- PAST OPINIONS : 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 |12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 -
(Dec 30 2019) - CIVIL WAR RISK ... State by State !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here ya go, a quasi CIVIL WAR RISK guide, for all those folks who haven't even begun preparing for an emergency like this, and ... are now thinking this could happen. BTW, back in 2015, the POST did a 6 part series re: EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS and many took heed back then. So, I'm tellin' you, this article has some good guild-lines. Now ... quit wasting time, 'cause when the SHTF, and you're not prepared, you're gonna be viewed as part of the problem. Just saying ...(Dec 29 2019) - California’s war on private property rights
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now, if this "ILLEGAL SQUATTER" prevails in court and the original owner can't evict them, then all "PROPERTY RIGHTS" in California are gonna be up for grabs. Worse yet, this case could lead to these Deep-State democ-RATS in Sacramento to create new occupancy laws ... meaning ... that any person claiming to be homeless and in need of shelter ... you ... could be forced to house them if you're the only occupant in a multiple bedroom home. This would solve most of the homeless and housing crisis in California, and you'd be forced to foot the bill.(Dec 28 2019) - Steve Quayle Alert # 2373 ... !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For all intents and purposes, looking for the bad guys - {vis-à-vis drones} - is commendable, unless of course the operational agenda is to "profile all the good guys with guns" ... as bad guys. Now we have an issue. Look, it appears that these gov't agencies with all their surveillance satellites, technological toys, and dangerous drones are a little too trigger happy right now and need a "Come to Jesus" meeting - soon !!! Thousands of ex-agents and ex-military personnel are well aware of these plans, and can verify what everyday people are experiencing today. Honestly ... I Pray that these alerts are wrong !!!(Dec 28 2019) - Deep Dive Into Corporate Surveillance ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is it too late for Christians compulsively clutching onto their "SPY PHONES" like their lives depended upon it ??? YUP !!! Every day I comb through countless collections of columns, reports, articles, and ALERTS with one intent - hoping to WAKE UP CHRISTIANS !!! And yet, most continue to stare down at these devilish devices and away from a very user-friendly guy like myself. For over ten years now, I've warned them on the Porterville Post, and every day in person !!! So, when the "SHTF" take it up with GOD ... not The Post !!! Strong words ??? Yup !!! Because a STRONGER DELUSION is on the way.(Dec 27 2019) - Will Supporting Trump Ruin my Witness ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday I openly shared - like I always do - my testimony at a local eatery and levied my Christian concerns while sitting next to new acquaintance. At one point she sheepishly whined to me that I was being too open, honest & truthful, and it was making her feel uncomfortable as a Christian. Well, I then cranked it up with a few Bible verses, coupled with lucid logic & righteous reason. Folks, I didn't do that out of disrespect. I did that because she had believed the FAKE GOSPEL of tolerance - but no more !!! Why ??? Because someone "Corrected" her with The TRUTH ... and ... about President Donald J. Trump !!!(Dec 26 2019) - Owners of the Military-Industrial Complex ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... here's a long read - for sure - but one that will line up each and every suspicion anyone has ever had re: Who Really Owns & Controls the Military-Industrial Complex ??? Published back in March of 2016, manifold names & Corporations, organizations & NGO's, the Vatican, City of London, & of course Wash D.C. were all outed in this report. And, they're so intimately intertwined, Jimmy Carter coined them - and all the other nations - as ... "Inter-Dependent" ... plus, if one fails, hundreds will fill the gap, faster than "The Men in Black". So, now that you know, what's your plan ??? On second thought, keep it to yourself ...(Dec 25 2019) - JESUS ... Wasn't Very Nice !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- There's a time and place to defend Christianity - the time is now and the place is America !!! Look, being nice all the time tends to show one's own fears concerning confrontation and one's ignorance re: the scriptures - like what Jesus said in Matthew 10:34. But, Christians in today's over-churched and under-commissioned collectives have been stymied by secularists, bullied by non-believers and muzzled by the MSM into Jello Pudding-Pops for Jesus. WAKE UP MEN OF GOD !!! Now is the Time and America is the Place !!!(Dec 23 2019) - Over 100 2nd Amend' Sanctuaries in Virginia
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is this more saber rattling amongst Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties in Virginia ??? I hope that's all this is, because if "BLACK FACE" Governor Ralph Northam (D) goes through with his threats to confiscate any and all weapons - vis-à-vis RED FLAG LAWS - outside Second Amendment Citizens will - most assuredly - surround the state, set up communications, supply lines, and do "Citizens Welfare Checks", door-to-door - if you will - on dishonest, diseased and dangerous democ-RATS out of control and compliance with the Constitution !!!(Dec 22 2019) - U.S. Space Force: Sixth military branch ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is this the early beginnings of SKYNET, and employing "Terminator Technology" ??? This "SkyNet Company" is already up and running. Will this new branch of military have more corporate shot callers than military ??? Too soon to tell. Will there be "Not-Of-This-World" classifications re: "SPACE INTEL" ??? Well, yeah !!! And will succeeding Presidents "Chair" the MJ-12 board of directors, as Trump does today ??? NO ... not after Trump declassifies / discloses much of the past UFO data sometime in 2020, especially "Project Blue Beam".(Dec 21 2019) - Progressive Pope Pushing For More Globalism
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, you must work harder at saying nothing, having nothing, or supporting America's sovereignty ... 'cuz this "Pedophile Protecting Pope" says so ?!?! Come on Catholics - WAKE UP - and smell the end-time inquisition !!! From the get-go these NEW WORLD ORDER Nut-Jobs have deluded themselves into believing that they are the sole owners of earth, and you and I are their subjects, servants, and slaves. And, your "Confirmation of Silence" proves your compliance to this WORLD WIDE CULT.(Dec 20 2019) - Dem's Debate Political Autopsy & 2020 Disaster ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Again, I was forced to waste a good amount of time, watching the democ-RATS on PBS @ LMUdebatedamage their desires of climbing to the top of their "Do Nothing Party" hoping to snag an official endorsement at the DNC's - "Do Nothing Convention". Last nights line up of loony liberals, and Lenin's leftists showed America one thing, the democ-RATS shear HATRED for anything capitalistic, while defaulting into socialism. Like I said, this was a good waist of my time.(Dec 19 2019) - IMPEACHMENT : By the Devil's Democ-RATS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, I watched it all yesterday and heard all the arguments against Impeachment and endured all the FAKE FINDINGS from the Devil's democ-RATS. Their tutored "Taking Points" and "No One's Above The Law" accusations were just that ... accusations, and NO EVIDENCE !!! This was "Act One" by the "Do Nothing" democ-RATS, and "Act Two" won't be played by the Senate just yet. Satan's "Stand-Ins" will be played during the intermission by, none other than, the FAKE NEWS.(Dec 17 2019) - Pelosi And Her Consigliere, Adam Schiff
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Let me start by saying, that "Politics is Quid Pro Quo" and to assume otherwise exudes ignorance. Everyone wants something from their politician whom they - {wait for it} - supported. Those that give of their time & money want their way of life, traditions, & culture recognized or reinforced. However, when politicians venture outside their elected arenas for financial support, that's when conflicts, chaos, and crimes arise. Both sides have done this and IT HAS TO STOP, or our "Republican Form of Government" collapses for good.(Dec 16 2019) - Nunes : Schiff's Lying So Bad He Needs Rehab'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is "Shifty Schiff" a Congenital Lier ? Yes. A Habitual Lier ? Yes. And as Congressman Nunes has pointed out, a Pathological Lier who needs rehabilitation ? Yes. However, most of those on the Schiff's side of the isle are "lose-lipped" lier's as well, and need of therapy just as much as the MSM. And, since most are in abject denial re: facts vs fiction, a 72 hour hold may be needed sooner than later. Folks, these "Border-Line" Cra-Cra's need to be voted out of office in 2020 or better yet, 5150'd !!!(Dec 14 2019) - Why Americans Are Lonely, Miserable & Depressed
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- On Sunday, when you attend your usual entertainment facility (church) will your emotions be re-invigorated for the week ahead, or will you still be at a loss as to why you even fraternize your facility ??? No, I'm not kidding. There's way too many secularized sanctuaries spewing out other gospels, and way too many church folks accepting these half-truths. Few there be who will even challenge any implacable preaching or preacher. They're all PC'ed up and petrified of loosing more parishioners. THAT IS WHY !!!(Dec 14 2019) - Can Human Consciousness Be Transferred ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the skinny. These mad scientists have already captured individual consciousness, have replicated it into sentient bi-ops, and plan only to install it into luciferians, making them appear all-knowing. I mean, why would they even offer this technology to the profane and underclasses ??? They "Do Not" want everyone knowing everything - like the internet - ever again. This technology will only be used by satan's anti-christ, his false prophet and maybe a few freemasons - yes, freemasons - innkeepers and initiates of an OCCULT WORLD ORDER.(Dec 14 2019) - As Virginia Dems Threaten Gun Bans ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So you say, that's Virginia's problem. They elected a democ-RAT for governor and now they see the consequences of their "liberal" vote. Not so fast my friend. Californian's did the same thing in 2016. The whole "Sanctuary State" is blue with anti-Constitutional commies, and according to The American Spectator, by dysfunctional default, the system is denying any ammo purchases if you're not correctly listed in their data bases. Yup, if Virginia can't trigger a civil war re: confiscating of your arms, odds are CALIFORNIA will.(Dec 13 2019) - Virginia Headed Toward Open Conflict ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Let's cut to the chase, shall we. Look, there's one huge federal agency that is so silent re: this issue, it's laughable. Who you say ??? None other than the CIA. You'd think they be up in arms themselves concerning the Constitutionality of "NOT INFRINGING" on the 2nd Amendment Rights, but they're not. Which leads me, and thousands of others to surmise, that they - The CIA - doesn't want any more citizens, let alone patriots, armed anywhere close to FALSE FLAG HEADQUARTERS ... Langley Virginia !!!(Dec 13 2019) - UN Speakers Push Population Reduction for ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- With little to no regard to LIFE, the U.N. continues to entertain their "Eugenics Agenda" which calls to reduce, or possibly eliminate select populations who - in their minds and false facts - are consuming too much and causing emissions to spin out of control. Folks, those who need to be removed are those flipping those HAARP and CERN switches and paid-off pilots who daily CHEM-TRAIL the planet. These are your Terra-firma Terrorists.(Dec 12 2019) - Lord, Teach My Hands to War ... Psalm 144:1
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I gotta tell you something, the enemy - as always - is shooting blanks. It's the Christian who's prayers and FAITH with WORKS, that blasts these blasphemers & devils of denial. Believers, arm yourselves with THE TRUTH, set your aim for the heart, and quit waisting your ammo. You are at WAR and - like it or not - you're in a WAR !!! GOD has you on the front line, and this WATCHMAN - from The Porterville Post - is RIGHT along side you, sounding the alarm !!!(Dec 08 2019) - FBI Detains 10
