Jeanne & Steve : Mexican Riviera Cruise
Dear editor,
This may sound so strange but I am wondering if you can help me find a man who lives in Porterville.
We met on a Carnival Mexican Riviera cruise last week and had a great time chatting. I learned a lot about him but never got his last name or phone number, I guess I thought we would run into each other again.
I would love the opportunity to get to know him better. I know his first name is Steve and he works for the sherriff's department in the courthouse, he's also a big karaoke fan.
I am attaching a picture. If you can help put us in contact with each other, that would be wonderfull.
Thank You, Jeanne from AZ
POST FOLLOW UP : The Post called today to verify this "Letter to the Editor" and sure enough, it was true. So we told "Jeanne from Arizona," that we'd help her find her karaoke fan and make a little space on the Post. What she doesn't know is the Post is willing to pony-up a little finders fee of $100.00 to the first person who helps us find ole' Stevie-boy.
So ... we say to "Jeanne from Arizona", we'll say a little prayer for you and Steve, and hope you guys can finish that song on another cruise.
A.L.Lucketta : Post Editor ...