration to seek the power of the cross to put an end to your habitual sinning. If we will go to the cross for the death of sinful nature it is because we love God—a lot.”

(Mar 15 2025) - Why Are “CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED” in 2025 ???
WORLD WIDE (www.HarbingersDaily.com) -- The word persecute means “to be chased down, driven away & pursued.” If you are living a godly life, you will be persecuted in some way, shape, or form. If you're a Bible-believing Christian & really believe Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life” (see John 14:6) & really proclaim it, you will face persecution. Jesus said, “‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you” If you're a true believer, you will face persecution in some fashion. But, believe it or not, God can use it for our good.

(Mar 15 2025) - GEOENGINEERING” Watch Global Alert ... #501
U.S.A. (www.GeoEngineeringWatch.org) -- “150 Million Brace For Severe Weather Outbreak” (FOX Weather). “Dangerous weekend tornado outbreak puts 100 million at risk” (Axios). “Mega storm to create blizzard conditions in north-central US” (AccuWeather). “A wild storm with everything from severe thunderstorms and tornadoes to high winds, dust and wildfire dangers will also bring snow and blizzard conditions” (AccuWeather). Is it historically normal to have every imaginable form of weather in a single storm? Short answer, no.

(Mar 15 2025) - COVID VACCINES” Caused Global Death Surge
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
Porterville Post Opinons by A.L. 'LUCKY' Lucketta PORTERVILLE -- Yeah, it's too late to undo what's already been done !!! From the early samples of these CoVid Vaxx's - oddities and nano-particles floating within these vials themselves - alerted real scientists and medical doctors, that these CoVid Vaxx's did not appear safe, let alone effective. Hopefully the millions who were bamboozled into taking one or more of these bio-weapons will be able to outlast it's devastating and deadly consequences. Those who have already died are screaming from their graves ... DON'T TAKE ANYMORE SHOTS !!!

(Mar 15 2025) - BIRD FLU SCAM : ONLY IN AMERICA ???
AMERICA (www.AmericaFirstReport.com) -- Beware of the Chicken Flu, also known as “Bird Flu” that only happens in America because the chickens don’t have passports to travel to Canada or Mexico. No worries about the USDA or FDA visiting your chicken farm in those countries to kill off all your chickens that might have gain-of-function Fauci Chicken Flu, because it’s just an American thing right now. (...) It was all about decimating the food supply and driving egg prices through the roof ...

(Mar 14 2025) - New Covid mRNA “AeroVax” In Development
CANADA (www.SlayNews.com) -- Scientists are advancing the development of a new “AeroVax” Covid mRNA “vaccine that seeks to overcome the hesitancy of traditional shots (...) by introducing needle-free vaxx's that are inhaled. Researchers at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-funded McMaster University in Canada have launched a phase-2 clinical trial for their inhaled Covid “vaxx”. The new “vaxx” is atomized into a spray mist & inhaled rather than injected using needles.

(Mar 14 2025) - New Blockchain App “ICERAID.US” Rewards Citizens for Reporting Illegal Immigrants ... in Real Time !!!
U.S.A. (www.YourNews.com) -- A newly launched interactive app, ICERAID.US, is offering American citizens the ability to report illegals and other criminal activity in real time through a blockchain-based system. The platform, described as a “GovFi protocol” enables users to upload photos & locations of reported activity, earning ICERAID cryptocurrency as compensation. According to the company’s website, “ICERAID delegates intelligence gathering tasks to citizens that would otherwise be undertaken by law enforcement agencies ...

(Mar 14 2025) - The Road to Rediscovering America’s Identity III
BORN RIGHT - with Josh Allen Flowers : Post Columnist
PORTERVILLE, CA -- BORN RIGHT with Josh Allen Flowers Once upon a time in America, success was something to admire. People looked at a man who built a business from scratch and thought, “If he can do it, so can I.” Now, the reaction is more like, “That guy must be cheating, tax him harder!” This isn’t just a shift in attitude—it’s a deliberate cultural rewiring. The moment America stopped celebrating success and started resenting it was the moment Marxist ideology sank its claws into the American mindset.

~ Part I ~ Part II ~ Part III ~ Part IV ~ Part V ~

(Mar 13 2025) - MASS GRAVE” Discovered In “MEXICO ???
MEXICO (www.SaraaCarter.com) -- A horrifying discovery has been made in Mexico, where a mass grave was uncovered at what is suspected to be an extermination camp run by the Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG). The gruesome find occurred during a family’s desperate search for a missing loved one in the municipality of Teuchitlán, Jalisco. The discovery, made on Mar 5, included 3 cremation furnaces along with burned human remains buried in the area.

(Mar 13 2025) - California Borrows “$3.44 BILLION” to Cover Medicaid Shortfall After Expanding Coverage to “ILLEGALS
SACRAMENTO, CA. (www.YourNews.com) -- Gov' Newsom’s administration confirms that the state must borrow billions to sustain Medi-Cal funding, following the costly expansion of taxpayer-funded healthcare to illegals. California will need to borrow $3.44 billion to address a significant shortfall in its Medicaid program, Medi-Cal, after extending free healthcare coverage to illegals. The borrowing plan (...) represents the maximum amount the state can take ... {Steal} !!!

(Mar 13 2025) - "EARTHQUAKE ACTIVITY" Around Porterville : 2.0
Post News Feature : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The Porterville Post has noticed an increase of earthquake activity & intensity world wide & felt it was necessary to post earthquake activity around PORTERVILLE. The Bible says in Matthew 24:7 "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." Especially CALIFORNIA.