Saudis{MUSLIMS} After Attack ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- From day one, I've been saying that America needs to "Monitor All Muslims - All The Time", and this latest shooting at NAS Pensacola Florida is reason number one million and counting. Look, this religion of peace ain't acclimating to American ideals, culture, and for dang sure our laws - especially the Constitution. They're taught that the infidel must be either educated, or then subjugated, and if not, then eradicated. I can't make it any more simple folks. WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!(Dec 04 2019) - Catholics urged to divulge "ECO-SINS" ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yup, you read that right. Now, in order to save the planet Catholics are being coerced into confessing their "eco-sins" against the earth. It's a new kind of lent where you give up something for more than a day, or month or year, but until 2030. And loyal Catholics will adhere to this additional catechism of "Works" hoping for absolution. Folks, these Catholics need JESUS CHRIST, not a church or doctrine or priesthood !!!(Dec 03 2019) - SEATTLES SOYLENT GREEN STARTS IN 2021
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now, if you want to grind up your body when you die, I suppose that's your right. But for goodness sakes, please don't turn this SOYLENT GREEN idea into a universal law to save the planet !!! Yeah, yeah, yeah ... Vegans would probably make better mulch than carnivorous critters like you and I, but the idea of it ought to repulse any human with half-a-brain. Folks, we need to stop this ASAP, or the MSM and liberals will start calling these "GRINDERS" patriots - for saving the planet.(Dec 02 2019) - Google Escalates Their Electoral Interference
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, Google and all those other "FREE" platforms ain't the hitch in the 2020 election get-a-long. It's all you numb-skulls who - and GOD only knows - continue to purchase their surveillance cell phones, ipads and computers, which have apps and algorithms designed to dissuade you, or your behavior from any outcome that doesn't benefit their company. That's what a FREE MARKET is and does. The truth is you, the consumer, have encouraged this anti-Christ economy and - in the long run - may pay an eternal price.(Dec 01 2019) - Former NFL Player Calls Out Kaepernick
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here you go ... an ex-pro football player - Jeremy Staat, candidate in California’s 8th Congressional District - has told an unappreciative Colon Kaepernick to basically STAND FOR AMERICA !!! Reading on his campaign's support web site, you see the stand he took for American and now wants to take the same stand in Congress. Folks, Kaepernick has failed to realise ... "You Gotta Serve Somebody" ... and his motivation - as sure as I write - ain't Glorifying THE LORD !!!(Nov 30 2019) - Ex CIA: We Supply Elite Pedophiles with Children
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For the most part, when people see and hear this video they'll murmur - either to themselves or out loud in front of their family or friends - "I just Don't believe It" ... creating a cognitive dissonance dysfunction, unless someone challenges their defective defense mechanism and denials with hard cold facts !!! As for the Press-Ti-Tutes, well, they're being played in this "Pay-To-Play" parade, and can't afford the facts ... 'cause CRIME PAYS - not the Truth !!!(Nov 29 2019) - School teachers should ‘reject & resist’ parents ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, you can't force someone to "Like You" anymore than you can keep someone from "Hating You" !!! GOD, and only GOD, can cut through all of satan's secularization of schools. And, for public education officials and teachers trying to change and or counter anyone's behavior - student or parent - without GOD, is ludicrous. But, this is the trend, and in many states "The Law" ... trust the program and not the parents.(Nov 27 2019) - They Said They Wouldn’t But They DID !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- That ain't nothing brothers and sisters - capturing everyones DNA. Once they find your "Life Lines" and "Gender Markers" you may not be allowed to pro-create with anyone, unless it's one of their "Certified" re-generators. Look, Hitler's "Superman Creating Scientists" worked to do the very same thing, and what they accidentally discovered was a part of GOD's DNA in those who became Christians, 'cause they became "New Creature in Christ" as did "Converted Jew".(Nov 25 2019) - California Parents Flood School Board Meeting
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, this ain't about a "Parents Choice" re: their own children. It's about FUNDING !!! Most, if not all of these schools have to adhere to "Gov't Requirements" re: VACCINES and what-have-you, or they lose money - lots of it !!! Secondly, it's about indoctrinating - not educating - your children into a subjective & secular world view, and away from anything moral, let alone Christian. Yes, everybody has a right to be as stupid as they want ... but ... on your own time, and your own dime !!!(Nov 24 2019) - THE SURVEILLANCE CENTURY ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Back in the day surveillance was viewed as SPY VS SPY, however, today it's viewed as LIE VS LIE. No one is telling the truth re: any counter-surveillance - as it's labeled - and John-Q-Public ain't smart enough avoid this satanic tsunami. Folks, listen. The end-game for all this is to control your thoughts, thus controlling your behavior, and eventually controlling your life span. It's all in the allocated and assigned algorithms. Term and Conditions - once you click that button - will apply, as to who owns your data. NOT YOU !!!(Nov 24 2019) - Polar Vortex Secret Disclosure ... BEST SCIENCE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is a MUST WATCH VIDEO !!! On Nov 21st this video called "Polar Vortex Secret Disclosure" was released to the public re: what super-toxins these CHEM-TRAILING planes have been spraying on the planet and the people, and why !!! And to be sure, this video may not stay linked on Youtube very long, so watch it, save it, and share it with others. Folks, only evil and satanic secret societies view this as needful and merciful ... "To save the planet, you must kill the planet". For GOD's sakes people ... LOOK UP & WAKE UP !!!(Nov 23 2019) - Standoff With Afghan War Vet in New York
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... so the reason why the NY Police has taken this war veteran into custody is because someone insinuated that he had PTSD and couldn't be trusted with a 30 round mag ??? Well, if that's the case, then we should expect that all policing agencies, and all the others which carry any weapon, be tested for PTSD - at least annually - and then be restricted from any use of any arms if PTSD is in their profile ... and ... confiscate all of their privately stashed arms from all dwellings. And then they can honestly say that they "fear for their lives" like the rest of unarmed Americans !!!(Nov 21 2019) - Vatican Under Siege ... Warrent Issued ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- At the risk of losing a few more of our Catholic readers - by exposing the fraud & lies re: this CRIMINAL CORPORATE CULT, masquerading as a church - the Porterville Post will always share facts uncovered by on-line investigators, as well as warrants issued against the Vatican re: their activities to protect their pedophile priests, occult on-goings, and laundering monies for mafia's. Why ??? Because We Love The Truth, knowing it'll set you FREE ... if ... you act on it !!! I did and left this CULT years ago ...(Nov 20 2019) - More Than 450,000 People ... IN THE DARK !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Let's connect a dozen dirty dots for the democ-RATS ... shall we. (1) Free health care, (2) tuition, (3) DMV Licenses, (4) and voting rights for illegals. (5) Fires & Power outages, (6) Water shortages, (7) Earthquakes all over the state. (8) Homelessness, (9) Drug use, (10) Gas Prices, (11) Taxes, and worst of all, (12) Lying leftist liberals in Sacramento - getting cover from MSM - continue to trash and crash California. And that ain't even the half of it ...(Nov 20 2019) - Limbaugh identifies likely 'leaker' ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As the MSM continues to shove this "Schiff Show" down the throats of America's ignorant electorate, the independent on-line media - as usual - is way ahead of their minutia. Rush Limbaugh - a quasi go-between the MSM and independent media - kinda sorta leaked who the leaker was, even though this "Coup Collaborator" within the CIA, Eric Ciaramella, was outed weeks ago. I'm tellin you, these democ-RATS, along with the goose-stepping MSM, couldn't tell the truth even if it paid more.(Nov 19 2019) - The Nephilim Bloodline Command Structure
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the 911 re: all this OCCULT BLOODLINE stuff. These "Blue-Bloods" - if you will - have been taught by their families that their ancient "Bloodline" has all kinds of sovereign power, political power, spiritual power, and they need to protect it by any means necessary. In doing that manifold secret societies have been authorized by Kings and Queens to harbor this Sangrealian Secret ... until their long awaited king - the anti-christ - makes his demonic debut. Doubt it not, 'cause cretin kings believe it, and it's revealed in the Book of Revelation !!!(Nov 17 2019) - Islam Is Not Compatible With Civilized Society
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- That, for sure, is undeniable !!! Islam, historically - per the quran - has a goal of subjugating each and every country in which they immigrate to. They have little to no intention of acclimating to anything American, except to exploit our business models and to inculcate sharia law into local townships and cities, undercutting The Constitution. And yet, Christians, who are suppose to be America's first line of defense {Spiritually Speaking} ... remain silent. WAKE UP !!!(Nov 16 2019) - Geoengineering Watch : Engineering Climate Chaos
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So you ask - after you viewed this video - if the globalists are trying to destroy the planet, don't they know they're effected by this engineered climate chaos as well ??? Yes and No !!! Yes, they are fully aware of the side effects ... however ... they've stockpiled plenty of antidotes & secret medical equipment to combat it's damage. And NO ... they're not concerned about destroying the planet, because they know that it'll regenerate itself in 5 to 10 years. So they'll wait it out underground, when the really bad spraying takes place, and all the 5G Stuff is weaponized !!!(Nov 14 2019) - The Vatican’s chief astronomer explains ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Listen, these Vatican Observatories aren't looking for aliens from other planets or from parallel universes - as they intimate - they're hoping to catch a glimpse of JESUS CHRIST return. Not because the Bible says to "LOOK UP" in Luke 21:28, but because they know they need to REPENT from all the evil they've secretly gotten away with, and second, SATAN also wants to know, so his devils can deceive his disciples into more distruction - and in the end - try to hide when JESUS returns.(Nov 13 2019) - Google's "Project Nightingale" Under Investigation
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here they go, again. Another "Catch-Me-If-You-Can" secret operation from Google. This time it involves them swooping in and collecting private medical info from 21 states, plus Wash D.C. and loading it all up into their cloud. It's called "Project Nightingale" and just like everything they do, the harsh reality & ramifications fall on those they perpetrate their projects upon - usually the consumer. But, since they can withstand any fallout from the public or fine from the gov't, it's business as usual.(Nov 12 2019) - Why California's Paid Family Leave Act didn't work
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, what-do-you-know ??? Looks like someone finally conducted a REAL SURVEY re: California's Paid Family Leave Act, and how it's liberal idea ended up conflicting with traditional family truths. But, the MSM will "File 13" this report - as they always do - or until they can conjure up a counter analysis. Along with this idea that giving birth changes a womans priorities of work, it does the same with men, who ... wait for it ... become fathers.(Nov 09 2019) - Saying, It's Ok to be White a HATE CRIME ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes ... these five iddy-bitty words are being construed as "Triggers" by the MSM, and their "Politically Correct" cry babies - yes I said, CRY BABIES !!! Folks, back in the day you had to "earn your keep" and do an honest days work, or you, and your complaining words, would be out in the streets. Well, all that's reversed now and we gotta kowtow to criminals in prisons, migrants who won't acclimate, vagrants with various vices, and silent Christians with no witness, no fruit, or backbone !!!(Nov 07 2019) - FACEBOOK IS NOW AFTER YOUR FACE !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Was naming this platform "FACEBOOK" some kind of occult insight or a gov't planned program ??? In either case, the ends continues to justify means of the NEW WORLD ORDER - to control the masses. Christians listen up, you're now part of "this problem" - buying all of these satanic surveillance apparatuses and cell phones. Because of your HOLY SPIRIT defying ignorance, many of us have to shun your acquaintance whenever we meet and - I'm sorry to say - especially at Church.(Nov 06 2019) - 11,000 Experts Propose ... FINAL SOLUTION ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Their FINAL SOLUTION - much like NAZI Germany - is to thin out the heard. Before the time of Christ, these ideas of controlling and eliminating people - who objected in any way, shape or form to their "Kingdoms" - were killed !!! Period - Paragraph !!! This way the mobs don't breach the walls or storm the castle and stay where they're put, or suffer the consequences. And believe-you-me, attaching their FINAL SOLUTION to climate change is PURE EVIL !!!(Nov 04 2019) - FOX NEWS : DEWS CAUSE CA FIRES ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Direct Energy Weapons (DEW's) are said to leave no distinguishable trail, which - in reality - is the trail. Folks, these (DEW's) are real and there are too many examples of their clandestine effectiveness. Most destructive happenstances can be traced to either nature or man-made. But, when there's an invisible trail, that's a tell-tale sign of a (DEW) being militarized by DEEP STATE devils. The evidence that there's no evidence ... IS THE EVIDENCE !!!(Nov 03 2019) - The Real Story Behind Ukrainegate
