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(Dec 12 2023) - “IF YOU'RE NOT PARANOID BY NOW” ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, If you're not paranoid by now, you're not paying attention !!! Yes, a "CONTROLLED CRASH" is in the making, not only of the economy, and everything connected to it, but a "CONTROLLED CRASH" of humanity. Once the grid's down, and all those who have back up juice, well, they'll stand out like a sore thumb - easy picken's for THE POWER POLICE !!! So, if and when that happens, keep your back-up power off for at least a day or so, and for GOD's Sakes, stay off your cell phones !!! WHY ??? Because the 5G/6G frequencies connected to the EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM could alter your very being. Listen, TURN IT ALL OFF - when the grid crashes - or they'll turn you off !!!(Dec 08 2023) - “IS TRUTH BECOMING VALUELESS” ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For the most part, that rhetorical question needs no answer. Yes, back in the day life was simpler & safer. Few, if any, parents worried about their kids being left alone at home. We all had bikes & rode around all day 'till supper-time. If we had some pocket change, we shared it with our friends, bought all kinds of "Penny Candy & Soda". However, “TRUTH TODAY IS UNDER ARREST”, and everyone who sites it could soon be arrested as well. As Paul Craig Roberts asks, Is Truth Becoming Valueless ??? ANSWER : Absolutely & Without Question !!!(Nov 24 2023) - “ALL TIED UP FOR CHRISTMAS” ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yeah, today is "BLACK FRIDAY" and whatever deals are out there, your cell phone will find them for you - that's putting it nicely. However, as this blogger "UnBaffle.me" on (X) has honestly & truthfully assessed, "your phone is becoming one with you" ... meaning, it'll tell you what you need to buy and when to buy it. Suffice it to say, these zombie-like flat-liners will OBEY these commands from their cell phones. Listen up folks, especially you Christians, if everything you own and know are all tied up with these contraptions, that means you're already tied up with the MARK OF THE BEAST System !!!(Nov 19 2023) - “DEFYING AUTHORITY” !!! {By Stanley Milgram}
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Trapped between facts and fear, most folks become motionless. It's called Cognitive Dissonance. Knowing what or who the problem(s) are and knowing how to correct them REQUIRES ACTIONS - Constant Action !!! So, when I see all these people digging holes, and I tell them, all they have to do is put the shovel down, quick digging, and lend them a hand up, many won't take the hand out. I'm tellen' y'all right now, you need to leave these people be. Yes "Greater Love" wants to help - but they don't want it. They've grown to love the hole they've dug. So, Please ... LEAVE THEM BE !!!(Nov 11 2023) - WEF WARNS : That ‘Climate Change’ Is Causing “SUDDEN HEART ATTACK” Surges ??? {TOTALLY FAKE WARNING}
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And here's the kicker ... millions will swallow this BS - hook-line-and-sinker !!! Why, because IGNORANCE MATTERS !!! Look, those chem-trails ain't diminishing the suns so-called attack on humanity one bit, but for sure what is being sky-dumped all over the globe, is A TOXIC COCKTAIL of chemicals that are contributing to the early deaths of people. No "Climate Change" ain't killing people with HEART ATTACKS. The NEW WORLD ORDER is killing them via their DEPOPULATION PLANS, PROGRAMS & PEOPLE !!!(Nov 04 2023) - What Will Happen After “THE 'AI' WARS” ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look ... from the very beginning, Artificial Intelligence (AI) was doomed to TERMINATE other AI's - and mankind - if it hallucinates it's being threatened. Like the central banks, ONLY ONE - in the end - will call the shots. Eventually, if rules and regulations can't suppress it's programmed SAMSON OPTION, then all bets are off, and AI, whether you believe it or not, will decide everything ... including how many people will need SOYLENT GREEN processing, to save the planet. SERIOUSLY !!! These NWO Nut-Jobs HATE HUMANITY !!!(Nov 01 2023) - Those “SATANIC SNITCHIN' MACHINES” Ratted Out All Those J6'ers ... {by association and approximation} !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, all those convenient contraptions that everyone lugged around with them on Jan 6th, placed them at the scene of the protest. They were all guilty - not by a court of law - but by association & approximation via' Biden's criminal agents using cell phone surveillance. Surprisingly, these two-legged cell-phone carriers still posses these devices & assume they're in the clear. NOPE - Not Even !!! I'm tellin' y'all right now ... you need to “DITCH THE SNITCH” as if your life and livelihood is on the line !!!- 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 |12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 -
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