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(Dec 30 2021) - PBS : The Opioid Crisis in 2021 !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- How is it that FRONTLINE can do a really great documentary concerning a pharmaceutical company - Insys Therapeutics - whose product killed thousands and yet missed the BIGGER STORY concerning these FAKE VACCINES which are killing millions ??? For me the answer is clear. PBS went after the newbie pharmaceutical company, to justify their obedience to BIG PHARMA !!! Yes, I watched this on PBS last night and wanted y'all to know this one thing - the MSM knows whose buttering their bread. And it ain't the truth !!!(Dec 28 2021) - How You are Being Modified Right Now !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Getting a handle on the material universe, from the dark side of anti-matter is still - at best - theoretical. However, those wanting more control over everything in this material universe - especially humanity - have surrendered to these SATANIC SCHEMES. In Celeste's latest offering she highlights their DEMONIC DESIGNS and shares why they want to corrupt one of GOD's Greatest Creations ... MAN !!! You're gonna want to BOOKMARK this page for future reference.(Dec 27 2021) - WARNING : USA Interstate Travel Checkpoints !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- A couple of day ago I listened to this pod-cast and waited until today to link it up to the Porterville Post. Why ??? Well, I wanted to wait & see if anyone from out-of-state did get stopped on the way into California re: their vaxx status. So far I haven't heard or read if anyone has been detained because of Covid. Now, that doesn't mean it hasn't happened - yet !!! However, all the executive orders & bureaucratic paperwork are in place right now, as they ready their administrations, authorities & agencies to ROUND-UP all those who refuse to be vaxxed !!!(Dec 26 2021) - The Plot Which Culminates In a "President" Hillary Clinton Reign of Terror, Moves Forward ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, Dave Hodges from The Common Sense Show has a really good size hammer when he swings at nails, but I still think he's saving much of what he knows for his own family's survival. I can't really blame him for that. And secondly, why hasn't youtube taken his channel down ??? Yeah, he has 184,000 subscribers, but again, somehow he's been given a pass. In any case, I'll say this, whomever the BlackOps Brotherhood wants buried, they'll need to blame more than just Christians and Conservatives. Believe it or not, they're actively recruiting ET for their FINAL FALSE FLAG !!!(Dec 25 2021) - Waste water samples from nearly all of Houston’s treatment plants contain supposed “omicron” variant ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, all these BIO-WEAPONS - they call vaccines - have been introduced into our air and water !!! How you might ask ??? Just look up into the sky, and you will see with your own eyes !!! They are called CHEM-TRAILS !!! Back in 1962 LBJ spilled the beans (VIDEO) to a group of students re: "controlling the weather, to control the world", but now they're dumping depopulation drugs and chemicals all over the planet !!! Look, how do you suppose a fully vaccinated U.S. Navy ship suddenly breaks out with Covid ??? EXPLAIN THAT !!!(Dec 24 2021) - Airlines - WORLD WIDE - Cancel Over 2,000 Christmas Eve Flights at Last Minute, Blame Omicron, Weather
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- YOU AIN'T GOING ANYWHERE FOR CHRISTMAS !!! And, truth be told, that might be a good thing - especially when all those traveling by air are already VAXXED-UP !!! Now, if you're thinking about coming back to the U.S. via the southern border, that may work out better, and you might even get a FREE trip back home, courtesy of Biden's Night Flyer's. Yes, this paragraph is part parody, but it's also part reality. Reality, coupled with logic, reason ... and ... { wait for it } ... TRUTH !!!(Dec 22 2021) - The Successful Recruitment of Useful Idiots ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the deal !!! Unless you're actively engaging with your neighbors re: the multiple agendas of the NEW WORLD ORDER, then all your time spent on-line reading what's what will be waisted. Simply put, you need to get off your yonkers and GET'ER DONE !!! Stop complaining !!! Stop going to places with your contact tracing cell phone, and start talking & planning with your neighbors. I do this every day. It takes time, and the longer you put it off, the sooner you'll end up in one of FEMA's Covid Camps, Non-Compliance Neighborhoods or Prisons !!!(Dec 21 2021) - AND SO IT BEGINS : Triple Vaxxed CNBC Host Jim Cramer Tests Positive for Covid-19 in ‘Breakthrough Case’ !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Right up to the day they die - and that may be soon - those FAKE NEWS broadcasters will deny that they got CoVid-19 from others who were also VAXXED-UP !!! Their overt and demonstrated hatred, for those who did their due-diligence and research re: this BIO-WEAPON is demonic - to say the least. In the end, their fear of the facts may cost them more than their jobs. Folks, here's a tried and true way to shut down these press-ti-tutes. TURN OFF THE TV !!!(Dec 18 2021) - THE FINAL SOLUTION : FULL DIGITIZATION !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Times-a-waisting folks !!! As families and friends are angrily dividing themselves over this digitized BIO-WEAPON, the evil elite are ready to hammer down hard, their Great Reset button !!! Even if the masses are told the truth by the MSM, it's too late. Most have already been vaxx'ed and will suffer greatly with serious side effects or worse, DIE !!! Unless, there's another GREAT AWAKENING, you can kiss your dreams of returning back to normal GOODBYE !!! So, get you house and neighborhood in order quick. Times-a-waisting !!!(Dec 17 2021) - GREAT MEDICAL QUESTION : Why are so many people going Blind after getting the Covid-19 Vaccine ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a sad example of the Morally Blind leading the Spiritually Blind into BLINDNESS - Literally !!! I'm telling y'all, it's a Crap-Shoot if you think that somehow you're gonna get a pass from all these "Life Altering" and "Life Threating" damages from these BIO-WEAPONS - 'cause you ain't !!! One day all of these side effects will catch up with you, because, your immune system has been compromised - like your common sense. Sorry Charlie, you volunteered for this suicide shot !!! May GOD Have Mercy of you, 'cause BIG BROTHER won't !!!(Dec 15 2021) - Mark Of the Beast system in Walgreens ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... If this little video doesn't cause you any concern, then - no doubt - you're still in denial. Listen up folks. The "Mark of the Beast" system has to go through many hoops to finally be universally approved and accepted - just like those jabs (AKA bio-weapons). But, like the "BIBLE" says, this is where we are heading, no one will be able to buy or sell unless they have on their forehead or right hand the beast "Mark" or his "Name" or his "Number" - Rev 13:17 !!!(Dec 11 2021) - THERE'S NO TURNING BACK : Shadowy Super Surveillance State Will Shadow All Your Movements !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, it's too late for y'all who just can't part with your magical Manchurian machines - CELL PHONES !!! For years I've tried to warn folks that all these Orwellian On-Line Appliances will - in the end - harness your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Once you have bought their satanic surveillance instruments, you've basically bought the farm. There's no going back !!! You can try to shut them all off, but that'll only put you on another list. There's nothing else I can say ... NOTHING !!!(Dec 08 2021) - LOOK OUT : Dozens of anti-vax demonstrators block roads outside NYC mayor de Blasio’s Brooklyn home ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As I have been ALERTING - for sometime now - the woke will doxx where you live and meet you at the gate. In this case, NYC Mayor deBlasio's front gate. Yes, those in the streets will rant and rave - for now - but I'm telling all you NEW WORLD ORDER Nut-Jobs, y'all better pack up and head out now !!! Once the Left and Right see that their collective freedoms and liberties are in the chopper, you're gonna get on Santa's naughty list and his little helpers will make sure that your occupancy is either resolved, revoked, replaced or - GOD Help You - removed.(Dec 06 2021) - Why did Gavin Newsom and family take a vacation in Cabo, Mexico ??? ... STEM-CELL TREATMENT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Boy-Howdy !!! If this report re: Gavin Newsom (and family) going down to Mexico to receive STEM-CELL TREATMENT - because of his Vaxx injury - has any legs, the lives of those who treated and protected him could be in jeopardy - kinda like what happened to those who outed obama and his past. Folks, y'all gotta realize one thing. Those in-the-know, now know, that Newsom is had !!! He's a made man !!! And, to protect his litte secret and his family, he's gonna role over fast and furious for the NEW WORLD ORDER. Count on it !!!(Dec 05 2021) - Stew Peters Video : Moderna Patent Uncovers Horror - WIRELESS NANOCENSOR - contained in Bioweapon !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Listen up all you pres-ti-tutes !!! Continuing to disregard factual research re: these KILLER VAXX's will not exempt you from any secondary or tertiary harm from the woke masses. As a matter of fact, you are now legally liable for your negligence - as an investigator and reporter. So, much like Alec Baldwin - who says he didn't pull the trigger, killing Halyna Hutchins - you did !!! You've exploited your 1st Amendment rights for your own enrichment and because of that Americans have been harmed, and have DIED !!! {Release the Lawyers}(Dec 03 2021) - ALERT : THE GREATEST SPY ORGANIZATION IN THE USA IS 'THE CLERGY RESPONSE TEAMS' ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- After reading through this ALERT from Steve Quayle's website, I am somewhat relieved (I said somewhat) that some Christians have decided to separate themselves - not from those who are Vaxx'ed - but from church folks who have been blinded by FAKE PASTORS !!! If they would just read and respond to GOD's ALERTS in the Bible, and not these government cowering preachers, they'd awaken, see the light, and flee (like You-know-what) !!! But, the blind will follow the blind and, in the end, the dead will bury the dead. What else can be said ???(Nov 30 2021) - WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, if you're just coming to grips with all this FAKE NEWS re: this FAKE PANDEMIC, FAKE BANKING, FAKE HISTORY, and FAKE UFO INVASION, you ain't gonna fetch water for anyone, let alone yourself. Ya got no resources, no back-up plans, and for sure, no connections for protection, other than that MANCHURIAN MACHINE in your pocket. And I'm gonna be straight-up wih you right now. Don't come knocken' on the doors of those who have prepared. Since you didn't care - way back then - they won't care when you show up. Just ask NOAH !!!(Nov 27 2021) - VIDEO INFORMATION : CNN REPORT in 1985 !!! Admitting EMF's + 60ghz (5G) IS A WEAPON !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Back in the day when CNN was trying to get a bigger foothold and audience by going 24/7, they actually did some respectable reporting. However, as y'all know, this being Ted Turner's dream, has now become America's nightmare. In any case, find a way to download and archive this CNN Video Report, so that you can show the rest of your STUPID and DISBELIEVING family and friends how it all started. Unless of course their frequencies have already been altered by this technology. May GOD Have Mercy on them, 'cause these tech titans won't !!!(Nov 25 2021) - HAPPY VAXX-GIVING STUPID PEOPLE !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today I am thankful that GOD created a brain within me to reason and determine whether or not to associated with STUPID PEOPLE !!! Today I won't be celebrating VAXX-GIVING with them because GOD gave me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to believe ... believe ... that these VAXXED STUPID PEOPLE are now "Satan's Shedders and Spreaders" !!! As much as I'd like to apologize for telling the truth - in my rough sorta way - I won't !!! Yes, the TRUTH HURTS ... but ... LIES KILL !!! Which do you STUPID PEOPLE prefer ???(Nov 23 2021) - ALERT : Thousands of Marines Will Miss Deadline to be 'Fully Vaxed,' May Soon Be Run Out of Corps !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Soon thousand and thousands of Military Hero's will be kicked out of the service and "BRANDED" for refusing the VAXX !!! That's the bad news. However, the good news is, we'll have more troops on American soil who know how to take a stand and fight for the Constitution for which they took an oath to protect. These REAL HERO's need a Home-Coming like no other, 'cause you know dang well the "Corporate Owned" FAKE NEWS pres-ti-tutes ain't gonna wave any flags for them. So let's support them, 'cause they've supported and defended us.(Nov 20 2021) - Corporate-Owned Mockingbird Media Silent As Mass Protests Erupt Worldwide Against Lockdowns & Mandates !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is as nice as I can put it. You "Pres-ti-tutes" in the MSM are gonna need extra security to protect yourselves, your families and where you live. Again, I'm trying to alert those of you who have half a conscious to start reporting the truth or suffer at the hands of your own Manchurian Mob's. Y'all think you are somehow exempt from the building backlash from all your bulling and bullsh*t. But you need to get a clue. Your manufactured mob's know where y'all live, work and play and they're coming !!! TELL THE TRUTH !!!(Nov 19 2021) - Hi-Tech Muzzle : Woke Bot for Classrooms Sounds Offensive Alarm When Detecting Offensive Speech !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- After reading this article & wondering why would anyone allow this Orwellian appliance in or around schools, business or homes. Then it then occurred to me as to WHY ??? Because, it'd be easier to condition, control & curtail any conversation. Secondly, all these snitchen machines will re-route all those "Alarm Ringing" conversations through the NSA. Yes they do !!! Folks, ya gotta quit fooling yourselves. None of these businesses or agencies will protect anything that you say or do with these devices. They only protect ... MONEY & POWER ... like most politicians !!!(Nov 16 2021) - Insider Medical Source Reveals That Fauci and the CHICOMS Have Introduced a New Form of AIDS to the Public !