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This whole rigmarole re: Ukraine-Gate is pure non-sense !!! Look, all countries who want to do business with America engage in some sort of quid-quo-pro for aid or assistance involving arms and what-have-you, and the rub around this issue is two fold. One, it shines the light on how the DEEP STATE pressures quid-quo-pro for their "Military Industrial Complex" comrads ... and two, it shines the light on the MSM and their cooperation with this contrived coup !!! But - as many are reporting - as long as there's beer in the fridge and a game on TV ... WHO CARES !!!(Nov 02 2019) - California's Gavin Newsom, now running scared
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hey MSM !!! Do your flippen' job and start asking hard questions re: Gov' Newsom's inability to govern. While you're at it, ask any democ-RAT in Sacramento who's gonna pay for all those Californian's homes and properties burning to the ground ... 'cause PG&E has already declared bankruptcy, as well as many insurance companies. I'm tellin' you, this RATS-NEST in Sacramento couldn't govern gravity, even if all signs pointed downward, and in California's case - they all do !!!(Oct 31 2019) - 19 Reasons Not To Do Halloween !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Tonight's a good night to say HELL NO to Halloween !!! Christians, listen up, if you think that taking your children "trick-or-treating" is harmless, and it's has nothing to do with satanism, then you have already been duped - big time - by the devil. Pay Attention !!! Dark occult forces wait all year for this day {samhain} and revel in the idea that you and your kids are celebrating and connecting with them on their so-called holiday from hell. WAKE UP CHRISTIANS !!!(Oct 30 2019) - What is ID 2020 ??? Be Very Worried !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This morning while clicking through e-mails, links and so-on, this video caught my attention re: the ID2020 Alliance and possible connection to the Mark of the Beast. So, I dug a bit deeper and discovered that this ID2020 Alliance aims to provide everyone on the plant a "Digital ID Chip" ... and they're in the early stages of amassing companies world wide, who, must answer at least 50 questions in order to qualify to receive their CERTIFICATION MARK !!! And, they - along with a host of others - want to accomplish this by 2030.(Oct 29 2019) - FLAMING SILENCE FROM FLAMING LIBERALS !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- California - which is held hostage by democ-RATS - is being destroyed by FIRE under extremely suspicious circumstances, and all we're getting from these socialists in Sacramento is silence. And ... in Wash D.C. ... not a single democ-RAT is squeaking squat. All they're interested in is impeachment, and the 2020 elections. And - with a little help of their DEEP STATE comrads - they'll try to icksnay California's primary by keeping the state in the dark, off-line, and any voting block away from any election booth ... literally !!!(Oct 28 2019) - United Nations Silences Utah Journalist ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This UNITED NATIONS COMPOUND - which was sanctioned and set up in Salt Lake City, Utah - is an abridge to American Sovereignty and the Constitution. Watching the embedded video you can see and hear for yourself a U.N. police officer giving a local journalist the boot, stating that they are in a U.N. Compound and have no right to film while they're inside. For sure I could second guess why Utah is allowing these interlopers into their jurisdiction, and tops on that list - obviously - is AGENDA 21 or AGENDA 2030 ... possibly to intervene in 2020 Election !!!(Oct 27 2019) - Interesting Web Site Called Arms Watch
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Combing through this web site called "ArmsWatch.com" I gotta say, President Trump - no doubt - has to multi-task, with trepidation, re: this part of The DEEP STATE !!! This web site has tons of documents revealing who's working behind the scenes with the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and the clandestine shipping of arms to America's avowed enemies. For me, this answers the question of ... "How in the world did they get our weapons?" And the ANSWER ... well ... read it for yourself at ArmsWatch.com.(Oct 25 2019) - The Deep State Wants Trump Impeached Over Syria
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- President Trump - in my opinion - has put into play the domino effect re: The Deep State and the Deep States. They're all criminally connected and use war as a subterfuge. It's big business - war that is - and the Banks have always called the shots - until now. Look, Trumps promised to get our troops out of these endless war and he's doing so in spite of the democ-RATS and RINO's screaming for impeachment. Cliff Kincaid, I gotta say, lines up these domino's re: Syria, Turkey, Kurds, and the CIA quite nicely.(Oct 23 2019) - The City Of London - Lucifer's Bank !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For decades I've been able to substantiate many of these claims re: "The City of London" being ground zero for all incorporated / federated banks, and how they've shrouded their ongoing enterprises of evil. Yes, "The Vatican" has secretly stashed their laundered money within "The City" as well as many of the decedents of "The Knights Templar" and not to be left out ... the "INCORPORATED - DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA". And that's a fact - Jack !!!(Oct 21 2019) - Warning Guests About Your Smart Devices ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The real issue with all this tattling technology is that you are automatically GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION !!! That's right, every new piece of hardware or appliance that you bring into your home is pre-connected to it's manufacturer visa vie satellites. And that smart phone that you're obsessively and obeisantly ogling is - by far - the worst. Yes, by-all-means, if your home is monitoring every sound and voice, then you need to "Mirandize" your guests before they enter your RAT TRAP !!!(Oct 19 2019) - Mexico Releases "Drug Cartels" Son from Jail
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm surprised that the MSM hasn't blamed releasing Mexico's "Drug Cartels Son" on President Trump. If anything can be surmised by this article from BBC News is this ... Mexico has become a "Narco-State" controlled by - wait for it - the CIA. No doubt ATF's "Fast and Furious" weapons were not all tracked or confiscated, and new ones were re-issued - per rouge agents to re-instigate more chaos - and like I said, flanking to blame President Trump.(Oct 15 2019) - Pulling Nuclear Bombs Out Of Turkey ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- THE NUKES HAVE ALREADY BEEN REMOVED !!! This was one of the first issues that President Trump took when he came to the White House. Why in the world do you think he is so silent re: this issues as the MSM blabbers it all over their mediums ??? Secondly, why would he slap hardened sanctions against Turkey if he didn't already have the upper hand ??? Lastly, half are back in Nevada, the others are constantly being moved around. That's all for now ...(Oct 13 2019) - FAKE LEADERS & DOCTRINE = FAKE GOSPEL
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- People, for the "Sake of Christ" if you're still in the Roman Catholic CULT, flee ... like there's no tomorrow. I'm tellin' you, the Vatican has continuously changed their doctrine to fit their dogma, and the latest has to do with elevating "Mary, the mother of Jesus" to a "Coredemptrix" status - making her equal in redeeming souls "with" Christ - not for Christ !!! Listen up Catholics ... GOD Loves You ... so follow HIM, and HIS WORD, and not the FAKE LEADERS & DOCTRINE !!!(Oct 13 2019) - Trump is Trying to Destroy The NWO ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the deal, for all you "Globalist Groupies" ... if you really and truly want to entice rational thinking humans into believing that your NEW WORLD ORDER will benefit mankind and be un-war-like ... then you need to drop "all" your weapons ... NOW !!! Look, the jig is up, and you're surrounded. We-the-people, and President Trump, have been triggered with the TRUTH, and unless you back off, and do it publicly with your cohorts in the MSM, all of humanity will descend upon you and your bloodline decedents like the plague. So ... (Make Your Move) ...(Oct 10 2019) - ALERT : "Chinese" COSCO Tankers Go Dark
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For sure, this is something we need to keep an eye on. President Trump had been advised that the Chinese shipping company COSCO - which had control of our southern California shipping port - was engaging in unlawful shipping. Yes ... these Chi-Coms - with a hat tip of the British MI6 - shipped in tons of drugs, specifically fentanyl, and Trump warned the Chinese about this. Secondly, was the Chinese hopes of using this port as a foothold to collect their collateral ... CALIFORNIA !!!(Oct 09 2019) - Fire Fears Trigger Historic Power Shutdown
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Lawyers - I'm tellin' you - are licking their chops right now - gearing up for multiple "Class Action Lawsuit's" if any of PG&E's "Controlled Power Outages" inflicts any damage to any person, property, business ... or worse, causes DEATH !!! And ... if the democ-RAT controlled gov't in Sacramento thinks this is okay ... well ... lawyers are lining up re: their negligence as well - as they should. And lastly, after California's "Complicit" Insurance Companies get sued, your rates will increase, if you happen to live in one of these NO POWER ZONES !!!(Oct 07 2019) - CIA's Operation Mockingbird, the MSM, and Money
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, everyone's on the take, especially the MSM !!! Through Operation Mockingbird, the "Criminals Instigating Anarchy" (CIA) bought off the MSM "Press-Ti-Tutes" years ago to control or coerce the narrative, in their favor. Now, in broad daylight, these ex-agents are used as ex-pert commentators on national TV to basically lie to your face. This, my friends, is a NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE, as President Trump did the right thing by cutting off some of their funding.(Oct 07 2019) - Now That UN Troops Have Emerged ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Lest you forget, there are too many "Just-In-Case" Executive Orders already in place - pending any crisis, catastrophe or civil war !!! Folks, these DEEP STATE agencies are dug in deep, and have the where-with-all, and all classified "Above GS-15" doc's to prevail. Part of that is using surrogate scapegoats like the U.N. to come in an assist where needed - especially if these services go down ... like the internet, the banks, or power. That's why this MILITARY ORDER was issued for OCT 19th !!!(Oct 06 2019) - DHS has a new recognition system called HART
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today is Sunday, and I'd like to attend Church. But I can't and I won't. Why ??? Because Christians - who I want to fellowship with - are lugging around cell phones which "RECORDS EVERYONE'S VOICE" re: of your knowing or approval. Yes these devilish devices are convenient, but, in the end, that convenience will convict you, your family and friends by the cloud's computer - with profiled prejudice - until you establish your innocence, and or alibi. Have a nice day ...(Oct 04 2019) - Military Receives Order on Deployment Within USA
