Ø In The Late Great USA, Corsi proves that the benignly-named "Security and Prosperity Partnership," created at a meeting between George W. Bush, Paul Martin and Vincente Fox, is in fact the same kind of regional integration plan that led Europe to form the EU. According to Corsi, the elites in Europe who wanted to create a European nation knew that "it would be necessary to conceal from the peoples of Europe just what was being done in their name until the process was so far advanced that it had become irreversible." Could the same thing be happening here? Is American sovereignty doomed?
“The Late Great U.S.A. is a real winner that sounds a clarion call to this nation. This book uncovers the careful deceptions of a powerful elite who want to undermine our sovereignty before we realize it. I consider this a must read for every American.”
- Hal Lindsey, Best-selling author of The Late Great Planet Earth
Ø Barring major cultural and societal shifts, at least one American lawmaker believes so. "In Mortal Danger" lays out the case that the hub of Western civilization, the United States, is on course to the dustbin of history. Like the great and mighty empires of the past—superpowers that once stretched from horizon to horizon—America is heading down the road to ruin.
English historian Edward Gibbon, in penning his classic "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" (ironically published in the year America's Founding Fathers declared independence from Great Britain), theorized that Rome fell because it rotted from within. It succumbed to barbarian invasions because of a loss of civic virtue, its citizens became lazy and soft, hiring barbarian mercenaries to defend the empire because they were unwilling to defend it themselves. Congressman Tancredo thinks America is following in the tragic footsteps of Rome.
"Tom Tancredo is a rare breed in Washington who puts principle above ego and country above party. 'In Mortal Danger' is a clarion call for all good citizens to come to the aid of this great nation. Our borders, culture, history, and institutions are at risk. Tancredo’s lucid, passionate book shows the way to protect them."
The Porterville Post |
(July 2008) - New Columnist for the Post by Ms Lady Brady
Dear faithful readers ... My name is Kelly Brady and I feel honored with this opportunity to introduce myself as a new addition to the team of writers at the Porterville Post.
First and foremost, I would like to thank and praise God for the road that brought me here. He sent the Holy Spirit to guide me and Jesus Christ to lift me up when I was weak. Without my Father’s guidance and approval, I wouldn’t have made it this far up this challenging road. If anyone were to ask if I found the Porterville Post or if they found me, I would have to give credit to God alone, because He has a special way of bringing people together to carry out His will.
I first realized that God had given me a talent and passion for writing five years ago, during my education at San Jose City College. I did very well in my classes, but for reasons astray from my usual instincts, I was compelled to go above and beyond in my writing projects. One day, my counselor asked me what my major is. I had no clue, but my mouth blurted out “journalism.” More ...
 (Jul 22 2008) - Sounds of Faith in Exeter by Ms Lady Brady :
This past Sunday, The Church of God of Exeter and the Cornerstone Church put on a musical revival in Exeter City Park. Several Christian bands rocked the park attracting hundreds of people to gather and worship God together. Strong-man group Power House got the audience charged for Jesus with amazing feats of strength that reflected their testimony. Hundreds were moved to dedicate their lives to Jesus during a beautiful sunset alter call. The popular Christian rock group Pillar brought the audience to their feet, dancing and singing praises to God. In the midst of this summer's triple digit heat wave, a cool breeze pushed pleasant clouds overhead that shaded the park as the sun relented, making for one of the most beautiful days this summer. It seemed as though God Himself was expressing His favor for this event.
 (Jul 19 2008) - My Right to be a Bride by Ms Lady Brady :
On May 15th 08, California’s Supreme Court hastily overturned the states ban on same sex marriage. When the new law went into effect on June 16th 08, a new format for marriage licenses was released. The marital titles of “Bride” and “Groom” had been changed to “Party A” and “Party B.” By changing the forms used at the Registrar of Vital Statistics, the California Supreme Court has stripped me and all other persons planning to be married hereafter of our constitutional right to our marital titles. They are on the brink of threatening the simple basics of other constitutional rights as well.
Estab. Jan 2008
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