- PAST | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 -

(Dec 31 2020) - India Post : Apple supplier using forced labour
SAN FRAN : Lens Technology Co., a key supplier of touch screens for Apple, used thousands of Uyghur labourers from the predominantly Muslim region of Xinjiang in China, according to an investigation by Tech Transparency Project. This isn't the first time Apple’s supply chain has been linked to alleged forced labour ...

(Dec 30 2020) - Latin Post : More Contagious COVID-19 Variant
U.S.A. : Two U.S. states, Colorado and California, have each confirmed their first cases of the more contagious COVID-19 variant that was first identified in the U.K. The earlier one of these cases was found in the state of Colorado for a male patient in his 20s who is currently in isolation, reported BBC.

(Dec 29 2020) - Richardson Post : LA Lockdown Likely Extended
LOS ANGELES : Newsom warned during a noontime (on the west coast) press briefing that the state would extend the ‘stay at home’ order affecting LA County as the city becomes the new international epicentre of the coronavirus (the worst hit city in the worst hit state in the worst hit country, according to some).

(Dec 28 2020) - Conservative Daily Post : Nashville Bombing ???
NASHVILLE : Early on Christmas morning, an explosion rocked the downtown Nashville AT&T building & now the FBI has apparently ‘solved’ the case within hours of the incident. The events surrounding this incident are so strange that the swiftness of the ‘solution’ is just one of many unexplained aspects of the bombing.

(Dec 27 2020) - Jakarta Post : As vaccines roll out, questions remain
WORLD : European countries are following the U.S., Britain & a handful of other countries to begin rolling out coronavirus vaccines. The rapid development & approval of drugs has been hailed the world over, questions remain about the availability, effectiveness & side effects. It usually takes roughly 10 years ...

(Dec 26 2020) - Baghdad Post : Iran extends traffic curfew ...
IRAN : Iran has extended a night-time traffic curfew to 330 lower-risk cities in an effort to sustain a recent fall in the number of new coronavirus infections & deaths, state television reported Sat. Alireza Raisi, spokesman for the national coronavirus task force, said that a curfew running from 9PM - 4AM ...

(Dec 25 2020) - Goulburn Post : US govt shutdown nears ...
WASH D.C. : President Trump will spend Christmas Day at his Florida resort as millions of Americans face the risk of losing jobless benefits and a partial govt shut down looms next week. The possible shut down follows Trump's threat to not sign a $2.3 trillion coronavirus aid & spending package.

(Dec 24 2020) - Christian Post : Why Christmas ???
AMERICA : Everything has been tossed upside down. 2020 has been a nightmare — financially, racially, with COVID, the election, etc. What is going to happen next year is unknown. There is no promise that 2021 is going to be any better. So, how should we react to a difficult year?

(Dec 23 2020) - Vicksburg Post : Undercover drug operation
VICKSBURG : An underground drug investigation led to the arrest of two Vicksburg men Wednesday morning. During an operation of Cossar Court early Wednesday, the Vicksburg Police Department arrested Chancey Gray, 45, and Clarence Wooten, 42. They both now face felony charges.

(Dec 22 2020) - Orissa Post : EU approves use of COVID-19 vaccine
AMSTERDAM : The European Union (EU) gave official approval Monday for the coronavirus vaccine developed by BioNTech and Pfizer. The coronavirus vaccine will be used across the 27-nation bloc. This means that the countries can begin administering the first shots to their citizens shortly after Christmas.

(Dec 21 2020) - Post & Email : Updates on Election Fraud ...
WHITE HOUSE : Shortly after 6:00 PM ET Mon, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows tweeted that “Several members of Congress just finished a meeting in the Oval Office with President, preparing to fight back against mounting evidence of voter fraud. Stay tuned.” Approximately 25 minutes later ...

(Dec 20 2020) - SCM Post : Xinjiang forced labour concerns ...
CHINA : Although China has offered the European Union multiple concessions in a landmark investment agreement, it has firmly refused to budge on a make-or-break issue: labour rights. EU officials now say Beijing’s refusal to ratify International Labour Organisation standards on forced labour will make it ...

(Dec 19 2020) - Threat Post : Microsoft Caught Up in SolarWinds
U.S.A. : Microsoft has become the latest victim of the ever-widening SolarWinds-driven cyberattack that has impacted rafts of federal agencies & tech targets. Its president, Brad Smith, warned late Thurs to expect many more victims to come to light as investigations continue. Adversaries were able to use SolarWinds’ ...

(Dec 18 2020) - Maravi Post : 100's of abducted schoolboys released
NIGERIA : Over 300 schoolboys kidnapped from a boarding school in Nigeria last week have been freed. Authorities in the Katsina state were the incident occurred have revealed that those rescued are in a good condition. The authorities said the boys were being taken to Katsina City to reunite with their families.

(Dec 17 2020) - Denver Post : U.S. cybersecurity agency warns ...
WASH D.C. : Federal authorities expressed increased alarm Thursday about an intrusion into United States and other computer systems around the globe that officials suspect was carried out by Russian hackers. The nation’s cybersecurity agency warned of a “grave” risk to government and private networks.

(Dec 16 2020) - PanAm Post : Dangerous Triangle Threatens U.S.
U.S.A. : Iran, North Korea & Venezuela, 3 distant nations totally different in customs, languages & culture but with a common enemy: the United States. The sanctions imposed by the U.S. on these countries seek the same end. They focus on putting pressure on the authoritarian regimes that have ruled them for decades ...

(Dec 15 2020) - Financial Post : Tech giants risk breakup ...
EUROPE : U.S. & other major tech platforms that treat their own services more favourably, at the expense of rivals, could be forced to sell businesses & pay billion-dollar fines under strict rules unveiled by the European Union. Under the EU’s new Digital Markets Act, companies deemed to be so-called “gatekeepers” ...

(Dec 14 2020) - National Post : Graffiti, bad review ...
TORONTO : Backers of the Hong Kong democracy movement see the affair as the latest instance of Chinese Communist Party loyalists responding aggressively on Canadian soil. (...) But this month it became the unlikely focus of battling factions within the Chinese-Canadian community, its support for Hong Kong democracy and ...

(Dec 13 2020) - Bristol Post : Gmail & Google appear to be down
U.K. : Google services including YouTube, Gmail & Google Docs have gone down for users around the world, leaving people unable to access the busy platforms. The technology giant’s service status website confirmed the firm’s entire suite of apps had suffered an outage, but did not confirm what had caused the issue ...

(Dec 12 2020) - Huff Post : Rare Christmas Star Coming Dec 21st
WORLD : Look up at the night sky on Dec. 21 and you may see something truly spectacular. The planets of Jupiter and Saturn will appear (weather-permitting) on the winter solstice to be so close from Earth that they’ll look like one gigantic shining star, even though they’ll actually be 450 million miles apart.

(Dec 11 2020) - Seattle Post : Refusing to concede lost election
WASHINGTON : Refusing to concede a clearly lost election & peddling unfounded claims of voter fraud, former Washington gubernatorial candidate Loren Culp & his campaign filed a lawsuit against Washington Sec' of State Kim Wyman on Thurs, demanding an audit of voting machines, paper ballots and voting results ...

(Dec 10 2020) - Bangkok Post : Fear over Myanmar strain
MYANMAR : The coronavirus spreading in Myanmar is a different strain that spreads 20% faster than the original one in Wuhan, according to Dr Prasit Watanapa, dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Siriraj Hospital. Dr Prasit on Wednesday said around 60% of Covid-19 infections in Myanmar were caused by the G614 strain.

(Dec 09 2020) - Hippocratic Post : How blood & wealth can ...
ENGLAND : A new study shows how people’s biological health can predict disability & healthcare demand in 5 years’ time. But the researchers also found that people on higher-incomes were more likely to seek GP appointments & outpatient treatments for their medical problems – with evidence of pro-rich inequity ...

(Dec 08 2020) - Activist Post : Data Scientist’s Home Raided
FLORIDA : Earlier this year in May, Rebekah Jones, the data scientist working for Florida, who put together that state’s COVID-19 database, made national headlines when she was fired by the state over a disagreement in reporting the numbers. Jones says she was fired for refusing to manipulate data ...

(Dec 07 2020) - Punching Bag Post : Media Suppressing GOP Vote
GEORGIA : Using a bit of reverse psychology wrapped in a false narrative, the MSM is working very hard to suppress the GOP vote. Their illogical false narrative is that President Trump’s contention that the 2020 presidential election was rigged will discourage Republican voters in Georgia from casting ballots.

(Dec 06 2020) - Sunday Post : Unbearable then, untenable now
SCOTLAND : The detective who inspired TV’s Prime Suspect has spoken of her dismay at the claims of sexism within Police Scotland. Jackie Malton, whose experiences as the first female Flying Squad officer in the Met inspired Helen Mirren’s role as Detective Jane Tennison in the series, spoke after after a female officer ...

(Dec 05 2020) - Patriot Post : 1,000 Chinese 'Researchers' Fled U.S.
U.S.A. : This past summer, the FBI arrested 6 Chinese researchers for lying on their visa applications & was suspected of engaging in efforts to steal intellectual property at the direction of the Chinese gov't. On Wed the DOJ announced that 1,000 other Chinese researchers had fled the country. Coincidence?

(Dec 04 2020) - Jerusalem Post : Pundits are wrong ...
ISRAEL : You read that headline correctly. Despite what almost all pundits are bemoaning - an election in the midst of a pandemic - I believe this is the perfect time for all Israelis to head to their polling station and cast their vote. First and foremost, an election right now gives citizens the opportunity to weigh in

(Dec 03 2020) - New York Post : Another Stay-at-Home Order
LOS ANGELES : L.A. on Wed night issued an emergency order directing all city residents to stay home amid a surge in coronavirus cases. Mayor Garcetti announced the new restrictions at a press briefing, “It’s time to cancel everything.” Residents are still permitted to leave their homes for certain essential services

(Dec 02 2020) - Daily Post : Vaccine ID Card for Everyone ...
WALES : Everybody who gets vaccinated against coronavirus in Wales will be given a "credit-card sized" immunisation card. The Welsh Gov't announced that the coronavirus vaccination programme will begin in "days" after the first vaccine was given the go-ahead. The Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency ...

(Dec 01 2020) - Pittsburgh Post : China spacecraft lands on moon
BEIJING : A Chinese spacecraft sent to return lunar rocks to Earth collected its first samples Wed after landing on the moon, the gov't announced, adding to a string of successes for Beijing’s increasingly ambitious space program. The Chang’e 5 probe touched down shortly on Tues after descending from an orbiter ...

(Nov 30 2020) - Jesuit Post : Choosing to be a Jesuit Brother
WORLD : As a Jesuit Brother, one of the questions I am most frequently asked by non-Jesuits is if I am a priest. When I answer that no, I am not a priest, the next most frequently asked question is when I am getting ordained. After I explain that I am neither a priest nor in the process of becoming one ...

(Nov 29 2020) - Kathmandu Post : Chinese defense minister says
NEPAL : Chinese State Councillor & Defence Minister Wei Fenghe said on Sunday that his visit to Nepal is aimed at implementing bilateral agreements reached between the two countries. Wei landed in Kathmandu on Sunday morning on a day-long visit to Nepal. According to Rastriya Samachar Samiti (National News Agency),

(Nov 28 2020) - Wash Post : First Black American cardinal
ROME : Wilton Gregory, the archbishop of Washington, became the first Black American to earn the rank of cardinal Saturday in a pandemic-altered Vatican ceremony that was strange and historic like none before it. Because of coronavirus travel concerns, two of the 13 new cardinals did not come to Rome.

(Nov 27 2020) - Winkler Post : The rise of memes on Instagram
U.S.A. : Social media is always in a state of evolution & the process is rapid. Instagram is specifically noticing a tectonic shift to a more authentic, less polished content. Marketers are embracing & people are hailing it. Though unpolished & rough, memes are highly catchy segment of social media content.

(Nov 26 2020) - Irish Post : WHO : Wear face masks over Christmas
IRELAND : Ireland's leading World Health Organization official has suggested that people wear face masks during family get-togethers at Christmas to combat any potential spread of Covid-19. Dr Ryan, (...) says that there are a number of "small choices" we can all make to keep everybody in our homes safe.

(Nov 25 2020) - Richardson Post : Trump Will Win - Here's Why
WASH D.C. : Legendary Special Forces (Green Beret) hero, Christopher C. Miller, has been appointed Acting Secretary of DoD by the President, following the sacking of Mark Esper. I just watched the ceremony & announcement of this momentous move on the Hallowed Grounds of Ft. Bragg in my home state North Carolina.

(Nov 24 2020) - The Post : Why 2 Vaccines Will Be Needed
U.S.A. : As a 3rd company announced exciting results Mon for its COVID-19 vaccine, the public health world increasingly turned its focus to the daunting task of administering those shots to billions. Officials must manage immunization logistics on an unprecedented scale, decide who gets the shots first and ...

(Nov 23 2020) - Baghdad Post : Saudi Arabia denies secret meeting
SAUDI ARABIA : Saudi Arabia's foreign minister has denied that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu flew to the Gulf kingdom on Sunday to secretly meet Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. "No such meeting occurred," Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud tweeted. Mr Netanyahu has declined to comment on the Israeli reports that ...

(Nov 22 2020) - Nagaland Post : India, China talks deadlocked
INDIA : Military-level talks between India & China for de-escalating the present position in Ladakh have been deadlocked. The two sides have been discussing dates for a fresh round of talks over the hotline. However, no formal date for talks has being announced. There will be talks, but the date hasn't been decided ...

(Nov 21 2020) - Conservative Daily Post : Link To George Soros ???
U.S.A. : In what seems to be a very strange report, the head of the Southern Baptist Convention has been tied to far-leftist cash… collecting money from George Soros foundations and other extremely liberal groups that encourage political sentiments (like abortion) and fight to remove the right to self defense.

(Nov 20 2020) - Salisbury Post : No local changes in votes ...
SALISBURY : The Rowan County Board of Elections on Thurs spent several hours recounting ballots for the N.C. Supreme Court chief justice race, which ultimately resulted in no deviation from the original election day, absentee by mail & provisional ballots canvassed last week. After canvassing the election last week,

(Nov 19 2020) - Christian Post : Iranian Christian gets 80 lashes
IRAN : An Iranian Christian convert, who is serving a six-year prison sentence, has received 80 lashes for drinking communion wine. He is the second convert to receive such a punishment in just over a month. Article 18, a London-based nonprofit that exposes abuses against Christians in Muslim-majority Iran ...

