Dear Editor -- and Senator Leno
As a law-abiding citizen, a veteran, an active state reservist, a
newly-signed columnist for Porterville Post (an on-line news
provider, with a growing readership) a member of REACT International
(Radio Emergency Associated Communications Teams and [12yrs] former
President of same [w/ 2yrs as President of the Central California
Council of same]), an Elk and a retired federal employee, but still
active with my union, I am vocally (with all of my associates and
readers) unalterably opposed to restrictive anti-gun legislation.
I have read the DOJ and FBI stats and different writings, from both sides, and
have to say that continuing to pass anti-gun legislation (since it is
only respected by law-abiding citizens) falls into the category of
insanity; doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
Contrarily, the 40 states who have passed Right-to Carry, or (what I
prefer) Shall Issue Permit laws, have seen an across the board
decrease in crime.
On a personal level, my wife and her mother were (each) confronted by
a drunk or drugged individual, who demanded entry or they would kick
the door in. Each was armed and informed the intruder that forcible
entry would be met with a bullet. In both cases, the intruder went,
quietly away. If they had not, there would have been serious consequences.
The ladies were trained, practically & mentally, by me
and knew when to shoot and when not to shoot. Only such instant,
on-the-spot defense will keep a 90 pound grandmother safe, from a 200 pound "druggie".
If your intent is, truly, the safety of the public, I respectfully
suggest that you get the truth and begin to support the other side in
this debate.
Sincerely, R.L."Mack"McElreath --