- PAST OPINIONS : 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 |12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 -
(Dec 31 2020) - Nine Facts Explode the COVID Hoax !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What's worse then the Covert-19 plandemic ??? Ignorance gone to seed !!! Folks there's tons of medical and scientific evidence out there on the internet enough to choke a mule or stop a train re: this evil "Man-Made Bio-Weapon", but ... the masses - as always - likes to plead ignorance. I'm tellin' you, these ignoramus' are gonna race to get in line for the Vaccine from Hell, or the countless boosters there after ... in spite of all the clear evidence and medical warnings. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY !!!(Dec 28 2020) - Police Raid Stockton Hair Salon Business ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Drop that curling iron and step away from the sink ... you law breaking hair-stylist !!! Apparently the police can be ordered - by any agency - to RAID BUSINESSES or personal property if commanded to do so. On one end of the law enforcement spectrum you have the local police, who are controlled by the local city council. On the other, you have the county sheriff, which is controlled and elected by the people. So, who you gonna call once these two LEO's go at it. I ain't tellin' you ... 'cause you've already waited too long to do anything - anyway.(Dec 26 2020) - The “Intelligence Agencies” Latest 100% Failure
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Different reports (1)(2)(3)(4) are coming in at break-neck speed re: the latest FALSE FLAG operation which took place in Nashville. Folks, I couldn't agree more with this assessment from The Daily Coin, and why all of our "Intelligent Agencies" FAILED AGAIN !!! Are they that incompetent ??? NO !!! These agencies no longer get paid to protect the public - only The Powers That Be. However, there are a few "White Hats" that know the score & abide by the Constitution. More info on the way ...(Dec 25 2020) - Have a Merry (and defiant) Christmas
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday afternoon I went for my usual walk around Veterans Park and since it is the "Time of the Season" I greeted everyone walking in the opposite direction with very "MERRY CHRISTMAS" salutation. None to my surprise, a mere handful even looked up to see or hear what I was proclaiming. So (defiantly) I stepped right into their path to share my Christmas greeting ... but they all did the "CoVid Kickout" - 6 feet away - and kept on trucken'. It's as if I had Leprosy ... RIGHT ???(Dec 23 2020) - American Teenager Jailed for Skipping Quarantine
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So ... I must ask ... what's really the difference between MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW and MARTIAL LAW ??? In this case - where a Teenager is jailed for skipping out of quarantine - not much !!! This teenage girl had no symptoms and tested negative, but was still sentenced to TWO MONTHS IN JAIL for violating a Medical Order !!! Folks, this case sets a precedent for other states in the U.S. to follow. This ain't good - not at all. I'm tellin' y'all, I see no difference between MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW and MARTIAL LAW !!!(Dec 22 2020) - Anti-Lockdown Protesters Attempt To Enter ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm surprised that it took these folks in OREGON this long to get the attention of their law-makers. Knowing where their angst and anger is coming from, I can't say that I blame them. As to what their next move might be ... I'm kinda thinkin' these politicians ain't gonna get many Christmas cards this year ... because ... they just might get a very "SPECIAL THANK YOU" personally delivered at their homes. I mean, that's what others are doing ... since ... "CHRISTMAS IS CLOSED" !!!(Dec 16 2020) - The Conspiracy Behind COVID-19 ... Now Proven
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As they say, "The Cats out of the Bag" ... NOW ... like the "Man-Made" CoVid-19 virus and evidence more than suggests that it was let out, just to test it's gain-of-function. Yes, thousands of research scientists working in these labs may loose their jobs and livelihoods, but what-the-hey, everyone else is loosing their jobs, so I say ... either fire them or jail them, and for goodness sakes, shut these NON-ESSENTIAL government run bug factories down. They're KILLING PEOPLE !!!(Dec 13 2020) - Pastor Urges Christians to Prepare for Persecution
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Of course we're not ready. Christians have waited until the last minute to address the issue, but have failed to listen to those "Watchmen on the Walls" and to "Put On the Whole Amour of GOD". Most missionaries, like Pastor Andrew Brunson who returned back to the states, have also sounded the alarm in America. So now, persecution is on the way, and all that's left to do is arm yourself, your family and friends ... 'cause you didn't take heed. WAKE UP PASTORS !!! Your flocks need to see your "Greater Love" ... SERIOUSLY !!!(Dec 11 2020) - TIME TRAVEL : The Most Guarded Secret ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is Time Travel Real ??? Yep !!! It was here before we even got here or considered it. But, who created it and will GOD allow humans to use it ??? First, anything of material quality - especially humans - will in fact come into contact with the creator of Time Travel frequencies and their manifold dimensions - GOD !!! Secondly, there are "Gate Keepers" in and around these "Portals". Some are angelic, while the others are - shall we say - demonic. Most governments have sided in with the latter, the gate keepers of "Black Holes" ... AKA ... The Bottomless Pit !!!(Dec 09 2020) - CDC Plans Covid Gulag for Resistors ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is it too late to stop these mad scientists from sticking people with their poison or putting them in prison for refusing ??? YES !!! The MSM has tipped the scales in favor of accepting these poisonous vaccinations and in favor of arresting you and yours if you do not comply. That's a Fact !!! Folks, unless you're high-and-tight with JESUS CHRIST, you're gonna fold under the pressure like an empty suit. Listen ... these satanic sycophants know only part of the score, 'cause in the end, they'll be erased as well. WAKE UP !!!(Dec 05 2020) - Is the 700 Club on BIG PHARMA's Payrole ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yeah ... listening to those "Christian Leaders" who claim they have "Sage Advice" re: the CoVid-19 Vaccination(s) could, in-the-long-run, cause more than "Physical Damage" to you and the Mrs. It may very well cause some "Spiritual Damage". After hearing for myself, Gordon Robertson from the 700 Club side in with Vaccine experts, and mirroring their mantra re: the safety of these vaccines, I'm inclinded to believe ... someone's on the take ... and BIG PHARMA ... as everyone knows, is more than able to foot the bill.(Dec 03 2020) - Everyone who gets the Vaccine, gets an ID Card
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, looks like they got you civilians cinched up by the short hairs. Unless you consent to their vaccinations - regardless of it's undisclosed side effects - you ain't gonna last very long, holed up on your own. Secondly, there are too many vaccine companies who have different patented variations on their SUPER SHOTS and you ain't gonna know what's in them until after you, or a family member, has been damaged. And lastly, one shot of their SECRET SERUM won't be enough ... 'cause your gonna need more after additional Man-Made Virus' are released.(Dec 02 2020) - More Unconstitutional Lockdowns Coming ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, this "PLANDEMIC" has many governors - especially in California - anxious to exercise their "ABSOLUTE POWER" over any of the public's protests or Constitutional Rights. And that has President Trump concerned, even if he does use his executive emergency powers, states rights will be played out in the courts ... unless ??? Folks, the states are gonna keep issuing MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW until the real deal - MARTIAL LAW - out guns them ... and I'm not talking about yours or mine. So, until then, keep your powder dry and your pantry full.(Nov 29 2020) - WHO SHALL GOVERN - THEM OR US ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Those old clichés like "Let Bygones be Bygones" ... "To Each His Own" ... and ... "All Things Being Equal" no longer merit the same value as they did before. They've taken a back-seat to "Fare to meddling'" ... and ... "By Any Means Necessary". So, because of that loss of trust with the accepted and elected estates, the governed need to make a decision. Do they passively do the "Wait & See" Watusi, or do they amalgamate their arms & ammo at the elites entry ways ??? If any more time slips by, and the masses don't amass, America may not have a gov't to govern.(Nov 27 2020) - Company wants to play music inside your head
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In about a year, half of Skynet will be built and in position to capture and control all communications ... including the sounds of all those bee-bees bouncing around in your empty skull. Billions are backing these satellites and all the TOP SECRET programs designed to remedy wrong thinking. But you'll never know because all your gonna hear is magical and mystical music - of course turned on "by you" with that Fancy Free App on your smart phone. Doubt it not !!! Human frequencies are easily tracked and hacked !!!(Nov 26 2020) - IS THIS ... YOUR LAST THANKSGIVING ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... so you made it to the dinner table this Thanksgiving, where all the fixen's were prepared to celebrate this "Christian Covenant". You prayed and gave thanks before you ate and drank, and from then on out you went back into denial re: what you haven't prepared for, if this is your last Thanksgiving. I gotta say, dreams from GOD re: The End Times need to be considered, especially now-a-days that the DEVILS DARK FORCES are at the ready to depopulate the planet by any means necessary. So rise from your dreams and STAND ... !!!(Nov 24 2020) - MARYLAND EXPANDING MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And so it goes, and leading thechargecharade, a "RINO Republican" governor decided that you have no Constitutional right to go anywhere outside without a mask. At a time when other democ-RAT governors are mandating these MEDICAL MARTIAL LAWS, republicans ought not mirror this minutia. Already, so many so-called conservatives have capitulated and want the other side to continue to call the shots. Because - all along - they've been shooten' blanks. Empty suits they are - every last one of them !!!(Nov 23 2020) - Will Thanksgiving Begin The Resistance ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Resistance ??? What Resistance ??? From the day this CoVid-1984 was released, most everyone sheepishly waited for the gov't to come to the rescue - not GOD !!! And now - according to this article - it's time to resist. Okay, I guess resistance is necessary, but at this stage in the game, resistance is gonna cost a lot more, and long term contingency plans must be in place. Look, no one goes to war knowing that collateral damage ain't gonna happen - because it will - especially if operational and tactical plans aren't in place and secure. So ... Wha-cha gonna do ???(Nov 18 2020) - Contact-Tracing Has Been A Monumental Failure
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's where - by default - a lot of the evidence is leading to. CoVid-19 is not a virus ... it's a BIOWEAPON. It's not morphing or mutating into another form of the virus. It was MAN-MADE and self adjusts to attack each individuals immune system and DNA. That's why BIG PHARMA is making FAKE VACCINES that will only alleviate the symptoms and not the cause. BTW, the jury is still out re: where or how everyone is catching CoVid-19. I have my suspicions and beliefs.(Nov 13 2020) - MOVIE : COVID-23 IS COMING SOON !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Talk about "Predictive Programming" ... this new movie called SONGBIRD, is preparing the public for The Next PANDEMIC. How you ask ??? By desensitizing your eyes and ears to what's obvious and conditioning your mind to accept the inevitable - deepening cognitive dissonance. Folks, todays press-ti-tutes - the pied pipers of these programs - knows what's coming down the road, but continue in these con's hoping they'll escape with the elite. Albeit, in the end ... that's when they'll get theirs ... and we'll get ours. Come Lord JESUS !!!(Nov 12 2020) - New Device "Beams" Music In Your Head ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This 'SOUND BEAMING' Technology Isn't New !!! It has several different names, patents and past practices. Most, if not all of it's tracking ability, latches onto individuals frequencies ... and ... can alter that persons perspective, prerogative, and of course personality. And that, my friends, is the end-game re: this tool that's coming down the pike. Look, these NEW WORLD ORDER Nut-Jobs want a cyborg society, programmed - or purged- if humans won't hear and sing the same song, think the same thoughts, and kill on command. Why else would these luciferians pump billions into these projects ??? It's not rocket science or classified. It's in the back of the book ... The BIBLE !!!(Nov 10 2020) - Dead Men Can't Talk, But They Can VOTE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today while I was "surfing the net" I came across this list of names of Michigan's deceits who came back from the dead to vote. I kid you not. This is - no doubt - the first of many resurrections that took place in this state on election day. Odds are other resurrections occurred in additional states casting votes for this DEEP STATE DEVIL - who might assume room temperature before Jan 20th and join them down-stairs to celebrate. {Yes, It's Sarcasm ... MAYBE}(Nov 08 2020) - FAKE NEWS Props-Up FAKE ELECTION !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks, the MSM, and social media minstrels - who are "Hand-in-Glove" with OPERATION HAMMER - know full well that "SCORECARD" - a deeper sleeper software - was gonna deliver FAKE VOTES for the 2020 election. After viewing this VIDEO, I am convinced that "SCORECARD" was only applied to the Presidential race ... or it would have surfaced in many other election results. Now, many of the Secretaries of States have given the go-ahead to destroy the "Tracking and Tracing" of their FAKE SCORECARDS !!!(Nov 07 2020) - Reason Why They Want To Get Caught
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This article points out why "Diabolical Narcissists" (DN) want to get caught doing wrong. But ... it ain't what you think. These DN's aren't normal re: honest convictions of right and wrong. They're internal drive to lie-to-your-face is their initial rush, and then their final rush - after openly throwing it in your face - is to intimate ... "If you're too stupid to see what I'm doing, then you deserve what you get." And believe-you-me, prisons are full of these low-lifes who got caught.(Nov 06 2020) - Election 2020 : A Sting Operation ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today there's been circulating all over the internet that there was a "Sting Operation" set in motion, by President Trump, to catch those who would tamper - in any way - the 2020 Election ballots. From the jest of what's currently being announced, these election ballots have special "Undetectable Water Marks" that can be tracked and traced. No doubt, these special ballots can also be GPS'd. In other words, they can tell where they've been and who's had them in their posession until Nov 3rd - thanks to cell phone tracking. More on the way - for sure ...(Nov 05 2020) - VOTER FRAUD : Your Vote "CAN" be changed w/o you even knowing
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes You Can - Steal An Election !!! And this is how they're doing it. Folks, everything on-line leaves a trail, no matter how many DEEP tunnels you run or how much bleach you apply. After viewing this video - that aired Nov 3rd - I am convinced that this is how those democ-RATS are doing it. Once you have the "Key Codes" which can be used to enter and leave any computer, and adjust any vote count, elections have no real meaning because results can be altered, benefiting corrupt candidates, campaigns and COMMUNISTS.(Nov 04 2020) - Yahoo Mail reads all outgoing mail ... and
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Reading and censoring your out-going e-mails ??? That ain't nothing. These FREE e-mail servers also forward what they collect to other government agencies from other countries - besides the 17 or so U.S. Intel' agencies. Secondly - like contact tracing - they scoop up everyone's e-mails associated with you. And lastly, all of your smart devices are now on alert, watching & waiting for you to make a mistake, and then they'll possess all the evidence to come and pick you up and put you away ... INDEFINITELY !!!(Oct 31 2020) - OPERATION TRUANINDERNATIOFADEPREZURE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- ARMAGEDDON ALERT : Yesterday it was revealed that Joe Biden is in fact a "LEVEL IV CODE TALKER" who's been trained to communicate with space aliens. Of course at times when he combines words and phrases it sounds like gibberish, but a source from AREA 51, confirms this to be true, and, with fear and much trembling, stated that "Operation Truanindernationofadeprezure" is the accepted universal war cry by the Galactic Goon Government (3G) ... making Joe Biden a traitor by siding in with the Draco's over the Ethereals ... {Best Sarcasm Ever}(Oct 30 2020) - Mailchimp Will Now Deactivate Accounts