(Nov 18 2020) - Phnom Pen Post : Calls for more sanctions rebuffed
CAMBODIA : Cambodian officials have rebuffed calls for the US Dept' of State & Treasury to impose sanctions on certain individuals in the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) & the security forces over alleged rights abuses in the Kingdom. In rejecting the claims, officials urged the US to respect the principles

(Nov 17 2020) - Post & Email : Trump Fires Head of Cybersecurity
WHITE HOUSE : Shortly after 7:00 p.m. EST, President Trump tweeted that he dismissed Chris Krebs, director of the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) under DHS. CISA was created by Congress & signed into law by Trump in 2018 with the purpose of serving as “the Nation’s risk advisor ... ”

(Nov 16 2020) - Dover Post : Jury trials in Delaware paused ...
DELAWARE : Delaware courts are suspending jury trials & reverting to the previous phase of their reopening plan in response to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the state. In a statement, Chief Justice Collins Seitz Jr. said the decision was based off advice from Dr. Alfred Bacon, an infectious disease specialist

(Nov 15 2020) - Latin Post : Trump Supporters Clash With ???
WASH D.C. : The "Million MAGA March" in Wash D.C. on Sat broke into a string of violent clashes between President Trump supporters & counterprotesters. According to a FOX News report, more than 20 people were arrested during the MAGA March clashes. Several thousand Trump supporters were in the MAGA March,

(Nov 14 2020) - Threat Post : Scams Ramp Up For Black Friday
U.S.A. : With more online shoppers this year due to COVID-19, cybercriminals are pulling the trigger on new scams ahead of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The number of online holiday shoppers this year is expected to skyrocket due to the pandemic - and consequently, consumers can expect an onslaught of scams ...

(Nov 13 2020) - Orissa Post : Indian Army kills 7 Pakistan soldiers
SRINAGAR : Around seven Pakistan Army soldiers were killed and a dozen were injured after Indian Army retaliated to Pakistan's unprovoked ceasefire violation along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir. Indian Army destroyed various enemy positions, terror launch pads and fuel dumps. India too lost 3 soldiers ...

(Nov 12 2020) - SCM Post : The Chinese model against Covid-19
CHINA : When the Covid-19 virus first broke out in Wuhan, many Western commentators blamed it on the totalitarian nature of the Chinese system. Cue The Wall St Journal’s op-ed, “China is the sick man of Asia”. After the pandemic was contained in China, the same people again attributed the relative success to ...

(Nov 11 2020) - Maravi Post : A mix of hope and uncertainty
AFRICA : In Africa, there have been varied reactions to news of Joe Biden’s election as US president, with many expressing hope that the US will stick or return to its international commitments under the new administration. Many are also hoping for increased African engagement with the US on matters of trade ...

(Nov 10 2020) - Bristol Post : Anti-lockdown marchers set to ...
BRISTOL : Covid-deniers are set to ignore a police warning by marching in Bristol city centre. Conspiracy theory group Stand Up Bristol - which has 2,800 Facebook members - plans to stage a lockdown protest at College Green. In an email last week, police told an organiser he could be fined £10,000 for gathering.

(Nov 09 2020) - National Post : Russian helo' downed by Azerbaijan
AZERBIAJAN : Azerbaijan apologized for mistakenly shooting down a Russian helicopter near its autonomous Naxcivan region, close to Armenia’s western border, according to the Foreign Ministry in Baku. The incident happened outside the conflict zone between Armenia & Azerbaijan, the Russian Defense Ministry said ...

(Nov 08 2020) - Seattle Post : Alex Trebek, dies at 80
LOS ANGELES : Alex Trebek, who presided over the beloved quiz show “Jeopardy!” for more than 30 yrs with dapper charm & a touch of schoolmaster strictness, died Sunday. He was 80. Trebek, who announced in 2019 that he had advanced pancreatic cancer, died at his L.A. home, surrounded by family & friends ...

(Nov 07 2020) - Jakarta Post : One dead after vessel capsizes
JAKARTA : A crew member aboard the KM Mina Rejeki was found dead near the vessel’s cargo hold on Saturday. The ship had capsized the day before after colliding with wreckage at the entrance of Muara Angke Port in North Jakarta. The man was identified as Minal Aidin, 50, one of 14 crew members aboard the vessel.

(Nov 06 2020) - Financial Post : Big Gold's next big problem
CANADA : Every three to four days, Barrick Gold Corp.’s chief executive Mark Bristow sits for a COVID-19 test. While the global health pandemic has triggered tough decisions for many executives about whether to work from home or return to the office, Bristow has maintained a rigorous schedule. In recent months ...

(Nov 05 2020) - Bangkok Post : JAL to use biofuels made from ???
TOKYO : Japan Airlines will use biofuels made from household garbage starting as early as fiscal 2022 as part of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, company sources said Thursday. The airline plans to refuel in San Fran' its aircraft connecting the U.S. and Japan & will use recycled aviation fuel ...

(Nov 04 2020) - Huff Post : Marijuana Legalization Measures Pass
U.S.A. : Voters in five states approved ballot measures to relax marijuana laws on Election Day, continuing a trend of liberalizing cannabis regulation around the country. Ballot initiatives in Arizona, Montana, New Jersey and South Dakota that sought to legalize recreational marijuana use by adults passed ...

(Nov 03 2020) - Patriot Post : Post-Election Priority One ...
AMERICA : The election being held today - (...) - will certainly decide some things. One thing that won’t be decided, though, is free speech - even though it’s on the ballot. When we discussed the big issues of 2016, we viewed the election of Donald Trump as “the last line of defense for free speech.”

(Nov 01 2020) - Activist Post : Business of Drones & Anti-Drones
U.S.A. : As I’ve covered over the last decade, the proliferation of drones in all of their forms has created new challenges to an increasingly crowded sky. The greatest challenge now being faced is the arrival of drone swarms – some imbued with (AI) – that could target high-value infrastructure or personnel.

(Oct 31 2020) - Saturday Evening Post : One Horror Production Co
HOLLYWOOD : Getting scared at the movies is an American tradition. Ever since the moving pictures added horror (around 1908), we’ve lined up for the thrill ride. And Americans being Americans, we like to find dependable brands, even when it comes to horror. From homegrown, like that original cinematic universe of ...

(Oct 30 2020) - Hippocratic Post : Escaping the Era of Pandemics
WORLD : Future pandemics will emerge more often, spread more rapidly, do more damage to the world economy & kill more people than COVID-19 unless there is a transformative change in the global approach to dealing with infectious diseases, warns a major new report on biodiversity & pandemics by 22 leading experts ...

(Oct 29 2020) - Pittsburgh Post : Thousands of mail ballots lost
HARRISBURG : Potentially thousands of mail ballots requested by Butler County voters appear to be lost, a county official said Wed & the Postal Service has been asked to immediately investigate what happened to them. A USPS spokesperson, meanwhile, said the agency is “unaware of any significant delays or issues ...”

(Oct 28 2020) - Jerusalem Post : Byzantine church discovered ...
ISRAEL : A church from the Byzantine period dating to around 400 CE was discovered in the Banyas Springs Nature Reserve, also known as the Nahal Hermon Nature Reserve, as part of archaeological excavations led by the Archaeology Division of the Nature and Parks Authority, under the direction of Professors ...

(Oct 27 2020) - Punching Bag Post : Military Agreement Signed
WASH D.C. : Sec' of State Mike Pompeo & Defense Sec' Mark Esper will travel to New Delhi this week to engage in “2+2” talks with their Indian counterparts. The officials are expected to sign an intelligence-sharing agreement (known as BECA) that will grant India access to American map and satellite imagery.

(Oct 26 2020) - NY Post : New York Post endorses President Trump
NEW YORK : We can return to the explosive job creation, rising wages & general prosperity we had before the pandemic. We can have economic freedom & opportunity, and resist cancel culture & censorship. We can put 2020 behind us & make America great again, again. We can do all this if we make the right choice on Nov. 3.

(Oct 25 2020) - Borneo Post : Brunei’s Prince Azim dies at age of 38
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN : Brunei’s Prince Haji ‘Abdul ‘Azim died on Sat at the age of 38, Xinhua News Agency reported. According to a statement from Brunei’s Sultan’s office, people & residents of Brunei are hereby required to fly the national flag at half-mast & begin a 7-day mourning period starting from Saturday.

(Oct 24 2020) - Denver Post : Surge in COVID-19 related scams
COLORADO : Securities regulators in Colorado & nationally are warning consumers about a rise in financial fraud in wake of the pandemic. “It's not surprising. Every crisis creates an opportunity for fraud,” said Chris Perrin, counsel to the head of enforcement at FINRA, during the Colorado Financial Symposium held Friday.

(Oct 23 2020) - Jesuit Post : Discerning the Culture ...
WORLD : Do you know the real reason we can truly “find God in all things”? Because God is already there, seeking us before we ever realized we are seeking God. Does that mean God can be seeking us out even through the secular movies or TV shows we love to watch? That’s right. Yet, our ability to find God in these films depends

(Oct 22 2020) - Wash Post : Sen' Judiciary Comm' approves Barrett
WASH D.C. : Judge Amy Coney Barrett moved one step closer to a seat on the Supreme Court as the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced her nomination with solely Republican support Thurs. Dem's boycotted the vote in protest of what they viewed as an illegitimate confirmation process. The vote was 12 to 0 ...

(Oct 21 2020) - Conservative Post : Dem's to Boycott Vote
WASH D.C. : Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee will reportedly boycott Thursday’s committee vote on Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. Democrats will fill their seats in the committee with life-sized posters of people who could be hurt if the Affordable Care Act were to be repealed, according to HuffPost.

(Oct 20 2020) - Gwinnett Daily Post : Rush's lung cancer terminal
FLORIDA : Rush Limbaugh, the conservative talk show radio host, is battling stage 4 lung cancer and said Monday he's had a setback in his prognosis. "The scans did show some progression of cancer," he told listeners of his radio show. He later added: "It's not dramatic, but it is the wrong direction."

(Oct 19 2020) - Kathmandu Post : It's governance, stupid
NEPAL : Nepal’s coronavirus failure was inevitable, given the bungling by the leadership of the Oli administration from the very start. The government still doesn’t seem to understand its primary responsibility of protecting the citizens, as can be felt in its botched guidelines in response to the pandemic ...

(Oct 18 2020) - Goulburn Post : Merkel urges Germans to stay home
GERMANY : Chancellor Angela Merkel has asked the population to stay at home "whenever possible" as the country's disease control body announced yet another record increase in the number of new coronavirus infections. We have to do everything we can now to ensure that the virus does not spread uncontrollably ...

(Oct 17 2020) - Irish Post : Plans to seal records of Irish mother
IRELAND : There is mounting concern that new legislation could end up preventing families from gaining access to information about "disappeared relatives or babies who are buried in unmarked graves". A controversial new bill, relating to the records of mother & baby homes, is currently working its way through parliament.

(Oct 16 2020) - Salisbury Post : Confederate statue removed
LEXINGTON : Just across the Yadkin River, Lexington removed a Confederate statue on Friday, barely 24 hours after a judge dissolved a restraining order preventing the move. The statue was moved from its site in uptown Lexington in the early morning because city officials wanted to prevent any potential interference ...

(Oct 15 2020) - Christian Post : Barrett's confirmation hearings
WASH D.C. : Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearings wrapped up Thurs, with witnesses making the case for & against her nomination. The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote on Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court next Thurs, Oct. 22, less than a month after President Trump picked her ...

(Oct 14 2020) - New York Post : Smoking-gun email reveals ...
NEW YORK : Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.

(Oct 13 2020) - Post & Email : Feinstein, Back & Forth on “Roe”
WASH D.C. : During the 2nd day of confirmation hearings for 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the SCOTUS, ranking member on the Sen' Judiciary Committee Dianne Feinstein grilled the nominee on her position as to whether or not Roe v. Wade, which made abortion “legal” throughout the U.S.

(Oct 12 2020) - Jerusalem Post : Majority of Israelis prefer Trump
ISRAEL : A new poll published by I24News & conducted by the Direct Falls Research Institute on Monday found that 63.3% of Israelis prefer the reelection of Trump, compared to 18.8% whom prefer Biden. Respondents indicated that a majority believe Trump will be a better president for the State of Israel ...

(Oct 11 2020) - Latin Post : Latinos Called Sleeping Giant ???
AMERICA : Latinos will have a big role in the upcoming presidential election on Nov.3. They are the largest minority group in the country and has a big potential to help a presidential candidate win the presidential race. Latinos and Hispanics have more than 60 million registered eligible voters across the country.

(Oct 10 2020) - Post Star : Religious gathering limit upheld
NEW YORK : The number of New Yorkers hospitalized with the coronavirus continues to rise, Gov. Cuomo said Saturday, as authorities heightened their focus on banning mass gatherings in COVID-19 hot spots. Cuomo announced that 826 people were hospitalized with the virus — the highest number since July 15.

(Oct 09 2020) - Dover Post : ‘People are missing their hugs’
DELAWARE : On Mar 11, breast cancer survivors in Middletown were leaving their support group that met monthly at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. Little did they know, this would be the last time they'd meet in person for months to come. Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition’s Middletown group, Breast Cancer Conversations

(Oct 08 2020) - Wilson Post : Wilmore to fly to space station
WILSON : Veteran NASA astronaut Barry Wilmore from Mt. Juliet will join astronauts Mike Fincke & Nicole Mann for NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test, the inaugural crewed flight of the CST-100 Starliner launching to the International Space Station in 2021. NASA & Boeing announced Wilmore will take the place of Boeing astronaut ...

(Oct 07 2020) - SCM Post : China’s recovery is bolstering yuan
CHINA : The renminbi put in a strong showing in the 3rd quarter of 2020. It should continue to outperform. Amid indications of China’s economic recovery from Covid-19, global investors want a piece of the action, especially when the yields that can currently be earned in China are higher than are achievable elsewhere.