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- DEVELOPING AIDS - I'm telling y'all - is just the beginning. Bad batches of these DEADLY VAXX's will end up as additional distractions (CONSPIRACY THEORY) as to cause and effects of the PLANDEMIC !!! Yes, Dave Hodges sources have connected the dots re: random tainted vials being sent out, and yes new batches of bad bugs are on the way - via VAXX's - but what's secretly activating these illnesses are the changes in patients DNA & frequency due to the "Graphene Oxide" injections, which can be traced, tracked & triggered by 5G satellites !!!(Nov 14 2021) - WORLDWIDE VACCINE FAILURE !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I told you so's - at this point in time - ain't gonna save those who - in the beginning - "Volunteered" for the DEATH-VAXX or are now "Mandated" to take it or be fired !!! Lines are being drawn between families and friends, and lists are being tabulated by governments, as damaged people and deaths continue mounting. And to all those Church folks who listened to their FALSE PROPHETS, Preachers and Priests to obey the gov't rather than GOD, and took the jab, let me know how that's working out for you ??? NEVER MIND !!!(Nov 11 2021) - DECARBONIZATION = DEPOPULATION ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, since many leaders of NEW WORLD ORDER can't hide above ground anymore, their only option is to go underground. But you say, that'll be good for the rest of the planet and people, right ??? Not if you like breathing and eating things which need Co2 to survive and thrive. As we speak, these NWO nut-jobs have plans to suck out all of the good Co2 and H2O from the surface, liquefy it and then use it underground for their long term survival. So ... to save the planet - in their satanic minds - DEPOPULATION "is" THE FINAL SOLUTION !!!(Nov 09 2021) - Gavin Newsom is out of sight likely because ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Like I said 3 days ago "speculations & suspicions have been filling social media sites" re: Newsom's whereabouts after he was VAXXED with a booster. Supposedly he's gonna "Make an Appearance" on some MSM platform today concerning his so-called "Personal Issues". However, if he was injured by the booster jab & visually presents as normal, it may be that an "Alternative Antidote" was used to save his health and political life. We'll see soon enough ...(Nov 08 2021) - GET READY FOR MORE SHORTAGES ... !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Talking with a few local retailers, and grocery outlets here in Porterville, the nation wide shortages of goods, products and food are starting to manifest. Shelves are looking thiner than usual and shop owners backs are up against a wall. They say, "No Products = No Profit" So far, items delivered by trucks to Porterville have come on time, but in the next few days - due to the Nation Wide Strike and Walkouts - that could change !!! So, get what you can afford NOW, because tomorrow prices could increase while products decrease !!!(Nov 06 2021) - Where is
GovernorGavin Newsom ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Pelosi's "Poster Boy" for the NEW WORLD ORDER - Gavin Newsom - has been MIA, according to the California Globe. Speculations and suspicions have been filling social media sites re: what or why, but little from the MSM. I'm tellin' y'all, if this ding-bat has "The Delta Varient" or "Breakthrough Bug" - because of a vaccination or recent boster - then he's won't be BIG PHARMA's "Poster Boy" anymore, if he has serious side effects, injuries or worse. But, if he kicks the bucket, you know darn-well the pres-ti-tutes "On The Take" will report otherwise.(Nov 05 2021) - America Has Entered the FALSE FLAG Zone ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As much as I like what Dave Hodges puts out on his web site ... I gotta say, one FALSE FLAG won't do the trick. Incrementalism and ignorance is setting the stage for multiple and continuous FALSE FLAGS. One won't do. Additionally they will need players, patsies, pres-ti-tutes, publishers, pastors, priests and Pope to pull it off. These principles are all in place - NOW - and they will collectively push that the NEW NORMAL of the NEW WORLD ORDER is better than MARTIAL LAW. But in truth ... IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME !!!(Nov 04 2021) - CRIMES AGAINST KIDS : San Fran will require children ages 5-11 show proof of vaxx to access businesses
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is not how you protect your children !!! Stupid parents - who have a past practice of taking the easy way out, and Money Hungry Doctors - who should not be practicing anything resembling medicine - should both be sent to re-education camps which cover basic logic and reasoning courses, plus absolutes in morality !!! But, since there's a ton of money and jobs waiting for these ignoramuses, their kids - I'm sorry to say - will bear the cost of these CRIMINAL CARETAKERS !!!(Nov 02 2021) - What Everyone Ought To Know About THE HIDDEN MYSTERY BEHIND EXTREME DARK ART VALKYRIE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What you believe or think may not have originated from your own imagination. Seriously !!! The "Price and Power of the Air" has teamed up with DARPA's low-life tech-nerds to construct - what I call - Artificial Believing & Thinking - ABAT's for short. Engineered to capture - not just humanities thought processes and beliefs - but behaviors as well. Millions have been ear-marked for these "BEYOND BLACK" projects and their final target are REAL "BORN-AGAIN" CHRISTIANS !!! And, like Celeste Solum said at the end of her article - GIRD UP !!!(Oct 29 2021) - BRAND NEW SONG : PURE BLOODED ANTHEM !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So you've been looking for a "Theme Song" or "Anthem" to rally the troops re: all those FAKE VACCINES, FAKE SCIENTISTS, FAKE POLITICIANS and FAKE NEWS. Well this one is it !!! The song is appropriately called PURE BLOODED and it's sung to Foreigners Hit "Hot Blooded" !!! For now it's still up and playing on YouTube, so if you're gonna download it, you better do it PDQ. I gotta say, this rendition really encouraged me, knowing that people are waking up and are no longer afraid to say it like it is. And yes, I am PURE BLOODED. Are You ???(Oct 27 2021) - IMPORTANT VIDEO : PUB MED ARTICLE PROVES 5G WILL CAUSE EXACT SYMPTOMS AS CV-19 ... {AND DEATH} !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For sometime now, The Post has been monitoring video's and pod-casters re: Chem-trails, their connection to 5G, and the CCP/DoD/MI6 Bio-Weapon - masked as a Virus. We know that these geoengineering jets are dumping tons of barium, strontium, aluminum & graphene oxide onto the public, and we now know that once there are sufficient amount of 5G's towers in place, and Chem-trails dumped & injected by humans, then countless thousands - eventually millions - will keel-over DEAD, when these satanic satellites are switch on. But, Cognitive Dissonance & Denial has been switched on for the vaxxed !!!(Oct 25 2021) - The “Plan” --‣ Vax Holocaust --‣ Total Anarchy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So you ask, why would anyone from the "DARK SIDE" hint as to what "THEIR PLAN" is ??? Answer : Most of the time they trial-balloon the public to measure their Reactions, Rebellions and Recourses. And for sure, they know that many Christians have "Insight & Inspiration" from GOD re: their "EVIL PLANS" and who are implementing them. As well, they know these Christians can't be shut-up or shut-down. So, unless they have "Illumination" from their god - SATAN - their plans may not come into being ... not yet anyway.(Oct 24 2021) - Articles Of Impeachments Filed Against Biden
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- At the most opportune time, the MSM will incite their mobs to riot nation wide, to help Joe "The Commie Collaborator" Biden avoid IMPEACHMENT, and trigger this usurpers demonic dreams of MARTIAL LAW and DICTATORSHIP !!! Yes, Rep' Marjorie Taylor Greene's "Articles of Impeachment" (HR-57)(HR-596)(HR-597)(HR-598) is the "Right Call" and should pass muster with Real American's, but, as history reveals, it won't with RINO Republicans. So, make sure your powder is dry, your pantry is full, and you're "High & Tight" with GOD !!!(Oct 20 2021) - Civil Unrest "PROVOKED" on Purpose ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This CIVIL UNREST - provoked by the DEEP STATE - is only one of many ways wherein America is being brought to her knees. Look, "We The People" can fight on several fronts and win on any battlefield that the enemy choses, but when the enemy is one of our own household, then all bets are off. Decisions Must Be Made TODAY, for you, your family and friends. If another day goes by without addressing this issue with your love-ones, then FORGET ABOUT IT !!! By default you've sided with America's enemies.(Oct 17 2021) - A Patent Issued for The Purpose of Contact Tracing All Vaccinated Humans Worldwide – “Wake up stupid little sheep ...”
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- YES !!! It's too late to save all those who "Voluntarily" took the jab. They have now become the property of BIG PHARMA's "Patented" bio-weapons, to do with as they please. As this report reveals, these ignorantly jabbed Borg are now "Contract Tracing" wherever they wane and wander. Listen up folks, these 5G satellites will be able track these lost lemmings in real time - not just to know their whereabouts - but where the resistors are ... especially CHRISTIANS !!!(Oct 15 2021) - WEEKEND WARRIOR WATCH : OpenVAERS.com !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's another great web site called "OpenVAERS.com" that documents many Vaccine Adverse Events and Deaths !!! I took a few minutes to read many of the horrifying stories and I'm here to tell y'all "SOMEONE HAS TO PAY" for all these life ending injuries, and medical malfeasance. Since Big PHARMA was given immunity - thanks to U.S. Congress - then mulitiple class action law-suits must be issued at them to Halt this HOLOCAUST !!! Unless America's Front-Line Lawyers ban together and fight this, humanity will suffer greatly !!!(Oct 12 2021) - WAKE UP PEOPLE : Tiny Bots Could Soon Deliver Medicine Through The Bloodstream - (Depopulation Via Frequencies)
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Don't kid yourself. Whatever nano-chemicals that those "Geo-Engineering Jets" are spraying all over the skies - which are being inhaled by humanity - will be controlled via frequencies. Doubt It Not !!! These mad scientists are constructing avenues of entry, engagement and enforcement - as we speak !!! Look, all that these "Human-Hating-Hybrids" need are unsuspecting "Cognitive Dissonant" citizens, which number in the millions - maybe billions. Yes, we're outnumbered, but not by the elite. We're outnumbered by the ignorant. GOD HAVE MERCY !!!(Oct 09 2021) - THIS JUST GOT REAL : Air Traffic Controllers WALK-OUT over Vax Mandate ... (Flights Got Cancelled Everywhere)
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- IT BEGINS ... From what I personally know and have verified, this is legit. Hundreds of Air Traffic Control operators have WALKED OFF THE JOB, and this is only the beginning !!! Folks, in the next few days many other government groups and military personnel will be doing the same - WALKING OFF !!! This is the only way - outside of a full-blown civil war - that honest hard working Americans will be able to stop this despicable deception and the demonic depopulation agenda of The NEW WORLD ORDER !!!(Oct 08 2021) - Relying on Facebook threatens national security
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This planned outage from FAKEBOOK - Yes Planned - should have ALARMED EVERY NATION, not just Israel. But, after about 6 hours or so of being DOWN, and almost out, all the social-media addicts were hard at it again. Even those testimonies in Wash D.C. on the day after, appeared PLANNED - Yes Planned !!! You see folks, everyone is so demoniacally driven by all these dangerous devices that their defense mechanisms have been manipulated to shut down as well. That has always been their plan - YES PLANNED !!!(Oct 03 2021) - RED OCTOBER : End of World as We Knew It ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- By the time those in denial wake up to the "LIES" which the "Press-Ti-Tutes" have promulgated on the population, it'll be too late to save themselves or their families. What's "LEFT" for them to do is to seek revenge on those perpe-traitors - in a "Not-So-Friendly" fashion. Yes, Cliff High - Internet data mining expert - can count just about when and where this is all heading - starting this October. And ... for all those "Wait-and-See" plus "Vaccine Injured" dupes, let me tell you something right now, you've aided, abetted and comforted the wrong folks, and now, you want our help ??? FORGET ABOUT IT !!!(Sep 29 2021) - BLASTING BLUE-SKY BOMBERS ARE BACK !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today, when I was halfway through my marathon bike run I noticed that those "Killer Chemtrails are back" ... and with a vengeance. For about two months our central valley skies were almost clear re: those "Killer Chemicals" which - in their absence - were replaced by smoke from the local forest fires. All-in-all we had, maybe, 5-6 clear days for the past two months. And you know WHAT'S WORSE then our food, water, and air being tainted with these nano-toxins and poisons, people continuing to believe that the gov't is altering these life essential elements for our own good ... like those FAKE VACCINES !!!(Sep 27 2021) - Who's Your Daddy ??? BIG PHARMA ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- According to this redistributed September 24th report from "IntelliHub.news", back in 2013 the SCOTUS gave the green light to BIG PHARMA to patent their Man-Made DNA labeled cDNA. Since the court stated that human DNA could not be patented, they did agree that any alteration could. Enter the new mDNA and You becoming the property of BIG PHARMA, because you volunteered for their "patented jab". So, at least You now know who's your daddy and who you and your offspring belongs to - if that's any consolation ... ???(Sep 26 2021) - Media hypnosis manufacturing mass psychosis
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- To control the masses there needed to be anarrative(LIE) that presents some semblance of truth - usually partitioned near the bottom of an article or report. Next - to compound the lie - you add "Official Sources" or "Experts" to drill down the deception. And lastly, the CONSPIRACY TO CORRAL THE CONSCIOUSNESS of the people, you need Manchurian machines to manipulate their minds and hirelings to perpetuate the propaganda. The Post calls them ... PRESS-TI-TUTES !!!(Sep 24 2021) - CDC Admits There is No Proof COVID-19 is Airborne Virus & They've Been Misleading the Public All Along