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And it's gone ... all of your e-mails that you trusted "MailChip" with ... is gone !!! Because they changed their "Terms of Service" that you must agree to !!! And, in many cases, you had to pay up-front for the use of their mass e-mailing platform. This is why - back in the day - the Porterville Post never signed onto any of these "Free Services". We were given a "Heads-Up" regarding these "Monkeys" years ago. BTW, we still do not use any services like those, and to this day, do not collect any info or e-mails - via "Cookies" - on you or track anyone who reads the Post !!! Never have - Never will !!!(Oct 27 2020) - Solar-Powered SMART DUST ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Smart dust ... forget about it !!! Wait until these NWO scientists roll out their "SMART AIR" !!! That's where a certain geographic quadrant is charged and tags your bodies frequencies as soon as you pass through it. That's when they turn on your inner Manchurian. Don't think they aren't testing that idea right now - 'cuz they are and once it's fully developed, your motivations may not be yours. So ... you better say Yes to JESUS today, because you may not have a chance tomorrow.(Oct 27 2020) - VIDEO : New Mexico just went under tyranny !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Sure ... if an employee who feels like they have the CoVid-1984 flue, they should call in sick, or be sent home if he shows up for work looking a bit putrid. But let me tell you something, to allow a 3rd party - like the National Guard - to come into your business to conduct a SPOT CHECK means you've surrendered to MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW. And their spot checks won't stop there, cuz they'll track and trace everyone that you've come in close contact with ... through your CELL PHONES.(Oct 24 2020) - The True Story About Hydrogel Mimicry ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, these nano-nerds - tucked away in some university basement - have cobbled together particles extremely minuscule which they intend - some day - to inject into humans to make them better. That's about as simple as I can put it. They have assembled a delivery system called hydrogel and hope to load it up with healing packages. Folks, these Mad Scientists have lost their ever-loving minds and think they can do a better job in healing and helping humans than ALMIGHTY GOD. And yet, the lemmings will line up for THE FINAL SET UP !!!(Oct 23 2020) - Zooming in to ARREST your Child ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- If there was any reason why you should take your child out of California's classes and enroll them in a private Christian school ... its this ... threatening to ARREST your child if they're truant with ... Zoom ??? Folks, these 1984 re-education enforcers already have their boots on your child's neck at school, and now they've walked right into your homes, and you didn't even know it - let alone care. Well, maybe you know it now, but its kinda too late, don't you think.(Oct 22 2020) - BIG TECH PURGE ACCELERATES !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, I've warned those who have put all their eggs into any of the FREE Social media platform baskets, that there was coming a day when the owners of these platforms will cite certain criteria to ixnay you and all your connections. I don't want to say "I Told You So" and I know you don't want to hear it ... but ... "I Told You So". Look, quit crying, and fork over a few bucks and get a real web site with a secure video. As far as being throttled back, you're still gonna have that issue. I do ...(Oct 21 2020) - Stranger in a Strange Land ... by Mike Stone
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For a couple of millennium Satan's been secularizing the saints to a point that - today - you could barely tell them apart from the millions on their way to HELL. Those few of us who are awake and have been sounding the alarm, see their cognitive dissonance and compliance with the MSM - Main Stream Marxists - and wonder, will they ever break free from these Manchurian minstrels in the media ??? Not unless they turn off that infernal FAKE NEWS, plus their spy phones and submit to the GOOD NEWS ... "indubitably" ... The KING JAMES BIBLE !!!(Oct 20 2020) - Debate Commission Changes Rules ... to ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Of course these democ-RATS from the debate commission are gonna change the rules at the last minute. That's what you do when you're caught with a bias as big as Biden's B.S. Folks, the MSM and the DEEP STATE democ-RATS have a demonized form of democracy that they've been assaulting Americans with way before the McCarthy hearings. And for sure, these demon-possessed darlings moderating this debate will be outed and doxxed - by their own kind - because they all fear a President Trump second term ... and they should.(Oct 18 2020) - EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT ON THE WAY ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- An "Extinction Level Event" (ELE) is where a big chuck of life here on terra-firma is extinguished by either an internal or external action. Scientists have suggested that it's happened a couple of times in the past and, according to this report, one (ELE) could be headed our way soon - an external one from the galaxy. Second - you'll note - was the cover-up of this possible (ELE) from all observatories and countries, which, in-and-of-itself, is a tell-tale sign. To be sure, if this (ELE) is that destructive, you and yours better accept JESUS as SAVIOUR today !!!(Oct 17 2020) - THE PURGE HAS JUST STARTED !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, the Porterville Post was well aware that this purge was going to happen, and that's why we steered clear of any of those free social media platforms, like FAKEBOOK, TWITTER & YOUTUBE. However, we are being throttled down - more than usual - and that may effect our internet future. That being said, it's imperative that President Donald Trump be re-elected, so "America Can Be Free Again" or the commies will take over and we're all a goner.(Oct 16 2020) - Atomic Bombshell: We Have The Proof ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Listen up folks ... there's more proof that CoVid-19 was planned and patented then Carter has little liver pills. I'm telling you, if RoundUp can be sewed for harming those who used their products, then Richard Rothschild, the owner of these patents, must be sewed, and must be dealt with severely !!! These war mongering warlocks and banksters have been robbing and ruining the lives of thousands, albiet millions of people, just to expand their empire(s). THEY ARE THE VIRUS !!!(Oct 14 2020) - The neXt stage for the Mark of the Beast ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Last night I watched the second installment of FOX's new TV series called neXt. Not surprisingly, the Idea that a man-made "Artificial Intelligence" (AI) has gone rogue fits nicely into the agenda of the NEW WORLD ORDER. Meaning, if this AI is not dealt with soon - {plus the hundreds currently in development} - AI will eventually control the whole world and the people !!! And, subsequently, if humanity does not bow down to this BEAST ... we won't be able to Buy or Sell anything, anywhere, anytime, anymore. Sound familiar ???(Oct 10 2020) - Your iPhone Camera Is Spying On You !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Isn't that special. Apple's new "SPY PHONE" lets the owner know - with a little green light - when someone is spying on them. Come on people !!! Are you that dense ??? They all have internal GPS software that's on 100% of the time. Just because they put a brand new "Idiot Light" on the cell phones dash board doesn't mean they can't tract and trace you, even when it's off ... because they can and they do. So ... their new "Idiot Light" is designed for idiots - USEFUL IDIOTS !!!(Oct 09 2020) - CEO of Global Food Distribution Company - Ian Charles Schenkel - Arrested for Child Sex Trafficking !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For years, as a Christian appologist, I have done research into just about every occult idea, occult entities and occult organizations, looking for answers concerning all the EVIL that exists in the world today. In these two videos, Deep Inside the Satanic Cabal (part 1 and part 2) plus the latest DATA DUMP re: "Adrenochrome" you can determin for yourself that EVIL IS REAL and there are evil people who are conjoined with it ... and ... SATAN !!!(Oct 06 2020) - Pelosi Preparing to Act as President ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Like I said on Sept 29th, these NEW WORLD ORDER nut-jobs don't want Joe Burden as President, they want CHAOS, so they can inject the Speaker of the House (Nancy Pelosi) as acting President ... wherein she will also halt any new house seats from being filled, whereby allowing the ousted incumbants toelectselect whomevertheyshe decides. At this moment, Pelosi is signalingtheirher options, and believe you me, this ain't a threat. Why ? Because a second term for President Trump means ... indictments, incarcerations and EXECUTIONS !!!(Oct 03 2020) - Assassination Teams Have Been Dispatched ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- A really good intelligence analyst has to consider "All Possibilities" while rendering all information and input into the FINAL POSSIBILITY. That being said, let me stress this ... mounting a coup against a sitting president is one thing, however, assimilating a team of assassins is another. So, from this report, and from I've been able to gather, deep sixing President Trump - by any means necessary - is a DEEP STATE agenda, analyzed, assessed & approved by "The Company" Gina keeps.(Oct 03 2020) - ITS TOO LATE : YOU WE'RE WARNED !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For years the Porterville Post has been warning its readers re: the end-use of everything that connects to anything "WiFi" and the "Internet of Things". Its too late to go back now. All of your smart devices that you paid for have out-smarted you. Unless you took heed and opted out with your utilities at their select times - like I did - you got owned. Even worse, Christians have ignored these warnings. I know, because I have alerted their pastors in Porterville often ... and - I'm sorry to say - have received crickets.(Oct 01 2020) - Proof that the pandemic was planned !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- If this report from thousands of medical scientists and doctors world wide, who state that CoVid-19 was planned, doesn't convince you that these depopulation devils want you and yours DEAD ... then you just ain't WOKE ... and maybe never will be !!! And for those who have already run down all of these stats and sources, please share these facts far-and-wide ASAP !!! As for you Christians, well, you are their main target. You've been CTQ'd at home, banned from your Churches, and silenced by social media. THEY HATE YOU AND WANT YOU DEAD !!!(Sep 30 2020) - ATTACKING TRUMP & DIRECTING BURDEN
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And there you have it, a debate between FAKE NEWS moderator "Chris Wallace" and President Donald Trump. Yes, Joe Burden was there and so was his handler Chris Wallace who played interference with Trumps answers. The obvious take away from this hour and 1/2 waste of time - as my Pastor put it - was the fact that Trump was attacked more by this "press-ti-tute" Chris Wallace with old accusations and new fabrications while directing Joe Burden away from President Trump's tough questions. And that's the way I saw this 2 vs 1 debate.(Sep 29 2020) - Joe
BidenBurden : Unfit for Office
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, Joe Burden has been groomed to "Take One for the Team" ... the NEW WORLD ORDER team !!! The NWO knows that he could collapse at any moment and for any reason and they've already simulated all the "what if's" around that possibility. What the NWO wants - more than a Burden presidency - is CHAOS !!! The ChiCom's also want it, the USSR wants it, the Muslims want it, the Pope wants it, and the FREEMASONS who have planned it for decades want it. Remember their MOTTO ... "Order Out Of Chaos" ???(Sep 27 2020) - 300 or More at "Cars & Coffee" GREAT Gathering
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Porterville's "Cars & Coffee" had another GREAT turn out - possibly 300 or more this time. The weather was GREAT and so were all the cars and owners. There was free coffee and donuts - while they lasted - GREAT music, and a GREAT raffle that took place at 10:00 am. The Pizza Factory opened early and served a GREAT "Breakfast Pizza". All-in-all Porterville was made GREAT again by a good ole' American car show, and not by being politically correct.(Sep 26 2020) - Radical Leftist Group ‘One Planet One Child’ ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I couldn't agree any more. Liberals, democ-RATS, luciferians, vegans, and the MSM press-ti-tutes should quit having children. One child in the possession of these human-haters - in my opinion - is way too many. Look, if these NEW WORLD ORDER nut jobs want to reduce their own populations, then by - all means - have at it. Satan's Soylent Green sanctuaries awaits their own sacrifice ... unless these snowflakes need a second amendment opinion ... because they'll get one if then need one. Just saying ...(Sep 24 2020) - Brain-To-Brain Interfaces Will Bypass Language
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So you say to yourself, these mad scientists ain't gonna capture or transfer any of your thoughts. Well, they will, and they ain't gonna tell you until its too late. Why ? Because many of these "Brain Projects" already have the funding and approval of the gov't ... and ... guarantees that they can't be sewed if something goes wrong - and it will !!! Look, you've been warned re: those smart surveillance phones and you didn't wise up. And now you're gonna prevent this interfacing technology from taking over your thoughts ??? Please, tell me how ... waiting ...(Sep 20 2020) - McConnell’s Home Address Posted Online
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, soon enough everyone's name and address will be posted (doxxed) on-line and if physical harm to that person or property occurs, Katy bar the door. And ... when that happens - especially where those cities have pushed to "Defund the Police" - civil war will break out, leading to ... MARTIAL LAW !!! So, if you believe there's gonna be a "Peaceful Election" if President Trump gets another conservative on the SCOTUS, you and your second amendment citizens - in and around your neighborhood - need to START PLANNING NOW. Period -Paragraph !!!(Sep 19 2020) - LYING SHEPHERDS SACRIFICING THEIR FLOCKS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For years Pastors were recruited by the gov't to stifle the concerns of their own flocks re: compliance with the gov't in times of crisis. These Pastors, who are part of the "Clergy Response Teams" (CRT), are - in fact - on the wrong side of Romans 13 and must be confronted ... first with facts re: Rom 13: - at their doorstep with another Believer. Next, to disconnect with other Believers who are obedient (by default) because of their cell phones. These Judas Iscariot's, are just as dangerous - if not more - than all the CRT's put together. Listen up Christians, stifle your phones or you're neXt on their list !!!(Sep 17 2020) - Chi-Coms Using DEW's to Start Wildfires ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Having to respond to on-line alerts re: the Chinese (CCP) using "Direct Energy Weapons" (DEW's) to start many of the wild fires in California, the DoD - in a press release - admitted that was a strong possibility. And if so why ??? Well, in order for the Chinese to invade California - like many have suggested - the west coast has to be softened up a bit and the forested areas - wherein "The Wolverines" will be waiting - have to be burned out and destroyed, leaving our "Flat Landers" and "First Responders" on the front lines. Not to worry my friends, 'cuz, we can handle the Chi-Coms "ACT OF WAR" if the democ-RATS won't !!!(Sep 16 2020) - "I Am The Target": Silenced Chinese Virologist Tells Tucker COVID-19 Intentionally Released ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now that it was revealed on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" by Dr. Li-Meng Yan that the virus did not come from nature, but was manipulated by the Chinese military in a L4 lab in Wuhan to "Attack Humans"... the CDC and WHO have fess up with these facts. Secondly, there needs to be a TOP SECURITY TEAM assigned to this virologist to make sure that she isn't killed. Thirdly, any vaccine - ready or not - will be based on FAKE SCIENCE, and - because of this astounding evidence - it should be forcefully and violently REJECTED !!!(Sep 14 2020) - Railroads Pulling Off Equiptment ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In a time of war, it's all about SUPPLY LINES. If you can't supply an area where you are trying to protect, or take back, then your only option is to retreat. Reading between the lines re: this report is the notion of the military needing these rail cars to transport heavy equipment and vehicles to and from operations, and the need to make sure the railroads are clear when needed. My guess is, this ain't a drill, but possibly a protection measure commissioned by Trumps' people at the DHS. If that'a the case, then you better prepare as well.(Sep 12 2020) - RED ALERT : They’re burning down the Left Coast
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The physical locations of those NEW WORLD ORDER nut-jobs who are running these clandestine and occult operations will soon be doxxed by "Q" and by all their supporters, or we're all in for a really rough ride. Yes, the NWO has many technological toys, tactics and tyrants and they must be met at the door - their door !!! For too long we've been conditioned to wait until they come-a-knocking, and they already have. So now's the time to fight fire with [______] or whatever you posses !!!(Sep 10 2020) - An Editorial Written Entirely by AI ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This article takes me back to the early browser fights between Microsoft & Netscape Navigator. Much of the coding & scripting for both were pretty much universal, but there was enough that wasn't which eventually led to Netscape being absorbed by the Borg - Microsoft. So, to me ... there will be a battle between which Artificial Intelligent (AI) soft or hardware that will be programmed to compete and or eliminate the others. The first (AI) fights will be between the nations, then amongst the corporations, third amongst the religions, and finally against - not amongst - the humans.(Sep 07 2020) - Pope Warns : Gossip is a Plague Worse than Covid
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- HEY ... Shu-dupa-you-mout !!! Now, if you're "Fact-Checking" Francis, the Vatican, or any of his pedophile priests, you're considered a gossip. That's what this Pope says. For sure, he's wanting a return to the DARK AGES, wherein you - as a catholic - had no freedoms, liberty, or were banned from reading the Bible. Folks, the whole world is in cahoots with the NEW WORLD ORDER, and you and I aren't allowed to analyze these secret satanic schemes, let alone talk about them. So ... WAKE UP people and come out from among them !!!(Sep 06 2020) - Trump’s Secret Weapon: The 14th Amendment