(Oct 06 2020) - Threat Post : Mobile Customer Data Lost ...
U.S.A. : Boom! Mobile’s U.S. website recently fell victim to an e-commerce attack, putting online shoppers in danger of payment-card theft, researchers said. Boom! is a wireless provider that resells mobile phone plans from Verizon, AT&T & T-Mobile USA, under its own brand and with its own perks. Up until yesterday ...

(Oct 05 2020) - Orissa Post : Great news! IT stocks surge ...
MUMBAI : IT stocks witnessed a rally Monday on the back of a recent order by a US federal judge blocking the enforcement of a temporary visa ban by President Donald Trump's administration on several work permits, including the H-1B visa. In June, Trump had issued an executive order temporarily barring the issue of new H-1Bs.

(Oct 04 2020) - National Post : Trump's illness isn't a big deal
WASH D.C. : On Saturday evening, President Donald Trump’s personal Twitter account was updated with a video message. Trump has been at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center since Friday after contracting the coronavirus, but the video was pointed in its intent: The president is nonetheless doing well ...

(Oct 03 2020) - Seattle Post : Sen' Rick Scott correcting himself
FLORIDA : U.S. Sen. Rick Scott said he misspoke Saturday when he said on national television that he had tested positive for COVID-19. The Republican from Florida tweeted: “I misspoke this morning in my @FoxNews interview. I was tested yesterday for COVID and tested NEGATIVE." During an interview Saturday morning ...

(Oct 02 2020) - Baghdad Post : Lebanon seeks arrest of ship owner
LEBANON : Lebanon has requested the arrest of the foreign owner & captain of the ship which brought material which blew up at Beirut port causing devastation. The judge leading the probe into the blast has asked international police organisation Interpol to detain the 2 men without publicly identifying them.

(Oct 01 2020) - BRICS Post : Monetary policy failed consumers
SOUTH AFRICA : Although the South African Reserve Bank cut the repo rate by 300 basis points to 3.5% between Dec 2019 & July 2020, this failed to cushion the South African consumer as the debt service to household income ratio rose to 9.4% in the second quarter from 9.3% in the first quarter.

(Sep 30 2020) - Newark Post : Clerk injured in robbery
NEWARK : Police are searching for two men who robbed a pharmacy inside a Newark grocery store Tuesday night. The incident happened at 7:50 p.m. at the Acme in College Square Shopping Center, according to Lt. Andrew Rubin, a spokesman for the Newark Police Department. The two men entered the pharmacy, and ...

(Sep 29 2020) - Financial Post : Tesla to mine lithium in Nevada
NEVADA : Tesla Inc. secured its own lithium mining rights in Nevada after dropping a plan to buy a company there, according to people familiar with the matter. The automaker held discussions in recent months with Cypress Development Corp., which is seeking to extract lithium from clay deposits in southwest Nevada, but ...

(Sep 28 2020) - Patriot Post : NYT's Misfire on Trump's Taxes
NEW YORK : If you were thinking about voting for Donald Trump this November, you might want to think again. At least that’s the intent of the New York Times’s latest dud of a blockbuster: “Long-Concealed Records Show Trump’s Chronic Losses and Years of Tax Avoidance.” The Times’s intrepid journalists claim ...

(Sep 27 2020) - Sunday Post : Police unveils cyber strategy
SCOTLAND : Police Scotland has announced plans to increase more specially-trained officers to combat cyber crime. The service said it will also establish a centre of excellence for cyber crimes in a bid to focus on the online sphere, particularly on child sexual abuse, fraud and the sharing of indecent images.

(Sep 26 2020) - N.Y. Post : Face off with BLM & store owner
KENTUCKY : An exchange between BLM supporters & a gun-toting Louisville store owner captured the tension in the Kentucky city as protests continued for the 3rd day since a grand jury decided not to charge any police officers in the death of Breonna Taylor. In the video, a group of protesters gathers around the man ...

(Sep 25 2020) - Bristol Post : Why Police Helo's flew over Bristol
ENGLAND : A police helicopter could be heard flying over Bristol on Thurs night. Residents living in the east side of the city were able to hear the helo at around 8pm. Avon & Somerset Police has now said the helicopter was flown in an attempt to trace a missing person search. In a statement, the force said ...

(Sep 24 2020) - Camas Post : Teachers union backtracks after ...
WASHINGTON : The Washougal Association of Educators, which represents K-12 teachers in the Washougal School District, found itself caught in an online controversy regarding the BLM movement this week, after posting support for students of color on its social media channels. The teachers union posted ...

(Sep 23 2020) - Huff Post : Getting COVID-19 Putting Americans ...
U.S.A. : Contracting COVID-19 is putting already financially stressed Americans on the brink of economic disaster. And the rest of the country isn’t that far behind. Of the Americans who’ve contracted COVID-19, 63% are facing serious financial problems, according to a survey released Wednesday morning from NPR ...

(Sep 22 2020) - Pittsburgh Post : As Senate locks up votes ...
WASH D.C. : Arguing that such a move has historical precedent, Sen. Toomey, said Tues he supports the Republican-controlled Senate’s push to fill the SCOTUS vacancy left by Justice Ginsburg 6 weeks before Election Day. Mr. Toomey said the Senate always has moved to confirm Supreme Court nominees when the chamber and ...

(Sep 21 2020) - Activist Post : Writer Calls 5G a “Bad Joke”
U.S.A. : There has been so much controversy, opposition & international action taken AGAINST 5G deployment that it’s been the subject of Dilbert comic strips. American opposition isn’t isolated to biological & environmental risks. Federal agencies & other experts have warned it can threaten national security, and ...

(Sep 20 2020) - Denver Post : Southern California wildfire grows
LOS ANGELES : The destruction wrought by a wind-driven wildfire in the mountains northeast of Los Angeles approached 156 square miles Sunday, burning structures, homes and a nature center in a famed Southern California wildlife sanctuary in foothill desert communities. Firefighters were, however, able to ...

(Sep 19 2020) - Jerusalem Post : Can DNA be used as circuits
ISRAEL : Can DNA molecules be used for disease detection and electronics? In a groundbreaking study, researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem claim that they can. Previously known information on DNA molecules focused on its role in expressing heredity through genetic information. However, ...

(Sep 18 2020) - Bangkok Post : US bans WeChat use ...
WASH D.C. : The U.S. on Friday ordered a ban on downloads of the popular Chinese-owned video app TikTok & use of the messaging & payment platform WeChat, saying they threaten national security. The move, to take effect on Sunday, comes amid rising US-China tensions & efforts by the Trump administration to engineer ...

(Sep 17 2020) - Conservative Post : GOP Authorizes Subpoenas
WASH D.C. : Republicans on the Senate Homeland Security & Gov't Affairs Committee voted on Wed to greenlight subpoenas & depositions as part of an investigation into the FBI’s Russia probe & the Obama administration. The 8-6 vote authorizes the chairman of the committee, to issue a combination of subpoenas and ...

(Sep 16 2020) - India Post : Coronavirus was made in Wuhan lab
NEW DELHI : In a stunning revelation, a Chinese virologist has claimed that the coronavirus was created in a government-controlled laboratory in Wuhan, the original epicentre of the outbreak and offered scientific evidence to back her claims. In an exclusive conversation with ‘Loose Women’, a British talk show ...

(Sep 15 2020) - Kathmandu Post : Chinese vaccines ready by Nov
CNINA : Coronavirus vaccines being developed in China may be ready for use by the general public as early as Nov, an official with the Chinese (CDC) said. China has 4 COVID-19 vaccines in the final stage of clinical trials. At least 3 of those have been offered to essential workers under an emergency use programme ...

(Sep 14 2020) - Salisbury Post : Winds a worry on West Coast
OREGON : Nearly all the dozens of people reported missing after a devastating blaze in southern Oregon have been accounted for, authorities said over the weekend as crews battled wildfires that have killed at least 35 from California to Washington. The flames up & down the West Coast have destroyed neighborhoods.

(Sep 13 2020) - Wash Post : Smoke smothers Pacific Northwest
PACIFIC NORTH WEST : Massive clouds of smoke from the Pacific Northwest wildfires lingered over the region Sunday, posing serious health risks for millions of people and complicating firefighting efforts even as crews reported progress in containing some of the blazes. Air quality across Oregon was listed as “hazardous”

(Sep 12 2020) - Gwinnett Daily Post : Safe City for Black People
GEORGIA : "Welcome to Freedom!" exclaims real estate agent Ashley Scott as she surveys the nearly 97 acres of land that she and 19 Black families purchased in August. "I'm hoping that it will be a thriving safe haven for people of color, for Black families in particular," Scott says. The land sits just East of Macon ...

(Sep 11 2020) - First Post : Hackers halted say Microsoft
BOSTON : The same Russian military intelligence outfit that hacked the Dem's in 2016 has renewed vigorous US election-related targeting, trying to breach computers at more than 200 organisations including political campaigns & their consultants, Microsoft said. The intrusion attempts reflect a stepped up effort

(Sep 10 2020) - Hippocratic Post : Alcohol related dementia
VIENNA : A common consequence of chronically high alcohol consumption is a decline in cognitive function, which can even progress to full-blown dementia. However, we do not yet fully understand how alcohol damages the brain. A research group led by Stephan Listabarth from MedUni Vienna’s Dept of Psychiatry & Psychotherapy

(Sep 09 2020) - Christian Post : The Catholic Case for Trump ...
AMERICA : With less than 2 months to go until the 2020 election, a new book aims to convince Catholics across the U.S. to support the reelection of President Trump. Austin Ruse, president of the Center for Family & Human Rights, explains why he write The Catholic Case for Trump in an interview with The Christian Post.

(Sep 08 2020) - Post & Email : Obama “Kenyan, Son of a Kenyan”
WASH D.C. : “It’s always frightening to me at election season, because it’s become a tradition now in America for Joe Biden to run with a British subject. He ran with — last time ran with Barack Obama, who’s a Kenyan — who’s a son of a Kenyan subject of Her Majesty; born in colonial Kenya, a British subject; and now ...”

(Sep 06 2020) - Kyiv Post : Protesters defy heavy security in Belarus
BELARUS : Thousands of people have rallied in Minsk for a new unsanctioned protest against President Lukashenko. Riot police charged protesters near the presidential palace, firing pepper spray & wielding batons as dozens of arrests were made. Protesters are seeking the resignation of the president.

(Sep 05 2020) - Courier Post : 'Arms race': Portland shooting shows
OREGON : Portlands rioter lived life recklessly & died violently. Though he was a middle-aged father, the Oregon man received a gunshot wound when he interceded in a confrontation, was caught driving 111 mph in a Cadillac while apparently racing his 17-yr-old son & packed a gun as he joined the Portland protests.

(Sep 04 2020) - Latin Post : Vit' D Deficiency & COVID-19 risk
AMERICA : Vitamin D deficiency correlates with the risk of contracting COVID-19 disease, according to a new study. The study, which was published on Thurs in the Journal of the American Medical Association, suggests that the lack of vitamin D increases the risk of contracting COVID-19. However, researchers believe ...

(Sep 03 2020) - Jerusalem Post : Facebook to halt new political ads
SAN FRANCISCO : Facebook Inc said on Thurs it would stop accepting new political ads in the week before the US presidential election in Nov, bowing to concern that its loose approach to free speech could once again be exploited to interfere with the vote. The world's biggest social network also said it was creating ...

(Sep 02 2020) - Conservative Daily Post : DEEP STATE Busted
WASH D.C. : President Donald Trump is not only daily defending himself from unwarrantedly and false attacks by the mainstream media, he also has to contend with anti-American, Obama appointed members of the State Department, who illegally monitored conservative “enemies” in 2019. John Solomon, one of the victims ...

(Sep 01 2020) - Patriot Post : The Left's Riot Blame-Shifting
U.S.A. : Until a few days ago, Democrats were content to pretend the disorder in American cities didn’t exist. Now, worried that Joe Biden is on his back foot on the issue, they readily acknowledge the rioting — and blame it on President Donald Trump. One would think that, given the fusillade they unleashed against Trump ...

(Aug 31 2020) - SCM Post : China tightens online controls ...
CHINA : China’s cyberspace watchdog has launched a new smartphone app to spearhead its latest campaign against online misinformation in the world’s biggest internet market. The app, called the United Rumour Debunking Platform, was introduced by the Cyberspace Administration of China & state news agency Xinhua ...

(Aug 30 2020) - Activist Post : WiFi Hotspot Installed In Church ...
BALTIMORE : There’s no doubt that having access to the internet is very important. However, health warnings about wireless radiation exposure from Bluetooth, cell phones & WiFi are NOT new. Published & peer-reviewed research determined exposure is harmful. Medical experts have warned that kids are more vulnerable.

(Aug 29 2020) - Threat Post : DoJ to Seize Cryptocurrency Accounts
WASH D.C. : The U.S. government aims to seize control of 280 illegal cryptocurrency accounts it claims were used by North Korean state-sponsored attackers in their efforts to hack cryptocurrency exchanges and funnel hundreds of millions in stolen funds through a Chinese money-laundering network.

(Aug 28 2020) - Seattle Post : Teen charged in Kenosha killings ...
KENOSHA : A judge postponed a decision Friday on whether a 17-yr-old should be returned to Wisconsin to face charges in the killing of 2 people on the streets of Kenosha during unrest following the police shooting of a Black man, Jacob Blake. Illinois judge granted Kyle Rittenhouse’s request to delay hearing to Sept. 25

(Aug 27 2020) - Baghdad Post : US sanctions Chinese individuals ...
WASH D.C. : The U.S. on Wed blacklisted 24 Chinese companies & targeted individuals it said were part of construction & military actions in the South China Sea, its first such sanctions move against Beijing over the disputed strategic waterway. The US Commerce Dept said 2 dozen companies played a role ...

(Aug 26 2020) - Goulburn Post : Nations & US urge Navalny probe
BERLIN : Germany & France as well as the U.S. have increased the pressure on Russia to investigate the suspected poisoning of prominent dissident Alexei Navalny, who is being treated in a coma in a Berlin hospital. Because of the importance that Mr Navalny has for the Russian opposition, it is essential ...