(Mar 13 2025) - Slovak Government Official {Dr. Peter Kotlár} Claims DNA in Vaccines “TURNS PEOPLE INTO GMO'S ???
SLOVAKIA (www.HeadlineUSA.com) -- In a bombshell press conference on Mar 11, 2025, Dr. Peter Kotlár, a Slovak physician, gov't commissioner, and MP, dropped a jaw-dropping claim: all 34 analyzed Pfizer and Moderna vaccine batches contain dangerously high levels of DNA, potentially transforming recipients into “genetically modified organisms.”

(Mar 12 2025) - Mel Gibson Talks About Big Pharma Suppressing These Safe Drugs “IVERMECTIN & HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE
WORLD WIDE (www.100PercentFedUp.com) -- Since the COVID-19 pandemic, tens of millions of Americans are finally waking up to the truth: BIG PHARMA isn’t interested in your health, they are only interested in their bottom line. It’s why the biopharmaceutical complex and the medical establishment worked so hard to suppress COVID-19 treatments like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. They knew that an experimental vaccine, no matter how dangerous, would mean massive profits for the pharmaceutical companies.

(Mar 12 2025) - California “VOTER ID” Initiative Launched
CALIFORNIA (www.HeadlineUSA.com) -- State Assemblymen Carl Demaio, R-San Diego, and Bill Essayli, R-Corona, launched a ballot measure campaign to mandate voter identification in California elections, citing a new poll finding support for the policy among 68% of likely California voters. “Politicians & the media will keep denying the fact that California has real problems with election integrity, but the message from the public is loud & clear in support of requiring voter ID as the best way to restore public trust & confidence in our elections,” said DeMaio.

(Mar 12 2025) - 70 “DEEP STATE” Court Cases To Stop Trump
U.S.A. (www.USAWatchdog.com) -- Renowned Attorney Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch & Freedom Watch USA, says there is a full-blown, legal civil war happening in the court system. The Left is using lawfare & Democrat judges to try to stop Trump & his MAGA agenda to drain the swamp. Team Trump is fighting back with a loyal team in his cabinet to stop everything from fraud discovered by DOGE to unfair DEI policies. Klayman says, “You have a House Judiciary Committee whose job it is to oversee these judges run by Jim Jordan (...)”

SYRIA (www.TheWashingtonStandard.com) -- Killing Christians because they are Christians is nothing new. Sometimes the persecution is intense, sometimes not as much. Right now, many Christians are reportedly being killed in Syria, following the downfall of that nation’s long-time dictator. The Daily Mail (U.K.) reports: “More than 1,000 Syrians have been killed in just two days in brutal revenge killings ...”

Post News Feature : by Post On-line Staff & Readers :
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- American's must now monitor all Muslims - ALL THE TIME - everyday ... "HERE" ... in the U.S., where they resettle & abroad. WHY ? Because our border patrol agents can't do it all, ICE can't do it all, NSA can't do it all, DHS can't do it all, as well as our county & local policing agencies. They need our help ! All of them ! And they all say, if we SEE SOMETHING - SAY SOMETHING. So, let's "Back the Badge" & report what we see & hear. GOD Bless America !

(Mar 11 2025) - Arizona's “FAKE COURT REPORTERS” ???
PHOENIX (www.KTAR.com) -- Two (AI)-generated news reporters will now start informing the public about legal news coming out of the Arizona Supreme Court. Daniel & Victoria are the names of the two spokespeople that will start popping up in short, informative videos as part of the court’s new (AI) court reporting initiative. They’re programmed to give clear & easy-to-understand explanations of complex legal issues, according to a news release from the court.

(Mar 11 2025) - SHRED AND BURN ALL DOCUMENTS ... ???
WASH D.C. (www.ZeroHedge.com) -- On Tuesday, USAID Staff Was Ordered To Destroy Evidence !!! A senior USAID official on Tuesday ordered the agency's remaining staff to report to their now-former headquarters in Washington DC for an "all day" group effort to destroy documents, many of which contain sensitive info' Politico reports. The materials marked for destruction include "classified safes & personnel documents", at the Ronald Reagan Building ... (So Now)

(Mar 11 2025) - ADVANCE AUTO PARTSCloses All 138 Stores
CALIFORNIA (www.CitizenWatchReport.com) -- Advance Auto Parts has made a bold decision that will shake the automotive retail landscape: All 138 of its California stores & distribution centers are closing. This isn’t just a minor adjustment - this is a drastic move aimed at addressing the company’s serious financial woes. The closures (...) come at a time when Advance Auto Parts is grappling with deep financial losses & weakened market position. This is a company under siege, fighting for its survival in an increasingly tough environment.

(Mar 11 2025) - PORTERVILLE POLICE DEPT | PPD Facebook

(Mar 11 2025) - BIRD FLU VACCINATION” Begins In Netherlands
NETHERLAND (www.SHTFPlan.com) -- The Netherlands (...) has launched a mass vaccination pilot program on a laying-hen farm. The government said on Monday that the goal is to vaccinate all poultry against bird flu and achieve “large-scale vaccination.” The idea is gaining steam everywhere as implications of the mRNA technology entering the food supply surface. “The aim is to investigate how the market responds to the sale of products (...) and to gain experience with the implementation of the surveillance program,” it said.

(Mar 10 2025) - YES THEY DID : The U.S. Dept' Of Agriculture Created And Leaked the “H5N1 PSYOP-BIRD-FLU ???
U.S.A. (www.USSANews.com) -- Just like the Intel' Industrial Complex, their various Federal agencies, nonprofits,” & corporate partners-in-crime created the PSYOP-19 scamdemic, so too has H5N1 PSYOP-BIRD-FLU been cooked up via gain-of-function (GOF) by yet another criminal gov't entity in the USDA. And just like the last viral crime against humanity, the solution is once again far worse than the disease; in other words, just like the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapons ...