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Every once in a while I get reports like this sent to me from those in the know. For the most part, you can't discount everything that's being reported, even though some of it might be hyped up a bit. That being said, a few more feelers were sent to ex-military analysts re: any relevance or accuracy. In any case, please do some digging yourself and e-mail us any of your findings. We'll stay alert as well. Thank's ...(Oct 02 2019) - Independent Journalists are now the Real News
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- "Independent Journalism" plus "Independent Researchers" along with "Independent Aggregates" are now the REAL NEWS !!! The old MSM - in times past - was controlled mostly by the editor of that particular publication, but today these "Press-Ti-Tutes" are controlled by corporate interests and a company of covert intel agencies. Why ??? MONEY - POWER - PRESTIGE !!! This is why "Independent Journalism" is for the people, 'cause it's produced by the people !!!(Sep 27 2019) - A SIMULATED REALITY
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This week end the Porteville Post suggests that you spend some time viewing many of these video's from a web site called "A SIMULATED REALITY". Most video's highlight what's in progress re: linking up Computers to Brain, while the others link up what the Book of Revelations says. Folks, I gotta say, this ain't no joke. These computer geeks and neurobiologists already live in a "Mental Matrix" and they want the rest of the world to see what they see and live in their FAKE REALITY !!!(Sep 26 2019) - Nunes : Dem's Wanted Nude Photos Of Trump
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yup ... you read that right, democ-RATS - looking for anything to get on Trump - solicited for nude pictures, they assumed were in someone's possession. And yet, none have been found or even photo-shopped (...yet). Folks, these out-and-out Alinsky Type Attacks by these devil-may-care democ-RATS are presented by the FAKE NEWS as plausible, duping all who read, listen or watch their broadcasts besiege the bottom line - TRUTH !!! Thank GOD, Congressman Nunes called them out on this.(Sep 23 2019) - Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Of course the luciferians are protecting "A Bloodline" until the end, and few at the top of many secret societies have an idea re: that, but it's the Romans 13 Christians - wanting to OBEY THE GOV'T - who the BIBLE warns us about. When the anti-Christ, false prophet and beast show up - with all their answers to establish world peace and NEW WORLD ORDER Gov't - it'll be these Luke-Warmers who'll turn you in ... thinking they're doing God's service ... seriousely !!!(Sep 22 2019) - Two Bad Choices, Followed by One Bad Choice
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Anna Von Reitz, as usual, lines up the lies associated with the money system run by the money masters. Second, she illuminates how "Operant Conditioning" - deployed against the people for their consent - allowed this ponsi scheme in the first place. Third, she lets those running this shell game know that the jig is up and they have no where to run or hide. And lastly, unless the masses are educated re: this centennial heist, a new digital form of currency will manifest ... (which my be the last.)(Sep 21 2019) - Biden Plunges Headlong Into “Trump Trap” ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For many of us internet investigators, Joe Biden's son - Hunter - had already been fleshed out re: using his fathers influence in Ukraine to benefit himself, his company, and of course Hillary. But, as the MSM spins it, placing this scandal on President Trump is more to their liking. However, President Trump - with a wink and a nod - can send the MSM into conniptions, confusion and chaos ... and they bite every time, as will the remaining demc-RATS campaigning against ... say-it-ain't-so ... Joe.(Sep 19 2019) - CREATE THE NEW INTERNET ... !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- YES - YES - YES !!! Please ... start creating your own personal web sites, and divest yourselves from any and all free web sites, platforms and forums. YES, you're gonna need to learn a few HTML codes and what have you, but you won't have to worry about being taking down due to political correctness. The Porterville Post knew that one day this would occur, and decided back then to never hook up to the Internet on their dime. So quit crying about losing what you really didn't own in the first place, and CREATE A REAL WEB SITE !!!(Sep 19 2019) - Vaccine Mandates for Everyone, Everywhere ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For years the "Porterville Post" has been alerting it's readers to the increasing illnesses, injuries and deaths re: VACCINES, and how it's driven by the agenda of the NEW WORLD ORDER !!! And now we read that more and more countries are making it mandatory, regardless of any ill outcome, or worse, contrived OUTBREAK !!! Folks, I gotta say, unless you and yours start setting up some kind of physical barriers around your neighborhoods, these NWO Nut-Jobs will weaponize "Wellness Checks" and either shoot you with all sorts of vaccines - after they cave in your front door - or just shoot you. Yeah ... you know their planning this.(Sep 18 2019) - 90% of Plastic Waste Comes from ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hey MSM !!! You want to save the planet from global garbage by banning the use of plastics ... then tell the truth re: who is really pumping out the most plastics into the oceans - Africa and Asia !!! 90%, this article states, that these two continents alone are the biggest polluters, and have no political will or economic answer to arrest this crisis. But, if the MSM has any say-so, they'd just as soon impose "Garbage Guilt" on the general public in America, specifically anglos, because we are consumers - albiet - useless eaters.(Sep 17 2019) - Did Omar endorse assassination of Netanyahu ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes the title is somewhat of a stretch, but words aside, many - if not most - Muslims agree with these measured motives by Muslim con-woman Ilhan Omar, secretly signaling an assassination on Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Past innuendos and overt inculcations from many Muslim leaders have gone even further, declaring that the state of Israel must be driven into the sea or be annihilated all together. And yet the MSM - siding in with this Islamic ingrate - rewards her anti-semitic and anti-American rhetoric, albeit threats, by increasing her TV time while reducing Republicans responses exponentially.(Sep 16 2019) - Pope Invites Leaders To Sign ‘Global Pact’
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Listen up "Protestants" !!! This Jesuit Pope, from the Nation State called "The Vatican", wants you and your country to sign a "Global Pact" re: his desire for a NEW HUMANISM !?!?! Not GOD's ... his !!! Now, if you can read between the lines, what this means is this. Individualism is Out - Collectivism is In. That's always been the case for these satanic shysters. And, since this "False Prophet" can't stay on script re: "The Scriptures" he must be rebuffed and rebuked at every turn, at every page and every link, until this "Catholic Cult" is corrected or evicted !!!(Sep 14 2019) - Mind-Reading AI could mean the end of Humanity
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As much as the ignorant public wants to believe that man-made "Artificial Intelligence" will one day read everyone's minds, well that won't happen for eons. However, measuring their "Garbage In" to your Garbage Out" is a different equation all together. Second, is creating a desire, or want for some idea or thing. In this manner, your desire for their plan or programming can be predicted, adding additional peer pressure, and shazam, the people become powerless, pointless, penniless & profitless !!!(Sep 11 2019) - Trump Signs New Executive Order ... !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hey ... all you Muslims who have businesses here in America, California, and especially in Porterville, you better make sure that all that money that you're wiring back home to your relatives and their friends aren't connected in any way, shape or form, to any anti-America terrorist wannabes, or according to President Trump's lastest Executive Order, your bank accounts could get frozen and properties / business confiscated. It's a 9/11 thing. I'm sure you wouldn't understand.(Sep 10 2019) - STUDY : Genes Don’t Determine Homosexuality
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Scientific evidence rebuking "Born This Way" rants by radical homosexuals, forget about it. The law - especially in California - is on their side, and these REPROBATES still ain't happy !!! Folks, it's a spiritual battle, not a genetic one, and they - accompanied by the MSM - would rather believe a lie than accept GOD'S truth. For sure there's a way out of this FAKE LIFE or FAKE GENDER, and it starts by Believing The Bible !!!(Sep 08 2019) - Silicon Valley’s final frontier for mobile payments
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yup, this topic ought to be front and center in every "Christian" church in America, and, coming out of every preachers mouth every time he/she mounts a podium to speak. Just like Paul Revere's warnings ... "The British are Coming - The British are Coming" every Christian should be sounding the alarm !!! "The Mark of the Beast is Coming - The Mark of the Beast is Coming" !!! But they won't !!! Why ??? Because many, if not most, have already succumbed to satan's song of synthetic security and controlled convenience. Enough said ...(Sep 08 2019) - United States Illegal Alien Crime Report
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's what democ-RATS who continuously campaign for OPEN BORDERS are equally guilty of ... MURDER, RAPE, ASSAULT, DUI, and much, much more. For sure, you need to BOOKMARK this web site called United States Illegal Alien Crime Report and show it to your family and friends - especially those Christians who are still in the ABORTION party. Folks, I'm tellin' you, you have to be demon-controlled, or possessed, to even consider these views and opinions, let alone associate with those who advocate this evil. Look, it's Sunday, and I hope y'all caught wind of "What the SPIRIT is saying" unto the Churches today. It's in Revelations.(Sep 05 2019) - Sanders supports global eugenics & depopulation
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- You see ... when they say it, it's not offensive, immoral or illegal. Liberals who encourage any type of eugenics issue or program ... honestly need JESUS CHRIST !!! Their eyes and ears are shut off and cannot respond reasonably or rational. These "REPROBATES" - if you will - have a seared conscious and fight against any info which runs contrary to the FAKE NEWS, or FAKE FEELINGS !!! As for "Sanders the Socialist" ... he's satans tool for sure, and the DNC needs this "Marxist Mutant" out there to make ole' blood-eye Biden look good.(Sep 05 2019) - FAKEBOOK Fails to Protect Phone #'s
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a question most people should answer NO. And that is ... would you keep going back to a bad mechanic, who says he can fix your car, but doesn't ??? Of course not !!! Then why in the name of GOD do you keep going back to FAKEBOOK, especially when they have a horrible track record of fixing security issues - let alone announcing any fault. Folks, come on. You're enabling these bad mechanics by staying on-board and they're laughing all the way to the bank - selling you out !!!(Sep 03 2019) - Scariest Thing You'll Read All Day !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Reading the mind or feeding the mind ??? That's the end-all to all end-all questions !!! Folks, the payoff for all this technology to hook up all the half-wits and half-brains to someartificial{FAKE} intelligence is two fold - one that benefits the manipulators and one that benefits the masses. For the manipulators it's control. For the masses it's comfort. And for cerebrals who will oppose this Manchurian maleficence ... it's calamity, captivity, and carnage. That's why you need JESUS !!!(Sep 02 2019) - Are American Voters Helpless ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This article make plain how many Americans are simply oblivious to the incremental inculcation of Islam's ideology into our way of life, freedoms and especially our Christian culture and heritage. Secondly, this article make plain how Americans are blindly following the blind re: their elected leaders and representatives. And lastly, it makes plain how their resources out-weigh and out-gun anything we can muster at any time, or any place ... unless GOD intervenes.(Sep 01 2019) - Behind the Scenes Briefing with Celeste