(Aug 25 2020) - China Post : 7 Vietnamese stowaways arrested
TAIPEI : Coast Guard Administration officials said Monday they've arrested 7 Vietnamese on Matsu’s Beigan Island who were hoping to sneak into Taiwan & 3 other Vietnamese suspected of being involved in human trafficking. Acting on a tip-off that some Vietnamese were planning to smuggle other Vietnamese into Taiwan ...

(Aug 24 2020) - National Post : Twin bombings kill 15 ...
PHILIPPINES : Twin blasts including a suicide bombing killed 15 people & wounded 75 others on a restive southern Philippine island on Monday, among them security forces & civilians, with Islamist militants suspected of being behind the attack. The bombs went off within an hour of each other in the main town on Jolo island

(Aug 23 2020) - Sunday Post : Terror police search bungalow
SCOTLAND : Anti-terror police swooped on a house in Edinburgh following the arrest of a man at Heathrow airport. The 62-yr-old was held as part of a joint operation between police & MI5 into dissident republican organisation the New IRA. The man, who lives in Scotland, was later transferred to a police station in Belfast.

(Aug 22 2020) - Maravi Post : Thousands in streets celebrating coup
BAMAKO : Thousands have taken to the streets of Mali’s capital to celebrate the coup against former president Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta. Coup leaders arrested president Keïta on Tues, Aug 18, 2020 and forced him to resign, sparking global condemnation. But Keïta was facing huge street protests before his arrest and ...

(Aug 21 2020) - NY Post : Dem' caught spewing profanities
WASH D.C. : Sen. Tom Carper (D) of Delaware threw a fit at his staffer when he nearly missed his turn to grill Postmaster General at a hearing on election mail. “F–k, F–k, F–k!” Carper said Friday morning, swiveling in his chair to bark the expletives at an aide because his audio was initially off ...

(Aug 20 2020) - Frontier Post : UFOs spotted over skies in Sydney
SYDNEY : Stunned locals in Sydney spotted a series of UFOs over the skies of the city. The spectators, who lived from the NSW south coast to Sydney, reported seeing the strange lights during the early hours of Wed morning. They residents said they weren’t sure what they’d seen but speculated it might have been ...

(Aug 19 2020) - Huff Post : Laura Loomer Wins Florida Primary
FLORIDA : A far-right social media provocateur whose hate speech got her banned from social media won her Republican primary on Tues and will challenge Democratic Rep. Lois Frankel for Congress in Nov. Laura Loomer also won praise from President Trump early Wed, who tweeted that she has a “great chance.”

(Aug 18 2020) - Pittsburgh Post : 100's march to mayor’s house
PITTSBURGH : Hundreds of protesters gathered in front of Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto’s house Tues evening in response to a BLM demonstrator being arrested at a protest Saturday by plainclothes police officers. Protesters started marching in East Liberty, eventually making their way to Mr. Peduto’s home in Point Breeze.

(Aug 17 2020) - Pakistan Christian Post : For solving China problem
CHINA : There are two maxims of politics. First, criminal matters have precedence over civil matters and martial matters have precedence over criminal matters. Hence if any country does not have adequate martial power then its other matters (criminal and civil) cannot be handled satisfactorily by the State.

(Aug 14 2020) - Lancashire Evening Post : You can be fined
ENGLAND : You could be fined over £3,000 if you refuse to wear a mask as England's lockdown eases. Fines for repeatedly refusing to wear a mask could soar to £3,200 and organisers of illegal raves could face a £10,000 penalty, Boris Johnson announced ahead of further easing of England’s lockdown.

(Aug 13 2020) - Jerusalem Post : Israel & UAE Reach Peace Deal
WHITE HOUSE : Israel & the UAE agreed to full normalization of relations in a phone call with President Trump on Thursday, marking the first peace treaty between Israel & an Arab country in 25 yrs. Israel agreed to suspend its planned extension of sovereignty over parts of Judea & Samaria to facilitate relations ...

(Aug 12 2020) - Denver Post : Joe Biden introduces VP choice ...
WILMINGTON : Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his newly chosen running mate Kamala Harris campaigned together for the first time Wednesday, as the former primary rivals sought to solidify their advantage over President Donald Trump and secure their place in American history.

(Aug 11 2020) - Bangkok Post : Leave the monarchy out of it
THAILAND : Anti-government protesters were on Monday warned to avoid involving the monarchy in political conflict even as rallies by both royalists & their opponents ended without incident. Speaking before the rallies took place, Digital Economy & Society Minister Buddhipongse Punnakanta said that ...

(Aug 10 2020) - Conservative Post : Newsome to Release Murders
SACRAMENTO : Gavin Newsome with his infinite wisdom plan to release murderers and kidnapper into the streets of California. Gavin Newsome with his infinite wisdom plan to release murderers and kidnapper into the streets of California. The contrasting portraits of Williams as stone-cold killer and ...

(Aug 09 2020) - Activist Post : Turning Tattoos into Touchpads
CALIFORNIA : Google announced that its working on developing the next futuristic technology beyond smartphones — tattoos that turn the user into a human touchpad. Meanwhile, scientists are developing something way more sinister using similar skin-drawing technology to track its wearer’s movements.

(Aug 08 2020) - Daily Post : Another lawmaker’s wife kidnapped
JIGAWA : Another Wife of State House of Assembly member representing Gwiwa constituency, Hon. Aminu Tsibut has been kidnapped by an unknown gunmen. The victim identified as Hajiya Rukayya Aminu was kidnapped at Tsibut village in Gwiwa Local Govt Area Friday night about 1:00AM. Victims of relative revealed ...

(Aug 07 2020) - Kathmandu Post : Catch the big fish
NEPAL : News about business firms trading in fake value added tax (VAT) bills has been so recurrent in the last few years that journalists & editors often ask what exactly is newsworthy about it. And yet, one has to follow the paper trail doggedly. In its recent update, the Dept of Revenue Investigation has ...

(Aug 06 2020) - Salisbury Post : City lifts moratorium on utility
SALISBURY : The Salisbury City Council on Tues rescinded its moratorium on utility disconnections as the number of accounts with outstanding balances continues to rise. In a presentation to council members, Salisbury Finance Director said that as of July, a total 880 accounts, residential & commercial, were delinquent.

(Aug 05 2020) - First Post : Hindus accepts Islam to get by
PAKISTAN : Forced conversions of Hindu girls and women to Islam through kidnapping and coerced marriages occur throughout Pakistan. But Hindu rights groups are also troubled by seemingly voluntary conversions, saying they take place under economic duress. News outlets in India were quick to denounce the conversions as forced.

(Aug 04 2020) - Irish Post : Vaccine may never be found
W.H.O. : The World Health Organization has warned that a vaccine for coronavirus might never be found. Director-general Tedros said that a "silver bullet" answer to the pandemic is far from guaranteed, despite scientists around the world pushing to develop one. Instead, he urged governments & citizens to keep ...

(Aug 03 2020) - Christian Post : We will obey God rather than men
CALIFORNIA : County officials have allegedly threatened Grace Community Church with fines & possible arrest for reopening his church in defiance of lockdown orders from Gov. Newsom during the pandemic. Still, Pastor John MacArthur has vowed to continue in-person services. "We will obey God rather than men" ...

(Aug 02 2020) - Washington Post : Coronavirus update ...
WASH D.C. : Deborah Birx, the physician overseeing the White House coronavirus response, warned Sunday that the U.S. had entered a “new phase” of the pandemic & urged people to take extreme health precautions as infections & deaths rise sharply throughout the country. “I want to be very clear what we’re seeing ...”

(Aug 01 2020) - Saturday Evening Post : Weekly Newsletter
AMERICA : The social distancing news this week revolves around sports. Actually, a lot of that news has revolved around sports since this nightmare began, as various leagues attempt to make their way back in the safest way possible. Baseball may have taken a few steps backward just when it had taken a giant leap forward.

(Jul 31 2020) - Courier Post : DHS gathered intel on journalists
PORTLAND : Acting DHS Sec' Chad Wolf has ordered an investigation into agency's intelligence unit which assembled reports on journalists covering the unrest in Portland. The reports focused on the reporters' use of leaked info about the agency's operations in Portland where the federal deployment was denounced by ...

(Jul 30 2020) - Kyiv Post : Russian Militants Arrested ...
UKRAINE : Belarus authorities on July 29 arrested 33 Russian nationals who they say came to the country to “destabilize the situation” before the Aug. 9 presidential election. According to Belarus, the men are members of the Wagner Group, a private military group, known for fighting on behalf of Russia in Syria, Libya & Sudan.

(Jul 29 2020) - Dominion Post : Justice eyes COVID migration ...
MORGANTOWN : The date may be on the books, but that doesn’t mean it’s etched in stone. That was Gov. Jim Justice’s message Wed, regarding the Sept. 8 school reopening date. With COVID-19 case numbers not where officials would like them to be in the state & the very real fear of the virus’ migration from the south,

(Jul 28 2020) - Jerusalem Post : IDF sends reinforcements north
ISRAEL : Israel’s military has further reinforced the NorCom in anticipation of additional attacks by Hezbollah after a failed infiltration attempt by a cell belonging to the Lebanese terror group on Monday. The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said that special weapons systems, intelligence gathering units, and ...

(Jul 27 2020) - Latin Post : FEMA Approves Emergency Declaration
TEXAS : The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and President Donald Trump approved an Emergency Declaration in Texas after Hurricane Hanna made landfall, Governor Greg Abbott announced Sunday. This means emergency measures to Texas can be provided by the gov't. Measures that FEMA approved of include ...

(Jul 26 2020) - SCM Post : US trade negotiators smell blood ???
NEW YORK : When top European Union officials face off with the Chinese next week to try & hammer out an investment treaty, figures in Washington, where US trade officials spent 2 presidential terms trying to do the same, will be watching closely. No one in the U.S. will feel the pressure more than President Trump.

(Jul 25 2020) - Patriot Post : You've Been Warned !!!
WASH D.C. : Even though Joe Biden has been hunkered down in his bunker for months and not taken a single hard question from any of the trained monkeys who are allowed access to him, we pretty much know what a Biden agenda would look like. Team Biden has released a you-should-excuse-the-expression white paper.

(Jul 24 2020) - Threat Post : NSA Warns Industrial Cyberattacks
U.S.A. : The U.S. National Security Agency & the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency have issued an alert warning that adversaries could be targeting critical infrastructure across the U.S. Separately, ICS-CERT issued an advisory on a critical security bug in the Schneider Electric Triconex TriStation and ...

(Jul 23 2020) - Jesuit Post : Too Much News ???
U.S.A. : So why do we feel so bad? Of course, most of the news is negative, but the problem is deeper than that. News fatigue is a phenomenon recognized by mental health experts, yet little attention has been given to its spiritual implications. If you’re like me, it’s time to reconsider our relationship with the media ...

(Jul 22 2020) - Post Journal : Pizza Hut Closes WNY Locations
NEW YORK : Even though New York state always permitted takeout since the COVID-19 pandemic struck, Pizza Hut restaurants in both Dunkirk and West Ellicott closed. Then after the state OK’d inside restaurant dining, they remained closed. Now it appears they’re not going to reopen any time soon. On Wednesday ...

(Jul 20 2020) - India Post : US may store Indian oil
NEW DELHI : India proposes to build a portion of its strategic oil reserve in the US to take advantage of current low prices & quickly scale up its storage. The move will allow the country to quickly enhance the strategic oil reserve to meet 100 days of oil requirements from present capacity that can just meet 9 days ...

(Jul 19 2020) - Seattle Post : Oregon sues feds over protests
PORTLAND : Oregon's "AG" is seeking an order to stop federal agents from arresting people in Portland as the city continues to be convulsed by nightly protests that have gone on for 7 weeks & have now pitted local officials against the Trump administration. Federal agents, some wearing camouflage and some wearing ...

(Jul 18 2020) - Monroe County Post : Civil rights icon dies
WASH D.C. : Rep. John R. Lewis, the civil rights icon whose fight for racial justice began in the Jim Crow south & ended in the halls of Congress, died Friday. The Georgia lawmaker had been suffering from Stage 4 pancreatic cancer since Dec. He was 80. The son of Alabama sharecroppers, Lewis served in Congress ...

(Jul 17 2020) - Baghdad Post : EASA warns against flying over Iran
IRAN : The European Aviation Safety Agency warned against flying through Iranian airspace, saying passenger aircraft flying over Iran risk being accidentally targeted by Iran's air-defense systems, Bloomberg reported. “Due to the hazardous security situation & poor coordination between civil aviation and ...

(Jul 16 2020) - China Post : New military units join wargames
TAIPEI : Taiwan’s new combined arms battalions on Thursday participated in the annual live-fire Han Kuang military exercises for the first time, to demonstrate their combat readiness & the battle leadership qualities of their commanders. The 22 combined arms battalions, were formed in Sept 2019 and ...

(Jul 15 2020) - NY Post : JCPenney to cut 1,000 jobs
U.S. : JCPenney said on Wed it would cut about 1,000 jobs & shutter 152 stores as the US dept store chain looks to emerge from Chapter 11 protection & the COVID-19 crisis. The layoffs would affect corporate, field management, and international roles & eligible departing employees would receive a severance package.

(Jul 14 2020) - Dover Post : US carries out execution ...
INDIANA : The federal gov't carried out its 1st execution in 17 yrs Tues when Daniel Lewis Lee, convicted in the 1996 slaying of an Arkansas family, was put to death by lethal injection at the U.S. Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana. Lee, a once-avowed white supremacist, was pronounced dead at 8:07 a.m.,

(Jul 13 2020) - Palisadian Post : LAUSD Campuses to Remain Closed
LOS ANGELES : Los Angeles Unified School District reported July 13 that campuses will not reopen when the 2020-21 academic year begins on Aug 18 & that schools will continue with online learning until further notice. “While the new school year will begin in August, it will not start with students at school facilities,”

(Jul 12 2020) - Sunday Post : Scotland’s poorest postcodes ...
SCOTLAND : Family doctors in Scotland’s poorest postcodes are still waiting for crucial support staff promised by the Scottish Government four years ago. Half of practices in deprived communities do not have a link worker to help patients deal with problems that often prevent them accessing health care.

(Jul 11 2020) - Pittsburgh Post : COVID-19 waivers popping up
PITTSBURGH : Gyms, hair salons, summer camps, pools & vacation rentals all want their customers back. What they don’t want is to get sued. Enter the waiver. The documents are popping up at a variety of establishments, asking patrons to waive their right to sue if they believe they contracted COVID-19 there.