(Mar 10 2025) - A Startup Company Called [Lila Sciences] Has Created a Lab Where “(AI) RUNS ITS OWN EXPERIMENTS
MASSACHUSETTS (www.HotAir.com) -- Humanity lives on the verge of an evil scientific progress. Case in point, a company called Lila Sciences was started 2 yrs ago with about $200 million in seed funding, but until very recently all of its activities have been kept under the radar. So what is Lila Sciences doing? They're training an (AI) in the scientific method & prompting it to create new things (BIO-WEAPONS) using a special automated lab' that the (AI) itself can operate.

(Mar 10 2025) - The World's first “BIOLOGICAL COMPUTER” uses human brain cells that are “RAISED IN A SIMULATION ???
AUSTRALIA (www.TheBlaze.com) -- An Australian tech company has released what it is calling the world's first "biological computer" that fuses human brain cells with silicon hardware. Cortical Labs, a company out of Melbourne, Australia, is led by CEO Hon Weng Chong & a team of researchers. Cortical Labs is boasting the release of the CL1, which is touted as a dynamic, sustainable, and energy-efficient computer that is better than any current artificial intelligence.

(Mar 10 2025) - Technocracy “MASS RESISTANCE” Starts with Swapping Out Your Smart Phones for Privacy Phones
U.K. (www.LewRockwell.com) -- “A simple but extremely powerful tactic – a mass disabling event from the perspective of technocracy – would be for a new social norm to cascade, whereby as many people as possible, got rid of their ‘smart’ (slave) devices and stopped voluntarily hooking themselves up to the control grid and feeding it information on all areas of their lives. There is a reason why ... these devices are designed to be highly addictive; notifications, for instance ...”

(Mar 09 2025) - Is This “THE FUTURE” of (AI) Agents ... ???
NEW WORLD ORDER (www.GlennBeck.com) -- In 2025, we could see the rise of (AI) Agents, and they might even speak their own language. Glenn and high tech expert Jeff Brown discuss the latest in artificial intelligence, including a new high frequency audio-based language called Gibberlink, which (AI) bots can use to communicate with each other more efficiently than human languages. Jeff Brown also breaks down what an (AI) agent is and how they'll change our lives, likely by the end of the year.

(Mar 09 2025) - "FIRST FOCUS"
The RIGHT Word - with Brother Scott : Post Columnist
THE RIGHT WORD© with Brother Scott PORTERVILLE, CA -- Deuteronomy 6:4-5 ... Once we are born again from above, we must soon come to understand that we are to walk in love and to open the doors of our heart and mind to that prime directive of Heaven. You will recall something that I have said over the years of what the Apostle John’s has emphasized in his writings—and that is that “we are to stop sinning and if you get anything right, get love right.” Although it does not happen overnight in most lives, a walk of love is a command of God and is to happen; I believe it is to be our first focus as to the changes that are to take root in our lives and by love gives us victory over the very strong and competing worldly behaviors of our former lives.

(Mar 09 2025) - U.S. Fighter Jets “INTERCEPT AIRCRAFT” over President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago ... Second time in 48 hours !!!
FLORIDA (www.EndTimeHeadlines.org) -- U.S. Air Force fighter jets intercepted two civilian aircraft that had violated restricted airspace near President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida. The incidents, which occurred over the weekend, underscore the heightened security measures in place around the president’s private residence and have drawn attention to the increasing frequency of such violations since Trump’s inauguration on January 20, 2025.

(Mar 09 2025) - Secret Service “SHOOTS” Armed Man Near W/H
WASH D.C. (www.YourNews.com) -- According to a statement from the Secret Service, officers were alerted by local police about a suicidal individual who had traveled from Indiana. Agents located the suspect’s vehicle and found a person matching the description in the area, approximately one block from the White House. “As officers approached, the individual brandished a firearm and an armed confrontation ensued, during which shots were fired by our personnel,” the Secret Service said in a statement.

(Mar 08 2025) - Trying to “TEAR DOWN” the Castle Doctrine ???
CALIFORNIA (www.AmericanThinker.com) -- A few decades ago the movement for concealed carry began. Anti-liberty/gun cracktivists were outraged. There would be wild west gunfights everywhere! The streets would run with blood! Of course, none of that happened !!! More recently, the Constitutional Carry movement caught fire, and the same predictions of blazing gunplay were made and failed to materialize. More than half the states allow constitutional carry, and every state allows concealed carry of some sort ... {Including California}

(Mar 08 2025) - GEOENGINEERING” Watch Global Alert ... #500
U.S.A. (www.GeoEngineeringWatch.org) -- “Geoengineering Wars and Atmospheric Governance” is a new report from Harvard Law School Journals. From the Harvard report: Stratospheric aerosol injection (“SAI”) is a form of solar radiation modification that is effective, technically feasible, and within the financial means of many states and even non-state actors. There are virtually no global governance structures in place to specifically regulate such activity”. Now let’s add this to the equation: “Unusually powerful March storm threatens to create a blizzard, tornadoes and fires as it crosses the US” (CNN). And this: “Massive storm makes part of the US look like another planet” (CNN). Is all of this connected?

(Mar 07 2025) - CERN : DISRUPTING” Earth’s Magnetic Core ...
WORLD WIDE (www.HelenaGlass.net) -- Did you know the jet-stream has been changing? Not only is it speeding up, it’s troughs are becoming deeper and higher. Sometimes the stream is completely fractured. Other times – erratic. Sometimes there are three loops instead of two. The Media claims this is a direct result of climate change. Or is it a direct result of altering Earth’s core magnetic field ??? In 2016 scientists discovered there was a jet stream within the earth’s core thus entirely reversing the concept of man-made climate change.