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now why do you spose CDC said that it's not an airborne virus ??? Could it be that real science is catching on to their Man-Made Bio-Weapon and more insiders from BigPharma are spilling the beans ??? Or, Could it be that when they start chemtrailing the population with more bio-weapons they have plausible deniability ??? And lastly, Could it be they just don't want any more humans in contact with each other. For sure, there's an argument for each of these and perhaps all the above.(Sep 23 2021) - ATTENTION : Biden Pushing For Dishonourable Discharges, Court Martials For Troops Who Refuse Vaccines
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As an ex-Military serviceman, I'm here to tell you, it would be a lot easier to recover from a shot from a bullet to the arm than a from a shot from any of these vaccines. No one is 100% sure what is in those jabs or what the long term side effects will be to you or your offspring, not yet born. So ... if Biden is demonically determined to divide and destroy one of the greatest Military's the world has ever known or seen, then he too must be Dishonorably Discharged from D.C. !!!(Sep 21 2021) - MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW CAMPS !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As soon as the next MAN-MADE VIRUS' are released - sometime this winter - FEMA will be there to help, I mean, HIDE you and yours from the view of others. This latest report from Dave Hodges from The Common Sense Show, is really great for those who are just now learning re: what's going on. Other sources are intimating that many FEMA Camps will be located in other countries. That way no one can travel to those locations to rescue their loved ones unless they're vaccinated. So keep in mind, Canada is manufacturing them and so is Australia.(Sep 20 2021) - People are protesting at Rothschild’s castle
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Oh yeah ... We know where y'all live, work and hide out. LISTEN UP !!! This planet is not your personal property, regardless of your satanic bloodlines and inherited ideas. We know when you come and go. We know where your planes, ships and tunnels are located. We know who your "Loyal Employees" are. We know who your "Secret Society" security guards are. And ... so that you don't ever forget ... we know where all your banks are as well. So ... MAKE YOUR MOVE !!!(Sep 20 2021) - AMERICA : Conquered by a Fake Pandemic !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Since the beginning of this MAN-MADE PANDEMIC, and MANCHURIAN MEDICINE, people have been forced past the facts and into fear - basically FEAR OF DYING. But now, especially for those who were coursed into taking the jab, and into taking sides, America is - for all intents and purposes - forever divided !!! Everywhere you look, the "New Normal" is this division. All other issues wherein our beliefs and behaviors have been assaulted or altered, in the long run, can be realigned. But not with this virus or vaccine. May GOD Have Mercy on the Ignorant and Strength for those who Take a Stand !!!(Sep 18 2021) - VACCINES IN YOUR VEGETABLES ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- It's bad enough that we have GMO plants and products all over the planet, now these gene-wackers who are working on putting vaccines in the vegetables. Yes, you read that right - vaccines !!! So, I guess we will soon see additional signs in the produce section of your local grocery markets which might say, organic, genetically modified and soon genetically enhanced !!! Folks, my dad use to say - like millions of other dads - if it ain't broke, then don't fix it. So ... for all your mad scientists out there ... QUIT FIXING STUFF !!!(Sep 16 2021) - The Vaccine Contains Your Barcode ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- MANCHURIAN MEDICINE - (come to find out) - may be in many of those jabs, which (in the not-to-distant future) might get turn on, or, off ... depending on the needs of the few. Folks, this World Wide pandemic was planned, to not only program those who can be manipulated by the jab, but to also take out those who cannot. Look, their occult "Think-Tanks" thought this "End-Game Event" through years ago, and have put into play their depopulation agenda(s). Yes, there's more than one - perhaps thousands, so said Bush 41.(Sep 14 2021) - Capitol Border Going Back Up Ahead of Rally
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, the border is going back up, but not at the southern border where illegals and criminals are flooding into America. It's going back up around the U.S. Capitol - where the DEEP STATE CRIMINALS are holed up. On Sept 18th a rally will be held to protest the Jan 6 political prisoners who are being held hostage in D.C.s holding tank - awaiting trial, they say. But, THE TRUTH IS they're still going through everyone's cell phones planting evidence and linking others who might be involved, or anyone connected to President Trump.(Sep 12 2021) - Intentional Destruction of Life on Earth
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks, this damning report - concerning CHEMTRAILS and how they're "Destroying Life On Earth" {And I Mean Everything} - will more than make your toes curl & hair stand on end. For many years these satanic sky-high super-spreaders have been dumping TONS of TOXIC nano-particles and coal-ash on the unknowing peoples for only one purpose {and it ain't to protect us from Mr. Sunshine} and that's to reduce the population. This report, as thorough and as scientific as it is, will be censored by the MSM. But not here ...(Sep 11 2021) - MUST WATCH VIDEO : NURSE CONFIRMS COVID DELTA VARIANT IS THE VARIANT OF THE VACCINATED !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is it too late to save those who have gotten stuck with this FAKE VACCINE ??? Sorry - but yeah - it kinda looks that way, according to this VIDEO from a RN. And ... promoting additional booster jabs will not resolve this MAN-MADE PANDEMIC !!! Not Today - Not Tomorrow !!! Folks these vaccines are the cause & effect of all the new variants - all of them !!! Listen up folks, every time you are jabbed with one of Fauci's FINAL SOLUTIONS, your chances of staying alive diminishes !!!(Sep 10 2021) - GRAPHENE OXIDE - NWO HORROR SHOW !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's another excellent video presentation concerning "Graphene Oxide" (GO) and if it's in all of the vaccines. Folks, these MANDATORY SHOTS - loaded with (GO) - have an end-use, and that's the end of your use. These "GO" induced vaccines do not protect you from these man-made bioweapons. They - in fact- accentuate your demise. Some rather quickly and others later on. And, as many are now reporting, (GO) is also showing up in chemtrail deposits, which are Polluting the Planet and Poisoning the Air we breath.(Sep 08 2021) - U.S. CITIZEN TRAPPED DOWN UNDER ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This sad report from Steve Quayle's web site reminds me of when the Jews in Germany were alerted to the possibility that if they didn't leave ASAP they'd be on the NAZIS' Hit List. Many who owned businesses decided to stay and wait-it-out, but in the end, they lost everything and their lives. Australia's citizens are now on the same path if they do not take the jab. And those U.S. Citizens who are living there do not have anymore rights than the Aussies. They're Trapped As Well - probably more-so than those trapped in Afghanistan.(Sep 06 2021) - THOSE KILLER CHEMTRAILS ARE BACK !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, those Killer Chemtrails are back - longer and wider than ever !!! My hunch is they're making up for lost time. However, when I took a closer look at these CHEMTRAIL CLOUDS this morning (07:00) they appear to have a luminescent hue to them - kinda like when petroleum shines on top of water. NOT GOOD !!! Odds are - as I suspected a few weeks back - these geoenginnering jets may have added an additional chemical or two, and needed to retrofit their geo-sprayers to the new concoction(s). YES ... THE SKY IS FALLING - AGAIN !!!(Sep 05 2021) - A FEW OLD ARTICLES FROM FANATICAL FUTURE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here are a couple of old articles from a web site called "Fanatical Futurist" I picked through that - no doubt - will have an impact of our freedoms. One article involves a new way to inject into our brains - to collect our thoughts - a nanosensor called "NeuroSWARM3". The second article involves a new "Spray Antenna" that will connect you to the "Internet of Things". I'm tellin' you ... most of these "Fanatical Findings" may never see the light of day, until they're needed for some nefarious and evil end-time endeavors. Copy That ???(Sep 04 2021) - Every Coup Is Followed by a Purge ... AND !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Again, Dave touches many bags rounding 2nd & 3rd base, but let me clue y'all in heading to HOME BASE ! First, those in the know, know full well if you don't purge HOME BASE yourself, others will do it for you - like your nay-saying vaccine jabbed family members, your gov't obedient churches, and those Snitchen Cell Phones !!! Look, you're gonna have to cut them all off at the pass and only assemble with like-minded Christians. You have until Sept 14th to clear all the bases if recalling Gavin Newsom fails.(Sep 01 2021) - WEEK 4 AND STILL NO CHEMTRAILS ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm not too sure why there hasn't been any chemtrails in the central valley these last 4 weeks, but one thing is for certain, the skies are blue and I'm loving it. Yes there's a lot of speculation out there re: where those geoengineering jets have flown off to, or if they were told to stand down, or - and I like this one - the pilots were confronted at their homes by a few "White Hats". In either case, I got a sinking feeling, SOMETHINGS UP !!! Why ? BecauseGovGavin Newsom needs a major FALSE FLAG event so he can declare an emergency to "Stop the Recall". Again, there's a lot of speculation out there, so HEADS UP ... literally !!!(Aug 30 2021) - California, a COVID police state is coming at you
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm not too sure if George Orwell factored in this scenario when he wrote 1984, but no doubt the communists did - along with a little help from their evil NEW WORLD ORDER allies. Yes, Californian's will soon be under the gun - sorta' speak - concerning masks and mandating jabs, but what-the-hey, it's for the good of the many ... right ??? WRONG !!! If you really believe this ... your DEAD WRONG !!! Your silence and stupidity has cost Californian's, not just their liberties, life-styles and lively-hoods, but possibly their very lives.(Aug 28 2021) - mRNA Vaccines: The Silent Weapon !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Chances are ... NO ONE GETS OUT ALIVE !!! As silly as that age old diddy is, it's even more real today than when this phrase was first coined. Folks, now that Pandora's pandemic box has been fully opened and researched - re: it's "END-TIME-EUGENICS" ingredients - those who were tricked into taking the jab could very well be on their way out in a few weeks, months, or a couple of years. It's no longer rocket science !!! These "Man-Made" virus', vaccines and test swabs have been WEAPONIZED for one "Final Solution" ... DEPOPULATION !!!(Aug 26 2021) - What is in the PCR Tests? ... Graphene Oxide and
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm tellin' you ... if the VAXX's don't maim or kill you, the PCR Test Swabs and Masks just might. This report includes some of the "SECRET INGREDIENTS" that's conjoined in these medical devises that accentuates and accelerates what's in those vaccines. Folks, we have more "SMOKING GUN" evidence that's beyond circumstantial to present in any court room to shut down this DEPOPULATION AGENDA !!! Read this report for yourself, then forward it to all your family members, and friends. Please ... Do It Now !!!(Aug 25 2021) - THREE WEEKS & STILL NO CHEMTRAILS ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today I have panned the skies of central California all day, and still No Sign Of Any CHEMTRAILS !!! Just open skies and no clouds. I've been in contact with few a folks from northern California and some out-of-staters & still no sign of any CHEMTRAILS anywhere. My suspicions are building, along with many others of whom I've contacted & conversed with this week. Top on my list is the possibility that these chemtrailers need to retro-fit their genocidal jets to include additional end-time ingredients to converge with their 5G/6G OCCULT OPERATIONS.(Aug 24 2021) - Demonstrators Occupy London News Headquarters
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hey all you "Press-Ti-Tutes" and "Propagandistas" pushing this pandemic, population control and FAKE NEWS ... you are now on ... "The Peoples List" and need to start broadcasting the truth (Example). By Christmas, you're gonna hear from some carolers singing at your front doors - (if) - that's all they do. Yeah, you know you ain't getting any Christmas cards this year, and you know why. I'm tellin' y'all, if you don't REPENT & QUIT what your saying and doing, you'll have HELL to pay - on this side of eternity - and HELL as your final reward.(Aug 21 2021) - Dave Hodges Says : A "Special Place" Is Being Prepared for Whites, Christians and Trump Supporters !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- It's time to ditch all those nay-sayers who - in the short run - will rat you out to any gov't official or authority to save their own hide. That includes your friends, family members and church folk. Listen, if your hope is in being a good law abiding citizen or letting your little light shine, those actions of inactivity will still get you incarcerated - possibly indefinitely. So, the rest of you need to set your grit, and man your posts, 'cuz you know "Something Wicked This Way Comes" !!!(Aug 19 2021) - US CAPITOL ON LOCKDOWN ... AGAIN ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Amazing, how these extremists mental cases are able to slip by our so-called intelligence folks and do their evil deeds. Ain't it ??? And this guy was able to park his truck - supposedly loaded with a bomb - in front of gov't building. Now come on. Americans ain't that stupid. No doubt a few of these intel agencies were aware re: this event, and maybe were told to stand down - or worse - instigated it. Because - you know - Biden needs a FALES FLAG DISTRACTION right now. Right ??? Right !!!(Aug 18 2021) - WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CHEMTRAILS ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Two weeks - to the day - chemtrails have been absent in our central valley skies. Why ??? I'm still waiting for an answer to that question from those I've contacted. Last year during "Fire Season" you could still see those geoengineering jets dumping their dingy, dirty and dangerous chemicals on the planet. As of today, nothing. Not a plane nor a jet. I have a few hunches that I've passed around to a few active sky watchers, but nothing solid. So, if you have any suspicions ... let me know.(Aug 15 2021) - A 'Force Majeure' --‣ MARTIAL LAW --‣ in 3 Days