(Jul 10 2020) - Frontier Post : NATO aircraft running drugs ???
MOSCOW : Russia insists that reports about possible use of NATO aircraft to traffic drugs in Afghanistan be probed into, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Friday. “We keep on receiving reports, including via mass media, that contraband of opiates has been organized from Afghan' to other countries ...

(Jul 09 2020) - Huff Post : Christian Summer Camp Shuts Down
MISSOURI : A Christian organization shut down its summer camp for teenagers in Lampe, Missouri, after 82 kids & staffers tested positive for coronavirus. Kanakuk Ministries closed its K-2 camp for 13 to 18-year-olds last week after the outbreak was discovered, Stone County Health Dept announced on Facebook Monday.

(Jul 08 2020) - Denver Post : Congress can’t get Trump records ...
WASH D.C. : The Supreme Court on Thursday kept a hold on President Trump’s financial records that Congress has been seeking for more than a year. The ruling returns the case to lower courts, with no clear prospect for when the case might ultimately be resolved. The 7-2 outcome is at least a short-term victory for Trump

(Jul 07 2020) - Post Star : Legislature disrupted for 2nd time
SACRAMENTO : After 158 years without missing a day of deliberations, the California Legislature is headed toward its 2nd interruption in 4 months because of the CV-19 - this time after 5 people who work in the state Assembly contracted the disease. The outbreak appears connected a floor session of the Assembly

(Jul 06 2020) - Activist Post : Advanced Technology ...
U.S.A. : Today’s world looks quite chaotic, threatened & stressed. But could the players & motives commonly cited by investigative journalists be symptomatic first, causal second? Issues come ‘fast & furious,’ such as ever-increasing threats to health, freedom, self-determination, & most critically to the ecosystem

(Jul 05 2020) - Post & Email : Lawsuits Filed Against ... SOS
CONNECTICUT : On July 1, a Connecticut-based non-profit filed a lawsuit naming Sec' of the State as defendant as a result of her announced intent in early May to send absentee-voter applications to every registered voter for the state’s primary elections on Aug 11 without action from the Connecticut Gen' Assembly ...

(Jul 04 2020) - Bangkok Post : Thailand on quarantine list
LONDON : Travellers from Thailand arriving in England will still be required to self-isolate for 14 days, according to revised guidelines. The updated guidelines published on the UK Government website late Friday list 59 countries and territories for which no quarantine will apply, starting from July 10.

(Jul 03 2020) - Conservative Post : Whoopi : Hillary should be VP
HOLLYWOOD : The View host Whoopi Goldberg said Hillary Clinton would be her favorite pick to be Joe Biden’s vice president. “The person who really is qualified to do it, and he cannot pick her: Hillary Clinton,” Goldberg said on Friday’s show. “In terms of qualifications, she is, she would be brilliant.”

(Jul 02 2020) - PanAm Post : Best Antidote to Racism
AMERICA : Spanish - Blame the welfare state, not racism, for the problems of poor Black people, says Thomas Sowell, a libertarian economist (...). Racism is not dead, but it is on life support - kept alive by politicians, race hustlers & people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as “racists”.

(Jul 01 2020) - Irish Post : 6,666 abortions carried out in Ireland
IRELAND : Since legislation was passed to repeal the 8th Amendment, some 6,666 abortions have officially taken place in Ireland. According to Dept of Health statistics, the vast majority of these terminations (6,542) happened within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. It was also noted that in 100 of these cases ...

(Jun 30 2020) - Daily Post : COVID-19 lockdown ...
NIGERIA : Many tenants in Lagos State have expressed the agonies they suffer from their landlords/landladies for their inability to settle their rents as and when due. DAILY POST gathered that failure to pay rents by the tenants has been causing faceoff between house owners who depend on the rents for their survival and ...

(Jun 29 2020) - First Post : India bans 59 chinese apps
INDIA : The Ministry of Information Technology on 29 June banned 59 mobile apps, saying they are engaged in activities which are "prejudicial to the sovereignty & integrity of India, defence of India, security of state & public order. The list of apps included TikTok, Weibo & others. India is TikTok’s largest market ...

(Jun 28 2020) - Kathmandu Post : Locusts marching towards west
NEPAL : With the wind blowing from east to west, the swarms of locusts which entered Nepal Saturday morning, are likely to travel further towards parts of the country. The Meteorological Forecasting Division under the Dept of Hydrology & Meteorology Sunday morning released a special weather bulletin to give updates ...

(Jun 27 2020) - Saturday Evening Post : News of the Week
U.S.A. : Can you believe it’s almost July? Time flies when you’re having ... fun? Some social distancing notes from this past week: It’s official: Baseball is back. Teams will report to “spring” training next week and will play a 60-game season. The October New York City Marathon has been canceled.

(Jun 26 2020) - Courier Post : Woman accused of health ins' fraud
CAMDEN : A Swedesboro woman is accused of taking part in a scheme that defrauded health insurers of more than $6 million. Ashley Lyons-Valenti, an advanced practice nurse, allegedly wrote medically unnecessary prescriptions in exchange for $90,000 in kickbacks, said the U.S. Attorney’s Office for New Jersey.

(Jun 25 2020) - Wash Post : Democrats’ shameful vote against ...
WASH D.C. : We saw how seriously congressional Dem's were taking police reform when Sen. Durbin (D-Ill.), the 2nd-ranking leader, dismissed legislation introduced by Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) as a “token, half-hearted approach.” For Durbin to question the seriousness and sincerity of Scott - a black man ...

(Jun 24 2020) - Christian Post : Iran’s underground church ...
IRAN : Christians in Muslim-majority Iran are risking arrest to provide food and humanitarian aid to their neighbors struggling without jobs during the coronavirus pandemic, according to the head of one of the world’s most prominent Christian persecution watchdogs. David Curry, CEO of Open Doors USA ...

(Jun 23 2020) - Hippocratic Post : Young adults overwhelmed ...
U.S.A. : Despite the loosening of lockdown & the cautious reopening of businesses, forecasts of a shrinking economy will significantly impact job prospects – especially those of young adults already suffering the double whammy of student debt & high rents. Rising unemployment has been accompanied by a collapse ...

(Jun 22 2020) - Dominion Post : Contact tracing ... per your phone
WEST VIRGINIA : Your phone rings & the person on the other end says you have crossed paths with someone who has COVID-19. Or perhaps you already have tested (+) for the illness & they are following up, because ideally a Dr. has informed you of your status. Provided you don’t hang up, the contact tracer, will ...

(Jun 21 2020) - Jerusalem Post : Peace plan is a game changer
ISRAEL : Trump’s peace plan is the first time since the 1993 Oslo Accords that the paradigm of the peace process has been changed & that shift is in Israel’s favor, Major General (Res.) Yitzhak “Jerry” Gershon told The Jerusalem Post. “This is the first time since we signed the Oslo Agreement that [the US has] ... ”

(Jun 20 2020) - Post Journal : PDs Question Cuomo Mandate
NEW YORK : A recent executive order signed by Gov. Cuomo that mandates changes to police training is drawing questions & concerns from local dept' heads. The order would force local departments to implement new standards & programs, and threatens to withhold funding if law agencies do not comply by April 1, 2021.

(Jun 19 2020) - Patriot Post : The BLM Straw Man
AMERICA : The reality of being a human is that we are each individuals with our own unique lived experiences or histories. No matter what those experiences are - no matter our sex, the color of our skin, or our cultural background - we all share the universal experience of being human. This reality was recognized ...

(Jun 18 2020) - SCM Post : No immunity against Covid-19 ???
WORLD : Humans may never develop immunity against CV-19, according to new research on antibodies by Chinese & American scientists. Their conclusion was based on a study looking at whether hospital workers in Wuhan who were directly exposed to patients at the early stage of the outbreak had developed antibodies.

(Jun 17 2020) - Jesuit Post : Make Room For Hope
U.S.A. : Neuropsychiatrist, Dr. Dale Archer, published a piece in the Journal of the American Psychological Association stating, “Hope is not a wish for things to get better, rather it is a belief that things will always get better.” As we face death & life, these moments trigger unfinished business in our lives ...

(Jun 16 2020) - Threat Post : Theft of CIA’s ‘Vault 7’ Secrets ...
VIRGINIA : An internal investigation into the 2016 CIA breach condemned the agency’s security measures, saying it “focused more on building up cyber tools than keeping them secure.” A released report on the 2016 CIA data breach, which led to the Vault 7 doc dump on WikiLeaks, blames “woefully lax” security ...

(Jun 15 2020) - Gwinnett Post : Sheriff : Shooting Justified
GEORGIA : One day before charges could be filed against the ex-officer who killed Rayshard Brooks, a black Georgia sheriff said the shooting was justified. Brooks, 27, was killed by an Atlanta police officer Friday night outside a Wendy's after failing a sobriety test, taking an officer's Taser & running away.

(Jun 14 2020) - Seattle Post : 7 Minneapolis officers quit
MINNEAPOLIS : At least seven Minneapolis police officers have quit and another seven are in the process of resigning, citing a lack of support from department and city leaders as protests over George Floyd’s death escalated. Current and former officers told The Minneapolis Star Tribune that officers are upset ...

(Jun 13 2020) - India Post : Trump considers suspending H-1B visas
NEW YORK : A proposal to suspend H-1B and other temporary employment visas is under consideration by officials, but US President Donald Trump has not signed off on them, according to a newspaper report. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), quoting unidentified administration officials, reported on Friday that ...

(Jun 12 2020) - Cedar Springs Post : West Nile virus detected ...
LANSING, Mich. : The first West Nile virus activity for Michigan in 2020 has been reported in a captive hawk from Lapeer County. Residents are reminded that the best way to protect themselves against West Nile virus and other mosquito-borne illnesses, including Eastern Equine Encephalitis, is to prevent mosquito bites.

(Jun 11 2020) - China Post : Zoom caught in China censorship ...
HONG KONG : Video app company Zoom said Thurs it regretted that some meetings involving U.S.-based Chinese dissidents were disrupted, as meanwhile a prominent Hong Kong activist said his account was blocked despite the city’s guarantees of free speech. Zoom is in San Jose, but conducts much of its R&D in China.

(Jun 10 2020) - NY Post : They bumped heads at the nightclub
MINNEAPOLIS : George Floyd and Derek Chauvin reportedly “bumped heads” while working security together at a nightclub years before their fatal encounter. A one-time co-worker at El Nuevo Rodeo on Lake Street in south Minneapolis revealed the duo’s purported shaky history in an interview with CBS Evening News.

(Jun 09 2020) - Prairie Post : BLM March in Brooks
CANADA : Hundreds of people came together in Brooks to show their support for the fight against racism, injustice, police brutality & inequality across North America. The march started at IGA/Freson Bros & went down 2 St. W before reaching City Hall. It moved to Vet's Park for speeches, open mic, & 8 min of silence.

(Jun 08 2020) - Baghdad Post : Iranian-U.S. prisoners swapped
IRAN : An Iranian-American doctor has returned to Iran, Iranian state media reported Monday, after a swap deal between Tehran & Wash D.C. that resulted in the release of a U.S. Navy veteran detained in Iran. In a slight thaw in U.S.-Iranian enmity, the U.S. allowed Majid Taheri to travel to Iran as part of the swap deal.

(Jun 07 2020) - Dover Post : Protesters, cops rally for black lives
DOVER : The peaceful protests this week have proved very effective for a popular group in Dover, who’ve been stopping traffic on busy roads, including U.S. RT 13. Their protests for racial equality has led to Dover Police chief Thomas Johnson & the group of marchers to setting up their first formal meeting for June 9.

(Jun 06 2020) - Frontier Post : US labor market improves
WASH D.C. : The US economy unexpectedly added jobs in May after suffering record losses in the prior month, offering the clearest signal yet that the downturn triggered by the corona pandemic was probably over, though the road to recovery could be long. The Labor Department’s closely watched employment report on Friday

(Jun 05 2020) - Copenhagen Post : BLM: Thousands to hit streets
COPENHAGEN : Thousands of Copenhagen residents will hit the streets Sunday to lend their voice to the global call to end discrimination following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis last month. Sunday’s protest called the I Cant Breathe will begin at 14:00 outside the US Embassy in Østerbro & continue for 2 hours.

(Jun 03 2020) - Huff Post : Trump Called In The Military ...
WASH D.C. : Protesters marched through Wash D.C., on Tues night, despite facing the threat of violence from local & federal law enforcement officials & military police officers deployed by the Trump administration in an overwhelming show of force meant to stamp out demonstrations against police brutality & racism.

(Jun 02 2020) - Denver Post : Sixth day of protest ...
DENVER : Thousands of demonstrators, stretching for blocks, took over downtown Denver Tuesday for a sixth night of protests, but while the crowds were at least as big as previous nights, the mood was more relaxed and peaceful and as midnight neared, it was winding down without tear gas or other major conflicts.

(Jun 01 2020) - Post Crescent : 100's gather in downtown Appleton
APPLETON, WI : The sound of car horns & chants of "George Floyd" echoed through downtown Appleton Monday night as a few hundred people protested police brutality against people of color. The protest began about 5 pm when a crowd of people began to gather at Houdini Plaza, where groups of demonstrators have come together

(May 31 2020) - Bangkok Post : Japan easing entry limits
JAPAN : Japan is considering easing entry restrictions on people from Thailand, Vietnam, Australia & New Zealand because of signs that novel coronavirus infections are declining in those countries, the Yomiuri newspaper reported, citing gov't officials. The gov't may relax the limits from as early as summer ...

(May 30 2020) - Activist Post : Web of Dark Money & Influence
AMERICA : Over the last four months Bill Gates has made dozens of media appearances where he has called for several controversial “solutions” to COVID-19. Gates says these proposals must be implemented before society can go back to “normal.” From calling for extended lockdowns, health surveillance and ...

(May 29 2020) - Post & Email : Twitter Will be Regulated
WHITE HOUSE : At 7:10 a.m. Friday, President Trump again expressed displeasure with the Twitter social-media platform after it flagged a tweet in which Trump said he would send the National Guard to Minneapolis unless order can be restored quickly. Fires, looting, and explosions overtook the city after ...