(Mar 07 2025) - THE INTERNET OF EVERYTHING ~ Is Here !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
Porterville Post Opinons by A.L. 'LUCKY' Lucketta PORTERVILLE -- Finally more people out there in the blogosphere have the tendency to tell the world - in a way that they might understand - that you've been had !!! Yes, for years I've warned people - especially Christians - that your "SMART PHONES" & "SMART DEVICES" will one day connect you - not only to the govt's surveillance apparatus' - but, in the end to THE ANTI-CHRIST !!! Folks, "The Internet of Everything" Is Already Here !!! And, all you ignoramus' helped build it, by freely providing all your personal info on-line.

(Mar 07 2025) - CA Spent “$37B” on Homeless ... Lacks Results
CALIFORNIA (www.AmericaFirstReport.com) -- The California Legislative Analyst’s Office says the state has spent “$37 billion” on homelessness since 2019 and undercounts the homeless. It also urges delaying one of Newsom’s programs until data proves its effectiveness. The report on Newsom’s Encampment Resolution Funding program (...) says since the program was created in 2021-2022, there's little data on the program and its effectiveness.

(Mar 07 2025) - China Loses “MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR” Covid Court Case ... And They Didn’t Even Bother Showing Up To
MISSOURI (www.IJR.com) -- The state of Missouri won a multi-billion dollar lawsuit against China for its role in the COVID-19 pandemic after none of the defendants showed up to court. A Missouri federal judge ordered China and the other defendants on Friday to pay the state “an amount of $24,488,825,457.00,” with post-judgment interest “at a rate of 3.91%, compounded annually.” The People’s Republic of China (...) and Wuhan Institute of Virology, “failed to appear or otherwise answer after being properly served, and, therefore in default,” (...)

(Mar 07 2025) - The Airlines That “STILL WON'T” Fly to Israel
WORLD WIDE (www.FreeBeacon.com) -- Roughly a year and a half after Hamas's Oct. 7 terror attack prompted major airlines across the globe to pause flights to Israel, many of them still haven't resumed service or said when they plan to do so - including in countries led by bitter opponents of the Jewish state. Domestically, American Airlines and Delta continue to pause their flights into Israel, citing a tumultuous security situation.

(Mar 07 2025) - The Road to Rediscovering America’s Identity II
BORN RIGHT - with Josh Allen Flowers : Post Columnist
PORTERVILLE, CA -- BORN RIGHT with Josh Allen Flowers Somewhere along the way, Americans went from being self-reliant, take-no-nonsense pioneers to people who can’t make a decision without checking in with Uncle Sam. It’s like the country went to sleep one night as a nation of rugged individualists and woke up in a bureaucratic daycare where the gov't serves as the overbearing nanny, regulating every aspect of our lives “for our own good.” But here’s the real kicker: We chose this !!! Sure, we didn’t vote for the nanny state all at once—it crept in slowly, one “helpful” policy at a time, each wrapped in a warm, fuzzy promise of safety, security, and fairness.

~ Part I ~ Part II ~ Part III ~ Part IV ~ Part V ~

(Mar 06 2025) - END THE FED” Legislation ... Reintroduced !!!
WASH D.C. (www.100PercentFedUp.com) -- Rep' Thomas Massie (R-KY) announces the introduction of H.R. 1846, the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. Rep. Massie’s legislation abolishes the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve & Federal Reserve banks. It also repeals the Federal Reserve Act, the 1913 law that created the Federal Reserve System. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) leads a companion bill in the Senate, S. 869,” Massie’s office stated in a press release. “Americans have suffered under crippling inflation, and the Federal Reserve is to blame,” Massie said.

(Mar 06 2025) - Rep' Says Epstein Files “DON'T EXIST ANYMORE
TENNESSEE (www.TheGatewayPundit.com) -- In an interview with Benny Johnson, Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) revealed shocking information about the long-awaited Epstein files, implying that they have either been destroyed or tampered with beyond credibility. According to Burchett, the American people should not trust any so-called “release” of Epstein-related documents, as any version provided by the government will be heavily doctored ... TO PROTECT THE ELITES !!!

(Mar 06 2025) - Could a “BOMBSHELL DISCOVERY” Render All of Biden's Presidential Actions “NULL and VOID ???
WASH D.C. (www.PJMedia.com) -- The Biden presidency might have been the greatest con job ever perpetrated on the American people. A shocking investigation by the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project has revealed that virtually every document bearing Joe Biden's signature during his presidency was signed by an autopenexcept for one. What makes this revelation particularly damning is that the only document confirmed to have Biden's actual signature was his letter announcing his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race. Let that sink in for a moment.

(Mar 06 2025) - McDonald’s To “USE (AI)” At 43K Locations
U.S.A. (www.OffThePress.com) -- McDonald’s is the latest fast food restaurant to use (AI) to step up its game. The fast food giant is overhauling all 43,000 restaurants with an (AI) makeover in an attempt to cut wait times and make a better experience for both customers and employees. Upgrades will start with internet-connected kitchen equipment, (AI)-enabled drive-throughs and (AI)-powered tools for managers to make sure that orders are accurate ...

(Mar 05 2025) - "EARTHQUAKE ACTIVITY" Around Porterville : 3.3
Post News Feature : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The Porterville Post has noticed an increase of earthquake activity & intensity all over the globe & felt it was necessary to start posting earthquake activity around PORTERVILLE. The Bible says in Matthew 24:7 "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." Especially CALIFORNIA.

(Mar 05 2025) - AMERICA RISING” - Part IV
UNALIENABLE RIGHTS - with Ed McKervey : Post Columnist
PORTERVILLE, CA -- UNALIENABLE RIGHTS with Ed McKervey “What’s the difference between a warmonger and a peace monger?” ~ Answer: Nothing

The growing alliance for peace being crafted by Putin & Trump are being reported as bad in the legacy media. Why is the pursuit of peace considered bad? Is it because of who is doing it? Most Americans are sick and tired of this useless Vietnam like war draining our treasury destroying the lives of Ukrainians. The division over this manufactured war in Ukraine seem very strange. This unjust war has killed untold millions of innocent people. Are we finally waking up to the profit and control agenda of the Ukraine war?