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Basically, a Force Majeure - initiated by The U.S. Treasury - can force an emergency shut down of the American economic system, according to Hal Turner. When that happens, troops will be put on FULL ALERT and by day 3 might have to be parachuted in - first to provide cover for the banks, then for the larger stores, etc. Folks, the paperwork & authority has already been approved, and all the scenarios have been fine-tuned by the gov't agencies. They know there's no other way to end this, but by mandating The MARK OF THE BEAST !!!(Aug 12 2021) - TRAVEL BAN COMING : Biden COVID Adviser Publicly Promises National Vaccine Passport in 3.5 Weeks ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Maybe, sometime in September - as others are claiming - it's all coming to a head. Or, should I say, coming to a close. On Sept 14th Californian's get to change-out who the next governor will be ... unless a FALSE FLAG puts a stop to the recall. And that's why many internet insiders are on full alert re: such an event. Folks, what little time you have left to get your house in order, it's all but gone. And BUGGING OUT won't happen if - like Hal Turner is reporting - a "National Vaccine Passport" becomes law in 3-4 weeks.(Aug 12 2021) - Army base to punish unvaccinated soldiers for going to indoor restaurants, bars, clubs, movies & more off-base
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Unless you read it for yourself, you'd think, who in their right mind would even consider issuing an order like this ??? For sure this will only divide our service men & women even further, and no doubt, that's what TPTB want. Will this idiotic order occur at other military bases ??? GOD, I Pray Not !!! The down side to this super surveillance situation is way worse than any contact tracing app, because this order will covertly connect to all personal and private parties, just to track where their service members have been. Folk, this ain't good - not at all !!!(Aug 10 2021) - 2021 Is 1984 : Our Liberties And Freedoms Are Being Ripped Away From Us And America Is Almost Gone !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The last chance that "We The People" had to right this ship called "Liberty and Freedom" from bearing a crooked and corrupt course was last November. Well, that ship sank, and the ones still afloat are independent dingy's, barely able to steer clear of any rising tide, undercurrent, or foul weather. Is that being too pessimistic ??? No, that's being realistic !!! Folks, I'm tell y'all ... WAR Is On The Way !!! And, if you ain't High & Tight with JESUS CHRIST, then you're aboard the wrong vessel, and need to jump ship !!!(Aug 07 2021) - Kids Face Masks Cause Cancer ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I gotta say, pictures don't lie ... so BEWARE ... these FAKE MASKS for Kids are KILLERS !!! Folks, your silence re: surrendering your safety and security to any hierarchal government, corporation or product is out-and-out anathema to anything remotely reflective of America - let alone Christian. At this rate, even your left-over vaccine corrupted corpse won't even qualify as soylent green sustenance. Yeah ... that's where we're all headed ... after the Hunger Games ... and Zombie Apocalypse. GOD, I pray this is all a dream !!!(Aug 05 2021) - Staying Away From Self-Deceiving Christians
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday - during my 30 mile bike run - I stopped at one of my usual places to rest a bit and converse with one of my Christian friends. He wasn't there, but his wife was, and so was her snitchen' machine (cell phone). As we talked, she kept looking down at her cell phone, as if it was more important than talking with a real person. She admitted it tracks everything - including our conversation - but failed to realize how enslaved she was to it's demonic demands. So, the moral of this paragraph is ... another self-deceiving Christian bites the dust, and another one I won't visit again.(Aug 02 2021) - The Secret Of AEROGEL: SMOKE FROM HELL
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I've said it for years. There'a additional, albeit, altruistic, and EVIL aspects to these Chemtrails. And now, more evidence is surfacing re: what's in them and how these man-made nano-chemicals are effecting the people and planet ... thanks to Celeste Solum research from her website "Shepherdsheart.Life". Folks, just about every thing that we now consume has been altered, and not in a good way. LISTEN UP !!! Conjoining these chemtrails with 5G frequencies and vaccinations are part of the DEPOPULATION PLAN !!! There's no other reason for any of these applications !!! NONE !!!(Jul 31 2021) - ROBOTIC POLICE DOGS ... ON THE HUNT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Oh what fun we're gonna have with these Robotic Police Dogs (RPD) - at least in the beginning. Eventually it'll be a criminal offense if you destroy, disarm, displace or dog-jack one of these RPD's - being that it's the property of the local police. Kinda like a police car. As for any profiling programs that this man-made mutt will have - it'll have them all. And to be sure, anyone in close proximity to one of these RPD's - while it's surveying a case - will also be caught up in its dogie-style drag-net if it's programmed to do so - and it will. HAPPY HUNTING !!!(Jul 29 2021) - MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW vs THE CONSTITUTION !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In just a few weeks - possibly days - government agencies and many mega-corporations will be Mandating Vaccination Policies for Employment ... over-riding The United States Constitution for a MARXIST MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW !!! Regardless of the extremely obvious life threatening side effects of these jabs, The Luciferian Powers That Be are HELL-BENT on depopulating the planet, denying public places and destroying private property. And, while peer pressure is being applied by their lying press-ti-tutes, "waiting it out is no longer an option" !!! What needs to be done - I ain't saying - not yet anyway !!!(Jul 27 2021) - Restaurant vows to serve only the unvaccinated !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is exactly how you do it !!! If BIG PHARMA, BIG BROTHER and BIG MEDIA are pushing the world to discriminate the vaccinated from those who are not, then we must do the same. This California restaurant - Basilico’s Pasta E Vino - has the RIGHT IDEA and others should follow their lead - ASAP - or loose more customers and businesses. Business Owners Please Note : This may be the very last time we can assert our freedoms, liberty and Constitutional Rights !!!(Jul 23 2021) - ‘It’s Time To Start Blaming the Unvaccinated’ ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And so THE BLAMING GAME begins !!! All that's left to do is establish a BOUNTY - a monetary reward for snitchen' out the un-vaccinated. Blaming & Shaming (BS) ain't nothing. Just wait until all the "Knock & Talk" brown shirts have completed their tasks and compiled their lists, and then THE GREAT ROUND UP begins. However, some refuse-nicks might not be hauled off to a FEMA Camp in the beginning, but to other "Black Sites" in other countries, never to be seen or heard from again. That's why - in my opinion - no one's allowed to travel to Canada or Mexico unless you've been stabbed by ..THE DEATH JAB.. !!!(Jul 21 2021) - MSM Calling For The Doxing Gun Owners ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yup, everyone's on a list & once the MASS DOXXING begins, Katy Bar the door !!! But why do they want to Dox law abiding Gun Owners ??? What a dumb question !!! ANSWER : Gun owners are the very last means of defense for America - not just self defense. The Second Amendment is as clear as a bell and doesn't need a second interpretation from any administration or the SCOTUS. Folks, take for example, Australia. Once they made it illegal to own any fire-arm, the people lost their freedoms and became subservient and slaves to their gov't. The people in Australia are praying we don't surrender ours.(Jul 19 2021) - WAKE UP PEOPLE : U.S. Surgeon General, and The Rockefeller Foundation Announce Big Initiatives to Address ‘Urgent Threat’ of Vaccine Misinformation !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Joe Biden's "FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE IT" fools from his admin', agencies & animals are coming door-to-door very soon - not with proven health info - but with unproven propaganda. Their documents - not by or for the people - have been approved by "BIG PHARMA", legalized by "BIG BROTHER", and eventually be administered by "BIG IDIOTS". Folks, if it ain't obvious to you yet - that the elite's "BLOODLINES" of the satanic "NEW WORLD ORDER" wants "Useless Eater" & "Trespassers" off their planet - then you'll never wake up, until you're locked up !!!(Jul 15 2021) - TIMES UP Y'ALL TO WAIT AND SEE !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, times up for y'all sittin' on "Wait & See" sidelines !!! No one from any gov't is coming to your rescue. No One !!! They'll rescue themselves first, and if any of their high-hats gives the go-a-head to help you, it's only for show and public relations. It's now THEM vs US. And you need to decide "RIGHT NOW" if you're with us or not. If not, then by default you're with them. Yes you are !!! These man-made bio-weapons were designed to take you out, and their FAKE VACCINES actually exacerbates their evil virus'. You Need To Choose This Day !!!(Jul 13 2021) - Isolation & Quarantine for Rural Communities
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And, here are the facts straight from the horses mouth - or shall I say, their own web site Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium. From their internal pages you can read (CLICK HERE) that they are preparing and or training all types of first responders in rural areas to help - before and after - THE BIG ROUND UP !!! In other words, helping the fed's - specifically FEMA & DHS - re: their Isolation and Quarantine Camps, how to govern them, etc. etc. Now, that you know, you better spread the word !!!(Jul 12 2021) - AMERICANS NEED TO PAY ATTENTION ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- After watching "The Tomorrow War" at a friends home, it was very apparent that the world is being set up for a FAKE ALIEN INVASION as this "Predictive Program" from Netflix showcased. Whether or not it's called "Operation Blue Beam" or it's a "Beyond Black Operation" the DEEP STATE objectives are to control the narrative, to control the masses, to control other countries, to control the world ... just to control the Christians, and possibly, the Second Coming !!! The up and coming FULL DISCLOSURE ain't gonna disclose this !!!(Jul 11 2021) - LAST WAKE UP CALL FOR AMERICA ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today is Sunday, and no doubt many Christians will be in Church. However, many of their pastors have preached a FAKE GOSPEL re: Romans 13 to submit to governing authorities, and they were still SHUT DOWN !!! Now, it's too late to form any righteous response, and REVOLUTION Is On The Way !!! Look, even though this VIDEO exhibits their - in your face - plan re: what's heading our way, those who have been placated by their pastors are now place-holders - at best - not promise-keepers or patriots. So, y'all can either come out while you still can, line up with the TRUTH, or get out of the way !!! GOD Have Mercy ...(Jul 10 2021) - MOST AMERICANS DON'T HAVE THE COURAGE ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I gotta say this about Dave Hodges, he's been bring it for a long time now and this latest rendering re: what's coming down the pike, and how the government is gonna play it out is pretty right on. However, I think I'll add a couple of more thoughts to this possibility. Number One: The Resistance Ain't Budging !!! And two, if the gov't comes a knocking and if that canvaser gets hurt, that's when the lock-downs get serious, and that's when the vaccinated in that area will start snitching others out, to escape any conjoined dragnet, quarantines or camps.(Jul 09 2021) - California Assembly Weighs Mandating Vaccines