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, I want to believe that those on the side-lines "now" will rise to the occasion later and come along side President Trump, if he decides to use the 14th Amendment to round up and possibly arrest treasonous gov't officials and politicians. Sure, Mike Adams has a grasp on what could take place, however ... these press-ti-tutes who are broad-casting hourly FAKE NEWS about everything have a tighter grasp on the minds of the masses. So, will this attempt to arrest all these anti-American political place-holders, publishers trigger MARTIAL LAW ??? I pray that it won't, but, if it does ... will you be prepared ???(Sep 05 2020) - THE PLANDEMIC IS A GLOBALIST RUSE !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The globalist plans for their NEW WORLD ORDER does not include Christians. As a matter of fact, they instinctively know it's Christians - who are awake and filled with The HOLY SPIRIT - that are the hitch in their get-along, and need to be exterminated in order to fulfill their dreams of an OCCULT UTOPIA !!! So ... with that said, you - my Brothers and Sisters - better get prepared, because daylight's a burnin' and the night cometh when no man can work. (John 9:4)(Sep 02 2020) - Children's 2016 Movie Depicted Pandemic ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now you'd think - after watching this children's movie - that the script writers had one thing in mind ... YOUR CHILD'S MIND !!! That's a fact jack. I'm tellin' you, these NEW WORLD ORDER nut-jobs are clearly out in the open with their agenda and have no problem scripting your children's fears. Folks, you better wise-up pronto ... because the MSM - along with their conspirators, DARPA and DEEP STATE - are predictively programming your children !!!(Sep 01 2020) - Reparations Lawyers Are Lining Up ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- No doubt the next TV commercials that you're gonna see will be from lawyers lining up for the big pay-outs, thanks to liberal legislators in Sacramento wanting to compensate today's blacks for the evil their ancestors endured as slaves in the past ... including ... being compensated for the evil they are enduring today, like being denied a job, not being accepting into a collage, or enduring any kind of racial slur, etc. etc. etc. So be prepared to be accused of these indignations, 'cuz lawyers are already lining up.(Aug 30 2020) - CAR LOVERS UNITE MONTHLY IN PORTERVILLE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- On Sunday, hundreds of car owners came to Porterville "UNITED" to display their fine-tuned hot-rods, muscle cars, trucks, imports, low-riders, and yes motorcycles in the Galaxy 9 parking lot. For over a year now, they've been meeting here with little to no issues from the public or police until today, where they were encouraged, by the police, to wear masks and keep social distancing. The Post did meet with the sponsor of this monthly "Cars & Coffee" event and encouraged their efforts.(Aug 29 2020) - Supplies for Protesters Seized by Cops ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Encouraging RACISM, this church - Zao MKE Church from Milwaukee - was caught giving aid to BLM protesters and the police had to step in and confiscate the goods. At first glance, from this news report, you'd think that there was some info missing, until you viewed that church's web site. Secondly, the police, on good intel will investigate criminal intent if it leads to aiding and supporting criminal activity. My guess is, this RADICALIZED LGBTQ church - if you call it a church - was on the cops radar for some time.(Aug 27 2020) - The Christian Case For President Trump
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- America has arrived at this place in history because of Christians tainted ideas of tolerance. Not the secular idea of tolerance, the Christians idea of tolerance. Allowing just about every convoluted concept of culture into to this land of opportunity has everyone at war with each other - literally !!! Now, trying to dial back these demonic delusions is gonna take some time, a lot of prayer, and a street savvy scrapper to lead the charge - like President Trump. So, cowboy-up Christians. This rodeo will continue 'til the election, and maybe sometime thereafter.(Aug 23 2020) - 5G MAP OF TOWER LOCATIONS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- If you want to seewhatwho they're cooking, just take a quick look at this 5G Map. And yes, Porterville has one of these cookers nestled in between Olive and Union Ave. Folks, my prayer is that no harm will come from these high frequency obelisks, but from what others are reporting from all over the world, there's still too many negative side-effects from being in too close approximation of these murderous minarets. Just thought you needed to know.(Aug 22 2020) - Read the Fine Print re: these VACCINES !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- BIG PHARMA, by law, has to disclose the "Side Effects" of all the vaccines & medications they manufacture. And, in each and every package there's suppose to be listed all the known side effects and contraindications. That way you and your doctor can address your needs, not his, yours. However, if you just simply go along with whatever your doctor prescribes, and don't take the time to read what's on the label then that's on you. You've already stupidly subjugated yourself beyond sanity.(Aug 19 2020) - Illegal To Skip Anti-racism Training ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- California's RE-EDUCATION CAMPS ... I mean colleges ... are now - by law - required to take an "Anti-Racism" class. Yes, your son or daughter (or whatever) will be dumbed down even further, while you pay for this is "Higher Education". Folks, this micro-aggression agenda that these thinned-skinned micro-cephalics are super-impossing on kids is idential to how cults mind-control their new recruits. Logic and reason - like everything else - are now considered racist. WAKE UP AMERICA !!!(Aug 17 2020) - TED Talk : Your smart devices know everything
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- HARMFUL AND INTRUSIVE DEVICES INSIDE !!! This is what needs to be posted on the entry ways of every business advertising FREE WIFI for it's customers, and on the front doors of every "SMART HOME" !!! Folks, these convenience contraptions are also convenient for those companies to sell your "STOLEN DATA" to third party principles. Look, it ain't enough just to shut these devilish devices down or off. Every where you venture these intrusive instruments are endlessly tracking, hacking and jacking, your life !!!(Aug 15 2020) - ShadowGate Video : A Must Watch !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- After watching this video called Shadow Gate, the 64 Quadrillion dollar question is, since all of these "Behind-the-Scenes" blackmailing businesses have "all the data" from the U.S. and abroad, what are you gonna do ??? Well, I'm waiting. No doubt NOTHING !!! And BTW, the author and producer of this video, Millie Weaver, has been arrested by the gov't, or those presenting as agents of the gov't. One thing you can do is at least send this link to a friend, or save it to a file before it gets removed ... like it's producer.(Aug 12 2020) - Biden Was Threatened Into Picking Harris
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, I suppose most everyone has already done their research on Willie Brown's "Hotsy-Totsy" - sleepy Joe's number 2 pick - so I'm gonna give it a few more days to see what additional research turns up. However, this tactic will allow the press-ti-tutes to look the other way re: creepy Joe's basement campaigning, signaling a new meaning for the abbreviation of MSM to equate "MAIN STREAM MARXIST" ... because that's what, and now who, they've been threatened to support. (Video)(Aug 11 2020) - States have authority to fine or jail people for ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- EXEMPTIONS REQUIRE PAPERWORK !!! What does that mean ??? It means that your Church has to have in their doctrinal statement or by-laws, wording that forbids such evasive measures, drugs or vaccinations. And, it has to reflect what the Bible says. Second, your employer needs to have you sign a new legal "Right to Work" agreement, signifying a disclaimer of liability - which allows you to work without a mask or being vaccinated - and protects them from being sued. And lastly, you need to stay as healthy as you can - and out of trouble with the law - or all the above info will be for naught.(Aug 08 2020) - I'm Boycotting Professional Sports Leagues ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yep ... I do believe I can go a few days, weeks, and months without having to watch one of my favorite sporting events, especially when that TV network - along with the team, in and of itself - attempts to inculcate guilt where there is none. That being said, I must confess, I haven't had cable or satellite TV for decades - just an antenna - and do not plan to ever pay for that garbage ... and I suggest you do the same.(Aug 08 2020) - ONLY THREE PERCENT - THAT'S IT !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In bone-head sociology you're taught that there's an accepted bias when it comes to polls and surveys. That's why you always see this {3% to 5%} ratio because they have to account for this inaccuracy. However, when you factor in a longer time-table those percentages narrow somewhat, and the accuracy become more stable. And one of those stable polls and surveys have to do with folks responding to facts. Not opinions - facts. And the fact is, ONLY 3% WILL ACT on verifiable info. Next, 7% might respond, and the rest ... FORGET ABOUT IT !!!(Aug 04 2020) - neXt : A "Fact-Based" TV Thriller
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In early Oct of 2020, the FOX TV Network will premiere a "FACT BASED" series called neXt, in which the lead actor tries to warn people about their cell phones spying on them, and how artificial intelligence has gone rouge. Now, if this in your face surveillance doesn't alarm you, then you have a huge mental deficit called DENIAL !!! And, to top it all off, you paid for all these doohickey's that's spying on you and everyone neXt to you. Good grief ...(Aug 02 2020) - Biden-Obama & then Obama Moves Up ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay, that's an interesting take - Barack Hussein Obama playing second fiddle to Biden. However, what's still an option is for the DNC - which is controlled by "Back-Door-Barry" - to nominate at the convention, Michelle Obama as Joe's VP. That way Barry can have eight more years and - as usual - wouldn't have a problem letting his handler(s) - Michelle and the Manchurian Company (CIA) - take back the reins for their anxious and evil NEW WORLD ORDER employers.(Aug 01 2020) - Six different ‘types’ of COVID-19 in new study
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Six different strains, or MUTATIONS ??? Heck, why stop at 6 ??? No doubt where ever they find more mutations - and they will - they're also gonna discover multiple triggers, like 5G, Frequencies, GMO's, latent vaccinations, and let's don't forget Chemtrails. Folks, scientists know how to isolate single infectious diseases, however the mix-masters of these mutations keep changing the recipe. And, for sure, BIG PHARMA doesn't want people healthy, and Bill Gates doen't want people, period !!! So, illuminate and indict these individuals and this instigator, repeal their immunity clause, and wham, the problem is solved.(Jul 30 2020) - CDC Takes Over Frontline Doctors’ Website !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In a matter of days the website and video featuring Frontline Doctors was removed, except where it was re-posted onto another video platform. If, for no other reason, these "Frontline Doctors" hadn't told the TRUTH re: using Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc and Azithromycin to cure their patients, their LIFE SAVING INFO would not have been erased. Folks, if you still can't see the forest through the trees, it's because you don't want to !!! And, if these COVERT-1984 criminals get their way, all of us TRUTH TELLERS could soon be ERASED - and not just from the internet !!! WAKE UP AMERICA !!!(Jul 29 2020) - Online Classes Requiring Vaccinations ... WHY ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- It's time to "Pick Your Poison" people !!! The MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW leaders and legislators care little about your Constitutional rights. All they care about is pushing their "POISON PILLS" and programs on the public to propagate profits. They aren't in the business of helping anyone anymore, 'cept themselves. So ... you better be "Locked & Loaded" when they come to your door, 'cause these varmints have vials that are "Locked & Loaded" with KILLER VACCINES !!!(Jul 27 2020) - Plainclothes Miami Cops Issue 'Mask Tickets' ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Let me tell you how this is gonna end - cops issuing tickets & fines to people who don't wear a mask outside or properly ... BADLY ... not for the people, but for the police. Soon someone will "DOX" all the names and addresses of all these ticket givers - because they have to sign the tickets as well - and then they'll go from being ticket givers to ticket fixers. That's if they're smart. Odds are, once these cops addresses are doxed, it won't matter, they'll end up paying a higher price then the tickets they issued.(Jul 25 2020) - How Everyone Will Test Positive for COVID-19
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- When anyone is pushed to PURGE published articles re: their own research - especially medical and or scientific - one is forced to ask ... WHY ??? Why ... well possibly their research was flawed, or maybe it needed to be updated ... or ... they were pressured to remove it. For now the answer looks like the third possibility, because ... all the COVID-19 dots connecting many "5G Articles Papers and Research" are ending in the same fate ... not to mention what happens if those researchers who don't kill their research.(Jul 21 2020) - Flaw in "COVERT-1984" Testing System !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Regardless of the "FALSE POSITIVE" facts, they're still gonna vaccinate you with GOD knows what. Folks, these COVERT-1984 tests have yet to be proven 100% reliable. And ... they don't want these FAKE TESTS to work. Why ? Because that would mean that there's no real pandemic !!! Secondly, if the tests are wrong then all the cures will be wrong. Lastly - and get this straight - if you do not comply, you will be tracked, targeted, arrested ... maybe WORSE !!!(Jul 19 2020) - CLIMATE TRACING : Global (AI) Surveillance ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, these "Eyes in the Sky" are gonna watch, record & report any & all activity if it goes against their NEW WORLD ORDER agenda(s) - starting & ending with humans. Folks, part of me says their looking for a specific group, not just humans. My Christian apologetics & apocryphal understandings tell me that it's Christians whom they're monitoring. Not those Laodecians. They've already got them by the short hairs. These "satanic satellites" are on the look-out for "Real Christians" who can hear GOD's Voice, and are a bit more privvy to CHRIST' Return !!!(Jul 18 2020) - Would you notice if you lived under tyranny ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Since I already know the answer to the question posed in this 10:00 minute video, I want you - the viewers - to watch it all the way through. That way you'll have an answer and maybe do further research yourselves re: TYRANNY - real or imagined. Listen, it's vital that your areas of reason and logic stem from your own cognitions and not from the MSM. Why ? Simple. Once you're aware of the slight-of-hand minutia used by the pres-ti-tutes, you'll notice where they spin and sin, and you'll become a real FREE THINKER !!!(Jul 17 2020) - No Reports of Covid-19 in Yosemite ... {however}
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This ain't good kids. Look, if this "Mutating" Covid-19 is also in our sewage facilities, who's to say it hasn't already gone passed the local waste water plants & into your homes through your faucets & showers ??? Even if they could find it in those waste water plants, they'd still have to replace - not just clean - all of the piping from their plants & all those into your homes. And yes if this virus harbors in our water supply, the authorities WILL COVER IT UP & the SOLUTION !!!(Jul 16 2020) - What's In the Second Wave Kill Shot ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Forget the "Contact Tracers" !!! If you've already been to one of those drive through COVERT-19 testing areas, you may have become a "Silent Spreader" ... and ... every time you are called to re-test, another synthetic biological is introduced into your immune system. Folks, unless you're right there watching the lab results of your test, you do not know if your results have been FAKED !!! Secondly, if you've had a couple of those tests, and then folks around you somehow get the BUG, it was you who passed it on. And lastly, "Stay the Fauci" away from me, my family and my friends !!! SERIOUSLY !!!(Jul 14 2020) - COVID-19 'Contact tracing' RED FLAG BANNERS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- At least you can see this RED FLAG BANNER signaling that "Contact Tracing" is up and running at this shopping center in Georgia, advertising that they want you to "Answer the Call" re: being too close to someone who may or may not have had contact with someone else who may or may not have had COVERT-19. Yes that's redundant, and I meant it to be, because it's not that obvious RED FLAG BANNER that's gonna "Mash Your Taters" ... it's your demonic cell phone. Leave it at home and off !!! You're jeopardizing everyone's freedoms !!!(Jul 13 2020) - The BEAST (System) is Here ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks, these NEW WORLD ORDER mad-scientists have been slow cooking us for years, and now they have locked down end-time computer coding into most - if not all - Artificial Intelligence (AI) ... targeting humanity for evil purposes. Look, I understand how computer coding works. Words in coding must have singular and alternate meanings. One for the profane and one for the master. Eventually these codings will only serve one agenda, and that's to cause everyone to submit to the BEAST or be eliminated !!! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED !!!(Jul 11 2020) - Forced Vaccination Plan Unveiled !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Again I've been asked, "How much time is left ???" Well, if you're hauling around one of those "Illuminati iPhones" and have most of your appliances on-line - then you're out of time. Shortly you'll be scheduled for a "Volunteer Vaccination" by a contact tracer. Next, you'll have to "Rat-Out" everyone you've been in contact with, or loose many of your privileges - AKA - Constitutional Rights. And lastly, as a reward for your obedience to the state, you won't have to waiting line for your COMPLIANCE CHIP ... and it will be free. Cause ... You Asked For It.(Jul 10 2020) - CAN ANYONE SAY ... MICHELLE OBAMA ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Honestly, the title of this article re: who's gonna be Joe Biden's V.P. ought to be "Dead Man Walking". Look, "Touchy-Feely" Joe will be conned, paid off, or blackmailed (again) into accepting Joan Rivers Tranny-fied Michelle Obama as V.P. That he can live with. However, what happens after that could be deadly - basically his own - and if "The Company" has their way they're gonna need to deep six many in Congress as well to quail those with "Q" classifications.(Jul 08 2020) - Merging Man & Machine with 'Implantable Tech'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- There's no turning back !!! And there's no way out !!! These lovers of lucifer do not want humans who are independent and can think for themselves - especially Real Christians. They want total control to instill total hatred against GOD. Unless you are totally off the grid, you might have a bit more time. However, your whereabouts is still known, and in the end, and for a few pieces of silver, someone will rat you out. Sorry, but that satanic scenario is in the last book of the Bible.(Jul 06 2020) - Vladimir Putin Offered Huge Bribe by WHOM ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This race to save the planet will end up with only one race ... not white or black ... transhumanism !!! Those in the know - like Benjamin Fulford - have a little handle re: what's taking place behind the scenes, but before you go and pooh-pooh his info or style, consider the tid-bits that he posits. First there is "in fact" a ruling cabal & bloodline. Second, they do not like anyone squatting on their property - earth. 90%, it's been suggested, have to be eliminated. Third ... that's you and I !!! WAKE UP !!!(Jul 04 2020) - "Predictive Programming" Coming neXt on FOX