AMERICA RISING ~ Part I ~ Part II ~ Part III ~ Part IV ~

(Mar 05 2025) - (AI) Could Unleash A “NEW COLD WAR ???
WORLD WIDE (www.WND.com) -- In the latter half of the 20th century, global security hinged on nuclear deterrence — now a group of leading (AI) experts warns that advanced artificial intelligence demands a similar national security strategy. Just as the specter of mutual assured destruction (MAD) once kept superpowers in check, the experts argue, the threat of a runaway (AI) catastrophe must spur a new doctrine of mutual assured AI malfunction (MAIM). In a new paper, authors call for (AI) development as an urgent national security priority on par with the nuclear arms race.

(Mar 04 2025) - WORLD WAR III” Is Now A Certainty ???
NEW WORLD ORDER (www.Expose-News.com) -- Dr. Vernon Coleman believes that World War III is now a certainty, driven by conspirators who want to destroy Christianity, decency and humanity. He says that Ukraine’s president, Zelensky, is being supported by these conspirators, who aim for global depopulation and profit from war. The UK, led by Keir Starmer, is being drawn into the war, with billions spent on arms, which will lead to devastating consequences, including a deepening depression and potential nuclear war.

(Mar 04 2025) - Dem's Protest “TRUMP’S AGENDA Because ???
WASH D.C. (www.TheFederalist.com) -- President Trump kicked off his joint address to Congress on Tues night by declaring AMERICA IS BACK.” He didn’t get much further in his speech before he was interrupted by protests from Democrat members — primarily Rep. Al Green — shouting & waving auction bid-like paddles expressing their dissent. The leftists spent the days leading up to the address threatening to disrupt Trump’s speech, so it came as no surprise when they acted on those promises ...

(Mar 04 2025) - MEXICAN CARTEL LEADERS” Now Hiding ???
MEXICO (www.YourNews.com) -- Leaders of Mexico’s powerful drug cartels are reportedly fearful & taking extreme measures to protect themselves & families after the Trump admin' designated the crime syndicates as terrorist organizations. Some cartel members have either gone into hiding {In Porterville} or are attempting to secure protection in anticipation of possible U.S. military action against fentanyl production facilities in Mexico. A high-ranking member of the Sinaloa Cartel admitted to the outlet that fear has spread within cartel ranks.

(Mar 04 2025) - POSSIBLE REASON” Behind Plane Crashes ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
Porterville Post Opinons by A.L. 'LUCKY' Lucketta PORTERVILLE -- Look, when you add it all up re: all these plane crashes, something's wrong - DEAD WRONG !!! Sure, most of us deep diving investigators and researchers have trailed these covert operations for years, and now their "Game Plan" is pretty-much out in the open. I'm tellin' y'all from the git-go, these NWO Nut-Jobs do not care if y'all know what they're up to. As a matter of fact, they intentionally and incrementally reveal their agenda - just for laughs - knowing only a few will notice, and even fewer will blow the whistle !!! Listen, your silence - in their convoluted minds and paperwork - is considered consent !!! So, now that you've become aware, "Whatcha Gonna Do" ???

TEXAS (www.NaturalNews.com) -- So, according to Big Pharma and the FAKE NEWS, the only way to ever survive any infectious disease is to get a deadly vaccine for it, or else. Medical “authorities” are already falsely claiming that the first measles vaxx guarantees a 93% efficacy rate, & the 2nd dose guarantees a 97% efficacy rate at preventing measles contraction & spread, and it’s the same ole tired 95% lie that’s been perpetuated by the vaccine industrial complex for 50 years, give or take 2%. So, if you live in West Texas (...) it’s time to get injected with some deadly toxins ...

(Mar 03 2025) - When “CIVIL RIGHTS” Become a Weapon !!!
Porterville Post : Letter to the Editor : from Josh Flowers :
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Dear Editor, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Great American Clown Show, where up is down, men are women, and your God-given rights are being replaced with arbitrarily defined civil rights—all dictated by an unelected mob that couldn’t define “woman” if their life depended on it. Now, before some blue-haired activist clutches their pearls and faints into a gender-neutral fainting couch, let’s set the record straight:

(Mar 03 2025) - BLACKS ONLY : Lawsuit : Fresno Schools Run Academic Programs That “DISCRIMINATES” Vs Non-Black Students
FRESNO, CA. (www.OffThePress.com) -- A new lawsuit has accused Fresno’s public schools of discriminating against non-black families & students by establishing & operating special academic programs, camps & other free assistance, open only to black students. On Feb. 27, the San Diego-based org' known as Californians for Equal Rights Foundation filed suit in Sacramento federal court against the superintendent of Fresno Unified School District & the president of FUSD school board.

(Mar 02 2025) - "EARTHQUAKE ACTIVITY" Around Porterville : 2.5
Post News Feature : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The Porterville Post has noticed an increase of earthquake activity & intensity all over the globe & felt it was necessary to start posting earthquake activity around PORTERVILLE. The Bible says in Matthew 24:7 "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." Especially CALIFORNIA.

(Mar 02 2025) - A “HARD LOOK” at Today’s Evangelical Church
AMERICA (www.NewsWithViews.com) -- (Matthew 3:10) : I am saying some hard things today that has needed to be said for a long time now. America has reached the tipping point that will bring more serious judgments of God to this nation because the church in this nation is rebellious by refusing to obey the Lord Jesus Christ. In the days ahead, visible churches with structures and organizations will be an unnecessary and dangerous place to be and they will be preoccupied with survival, security, and protecting their buildings and religion systems.