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Mandating Vaccinations = MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW. That's a Fact Jack !!! I now know that all those elected imbeciles in Sacramento - democ-RATS & RINO's - will have to give an account for this freedom stealing and life destroying legislation, if it's passed and signed by (a governor). I'm tellin' you, these eugenic ideas were designed and formulated by TPTB to either reduce the population or alter humanity - GOD's Creation. But, at this point in time, all those who have already "Volunteered" for this "Final Solution" are as good as gone.(Jul 07 2021) - NEW VIDEO : Pentagon Admits It Will Consider Mandatory COVID Vaccines For Troops ... (Sept 1st) ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes ... there are multiple agencies "Preparing Paperwork" to sync with all the other administrations to mandate vaccinating all of their employees and servicemen - not just the Military. This is what the PENTAGON means by preparing. All these agencies are waiting for is for either the CDC, FDA, to alter their verbiage of "Emergency Use" to "Licencing" or FISA Court giving them the green light. So ... I gotta ask, will the military REVOLT and go AWOL to stand their ground ??? And will you stand with them ??? We'll soon find out, come Sept 1st.(Jul 05 2021) - Biden Kneels Before Israeli President ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- WHAT GIVES ??? Look, bowing before another leader is more than symbolic, it's an overt sign of submission and or subjugation !!! Much like the tool who bowed before a few Muslims a few years back, Biden has no problem openly preforming for his superiors. Why ? Because he already knows he's a "Dead Man Walking" if he doesn't, and he knows that he needs a really good FALSE FLAG to keep the masses distracted, and he knows who might help with that little favor. Folks, the NWO just showed their hand, and it's time to call their bluff !!!(Jul 02 2021) - FAKEBOOK : Wants Users To Snitch On Others !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Instead of saying "I Told You So" re: all the times I've tried to warm people concerning all these "Free" social media platforms, my new catch phrase is gonna be ... "FAKE FRIENDS FOLLOW FAKEBOOK" !!! If you "Like" that one, please use it as much as you "Like". Folks, my little "One-Liner" ain't gonna convert any of "SATAN'S SNITCHES" - Only GOD Can !!! But all of those in the know, now have another criminal cartel of Culture Killing Cults to shun and avoid ... "SO SAY WE ALL" !!!(Jun 29 2021) - BREAKING : HIGH FREQUENCY VAXED PEOPLE !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So ... no one at any health related agency is ready to approve any of these FAKE INJECTIONS. Why, you ask ??? Because once you volunteer, you become the property of the makers of that product - AKA VACCINE !!! Folks, you've been duped ... due to your ignorance of the law ... that your agreed to. As rattling as this video is, those who volunteered to accept the jab are now enslaved as guinea pigs and have no recourse - medically and or legally. Your DNA & Frequency have been altered !!! Only GOD, at this point, can pull you through.(Jun 28 2021) - BREAKING !!! WHISTLEBLOWER Risks It ALL !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today I finished watching this "WHISTLE BLOWING" Video re: how the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen, how the Jan 6th Capitol riot was instigated - and by whom - how the CoVid pandemic got started and by whom, and who's on the take - darn near everyone !!! Folks, this is "TRIGGER INFORMATION" !!! So, I am advising you to "Prayerfully" watch it, and to consider all of the ramifications due to it's contents. It's really that eye-opening & evil, but truthful. You're welcome.(Jun 26 2021) - GOOD BOOKMARK : PHAMA DEATH CLOCK !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's one of those data collecting web sites that you gotta bookmark for future reference called "PHARM DEATH CLOCK". And I'm tellin' you, it's unbelievable the number of victims who have died as a result of malpractice from BIG PHARMA, Hospitals, and of course doctors. Millions have suffered and died due to either selective ignorance, incompetents, or eugenics. In either case, people need to do their own research before accepting any opinion or assessment from any of these domains, documents, doctors or drugs.(Jun 25 2021) - Technocrats Want Us to Pray to Machines ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The BIBLE says "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" ... Not An APP !!! But, I'm sorry to say, there are too many Christians who are falling for these FAKE MEDIATORS on-line and from what I can surmise, they're content with this anti-Christ connection. So, will GOD disconnect their Salvation over this ??? Probably not. Will HE disconnect his Voice concerning this ??? NO !!! They're already done that to themselves !!! For Heaven sakes Christians - WAKE UP - and re-connect with GOD !!!(Jun 23 2021) - Vaccinated People Found to be 600% More Likely to Die from Covid ‘Variants’ than Unvaccinated People !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today I had a conversation with an old friend of mine whom I worked with in the medical & psychiatric fields, and he shared with me that many in his extended family took those experimental jabs & are now suffering greatly. He tried to warn them, but to no avail. Now, they keep their distance from him and his wife because they're still not sure if the vax worked (it didn't) or if it's shedding spike proteins, and or nefarious nano-particles onto others. The whole family has now isolated themselves from themselves and are caught up in a conflicting crisis mode.(Jun 21 2021) - Self-Installing Covid Tracker App Over-Rides Parental-Locked Devices Installs ... Without User Consent ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, there's many of us legit researchers, investigators & journalists who've warned that all this surveillance technology was one day gonna inundate us to the POINT OF NO RETURN. Well ... that was yesterday, and today it's getting worse. And you know dang-well we ain't gonna return to anything normal - EVER !!! We're all trapped like rats, and pinned to the wall !!! Even if you don't have any of these Orwellian contraptions, by default, and by design, they got your number(s) - all of them !!! I could say more, but not yet ...(Jun 18 2021) - PAPERS PLEASE : Vaccine passports now coming to California as state moves to implement “vaccine verification system”
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Vaccine passports are just the beginning !!! Next the govt will increase the pressure on you to get the KILL SHOT by increasing the rewards - from the ignorantly vaccinated - to SNITCH on family, friends and church goers. Third, access to anything concerning "banking or buying will be disconnected", if the unvaccinated remain unvaccinated. And lastly - to protect the vaccinated - the unvaccinated will be rounded up as part of the FINAL SOLUTION !!!(Jun 15 2021) - DHS IS HIRING VETERANS ... FOR WHAT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So ... what's up with this ??? FEMA announces that the DHS wants to hire Vet's ??? Maybe many of their equal opportunity geo-engineered employees need to be replaced soon, due to (couch-cough-covid) (couch-cough-vaccine) health conditions ??? Maybe they found too many who took their Oath to Protect the Constitution too seriously ??? Maybe there ain't enough dumbed-downed low-breads who will shoot first and ask questions later ??? Maybe, just maybe, they're getting ready for the FALSE FLAG RIOTS when Trump gets reinstated as President ???(Jun 13 2021) - What if the Election Audits Go Trump's Way?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For sure there's a ton of "What If's" in this article, and for sure, there's a ton of evidence that the presidential election was stolen. All the voter fraud discovery - from here-on-out - may never reach the SCOTUS in time to reverse the election ... and ... the Military may - for the first time in U.S. History - overrule the SCOTUS decision, if MARTIAL LAW is declared by Biden and supported by all his congressional co-conspirators, commie corporations, not to mention the FAKE NEWS !!!(Jun 12 2021) - Blueprint For Totalitarian Control !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, this is bit of a read, but - for GOD's sake - READ IT !!! These NEW WORLD ORDER Nut-Jobs have no problem promoting or publishing their intentions. They brag about - in their private circles - how dumb the masses are and how easily they can be manipulated. And they can !!! Their goals are to maintain their power structure, keep the masses occupied and distracted, and to silence those who are on-to-them. Folks listen !!! If you ain't aware, then you don't care ... WAKE UP !!!(Jun 10 2021) - Google is fighting back against ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And it begins !!! Not only have these monstrous media megalomaniacs been censoring social media platforms - besides throttling down real web sites - they now want to BAN queries from their satanic search engines. What that means is this. In order to visit a real web site - not like those FAKEBOOK ones - you're gonna need to type in the exact domain name (URL Address) to connect to the web site. Then - (since they have internet immunity) - they'll cut you off, with NO RECOURSE !!!(Jun 08 2021) - The Day The Internet Broke ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What this report, didn't report, is this. Once any carrier of any kind is down, for any amount of time, that's when the hackers really do their thing. You see, to find out where the hitch in the get-a-long is located, you gotta open up a few security applications to see how and when it was breached. At the same time these hackers will watch how the IT's get back in and later on simply bypass the new security apps, tools, tunnels and back-doors to breach into other computers and web sites. And lastly this report, didn't report, that this was really a "Test Run" to test and time the publics reaction, civility or anger. (Y'all are Doomed)(Jun 05 2021) - Stephen Kings "Predictive Programming" Movie
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- It's time to watch another "Predictive Program" that was deployed on the big screen. The movie is called CELL, and was written by - none other than - Stephen King. When this movie was released back in 2016, movie goers thought very little that cell phones might be used for more than communications. Well now they know better, because these SNITCHEN MACHINES contain and control just about every aspect of an individuals life. And - as soon as they get all the 5G's and 6G's hooked up - you'll be hooked up and cooked up !!!(Jun 03 2021) - The Rise of The Ex-Vangelicals
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Over a year ago this "Plandemic" purged your Churches !!! And yes, many of you complained, but that's all you did. GOD gave you a year to practice Christianity outside of your Church building, and again, you complained and failed in your faith. Listen up Church !!! That was GOD's last outreach program to revive Christianity in America. Now, as the remaining remnant are reporting this on-line, and the watchmen are shouting that the ramparts have been breached, you still can't hear that the enemy is pounding at your door !!!(Jun 01 2021) - The VACCINE pandemic is just beginning
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The hope is - once some big-wig from the MSM is injured or dies from one of those so-called vaccines - the pubic will be told the truth and maybe take notice. Or will they ??? By then it'll be too late. Too many useless-eaters would've gotten those unless-jabs, and are on standby hoping that the grim-reaper will keep-on-trucken' to someone else's house. However, his "Track & Trace Teams" - at Silicon Valley - have the names of all the refuse-nicks and they will return to relocate them and re-educate them, or remove and reduce them !!! WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!(May 29 2021) - Superparamagnetic Nanoparticle In Vaccine ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Who would've thought that if you magnetized an injection - to facilitate it's ingredients - that magnets could stick to where you got jabbed. Well, it's happened to more and more folks who volunteered for this eugenics experiment. Supermagnatizing nanoparticles - to stabilize at one area in the body - only makes sense ... if ... this is a better way to "Track & Trace" or "Trade Mark" your product ... and ... it's a better way for authorities to COMPEL your compliance. GOD Have Mercy !!!(May 28 2021) - Are the Military and Trump in control ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For now (according to this article) the Military is in charge, per the "Insurrection Act" signed by President Trump. Biden, Dr. Laurie Roth says, ain't the president and supposedly Trump is on his way back to the Oval Office. Additionally she says that another election may be on the way - sometime in August !!! So ... if this update reflects any semblance of truth, you know dang well those who went to extremes to out President Trump are spazzing-out in spades !!!(May 27 2021) - A FAMINE Is Looming Over the United States
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In spite of all the knowledge that many researchers have presented concerning these "Crisis Created" and "Crisis Controlled" conditions, people - still in denial - are gonna suffer and die. Folks, it's way past the time to prepare for what's ahead. If you're just now waking up re: these MAN-MADE events, that's great !!! However, don't be surprised that your well-prepared neighbor {like myself} hears you knocking but says {like Noah} you can't come in.(May 25 2021) - How (VIRUS INDUCED) Gene Therapy and Algae Proteins Partially Restored a Blind Man’s Sight ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, science can use "Gene-Therapy" for the greater good, if these scientists would just focus of their science and not the funding. This article does demonstrate that good, but I gotta say, down the road, those funding partners are gonna want a better than average return. Folks, if you want to be a guinea pig and suffer through serious side effects, then have at it. As for the rest of GOD's Creation ... leave us alone !!!(May 23 2021) - WHAT CHURCH DO YOU BELONG TO ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The day before Yesterday I was at an "Indoor" gathering of church leaders and - as usual - several topics gleaned through our frontal lobes, cortex's and brain stems. One that needed a loving rebuke from me was the question of ..."What Church did I go to ???" My answer was quick & sharp and needed no follow-up, 'cuz it was a question that needed an honest answer. One that wasn't forsaking the assembly or overly-legal, but one that addressed THE GREATER NEED, which was, where does GOD need you ??? Most of GOD's Remnant & Watchmen have been imbued with the same answer.(May 19 2021) - 1995 : Professor Dr. Pierre Gilbert warned of a coming mandatory vaccine containing liquid crystals that, when exposed to magnetic frequencies, turn recipients into zombies
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay, looks like more researchers are catching on to the fact that FREQUENCIES will be used to alter the minds of the masses. It's well known that anything animate that has a frequency can be located, and soon, be altered. Much like a radio, the receiver (human) has to be dialed into the right channel/frequency in order to pick up any info. And, that connective channel is the CoVid-19 magnetic shot, which - as some video's have shown - magnetically sticks to where the CoVid shot was administered. Any questions ??? Didn't think so ...(May 17 2021) - The Corona Plandemic Is a Play, a Swindle
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- At this stage of the CoVid-19 game, there's too many players, planners, professors, press-ti-tutes, politicians and pastors who were paid off. Secondly, there are now too many idiots who've been injected with these FAKE VACCINES, and so we're gonna have to wait them out to see which of these "souped-up silent spreaders" manifest life changing side-effects or worse. Third, all of our 2nd Amendment Citizens are gonna be doxxed soon, so ya'll better plan well for that. And lastly, all you pastors in California just got a break, so you better make good use of it !!!(May 16 2021) - Frequency Change : A Deeper Look at COVID Vax