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So ... what are the powers that be looking for - since all of 1st world countries already know where everything is located (especially people) - the DNA of "Real Christians" !!! Satan knows his time is getting short, so his final (borderline personality disorder) plan is to find real Christians whose DNA and Frequencies have been changed and to either undo or alter their "New Creature in Christ Jesus" connections, so they can no longer hear GOD's Voice, or worse yet, turn them against GOD. Yeah ... this WATCHMAN has read GOD's WORD, and, in the end, WE WIN !!!(Sep 01 2019) - Bridles, Bullets and Bayonets ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, I'm back in the saddle again after a little vacation and ready to load up the Post with "The Right News at The Right Time". I gotta say, after a 5 state drive through of America's unused land areas & agriculture, we have more than enough space to grow food, if we can get the water where it needs to be. Second, once back in California, that AGENDA 21 cloud (and chemtrails) - which hover over the state daily - manifested first at the border, and then on the radio. But I'm back. So take a breath, stay on your knees, and hang on to your bridles, bullets & bayonets.(Aug 25 2019) - Christians in America Now Against Zionists ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, I've said this for years, if the powers that be obtained power by pedigree {Bloodlines} and another bloodline or secret society protecting "A Bloodline" challenged that bloodline - like the Vatican did with Knights Templars - blood will be shed ... as it always has from the beginning, until that "Man of Sin" is revealed. Folks, there are good Jews like (Jesus Christ) and there are bad Jews like (Anti-Christ). As simple as that example is, Christians are still in the dark re: this truth. Not all Jews are good Jews !!! Not all Christians are good Christians ... just ignorant. Please read your BIBLE !!!(Aug 24 2019) - List of Military Bases in California
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Knowing where all your Military bases are located in California, for the most part, wasn't really on many folks "Need To Know" radar ... 'cuz most are too busy trying to make a living. Well, now you need to know. Why ? Because for one thing, if America's enemies attack any land base, they'll hit the coastal ramparts first. And, if you live nearby one of these bases, you'll see extra troop movements, redying for deployment or even worse ... defense. In either case all of America needs to know. So be vigilant, report and record what you see, keep your supply lines clear, and your powder dry. Got it ??? Good ...(Aug 22 2019) - The Crown’s Alphabet Thought Police
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Understanding "Intent" re: languages, communications and symbolism is the key to discover an adversaries direction or misdirection. Conversely, when the people conjoined paradigms mirrors answers from questions arising from both arenas, then "The Powers That Be" get scared - really scared !!! That's when FALSE FLAGS start erupting from manifold locations, and countries. Dean Henderson's article from "Left Hook" is one of those arenas in which I concur, and so should you !!!(Aug 21 2019) - Secretive warfare training being staged ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Oh sure ... let a few Military looking guys roam around your town playing shoot-em-up games, and someone's gonna shoot back !!! Look, if this "Training" is the military's way of "Trial-Ballooning" terrorist wanna-bees out of their lairs and into the open, it's extremely wrong headed. Here's my take on this. Their "In-Your-Face" and "In-Your-Town" training desensitizes civilians into capitulation, then into control, and if needed, capture. Secondly, it fleshes out who the resistant leaders are, where they live, and how quick they assemble their groups and troops.(Aug 21 2019) - Cardinal Pell loses Appeal & Could get Epsteined
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Please - for Heaven's Sakes - COME OUT from among them. For too many years - albeit centuries - the Catholic Cult has apostatized on so many doctrines, it must be viewed more as political than religious. It's geography is political. It's ecumenical outreach is political. It's "In-House-Laws" are political, and it's banking practices are political. So, Cardinal Pell, "one" of the Vatican's highest pedophile priest's stays in prison for now, and - like POPE JOHN PAUL I - could get an early and unexpected Epstein release, if he rats-out Ratzinger and more rodents.(Aug 18 2019) - Media & Film Industry Promote Satan Worshipers
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- "Oh my ... these satanists say they have religious rights" - whimpered Christians in Church. Additionally - now that your eyes are opened wide shut - these anti-Christian anarchists, also want you gone, and if practical ... DEAD !!! As bad, you laodiceans and luciferians have been riding in the same "Prosperity Bus" for years, and now you want to split the difference ??? Brother, your church got secularized by secret society freemasons years ago, and your offspring ignorantly worships satan. Listen, quit drinking that politically correct cool aid, start reading the BIBLE, and get out while you can.(Aug 17 2019) - RULERS OF EVIL by Tupper Saussy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is religious history your preference - in particular the Roman Catholic Cult - then I highly suggest that you spend some time this week end reading Tuppers Saussy's book called RULERS OF EVIL. It's filled with many lost facts and stories concerning the Catholic Churches evil endeavors to control America. At first you'll be amazed and by the end you'll be angry. Folks, from the very beginning, two corporate states have conspired to rule over the America - Britain and the Vatican !!!(Aug 15 2019) - Epstein's body claimed by unidentified 'associate'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And the cover-up continues. Some unidentified "associate" came by to claim the alleged remains of Jeffrey Epstein, NBC minimally reported Aug 14th. No doubt it's got to be connected to the same yahoo's who switched out the real body from Manhatten jail cell on the 10th. Yeah, something weird is goin' on, and all this cloak and dagger stuff presents more like a BLACK-OPS charade then a normal suicide or homicide. Just saying ...(Aug 14 2019) - Quake damage estimate tops $5B at China Lake
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Not mentioned in this article is all the damage that was done to their cross-country connected "Deep Underground Military Bases" ... D.U.M.B.S. !!! Yes, Edwards Air Force Base and Area 51's connected underground high-speed rails to China Lake sustained damaged as well, but China Lake - most investigators surmise - was the target !!! Secondly, there's speculation re: China Lake being a FALSE FLAG Operation by the DEEP STATE, who hijacked Russian satellites, to attack the Weapons Base. And, since that didn't trigger Trump, the DEEP STATE aimed Russia's hijacked satellites - again - at Russia's nuclear missile(s) this time, trying to start a war !!!(Aug 13 2019) - Who Inflicts the Most Gun Violence in America ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I gotta share some experience re: this article concerning GUN VIOLENCE IN AMERICA. Look, I've worked with & around police on the streets & in CDCR for years, and this article points to an issue that must be addressed. American's are increasingly arming themselves because too many "Protect & Serve" agencies are becoming increasingly armed, and showing up for work half cocked. And the solution, well, it can be resolved, if TPTB want it solved ... but they don't !!!(Aug 12 2019) - Jeffery Epstein : A National Security Nightmare
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... let's get to the nitty-gritty - shall we ??? Look, this honey-pot huckster had way too many countries all tied up, 'cause they couldn't pay-up ... an agents wet-dream, if you will (pun intended). Secondly, bounty was on his head from all ports {Dead or Alive}, and that's why he needed a private island, which was incorporated with all of the DEEP STATE Operations ... AKA - Ponzi Fronts !!! And lastly, looks like a few prison officials look a bit thicker ... would't you say ???(Aug 10 2019) - Jeffrey Epstein Dead In Apparent Suicide
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now that this blackmailing pervert has taken the easy way out - to reach room temperature - a few questions remain. Will the democ-RATS blame President Trump for Epstein being suicided, or will this just be another cold case attributed to the Clinton's ??? And - since many agencies employed Epstein's escapades - will they walk ... {'cuz dead men can't talk} ... or will they threaten Trump with a FALSE FLAG if he comes after them ??? As for the prison officials and guards ... better check their bank accounts !!! {Interesting Up-Date ...}(Aug 09 2019) - Ring "Doorbell" teaching Cops how to WHAT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- From what I can tell, BIG BROTHER has a BIG FAMILY ... all you techno-tards who have bought into privately hooking up all your private info and personal properties. Truth be told, any agency can tap into all this fine security software anytime they want, and like I said, you paid for it all. Surveillance is now on steroids, and even those of us law abiding individuals - who have nothing to hide - are getting sucked up into your stupid security fears. (Seriously folks ...)(Aug 07 2019) - Census Bureau hiring Non-Citizens for Census ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks, that's kinda what's gonna happen if "Real Citizens" stay silent. Somehow, according to US News & World Report, the census bureau found some loop-holes re: hiring non-citizens for the 2020 census, saying that this would help them get a better count. Sure it will ... I mean, what could possibly go wrong ??? And ... if these illegal hirelings fudge on the count, will they be prosecuted, and or be denied citizenship in the future ??? My guess is they might receive a civil citation award for their work and maybe automatic citizenship.(Aug 07 2019) - A Study of Mass Shootings Since 1966
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What's missing from this study is Hollyweird's influencing role in inculcating violence. Second indicator missing - since this study highlights that the top possibility for stoking mass shootings are the views of your political opponent - namely, the MSM !!! BTW, these two areas influence a lot of what the public is driven to do, say or buy. So, when the MSM starts broadcasting this reseach list as definative, brother beware !!!(Aug 06 2019) - Bio-Weapons Lab Shut Down ... INDEFINITELY !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks, this bio-weapons lab in Fort Deitrick Maryland was shut down by CDC, INDEFINITELY !!! I'm tellin' you, either someone was leaking to the press that possibly an agent had leaked, or the DEEP STATE had a "Patsy-In-Waiting" to blame, once the bio-logical was weaponized. Listen, President Trump was briefed months ago re: this possibility and had the CDC step in to corral this coup. If he hadn't, LORD knows who would be left to STAND after the fallout ???(Aug 04 2019) - WEATHER MODIFICATION HISTORY
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well, here you weekend warriors go - another great web site listing and linking anything and just about everything connected to Weather Modification, Geo-Engineering and more. Folks, there's no denying any of this. The NEW WORLD ORDER elite and Luciferian lunatics are Hell-Bent on eliminating humanity to save the world for themselves, even if it means polluting the air or destroying our food producing planet. {Plus}(Aug 04 2019) - Hollywood Blames Trump for El Paso Shooting ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- How in the name of facts can anyone in Hollyweird say that President Trump is responsible for these mass shootings ??? Did President Trump secretly green-light DEEP STATE provocateurs to conduct this attack ??? NO !!! Did President Trump write some secret manuscript triggering this evil event ??? NO !!! And finally, did President Trump appear in any "Action Packed Shoot-Em-Up" movie, modeling massacres ??? NO !!! Hollyweird - if anyone - is to blame !!! Period - Paragraph !!!(Aug 03 2019) - Leftists Change Shooter's MyLife Page ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Wow ... this article says that the Texas Walmart shooter's "MyLife" page had been changed several times just after he (up-date) went on a murdering rampage, to reflect that he was no longer a democ-RAT, but, is now a registered Republican ??? Several "screen captures" point this out (You gotta see these -- img / img / img). My guess is others had his user ID and Passwords to administer this site, and quite possibly, his handlers. CONCLUSION : GUN CONTROL = PEOPLE CONTROL !!!(Aug 03 2019) - The Real democ-RAT Party Image !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like this is the real democ-RAT Party image. Folks, these elected employees - {that's right, they're our employees and not the other way around} - have infested inner cities, like a pack of rats, diseasing all that they come in contact with. Their make-shift agenda always benefits their positions of power and rarely for "We The People" !!! If you're fortunate, they might let you have a few of their diseased droppings - if we're fortunate.