The RIGHT Word - with Brother Scott : Post Columnist
THE RIGHT WORD© with Brother Scott PORTERVILLE, CA -- Acts 21:27-29 ... My spirit has always been pricked by that statement “and forthwith the doors were shut” and intuitively knew that one day I would speak to that issue, which is today. That phrase has been in my notebook for a long time—and being moved to address it now is an indication to me that as a warning by the Holy Spirit, now is the time for all that have ears to hear need to prepare for and to act on what I have to share today. Perhaps you’ve never noticed it but the form of this phrase has been used several times under different circumstances in the Gospels.

(Mar 02 2025) - Pentagon Deploys “3,000 ADDITIONAL TROOPS
SOUTHERN BORDER (www.YourNews.com) -- In a significant escalation of border security efforts, the Pentagon has ordered the deployment of 3,000 additional "Military" troops and armored Stryker vehicles to the U.S.-Mexico border under directives from the Trump admin'. The move is part of an expanded operation aimed at sealing the border & protecting the territorial integrity of the U.S., according to officials (...) This latest deployment will increase the number of military personnel stationed along the southern border to more than 9,000 ...

(Mar 01 2025) - GEOENGINEERING” Watch Global Alert ... #499
U.S.A. (www.GeoEngineeringWatch.org) -- “The secret escapes of billionaires: from bunkers to secure compounds” (MSN). “Why the U.S. has been home to Earth’s most unusually cold air this year” (Washington Post). “Weather whiplash expected for millions across US with some places seeing 90-degree temperature swing” (FOX Weather). Are the billionaires about to stage their escape from unfolding collapse? Where does that leave the rest of us? This is the latest installment of Global Alert News ...

(Mar 01 2025) - "EARTHQUAKE ACTIVITY" Around Porterville : 2.2
Post News Feature : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The Porterville Post has noticed an increase of earthquake activity & intensity all over the globe & felt it was necessary to start posting earthquake activity around PORTERVILLE. The Bible says in Matthew 24:7 "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." Especially CALIFORNIA.

(Mar 01 2025) - Top Japanese Professor Issues “WARNING ... !!!
JAPAN (www.SlayNews.com) -- A leading Japanese professor has issued a chilling video message to WARN THE WORLD that the global Covid vaccination campaign was fraudulent and an “extreme violation of human rights.” Professor Masayasu Inoue asserts that healthy people were tricked into taking dangerous “gene therapy” because they were led to believe that Covid mRNA injections were “vaccines.”

(Mar 01 2025) - AMERICAS LAST CHANCE !!!
AMERICA (www.AmericanThinker.com) -- What a difference a few months make. This time last year, we were hurtling toward societal collapse. The govt's growth rate & requisite spending had hit obscene levels that the question of whether we, like Wile E. Coyote, had raced over the edge of a cliff was no longer theoretical. Four years of Kamala as president without an injection of some corrective mechanism would've imploded America like the Death Star. Frankly, the path the Biden puppet masters put us on was so destructive that recovery is still no sure thing.

(Mar 01 2025) - English “THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE” of the U.S.
UNITED STATES (www.WhiteHouse.gov) -- By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered: [Section 1. Purpose and Policy] From the founding of our Republic, English has been used as our national language. Our Nation’s historic governing documents, including the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, have all been written in English. It is therefore long past time that English is declared as the official language of the United States.

(Feb 28 2025) - FBI “DISOBEYING ORDERS” re: Epstein Files
NEW YORK CITY (www.TheNewAmerican.com) -- The anticipated release of new Jeffrey Epstein files that would include clients lists turned out to be a dud, with essentially no new info. About 200 pages, including a series of flight logs of Epstein’s private jet, a partly redacted “contacts list” & redacted list of “masseuses” was released. U.S. Attorney General Pam Bondi was not pleased. She sent FBI Director Kash Patel a letter saying she learned the FBI Field Office in New York was withholding thousands of documents that neither she nor Patel previously knew existed.

(Feb 28 2025) - The Road to Rediscovering America’s Identity
BORN RIGHT - with Josh Allen Flowers : Post Columnist
PORTERVILLE, CA -- BORN RIGHT with Josh Allen Flowers Once upon a time—back when hard work built things, personal responsibility meant something, and the government didn’t think your paycheck was their personal slush fund—America thrived. Fast forward a century, and we’re supposed to believe that modern “progress”—translation: government dependency, bloated bureaucracy, and moral relativism—is somehow better than the nation that led the industrial revolution, built the greatest economy on earth, and won two world wars. Make it make sense. This column isn’t about nostalgia. It’s about truth. And the truth is ...

(Feb 28 2025) - MAGA” Is All About Israel ... {Dr. Philip Giraldi}
AMERICA (www.GlobalResearch.ca) -- After Donald Trump began to pull together his cabinet & inner circle it became pretty clear that the overwhelming tie that bound the group together was its embrace of Israel & everything that it's doing. There were even jokes that the top cabinet officials had apparently been selected by PM Netanyahu of Israel himself to reflect the fact that the Jewish state would be calling the shots for Trump even more than they did with the spineless Joe Biden. The handover of power was confirmed for all to see when ...

U.S. NAVY (www.FrontPageMag.com) -- The US Navy, facing recruiting shortfalls began aggressively targeting foreign nationals in this country, including immigrants who don’t speak English, and people originating from enemy nations. Especially China !!! I hate to generalize, but it’s not going well. The Navy really needs to stop looking for warm bodies and add patriotism as a basic expectation. That clearly was not how it worked under Biden, but it’s a new game now.