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Since the early 80's I've been warning folks about the possibility that FREQUENCIES can and will - in the future - be used, either as an answer to what ail's most people, motivates them - or - even worse - KILLS THEM. And, in the last year or so, more and more articles and reports are unmasking these end-time, eugenics driven, electronics. Folks, once they discover and capture your DNA's frequency and codes, connect a covert conduit - like a vaccine - you're as good as gone. It's basically ... Game, Set and Match !!!(May 15 2021) - The Engineered EXTERMINATION of Humans
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm tellin' you, these "Last-Days Luciferians" hate GOD and HIS creations so much that they'd much rather spend eternity in HELL rather than accepting equality with humanity. These beliefs are formed more by their occult associations than by their parents. Their "Survival of the Fittest" mind-set and morals wax way-past anything Darwinian. And, they're not gonna be content or constrained with possessing only androids. They're planning to hop-skip-and-jump through everything that's breathing.(May 13 2021) - Commanding General at Fort Campbell Issues New Guidelines – Unvaccinated Soldiers Cannot Take Pass or Leave Base
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Once this form of ignorance starts, then the military is split again - making the more vaccine compliant soldiers ready and willing to obey MARTIAL LAW orders !!! Folks, it's bad enough that the "Cancel Culture" is now in command of the military, but to ostracize, detain or quarantine soldiers on base - who want to live a normal & chemical free life - is dangerous, devisive, draconian and demonic !!! The lists re: who cannot be deployed in America has set the stage for the United Nations troops to intervene. I Pray That I'm Wrong !!! But you know I'm not ...(May 11 2021) - Why Are Magnets Sticking To Where People Got Covid Vaccines Injected?! (Inquiring Minds Want To Know)
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... now that these video's re: magnets that are sticking to the arms where people had taken the CoVid-19 shots are going viral all over the internet, ya just gotta ask ... what's BIG PHARMA putting in these vaccines which are causing this new, maybe initial trans-human side effect ??? This might be "An Answer" as to why they're sticking, but, again, what are the long term side effects, and - just as concerning - are these magnetic vaccinations capable of being manipulated by an outside agency or company ??? Please ... let me know ... if you know more !!!(May 10 2021) - Hell Is Coming & Death Is Coming With It !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's another great article re: what's coming done the pike in America's foreseeable future. Soon, there'll be more chaos, calamities, crisis' & FALSE FLAGS which will majically & medically manifest, increasing more FEAR, SICKNESS & DEATH. That, my friends, will be THE NEW NORMAL !!! And - besides all that fun - family members will be forced to take sides, "especially" if any of them work for any agency of the gov't. So, if your in's and out's of survival ain't thoroughly locked in ... (at best) ... YOU'RE GONNA BE LOCKED OUT ... (or worse) !!!(May 07 2021) - Man Walks Out Of Pharmacies With Vax Vials, Overnights Them To Diagnostics Labs ... Results Soon !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- When push comes to shove - especially when BIG PHARMA wants to shove a needle full of poison into your arm - what this man did, by taking a full vial of the "Johnson & Johnson" eugenics vaccine out of the pharmacy for analysis, was Patriotic and American. Folks, this is what's needed RIGHT NOW !!! Unless we take the same or similar initiative, Joe Biden - the PUSHER MAN for BIG PHARMA - will soon issue an emergency executive order mandating that everyone take these eugenically engineered shots. WAKE UP AMERICA !!!(May 05 2021) - Pentagon Coup! Joint Chiefs Overthrown ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For what it's worth - and the time needed to do more research - I'm keeping this report close to the front burners, and patriotically suggest ya'll do the same. If this event did occur at the Pentagon, by now we would've heard some kind of black-mailing blow-back from Biden's busy-bees and MSM. As for the very last line in this report - suggesting that the President Trump could be "reinauguration on Independence Day" - I'm gonna play my rarely used "Wait-and-See" card.(May 04 2021) - RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE PLANDEMIC
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The NEW WORLD ORDER - forged by their secret societies and mimicked nightly by their store-bought press-ti-tutes - are well on their way to completely divide those who believe their lies & the rest of us freedom fighters. Currently their "PLANDEMIC PROGRAM" is underway in India, while their "CHEMTRAILS" douse humans daily with nano-weapons, and their "SPY PHONES" and "APPS" are all 5G'd up, just in time to trigger their murderous migrants and monarchs to begin their occult "ORDER OUT OF CHAOS" show. Yes, the world is divided, in more ways than you can imagine - never to return to anything normal.(May 03 2021) - COVID: Vaccinated people shedding and spreading genetic disaster to unvaccinated women ??? ... by Jon Rappoport
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Countless vaccine injuries have been posted on-line and through manifold publications - those who are pro-vaccine and those who aren't. Weighing these conflicting reports, you - the consumer, must do your homework, and quit relying on the MSM for your info. Few adults know how to apply "Critical Thinking" or how to "Weigh The Evidence" !!! And the evidence is mortally clear ... these "Experimental Injections" are tainted and aligned to shed and spread this "BIO-WEAPON" !!!(May 01 2021) - THE DEEP STATE IS BACK ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Truth be told, they never left. All they did was lie-in-wait ... I mean ... "Lied-In-Wait" - {pun intended} for another opportunity. Folks, the "Deep State" has ties-that-bind that goes all the way back and through the luciferian bloodlines. No one get elected, promoted, or economically benefits unless they're already on "Hell's Hook". If, somehow, you or yours rises to any of these demonic domains, these devils are gonna demand that you increase your loyalty to their actions, or they'll decrease your accession, additions, attractions, or accelerate an early afterlife.(Apr 27 2021) - Are Wireless Feed Toilets Watching Us ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Surveillance technology in public toilets are watching your wheezers and wazoos !!! They're not only watching, but listening ... to any conversation that they think has "Terrorist Intent". Sure they might bottle this unwarranted eavesdropping as a way to protect your child from predators and pedophiles - which they protect and have become - but this surveying sh*t (pun intended) has gone way too far. Folks, here's what you do. Piss and poop at home, in a private commode. Besides, these public rest-rooms are filled with all kinds of germs, STD's and virus'.(Apr 25 2021) - Feds Identify 500 “Scientists Of Concern” Tied To China And Other Foreign Influences (THAT'S ALL THEY FOUND ???)
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- That's it ??? Just 500 ??? Try 500,000 or more !!! Folks, unless entire families were able to escape from any country that the communist China controls, they're under the gun - literally - to report anything and everything back to the Chi/Coms !!! That also goes for North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and a few dozen more. All anyone has to do is check the passenger lists of any plane or ship coming and going to or from China. Look ... "When WAR is looming, lists are created, and liars locked up" !!!(Apr 22 2021) - Biden warns Fourth of July celebrations might be canceled if people don't get the COVID vaccine ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Call it what you want ... it's all the same !!! Whether the government says it out-right or if it's accomplished though other means ... it's still MARTIAL LAW !!! Look, this "Teleprompting Tool" is taking orders from his NEW WORLD ORDER handlers - just to keep breathing - and to make sure the masses turn into mobs that they control. As for the 4th of July, or any other Holiday gathering, assembly will no longer be allowed - even if you've been vaccinated. WAKE UP AMERICA !!!(Apr 20 2021) - Paramedic Under Investigation for Donating to Kyle Rittenhouse Legal Fund After Doxxing by Fake News !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Honestly, this ain't new, or news. Doxxing is what demoniacally driven democ-RATS do. If they can't get you to submit to their ideals, ethics or agenda, then they'll tell the world where you live, so other criminals can harass and harm you. At this point, there's no turning back. If you've ever registered with any on-line app or social media platform, then you're gonna be doxed !!! Silicone Vally (SV) has already censored you !!! All that's "LEFT" is for (SV) to release where you live, what you drive, where you work and where you bank. YES THEY CAN !!!(Apr 18 2021) - Another "Data Breach" Weaponized by the Gov't
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Your personal and private data is - they all say - locked away in a safe and secure setting where no one can gain access to it ... EXCEPT THE GOVERNMENT !!! Yes, this "DATA BREACH" article highlights that fact, and the publics false faith in all these sign-me-up platforms and free apps on-line. Folks, unless you've been practicing what the Porterville Post has been preaching, you ain't never gonna escape what the NEW WORLD ORDER has prepared for you, your family, your friends and your Church. Times up, and because of your participation in these platforms, you're now part of the problem.(Apr 16 2021) - PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING PLAN & PURGE ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In Dec of 2020 the trailer to the movie SONGBIRD was release on YouTube. As of today (4/16/21) it's been viewed over 5 million times, and needs another 5 billion views. The emphasis of this movie is the COVID-23 Virus. The eventuality is extraction - if infected - then incarceration, or worse, extermination - due to non-compliance. The similarities of this movie are strikingly scary as to what some countries are already enforcing. America, this "Predictive Programming" movie may be your last warning !!! WAKE UP !!!(Apr 14 2021) - Orange County Launching Digital Vaccine Passport
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- First applied in New York, now in California, an app to track your vaccine compliance, and no doubt, track & trace everyone else's compliance around you. This "Digital Passport" - like many others - is dangerous & delusional. Dangerous because of its liberty limiting linking & delusional due to its designs to dumb down the masses further - if that's even possible. Lastly, traveling on any highway through Orange County - (like I-5) - may prove impossible if "Your Papers" aren't in order. Folks, these apps can be compromised & controlled by competing apps.(Apr 12 2021) - How to Operate a Human via Remote Control ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is this the ultimate and final "Crowd Control" re: using your DNA ??? Kinda looks like it. Look, these mad scientists have found a way to influence your thoughts and you through "Remote Control" and you may not even be aware of it. That's the kicker. Folks, they've been working on it for years, and once they start giving lectures re: these dangerous discoveries, you can bet your last dollar that these demonic devices are already operational. Just watch the VIDEO ... (Now where in tar-nation did I stash my aluminum foil ???)(Apr 11 2021) - The Omega File, Greys, Nazis, Underground Bases
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This read is not for the faint-at-heart - let alone those who rarely research anything beyond the regurgitations of the MSM - but for the Portervile Post's logical, albeit, loyal followers. Look, there's a lot of information to consider with this article, so don't throw out that baby with the bath water. TPTB - you'll eventually find out - are connected to all this UFO minutia, which is one of the highest national security classifications and operations since World War II ... and ... where a ton of money is waisted, and live lost, just to KEEP IT SECRET !!!(Apr 10 2021) - VIDEO : THE NEWS BENDERS !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Maybe, just maybe this old BBC Video - called The News Benders - might illuminate some of your ignorance re: the FAKE NEWS and how - back in 1968 - they used predictive programming to motivate the masses !!! As illumining, was how they recruited, or blackmailed, another "News Presenter" into doing their FAKE NEWS ... as they called it back then. Folks, if you still trust the MSM, you've been had !!! Your defense mechanism of cognitive dissonance has got you locked in and the only way to the TRUTH is through JESUS CHRIST !!!(Apr 08 2021) - FAKEBOOK : Won’t even tell you if your data was
compromisedstolen in {ANOTHER} massive breach !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For years the Porterville Post has been "WARNING" its readers that if you're using any of those free social media platforms - like FAKEBOOK - they'll come a day when you'll regret not taking our advice. That little "I-Told-You-So" comes on the heels of one of the biggest hack-jobs on FAKEBOOK. 533 million, so far, and no one at the company seems to care enough to alert its customers. Folks, the Porterville Post cares, and please, please, please, get off these social media platforms ... ASAP !!!(Apr 06 2021) - BLM Activist Says : “Cities Will Be on Fire” ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, looks like the stage is being set for another round of "RACE RIOTS" !!! And, you'd think that many of these social media platforms - like Tik-Tok - would curtail these angry and inciting words. But, since they came from a "Black Lives Matter" activist, and model, it okay ??? Listen up - all my African/American friends - whether or not office Derek Chauvin is convicted, you ought not be out in the streets burning down businesses or pillaging personal property !!! That will not reduce racism ... NO IT WON'T !!! It will only create a REVOLUTION OF REVENGE !!!(Apr 01 2021) - MANDATING VACCINES COMING SOON ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For sure, TPTB in California are think-tanking ways to mandate this gene therapy jab into the "Vaccine Informed", moving ever closer to MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW ... only for those who refuse the shot. Soon, they will find a way around the law or incentives and go straight past being quarantined to total and complete incarceration - persons who are healthy as a horse. Being "Vaccine Informed" means you've done your homework, researched all the pros & cons, and made an adult decision.(Mar 30 2021) - Covid-Jabbing Risks Serious Illnesses or Death
