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![]() ![]() ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Stand at EASE!!! The longer the demoncraps stay in power, the more our country declines. The quality of services, the attitude of people in service industries, the moral integrity of even some of our legitimately elected, much less those fraudulently empowered, from jobama and his merry band of cesspool sludge, to the lowest corrupt city council crook is, frequently truly, reprehensible and, sometimes, evil. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Stand at EASE!!! I'm BAAAACK!!! Can't keep a good man down, or me either! Thanx to the efforts of the Oacys computer pros, this old dog of a lap-top seems to have new life to contribute to our never-ending fight for truth, justice and the American way!!! Too bad superman went woke!!! So far the cursor hasn't deviated nor the text disappeared, either of which would have motivated me to become a cursER, using some of the vocabulary from the earlier part of my misspent youth. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Stand at EASE!!! Ruination vs Ruin-nation Ruination: working against the best interests of or achieving the downfall of an individual or entity. Ruin-nation: The jobama manifesto for the future of America. Un-COVER!!! Silent (individual) prayer. In Jesus' name I pray, HOOOAAAHHH! COVER!!! SEATS!!! I just read an article by Victor Davis Hanson (one of the truly real stars in the world of intellect) in the "The Epoch Times". His step-by-step explanation of jobama's program of destruction for our society is detailed and comprehensive. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Stand at EASE!!! Today, I saw a very pretty young lady doing a very STOOPID thing. She was jogging while her ear buds were preventing her from being aware of her surroundings. If she wanted to listen to music, she should use flat headphones that would allow sound in past them and keep the volume down. The only way she (or anyone else) should surrender their control over their surroundings is to be in a very controlled environment, with a group of trusted friends who could deal with any threat. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Stand at EASE!!! The jobama cabal has proven to be the most evil regime in my lifetime, which is (to date) 75yrs. Remember, although we are fighting against principalities, satan's minions are (frequently) in human form and are able to cause serious havoc to our society, in his name. Just as we have to protect ourselves and our families from serpents and predators, so do we have to do the same against the corporeal minions of satan. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Stand at EASE!!! (Paraphrased) May their days be few and good people take their offices. Now, I don't care if God cuts their days on earth short. That's HIS business, but I would GREATLY appreciate his shortening their days in office. I would like their children to be parentless because their parents should be "in durance vile", where all felons belong. I, still, can't get over the thrill I felt upon seeing hitlery klintsky in (what I thought was) a prison-orange jump suit. What a disappointment!!! It was only an orange pant suit. Until I knew that, I heartily approved of her wardrobe. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Stand at EASE!!! Here we see yet ANOTHER example of the woke, broke (in)justice system. 2 or 3 punks (acting "in concert") set fire to the Porterville library, resulting in the deaths of 2 firefighters and wind up laughing up their sleeves, because they aren't even charged with manslaughter and only one is even charged with arson. Your "legal eagles" at work, to ensure that criminals skate, with the least possible consequences, even when they have killed someone. If these woke are elected, PLEASE vote them out so that we can replace them with thinking individuals who value life and justice!!! ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Stand at EASE!!! Just saw "lightyear". Disrecommend it and any other disney productions, until they cease being "woke". It is one thing to accept the "gay" lifestyle, which I do. No one has a right to tell anyone else whom they may love, but for a formerly iconic "child-friendly" business to actively promote it is a reason for the viewing public to vote with their pocketbooks and boycott all of disney products and productions. No, I'm not a "hater" and I defend a lot of people with whom I have STRONG dis-agreements ... ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Stand at EASE!!! The problem with “woke culture” is, it’s an oxymoron, perpetrated by what Bugs Bunny would call a bunch of oxymaroons. They are a bunch of self-aggrandized snowflakes, without a scintilla of a clue among them. That wouldn’t be bad. I’m perfectly happy to see a bunch of over-educated no-nothings sit around and contemplate each other’s navels but it’s when they try to influence society, as in the case of the squat (don’t know squat/not worth squat) and some of our other woke politickians that some real damage can be done and the woke public sheeple just follow along as if they had good sense, which they don’t or they wouldn’t be following these super twits. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Stand at EASE!!! I was using a similar name for bin ladin (bin hadin) & transferred it to the “basement boy”, at the beginning of his “campaign”. Don’t expect I’ll ever get credit for it ‘cause I don’t remember publishing it. Got to remember “Write it, don’t say it.” Oh well, ... Victor Davis Hanson, a well-known and widely-read author said (in the Epoc Times) that the left had achieved their goals and that people are getting sick of it. I thank God for the restoration of sufficient sanity that THAT is happening. He quoted some old saws such as ... ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Stand at EASE!!! There is a lot of info out there, some of which should be taken seriously, some with a belly laugh and some with a pound of salt. The Editor and I try to present factual information and (if the situation allows) in a humorous light. The basic intent, however, is to inform with the straight truth. We ARE, however, a conservative Christian publication, so many of our views will be based on our life experiences in that area. There are many people who have blogs and podcasts that are entertaining but should not be relied on for information. ![]() PORTERVILLE, CA -- Stand at EASE!!! I spend a lot of time excoriating the left (which IS the demoncrap party) as opposed to the Democrat party and (sometimes) neglect to draw the distinction and may be mis-understood. The left is people(?) like nancy pollutsi, jobama, upchuck (or schmuck) schumer, maxine (stagnant) waters, the squat and the rest of the cabal, having the basic goal of destroying the Republic and replacing it with Marxism. The only connection the rest of the party, the Democrats, have with them is having been deceived by and supported them, thinking that these people(?) have our best interests at heart. |
Listen up, troops. I'm sending out a call for "Alternative Transportation". Sgt Mack & the "Little Corporal" are singers (in case you missed my intro column) & we do "mini-gospel" tours across the country. We need a Toyota Chinook, pop-top, to carry us & equipment & take us to my drills. Prefer w/ 4x4, but "You fight the war w/what you have (or can get) not what you wish you had." Not rich, but have enough for a reasonable deal, on one of these. If you spot (or know of) one, any & all referrals get you out of push ups. Seriously, you'd be helping us entertain some elderly troops, who could use a "change of channel". They really appreciate it, so we want to be there for them. If they hadn't been there for us, BEFORE us, we might not be here, now.
Got that? Now give me a great, big HOOAH!!! & get out there! Thanx,troops!
God bless y'all & God bless America!!! Dis- MISSED.Sgt Mack,out.