(Aug 03 2019) - Local Muslims Target Porterville Post Editor !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday I was informed that local muslims in Porterville and the surrounding area have a nick-name for me because I confront them re: their "Religion of Hate and Death" often. World wide, I gotta tell you, this religion has persecuted and killed more Christians in recent times than any other religion on the planet. So, as a Christian apologist and religious researcher, I'm gonna do my due diligence and if "I See Something - I'm Gonna Say Something" !!! As for Porterville's local muslim community and mosque, listen up ... "Real Americans Acclimate" !!!(Jul 31 2019) - How Real Mind Control Works ... !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Masses, for the most part, enjoy their ignorance & fear going against the flow. This is the key element in MIND CONTROL !!! Folks, incrementally you are being beat down & bomb-barded with so much FAKE NEWS, on a minute by minute basis', it's any wonder that anyone can escape, unless you break free with the help of GOD & accept JESUS as Saviour & Lord. Folks, the odds aren't in your favor once DARPA "Neuralinks" with those new "5G Frequencies" ... or when the PENTAGON targets you with their new "Laser Weapon" ... You Will OBEY !!!(Jul 29 2019) - Report: Mass Attacks in Public Spaces 2018
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- On July 10th 2019, the U.S. Secret Service released a report re: "Mass Attacks in Public Spaces" which drilled down the possible indicators of someone who might go on a shooting spree. What cannot be found in this report is a better solution to halt an actual attack in progress - someone who is also armed and ready to defend themselves and or others. Folks, many of these "Mass Attacks" are done where the masses are disarmed !!! Democ-RATS, as most know, have set the stage for these attacks by continuously attacking the Second Amendment !!!(Jul 28 2019) - Reality Check on the Days of Noah
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For years I have followed Celeste Bishop Solum's writings at www.SheperdsHeart.life and have considered her advise many times, especially when she - as an established researcher and professional prepper - alerts her readers to the signs of the times. Christians listen up, you just gotta GET READY for any end-time eventuality, especially if it's in GOD's Word - The BIBLE !!! Secondly - like Noah - you can't let everyone in, or all will perish !!! So ... PAY ATTENTION or PAY DEARLY !!!(Jul 28 2019) - “HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE MIND” ... !?!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is this the Final Frontier - MIND CONTROL ??? To many neuro-scientists, it's just the beginning. And ... if they continue to have their way - and funding - these mad scientists will Mind-Melt humans into whatever thing or object that suits their fancy. Not forgetting any of those TOP SECRET OCCULT SCIENTISTS, they're plans are to actually use human minds to neuro-link past their meat-heads and into the Mind of GOD ... hoping - now get this - to gain access and control HIM !!!(Jul 26 2019) - 16 Dishonorable Marines Arrested ... FOR WHAT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This ain't good - not at all !!! Folks, this story re: 16 Marines getting caught smuggling illegals into the U.S. has serious scenarios and clandestine "COUP" like conspiracy connections - BIG TIME !!! Even their own "Special Operations" Twitter page revealed that many heads were rolled and removed because of this. Others have reported that ISIS trained snipers were the ones who were smuggled into the U.S. with orders to "Off The Orange Man". For now, that's more than enough to keep us on our knees, asking GOD to protect President Trump.(Jul 23 2019) - By 2025 half the kids born will be Autistic ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks, THIS AIN'T NO JOKE !!! Autism is off the charts and it ain't slowing down one bit. As far as I am concerned, all vaccines need to be stopped, until unadulterated scientific research (not BIG-PHARMA scientists) is conducted and verified. For some families, they were forced to vaccinate their children, (just to get them into school) hoping that their kids wouldn't be damaged or die. And, for those who make it through without any obvious side effects, LORD knows what they're gonna pass on to their kids - if they can even have any kids ??? (Veterinarian Testifies)(Jul 22 2019) - BEST CHURCH IN SACRAMENTO - VERITY BAPTIST
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This weekend I traveled to Sacramento to visit my son, daughter-in-law & grandchildren, and had a great time at their new Church, VERITY BAPTIST - which (BTW) sponsored a 4-day event called "Red Hot Preaching Conference". On the first day I came in with my "Berean Bifocals" and by Sunday I was all in. Why ? Because they preach the Gospel like the 1st century Christians - AND - go out "Soul Winning" on Saturdays !!!(Jul 19 2019) - Democrats Hate America and Americans
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, it's really that bad. Todays democ-RATS - no longer subterranean socialists - are more than anti-American ... their anti-anything which threatens their elections and agendas. Lying, to them, is just another means to and end. In their dysfunctional minds, TRUTH - in any form - is krytonite and must be contained, fearing that the internets "Real Justice League Super Heroes", will DOX all their info and locations, just before Real Justice is served.(Jul 14 2019) - OPUS 167 Mossad Epstein Connection ... and More
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Steve Pieczenik, in has latest VIDEO, unmasks the whole pedophilia problem, and how this perversion is used world-wide as a controlling mechanism by many intel agencies - especially within the MOSSAD and CIA. His in-your-face analysis is right on, since - at one time - he was one of them and knows exactly how these DEEP STATE Operations work. Secondly, he states the President Trump knew, way-back-then, that Epstein's Evil Island was "Off-Limits" for all law enforcement investigations, surveillance, or subpoenas ... until now !!!(Jul 13 2019) - Jeffrey Epstein and Mad Scientists !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's another GREAT VIDEO from "The Amazing Polly". In this 48:19 minute video, you're gonna get a lot of hard facts and quotes re: Jeffery Epstein and many of his academic connections. Additionally, you're gonna get another insight into of many of America's clandestine operations in which money influenced many DEEP STATE projects and so on. And lastly, you're gonna see and hear more of the OCCULT SIDE which took over {back-in-the-day} but are now being revealed !!!(Jul 12 2019) - OVER 10,000 EARTHQUAKES RECORDED !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yep ... that's right. "OVER" 10,000 Earthquakes have been recorded on this USGS Earthquak Map, since July 4th. Never in California's history have there been this many earthquakes recorded by the USGS - EVER !!! As of 07:11 - PDT - 11,462 are already in the books, as California did reach past 10,000, Thursday morning July 11th. Folks, "THE BIG ONE" could still be triggered by all these aftershocks, or maybe not. But in any case, now's a great time to Get right with GOD !!!(Jul 10 2019) - Reportedly Epstein "Belonged To Intelligence" ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's an angle we need to consider - Epstein was being used by "Black-Ops Intel" to "Blackmail" opponents. Yes, in the "SPY vs SPY" world, SEX cinches the deal. It's a game played all the time, and if Epstein's lawyers try to use this as a defense (and they will behind the scenes), then those intel agents are gonna get unmasked or get deep 6'ed !!! Folks, A.G. William Barr already knows all this, and has stepped aside to ensure an honest investigation, indictment and incarceration - of all these bad actors and bad agents !!!(Jul 07 2019) - Russia Hints Earthquake Weapon “Active” ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- How 'bout we connect a few suspicious dots - shall we ??? First, a Russian "Secret Sub" almost eats it. Next, Nuclear war is then threatened by both U.S. & Russia. Third, our "FIRST STRIKE ARSENAL" at China Lake is taken out by a few EARTH QUAKES. Fourth, USGS officials thought it was unusual for a 6.1 to increase to a 7.1, and then have thousands of aftershocks. And the last dot, the DEEP STATE and FAKE NEWS - who are pushing for a war with Russia - are suspiciously silent re: these connections !!! And so IT BEGINS !!!(Jul 06 2019) - Petition to add "Citizenship Question" on Census
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here you go ... a new petition posted on the White House web page re: adding the "Citizenship Question" to the 2020 census. Now, this petiton was created today (July 6th) and it needs at least 100,000 signatures before the White House takes a gander at it. So ... please add this petition to your links, blogs, and social media pages this week end so we can knock it out of the park. Thank you ...(Jul 04 2019) - VIDEO : The Truth About FAKEBOOK
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is today your Independence Day from FAKEBOOK and every other social media platform which is conjoined to every other intel agency ??? Well, it should be. After watching this video - and do it quickly before youtube deletes it - you need to get all your info off while you still can. Folks, the Porterville Post has known from day-one that these "Free" social media platforms were gonna cost you more than you can afford ... namely your FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE !!!(Jul 04 2019) - Still-Born Christians by Coach Dave Daubenmire
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Coach Dave, as far as I'm concerned, called this play correctly. Most Christians struggle with those verses in The BIBLE which call sin as sin. They want to believe the goodie-goodie Gospel, but not the Gospel which stresses denying one's selfish wants and desires. In the end, REAL CHRISTIANS are gonna have to come out from among them, and declare their REAL INDEPENDENCE ... from fake religion !!!(Jun 30 2019) - Dem's influenced more by TV & Film ... than ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Long before this survey re: how the media - especially hollywierd - influences the masses, corporate advertisers were convinced first ... or ... they would not have shelled out millions for commercials. In the 50's and 60's the argument against censorship was, that hollyweird only produced what was reflected from society scum. {Sure ...} Then, when Operation Mockingbird consultants "took liberties" behind the scenes {pun intended}, hollyweird and the MSM lost all integrity and eventually became FAKE ... like most democ-RATS holding office.(Jun 29 2019) - Blood Sacrifice, Then and Now
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Incrementally, corruption captures mans hearts until evil becomes good and good becomes evil. It's been that way from the beginning, especially with BLOOD and CHILD SACRIFICE !!! And today "The Beat Goes On" with this luciferian lunacy, secretly, by the elite, to blackmail anyone who thinks they have a chance at the top. The apostle John noted Jesus' words to the FAKE JEWS re: this issue, but to no avail. And then, they crucified HIM for blasphemy - telling the truth about their lies and who HE was.(Jun 26 2019) - BEST SCIENCE - REAL Purpose of Chemtrails
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Some time back I came across this scientific VIDEO from The HAARP Report - which explains one possibility as to why CHEM-TRAILS are continuously sprayed all over the world, and why the upper jet stream is all jacked up !!! Yes, I said "one possibility", as I am also aware that these CHEM-TRAILS also leave trace elements which cling to investigating or invading UFO's. That's right ... UFO's !!! This is how they track them, isolate them, and sometimes capture them. For now, that's all I'm saying.(Jun 24 2019) - George Clooney may run for President ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, well, well. Looks like the "Snakes of Wrath" are colluding with Clooney in Italy to possibly run for president, this article asserts. Folks, "Back-door-Barry" - a CIA high-bread - has been globe trotting behind President Trump, attempting to collaborate - again - with his "We Hate America" allies, and to clean up his treasonous trysts. Remember, Italy's PM fired his "Top Intel Agents" who conspired with obama against Trump. More on this soon ...(Jun 23 2019) - Collaboration - EARTH/EX BLACK SKY
