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I'm a 73 year young married Christian minister/teacher and computer tech with a varied background. My history includes having been a professional salesman, police officer, heavy equipment operator, psychiatric technician, and paramedic. Other interests include ham radio (WA6IXI), computers, aviation, photography, and music. The fact that I've been invited to contribute to the "Porterville Post" is an indicator that my heart pumps red, white, and blue. I believe that the Constitution is the law of the land and that it should be obeyed by all, period. Likewise, my loyalty is to my God, my family and my country. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- (Pastor Randy Minnick) “We are called to this hour in the end-of-the-end times. It is not the time to be fearful neither to cower before our enemy, Satan. Wait upon the Lord. Be still and know that He is God.” The fact that America has seen relatively little persecution of its Christian population belies the fact that persecution is part and partial of living a Godly life. The Bible says: “For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake” (Philippians 1:29). “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2Ti mothy 3:12). ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- For the previous some odd years, those who follow politics can’t help notice the plethora of comments and accusations used by those on the (political) right to judge those on the (political) left. For instance, there are comments that include pejoratives like: the loony left, left-wing loony, left-wing nut job, left-wing moron, useful idiots, sick leftists, mentally ill left, dangerous progressives, and the like (some of which are not even remotely printable). We daily hear conversations peppered with words like “nuts”, “crazy”, “insane”, “unbelievable”, and many more such comments. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- The fact that America has seen little persecution of its Christian population belies the fact that persecution is part and partial with living a Godly life. The Bible says: “For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake” (Philippians 1:29). “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12). This suffering is not the suffering of sickness, poverty, lack and such. It’s the suffering for righteousness sake as we defend our faith. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Diesel engines are required by law to use DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid). What DEF is, at a chemical level, is a combination of deionized water and urea. Urea is a refined compound that is mostly used in the agricultural industry as a component of fertilizer. A 2.5-gallon pack of “BlueDEF” sells for 16.00 to 20.00 (depending upon where you purchase it). That’s roughly 6.80 per gallon (which is about the current price of diesel). Note that this is for water and urea. It isn’t a hydrocarbon but is ionized water and fertilizer and yet is the same price as diesel. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- In Luke 18:1-8, we see a parable where Jesus makes this statement: “Man ought always to pray and not to faint”. In this parable, a widow woman had suffered injustice and had sought for relief from a Godless judge. The judge really doesn’t want to be bothered with the matter but the old woman just isn’t going to take “No” for an answer. The unjust judge understands that this woman isn’t going to give up so relents and grants relief. Though it is from two thousand years ago, there is a lot to learn from it. It is beyond the scope of this article to parse and explain the entire parable. But, it is important to note that this is not an example of how to pray. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Because of the fear, doubt, unbelief, waving faith, and even surrender to the enemy being seen in the body of Christ today (regarding the apparent defeat of President Donald J. Trump), it is time to get things straight about this matter. People are losing their faith and hope (which the Bible calls “fainting in the mind” - Galatians 6:9) and some are even in despair with others accusing certain prophet and servants of God of being false prophets. This ought not to be. We need to examine a few facts about what is happening to bring this situation into focus and not lose faith and/or hope. There are man rock-solid facts with which we are dealing and these facts must not be so casually cast aside. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- To begin with, if you expect to have any semblance of peace during this political “hurricane”, please take this advice: STOP WATCHING SECULAR NEWS!”. You are being lied to! They are of their father, the Devil, and there is no truth in them. The secular news is not your friend and they are an enemy of the truth and are haters of our country. They display that animosity 24/7 and listening to them will destroy your faith. Get this fact nailed down tightly: THEY HATE YOU. This is no great revelation to those of us who study the Bible and have read where they hate us because they hated Christ Jesus first. Just as they persecuted Him, they will persecute His body. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- This country needs to wake up and smell the Starbucks before it's too late. It’s time to stop staggering around in unbelief at what we are seeing in front of our eyes. It’s time to stop believing the lies of the enemies of our nation. It’s time to draw a line in the sand: a line that, if crossed, will be met with deadly determination. We are not witnessing “peaceful demonstrations”. We are witnessing a violent communist insurgency: an insurgency that has been brewing for at least 50 years. It’s a multi-headed Hydra movement rooted in (at least) the ’60’s. It has its momentum gained from lies, half-truths, and a Marxist/socialist/communist agenda that is propagated by vile sociopaths and pathogenic liars. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- It is becoming increasingly certain that Joe Biden simply cannot beat President Trump in the upcoming election. Oh, sure; the polls have Biden ahead and the far left are desperately hanging their hopes on their pipe dreams and a false façade. But, we should confidently remember that they had Hillary Clinton as a strong leader in the polls in 2016. She is still smarting from being crushed by an electoral landslide that swept her into the sea of despair. Dems have been squirming in their skin trying to figure out how to keep Biden confined so that he won’t be discovered to be the incompetent individual that he is. He has been comfortably cooped up (caged?) ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Until recently, I wasn't paying attention to the "we are one" faction of the "New Age" (eastern religion) movement. We’ve all seen it: “We Are the World” (video: YouTube), “Imagine” (Beatles –John Lennon), “We’re all in this together” (current meme for the virus issue), the “United Nations”, et. al.. We even hear that “all roads lead to God” so we are all “children of God”; therefore, “we are all one”. Through the years I’ve heard “we are one” many many times (for at least four decades) and have, long ago, read the book, "Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow" by Constance Cumbey. Though glaringly evident, I had not otherwise connected it to anything until now when all of these pieces came together in a meaningful way. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Those of you who know me know that I'm not a wild-eyed kook who is easily swayed by emotions that are created by a local and/or national exigency, emergency, or any other portending of evil. However, I do pay attention to what's happening and I do prepare for the worst while hoping (and praying) for the best. Having said this: "things" (clearly) appear to be going down hard and soon at that. This pandemic event that has assailed us is leading to an inexorable freefall into worldwide misery. We’re looking at a falling stock market, plants, businesses, restaurants, shops, and schools are shuttering. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Making changes is never easy. That’s because we have to overcome the inertia that we have in being in our respective “comfort zone” for so long a time. Coming out of ignorance is, likewise, no easy matter. For one thing, the truth is sometimes not all that easy to swallow as it can chaff against decades of social and/or religious programming. Another reason is that no one wants to be wrong. Also, we may want to avoid change because, if that truth causes us to be set apart from others, we simply don’t want to be different. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Let’s start this article with a bit of history of the “C.B. Radio Service” in this country. The “Citizen’s Band Radio” began in 1945 with the FCC apportioning C.B. classes “A” and “B” which were bands made available in the (then) barely used UHF frequency spectrum. However, due to the fact that the equipment was neither practical nor affordable, usage of these bands was extremely limited and localized. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Let’s start with a disclaimer. I truly hate to have to write a disclaimer. But, not enough of my countrymen seem to be able to connect the dots when reading something pertaining to politics and have little reading comprehension and interpretive skills. Mysteriously, even when such skills are apparent, it’s as though these skills are not being applied or acted upon. And, there seems to be little common “horse sense” among the American people. Because of this, a disclaimer is not only warranted but is required and the author is compelled to act accordingly. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Let's set the record straight from the git-go; I am not an alarmist. I don't believe in crying wolf and I don't go around hollering that the sky is falling. I will admit this also: I don't profess to know everything or to always be right. However, I do claim that I do my homework so that I’m as well informed as is practicable. I pay attention to the current events. No; I don’t pay much attention to network and cable news! These are the least reliable of all news sources except for, perhaps, the weather report, a report on an airplane crash, who was murdered and where, and maybe how high the water is after a hurricane. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Most of us have heard on no few occasions (particularly when dealing with politics) expressions like, “The world has gone crazy!” or “That’s just insane!”. These assessments aren’t just perfunctory euphemisms. They are quite accurate. To be more specific, they can be reduced to this very factual conclusion: “The entire world is insane”. This isn’t merely a subjective opinion or a politically motivated conjecture; the world is insane. How do we know that? The Bible says: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- An Open Letter to Today's Youth : Young people, I'm not totally sure of all of the dynamics by which you were reared. However, it is obvious that they are not the same as when I was your age. I see you everywhere and watch you as you carry out your life on this earth with a mindless disregard for others but especially your elders. Am I trying to target you as though there were those of my generation who were not like you? Not at all. But, your generation is quite different in that there is a profound lack of understanding. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Our founding forefathers were a brilliant lot. Not one of them can be accused of being illiterate, without knowledge, without wisdom, without understanding, without common sense, or without at least an abiding interest in God and His ways. They crafted a constitution that was tailor made for a new united nation under God, one that could only stand if the values they cherished and codified were guarded with all vigilance. They worked as a unified and focused team to assemble a nation the likes of which had never before been seen upon the earth. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- This writer can remember a time when it was entirely unacceptable to use colloquial and street language on television. It wasn’t a matter of denying that such language existed or that “good people” didn’t use it. It was a common sense attitude that recognized that children would be watching and listening. Folks knew that there was no need to defile them with such language or to purposely teach them how to perfect its use. It was understood that there was no positive result that could come from steeping our children day in and day out in such an environment. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Deceit is defined this way: A stratagem; a trick. The quality of being deceitful; falseness (http://www.yourdictionary.com). Since the early 1980’s (when I began to be clobbered with the realities of politics), I’ve noticed that politicians (and those with a political agenda) were neck-deep in deception. They would say something but that “something” was always as shrouded in lies and half-truths as the planet Jupiter is shrouded with gases. It was quite noticeable that, if there was a promise made, it simply never came to fruition. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- I don’t recall the exact program (it’s been a few years) but I do remember the incident. Liberal poster boy, Alan Dershowitz, and a particular “right winger” (whose name escapes me at the moment) were being interviewed on a talking-heads program of some kind on whatever news program. The guy on the right made a simple comment in passing concerning a person of color. Dershowitz went straight to the moon as if someone had uncorked a phosphorous grenade in his skivvies. Out of nowhere he scowled and growled, “That was a racist remark!” I was stunned because it was so far from a racist remark that it was ridiculous. |