Pastor Lopez : Mission De Jesus
Sharing Christ at Veterans Park
PORTERVILLE CA. - Saturday afternoon at Veterans Park, Pastor Francisco Lopez from Mission De Jesus at 638 South Indiana Ave in Porterville, led his congregation - along with another from Delano - back into the highways and byways to let the people of Porterville know that GOD is very aware of America’s economic and spiritual condition and has a plan … for your future.
Just about a hundred or so Christians from Mission De Jesus spanned the sidewalks around Veterans Park parading placards and signs signifying GOD’s concern and Love. Jaime Ramos, Joel Rodriquez and Jose Pena, who the Post first interviewed on Morton said, “We are trying to tell the People of Porterville that they need to put their faith in Christ and not the crisis.” All three had a testimony how GOD came into their lives and changed them for the good.
One of the yong men that the Post talked with said, "Even though I felt at times I was being forced into believing, I know now that this was the only way GOD could have gotten through to me."
Just as powerful, both of the other young men admitted that they had to go through some hard times before realising that their lives were out of control. "Seeing your brother almost loose his life to drugs was a real eye opener for me. And when he came to CHRIST, that's when I really decised to turned my life over to GOD."
Many who the Post interviewed agreed that these are the “Worst of times and the Best of Times” - meaning that it’s possibly the worst of times for those lost in sin and have no way to escape the coming economic dread and the best of times for Christians who have faith in JESUS CHRIST.
Their message to the people of Porterville today, was basically this. Surrender your life over to GOD before it's too late. The worst of times are heading our way and according to prophecies of the Bible ... that's the way it's suppose to happen.
"We are living in the end times", one paritioner told the Post, "and if the body of CHRIST is asleep to that fact, who knows what will become of that person's faith ? We can only pray that more and more Christians will join us out here to share the Gosple.
Finally, the Post wants to personally express our thanks to those Churches in Porterville and Delano who came out to share their faith. We know that there's a lot of spiritual warfare that takes place before and after an event like this. We know that the enemy of our souls - satan - would much rather have us to only show up on Sundays instead of showing up on the side walks.
PRAYER : Dear LORD, Please forgive our hardened and covetous hearts. We admit that sin before you today and ask that you will once again create within us a new heart, one that the potter can use and one that is caring and sensitive to the voice of the HOLY SPIRIT. We know these are the last days and we know that the harvest is ready. Please use us today and tomorrow ... for YOUR GLORY and in YOUR NAME -- JESUS CHRIST.