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Just because you made it through your first and second jab - and had only a few minor medical issues - doesn't mean you're in the clear. Slowly but surely these gene therapy jabs are changing your DNA, and not in a good way. As far as Real Medical Scientists are concerned, the risk re: this "Satanic Shot" does - in fact - outweigh any benefits that individuals hope to accrue. In the log run, humanity will be transformed, replaced by robots {or worse} outlawed, exiled, and eventfully executed.(Mar 28 2021) - AN OPEN LETTER TO PASTORS & CHRISTIANS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today, many more Churches will be open for services, and I have a question for all you Pastors and Christians. Knowing that all these "SMART PHONES" are continuously tracking every bit of data that's in or around these contraptions, WHY are you allowing them inside your sanctuaries ??? These little "SPY PHONES" should never be allowed inside your Churches. In the end, these "SNITCHEN MACHINES" will end what little freedoms you have left, and - possibly - end you and yours.(Mar 27 2021) - Colorado Bill to Censor & License Internet Use
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Soon, you might need a license to say what you want to say on the internet. Forget about your First Amendment, states - like Colorado - are crafting legislation that may override your "Free Speech" rights. Even if this bill gets shot down, you know diddly-dang-well democ-RATS will draft even more. These liberals smell blood and they want to make sure that their "FAKE NARRATIVES" are the only ones on the web, let alone the 6:00 FAKE NEWS !!! Listen, if they can't shut us down on the internet, they'll just shut the internet down. Yes, they can !!!(Mar 25 2021) - Confronting the Threat of Ethnic Bioweapons !!!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a 2017 report re: Ethnic Bioweapons - that escaped out attention - that needs another serious read. Folks ... as of today, your DNA is on the chopping block. Literally !!! According to this report there are labs out there playing "Match-Maker" with human DNA, and any other DNA that has collective and directive capabilities. Meaning ... you may never know when your DNA is altered. Vaccinations - I'm tellin' you - are just the beginning, as the frequencies of ethnic nationalities are dialed in. Can you say ... Spontaneous Human Combustion ???(Mar 23 2021) - PENTAGON PROFILING & PUNISHING PATRIOTS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yeah, I've taken some liberty with the title, but come on people. You don't have to read between the lines anymore to see the train steaming down the tracks. Just read the lines themselves. Folks ... this NEW WORLD ORDER train is coming, and their "evil engineers" are coming to pick you up if you don't comply with their end-time agenda. All that's "Left" to do is to neuter the military with their "luciferian language", to pit them against themselves, to punish - mostly NCO's - and eventually all patriots ... in active duty or retired. This "Progressive Profiling" is illegal and un-Constitutional !!!(Mar 22 2021) - Make Way for 'President' Kamala Harris ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- On a scale from 1 to 10 - this article - I gotta say, is at least a seven ... maybe an eight. For the DEEP STATE to undue what President Trump accomplished in only 4 years, they'll need to pull out all the stops and pull out their place-holder Joe Biden for Kamala Harris. Yes, these NEW WORLD ORDER puppet-masters have countless contingency plans to down-grade and destroy the United States, and this is just one of them. In their "Might-Makes-Right" minds they really don't want herd immunity, they want herd conformity !!! Nothing More - Nothing less !!!(Mar 19 2021) - The Engineered EXTERMINATION of Humans ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For many years I've studied the occultist mind-set and world view, and I'm here to tell you, this article re: exterminating the masses to protect and preserve any and all material assets for their selfish endeavors, is pretty spot on. However, the last hurdle for these anti-humanists - who desire immortality - is the transference of their consciousness from a human body to another object. Why ? Because your consciousness / soul is connected more to the spirit than the body, resulting in a type of "Kundalini Crisis" if you stray away from your body too long.(Mar 16 2021) - Franklin Graham Endorses Covid Vaccines ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Frankie baby ... let me school you a bit re: taking this experimental shot. IT'S NOT A VACCINE !!! It's not even close to being anything like a vaccine. Thousands of medically trained doctors and virologists have said as much. Secondly, this shot doesn't prevent you from getting this "Man-Made" bio-weapon, or any of it's "Man-Made" mutations. Its designed to alter your DNA for some nefarious purpose - basically transforming who you are into a more compliant human, if it doesn't kill you. That's the Satanic Side-Effects re: these shots. Period - Paragraph !!!(Mar 14 2021) - FEMA deployed to help process migrant children amid overcrowding in border facilities ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a thought. Let's place these "Illegals" in the homes of democ-RATS who voted for this "Illegal" who's occupying the White House. One of two things might happen if you do. First, these arrant children just might make themselves at home - and - make off with a few things on the way out the door. Second, living in close proximity with these progressives just might turn them into Republicans - hopefully Conservative - and prayerfully, Christians. Just a thought ...(Mar 12 2021) - How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look ... DEAD PEOPLE DON'T LIE !!! That job remains in the hands of the "Press-ti-tutes" and their evil employers of eugenics - BIG PHARMA. As nations are beginning to see some of the serious side effects re: many of these SNAKE-OIL SOLUTIONS, they're slowing down these shots to protect their own peoples. But, in America, it's "Hells-Bells" from the MSM if you - even as a well seasoned physician - share scientific evidence to the contrary. To these con-artists, and their conspirators, you - the TRUTH TELLERS - are the new "Domestic Terrorist".(Mar 10 2021) - Brute Force will be used by Governments around the World to Vaccinate & Eventually Microchip Everyone !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Forget about the "Brute Force" ... {for now} ... that your gov't will enforce against you for not getting vaccinated. Keep your eyes on your family members, your neighbors and where you do business. It's these numb-skulls - with their "Contact Tracing Apps" on their SPY PHONES - which will automatically surrender your name, time and date, location, and address to the MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW authorities. But, if you carry around one of thesesmartdumb phones, well, you're just asking to get caught and shot !!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!(Mar 08 2021) - Take the Vaccine or Loose your Freedom ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- CNN gas-lights "Get the Vaccine or lose your Freedoms" with a so-called medical ‘ethics’ professor from NY. I'm tellin' you, no one in the MSM is being held liable for all their lies as well as BIG PHARMA - who's got BIG MONEY to pay for this DEADLY NARRATIVE !!! As for the "Press-ti-tutes" who took the money and ran, American's have a google handle re: where to deliver the TRUTH !!! So, you better hope that the democ-RATS - holed up in D.C. & Sacramento - have enough fencing and Concertina wire left over to protect your habitats as well.(Mar 07 2021) - Robot Motherships To Launch Drone Swarms ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, whether you want to accept it or not, these nut-jobs of the NEW WORLD ORDER are out to control everything and everybody. And, building a SKYNET - which may be run by drones - is in their plans. Their outward "Modus Operandi" is for your protection. However, their inner "Modus Operandi" is for their protection. These human-hating half-breeds - wannabes of the luciferian bloodlines - are the ones building the NWO ... hoping - that in the end - they'll be able to escape what evil they've planned for you and I.(Mar 04 2021) - Google's : New "Guilt by Proximation" Program !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- No doubt you, and your Christian, Conservative and Patriotic family, are already being targeted, but, to add another Orwellian layer to this dragnet, good-for-nothing Google has a new program called "Geofence" that would assign guilt to you just because you happen to be near by. In other words ... "Guilt by Proximity" ... but, without any real connections or associations. Look, if there's any money to be made - regardless of your 4th Amendment rights - these companies - who are in lock-step with "The Company" - will be given a pass by the courts, and you will be given a cell number.(Mar 02 2021) - The Blueprint For Medical Martial Law !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- At this point in time, those who have refused to listen to sound advice and wisdom can no longer be trusted - even if they're part of your immediate family. Folks, as "Blank & White" and as "Transparent" as TRUTH is, to them it's their enemy - consequently making you their enemy when you try to warn them. THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH !!! So leave 'em be and hopefully your neighbors are better listeners and preparers. Because, if MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW is enforced Nation wide - (as it's already enacted in several cites & states) - there's nowhere to Bug-Out to ... you're kinda stuck right where live.(Feb 28 2021) - $100 Million for New Officers & Fencing in D.C. ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now that I'm done laughing, looks like the democ-RATS in Wash D.C. are so scared that their constituents are gonna come a knocking - AGAIN - that they want additional protection !!! Putting up more barriers and fencing around the Capitol might slow down land driven creations, crawlers and creatures - but not other thingy's. (I'm not elaborating) Sure, there are some nut cases out there in the hinterlands. However, there's just as many (if not more) in the 17 or so Intel Agencies - of which - the democ-RATS are extremely terrified of. EXTREMELY !!!(Feb 26 2021) - NYPD Deploys Robot Dog in the Bronx ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For now, this robotic "Watch Dog" roaming the streets of New York - for the NYPD - is marking it's territory ... kinda like what a real dog would do. And, you'd think that all those lovable New Yorkers would have manifested severe objection to this "Mechanical Mutt", but - so far - no one has run it over or even tried to jack it. Incrementally, this luciferian land-rover is gonna cost everyone more of their freedoms and liberties if this Orwellian experiment isn't eradicated and extinguished !!!(Feb 24 2021) - Beaming personal audio with no headphones ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a thought about Noveto's new biometric device that's able to wirelessly pump all kinds of sounds into your ears. What - pray-tell - could it also be used for ??? For one, produce "Silent Sounds" that you - the receiver - might encounter without your knowledge ... subliminally inject all kinds of info into your subconscious mind !!! Look, the good guys will use it for good, and the BAD GUYS, well there's no quetion as to what they'll do.(Feb 23 2021) - FDA Approves Modifictions For Vaccines ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This invisible enemy (CoVid-19) is so invisible, and mutates so fast, that shots may be necessary monthly - possibly daily - in order for you to legally venture outside of your own home. That's kinda looks like we're headed. Yeah, that's stretching it a bit, however, if these vaccine companies had their way, and the FDA gives them the go-a-head, and the postal service is commissioned to deliver these poisons, then shooting up before leaving your domicile may soon become a reality.(Feb 21 2021) - Depopulation Vaccines Will Start Working ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- How about we say it like this. These Poisonous Pricks are not doing the job that they were initially marketed to do. At best, they lie in wait for the CoVid virus' before kicking in - if they last long enough. In the mean time, side effects develop, and worse of all, death may occur. WHY ??? Because this vaccine ain't a vaccine !!! It's another man-made, bio-weapon waiting for further instructions, either from a 2nd, or 3rd - or - from a frequency inducing satellite. You betcha they can do that !!!(Feb 19 2021) - California Senate Plans to Suspend Constitution
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- (SARCASM ALERT) Constitution, we don't need no stinking Constitution. We're democ-RATS and we control the laws that control the people, places and things in California. We fought hard for this power and we'll fight even harder for ABSOLUTE POWER !!! Folks, they do not want you to know what their up to, and that's why they're pushing hard and fast to suspend the Constitution. I'm tellin' you, something wicked this way comes, as their ring-master and carnival barker - Gavin Newsom - is hanging from the high-wire.(Feb 18 2021) - Military can refuse "experimental" COVID vaccines
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- You read that right, the Military can refuse "experimental" COVID vaccines, because THEY ARE EXPERIMENTAL !!! Come on people, let that sink into your gray matter upstairs. This vaccine, according to Army Lt. Gen. Ronald Pace - who is Director of the Defense Health Agency in Falls Church, Va. - says the vaccine has side-effects that may last long-term. But, if y'all want to gamble with your life, then - by all means - jump off the "Bill Gate Bridge" with the other mind-controlled masses. GOD Have Mercy ... 'cuz that vaccine won't !!!(Feb 17 2021) - Former Detroit TV Anchor Karen Hudson-Samuels Dies One Day After Taking COVID Vaccine ... (What a Shame)