(May 28 2020) - PanAm Post : Is Civil Disobedience Justified ???
AMERICA : In defiance of orders from their respective governors, a significant number of houses of worship will open for services beginning tomorrow. As John Dale Davidson of The Federalist notes, most of them will be doing so while maintaining social distancing measures that are at least as thorough as ...

(May 27 2020) - Jakarta Post : About the ‘new normal’ commute
JAKARTA : Congested roads and jam-packed train cars during rush hour are considered ordinary in Jakarta, a daily destination for several million workers commuting from its satellite cities. However, after the COVID-19 epidemic struck the nation’s capital, many were either laid off or asked to work from home,

(May 26 2020) - Post Bulletin : Global cooperation required
ST. PAUL : Scientists & manufacturers across the globe will have to work together closely in order to mount a successful response to the coronavirus pandemic, health & economic experts told Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari. To bring the virus to heel would require global cooperation ...

(May 25 2020) - Daily Post : WHO suspends use of Chloroquine ...
WHO : The World Health Organization said it had “temporarily” suspended clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine, as potential treatment for COVID-19. WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, addressing a virtual press conference, said that the WHO-backed trials had been “suspended while the safety is reviewed”.

(May 24 2020) - Connecticut Post : Police: Car linked to suspect
CONNECTICUT : Law enforcement are on the hunt for a man they say is connected to 2 homicides in recent days as the search brought investigators from Willington to Derby & stretched in Pennsylvania Sunday. State police said they're looking for a 2016 black Jetta with a Connecticut license plate of AU78524.

(May 23 2020) - First Post : Mastercard : not without a vaccine
U.S.A. : Mastercard Inc will not ask staff to return to its worldwide corporate offices until a vaccine is available for the sometimes fatal coronavirus that has infected the globe, a senior executive told Reuters. The world's 2nd-largest payment processor is also looking at its real-estate footprint and ...

(May 22 2020) - Saturday Evening Post : Remembering the Fallen
U.S.A. : One of the most searing scenes of the 75th Anniversary of D-Day ceremonies last year was at the Normandy American Cemetery on the bluff overlooking Omaha Beach. Beautiful in its way, the grass in the 172.5 acres so green it might be in a Technicolor movie, the chalk white crosses & Stars of David

(May 21 2020) - Kathmandu Post : A State of ‘Cartographic War’
NEPAL : Nepal on Wednesday released its new political and administrative map, the first since the signing of the Treaty of Sugauli in 1816, including territories that have long been claimed by both Nepal and India, prompting analysts to describe it as a “cartographic war” between the two countries.

(May 20 2020) - Courier Post : Walmart partners with New Jersey ...
NEW JERSEY : Select Walmart locations through New Jersey will provide drive-up coronavirus testing to bolster the state's screening levels, Gov. Murphy said on Wed. New Jerseyans will be able to take a self-administered, self-swab tests. These will be drive-up locations and the tests will be by appointment only.

(May 19 2020) - Christian Post : Churches leave Mennonite(s) ...
CANADA : Congregations from 3 Anabaptist churches in Ontario have left the over 100-congregation Mennonite Church Eastern Canada over theological concerns, some of which relate to issues of sexuality & salvation. “We announce with great sadness Kingsfield-Clinton & Kingsfield-Zurich Mennonite Church ..."

(May 18 2020) - Monroe Post : Trump’s taking hydroxychloroquine
WASH D.C. : President Trump said Monday he is taking hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug that he’s repeatedly touted as a treatment for coronavirus, despite warnings about its effectiveness. “I happen to be taking it,” Trump said during a roundtable discussion with restaurant executives at the White House.

(May 17 2020) - SCM Post : Battle looms at WHO meeting ...
GENEVA : The WHO has been on the front line coordinating the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. When its decision-making body gathers, virtually, for its annual meeting on Monday, it will have another battle on its hands, as tensions escalate between China, the U.S. over Beijing’s response to the outbreak.

(May 15 2020) - Wash Post : U.S. tries to close loophole ...
WASH D.C. : The Trump admin' issued new rules on Friday intended to block semiconductor sales to China’s Huawei in a hardening of its stance against a company it views as a security threat. Last year they banned the export of U.S. technology to Huawei, but the Chinese tech giant was still able to purchase ...

(May 14 2020) - Nottingham Post : Dates for reopening England
ENGLAND : The Government's plan for leaving lockdown includes some key dates when we are likely to see vital elements of life in the UK returning to normal. The plan was revealed by Boris Johnson in his statement to the nation on Sunday and many of the dates were then confirmed in a 50-page document published on Monday.

(May 13 2020) - Jerusalem Post : Israel caught in the middle ...
ISRAEL : When US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrives in Jerusalem on Wednesday, there will be a long list of topics on the agenda, many of which are issues on which Israel and the Trump administration currently see eye-to-eye, like settlement annexation and Iran. But there’s one matter that’s sure to come up ...

(May 12 2020) - Salisbury Post : Practice for mass vaccination(s) ...
NORTH CAROLINA : Once a vaccine is developed for COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 (the official name of the coronavirus that’s spreading across the world), such an exercise has obvious applications. There will be tens of thousands of people in the community and a majority of Americans interested in receiving a vaccine.

(May 11 2020) - Post Journal : UPMC Uses Telemedicine To Help ...
PITTSBURGH : Recent experience with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center is showing that a new normal doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Like many health care providers, UPMC has increased the use of telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many local doctors are using telemedicine to diagnose patients

(May 10 2020) - Pakistan Christian Post : Muslims attack a church
LAHORE : A group of Muslim men entered a church in Kala Shah Kaku, Sheikhupura, about 25 miles away from Lahore, shouting that they would burn Christians and set the building on fire. According to the pastor, Samuel Hidayat Masih, who is in charge of the Trinity Pentecostal Church, on the morning of May 9th ...

(May 09 2020) - Threat Post : Microsoft’s GitHub Gets Hacked
U.S.A. : Hackers have broken into Microsoft’s GitHub account & stolen 500 GB of data from the tech giant’s own private repositories on the developer platform. A group that calls itself Shiny Hunters claims it stole & then leaked the data, which did not appear to include any critical or sensitive information.

(May 08 2020) - Activist Post : Bill's Plan to Vaccinate the World
WORLD : In Jan of 2010, Bill & Melinda Gates announced a $10 billion pledge to usher in a decade of vaccines. But far from an unalloyed good, the truth is that this attempt to reorient the global health economy was part of a much bigger agenda. An agenda that would ultimately lead to greater profits for big pharma ...

(May 07 2020) - Seattle Post : Are temp' checks next for flyers ?
U.S. : There has been growing speculation in recent weeks that temperature checks for air travellers could be the next big thing in airlines’ efforts to prevent the spread of coronavirus, and a leading North American carrier has just taken the first step in that direction. Air Canada said, by May 15 it will start ...

(May 06 2020) - NY Post : Twitter manager shot in drive-by
SAN FRAN : A Twitter manager died this week after getting caught in the crossfire during a drive-by shooting. Courtney Brousseau, 22, who works as an associate project manager for Twitter, was walking home (...) Friday evening when 2 men in their 20s got out of their car & opened fire before driving off,

(May 05 2020) - China Post : Taiwan accuses WHO of ???
TAIPEI : Taiwan’s health minister on Tuesday accused the World Health Organization of being “irresponsible” in the face of requests from some of its members & Taipei to allow Taiwan to attend this year’s World Health Assembly. “Incomplete rules should be rectified” no matter how many years they've been in place ...

(May 04 2020) - Prairie Post : Patzer questions Innovation minister
CANADA : Jeremy Patzer, Member of Parliament for Cypress Hills—Grasslands participated on Canada’s Industry Committee along with his parliamentary colleagues. The committee met in the morning on Thursday, April 30th, to continue its ongoing consideration of the national response to COVID-19.

(May 03 2020) - Leeder Post : Why making anti-viral drugs is hard
WORLD : It was 1928 when Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming noticed an odd phenomenon: mould that had formed accidentally in one of his petri dishes was stopping the growth of bacteria. Fleming had of course just discovered penicillin, and by the mid-1940s the world’s first antibiotic would be in mass production ...

(May 02 2020) - Post Star : Police warn against trespassing ...
QUEENSBURY : Warren County Sheriff’s deputies & state conservative officers will be policing the city’s watershed property to make sure people seeking some fresh air are not trespassing. The city gets its water from reservoirs around Halfway Brook near West Mountain. The property is in Queensbury but owned by Glens Falls.

(May 01 2020) - India Post : Trump Contradicting US intel ...
WASH D.C. : President Trump said he has evidence that the coronavirus originated in in Wuhan, China, an unproven theory that contradicts the country’s National Intelligence, which hours earlier had rejected claims of that the virus had an artificial origin. After learning that govt officials pressured intel' agencies

(Apr 30 2020) - Baghdad Post : Division emerges among militias
IRAQ : Iraq’s politics may be getting even more divided after the acting Prime Minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, sought to affirm his office’s control over key Iraqi paramilitary groups, The Jerusalem Post reported. The IMIS militias have been maneuvering to dominate Iraq since the ISIS war, but they're increasingly divided.

(Apr 29 2020) - Borneo Post : Arthritis drug shows promise
PARIS : The arthritis drug tocilizumab has shown early promise in preventing extreme inflammation in gravely ill COVID-19 patients, according to a French clinical study. The treatment, which suppresses the body’s natural immune response, was found to reduce “significantly” the number of deaths or life support

(Apr 28 2020) - Limerick Post : Protecting workers at home
IRELAND : A survey conducted by Irishjobs.ie shows the necessity for legislation to govern remote working, and also proves the need for a right to disconnect to be introduced in Irish law. That is the view of Sinn Féin Spokesperson on Workers’ Rights Maurice Quinlivan TD who said this of the survey ...

(Apr 26 2020) - Sunday Post : We need more testing ... now
SCOTLAND : Grieving families & traumatised staff on the terrible toll of Covid-19 in Scotland’s care homes. Care home directors have called for far more coronavirus tests for residents & staff & say Scottish ministers are not doing enough to protect the most vulnerable. Donald Macaskill, of Scottish Care, said ...

(Apr 25 2020) - Denver Post : Covid-19 death count falls slightly
COLORADO : Colorado health officials on Saturday revised the state’s coronavirus fatality numbers, decreasing by 2 the number of people who have died from complications of the COVID-19 respiratory disease. On Friday, the Colorado Dept of Public Health & Environment reported a statewide total of 674 deaths ...

(Apr 24 2020) - Patriot Post : Federal Debt Goes Viral
WASH D.C. : With another $10 trillion on tap, our national debt is spiralling out of control. The coronavirus outbreak has small businesses facing a dark future & millions are struggling to pay their bills. Fiscal discipline, is more critical now than ever. Clearly, our elected officials never got the message.

(Apr 23 2020) - Bangkok Post : 7 held in 4 mask fraud cases
BANGKOK : Immigration police have arrested 7 people in separate raids for public fraud over the sales of face masks. One of them claimed to be a police officer who allegedly cheated a victim out of 1.46 million baht for the sale of non-existent masks. Pol Lt Gen Sompong Chingduang, commissioner of the Immigration Bureau ...

(Apr 22 2020) - New Jersey Post : Highest 1-day total of cases
DELAWARE : Delaware surpassed 3,000 coronavirus cases Wed, when officials announced 269 new cases, the state's highest 1-day total so far. The new cases bring the total up to 3,200. Officials also announced 7 new deaths, including that of a 50-yr-old Sussex County woman who had no underlying health conditions.

(Apr 21 2020) - Post & Mail : Governor revises Stay @ Home Order
INDIANAPOLIS : Governor Holcomb issued a revised Stay @ Home order that lasts through May 1 & is designed to limit interactions among Hoosiers to increase containment of COVID-19. As of April 20, 11,686 people have tested positive & 569 people have died. There are now positive tests in 92 of 92 counties.

(Apr 20 2020) - Bristol Post : Mysterious lights flew over Bristol
BRISTOL : People were mystified by a string of strange lights which appeared over Bristol last night. One reader got in touch with Bristol Live at 9.42pm yesterday (April 19), wondering if UFOs might have just flown over her home. She wrote in: "Have you got information about flying objects over Bristol right now?

(Apr 19 2020) - Activist Post : Meat Prices Suddenly Surge ...
U.S.A. : As we pointed out earlier in the week, China-owned Smithfield Food’s decision to temporarily shutter the largest pork processing plant in the US, based in Sioux Falls, SD, due to a coronavirus outbreak is a much more significant even than the MSM gave credit for. While WaPo focused on bashing the state’s governor

(Apr 18 2020) - PanAm Post : Coronavirus and Gasoline Shortage :
VENEZUELA : Amid the coronavirus pandemic, Venezuela is facing unprecedented chaos due to the shortage of gasoline. Thousands of Venezuelans have decided to violate the quarantine to find fuel. The situation has become so unsustainable that Venezuelans now buy smuggled gasoline from Colombia.

(Apr 17 2020) - Vicksburg Post : City seeks Corps help to move levee
VICKSBURG : The Board of Mayor and Aldermen is seeking the help of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District to relocate the levee surrounding the Vicksburg Forest Products plant. Mayor George Flaggs Jr. said the city wants to move the levee, which is on the north side of Haining Road, to protect a ...

(Apr 16 2020) - Post Star : N.Y. staying closed 'til May 15th
NEW YORK : Schools, businesses and everything else will stay closed until May 15th, Governor Andrew Cuomo said in Thursday's press conference. That’s 2 weeks longer than his previous announcement. “NY Pause has worked The closedown has worked,” he said. He noted that the coronavirus infection rate has slowed down ...

(Apr 15 2020) - Hippocratic Post : Resuscitation during pandemic
U.K. : This statement is for anyone who is performing CPR / de-fibrillation in an out-of-hospital setting. Whenever CPR is carried out, particularly on an unknown victim, there is some risk of cross infection, associated particularly with giving rescue breaths. Normally, this risk is very small and is set against ...

(Apr 14 2020) - Courier Post : Some cause for optimism ...
NEW JERSEY : Expressing "some cause for optimism" as the current COVID-19 crisis continues to ravage the region & nation, Camden County Freeholder Director Lou Cappelli on Tuesday still cautioned that "now is the time to double-down on our efforts" to engage in social distancing and taking other precautions ...

