One of the oldest and some say most influential conservative republican groups - the California Republican Assembly - convened in Costa Mesa this week end. And Kelly’s conservatives - the Porterville Area Republican Assembly – dispatched their delegates down south as well.
Since 1934, the California Republican Assembly has been involved in grass-roots politics and local campaigns. Touted by President Ronald Reagan as the “Consciousness of the Republican party”, these main-frame conservative chapters have carried Constitutional concerns and patriotic platforms up and through the California Republican Party to the White House. And this weekend was no exception.
CRA Convention in Costa Mesa |
At the table were many endorsements supporting local and state politicians. Most, who were past CRA members, became shoe-ins. The Johnnie-come-lately’s, PARA President Kelly West said, have to earn them.” Resolution committees as well as fact-finding from the initiative committees shared their reports and recommendations to the delegates.
In between these duties for the delegates, many Republican leaders and representatives spoke about their campaigns and concerns from their districts. Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner addressed insurance fraud and Michelle Steel shared about giving the taxpayers money back from the Board of Equalization. Assemblyman Chuck DeVore and Assemblyman Mike Duvall informed the delegates why they needed to keep pressure on the liberals in Sacramento and Assemblywoman Mimi Walters stressed her frustrations in working with the democrats as well.
Come Sunday, the CRA began the day with a time of worship at their prayer breakfast. Keynote speaker Rev. Lewis P. Shelton, from the Traditional Values Coalition, preached on details of the Mayflower Compact the pilgrims had with the Lord before they set foot on America.
The last order of business was the selection of five new vice president’s for the CRA - which was decided on Sunday just after the prayer breakfast. Preparing for a three ballot run, CRA officials instructed the delegates and once was enough to secure VP positions for … Tom Bordonaro – past state Assemblyman, Alexia Deligianni, current Orange-Villa Park unit president, Mike Zimmerman, past CRA Vice President, Robert Rego, current unit president from San Bernardino Valley, and last but not least Ken Mettler from the Bakersfield Republican Assembly.
“What I see as on this new board said President Kelly West, is more conservatives and more experience. I am so proud to be part of a political organization that can’t be bought or buffaloed. And I’m thankful that our Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ - is a huge part of who we are and what we do in the CRA.”
For more info about the CRA or the Porterville Area Republican Assembly,
please contact Kelly West at (559) 361-5216.