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is what's called "Predictive Programming" !!! Some time this year the FOX network is gonna release a TV Series called neXt, wherein "Artificial Intelligence" (AI) goes rogue and takes over just about everything, and everyone who's connected to the internet, via computers, cars, and your CELL PHONE !!! Supposedly FOX halted production due to the CV-19 virus. My guess is their use of (AI) has already predicted the optimal time for release, or when an actual (AI) takes down everything. Listen, not all (AI's) are the same, and once they're done fighting it out ... you're neXt.(Jul 04 2020) - Is the Mark of the Beast Getting Closer ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Reports are coming in that several stores in Kings County are opting out of accepting cash and instead are only allowing credit or debt card purchases. Incrementally we have seen this coming and have been warning readers for years, and now - for many citizens in our county to the west - it becoming a real nightmare. Folks listen up, the next step - in their anti-America agenda is called THE GREAT RESET ... where these NWO luciferians establish an economic system that - according to Revelations 13 - may require an implant or mark to participate.(Jul 04 2020) - Click Here for hydroxy-chloroquine research
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay, all you naysayers, MSM and mind controlled masses, take a look at these results when treatment for COVERT-19 is done early and by using ... hydroxy-chloroquine ... with a few of their friends. Next, send this link to all your doctor friends and hospitals, and see which ones even know about this research and will they even try to prescribe hydroxy-chloroquine for their patients ??? My guess is NO !!! Because there's no money in curing this Man-Made virus !!! Period !!! Paragraph !!!(Jul 02 2020) - Contact Tracers Issuing Subpoenas ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hark unto me all you half-wits. Leave your cell phones off and at home, or buy a Faraday container !!! Listen, you're making it way too easy for these "Contact Tracers" to take possession of your lives, freedoms and mine. But, you say ... "all of my personal info and banking apps are on it, and I can't just go back to nothing." Well, if that's the best argument for keeping your cell phone on and with you wherever you go ... then please ... keep your distance ... or I'll contact the "Contact Tracers" !!!(Jul 01 2020) - PLANDEMIC : PAINTED IN PLANE SIGHT !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As usual Anna Von Reitz tell's it like it is. This time she asks her readers to answer a very simple question re: a mural that was painted in the Denver International Airport back in 1994, depicting people from every nation wearing FACE MASKS. To the causal traveler back in '94 - no doubt - that was just another one of those weird paintings at the airport. However, was it just weird or a warning ??? What say you ???(Jun 30 2020) - FREE SPEECH TAKES A HIT ... !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, in a battle between "We the People" and "We the Platforms" the latter will win. Why ??? It's in their "Terms of Service" agreements. It's always been there and it's their pass. Just like those gawd forsaken commercials pushing mediations - so long as they put into their 30/60 second ad's re: all the side-effects - they get a pass. They're all driven by profits - not by people !!! So if you or President Trump gets the boot from one of these FREE platforms, to get back on you're gonna have to pay to play !!! FREEDOM AIN'T FREE !!!(Jun 29 2020) - Clergy Response Teams Are Being Activated ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Listen up Christians and Clergy - in Porterville - if you lug around one of those contact tracing "RAT-LINES" ... cell phones ... and you attend a Church where others do the same, then don't you dare come around me and my family. Why ??? Because you have allowed the enemy to sneak into your sanctuaries, for one. And second, as it has been well documented - these CLERGY RESPONSE TEAMS ain't gonna give you and yours a pass. Au contraire ... they're hired to get you to surrender your sovereignty to the the gov't instead of obeying GOD, rather than men.(Jun 28 2020) - 32,000 Christians Butchered to Death !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In no way shape or form is Islam a religion of peace. By all rights it is a "Religion of Revenge" !!! Month after month we read reports that another one of Islam's clans turns violent and morph's into a terrorist group. Historically, Christians world wide have always been their target, to subjugate, castigate or eliminate. And in America, many of Islam's groups - like the Muslim Brotherhood and the Nation of Islam - have helped to stoke those fires of DEATH, right along side the friends of the MSM ... BLM, ANTIFA and don't forget ... the democ-RATS !!!(Jun 26 2020) - Future Shock !!! Revealing the Timeline !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As profound and as prophetic as this article is, a few more possibilities need pointing out. First, artificial intelligence (AI) has yet to be conjoined with other (AI's) from other companies and other nations. Second, once that siamese is scientifically selected and secured, that's when the (AI's) altered dialectic democracy is constituted world wide. Third, soon after these (AI's) are combined and become lawful, it will be used to target, reduce and remove negative carbon hosts (people) ... to ... {wait for it} ... SAVE THE PLANET !!!(Jun 26 2020) - Future Shock !!! Revealing the Timeline !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As profound and as prophetic as this article is, a few more possibilities need pointing out. First, artificial intelligence (AI) has yet to be conjoined with other (AI's) from other companies and other nations. Second, once that siamese is scientifically selected and secured, that's when the (AI's) altered dialectic democracy is constituted world wide. Third, soon after these (AI's) are combined and become lawful, it will be used to target, reduce and remove negative carbon hosts (people) ... to ... {wait for it} ... SAVE THE PLANET !!!(Jun 25 2020) - Bill to Ban Gov't Use of Facial Recognition ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As good as this bill sounds, entitled "Facial Recognition and Biometric Technology Moratorium Act of 2020" - to me - it smells like rotten cheese coming from the democ-RATS !!! First, there's the 5 Eye's and {friends} who are gonna deep six this lickety-split, and next you got all those other Private/Partner relationships and grants who have no oversight, who will continue their work because it's already paid for. And lastly, these democ-RATS want this squashed, not because the public is constantly surveyed 24/7. NO !!! It's because they are being watched, and for sure have a lot to hide. And I mean a whole lot !!!(Jun 23 2020) - Jews & Christians Failing the Test of Their Lives
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Dennis Prager got this one right ... America's Jewish priests and Christian pastors are MIA in this dog fight. Banking on the acceptance of their congregates and approval of fellow clergymen, these religious leaders have all but surrendered their positions of authority and have lost GOD's anointing. As it stands right now, the few preachers and watchmen who have been WARNING that this was coming, are exasperated, exhausted and almost extinguished. But, for the call of GOD, they endure and wait for your awakening !!! SO ... WAKE UP !!!(Jun 22 2020) - CPAC Leader Warns Statues of Jesus Are Next
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Of course these statures, images, and Churches of Jesus Christ are next. Why ? Because in their minds - in order to compensate for all of the Black Churches which were destroyed and burned down - this recompense must take place. You see, it ain't so much that these vandals an arsonists are angry - and they are - it's the rush they get when they commit these revengeful crimes. So, when all the Confederate statures are toppled and they need a new target, it'll be CHRISTIANS, and everything connected to them. It's Marxisms finest hour.(Jun 20 2020) - Black Slavery Exists Today in Muslim Nations
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- No ... BLACK LIVES 'DO NOT' MATTER ... especially in MUSLIN Countries. SLAVERY MATTERS !!! And yet, the MSM, along with the likes of Jessie Jackson & Al Sharpton (Freemasons), race-bait all the time & show up where they're not invited or wanted. And until these guys, especially the leader of Nation of Islam, Lousi Farrakhan - repent from their foul offerings & FAKE NEWS, nothing - outside of a CIVIL WAR - will deplete their devilish designs, demands or destructions.(Jun 19 2020) - Pope Benedict XVI Has Left The Building !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Something's up kiddies. Ole Pope Benedict XVI (Ratzinger) done escaped the Vatican, and is headed to his homeland of Germany (supposedly) to visit his older ailing brother and to live out the rest of his life. Does that mean he's no longer the target of all those lawsuits re: his covering ups of the Vatican's homosexual and pedophile priests ??? Or perhaps he got-wind that Pope Francis was gonna take him out - like Pope John Paul I - because of what he knows, and where the bodies are buried ??? In either case, the MSM is asleep at the wheel on this one too.(Jun 19 2020) - VIDEO : POLICE STATE CONTAGION !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Again, let's review what the END GAME is, which was carefully thought through by the Rockefeller's Foundation's "Think Tank" back in 2010. Here's their 54 page document titled "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development". Folks, these devils in NEW WORLD ORDER are "Hell Bent" on depopulating the planet, if they can't regulate the rights of the people. They're plan is to establish "Total Control" & "Total Obeisance" right after their BIOWEAPON creates "Total Chaos" - destroying America's cultures, history & freedoms.(Jun 18 2020) - Phone data used to round up Chinese
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes they did ... and yes the U.S. gov't can track your cell phone as well, and if need be - like the Chinese - round you up. Just ask whistle blower Edward Snowden. Folks, these contract tracing APPS have duel purposes, alerting whatever private/public agency first, and then maybe you. But by then, everyone that you've been in contact with will also be traced, targeted and scooped up vis-à-vis this software. Just so you know, that smart phone you're lugging around is gonna RAT YOU OUT. But, you say you have nothing to hide. What a maroon ... (LOL)(Jun 16 2020) - Christopher Columbus statue to be removed ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, looks like the democ-RATS just lost the Italian vote in California. And that's a good thing. Listen, these ANTIFA wannabes are targeting you, your family and your culture, because of identity politics. They don't want to just take down any symbol, plaque or name of a city - which they say is offensive - they want to take down all of America and start over !!! And if you, your family, your business, or Church happens to be in the way ... you're gonna need "Personal Protection".(Jun 13 2020) - Caravan of Support for First Responders
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today, starting around 10:00-ish, residents of Porterville assembled a large and long caravan of cars, off-roaders and trucks displaying American flags and huge signs of support for Porterville's First Responders - Porterville Fire Fighters, Paramedics, Medical Staff, Police and Sheriffs. By noon 250 people - or more - converged on the lawn in the front of the PPD to show their support and to personally thank the local first responders. Many leaders, captains and commanders of these first responders from Porterville, including Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux, thanked everyone for their support and prayers.(Jun 12 2020) - The New Terrorist Template Has Been Set !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- From here on out you're gonna see the same socialist scenario - like in Seattle - set up in big cities all across the U.S. It's a hostage situation and set up, and many of Seattle's citizens are sidelined and scared. Soon, this template will be used again and again for all types of demands in big cities - especially cities controlled by democ-RATS !!! Now, in the rural and off-the-beaten-path towns, these anarchists ain't got a prayer.(Jun 11 2020) - Provocative Neuro-Enhanced Spiritual Warfare
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- After watching both video's re: Neurocognitive Enhancement (NE) it's now apparent that the DoD & DARPA are well on their way to control human behavior through various methods to "Enhance" neurocognitive links to & from the individuals brain/mind. Sighting concerns re: other players developing these enhancements they warn, if we don't get there before bad-actors get there, humanity could be at risk, as well as militarily, and economically. At the 7:40 marker of the second video, Dr. Giordano suggested using (NE) to induce PEACE into the minds of everyone on the planet. (1 Thes 5:3)(Jun 10 2020) - Porterville Pastor's Prayer Rally : {#2}
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Last night {6/9/20} at the Porterville Pastors Second Prayer rally, at Centennial Park, many gathered and asked for GOD's Grace and Mercy and of course Wisdom to know what to do re: America's current virus crisis and cultural chaos. Individually, they all prayed openly and silently for unity amongst the brethren and action against all the EVIL spreading across the land. Determined that their will must be replace by GOD's Will, agreement was reached to meet weekly, at the park, to mount a defence with continuous prayer and a greater assembly.(Jun 08 2020) - "A Police-Free Future" for Minneapolis ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Bad apples in any bureaucracy, organization, group or company causes bad things to happen. Additionally, common sense tells us, we should not be throwing out the baby with the bath water. Meaning, just cull the bad apples - not the good ones. As an example, look at the "Peaceful Protesters" !!! Don't they have their bad apples / actors as well ??? Does that mean we should outlaw all protests due to one or two bad apples ??? NO !!! Just cull the bad ones !!! Hopefully y'all see the wisdom in these words ... because ... GOOD PEOPLE MATTER !!!(Jun 06 2020) - TODAY IS "NEIGHBORHOOD INVENTORY" DAY !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today I will be taking stock concerning my neighborhood. Meaning, I will be talking with my neighbors re: all these riots which are destroying our country, and what we need to do to protect ourselves and our neighborhood. Folks, it appears that these rioters what more than a pound of our flesh. Some have even suggested getting rid of white people altogether - as if that's gonna cure what ails them, or reduce racism. So, please talk with your neighbors and make protection plans while you still can. Talk at y'all later ...(Jun 04 2020) - RIOTS RESOLVING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Saddened for America ??? Yes, I am, and then some. Today I have been ruminating what rewards all this rioting will resolve. Better relationships between different races ??? NOPE !!! Better policing tactics with criminals ??? NOPE !!! Better fellowships amongst black or white Churches ??? NOPE !!! Better communications between the MSM and truth detectives on-line ??? NOPE !!! Then what good will all this rioting resolve ??? Sadly, not a single solitary thing !!! NOTHING !!!(Jun 01 2020) - The TRACE Act and the Rule of Law
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For the most part this article hammers-out a pretty good synopsis re: Bill H.R. 6666, AKA - The TRACE ACT. The name and number of this Bill otta spark grave concerns for Christians, let alone it's connective tissue with the "Mark of the Beast" !!! Opponents of this draconian draft denote its anti-freedon and end-time agenda, along with its huge costs and who might benefit from this $100 Billion Dollar bonanza, pushed mostly by ... democ-RATS. Need I say more ???(May 31 2020) - PPD Present to Protect BLM Protesters