(Apr 13 2020) - Kathmandu Post : The economy & the pandemic
NEPAL : The Covid-19 pandemic & subsequent lockdown has led to demand collapse & supply shocks as businesses have shut down. The demand disruption & supply shock is set to decrease the gross domestic product of countries. The extent of the fall will depend on how long this persists. As per the Organisation ...

(Apr 12 2020) - Christian Post : Franklin Graham; obey authority
AMERICA : Speaking on a show with conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, evangelist Franklin Graham encouraged pastors in the United States to obey those in authority to protect themselves and others from the COVID-19 disease while continuing to do what God has called them to do. “We don’t slow down,” said Graham ...

(Apr 11 2020) - Saturday Evening Post : The Day FDR Died
CHICAGO : President Franklin D. Roosevelt died 75 yrs ago on April 12. Val Lauder, who was working at the Chicago Daily News as a copy-girl at the time, remembers the moment she heard the news. The candlestick telephone was a relic even then. The black upright device with a round mouthpiece & a hook to one side ...

(Apr 10 2020) - SCM Post : Chinese mark end of lockdown ...
CHINA : The southern province of Guangdong had the most Wuhan visitors outside Hubei province on Thursday, a day after the lockdown of China’s Covid-19 epicentre was lifted, according to Chinese search giant Baidu. Nearly one-tenth of the people who left Wuhan on Thursday travelled to Guangdong, with almost half ...

(Apr 09 2020) - Huff Post : Churches plan to open on Easter
FLORIDA : At the holiest time of year for Christians, churches are wrestling with how to hold services amid the coronavirus outbreak, and in some cases, that has set up showdowns with local governments over restrictions that forbid large gatherings. Many churches are offering parishioners livestreaming options ...

(Apr 08 2020) - Pakistan Christian Post : PM ignored political parties
NEW DELHI : NPP Supremo, Prof. Bhim Singh urged the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi to involve all the recognized regional political parties in the discussion on Covid-19. He said that more than 25 recognized political parties in the country were ignored to participate in the discussion on Covid-19 by the Prime Minister.

(Apr 07 2020) - Wash Post : Trump removes inspector general ...
WHITE HOUSE : President Trump has removed the chairman of the federal panel Congress created to oversee his administration's management of the $2 trillion stimulus package. Glenn Fine, who had been the acting Pentagon inspector general, was informed Monday that he was being replaced by Sean W. O’Donnell ...

(Apr 06 2020) - Orissa Post : Debate heats up in the US ...
WASH D.C. : United States President Donald Trump and members of his administration are growing emphatic in promoting an anti-malaria drug (Hydroxychloroquine) not yet officially approved for fighting COVID-19, even though scientists say more testing is needed before it is proved safe and effective against the virus.

(Apr 05 2020) - Daily Post : PM Johnson Admitted To Hospital
LONDON : Boris Johnson has been admitted to hospital for tests as his coronavirus symptoms persist, Downing Street has said. Number 10 said the P.M. was taken as a "precautionary step" on the advice of his doctor. He tested positive for the virus 10 days ago & has been in self-isolation inside his Downing Street flat since.

(Apr 04 2020) - India Post : Jurists file complaint against China
NEW DELHI : The London-based International Council of Jurists & All India Bar Association have filed a complaint against China in the U.N.s Human Rights Council for committing grave offences against humanity by unleashing COVID-19 on the world. The council is an international body of senior legal practitioners,

(Apr 03 2020) - Jerusalem Post : Venezuelan warship shoots vessel
BERLIN : A Venezuelan navy ship fired shots at a German-owned cruise ship on Mar 30 & rammed into the passenger vessel, leading to the sinking of the warship in the Caribbean. The Iranian regime-allied Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro accused the captain of the RCGS RESOLUTE cruise ship of “terrorism & piracy"

(Apr 02 2020) - Seattle Post : Getting your govt stimulus check
AMERICA : The IRS and the Treasury Department say Americans will start receiving their economic impact checks within the next few weeks. The payments are part of the $2.2 trillion rescue package signed into law last week by President Donald Trump aimed at combating the economic ravages of the coronavirus outbreak.

(Apr 01 2020) - Activist Post : Draconian Lockdown Powers ...
U.S.A. : We still have choices. Just because we’re fighting an unseen enemy in the form of a virus doesn’t mean we have to relinquish every shred of our humanity, our common sense, or our freedoms to a nanny state that thinks it can do a better job of keeping us safe. Whatever we give up willingly now ...

(Mar 30 2020) - NY Post : DC mayor threatens jail time ...
WASH D.C. : Mayor Bowser is threatening residents of Wash, DC, with 90 days in jail & a $5,000 fine if they leave their homes during the coronavirus outbreak. The threat of jail is alarming residents & civil libertarians who point out that at least 5 inmates tested positive for COVID-19 in the city’s 1,700-inmate jail

(Mar 28 2020) - China Post : COVID-19 affects consumer confidence
TAIPEI : An escalation of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic around the world continued to deal a blow to consumer confidence in Taiwan, in particular when equity investors were shocked by global volatility, according to National Central University. Citing a survey conducted during March 19-23, when stock markets ...

(Mar 27 2020) - BRICS Post : Learning from Mistakes ...
WORLD : As of Mar 27th 2020, there are over 5650,000 infection cases of COVID-19, the novel coronavirus discovered in Dec 2019, in the world. The number of global fatalities due to the virus has surpassed 26,000. The majority of all COVID-19 cases, including those closed, have been concentrated in China ...

(Mar 26 2020) - Islamic Post : Entry for Umrah suspended
SAUDI ARABIA : Saudi Arabia temporarily suspended entry for individuals seeking to perform Umrah pilgrimage or visiting the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah, as well as tourists travelling from countries where the coronavirus poses a risk as determined by the Kingdom’s health authorities. The new precautions ...

(Mar 25 2020) - Hunts Post : Prince Charles tests positive ...
SCOTLAMD : Prince Charles has tested positive for coronavirus and is displaying mild symptoms “but otherwise remains in good health”, Clarence House has said. The Duchess of Cornwall has also been tested but does not have the virus. The Prince and the Duchess are now self-isolating at home in Scotland.

(Mar 24 2020) - Dominion Post : County has 1st Covid-19 case
KINGWOOD : Preston County has its first diagnosed case of COVID-19, the Preston County Health Dept announced. “This news is not unexpected. As testing expands, this will happen,” the dept said in a news release. “People shouldn’t panic. Instead, they should take common sense measures that'll keep them safe.”

(Mar 23 2020) - Cedar Springs Post : Governor issues order
MICHIGAN : Today Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed the Stay Home, Stay Safe Executive Order, directing all Michigan businesses & operations to temporarily suspend in-person operations that are not necessary to sustain or protect life. The order also directs Michiganders to stay in their homes unless ...

(Mar 22 2020) - Sunday Post : New measures to combat Covid-19
SCOTLAND : Nicola Sturgeon has announced new measures in the fight against coronavirus as the number of people dying with the disease in Scotland reached 10. The First Minister declared Scotland’s islands a no-go zone for visitors, saying ferry companies have been told not to take “non-essential travellers”.

(Mar 21 2020) - Patriot Post : Trump Bets the Pharma on U.S.
U.S.A. : “The world owes China a thank you.” To most people, the words from the Xinhua news service, hit like a ton of bricks. With the entire planet in crisis & leaders scrambling to stop another Depression, the communist regime is wrong. What the world is owed is an apology, 'cause China kept the world in the dark ...

(Mar 20 2020) - Denver Post : Colorado confirms 86 more cases ...
COLORADO : Colorado health officials confirmed 86 more cases of the novel coronavirus Friday, bringing to 363 the total number of positive cases in the state — a number that officials have acknowledged is still far below the actual number of infected patients. Forty-four people are hospitalized from COVID-19 ...

(Mar 19 2020) - Conservative Daily Post : 2 Congressmen Test "+"
WASH D.C. : At least 2 congressmen have confirmed that they have COVID-19. One democrat & one republican have tested positive for the novel coronavirus. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), who said he had a headache and fever this weekend & Rep. Ben McAdams (D-Utah), who reported “mild cold-like symptoms” ...

(Mar 18 2020) - Prairie Post : The Latest to Combat COVID-19
ALBERTA : Aggressive public health measures, including additional limits to mass gatherings, are being implemented provincewide to limit the spread of COVID-19 and protect Albertans. (•) Government will declare a state of public health emergency. (•) Mass gatherings are now limited to no more than 50 attendees.

(Mar 17 2020) - Christian Post : Church opens CoVid-19 testing
ALABAMA : The multi-campus Church of the Highlands in Alabama says it will begin offering drive-through coronavirus testing at its Grandview campus starting Tuesday, even for people who can't afford to pay for it. In partnership with Assurance Scientific & the Christ Health Center, Alabama residents who ...

(Mar 16 2020) - Bangkok Post : Public needs solution, not confusion
THAILAND : During an outbreak, there will always be panic and public confusion -- and the Covid-19 outbreak is no exception. It should be the job of the country's leaders to assure the safety of the people and calm them down. In the past weeks, however, Thai leaders have become sources of confusion themselves.

(Mar 15 2020) - Conservative Post : Coronavirus: Biblical Plague ?
WORLD : Does the Book of Revelation predict the coronavirus? Is it one of the prophesied, end-time plagues? If so, does that mean this is just a harbinger of much worse things to come? Evangelical commentator Michael Snyder included the coronavirus in his “list of plagues that are hitting our planet.”

(Mar 14 2020) - Jerusalem Post : Israel and the coronavirus
ISRAEL : In times of terror, one does not feel as helpless as now - there are actions the gov't can take to keep the enemy at the gate or the terrorist from blowing up the buses. But this is different. This, too, shall pass. It may take some time, it will only be after the death rate around the world climbs.

(Mar 13 2020) - Daily Post : Woman burns self to death ...
NIGERIA : Miss Dinatu Gadi of ECWA staff community of Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State, has committed suicide. Gadi who was in her mid 30's, killed herself Thursday night. An eyewitness, John Fara, told News Agency of Nigeria Friday, about 8pm, the deceased sneaked to the back of their house

(Mar 12 2020) - PanAm Post : Spain Can’t Fix Its Economy ...
SPAIN : Spain is confronting the coronavirus & has completely forgotten its economy. The Spanish economy is currently engaged in the process of containing a pandemic, which is not under control, at least, if we calculate the potential costs of the outbreak. The number of people affected in Spain is still rising ...

(Mar 11 2020) - Bristol Post : UK Govt minister tests positive
BRITAIN : The Conservative MP & Health Minister Nadine Dorries has tested positive for coronavirus. The Times reported that the MP for Mid Bedfordshire fell ill on Friday last week & is now understood to be in isolation where she's recovering from coronavirus. She was in very close contact to PM Boris Johnson and ...

(Mar 10 2020) - Post Searchlight : Cocaine dealer busted
GEORGIA : Georgia State Patrol conducted a traffic stop on Monday that led to the arrest of Teonna Brown for driving under the influence & Bryndon Dillard for possession of cocaine with intent to distribute, along with several other misdemeanor charges. Officer Davidson conducted a traffic stop on Brown’s vehicle

(Mar 09 2020) - Hippocratic Post : Fertility in the 21st Century
U.S.A. : The fertility industry has seen a massive increase in demand as more and more couples are finding themselves unable to conceive naturally. Clinics have reported a 95% increase in the number of people taking fertility tests. The NHS has put stricter restrictions on who can qualify for assisted conception.

(Mar 08 2020) - Post News : Police-Enforced Quarantine in ???
CALIFORNIA : Sacramento police (March 3rd) ordered all residents in a California neighbourhood to stay inside on Thursday due to a coronavirus death in the area. The local health department issued a statement after the police presence in the area. This is a frightening development. WIBW reported ...

(Mar 07 2020) - Limerick Post : Limerick nursing home visitor ban
LIMERICK : A large number of nursing homes, care facilities & residential treatment facilities across Limerick & the Mid West have shut the doors to visitors as the number of Coronavirus cases in the Republic of Ireland rises to 18. The facilities are telling visitors to stay away to protect elderly and ...

(Mar 05 2020) - Kathmandu Post : Prepare for the worst
NEPAL : Covid-19, the new viral disease that erupted in China in early December, has now spread around the world, invading 78 countries so far. Governments in most countries are calling for social distancing, with most schools already closing or contemplating closure. Nepal has recorded just once case so far,

(Mar 04 2020) - SCM Post : Coronavirus: pet dog of patient infected
CHINA : Hong Kong health authorities confirmed Wed that a pet dog belonging to a Covid-19 patient had contracted the coronavirus, with experts calling it a “low-level infection” that was likely to be the first reported case of human-to-animal transmission of the disease. Suggesting, surface contamination ...

(Mar 03 2020) - Activist Post : Schools Are Spying on Students ...
SAN FRANCISCO : Schools across the country are increasingly using technology to spy on students at home, at school & on social media. Today, the Electronic Frontier Foundation launched a new Surveillance Self-Defense guide for students & parents, so they can learn how schools are watching them, and ...

(Mar 01 2020) - NY Post : US coronavirus cases jump to 71
U.S.A. : The number of coronavirus cases in the US stood at 71 early Sunday, according to CDC officials. The majority of those cases - 44 - were patients who caught the virus aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship. The remaining were mostly from the West Coast, including 12 confirmed in California and ...

(Feb 28 2020) - Huffington Post : Woman in Serious Condition
CALIFORNIA : A Nor-Cal woman who tested positive for COVID-19 is in serious condition & has been intubated. Rep. John Garamendi (D), who represents the district where the woman's from, told CNN the patient is unable to talk, hampering efforts to determine where she might have encountered the coronavirus ...

(Feb 27 2020) - Courier Post : Fentanyl: What it is ???
SOUTH JERSEY : Camden County has initiated a pilot program to distribute fentanyl testing strips through health care and social service outreach groups, a harm reduction strategy they believe will save the lives of people who are struggling with addiction. But what is fentanyl, and how can one test for its presence?