(Nov 18 2023) - It is Not the Time to be Fearful ...
RIGHT to the End - with Pastor Randy Minnick : Post Columnist
RIGHT to the End © with Pastor Randy Minnick PORTERVILLE, CA -- We are called to this hour in the end-of-the-end times. It is not the time to be fearful ... neither to cower before our enemy, Satan. Wait upon the Lord. Be still and know that He is God. The fact that America has seen relatively little persecution of its Christian population belies the fact that persecution is part and partial of living a Godly life. The Bible says: “For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake” (Philippians 1:29). “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2Ti mothy 3:12).

(Apr 24 2023) - True "MELL-OF-A-HESS" !!!
Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack : Post Columnist
Muster RIGHT Here © with Sgt Mack PORTERVILLE, CA -- Stand at EASE!!! The longer the demoncraps stay in power, the more our country declines. The quality of services, the attitude of people in service industries, the moral integrity of even some of our legitimately elected, much less those fraudulently empowered, from jobama and his merry band of cesspool sludge, to the lowest corrupt city council crook is, frequently truly, reprehensible and, sometimes, evil.

(Dec 06 2019) - Are We Americans Being Duped ?
RIGHT INSIGHT - with James Horn : Post Columnist
RIGHT INSIGHT - with James Horn PORTERVILLE, CA -- I am sick and tired of all of this phony impeach Trump nonsense. The Democrats, driven by hatred and fear of President Trump just won’t give up. First, it was Stormy, then the Russians (are coming) hoax, and now the Ukranian hoax, soon to be another hoax. We know that Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi are insanely manipulative liars. Chuckie Schumer is waiting in the wings for the impeachment process to hit the Senate where he can lie and fulminate in front of the cameras. What or who is behind all of this?

Post Political Feature : Collected by Post Online News Staff
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Have you read the Post's "The Obama Files" today ? Well you should. There's a Place in HELL for those who LIE In this exclusive web page we'll track and collect news that's under-reported or considered inside information. Then it'll be placed in this section - making it a little easier for the public to locate and to help Obama keep his promise of being transparent. "QUOTE" Enjoy ...

(Apr 03 2016) - What's gone wrong with the Water Projects ?
RIGHT from Russ - with Russ Waymire : Post Columnist
RIGHT from Russ © with Russ Waymire HANFORD, CA -- My ancestors, like many midwest 1930's Dust Bowl casualties, migrated to California's Central Valley. Why settle here? Because the (CVP) Central Valley Water Projects created all kinds of Valley jobs and opportunities. What's gone wrong ??? Politicians passed laws seizing CVP Friant & Westside contract water, turning the Central Valley into a "Politician Created Dust Bowl". Politicians force us to pay for water delivery systems and for water not received.

(Aug 29 2015) - Explaining Today's Cop Violence
OFF THE GRID - with Melinda Pillsbury-Foster : Post Columnist
OFF THE GRID - with Melinda Pillsbury-Foster PORTERVILLE, CA -- Why & How the Meaning of Words are Changed Intentionally. Remember the term, "Peace Officer?" A Peace Officer was charged with ensuring the safety of those in their community. A policeman was someone you could trust, someone who protected the rights of individuals. When did our understanding change ? A Peace Officer knew their job could entail placing themselves between potential victims of crime and the criminal. The Officer signed an oath to uphold the Constitution and was assumed to be familiar with that and other American founding documents. Today few sign such an oath ..

NEW WORLD ORDER EXPOSED : Post Editor - A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
DEADLY VIRUS AND VACCINATION UPDATES PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Since there is so much at risk regarding the flu and vaccinations the Post decided to add this section. It's vitally important that you research the facts and {ingredients Pg.1 | Pg.2 | Pg.3 } to determine the risks and to ensure you make the best possibly choice for you and your family. The Post Prays you'll look at both sides of this issue before you settle on one.

Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
RADIATION - FALLOUR & PROTECTION PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The Boys Scouts motto is "Be Prepared" ... for anything, and that's how we need to conduct our selves in Porterville, just in case we receive more bad news re: RADIATION LEAKS from Japan, or anywhere else. In the coming days the Post will add important information, we believe, you will need to be prepared.

(Dec 30 2014) - POST - VIDEO OF THE WEEK :
Post News Feature : by Post On-line Staff & Readers :
Porterville Post Video of the Week PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The Porterville Post has created this web page for our readers and as a special request from our online staff. We're fully aware that the NWO control freaks and their "Masonic Miscreants" would like nothing else than to eliminate your "FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS" and internet freedom's. Don't let this happen ! Make sure you save these video's to your own files and make sure you e-mail the Post additional video's to be placed in this archieve.

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak - is to speak. Not to act - is to act. -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer --
Bail Jumpers
Gang Info
GAS Prices
U.S. Troops
Estab. Jan 2008

Welcome to the newest on-line news service in the Porterville area. Our goal is to report the right news at the right time. In doing this, we believe that the community will get a greater sence of being connected.

The Right News @ The Right Time

Our second goal is to report above and beyond the main stream media.

Politically Inform and Educate

Our third goal is to politically inform and educate the voters and public at large.

A Conservative News Service

The Porterville Post is a Conservative on-line news service and when the Post makes a mistake in our reporting, we'll address it "Right Here" and if needed, with an appology. Please feel free to contact us with your comments or suggestions.

Writers | Columnists | Reporters

Mark Twain once said, "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you're misinformed." So what should folks read to be informed - The Porterville Post - "The Right News at The Right Time"

~ Porterville Post Editor ~
A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta

Welcome to the newest on-line news service for the Porterville area. In the coming years, we hope to provide to the public another news information outlet highlighting Christian and Conservative values, views and voices. BTW - If you've always prayed that GOD would open the door for an opportunity to write - here it is baby. Fear not, let your heart be connected to your pen and send me an e-mail or call our office at (559) 933-POST.

