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Porterville Rescue Mission
Pastor Rudy Ramirez
Tamera Anzivino
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Porterville Rescue Mission - Feb 12 2008
by Jody Levrets : faith@portervillepost.com

I was homeless in my twenty’s, I am now forty years old. I got real bad into using drugs, hitchhiking from state to state. I started using meth really bad which led to shooting dope everyday. I was living in hell and did not even know it. The devil has such a hold on me that he had me blind to the truth over the years.

Using drugs and being homeless, I came up with major health problems and my hell got worse. I had been homeless for over ten years, sleeping outside in the cold and rain - eating out of trash cans.

Because I was living in hell on earth, I just wanted to die; I cried out to God and asked Him to deliver me from this hell on earth.

In 2005 I went to prison and did a year but when I got out I started living in my hell on earth all over again. Four months later I went back to prison and they offered me a drug program. God had answered my prayers.

It took almost twenty years for my prayer to be answered but it was worth the wait. I made one promise to God, if he got me out of this hell on earth I would never use again. Shortly after I was sent to the PAAR program in Porterville, were God started to mold me.

After my graduation from the program he sent me to the Porterville Rescue Mission, where Pastor Rudy Ramirez guides me and keeps me on the right path. I have been at the mission for about four months now and thanks to God and the Mission I now have my own place and a new life.

I am also now one of the volunteer staff at the Porterville rescue mission where I can minister to others who are lost and be an encouragement. I try to instill hope. And explain that God will take them out of there hell on earth.

The Porterville rescue mission is God’s kingdom. My success is due to the Mission which God uses to help people like me. February 12th I will have one year clean and sober. Thanks to God, the mission and my trusting in Gods word, I have been delivered from hell unto heaven.

By Jody Levrets
God’s child

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