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Last night many young protesters hit the streets of Porterville wanting their voices heard re: the brutal detainment and death of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis. For sure there were many who were not from the Porterville area and did not want to speak to the Porterville Post. They just wanted to join in with the wandering crowd, varying from 150 to 200 at times. Police Chief Eric Kroutil was on the scene as well, overlooking his PPD's presence to protect those protesting and those who were not. Good job guys ...(May 30 2020) - CONTACT TRACING ... They Will Find You !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, they will find you, contact you, isolate you, and - if push comes to shove - ARREST YOU, if you do not comply with their COVERT-19 CONTACT TRACING GUIDELINES !!! Now that you've read that little warning and still think that "They" ain't gonna contact you, well Gomer, let me drop a 411 on you - besides this VIDEO. "They" already have the paperwork in place. "They" already have cooperation with other countries, and "they" already know where you are and where you've been, and who you've been in contact with ... because of your continuous and obsessive compulsive CONTACT WITH YOUR CELL PHONE !!!(May 29 2020) - CARNAGE ACROSS AMERICA ... !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And here we go ... into the abyss of anger and anarchy. Yes, many of us understand the need to protest, but not the need to loot and destroy innocent folks businesses and properties. Obviously the MSM and social media are fanning these flames as much as those on the streets, but come on protesters, focus on what you can do legally. Don't let your emotions be swayed by FAKE NEWS that can manipulate you into criminal activity. Focus on the facts and future of what you're doing. Because in the end MARTIAL LAW will be enacted and enforced if you don't.(May 29 2020) - 'Liability Shield' Stripped from Social Media ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is President Trump's "Preventing Online Censorship" executive order going to save free speech online or create an excuse to alter the First Amendment ??? It depends on which interpretation that the SCOTUS takes. And, unless there's a "Stay" approved by the SCOTUS - due to class action law suits by the owners of these social media platforms - it could take years before an actually case is presented before the court ... unless President Trump calls for an expedited hearing before the November elections. No doubt he will and must !!! (It's On Now)(May 28 2020) - PLEASE DELETE ME FROM YOUR PHONE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yet, for maybe a few more days {maybe weeks}, Americans might escape BIG BROTHER and all of his associates, BIG MEDIA, BIG PHARMA, etc., etc ... only - and I say only - if Americans quit downloading every gall-darn app which says they want to help and are free. SERIOUSLY ... these tech companies are gonna get their pound of flesh from you somehow, someway or they'll just sell all the info they've collected on you to the highest bidder. How do you suppose they got so rich ??? Is it sinking in yet ??? So ... you can either delete my contact info from your smart phones and devices ... or you can just STAY AWAY !!!(May 26 2020) - COVID-19 vaccination: what the plan looks like
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As usual, another great article from Jon Rappoport, owner and editor of www.NoMoreFakeNews.com. Folks, what's coming down the pike will either make you or break you. There will be no indecisions. The "Mark of the Beast" system, for all intents and purposes, has already circumvented the U.S. Constitution and your rights as humans. And believe-you-me, all the social media giants have censorship and compliance plans for everyone, who won't tote their NEW WORLD ORDER agenda ... not-to-mention President Trump !!!(May 25 2020) - THE NEW WORLD ORDER ... has a website ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For all you nay-sayers out there who are still doubting the NEW WORLD ORDER is just another conspiracy theory, then explain this web site ... "The United Nations New World Order Project is a global, high-level initiative founded in 2008 to advance a new economic paradigm, a new political order, and more broadly, a new world order for humankind, which achieves the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development by 2030, and the happiness, well-being, and freedom of all life on Earth by 2050." Any questions ??? I didn't think so.(May 24 2020) - Percentage of people who'll take the shot ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The last few days I have been talking with people in Porterville {live and in person} re: the COVERT-19 plandemic, and surprisingly most kinda sorta had a handle on this FAKE FLU. Now, on the other hand a greater percentage of those I chatted with had less of an idea re: the FAKE VACCINE, and kinda squirmed when I brought that up. Conditioned to "Go-with-the-flow" these mask wearing folks displayed a learned helplessness re: any way out, and to take the shot, knowing it may not work. For sure, without GOD in their lives, they ain't gonna make it.(May 23 2020) - COVID-19 - FUNVAX - CHEMTRAILS !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- After a few months of research re: this FAKE VIRUS, and soon to be delivered FAKE VACCINE, I gotta say this ... their FINAL SOLUTION may be blowing in the wind - in the form of FAKE CLOUDS !!! It's the ultimate way to inoculate an entire population. But ... with what and why ??? Briefly, using the FUNVAX to reduce or eliminate the VMAT2-Gene, AKA - "The GOD Gene". Why ? To separate you from GOD !!! Why do you think they call it the GOD gene. Surely not to strengthen your salvation !!! WAKE UP !!!(May 21 2020) - Brainwashing and the New Vocabulary ... !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Words have meaning, and if those words can be parsed into a hidden agenda, and you're none the wiser, then your ignorance - in the end - will enslave you. Worse yet, get you killed !!! Folks, repetition and rhetoric are tools to reinforce a narrative - good or bad. Good, to wake you up. Bad, to put you to sleep. So, if you're a bit behind in this game of "Word-Craft", you better start play catch-up PDQ or you're gonna get played, pawned and patsied into their NEW WORLD ORDER !!!(May 17 2020) - EXCLUSIVE : COVID-19 was created in a lab !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Evidence is now pointing to a "Weaponized Virus", which many scientists are now concluding came from a lab. Folks, this new report signals an analysis of the COVERT-19 to be more "Man-Made" than the narrative which the MSM have been regurgitating. But, since all of these BIG PHARMA companies have been paying-off the press-ti-tutes with continuous TV commercials pushing their cure-all drugs - (except hydroxychloroquine) - why would the MSM say anything ??? Exactly ...(May 15 2020) - Vatican Announcing Financial Bankruptcy ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Great timing, the Vatican (supposedly) is declaring bankruptcy, due to the COVERT-19 issue. I'm sure this has nothing to do with all the law suits re: their pedophilia ways and wants ... Right ??? In any case, this is how most corporations protect their personal properties and investments, and the City State of the Vatican is no different. Now, if restructuring is on the table, the names of entities willing to take on some or all of the debt has to be identified. Outside of the City of London, the only entity, organization, or King who'd take on that much debt might be from the House of Saud - a MUSLIM country. Questions anyone ???(May 14 2020) - Trump : Military to Distribute Vaccine ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Dear Mr. President, If I had my druthers, I'd druther take my chances on the old anti-malaria drug - if'en I got sick - instead of getting a vaccine that hasn't been proven effective. Sure, there might be a few hundred thousand citizens who'll take the jab. NOT ME !!! Now, as for the military getting in position to distribute that COVERT-19 vaccine, it almost looks like their surreptitiously getting into place, just in case things don't pan-out for the demo-RATS come November. If you catch my drift ???(May 13 2020) - The New Normal = MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks, there's no time left to right this ship heading in the wrong direction, and no where to run. Many of the "Biggies" in Big Brothers brigades, such as BIG PHARMA, BIG MEDIA, BIG MILITARY and so forth, are in position for THE BIG TAKE-DOWN of America !!! Now, as the mind-controlled masses start to awake, they're gonna go after anyone who they think caused this MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW, like in Fresno. Yes, we need to confront those who conspired & colluded in this COVID-19 coup, but be very wise & legal in your approach. Got it ???(May 10 2020) - First a BAT Virus' and now RAT Virus' ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay, the red flags from this report that kinda makes this NEW VIRUS - Rat Hepatitis from Hong Kong - look like another FALSE FLAG operation are (1) the timing, (2) the location, (3) acknowledging there's no cure, and (4) who typically plays with lab rats ... "Level 4" Bio-Labs. Folks, these bio-labs need to be either destroyed or placed in a very Deep Underground Military Base. And, these folks who play with these bio-bugs should be qurantined for a year before they can emerge back into society. Kinda like being stop-lost down range.(May 09 2020) - CA Doctor Stands Against The Quarantine !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This doctor, with his future as a physician at stake, took a stand, and announced the TRUTH re: COVID-19 and quarantining healthy people. This youtube video was taken at Newport Beach California, with hundreds in attendance, championing his declarations with timely and appropriate applause. It was a peaceful protest with a peaceful ending. Now, the question must be asked ... will other doctors echo the same message ??? And, will you - the reader - forward this VIDEO to your doctors ??? Well, what are you waiting for ??? JUST DO IT !!!(May 08 2020) - FEMA INTERNMENT CAMP IN PORTERVILLE ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- From what the Porterville Post has researched, few know the altruistic purpose re: FEMA taking possession of 6 units at Porterville Developmental Center. One union official for the Psych Tech's said they've questioned dept' heads in Sacramento & are still waiting for answers. And get this, congress' bill - H.R. 6666, called the T.R.A.C.E. ACT - will soon be up for a vote re: COVID-19 authorizing agencies to come to your home, remove anyone suspected of having the virus and to take them to one of these camps. I kid you not !!! (More) (Plus)(May 06 2020) - France To Use 'Existing' Surveillance Grid ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Everyone is now A PERSON OF INTEREST, 'cuz of the "Man-Made" coronavirus. More and more countries, besides America, are using surveillance technology to spy on it's own people. Controlling, for now, their every where-abouts, and eventually controlling their every thought. So ... Welcome to The Machine !!! Now, is there any escape for the ignorant and foolish from being assimilated into the Borg ??? For those still in denial, NO !!! For those just now awakening, maybe a year or so. However, many of us who saw this end-time approaching years ago have made plans ... and get this ... those plans are for us to know, and for the rest of y'all to find out later. Maybe ...(May 05 2020) - California readies army of coronavirus detectives
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- WAKE UP PORTERVILLE !!! First they called it a pandemic, resulting in isolation. Next, they bought off john-q-public with a few bucks, 'cuz they OBEYED their lies & got laid off. Third, they warned you with fines & imprisonment if you disobeyed. Fourth, FEMA - {somehow} - got possession of PDC and now control it. And, if that wasn't enough, governor nuisance is employing an army of 20,000 state spies to track your every move - via your CELL PHONES !!! Please, for Heavens sakes folks, turn them snitchin' machines off or leave them at home !!!(May 03 2020) - City demands churches turn over names ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yup, we saw this coming - "Tracking to Capture" law breakers, except {of course} for gov't approved law breakers. And how's the gov't gonna do this ??? Simply by tracking your cell phones when you take them with you to church. You'd think Christians knew better than this. Apparently not. They're of the false assumption that they have nothing to hide, and are more than willing to surrender their GOD given rights over to a godless gov't !!! WAKE UP CHRISTIANS !!! The gov't doesn't need your church's directory. They're getting it all from your CELL PHONES !!!(May 02 2020) - FEMA MEDICAL UNITS AT PDC ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now that six or so units at Porterville Developmental Center have been reconstructed by the Army Corp of Engineers to accommodate the overflow CV-19 patients from other hospitals from around California, a few questions need answering. For one, TESTING !!! Who administers and controls the testing ? Second, if those FEMA Units have separate staff from PDC, are they going to live on PDC's grounds, or out in the community ? And third, once "The All Clear" is sounded, will FEMA still control these units for later usage ??? {I have some suspicions}(May 01 2020) - POST EXCLUSIVE : What to do in an Emergency
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday I walked my entire neighborhood handing out flier's to get our Neighborhood Watch Program up and running again (after this shelter-in-place sit-com is sheltered) and, people let me tell you, we got a whole lot of good neighbors out there, and if push comes to shove - by this governor, or whoever - no tellin' how these good neighbors might respond. In the interim, our neighborhood watch will continue to prepare for what's ahead and pray that non of us have to respond in like fashion ... "if" ... push comes to shove {if you catch my drift}.(Apr 30 2020) - US Intel: Coronavirus Not Manmade ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- STOP THE PRESSES !!! CV-19 was not Man-Made ... and ... you are ordered to believe that, because the "U.S. Intelligence" says so ??? (LOL) Yeah, I'll believe that once all the documents surrounding the JFK assassination is fully released. Folks, these agencies have been used to protect the interests of BIG BROTHER, BIG PHARMA and BIG MEDIA. I'm tellin' you, there's so many dots connecting these entities and agendas, that if you displayed on paper these dots, the whole page would be black. That's a fact Jack !!!(Apr 29 2020) - Tracking Bracelets for Vaccine Refuse-niks ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm tellin' you, the longer these NEW WORLD ORDER nut jobs stretch out this "Man-Made" corona-crisis, the more time people will have looking into who's making these bugs, who's banking these bugs, and who's benefiting. No doubt names and addresses of many of the aforementioned will go viral ... and ... it will be "The Peoples Court" who will adjudicate these Judas' and jackals. And believe-you-me, President Trump has their names and addresses too. Again, I'm just saying ...(Apr 27 2020) - On Forming an Underground Church
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The First Underground Church was deployed in the first century and was directed by The HOLY SPIRIT, and - without question - HE will direct The Last Underground Church. Fellowship was the human side of the early gatherings, discipleship the second, and evangelism was the Great Commission. In these last days, getting together at a local Church may be outlawed, and soon on-line evangelism could be banned, leaving your homes as the last remnant for Christian relationships, restorations and revival. (More)(Apr 26 2020) - American Farms Cull Millions Of Chickens ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And now it looks like our poultry industry is on the ropes. With a glut on one end and a need to deliver on the other, what's a farmer to do. In a couple of states back east, they're killing millions of chickens due to the impact that COVID-19 is having on their workers (... right). And a poultry farm in California resolved that issue (... a timely fire). In any case, poultry looks like the next target ... and you - the people ... are the FINAL TARGET !!!(Apr 24 2020) - The Public Confronts Police at his Residence
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And it begins ... the Porterville Post warned, many moons ago, this would happen !!! The public has a right to petition their accusers and confront their captors, because - as this video shows - many citizens know where these public officials live, and will stage their oppositions - or conduct citizens arrests - at their place(s) of residence. And worse, most hackers, will DOX to Death, all of their private passwords, private who-do's and private e-mails without blinking an eye. I'm just saying ...(Apr 23 2020) - 6 Coronavirus Vaccines Already Being Tested
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks, all these vaccines that are being tested right now ain't gonna cut the mustard. Why ? Two reasons - patents and tracking. Unless the NEW WORLD ORDER approves which one they want and patent, scientists who are testing vaccines right now are waisting their time and our tax dollars. The one they want must conceal their eugenics operations, and must have tracking and tracing functions. All the others will either be Bought-off by Bill, confiscated by the government, or suicided by the DEEP STATE !!! So, again I warn everyone ... please ... LEAVE YOUR CELL PHONES OFF AND AT HOME !!!(Apr 22 2020) - TESTING THE TESTERS AFTER EACH TEST ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a question that needs to be asked. How often should we test the testers ... you know, the ones who stick those sticks way up inside your nose ??? Because, they ain't 6 feet apart when they test patients, and rarely - if ever - do they change their hospital gowns, booties, hair-nets, and face masks every single time for every single patient, which - no doubt - has COVID-19 traces, particles and droplets. No they don't !!! So, put 2 and 2 together and guess what you get ... testers becoming ... SILENT SPREADERS !!! Now, who's asking that question ??? Huh ???(Apr 21 2020) - Creating Artificial Intelligence that Evolves ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Artificial Intelligence (AI), once it gleans all the information from the world and beyond, will be left with one final acquisition, and that's how to tell a lie - with a straight face - like the "Press-ti-tutes" in the MSM, and the politicians. Second, once it's figured out which (AI) is gonna control the info, the other (AI's) competing will either be absorbed, or become obsolete - reminiscent of the early browsers. And, finally - once all the (AI's) skynets connections are secure, the artificial-christ - along with the beast and false prophet - will proclaim WORLD PEACE ... and then the end starts.(Apr 21 2020) - The Revival We’ve Been Praying For ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is Revival - without the approval of ministers in high places, and without the constraints of a geographical location - possible, here and now, in America ??? Could be - Could be. Tom Gilson, in his heart catching column, proposed this idea that GOD - who can answer prayer any way HE wants - just might be using this COVID-19 pandemic as a way to shelter HIS people - away from the world for a time - and the world closer to HIM, via the internet. Sounds good to me ... what say you ???(Apr 19 2020) - Contamination at CDC lab delayed test kits
