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Lakeside Trailor Park |
Most of the time when people hear rumors they tend to say… “It’s just a matter of time before they really do it,” – meaning they’ve made a decision to believe the rumor. So … the Post went to “Full-Alert” and went on “Rumor-Patrol” regarding Lake Success.
One of the first rumors the Post needed to flesh-out was the “No-Contact” rumor (#1). It’s been a while, many from Lakeside Trailer Park told the Post, since anyone from the government made contact with them, including Congressman Devin “No-Show” Nunes.
They were right. Few - if any - from any government agency had attempted to make contact with the folks at Lakeside. And the few they were aware of came in the form of a press release sent to a news agency or service, but not to them. However, they did appreciate the Post making the effort.
A few week-enders from Lake Success Marina told the Post, the people - most of the time - have to initiating these conversations with the agencies and government officials. And since they say, they don’t know for sure if the dam is going to be built on time or have the initial funding – since the price of building materials goes up continuously – the dates to start the construction may change … rumor has it (#2).
In the mean time, needed tourist revenue for the Lake Success area businesses are slipping through their fingers (Fact), and they’re asking, who will compensate them for their losses and who will do the needed advertising to bring back these lost tourist back?
Getting to 2010 and Beyond :
2010 - being the start date of the construction phase of rebuilding the south side of the Lake Success Dam - was still up in the air, clamored this rumor. The Post addressed this with Mr. Eric W. Edwardson, Assistant Operations Manager and who was on reassignment at Lake Success for the Army Corps of Engineers.
As far as he understood, the Corps was still on target for the beginning phase of the project. Mr. Edwardson also told the Post “ … it may cost more than their original projections but he hadn’t seen anything yet.”
Understandably, Congress will need to modify their bill to offset these addition price hikes and they can’t do that effectively if what they have will be too old and outdated.
At the Marina - the word was – centered around the increasing water level at the lake. "Last year the Corps emptied the lake and said that it will stay at this bottom level until the lake is complete," a week-ended said to the Post. (Rumor #3) – Almost true.
Mr. Edwardson from the Corps answered that by saying, “ … they’ll maintain the lake at 29,000 ache feet and right now we’re a few ache feet below that. Yes, it looks like the lake is filling up – and it is – but we have to keep it at the 29,000 ache foot level. If it goes above that because of snow and rain run-off -- that will be temporary and the Corps will release those additional waters and make sure that the ‘Stake-Holders’ were informed of the release.”
The Final Cost : Living or Dying ...
Wrapping up Part I of this series, the Post thoroughly understands that people’s lives, livelihoods and living spaces are at stake. These are the real “Stake-Holders”.
Not knowing anything about the conditions and circumstances can get on anyone’s nerves. Attempting to contact those who are suppose to know can lead one down the path of apathy and resentment. Never returning calls or letters will eventually assemble folks who will learn how to vote someone in or out of office … and the people are almost there.
Property values – believe it or not - will change and someone from the government needs to have those property estimates available to the public. “Tax payers deserve this right”, one local resident above the park told the Post and they deserve the right to view the plans that the Army Corps of Engineers drafted for this construction – both Plan A and Plan B.
For a little as .42 cents per person, someone from the government should take the time and address these concerns that the folks have who live in and around Lake Success.
As well, the Post will follow up on who’s responsible for keeping these folks and the people of Porterville informed and updated regarding Lake Success.
In our next series, the Post will track down these additional rumors, such as ... Congressman Devin Nunes made enemies in Washington and that’s why our Lake is dry and on hold. Rumor number two, someone who owns a lot of property in the Lake Success area, stands to benefit from someone else’s loss.
And the final rumor the Post will be on the hunt for, will be added to our next article.
Stay tuned …