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Print | What’s happening at the Recycle Center Fred ?
Post News Articles - Feb 19 2009
by Post Editor : editor@portervillepost.com

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(Feb 19 2009) PORTERVILLE, CA. – Yesterday the Post visited Porterville’s recycle drop off center, located on 555 North Prospect to see what’s happening with the drop off center and how long it will be reconstructed. As most drivers could see, the cement drive-though circle had been pulled up and new concrete forms were being built to widen the surface drive area and to create a refueling hub for the cities buses which run on natural compressed gas.

Fred Beltran, the Superintendent of Streets and Solid Waste, told the Post they expect this additional reconstruction project to be finished sometime in the middle of March. Putting together the new compressed natural gas pumping station in the yard and behind the walls may be ready by the end of April – weather permitting.

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“Currently we have four transit buses which use CNG and we’re planning to add a few of our refuse trucks as well”, Mr. Beltran told the Post. “We are moving forward with many green-projects to help the area and environment and to stay current with environmental laws. So far we’re on track to meet most of these goals.”

The Post asked about the regular’s who use to come down to the recycle center and drop off their recyclables. Mr. Beltran shared, “Until we’re done with the front, you can drop off your recyclables at our temporary location, just a few blocks north on Prospect Avenue and North Grand Avenue. They will be open from 7am to 4pm Monday though Friday.”

The Post was reassured, once they were finished with the reconstruction they'd send out press releases to the media and possibly mail flyers to the homes. For now they are on schedule to reopen soon ...

Mr. Beltran wanted everyone to know if this has truly been an inconvenience and of the blue regular recycle service bins were not enough to cover your needs to recycle, to please contact the Field Services Division (559) 782-7513 on 555. No Prospect.

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