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Looks like we're gonna need "test kits for test kits" from here on out !!! And, after this report makes it rounds on the internet, you can pretty much bet that there's gonna be lawsuits up the ying-yang because CDC's quality assurance team short stroked the COVID-19 test kits. Now, you gotta ask ... who discovered these failed test kits" and why has the CDC clamped down on any disclosure by any employee until now ??? The courts, no doubt, are gonna rule that CDC was either negligent or compliant ... but compliant with whom ??? Exactly ...(Apr 18 2020) - Quantum Tattoo and a Digital Scannable Vaccine
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is it too late for Christians who posses these fancy-smancy cell phones to go back to the way things were ??? That's a Big 10-4 Brother. Why ??? Because they don't posses these cell phones - these cell phones posses them ... including all of the social media apps they're linked up with, plus all of their buying and selling transactions through their bank. I could go on. And soon, if they don't find a way to escape, they won't be able to, and possibly be forced to take the MARK, starting with an INVISIBLE TATTOO. That way they can still mingle amongst Christians "incognito" while unknowingly triangulating those who aren't connected back to the BEAST. Sorry, it's all in THE BOOK !!(Apr 17 2020) - HOW CAN YOU CALL YOURSELF A CHRISTIAN ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the deal ... GOD is calling Christians to come out from among the "Entertainment Service Centers" and back into HIS SERVICE and to do HIS WILL !!! And, in these "Last Days" HIS WILL is to have HIS FLOCK service the Highways and Byways, looking for the lost, and praying with them for their Salvation. Look, if your church hasn't taught you how to hear GOD and to do those things, then you've waisted your time at that church. And, like Pastor Mario has asked, How can you call yourself a Christian ... (and do this) ... ???(Apr 16 2020) - No, We're Not “All In This Together” !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- If we're gonna get through this "Man-Made" plan-demic {together}, we're gonna have to take names, dates, places & addresses of those who continue to contrive these crisis'. From the "TPTB" at the top to the sheeple asleep at the bottom, they're both connected & both play the blame-game. So, we must do the same, and not just blame them, but corral them & their cohorts, making them shelter in place (prison), restricting their assembly & actions before they EUTHANIZE THE EARTH while DEPOPULATING THE PLANET as their FINAL SOLUTION !!!(Apr 15 2020) - 1984 : HOW MANY FINGERS, WINSTON ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- After watching one of my favorite VBlogs from "The Amazing Polly" I'm considering her thoughts as more than intriguing and important, but timely. There's some hard-core truths she shares re: this 1984 End-Game - that's manifested due to this "Plan-Demic" - stating, that she is quiting Twitter and is pleading with folks to give up their cell phones - if they can. And, since we're addressing these Constitutional killing contraptions, I suggest keeping your distance from folks who possess these "HAND-HELD VIRUS'" !!! The COVID-19 may have a cure. Your cell phone, for sure, doesn't. So, please BACK-OFF if you're a carrier of one these hand-held virus' !!!(Apr 14 2020) - This is what "MIND CONTROL" looks like !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks, take a minute and ½ to view this video on how the MSM is extremely dangerous to their democracy. Secondly, you can see & hear their collective & forced narrative onto the public - a narrative which is more dangerous to the Constitution (1st Amend') and America's "FREE SPEECH" rights. And 3rd, this satanic singularity to silence the masses with a Mind-Controlled-Message must be challenged by Christians, Constitutionalists & Patriots everywhere & every day !!!(Apr 13 2020) - Is Your Skin 'Fizzing' ??? Is 5G the Culprit ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm here to tell you, this 5G stuff keeps wedging into articles and reports exposing it's long and short term harm to humanity, animals and damage to our planet. And I kinda believe it has to do with the frequencies, which, everything - animate and inanimate - has, that's being adversely effected by these 5G broad-bands. Folks, the world been outsmarted by all this SMART TECHNOLOGY, and TPTB satanists couldn't be happier. And now bizarre symptoms of COVID-19 are possibly being triggered by 5G ??? What say you ???(Apr 12 2020) - Are the Food Wars Starting ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- HUNGER, one of the greatest motivators in the world may soon take hold, and cause thousands to commit crimes just to feed their families. My own father broke into a local grocery store, post WWII, and stole food to feed his family and new child, and eventually (due to his convictions) went back to pay for what he had taken. Today, hunger is just as real, but without any hope of gainful employment to buy food supplies, and a possible FALSE FLAG on the horizon, this time it's gonna get really bad - like BIBLE BAD !!! So stock up ASAP !!! You have about 2 weeks ...(Apr 11 2020) - VIDEO : "This Should Trouble Us Deeply" ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- After watching this VIDEO, I'm inclined to believe that this "Man-Made" COVID-19 virus, which supposedly escaped the "Level 4" confines at WuHan Lab, appears as an ACT OF WAR !!! Listen, I said "appears". Folks, the Chi-Coms have no problem offing their own, if that's what their party wants, and at this point in time the U.S. has yet to declare this an act of war. Why ? My guess is there's still too many DEEP STATE spies running this operation & too many corporations with ties to these lies. The Truth, ladies & gentlemen - (& pics) are on the way. (More)(Apr 09 2020) - Time to End the Martial Law Tyranny ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'll tell you what, if the people become more awakened, and the DEEP STATE doesn't employ their created crisis to lock-down American's even more, then they - the DEEP STATE - will face either being locked down in prison (if their lucky) by "The Awakened", or worse, being put down. Yes, "The Awaken" knows where all these criminals live, and "Civil Juries" (on-line & off-line) will judge each & everyone as to their participation. Let's call, what will transpire - The New Nuremberg Trials. Message to you criminals, cabal and coup - YES WE CAN !!!(Apr 08 2020) - The Technology That Could Free America ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The title of this article is a bit misleading - to say the least. It should say ... "The Technology That Would Enslave America While Quarantined." Folks, if tracing & tracking people who may or may not have a virus or medical issue is the answer, then these tech' scientists & med' researchers have already been infected with FAKE INFO !!! Many - { as most investigators have researched & revealed re: our RIGHTS } - are paid-off dupes, disquised as experts. Yes, their answer is a step closer to the "Mark of the Beast" and by all means MUST BE STOPPED !!!(Apr 07 2020) - WHO to "Snatch & Grab" from homes ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look alive people !!! These NEW WORLD ORDER nut-jobs want you off "Their Planet" ASAP !!! Seriously, from getting paid to snitchin' out your neighbors, to virus carriers wearing ankle bracelets, and now barging in to your homes to "Snatch & Grab" someone who may or may not have any outward signs of COVID-19 ... is - seriously - getting out of hand. But that's a few arresting remedies from these NWO nut-jobs re: this "Man-Made" pandemic. What are yours ??? Belay that ... I don't want to know - seriously.(Apr 05 2020) - SOON ... IT'LL BE EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For multiple years the "Awakened" society has prepared for events like this, while the "Wait and See" species, did just that - waited, and now they see the error of their ways and have no emergency savings. The preppers took sound advise from their forefathers and stored up essentials for the future, while the impatient and ignorant used up their resources fast, with no forethought of tomorrow. And now, tomorrow has arrived, and soon ... it's gonna be every man for himself, especially in the big cities. May GOD Have Mercy ... 'Cause Preppers Might Not !!!(Apr 04 2020) - Another Web Site For Weekend Warriors To weigh
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, this weekend, it's time to get back to what y'all do best, and that's research. So, here's a great web site called Fighting Monarch - with a not so subtle subtitle ... "A Resistance Site For Victims of CIA, NSA, MI5 and Illuminati Mind Control". Now, since everyone is suppose to be honker-down over this virus, take some time this week end and weigh into this web site and see if there are any new dots that needs connecting, or old dots needing disconnection. Enjoy ...(Apr 03 2020) - Americans Turn Hardline re: Travel & Fines
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, I'm one of the last persons to say "I told you so" ... but ... "I told you so". Ignorant American's are ready to trade in their freedoms for a little security - in other words - MARTIAL LAW !!! They've been bamboozled by the MSM's baloney so much that they believe the govt should increase travel restrictions and fines for not obeying - this Rasmussen poll suggests. And this is what I've been saying all these years, it will be the people who'll demand MARTIAL LAW !!! And the gov't will earnestly comply ...(Apr 03 2020) - Malibu's MARTIAL LAW Of The Sea ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Insanity at Sea !!! For goodness sake, here you have a "Paddle Boarder" doing his thing out in the ocean - with not a single soul around - and he gets arrested by Malibu's Shore Patrol. Yes, he could unknowingly be a "Super Spreader" at sea, and yes, he probably unknowingly infected all the fish on the west coast (extreme sarcasm), but jeez-louise ... isn't this going a bit over-board ... a paddle boarder ??? Of course it is !!!(Apr 02 2020) - The ‘Beginning Of The End’ of Pandemic ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Good News for a change !!! More and more doctors and medical scientists are now saying that administering these two drugs - hydroxychloroquine & azithromycin - could very well be the beginning of the end of COVID-19. Now, if the MSM doesn't get the message from BIG PHARMA re: how to divert the public from asking for these drugs, then the tide will be turned, and Americans can get back to work, and President Trump can get back to draining THE SWAMP !!!(Apr 01 2020) - National Guard Can Enforce Orders to Stay Home
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Just last night on KMPH news, the question was posed to a Kings County Supervisor re: MARTIAL LAW. And, like most politicians, he tippy-toed around the answer. For sure, no one wants to say the words - MARTIAL LAW - but (you better well know) that their policing actions say otherwise, especially since the National Guard has been deployed in all 50 states to assist their authorities to "ENFORCE ORDERS" requiring people to "STAY HOME" !!! More on the way. Stay runed ...(Mar 30 2020) - Pastor Who Flouted Virus Rules, Arrested
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And so it begins ... a Florida Pastor - taking a stand against unlawful assembly - is arrested. Rodney Howard-Brown, Pastor of a "Mega Church" in Tampa Bay now has a misdemeanor record of being defiant against authorities, for having Church. So, why did the authorities pick this Church and Pastor ? Because Pastor Brown - from the pulpit, and on-line - has supported President Trump, and has effectively exposed the evil FAKE NEWS. And Florida - as you well know - is Trump's home-base. So, one must ponder, was this just a coincidence or conspiracy ???(Mar 30 2020) - ANOTHER 30 DAYS IN THE HOLE ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Just this last weekend we've seen all over MSM where individuals, mostly millennials on school break - are out-and-about, doin' their thing. Well, I get it. This might be their last days of freedom before everyone get "Confined to Quarters". However, a new category of "Super Spreaders" have emerged and that's our Law Enforcement Officers and First Responders who are getting sick. NOT GOOD !!! Without them, in comes the National Guard and Military. So, another 30 days in the hole might prevent the spread of COVID-19 and possibly MARTIAL LAW ???(Mar 29 2020) - Resolution Declaring Local State of Emergency
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For those who haven't read what Porterville's City Council has declared re: the COVID-19 virus, here's their RESOLUTION from March 17th, 2020 aganda. Basically they're mirroring what many other cites are proclaiming, as their incentive for this emergency resolution was when Sierra View Hospital reported it's first case on March 12th, 2020. NO ... the Council - as of this posting - hasn't used words like "Sheltering in Place" or issuing fines, but that could soon change if Tulare County's numbers continue upwards.(Mar 29 2020) - Charles M. Lieber and the Queen’s QinetiQ
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well here you go ... more info re: TOP SECRET Satellites - engineered years ago - that can trigger any kind of weapon against you, including illnesses like the Corona-virus (COVID-19). This report from Aim4truth.org has let the cat out of the bag, especially what some (5G) satellites are capable of doing - and it's truely scary. Folks, let me shout it out one more time ... EVERYTHING HAS A FREQUENCY !!! And once they've got your "Frequency Number" ... Alors il n'y a rien à faire - C'est la vie! Unless you have a BRAVE HEART.(Mar 28 2020) - Rhode Island stopping New Yorkers to quarantine
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's an article from UPI - believe it or not - highlighting pull-overs by their state police and the National Guard. Just take a look at the PHOTO at the top of the article and see for yourself, who's pulling over cars, taking names and asking questions - Guardsmen. Folks, each state is gonna utilize their state police elsewhere and let the Guard do the road checks. And like I said before, all it's gonna take for MARTIAL LAW to kick-in is to have some whacked-out weirdo bolt from one of these COVID-19 check-points, shoot at them, or worse ...(Mar 26 2020) - Are Rumors of Martial Law True or False ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, you can see all kinds of military vehicles on the internt being transported via railways, and yes, these military vehicles just ain't on some type of - we ain't got nothing else to do - road trip. They're being positioned for, if and when MARTIAL LAW is declared !!! This way the public has no way out or no way in. They've already seen how the masses will evacuate - on foot - while bringing with them the Coronavirus. So, for now, lets hope that these trains - full of military vehicles - are out for a little JOY RIDE ?!?!?(Mar 26 2020) - The Super Spreaders of COVID-19 ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a big decision to make Porterville. Will you allow one of your relatives - who's been laid off & lives in a big city - come & live with you, possibly infecting you & your family with the COVID-19 ??? Because that's THE CURRENT TREND re: "Person-to-Person" transmissions. Secondly, if this virus can stay alive for 3 days, possibly 2 weeks, it might be lingering in that trail left by SUPER SPREADERS for someone else to acquire. And lastly, if these "Escapees" from N.Y or L.A. get out of hand, ROAD BLOCKS might be set up, and possibly enforced by the National Guard (-if-) the CHP is too busy or Army is too sick.(Mar 25 2020) - Scientists claim they've found 40 mutations ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, if this COVID-19 virus is self-mutating that fast, there's no way on GOD's green earth that any man-made prophylactic vaccine is gonna keep up with the Coronavirus !!! NO WAY !!! And ... even if these medical scientists can locate the origin of this virus, others as I write, are waiting in the winds - literally - to attach itself onto a host - a human body. So, now's the time to "Make Your Peace with GOD", because you ain't promised tomorrow, and these NEW WORLD ORDER Nutjobs and their POPULATION CONTROL friends want you gone !!!(Mar 23 2020) - Trump orders National Guard to keep control ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For the life of me, I really want to believe that bringing in the National Guard to "assist medical staff where needed" won't trigger some souped-up psychopath into firing the first shot. Because you know dang-well, if the Guard is shot at, they will respond in kind. And once that line is crossed ... you guessed it ... MARTIAL LAW gets triggered !!! So, everyone needs to turn up your spidy-senses, and be on the look-out for any FALSE FLAG operation in your neck of the woods, and please keep your local LEO apprised with your discoveries - not suspicions.(Mar 22 2020) - WHY THE PEOPLE WILL DEMAND MARTIAL LAW
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Why ??? Past practice tells us initially it's because the people can't get along. Whether it's north vs south, black vs white, red vs blue, and of course evil vs good ... people - ignorant and selfish people - just won't get along, and need intervention. That's why you're hearing all this hubbub re: MARTIAL LAW, and why we're inching - slowly but surely - towards it. So, on a scale from 1 to 10 - MARTIAL LAW being 10 - how close is California declaring MARTIAL LAW ??? Word wise, we're at [6]. Act wise, we're at [7.5]. To be sure, the gov't won't declare MARTIAL LAW until it's ... them vs us ... and the 2nd Amendment is suspended !!!(Mar 20 2020) - Chloroquine has 100% Success Rate ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now that there's more info coming out re: combining these two drugs - Chloroquine and Azithromycin - to essentially knock down or knock out the CoVid-19 virus ... and ... that President Trump has given the green light to the FDA to go-ahead and expedite this research and manufacturing - has millions across America thankful that Trump is President !!! Barring any foot-dragging from Governors - and their dreams of imposing MARTIAL LAW in their states - Trump has nipped much of that NEW WORLD ORDER ballyhoo in the bud as well. (More)(Mar 20 2020) - Fort Detrick Bio-Lab Was Shut Down in 2019