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- On Aug 21st 2019, the 3rd annual "Testing" of our nations electrical grid against any type of an EMP activity or event will commence. It's called EARTH/EX, and - in my thoughts - the predictive analytics of this practice are extremely similar to what's recorded in the BIBLE - as the author exhaustively notes. Secondly, and just as important, is the hidden FALSE FLAG re: a (Black Sky / Black Out). Chaos would ensue. Martial Law would kick in, and elections would be on hold ... maybe indefinitely.(Jun 22 2019) - Earth Is Being Terraformed for Depopulating ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Over the years, the "Powers That Be" have concocted multiple plans re: depopulation, from endless wars, to forced vaccinations - which sterilize, homosexuality - which cannot reproduce and other political correct capers and exploits ... not to mention "Killer Chemtrails". Folks, the end game is to end your presence on "Their Planet" !!! You and yours - in their evil eyes and hellish hearts - are useless eaters and are trespassers on their property. That's their plan. What's yours ???(Jun 19 2019) - FAKEBOOK Creating FAKE MONEY ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Insiders know that if they cannot con you into another FAKE CURRENCY, then they'll force it upon you with another FAKE CRASH !!! Listen up folks, Mark {of the Beast} Zuckerberg got his initial start up money from many alphabet soup agencies, and they've continued growing with targeted third party ads, directed at you - the consumer - because you gave them permission. And lastly, they also know that President Trump is gonna take back the "FAKE FED" soon, and possibly canceling it out with (debt forgiveness) ... in his second term.(Jun 16 2019) - DARPA Conceived Facebook for Mind Control ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- FAKEBOOK, as I have always called it, could not - I repeat - could not have gotten so big and so connected so fast without the help of multiple DEEP STATE agencies. Millions world wide have surrendered to it's FAKE assumptions re: this free social media platform, along with countless others. Folks, listen up. Unless you cut your strings to all these social media sitcoms and matrix, you and all your "FAKEBOOK FRIENDS" may never escape ... without the help of GOD !!!(Jun 14 2019) - Getting Closer to "Smart Dust" Brain Implants
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Geo-engineeringly speaking, the planet has already been dusted with a centillion nano-particles from above ... and ... all that's left to do is fire-up that secret nano-technology, and humanity is a goner !!! No more privacy. No more independence, and no more thoughts. Folks, corporations - colluding with "The Company" - have put millions, if not billions into this "Mind-Control" collective, and believe-you-me, they ain't turnin' back ... unless GOD intervenes !!(Jun 12 2019) - What Comes After Trump – World War III ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Percentage wise, this article wrangles close to 80% re: what could happen once President Trump leaves office after a 2nd term. 2025 is 5 1/2 years away and several important factors - the remaining 20% - oughta be considered. First, V.P. Pence could become number 46 - extending Trump's accomplishments. Second, more western countries could become nationalistic, again, for the right reasons. And lastly, REVIVAL could break out in America - one more time - driving a stake in the DEEP STATE, and NEW WORLD ORDER !!! But only if Christians BECOME ONE, like Jesus prayed.(Jun 11 2019) - ‘Gay Mafia’ Is Blocking Vatican Reforms ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Since Sodom and Gomorrah, homosexuals have infiltrated many arenas for nefarious purposes and no doubt to block or blackmail the opposition, and secondly for their own perverted pleasures. This is what happened {past-tense} to the Vatican and is now coming to light. As unbelievable as that sounds, whistle-blowers who have been victims of this abuse - and are still alive - are coming forward in droves. However ... this abuse is world-wide and has hooks into powerful players, politicians, priests, and yes ... Popes.(Jun 07 2019) - Gov't Files About “Remote Mind Control”
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... looks like it time to rehash an old idea that "Mind Control" research and development has been going on for a long while now. In this April 20th 2018 report from "Vigilant Citizen" the writer reveals actual gov't files which were retrieved through a FOIA application. In these few doc's it's surmised that these theories {now facts} have been tested, performed, and - no doubt - expanded, to include frequencies closely associated with humans ... for "Remote Mind Control".(Jun 06 2019) - FAKEBOOK On Trial in Poland for Censorship
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Consider this. FAKEBOOK, and all the other social media platforms, have only one thing to consider, and that's MONEY !!! Your issues re: "Freedom of Speech" is at best somewhere in their top ten categories of concern. It's not a top priority !!! Secondly, much of that funding is connected to surveillance agencies and their main-frames, so any court case outside of America will be moot. Even a 50 State "Class Action" law suit will come up short ... 'cause they're all connected to the "Internet of Things" and no one wants to up-root that monstrosity.(Jun 05 2019) - 52 Shot and 8 Fatal - It’s Chaos in ... CHICAGO
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Chicago, a so-called gun free zone, has continuously demonstrated it's ignorance re: the need for self-defense or 2nd Amendment. The policing authorities - for the most part - are a make-shift mop-up crew & can't get a handle on this DEMOCRAT DEATH ZONE !!! They don't have the man-power to protect the public or political will to make changes to this end. And the MSM, forget-about-it. They were DOA years ago. Phil Donahue, who wanted to expose this charade, was silenced into early retirement. And Oprah, as everyone knows, she was bought off.(Jun 04 2019) - A media-wide UFO disclosure is a big sign ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Alrighty ... for Christians who have been looking skywards - "For Your Redemption Draweth Nigh" - other out-of-this-world (AKA-UFO's) antics are kinda juxtaposing interference - no doubt - with some assistance, enabling a FAKE END-TIME ENCOUNTER !!! Folks, for years I've been monitoring these satanic shenanigans and as we come closer to the "Second Coming of Jesus Christ" more of these Machiavellian manipulations and maneuvers will manifest. And secondly, these radicals will need a rational reason for the Rapture - (Aliens Abducted Us)(Jun 02 2019) - Trump Goes To War with Big Tech ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm tellin' you ... there's no gettin' around this. Either Big Tech is gonna defend everyone's rights to free speech or they're gonna come under continuous investigations from every gov't agency imaginable and class action lawsuits from every person who's been discriminated against - mostly Christians and Conservatives. These Silicon Valley CEO's - in the end - will loose these court cases and many might end up in jail, unless they beat-feet to a off-shore safe zone - which is actually taking place as we speak.(May 31 2019) - Users ‘have no expectation of privacy’
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And this is FAKEBOOKS defense ... "No One Has Privacy" ... and that's why they can't be sued. Give me a break !!! Folks, that's about the only truthful thing that was said in this district court. Listen, all these "Free" social media platforms didn't make a ton of money giving away the farm to farm-hands. They sold everything you put out there to "3rd Party" advertisers and investors, using slide-of-hand lingo in their terms and service agreements - making you a willing accomplice, and in some cases, a paid employee. That's their next argument ...(May 29 2019) - Google Tracks (ALL) Your Shopping History
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Google, my friends, ain't the only one collecting & tracking of all your purchases. This end-time economic entrapment has fiends from big businesses to big brother, spanning the planet, and if money's involved - and it is - your purchase history will end up in a deeper data dump, hidden from your prying eyes & litigious likings. And, if you can find a way of deleting your purchase history, that'll also be tucked away - for their protection, not yours. NOTHING GETS DELETED - NOTHING !!!(May 28 2019) - Free Speech in the Crosshairs !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Honestly, what's in "The Cross-Hairs" of this "Commie-Control" of free speech ... CHRISTIANITY !!! It's not so much that these islamic ingrates and irrational idiots are offended by what's said, they're offended by The Truth emanating from The BIBLE - the King James Bible, to be exact !!! They - along with the MSM - have conjured continuous criticism on our Christian culture and values, killing free speech - in the end - for everyone !!!(May 27 2019) - Why Prime Minister Theresa May Resigned ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Both "Corporate Kingdoms" - the Vatican and the Crown - are in "Cross-Hairs" of truth, due to "Cross-Fire Hurricane" lies & spies. Both wanted anyone else but Donald Trump to become president & both used their secret assets & agents to deploy this "Act of War". Folks, soon President Trump will declassify doc's which will exhume many more lies & spies buried by bureaucracies from both side of the pond. I'm tellin' you, just because a leader resigns - like Theresa May - doesn't mean they won't serve time. APOLOGIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED !!!(May 24 2019) - California Votes to house inmates by ... WHAT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm sorry, but this is pure dee-ole' ignorance gone to seed. Listen up folks, I use to work in CDCR and let me tell you, they already have "Sensitive Needs Yards" for these (re)tards. And secondly, these "Push-Me-Pull-U's" ain't never gonna be happy, with or without external operandi, or medically inducing their gender confusion. Now, I'm sure a few may view this new bill as helpful, but come on people, this is prison were talking about - not a country club !!!(May 23 2019) - FAKEBOOK : Removed 3B FAKE ACCOUNTS ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Looks like FAKEBOOK is still getting "FAKED-OUT" !!! They report that 3 Billion accounts have been flushed from Oct to Mar, and more ex-sponging is expected. My guess is, they used FAKE NUMBERS from these FAKE ACCOUNTS in the past to sell more advertising to idiot investors. Secondly, FAKEBOOK, to save it's loosing advertisements, are now allowing "Muslim Money" to sharia-fy what's "Hate Speech". Folks, all these "Free" social media platforms are 666 Surveillance Schemes trending towards total thought control, total consumer control, and total country control !!! WAKE UP !!!(May 23 2019) - Lawmakers to re-doing vaccine injury law ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Sadly, this extremely important info re: 4 new bills from Minnesota - attempting to rectify the 1986 Vaccine Injury law, which shifted the compensation over to the "Tax Payer" - is getting little to no tracking in the MSM !!! Why ??? Because much of their advertisement revenue come from BIG PHARMA and BIG VACCINE !!! In a sense, the MSM (Press-ti-tutes) are paid off, and in most folks minds are just as liable - maybe more.(May 20 2019) - The Plot Thickens by Anna Von Reitz
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Again, and again, Anna Von Reitz has shown herself to be an outstanding investigator / researcher re: the endless and layered charades which the luciferian elitists have employed to enslave all of humanity. For sure this is one web page you just need to "Bookmark" and come back to time and time again. In some areas this info reads like a whack-a-mole game, but in other offerings - like Anna Von Reitz - she's quite clear in her writings concerning who's who and what's what. So, those of us in the know, need the rest of y'all to play catch up - and I Mean PRONTO !!!(May 20 2019) - Shooting at mosque parking lot leaves one dead
