Porterville's New Funny Car
Benjamin Zamora and Lit' Frankie
10 days ago the Post place on the front page a picture of a funny looking car, hoping to find it's owner, albiet creator and find out how this funny car came into being
Well, yesterday the Post finally caught up with our mystery car and it’s owner in front of the Post Office and here’s just what we found out. The cars owner is a Mr. Benjamin Zamora, originally from Wasco, and the make and model of his car goes something like this.
The car was re-manufactured by Mr. Zamora and his close friend re-named the car “Lil-Frankie” because it resembled - who else but - Frankenstein. All together, Mr. Zamora said, there are 10 different cars that make up “Lil-Frankie” – and the biggest parts came from Mercedes Benz, Cadillac , Volks Wagon, a late model Datson, and a few side panels from a mini-van.
Taking about 2 and a half years to build – on the week ends – Mr. Zamora says he brought “Lil-Frankie” to life because he needed a small little truck to carry his construction tools back and forth to work. And yes it’s street legal and has been on the road for a little over 4 years.
Will Mr. Zamora ever put “Lil-Frankie” in one of Porterville's popular car shows, the Post asked. “No, I need to do a few more things to the car and it also needs a paint job and then maybe I put “Lil-Frankie” in a show or two. But if one of your readers wants to help me with a paint job that would be ok.”
Final note, who got the $50.00 dollar finders fee ? The big guy in the picture with Mr. Zamora and “Lil-Frankie”.