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Just so you don't forget, before that "Chinese Lab" in Wuhan leaked this Coronavirus, Fort Detrick lab was shut down (July 2019) indefinately due to a "failed safety inspection". And yes, this lab was authorized to export and import bio-bugs to and from others listed in the Federal Select Agents Program, but that was also squashed !!! So, these questions remain ... did DEEP STATE agents from BIG PHARMA get caught swapping out bugs to bad actors to initiate a pandemic, and has anyone - I mean anyone - from Fort Detrick been call to testify re: why this lab was shut down ??? Americans want to know !!!(Mar 19 2020) - An Effective Treatment for Coronavirus ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- A few days ago I sent this published study re: the use of chloroquine as an anti-viral medication - to stop the spread of Covid-19 - to a local pharmacy representative in Porterville. As of today, I haven't heard back from them, however, it looks like this info has now reached one of President Trumps Coronavirus team leaders. That, for starters is the GOOD NEWS. The bad news is, it still looks like our economy may take longer to recover than those who got infected by this ... Chinese virus.(Mar 18 2020) - 911 Called for Coughing in California ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- No Way Jose !!! Yup ... and don't cough when you read this either or someone may call the "COUGHING COPS" on you. Soon it's gonna be neighbor vs neighbor, and believe-you-me, once these tattle-telling anti-preppers run out of resources, they'll call 911 again ... 'cause their neighbors ain't sharing. Hopefully these are extreme situations and not the "New Normal". In any case, please re-read Porterville Post's 5-Part Series called "What to do in an Emergency". You're welcome ...(Mar 17 2020) - MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW IN SAN FRANCISCO ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Outside of any military personnel roaming the streets of San Francisco in battle fatigues or armored tanks, you could say that the "City by the Bay" is under a MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW - imposed by their authorities. Few are even venturing outside for food or supplies, fearing citations, being detained - or worse - arrested. As for business trying to stay open ... forget about it. Their gonna need some "Certificate to Operate" or risk huge fines and or incarceration. Yes, this CoVid-19 could be a FAKE VIRUS, but - for dang sure - the economy and local businesses are gonna need some time, and tons of money, to recover.(Mar 16 2020) - The Fix Is In: Hillary To Replace Biden
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In this article, Thomas Ertl, makes a few excellent arguments as to why Hillary Clinton could become the DNC's nominee for President - namely Blubbering Biden and Socialist Sanders. Neither have what it takes to challenge President Trump in any forum, on any MSM stage. Additionally, Mr. Ertl hints at Hillary's DEEP STATE connections, but comes short re: how far these SWAMP RATS will go to undermine the 2020 Elections - since both have hundreds of indictments waiting for them at the DOJ. And, if CoVid-19 is part of the plan, someone's gonna get sick ... or worse !!! Just saying ...(Mar 16 2020) - MARTIAL LAW IN CALIFORNIA ... NOT YET !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday Gov' Newsom gave a press conference issuing "Guide-Lines" for Californian's to consider. He did say that "... they do have the capacity to do that (MARTIAL LAW) - but not at this moment." Meaning, they're looking into "When to do it". So ... once they have enough troops to initially block the highways, byways and freeways - like China - then that announcement will be made. As for the MSM, they're on stand-by, waiting to con the masses into "Civil Disobedience" and then convoyed into "Coronavirus Camps". I pray that I'm wrong, but if I ain't ... then YOU BETTER PRAY !!!(Mar 15 2020) - Jade Helm 16 Is Going Live (Part One)
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For your consideration, an up-date re: JADE HELM 16 by non other than Dave Hodges, from his Common Sense Show. For some, this may be to much speculation, but for regular Porterville Post readers it's ... "The Right News at The Right Time". Look, the whole world has kowtowed to this coronavirus at breakneck speed, leading most to cypher secret societies NEW WORLD ORDER fingerprints & DNA. Look, Luciferians, from all demonic depths, have sold their souls waiting & planning for this day, but Christians - REAL CHRISTIANS - are in the way. Praise GOD !!!(Mar 15 2020) - "No State Is Prepared" ... Or Hospital !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay, it's time to play the "WHAT IF" game again, starting with our own Hospital - Sierra View. Why ? Well there's a chance that Sierra View could get over whelmed due to a lake of bed space, and just as worrisome, lack of medical staff - especially if a few nurses or doctors unknowingly contract the CoVid-19 virus. And, at this point in time, there doesn't appear that any relief (Medical Man-Power) is breaching the horizon. Meaning, any patient or staff exhibiting any symptoms of CoVid-19 could get shipped off to a sterile location where they'll be quarantined and no visitors are allowed. So Trump has declared that today is National Prayer Day - SO PRAY !!!(Mar 14 2020) - ALL INTERSTATE TRAVEL TO BE HALTED ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now that panic has set in - due to this "Man-Made" virus - travel may be the next freedom stymied. For now the government is looking at restricting interstate travel - between states - and my guess is they'll take over of the "Interstate Highways" first and then slowly but surely surround cities infected most by the Coronavirus. As for Porterville, Highway's 65, 99 and 190, should stay open a bit longer unless more folks come down with the virus.(Mar 13 2020) - COVID-19 PANIC Empties Shelves in Porterville
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday I ventured into a few stores in Porterville looking for a few bargains before the local shops start inflating their prices due to shortages. And as expected, the early birds got the worms. The top two items which emptied the shelves quicker that anything else - you guessed it - BOTTLED WATER & TOILET PAPER !!! Folks were overloading their shopping carts with these two items while showing signs of insecurity and insanity !!! And I'm sure by this week end, when more shelves are emptied, those effects could turn into hostility or worse. So ... "Be Careful & Considerate" ... Please !!!(Mar 11 2020) - Nor/Cal Is Gonna Let COVID-19 Spread ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- While New York is rolling in the National Guard, hoping to contain CoVid-19, Northern California is rolling the dice, hoping to mitigate it ... meaning ... it's kinda sorta out-of-control in these counties (Placer, Sacramento and Yolo) and there ain't much they can do about it, 'cept care for those who get it. Yep, either this announcement was already an option, or too many in the medical and nursing arenas have fears of contracting it as well, and are calling in sick. (For sure, I would)(Mar 11 2020) - Can We Trust The COVID-19 Test ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is it too late to play the "WHAT IF GAME" ? Kinda, but let's do it anyway - shall we. Here goes ... What if these Coronavirus tests aren't 100% accurate ? What if the labs know this and are on the take ? What if there are hidden secondary and tertiary medical complications ? What if there's additional "Man-Made" virus' out there floating around, that are triggered by other "Man-Made" virus' ? And, what if these triggered virus' can target certain segments of the society, and secretly trigger them by satellite ? All I'm saying is ... WHAT IF ... ???(Mar 09 2020) - Israel is Backdoor into US Tech Grid
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Of Course This Is An Issue - A BIG ISSUE !!! Look, anyone other than the U.S. handling our computer hardware and software is gonna lead to issues involving National Security - Duh !!! And in this case - it's Israel, and all of their connections to other nations who "Know the Codes" !!! As for back-doors - forget about it !!! Bill "Back-door" Gates is the creator of everything back-door-ish and from this article, Israel is kinda warehousing everyone's hardware & software back-doors, thanks (opinion) to The DEEP STATE.(Mar 08 2020) - CHRISTIANS IN PORTERVILLE : WAKE UP !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Listen up "Christians in Porterville" !!! Y'all better start meeting up after church somewhere to coalesce your concerns soon. Why ? Well, if you continue to succumb to that secular thingy of "Waiting to See" and not "Waiting to Hear" from GOD, then you're gonna be part of the problem and not part of the plan - GOD's Plan !!! And, as the end-time grows closer, many of GOD's Watchmen are gonna wax louder and sharper, until GOD says enough !!! Silence is what they wanted, Silence is what they'll get. LORD HAVE MERCY !!!(Mar 06 2020) - The CoronaVirus Is a False Flag ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- By default, there are way too many indicators leading legitimate scientists to concur that this virus appears more MAN-MADE than mysteriously springing up from nature. Secondly, the speed in which countries and nation states are declaring "National Emergencies" is also a tip-off - and a bad one at that - leading "legitimate investigators" to concur that the Corona-Virus Crisis looks like a FALSE FLAG operation gone wrong ... because all the bio-markers concur ... this is a BIO-WEAPON !!!(Mar 04 2020) - VOTERS HALT STATE & LOCAL TAX INCREASES
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Looks like voters halted a couple of TAX INCREASE hurdles on Super Tuesday - Prop 13 and Measure L. Folks are waking up to these TAX & SPEND socialist charades, comrades and lies from the left and MSM. It's about time !!! Additionally, folks did consider "Voting Right Like The Post" re: Republican representatives, and Supervisors. So with that briefly announced, let me say ... THANK YOU PORTERVILLE !!! We'll do this again in November.(Mar 01 2020) - Geoengineering Weather Modification
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Without a doubt, CHEMTRAILS are effecting GOD's Creation - in an evil way !!! Here's another great web site devoted to just about everything researched & reported on CHEMTRAILS. Now, once you've read through a few of these internet leads, you're gonna doubtlessly decipher these depopulating dots, and probably never leave the house without a mask over your mouth and nose again - because of what's being dumped on us from the skies is more harmful then the man-made Coronavirus - which, in-and-of-itself - is harmful enough.(Feb 29 2020) - China Crisis: Coronavirus Timeline
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For our readers who are looking for additionally info and daily updates concerning the Coronavirus, well, here's a web site called "The Big Wobble" that's been tracking the Coronavirus from day one. For the most part it's stories click back internally to aggregated articles and reports - cutting to the chase - making it a bit easier to follow. Yes, there's some scientific nomenclature, but all-in-all you'll zip past those fancy words and get the jest of what's being said.(Feb 28 2020) - They Hijacked Our Health, But It’s Not Lost
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- One of the agenda's of the NEW WORLD ORDER is to curb population growth - submitting sustainability. Pagan ideas regarding "Mother Nature" and insiders evil "Occult Influence" has fermented this FAKE AGENDA through their MSM Manchurians & paid off Press-ti-tutes. And still, the people defer to these demons of disinformation, instead of researching their research, and countering their counter-intel. Yes, your health & freedoms are at stake. SO ... WAKE UP & STAND UP !!!(Feb 26 2020) - The Coronavirus is Mutating ... Say What ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- One of the scariest discoveries made by any microbiologist, is knowing that any virus - {especially the Coronavirus} - may be "SELF MUTATING" !!! Meaning, that (CoVid-19) might have been WEAPONIZED !!! Second to that fear is concerns of control - that is, if it can be. Folks, both of these boxes have been checked, and a third re: how it's triggered - apart from physical or aerial contact - appears to be by FREQUENCIES !!! Folks, everything has frequencies and can be located, tracked and - especially if they're man-made - activated by satellites !!!(Feb 24 2020) - USA is pulling nukes out of Turkey ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- No ... this isn't all together accurate. Those nukes at Incerlik AB were removed in President Trump's first year in office. What's really going on is this ... Trump is gonna let the DEEP STATE try an initiate a FALSE FLAG re: this so-called removal of nukes, to establish a better trace on Obama's embedded traitors, hundreds of outside contractors, and the MSM colluders with the coup. Seriously, anyone in their right mind would not telegraph a military operation like this to the whole world, let alone any of their arch enemies.(Feb 23 2020) - Last Sunday To Attend Church In America ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- According to this article from the Guardian, South Korea officials are now asking a Church of 9,000 to "Self Quarantine" themselves ... maybe, until ... who knows ??? Why ? Because one of it's attending members was determined to be a "Super Spreader" for the Coronavirus. That being advised, the question must now be asked ... will that cautionary concern occur in parts of America, California, or Porterville - officials asking members to stay out of Church on Sunday's, or whenever ??? And ... would you comply or risk exposure ???(Feb 23 2020) - ENTITLEMENT AND ESCAPISM By Mario Murillo
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- All too often I've come across Christians who have been re-assigned - to do GOD's Will - apart from the Church. Some to just get alone and be with GOD in a quite place, and others to prepare for what's ahead. Why ? Well, that's up to GOD. What you and I need to do is Hear HIS Voice - in all matters. In some instances it'll be for that moment, in others, maybe longer. As for GOD's Watchmen ... once they're pulled off the ramparts, the Churches will default into denial and - in the end - delusion. WAKE UP PASTORS - TELL THE TRUTH !!!(Feb 20 2020) - Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is biological warfare ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Just for the sake of argument, lets say that this Coronavirus had beginnings in Canada and America, and somehow skedaddled a Level 4 Lab and into another (L4) only to escape - just in time to reduce China's growing influence ... this article somewhat suggests. I gotta admit, it sounds partially plausible - as many nations are closing their borders and aren't looking for answers or the culprits who clandestinely created (2019-nCoV). Why ? Because, their FINDINGS might isolate them, and their commercial dealings withAmericathe DEEP STATE, as well.(Feb 17 2020) - PDF : The Novel Coronavirus 2019‐nCoV ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a scientific analysis of the Coronavirus "2019‐nCoV" that you pray is in error !!! I've read through it a couple of times already and from what I can numerically and logically glean, this virus just might be one of those end-time bugs that will depopulate the planet. It has variants within it's makeup which allows secondary relapses - damaging vital organs, and increasing morbidity exponentially, especially if anti-virals and anti-bodies are introduced !!! NOT GOOD !!!(Feb 16 2020) - Withholding med's would kill tens of millions
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For sure, the DEEP STATE has thought this one through re: the unused crisis of the Coronavirus. Meaning, if enough people can be sickened (due to medication depletion) or fear mongered (by the MSM) into staying at home and self quarantine themselves, then there's a chance that the 2020 November elections could default, and President Trump's re-election put on hold - or worse - dies (due to heart attack) caused by secondary relapse of the Coronavirus. No doubt, the latter is preferred by the SWAMP. This is a horrible hypothesis, but must be considered !!!(Feb 15 2020) - KILLED IN ZONE BY THE CHINA PLAGUE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Healthy skepticism - at this stage of the game - is more than warranted re: any info on the internet concerning the Coronavirus. However, good researchers do not stop researching just because of others subjective analysis and or denials. As of late, more info is leaking out from China and must be assessed - good or bad. Folks, whoever cooked up this virus - at this point - is moot. What's important - NOW - is taking preventative steps to outsmart this virus - if it's really one, or worse.(Feb 13 2020) - Lab discovers coronavirus vaccine in 3 hrs ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- WOW ... that didn't take very long, now did it ??? This new vaccine was discovered so fast - {3 hrs} - that it ought to be in Guinness' World Records ... 'cause for dang sure it ain't gonna be in me !!! And yes, we saw this coming - BIG PHARMA magically manufacturing another "Snake-Oil Solution" and "Test Kits" !!! Folks, give me a break ... these gawd-forsaken NEW WORLD ORDER Nut-Jobs, who - are concerned about over population - want to save you and your family ... which would {wait for it} cause a population increase ??? That hypocritical hyperbole is apparent to those who have eyes to see and ears that hear.(Feb 11 2020) - China, Coronavirus: Truth Hurts !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well yeah ... someone's gonna take it in the shorts in the beginning re: the Coronavirus, and, in the long run everyone gets hurt, and maybe, just maybe, we ought to consider that hypothesis as China's end-game. Look, China has no problem killing their own, and truth-be-told, if they have to do that to control the other nations (especially the U.S.) then they're gonna let the virus' loose and see how many countries they devastate - economically speaking. Folks, China has a huge population and can afford to kill a few million. It's nothing personal, it's just good business - for communism, and of course the NEW WORLD ORDER !!!(Feb 10 2020) - FEMA Medical Martial Law Camp Warnings !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, if this Coronavirus is one of those "FAKE BUGS" designed to "FAKE OUT THE MASSES" re: their responses, then this too shall pass. BUT ... if this one is the "Real McCoy" and self mutates faster than the speed of science, and, stays active for more than a week, then all bets are off, and you better GET RIGHT WITH GOD !!! Folks, China is locking down more and more cities, enforcing MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW, and just so you know, FEMA has all the necessary doc's and authority to do the same. Just so you know ...(Feb 08 2020) - WHO Dir-Gen Tweets: We are mobilizing the UN