“American Hero”
Military Banner Program
A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta

Petty Officer 3rd Class - A. L. 'LUCKY' Lucketta

NOV 24th 2023
Porterville 44th Annual

Porterville 44th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

Jan 23, 2022
January 23, 2022 | Washington, DC : DEFEAT THE MANDATES
Washington, DC

NOV 8-11 2021

NOV 29th 2020
"From 8am to 11am"

MAY 11th 2019
"Rollin' Relics Car Show"


FEB 23rd 2019
Patriots Unite California


MAR 9th 2018
Releasing Fire and Glory

A CALL TO PRAYER - Releasing Fire & Glory in Tulare County

NOV 18th 2017

Toys for Tots - Car and Bike Show by Nasty Habits

OCT 21st 2017
A Christmas to Remember

A Christmas to Remember Car & Bike Show

OCT 17th 2017
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Veterants Park - Oct 17th @ 10:00 AM

AUG 12th 2017


May 17th - 21st

PORTERVILLE FAIR : May 17th - 21st 2017

Revival in Porterville : May 19th 2017
Veteran's Memorial : 1900 West Olive
Friday Night 7PM to 9PM

The Afters : Feb 12th 2017

EXPOSED : False Faith Healing Gospel

EXPOSED : The False Faith Healing-Prosperity Gospel


Dear Concerned Student, I'm not allowed in Schools - - 'GOD'


Click here to Buy and Sell Classic Cars

Porterville Post
Special Events Page

If you have a special event coming up, please e-mail the Post at least one week in advance. We try to up-load the events page every week.

JUNE 13th,14th & 15th


Jul 21st : Porterville to Hold Public Presentations on Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan

(Jul 21 2011) PORTERVILLE - [PDF] The Tulare County Health & Human Services Agency's Office of Emergency Services, in cooperation with 8 of the County's cities, the Tulare County Office of Education, and the Tule River Tribe, has launched a countywide effort to review the risks posed by man-made & natural disasters & identify ways to reduce the damage from those risks. Citizens are invited to learn more about the draft plan at one of the 3 info sessions to be held on Thursday, July 21st. 2011.

Springville Rodeo
Apr 26th 27th & 28th

Join us for the 65th Annual P.R.C.A. Rodeo in the foothills of the Sierra-Nevada mountains

May 3rd : Porterville Step Up

May 5th : Porterville Step Up
May 5th : Porterville Step Up

Around Tulare County

April / May 2012 : Around Tulare County

Mysterious Light on the Hill ?

(Nov 06 2009) Close to four years ago, a friend (Ernie Cortez) and I were driving one Sunday morning from Porterville - heading to Fresno to attend a Church service - when out of the periphery of my right eye I saw what appeared to be a slowed down version of lightening. I shouted to Ernie to stop and turn the truck around so we both could get a better look. Fortunately I had my camera with me but only one of the many pictures came out. Neither of us had ever seen anything like this and as we stared motionless - because of the beauty that this light from this cloud emanated ... we were left with more questions than answers. If you or a friend has seen anything like this please e-mail the Post.

Bro. Ben needs to know,
have you seen

Have you seen the HAND WRITING ON THE WALL ???
(Jan 05 2009) Today the Post saw Brother Ben on Henderson Avenue, next to the Church of the Nazarene, showing a sign which read "THE HAND WRITING IS ON THE WALL" and so we stopped for a quick interview and learned that Brother Ben has a message that is "Burning in his Bones" regarding these last days. To be sure we promised to stay in touch with Brother Ben and we'll let you know what the LORD told Ben. So ... stay tuned, we will be back with a full report.

Who's this Patriotic Peddler ?

Click to Enlarge : And Win $100.00 Dollars
(Mar 09 2009) We know you have seen this man peddling around town, but have you taken the time to tell him thanks, for being patriotic ? And do you know who he is ? Many of the folks at Perko's knows. If you know e-mail the Post.

Who's That Girl in the Love Bus

Click to Enlarge : And Win $100.00 Dollars
(Feb 02 2009) Here we go again. You could WIN $100.00 DOLLARS if you can Identify who the owner of the Love Bus is and a little history. We had so much fun the last time the Post wanted to see if you could name that owner ... one more time. Like last month we will announce who guessed right along with the reat of the story. So e-mail who you think that girl is and a little history. Have Fun !

Scooby Doo : We Found You !

Click to Enlarge : And Win $100.00 Dollars
(Jan 31 2009) WIN $100.00 DOLLARS : Yes you can win $100.00 dollars if you can name the owner of this "SCOOBY DOO" van and where it is located. The Post will reveal who won this contest on Jan 31st 2009 and a little history of the individual in the van. E-Mail Editor. Congratulations Pastor Frankie for identifying Who owns the Scooby-Doo Van.

PC Swap Meet on Saturday's

www.PortervillePost.com  )    • Porterville Post Articles
      Mar 01 - Former Lady Pirate Wins Prestigious Award
      Feb 25 - Porterville Pet Fair: Under New Management
      Feb 08 - Conservative concerns from PARA

  • Porterville Post Stories of Faith
      Apr 19 - Prophecy in Motion class offered in Porterville
      Apr 02 - What's it like to be A Woman Pastor
      Mar 05 - Prophetic History, Messages and Destiny
      Feb 18 - Santa Maria group stops at Coffee Camp

  • Porterville Post News Stories
      Mar 01 - An Enterprising move.
      Feb 18 - Lowes opens with commercial event.
      Feb 16 - Rookie cop - rookie mistake ?
      Feb 15 - Burgler suspect caught in the act

  • Porterville Post Opinions
      Feb 17 - Gee ... What does that "G" stand for ?
      Feb 10 - 2 B 1 Ask 1 - What a waist of Time

Welcome to Porterville, CA. Population 51,467

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The Porterville Post : Post Office Box 925 Porterville CA. 93258
For more Information - editor@portervillepost.com
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An American News Service