(Feb 26 2020) - Wash Post : Coronavirus raises drug supply fears
U.S.A. : The Food & Drug Administration is stepping up its monitoring of the drug supply for potential shortages, including 20 products that may be at risk due to the coronavirus outbreak that has shut down much of China & is raising concerns about the nation’s convoluted & highly outsourced pharmaceutical supply chain.

(Feb 25 2020) - Post News : Senate to Receive Coronavirus Briefing
WASH D.C. : The Senate is set to receive a classified briefing on the coronavirus outbreak that has spread to So. Korea, Iran & Italy in the past week with dramatic increases in cases in each affected country. The Trump administration is reported to be asking Congress for emergency funding to address the looming crisis ...

(Feb 24 2020) - Orissa Post : Criticism is not anti-national ...
NEW DELHI : Supreme Court judge Justice Deepak Gupta said Monday that right to dissent is essential for democracy & criticism of the executive, judiciary, bureaucracy & the Armed Forces cannot be termed ‘anti-national’. The right to dissent is the ‘biggest’ & ‘most important right’ granted by the Constitution ...

(Feb 23 2020) - Daily Post : Christians to dress in black to protest
NIGERIA : Millions of Christians across the Diocese of Roman Catholic Church in Nigeria have concluded plans to come out on Wednesday, 26th of February in all black attires during the procession of Ash Wednesday to show their grievances over the killings in Nigeria and the insecurity situation of the country.

(Feb 22 2020) - Greanville Post : Assange’s Persecution Exposes ...
MELBOURNE : Julian Assange started a leak outlet on the premise that corrupt & unaccountable power is a problem in our world & that problem can be fought with the light of truth. Corrupt & unaccountable power responded by detaining, silencing & smearing him. His persecution has proved his thesis re: the world ...

(Feb 21 2020) - Franklin News Post : Concealed carry class
VIRGINIA : More than 160 men & women attended a concealed carry class Feb. 15 in Boones Mill. Last month, more than 330 attended the class offered at Boones Mill Baptist Church & each person who attended the 4-hr training courses were awarded certificates. A certificate from a qualified training class is a requirement.

(Feb 20 2020) - India Post : China opposes Shah’s visit to Arunachal
NEW DELHI : Even as it is bogged down by the coronavirus epidemic, China on Thursday reopened a hostile front with India as Beijing “firmly opposed” Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s visit to Arunachal Pradesh on its statehood day and warned India against “complicating” the border issue.

(Feb 19 2020) - Seattle Post : 746 people being watched ...
WASHINGTON : More than 700 people in Washington State are being publicly supervised for coronavirus, according to the Washington State Dept of Health. The department said Tuesday 746 people in the state are under public health supervision, including those at risk of having been exposed to novel coronavirus.

(Feb 18 2020) - Kyiv Post : Ukraine repels Russian-backed offensive
DONBAS : Ukrainian troops successfully repelled an offensive by Russian-backed troops in Donbas, although they had to withdraw from one forward observation point, Lt Gen Ruslan Khomchak, Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, said. Earlier in the day, the Ukrainian military reported ...

(Feb 17 2020) - First Post : China sees rise in coronavirus cases
BEIJING -- Mainland China reported a slight upturn in new virus cases & an increase by 105 in deaths caused by the illness for a total of 1,770 since the outbreak began. The 2,048 new cases followed 3 days of declines, but was up by just 39 cases from the previous day's figure. Another 10,844 have recovered ...

(Feb 16 2020) - Post & Email : The New Untouchables
U.S.A. -- Back in the 60’s (the 1960’s, that is), there was a TV show called “The Untouchables.” The series chronicled the efforts of an actual special unit of the FBI to fight crime, uncover corruption and bring the bad actors to justice during the era of Prohibition and Al Capone in 1930’s Chicago.

(Feb 14 2020) - China Post : Trump to transfer $3.8B for wall
WASH D.C. -- The Trump administration is transferring $3.8 billion in recently passed military funding to finance construction of the president’s long-sought U.S.-Mexico border wall, angering not just Democrats but also GOP defense hawks. Thursday’s move by the Pentagon would transfer money from National Guard units ...

(Feb 13 2020) - Frontier Post : NATO expands mission in Iraq
BRUSSELS -- NATO will assume a greater role in Iraq, taking over some activities from the U.S.-led coalition against Daesh/ISIS, the alliance’s secretary general announced Wednesday at a meeting of defense ministers at its Brussels headquarters. “We need to be able to conduct operations,” said Jens Stoltenberg.

(Feb 12 2020) - Pakistan Christian Post : Teen kidnapped & Raped
LAHORE -- Pakistani Christian Sneha, 14, of Bahar Colony, Lahore, who was kidnapped, forcibly converted to Islam & married to her kidnapper Zeeshan, has been recovered & reunited with her family. Sneha is the youngest of Sabir Masih, has 2 sisters & one brother. She was a student in Franciscan Girls H.S.

(Feb 11 2020) - Conservative Daily Post : Bloomberg Audio Outrage
U.S.A. -- The former Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, has spent millions entering the democratic primary race, vying for a chance to go up against President Trump in 2020. However, that may all come to a grinding halt. Recently resurfaced audio shows Bloomberg defending his “stop and frisk” policy.

(Feb 10 2020) - Patriot Post : Challenging Sanctuary Jurisdictions
NEW YORK -- For as long as most Americans can remember, Dem's have made it clear that any law inimical to their agenda can be blithely ignored. Nothing makes this clearer than the locales across the nation known as “sanctuary” jurisdictions, where policies forbid local law enforcement from cooperating with ICE.

(Feb 09 2020) - Denver Post : “QAnon” creeps into MSM
MILWAUKEE -- President Trump was more than halfway through his speech at a rally in Milwaukee when one of his hand gestures caught the eye of a supporter standing in the packed arena. The 51-yr-old woman believed the president had traced the shape of the letter “Q” with his fingers as a covert signal to followers of QAnon,

(Feb 03 2020) - Weekend Post : Taxation of trusts
AFRICA -- Death and Taxes; the 2 certainties in life they say. Certain that the other twin (tax) will even follow a person unto death, inseparable huh? There are cases where children receive property upon death of parents and are left with huge liabilities because they do not have means to settle the tax liability ...

(Feb 02 2020) - Christian Post : Church of England apologizes ...
ENGLAND -- Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Archbishop of York John Sentamu have apologized for a decree issued by the Church of England which said that only heterosexual married couples should have sex and that sex in gay or straight civil partnerships “falls short of God’s purpose for human beings.”

(Jan 31 2020) - NY Post : California man tests "+" for coronavirus
CALIFORNIA -- A California man has tested positive for the coronavirus, marking the 7th confirmed case in the U.S. The unidentified man is a resident of Santa Clara County, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention confirmed Friday, according to local news reports. Health officials have documented 2 others ...

(Jan 30 2020) - Conservative Post : Obama’s in Trouble ...
WASH D.C. -- Looks like Democrats’ efforts to delegitimize President Trump are backfiring, and could ultimately result in a few big names going to jail. For the past several years, all we’ve heard from certain Democrats is how Trump allegedly colluded with the Russians to “steal” the White House. But ...

(Jan 28 2020) - Activist Post : Required Location Tracking App ...
MISSOURI -- According to a new report from the Kansas City Star, the University of Missouri has started using an app called SpotterEDU to track students to determine attendance. Professors will choose whether or not to use the app. If they use it, students in those classes will be unable to opt-out & be forced to install the App

(Jan 26 2020) - Bangkok Post : C130's on standby for evacuation
CHINA -- Up to four C130 planes with medic teams have been put on standby in case Thailand decides to airlift its citizens from Wuhan as the coronavirus outbreak worsened in China. Air force chief Maanat Wongwat said the transport aircraft & medic teams were ready to take off to the Chinese city as soon as ...

(Jan 24 2020) - Monroe County Post : Coronavirus terrifies us, but
TENNESSEE -- Influenza rarely gets the sort of attention that coronavirus has, even though flu has already sickened at least 13 million Americans this winter & killed 6,600 people. In a bad year, the flu kills up to 61,000 Americans. There’s a deadly virus spreading from state to state. It preys on the most vulnerable

(Jan 22 2020) - Copenhagen Post : Denmark prepared for virus
DENMARK -- The Danish health authority is confident it's well prepared to tackle the new virus outbreak in China. The State Serum Institute said it wasn’t on high alert about the Wuhan Virus because the indications are that it can only be transmitted via close contact & that it isn’t as deadly as SARS.

(Jan 20 2020) - Nottingham Post : Paedophile hunters nab two
LONDON -- Two men have been jailed for more than 4 years combined for child sex offences. Adnan Farzat, 36, of Pandora Road, Camden, London, was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison for attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child, attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity ...

(Jan 19 2020) - Palm Beach Post : Illegal crossings plunge ...
YUMA -- Adolfo Cardenas smiles faintly at the memory of traveling with his 14-yr-old son from Honduras to the U.S.-Mexico border in only 9 days, riding buses & paying a smuggler $6,000 to ensure passage through highway checkpoints. Father & son walked about 10 min' in stifling heat before surrendering to border agents.

(Jan 18 2020) - Jerusalem Post : Iran arrests Christian convert
IRAN -- According to the website Art' 18, which seeks to promote religious freedom, “The 21-yr-old, who after her conversion now prefers to be known as Mary, was reportedly arrested near Azadi Square, where protests were taking place following the Iranian govt’s admission of guilt in the downing Ukrainian plane.”

(Jan 17 2020) - Post South : Nearly 100 mil' under winter warning
U.S.A. -- Nearly 100 million Americans were under a winter weather alert Friday as a sprawling storm is expected to create hazardous travel conditions from the Plains into northeastern U.S. through the weekend. Already Friday, a plane slid off a taxiway at Kansas City International Airport due to icy conditions ...

(Jan 16 2020) - SCM Post : China’s deal to buy more US goods ...
CHINA -- China’s pledge to ramp up purchases of US goods and services in an interim trade deal has drawn concern from other trading partners, with a leading European business group calling it a “distortion of the market” and saying the pact was “rewriting globalisation”. After the deal was signed in Washington ...

(Jan 15 2020) - Post News : Massive Trump Rally in Milwaukee
WISCONSIN -- Over 37,000 Watch Online at Right Side Broadcasting Network. President Trump is holding a massive rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin tonight. THOUSANDS lined up in the freezing temperatures to see President Trump this evening. Trump invited several Wisconsin lawmakers on the stage tonight.

(Jan 14 2020) - Kathmandu Post : Substandard med's distributed
NEPAL -- Medicines from the list of essential drugs which were found to be substandard in lab' tests a few months ago are still being distributed free of cost from the state-run health facilities across the country. Nepal Health Research Council had collected 285 essential med's from the health facilities

(Jan 13 2020) - Threat Post : CES Surveillance Worries Advocates
LAS VEGAS -- Cutting-edge surveillance tech took center stage at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this past week. But just as many tech enthusiast praised the technology as something to marvel, privacy advocates voiced concern. Many security experts are sounding the alarm re: the tech show’s emphasis ...

(Jan 12 2020) - Activist Post : Walmart Testing Robots ... For ???
NEW HAMPSHIRE -- A Walmart Supercenter in Salem, New Hampshire, has been the first store to test a new kind of technology that will use robots to collect grocery items for online order fulfilment. Walmart is one of the largest companies in the world by revenue, with at least 2.3 million employees in the US ...

(Jan 11 2020) - Saturday Evening Post : The 5 Biggest Bailouts Ever
AMERICA -- They say the business of America is business, but occasionally the only thing left to help a business is America. On certain occasions, our govt has politely stepped away from a generally hands-off attitude & intervened to save companies whose dissolutions might have dire, wide-ranging consequences ...

(Jan 09 2020) - BRICS Post : South African citrus export jumps
SOUTH AFRICA -- The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) expects South Africa’s fresh citrus exports to jump by 10% in 2020 to 2.24 million tonnes. The revenue growth from citrus exports should be even higher, as growers shift to high value lemons & soft citrus such as mandarins & away from oranges.

(Jan 08 2020) - Wash Post : Transcript of Trump’s Iran speech
WASH D.C. -- President Trump addressed a nation Wed that in recent days has appeared to be on the verge of war with Iran. The speech came days after the U.S. killed a high-ranking military commander, Qasem Soleimani, and the morning after Iran retaliated by striking Iraqi bases that house U.S. forces with missiles.

(Jan 07 2020) - Baghdad Post : 35 killed in stampede at funeral
IRAN -- A stampede erupted on Tuesday at a funeral procession for a top Iranian general killed in a U.S. airstrike last week, killing 35 people and injuring 48 others, state television reported. According to the report, the stampede took place in Kerman, the hometown of Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani ...

(Jan 06 2020) - Huff Post : Number Of Animals Feared Dead ...
SYDNEY -- The number of wildlife estimated to have died in Australia’s wildfire has skyrocketed to over a billion. Chris Dickman, an ecologist at the University of Sydney, told HuffPost that his original estimate of 480 million was not only conservative, it was also exclusive to the state of New South Wales ...

(Jan 05 2020) - PanAm Post : Chavismo Seizes Parliament ... and
VENEZUELA -- Luis Parra was sworn in as president of the National Assembly with the votes from the Chavista party, more than twenty votes from supposed independent opponents, and some dissidents. On January 5, the Directorial Board of the Venezuelan National Assembly was supposed to be renewed, and ...

(Jan 04 2020) - Jakarta Post : Lengthy requirements for religions
JAKARTA -- The year 2019 saw adherents of minority religions continue to struggle to exercise their beliefs, including as they tried to establish places of worship in many areas of the country. The issue was raised again over Christmas when Christians in West Sumatra were banned from holding Christmas service and ...

(Jan 02 2020) - National Post : Military wants spy 'role players'
CANADA -- The Department of National Defence is recruiting actors for a unique role: to be participants in real-life spy-vs-spy exercises. The ministry issued an unusual tender recently, seeking “role players” to help train special-forces troops on the intricacies of surveillance and counter-surveillance ...

(Jan 01 2020) - Kyiv Post : Pompeo postpones trip to Ukraine
WASH D.C. -- United States Secretary of State Michael Pompeo has postponed his visit to Ukraine after protesters stormed the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq. Instead, Pompeo will monitor the situation in the Middle Eastern country, the State Dept' announced Jan. 1. Pompeo was scheduled to arrive in Kyiv on Jan. 3 ...

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