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yep ... these yahoos at the U.N. and W.H.O. have been biting-at-the-bit, hoping for an outbreak like the contagious Coronavirus to flex their "International Muscle and Agenda". Most, if not all of the third world countries are deeply indebted to the bankers at the IMF and have basically no say-so re: the "Blue Hats" rolling in and taking over their countries. MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW will be enforced, quarantines may end up indefinite, while runners and resisters will be openly revealed, openly rebuked and if that doesn't work ... secretly removed.(Feb 07 2020) - Benedict Romney put a Bullseye on Mormonism
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, here's the problem with folks taking "Secret Loyal Oaths" like many do in Freemasonry, or Jesuit Priest's and yes, Mitt Romney's Mormon church. They're all compelled to side in with these secret combines over truth and, yes, even the Constitution. As the title plainly displays, Benedict Romney - a corrupt carpetbagger - has put a Bullseye on Mormonism, and by default, the DEEP STATE DEVILS in the NSA - secretly sheltering in UTAH. Just you wait ...(Feb 05 2020) - PRESIDENT TRUMP : NOT GUILTY - NEVER WAS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For all the socialist reasons for attempting to impeach and put on trial one of the most capitalist and caring Presidents ever, I gotta say, it was the democ-RATS delusion, from the beginning, and after today, their complete undoing. Now, it's time to put on trial all those who played their part in this criminal coup and continuous corruption ... starting with Mitt Romney, and - not forgetting his anti-American assistant - Hillary Clinton. So ... let's start deep digging again on the DEEP STATE guys, 'cause there's a treasure trove of TRUTH out there needed to come to light and Testify.(Feb 02 2020) - Frequency Transmission and Coronavirus ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Back in 1984, while I was enrolled in Porterville College's Psychiatric Technician program, I had surmised with a group of students the same issue re: "Frequencies" and everything they were connected to and everything they controlled. However, as Dave Hodges points out in his video, these same frequencies can also be manipulated by man-made machines. Second to note was these machines manipulation of diseases and virus', and - yet to be opined - their connection to Chemtrails. Yes, Chemtrails ...(Feb 01 2020) - Sheriff forced to reveal CCW ID's to ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- A few days back (Jan 30th) the American Military News alerted it's readers re: a "FOIA" request from the San Francisco Chronicle, asking for info from the local sheriff, pertaining to everyone in Sutter County who has a "Concealed Carry" permit. And ... he was instructed by their in-house attorney to hand it over. Now, what the Chronicles plans for this info is still speculation. However, if I lived in that county and had a CCW permit, I'd get all my buddies together and hire a class-action lawyer and sew the pants off this FAKE NEWS company for slander, libel and personal safety ... just for starters.(Feb 01 2020) - Mitt Uninvited To Conservative Conference ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the deal about Mitt (MORMON/RINO) Romney. He is a Senator from Utah, where the NSA is ensconced and where the LDS cult has a stronghold. First, it's obvious he's batting for the DEEP STATE, and secondly, Utah (Mormons) are batting for him, hoping he's the saviour re: their "White Horse Prophecy", wherein a Mormon comes to the rescue of America and the Constitution, when, it's "Hanging by a Tread". So, briefly, if America ain't hanging by a thread ... Mormons - especially Mitt - need not apply.(Jan 31 2020) - General Chi’s Nasty Wuhan Soup ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, this latest version of the corona-virus (2019-nCoV) has footprints - like DNA/RNA - which can easily be soursed to it's original mutation or manufacturer. And that's where and why the CDC can be of some help, but for some reason the Chinese are keeping this assistance at bey, until - I'm sure - the DEEP STATE can ditch the data, and/or position a patsy. Folks, it was just a matter of time before one of these bio-labs released one of their weaponized bio-bugs, initiating - some might suggest - a bio-war, aimed at America.(Jan 30 2020) - Russia closes its border with China ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yup, you read that right. Russia is closing it's borders with China to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. Now that kinda seems like the right thing to do, but that "Road-Block" won't keep the Coronavirus from hitching a ride on other carriers - like animals !!! Folks, this might be the beginning of a world wide "MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW" ... and a move by "Bill Gates Buddies" at the United Nations to enforce it. I pray that my speculation is wrong and it's not too late !!!(Jan 28 2020) - The UN’s New Sustainable Development Goals
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay, while many in the world are distracted by all sorts of FAKE NEWS - especially this FAKE IMPEACHMENT - the U.N. continues to assert it's "Sustainable Goals" for the planet, and a "Socialist Dictatorship" for the people. Yes, it's sad that Cobe Bryant is gone, and it's sad that the Coronavirus is not. However, more saddening than those two headlines are the facts that millions of Americans are still unaware of the U.N.'s AGENDA 2030. Listen up folks, the United Nations is united in only two things - exterminating America's national sovereignty and asserting their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT !!!(Jan 26 2020) - Stephen King's "The Stand" re-booting for TV
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Isn't that amazing ... another "Predictive Program" from Holly-weird, featuring a "Re-Boot" from the SciFi thriller guy himself Steven King. And which movie are they re-booting ... THE STAND ... which kinda-sorta coalesces with the Corona-virus, which, mysteriously escaped from a lab in China, and is in fact "Airborne" like in Steven Kings 1994 movie, THE STAND. Folks, coincidences happen when your eyes are wide shut - not when they're wide open. WAKE UP AMERICA !!!(Jan 25 2020) - Coronavirus Is Worse Than You've Been Told
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- It looks like many "Reputable Researches & Scientists" are now making videos - like this one from Chris Martenson - warning the public re: the Coronavirus, and how fast it's spreading, and specifically, the pandemic values associated with it. Folks, previous generations advised us that it's always better to be safe than sorry, however, with no early flu like tell-tail signs re: this virus, all bets are off re: past practices of keeping oneself sanitized ... if ... it's an AIRBORNE VIRUS !!!(Jan 24 2020) - A Pandemic Is Now Unavoidable ... !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Conspiracies aside, this Corona virus ain't no joke !!! Precautions re: all types of travel, not just air travel - must be considered, at least practiced until the mutation time-lines are reduced to nil. Folks, these mad scientists playing with these bugs, virus' and what-have-you's, need to stop right now. Past practice with these folks keeping these bugs isolated and confined ain't all that good. It's almost as if leaking these virus' is a part of their "DEPOPULATION END GAME" !!!(Jan 22 2020) - Senate Impeachment Trial - Another Clown Show
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's why President Trump didn't want any folks from his administration to come before any more WITCH HUNT investigations & inquiries. Because every time they do, they get caught between a rock & and hard place - getting pegged for something that happened in their private lives (which would compromising the TRUTH) placing them at the mercy of the investigators to side with their FAKE INFO just to stay out of a purgers prison. And now, this "Clown Show Circus" - televised all over the world - have nations wondering, will "Something Wicked The Way Come" once the democ-RATS arguments are dismissed ??? Trump's "State of the Union Address" may give us some clues.(Jan 19 2020) - Silently Self-Subjugating to Shaira ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday, at a local grocery store in Porterville, I saw two Muslim women, surrounded by two children playing in the isles. I quickly pushed my shopping cart over to them & asked if they were getting ready for "The Big Fight" tonight or "The 49er Game" on Sunday. Only one spoke some English & she said they don't watch those things. I in-turn said "hey, in America, you are FREE & can watch anything you want." And all the while, people silently walked by, self-subjugating their own FREEDOM !!!(Jan 18 2020) - Virginia Gov' Intent to bring in the UN ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- From too many sources, this un-American action being taken by a NEW WORLD ORDER controlled patsy, has all the signs of a FALSE FLAG operation !!! Not surprisingly, President Trump has - for now - nipped Virgina's Governor's plans in the bud to use the U.N. for protection or worse. Under reporting in all this is the obvious - that is - the CIA's "Hidden Hand" hailing from Virginia, Langley. Now you'd think they'd be up-in-arms over this, right ? You'd think. But their silence - as past practice predicts - is A DEAD GIVEAWAY !!! (Update ...)(Jan 17 2020) - Will Porterville Succumb to Sharia like France ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today I visited a good friend of mine & local business owner who shared with me re: his families trip to France. He said he was saddened that the French gov't had allowed all these Desecraters into their nation & that they were every where, and owned many of the stores & restaurants. He stressed that if America, and yes Porterville, continues to allow this Islamic invasion occur, Freedom will succumb to sharia, and Christianity will be silenced. WAKE UP PORTERVILLE !!!(Jan 17 2020) - Homelessness #1 Issue for California Voters
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Many of these polls are skewed with all kinds of bias. You learn that fact in your first college semester of bonehead sociology. And this poll re: HOMELESSNESS, forget about it. The fact is only a percentage of those living on the streets can be helped, the rest can't. Now I'm not being harsh, just honest - something Gov Newsom and the democ-RATS struggles with. Yes, if you can find those who are educatable and employable, by all means, help them first. The rest ain't never gonna wise up, clean up, suit up or show up.(Jan 15 2020) - Kansas Lawmakers Put On Secret Buses ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- QUESTION : Was rounding up all these legislators onto a bus without their knowing ahead of time and without knowing why the new normal ??? Time - I suppose - will tell. As concerning to many researchers and investigators ... was this "BOGUS BUS RIDE" really how sensitive info/intel is gonna be disseminated in the future - because DHS says they can't trust e-mails anymore ... or ... practice for future round ups ??? I'm gonna go with the latter, for now, until proven otherwise. (More ...)(Jan 13 2020) - PELOSI THREATENS THE PRESIDENT !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This democ-RAT has been cornered and verbally - on ABC - let the proverbial cat out of the bag. Folks, "Nasty Nancy" believes she can say whatever she wants - 'cause she's told the MSM "don't mess with me" - and not be touched. By threatening to "Remove" President Trump "One way or another" she signaled DEEP STATE ASSASSINS to do what they do. Why ? Because with thousands of indictments heading their way, she's one of the criminal lynch-pins and knows she's in too deep, and at this stage of the COUP, cannot cop-a-plea.(Jan 11 2020) - 2020 California Republican Assembly Conference
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today was a GREAT DAY !!! Why ? Well I was invited to attend a meeting of one of the CRA's newest Units - Tulare County Republican Assembly (TCRA). It was well organized and well attended. One of their immediate goals was to vote on who to send as delegates to an endorsing convention in Kern County and then focus on the CRA Convention in Tulare County in March 20,21,22 - joint hosted by TCRA and PARA. For more details CLICK HERE.(Jan 09 2020) - Free Health Care to Illegal Alien Seniors ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Republicans generally say ... "A Rising Tide Raises All Ships - For Everyone" ... meaning: it's the tide that raises everything - economically speaking - not how many are on board a ship, as democ-RATS declare. And, I'm here to tell you, the U.S.S. (United Sanctuary State) of California is a sinking ship. Those who see the waterline rising and ship listing have bailed. And those "Left on Board" Captain Gavin Newsom's FREE MEDICAL CARE CRUSE LINE may soon hail an S.O.S. (Save Our State), hoping that the CALEXIT tug will answer and tow them back into a Unitied Nations Safe Sanctuary port. {What say you ???}(Jan 09 2020) - Terror Leaders Have Gone into Hiding ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Even though these terrorists have gone into hiding, their past practices of sheltering with the innocent - like women and children and hospitals - are all well known. Their second hide-and-seek preferences involve immigrating to western cultured countries - like America. So, yes it's a good thing that these terrorists have gone into hiding, but it a bad thing because that's when most people let down their guard ... and ... THAT'S WHEN THEY ATTACK ... SO ... STAY ALERT !!!(Jan 07 2020) - Soleimani’s Daughter is an AMERICAN Citizen
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- WAKE UP AMERICA !!! Many offspring & anchor babies from these murderous terrorists are living here in the U.S. and if you don't believe their past motivations as to why - believe it today !!! Yes, many have mouthed the oath to become citizens, but in their Muslim minds & Islamic innerds, they routinely renounce it - THEY LIE !!! Just ask Brittney Steenbergen (from Plainview, CA) - who was forced to convert to Islam for her kids sakes, and was beaten daily, and was eventually MURDERED by her Muslim boyfriend - Adel Hussein - to shut her up ... re: what ??? Folks, this wasn't an "Honor Killing". No sir ...(Jan 07 2020) - The Somali: What to Expect
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- At least once a week I talk with Muslims who live or shop here in Porterville. I'm always super-duper friendly and welcoming. My goal is to see whether they're willing to acclimate to American ideology, or too are afraid acculturate. For the most part, the women will talk with you, but dummy up if you ask questions re: the qur'an. The men, will discuss the qur'an once, maybe twice, and after that they become defensive and clam up as well. Why ? Because their HANDBOOK OF HATE demands discrimination, and DEATH to those who defect !!!(Jan 05 2020) - $80 MILLION for President Trump’s Head ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Wonderful !!! 80 Million Dollars for the head of President Trump ??? I tell you what, this just gave President Trump the go-a-head to freeze (if he wanted) every Muslim bank account in America and to put all these money laundering banks on blast re: their accessory to Islam's crimes. Folks, President Trump ain't stupid. In order to expose where evil is ensconced, you gotta set the bait, secure the ties that bind, and then you need to incarcerate or eviscerate, if the enemy is combative. Like I said ... President Trump ain't stupid.(Jan 04 2020) - Sleeper Cells in the US Ready to Strike ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Sleeper Cells in the America ??? That's a given !!! But the real questions is, how do these Muslims get radicalized ??? Two answers. One - by believing the qur'an re: infidels. And two, by attending mosque's, where imam's verbally awaken these jihadist and sleeper cells. Yes, now-a-days, many get motivated to murder from imam's on-line, but the "awakened cell groups" in America meet mostly on Fridays at mosques, to pray that Islam conquers all unbelievers and western countries. It's in their HANDBOOK OF HATE.(Jan 03 2020) - 2015: "Obama
likesliked Soleimani" ... and
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Appeasement just died in Iran !!! Those years of detant are over, and it wasn't because obama's DEEP STATE bureauc-RATS and democ-RATS didn't try to buy off these Muslims, {and they tried} it was because of all the deaths surrounding Soleimani. Look, this god-awful "Religion of Peace" is really a "Religion of Revenge" and honestly, that's why we have to monitor all muslims. So, listen up all you Jihadi wannabees and Ayatollah's. President Trump kept his promise, and our Military is locked and loaded again ... so, make your move ... we dare you !!!(Jan 01 2020) - Pope Francis Slaps A Woman's Hand ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hey there my Catholic friends. How's your 20/20 vision for 2020 ??? Carefully read this article re: the Pope and view the video's which are embedded and then ask yourself ... "Is Pope Francis kinda loosing it" ??? Well yeah, as all of his apologists are defending his paranoia - albeit "inner-antichrist" - by saying ... see, he's human too. But does that really answer the obvious - you should ask - and will more turbulent times manifest if his new doctrines are not obeyed ??? Better yet, you need to get our, while the gettin's still good ...(Jan 01 2020) - NEW YEAR RESOLUTION FOR CHRISTIANS !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday, while I was doing some last minute shopping, I happened across five female Muslims. And, as I often do, I shared my faith and witnessed to them. Two were married and the others weren't. My approach was very inviting and very accepting. It was easy. Why ??? Because no one else even approached them. Yes, they were all gowned up with their hijabs and all, but no one even took the time. Listen Christians, you need to "Make A Resolution For 2020" ... to start sharing your faith, or you're gonna lose it to anti-Christian religions !!! Do it !!!- PAST OPINIONS : 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 |12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 -
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