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is how the MSM Tippy-Toes around the truth, by letting so-called experts investigate - more like cover up - what was the real cause of this former TV News anchors death. IT WAS THE VACCINE !!! How in the name of logic and reason can these reporters slip so many cogs on this extremely obvious reaction to the vaccine ??? If they really cared for this women - like they say they do - then for crying-out-loud, do your job ... TELL THE TRUTH !!! You own it to her ...(Feb 15 2021) - Infected after Both Doses of the Vaccine ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- A slight "Hat-Tip" goes to NBC News for reporting that four {no doubt more} tested positive with the CoVid-19 {bio-weapon} after receiving both vaccinations. Yes, they got the CoVid in spite of the shots !!! However, the local Health Authorities reaction to this causation was to invent a new term to protect their you-know-whats. They call these {vaccine induced} side effects ... "breakthrough cases" ... as if that's suppose to negate their incompetence - let alone ignorance - or should we say ... WELL PAID SILENCE !!!(Feb 14 2021) - New Web Site : Joe Biden Is Not My President
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's another one of those web sites that many of the Porterville Post readers and researchers might want to bookmark. It's called "Joe Biden Is Not My President" and acts mostly as an aggregate to other sites. I've clicked through many of the links to see which way it presence, and so far it mirrors what millions on the right might agree with. So, give it a look-see and then e-mail me at editor@portervillepost.com. I'd like to hear your comments and or suggestions. GOD Bless ...(Feb 13 2021) - Some Say : We Need to Protest En Masse
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For the most part, this article has some merit - (I said some). Rifling through many of these articles on the web takes time, as you know, and from what I've researched and already know, Christians, Conservatives, Constitutionalists and Patriots have not been playing for keeps - like they use too. History notes, unless there's a sufficient amount of bloodshed, nothing changes. Additionally, we've been playing their game, on their field, and by their rules ... orchestrated by luciferian lies and performed by legions of liberals !!! COME LORD JESUS !!!(Feb 11 2021) - ‘Vaccination Passport’ To Travel By Summer ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm tellin' you, these NEW WORLD ORDER ideologues, and their "Press-ti-tutes" don't want you traveling anywhere, anytime on anything, until they destroy - not just the American Dream - but America all together. Look, call it what you want, communism, liberalism, or whatever, it's still evil and for sure has satanic ties that bind. So, if you're hell-bent on getting this genetically modifying shot - just to travel - odds are you'll damage your DNA, or worse, seal your fate with the anti-christ, and not your faith in Christ !!!(Feb 09 2021) - GOING DOOR TO DOOR WITH THE VACCINE ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, here's how you measure what's coming down the pike for the U.S. If these gov't high-hats in a western society - like in the United Kingdom - are planning to give the green light to one of their agencies to go "Door-to-Door" to persuade everyone to get vaccinated, and if it's kinda-sorta effective, then you know full well they'll implement it here in the states. Don't think that BIG PHARMA and BIG TECH ain't wanting to do it in America and world wide ... 'cause they are.(Feb 07 2021) - Catholic Nuns Sold 175 Orphaned Boys ... For ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Everyday there's an add on TV asking you to contact lawyers so they can help you receive some compensation for being abused by individuals from the Catholic Cult, or the Mormon Cult, or Boy Scouts and a few others. Folks ... It's a REAL PROBLEM !!! For possibly a millennium or two it's being going on - in every culture and in every country. It's so ingrained into these satanic leaders and pedophiles, the only way to stop it is to first admit it's a problem - A REAL PROBLEM !!! Secondly ... uh ... you don't want to know.(Feb 05 2021) - Bank of America ... Secretly Turned Everyone In !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yup ... one of the biggest banks - BoA - caved in and gave the fed's info on who was anywhere near the Capitol during the so-called riot Jan 6th. How was that even possible - let alone legal ??? Well, first those who were there brought their spy-phones, and the fed's have access to that also. Next, a bank - any bank - is conjoined to the fed's, especially if they're backed up by the FDIC. And lastly, banks can't even become a bank unless they cooperate fully with the feds !!! So, if you show up to one of these events with your spy-phone, that's on you. Period - Paragraph !!!(Feb 03 2021) - Gangs Selling Fake COVID Certificates ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well imagine that ... criminals outsmarting criminals ... with FAKE CERTIFICATES for FAKE VACCINES. Now, these implant manufactures - and there's many - are gonna push hard for their contact tracing products and apps. You know, the ones that will follow you - live - wherever you go and track whatever you do. Time, I'm tellin' y'all, ain't on your side. For sure ... the "Mark of the Beast" ... is connected, somehow - some way, to all of this chaos.(Jan 30 2021) - Food Control Tied to Pharmacutical Companies
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As usual, Celeste Solum from "Shepherds Heart", nailed it with her latest report. Folks, there's no one at the top of their GOD forsaken mountain top, who honestly cares about saving the planet, let alone humanity. They've brazenly announced their plans and agenda through their own publications, videos, and on-line interviews. Why ? Because if you do not "State Your NON-CONSENT" to their draconian dreams and desires, that gives them the right to steal your rights, your property, and your life. WAKE UP CHRISTIANS !!!(Jan 28 2021) - Biden's Agenda: Pedophilia Coming Down the Pike?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the "Real Deal" ... for all you numb-skulls who still trust the "Equal Rights" radicals. They do not want equal rights ... these implacables want "EXTRA RIGHTS" !!! That's what this asinine agenda is all about. They have no tolerance for anyone or anything normal. You are in the way of their Sodom and Gomorrah society. And, believe-you-me, even exterminating or eradicating you from any on-line environment(s) won't be enough to satisfy their EVIL LIES & LUSTS !!! Take it from GOD. HE knows their thoughts, intents and eternal eventuality.(Jan 25 2021) - Merck Says Covid Vaccines Don’t Work ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- WOW !!! Someone from BIG PHARMA finally admits that their Vaccines Don't Work. You read that right. They do not work. However - if you keep reading - you'll find out, what millions already know, what actually works. And that's developing your immune system to fight off these little critters. Real or man-made. Folks, you can be lazy and believe the Mind Controlling MSM, or you can do a little research yourself {before it's all removed from the internet} and ... STAY ALIVE LONGER !!!(Jan 23 2021) - POST REPORTING : ONE DAY AT A TIME
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well ... it looks like The Porterville Post is gonna stay on-line "One Day at a Time". That's about the clearest message I'm getting from GOD and from many of you guys. I know that most of our readers have the same reservations re: what this usurper and occupier at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave will do, and - for all intent and purposes - we'll do our best to report what's about to happen or what their next moves might be. So ... like I said in the beginning, we're gonna take this one day at a time and suggest y'all do the same. SO SAY WE ALL ??? SO SAY WE ALL !!!(Jan 20 2021) - TODAY'S A BIG DAY FOR THE PORTERVILLE POST
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today, I will be absent from my post at the POST, only because I need a little time to see which way GOD wants this news service go from here on out. I've already notified my columnists, writers and loyal researchers that I would be in much thought and prayer today concerning the POST and whether we should continue or cancel. Likewise, I ask that all of our readers also be in prayer re: which direction the POST should take. If I get a clear enough message from GOD ... I will take it. GOD BLESS Y'ALL !!!(Jan 17 2021) - The Internet of Bodies & Hacking Your DNA
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's an important article that escaped my attention, which needs attention, NOW !!! Folks, these NEW WORLD ORDER luciferian lovers are hell-bent on destroying GOD's creation - Humanity !!! They've poured millions into hooking humans up to the "Internet-of-Things" by what they're working on called ... the "Internet-of-Bodies" (IoB) !!! That new phrase should be self explanatory. However, if it's not, just keep reading. You'll get the 411 PDQ ... I did.(Jan 16 2021) - Is America Descending into a Military Dictatorship
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- When the government can no longer govern itself, that's usually when the Military takes over - with MARTIAL LAW. As it stands right now - and according to many reports - what is caustiously developing is one of those "Just-in-Case" scenarios. If there's no clear path to the presidency for Joe Biden, and no clear command by President Trump, then that's when the military has to step in to provide safety until it all gets ironed out. And that could take some time. GOD Have Mercy !!!(Jan 14 2021) - Here Are the Traitors : by Paul Craig Robets
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For whatever it's worth here are the names of all the turn-coated, yellow-belly, back-stabbing RINO republicans who voted to impeach President Donald J. Trump. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), John Katko (R-N.Y.), Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), Fred Upton (R-Mich.), Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-Wash.), Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.), Anthony Gonzalez (R-Ohio), Tom Rice (R-S.C.), Peter Meijer (R-Mich.), and - believe it or not - David Valadao (R-Calif.). Now that's a crying shame, if you ask me, and symbolic of a suicidal nation.(Jan 12 2021) - FAKEBOOK : Warns employees not to do this ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Too late !!! Most everyone who lives anywhere near one of these social media businesses already knows who the head-honcho's are, what they drive, and where they live. Simple surveillance and basic logistics !!! So, if these dweebs are gonna shut down your internet presence - besides their complaint departments - then what's a freedom loving American to do ??? Pay them a social visit ??? Possibly !!! Mail them a thank you letter ??? Maybe !!! Or ... (I ain't saying) ... cuz, that's up to GOD !!!(Jan 11 2021) - First They Stole From The President ... Then
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, it's Monday and due to the satanic censorship from Silicon Valley the "Internet of Things" is now the "Internet of Thieves" !!! Can any of these tech-titans be held accountable for their blatant censorship, thievery & skulduggery ??? Hardly. They've already been to Wash D.C. and LIED their you-know-whats off to congress, and the MSM - as well - gave them a pass. Now if your social media got clipped because of some innocuous issue, you and Toto ain't gonna make it back to Kansas. So, batten-the-hatches, there's another internet tornado on its way.(Jan 07 2021) - FAKEBOOK : Blacklists Donald Trump ‘Indefinitely’
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yup ... They said they'd do it, and now they did - took President Trump's social media links and likes OFF-LINE. As brazen as that is, guess who or what's next ??? The First Amendment !!! Look, after they de-platform more from "The Right", they'll then go after regular web sites - like The Porterville Post - even though we have no social media hook-ups what's-so-ever. And when that happens, I'm tellin' y'all, there will be a tsunami of "Dead-Man-Drops" and "Doxing" of info and addresses of all the Traitors. Starting with the MSM !!!(Jan 06 2021) - EVIL : At The Highest Levels - [ Part 2 & Part 3 ]
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- There's a ton of scuttlebutt out there re: what Vice President Pence may or may not do today concerning the electoral votes and this article is one of many that I had to wade through to establish any kind of witness to these facts. So ... if Pence is up to the challenge to nullify the electoral votes - due to corrupted elections - he just might be able Save the Republic and possibly his own skin. Yes, it's that dire !!! Folks, as I pray that GOD would Have Mercy on America and provide the Miracle that we need, what will you do - TODAY ???(Jan 05 2021) - Antifa ‘Terrorize’ Senator Hawleys Family
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is where the line must be drawn. Yes, there are some doors that deserve an authorities presence - along with a warrant - but, I'm sorry to say, a trend has already begun. For the most part, you can locate the actual addresses of all your elected & appointed representatives - and the authorities know this. Lastly, these local constabularies don't have the police-power to protect everyone - let alone them selves - and these riotous renegades know this. So ... keep your powder dry and your pantry full, 'cuz you're gonna have to defend yourself - one way or another.(Jan 03 2021) - Y'ALL PUT YOURSELVES ON LOCK-DOWN
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And ... you paid for all of it !!! I'm sorry, but facts are facts, and the Porterville Post has been warning y'all for sometime now re: those little SNITCHEN CELL PHONES. I know that in the beginning they were kinda neat - and all that - however, they're not neat anymore, as they "Track & Trace" all your contacts, calls, text, your moves, and all your purchases. So you ask ... well ... Mr. Smarty Pants, what do you use to call family and friends ??? I use an old flip phone. I keep it off, remove it's battery and put it in a make-shift Faraday container, when I'm done.(Jan 01 2021) - De Blasio Dances with Pedophile Partner ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Did anyone notice that Mayor De Blasio's wife - as both hypocrites danced in New York's Time Square - was wearing a covid-19 mask (pic) with Pedophile Symbols all over it ??? I mean ... if there was anything else she could've used as a covering, that - in my mind - would have been the last. But ... maybe it was a signal to the rest of their friends, and the world, that they are coming out too ... as Child Predators. Just thought, just maybe, someone ought to ask ... what-the-hey ???- PAST : 20 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 |12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 -
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