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I wonder how the MSM will spin this little GUN FIGHT in a mosque parking lot between two gun-totten' Muslims ??? As important to ask, who else in this Florida mosque possessed six-shooters or higher caliber side arms ??? Third, will any BATF agency run a background on the rest of these who-ha's to see if anyone obtained or carried concealed weapons permits ??? Fourth, will the dem's slow-roll for more gun control, fearing islamaphobic charges ??? And lastly, was this a FALSE FLAG gone array ??? Stay tuned ...(May 19 2019) - Some illegals won't appear in court for 8 Yrs ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, there's only one reason why the democ-RATS want open borders - maybe two. First to get illegals registered to vote, chumming them with "Freebies", and second - if they can't - then overwhelm the social service bureaucracy by manufacturing a "Constitutional Crisis" inciting a "Civil War" ending with military outsiders coming toourtheir rescue. Folks, these NEW WORLD ORDER nut-jobs don't care one ounce about poor migrants - just keeping everyone divided, making it easier for them to control the masses ... for depopulation purposes.(May 18 2019) - Fake Has Become Realer-Than-Real ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Few, if any, can make it back to the top of the "Rabbit-Hole" designed by the luciferians to keep the masses down and in the dark. Too many players are paid in spades - if you will - to continue fronting this FAKE REALITY with all sorts of FAKE NEWS and FAKE FRIENDS from every evil angle you can imagine. Folks, President Trump ain't no angel himself, but he's the best GOD's gonna give us. So, keep praying that millions more will see the light and leave their FAKE HATE in that hole.(May 13 2019) - Why Muslims Refuse To Assimilate !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Listen up Christians !!! Muslims can't comply with western culture or anything that ain't in the Quran or any of their funny books. Secondly, they believe that your religion - Christianity - is inferior, because you refuse to either correct them or confront them. And, while I have your attention, please - for GOD's sakes - stop fraternizing their businesses. And lastly, pastors, you need to get with the program and tell it like it is. Your parishioners are counting on your leadership ... so JUST DO IT !!!(May 12 2019) - The Destruction of America ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Looks like it's time to take another gander at some of these early prophecies and visions from a few reputable watchmen - trying to warn us concerning wars and rumors of wars coming to our nation. Christians, pay attention !!! We need to be ready and steady, knowing this was predicted in The BIBLE, and to finish up with The Great Commission - going into the highways and byways, searching for the lost, and sharing that JESUS CHRIST is THE ONLY WAY TO SALVATION !!!(May 11 2019) - U S Govt Health Effects of UFO Encounters ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As a long time researcher & witness of UFO activities, I've always wondered when the governments long & hard "Cover-Up" of "Aliens Visitors" would end, and unacknowledged activities would be acknowledged. According to Bill Still's video report - which includes a splice from Tucker Carlson - folks who have had UFO encounters or abductions exhibit some ill effects, and that's all coming out as well. I gotta say, the DEEP STATE is losing the handles on this end-time encounter, as President Trump took over with his new SPACE FORCE. More on the way ...(May 08 2019) - Trump's billion-dollar tax write off ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now that the New York Times has reconstituted an old story re: President Trump's past tax write-offs, egg is all over their FAKE NEWS faces. Because - as it turns out - that was a great turning point in Trump's business history and he broke that story on The Apprentice, back in 2004. Folks, these swamp scribblers and scribes (Press*ti*tutes) are enemies to all that honest and true in America. And, by their own words, they'll indict themselves into unemployment or incarceration.(May 06 2019) - BRAINWASHING OF THE U.S. ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Amazingly, this article sums up how simple an individual / nation can be influenced (brainwashed) into accepting a belief, which may lead to an act - many times unspeakable. This simple process is used by the MSM, corporations and most definitely by cults. Information - real or fake - is the can-opener. Fear is the driver. Crisis is the capturer, causing the conscious to be subdued by the subconscious - manufacturing a Manchurian or an angry alter. Take your pick ...(May 05 2019) - All the Queen’s Agents & Corporations ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here is a well written article concerning who really owns and controls everything - obviously Queen Elizabeth. Most of the links are concisely connected to other well written reports re: all her shadowy accounts, agencies, and yes ... SECRET SOCIETIES. Layer, upon layer, the British Kings and Queens, for centuries, have hidden their connections to all their colonized countries ... including ... the "All Upper-Cased" incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.(May 03 2019) - China's Mass Surveillance App Hacked ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For the record, some people need to be watched, and - if need be - their behaviors need to be addressed, and if they re-offend, then incarcerated. And, for the record, almost all countries are already surveying their citizens in one form or another, and are taking counter measures to prevent more terrorism. Now, if Muslims have past practices - and they do - of encouraging and engaging in evil assults and activities, then the Chinese gov't will continue monitoring them and everyone all the time - kinda like our politically correct social media masters who monitors and bans anyone suspected of ... TELLING THE TRUTH !!!(May 01 2019) - Jesuits lose control of Venezuela to Freemasons ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Most "Inner circles" of many "Secret Societies" create obstacles to keep outsiders from guessing what their true plans and agendas are. Two of the biggest and oldest are the Freemasons (New World order) and the Jesuits (Old World Order). Both have been cross infiltrated. Both have loyalty rituals & blood oaths. And both can create chaos in any country, at any time, to control and commandeer an area. And ... both have default end-time agendas which supports nihilistic satanism over national sovereignty. Look it up for yourself ...(Apr 30 2019) - Dep' AG Rosenstein Submits Resignation Letter
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- By sending an extremely thankful "Letter of Resignation" to President Trump, Deputy A.G. Rod Rosenstein is hoping to get over looked in the coming "Pay-Back" circling the shores of The Swamp !!! For sure, the "Internet Investigators" have his name and number and are ready to unmask all of his connections to the coup - of which he silently and obediently allowed. Folks, he needs to produces a "Manifesto of Names" - which includes the MSM - (pronto) ... or his name and reputation will be worse than mud, it'll be swamp sludge.(Apr 28 2019) - Will (AI) Enhance or Hack Humanity ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hurling past humanity at break-neck speed, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will need to "Brain-Wash" the population into accepting it's answers, or suffer manifold consequences. Listen up people, Stanford University - where this on-stage interview took place - is just one collage where student scientists are fine tuning the "Mark of the Beast" software & hardware. Yuval Noah Harari, one the interviewees on this panel said, "If they (AI) gets to know you better than you know yourself, the game is over." And that's where all this (AI) is Headed - into your Head !!!(Apr 27 2019) - Weather Engineering Cloud Formations
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes folks, CLIMATE CHANGE is REAL !!! And who's really Creating Climate Change ??? Well, for darn sure, it ain't Joe-Q-Public, and it ain't their life styles, conservative moorings or Christian values. It's those off-the-books project toys, operated by population reduction boys. As far as I can tell, these "Special Access Programs" - conceptualized at the turn of the last century - are about 75% out in the open, and may never be turned back or turned off - even by Executive Order. Why ??? Because the second law of thermodynamics and entropy's self-destruct codes were triggered back in the '50's !!!(Apr 27 2019) - Pope sends aid to migrants stranded at US border
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- First the Vatican ok'ed "Sanctuary" to illegals, which - in turn - evolved into "Sanctuary Cities" an eventually into "Sanctuary States" - like California. Now, the Vatican is providing aid to "supposedly" sustain these immigrants on Mexico's side of the U.S. border ??? Look, I get that people need subsistence to survive, but this money isn't going directly to the poor folks. No Way !!! It's being routed through their parishes and dais' - with no accountability. I'm tellin' you, the coyotes, cartels and CIA/DEA are fronting this laundering scheme, since blackmailing bishops & priests for money have slowed down - a whole lot !!!(Apr 24 2019) - The Essence of Evil: Sex with Children ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Millions of children world-wide have been caught up in sex-trafficking and few - if any - ever make it out with all their faculties and sanity, let alone alive !!! It is a curse and the sins of this perversity are passed down to oncoming generations, organizations, politicians and religions. Folks, when the police present hard-core evidence in courts, many judges just slap these perpetrators with a fine, maybe probation, community service, or less. What's needed is a TV program - like The Peoples Court - where the participating audience can text in their vote to convict the perp or set him free. I'm tellin' you, it'll be a Huge Success !!!(Apr 22 2019) - California: A National Security Risk ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For sure this article ought to be a rude and crude awakening for Californian's who gas prices climb higher and higher dues to Sacramento's indulgences with ignorance and environmental idiosyncrasy. Folks, California is all about CARS, and until these left leaning law-makers learn that lesson, the domino effect of environmental economics will evaporate all profits, drive more production plants out of the state, perpetuating FAKE SHORTAGES, a National Security Risk, or worse.(Apr 19 2019) - DEADLY VIRUSES STOLEN FROM UNIVERSITY ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the deal ... announce that some DEADLY VIRUS - from some 3rd world lab - somehow either escaped or was taken, and then FALSE FLAG a deadlier air-born virus into the atmosphere and blame it on that place of origin. Who's gonna be the wiser ??? It's a great set up, and great fodder for the FAKE NEWS. People will die, camera's will showcase the diseased bodies - injecting FAKE FEAR into millions of viewers - and BIG PHARMA will come to the rescue. Steven King, broadcast this exact scenario in movie called THE STAND. Remember ?!?(Apr 16 2019) - Revealed During the Notre Dame Cathedral Fire
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- From here on out, you're gonna read - from the MSM - few, if any reports re: France's Catholic Churches under attack, and with greater silence from "Indoctrinated Islamaphobes" fearing more reprisals and retaliation from any speculation aimed at an Islamisist, a Jihadist or Terrorist. Yes, there are some Muslim web sites shouting "Allah est grand" and cheering that Notre Dame's "Crusader Church" is toast. But truth be told, France's was toast years ago because of their Political Correctness, their Indif-france with ilegals and of course GOD !!!(Apr 14 2019) - SUNDAY MORNING CHRISTIANS - COLLUDING ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, I know the title is a bit misleading, but come on guys. Christians are not suppose to stay "Baby Christians" all their lives. There comes a time when the "Milk of the Word" leading to the "Meat of the Word" causes one to consider the Great Commission - witnessing to the lost. That can't be accomplished by colluding with others on Sunday. It's time to escape that controlled assemblage and head out to the Highways & Byways. People are DYING & GOING TO HELL !!!(Apr 14 2019) - The Orsini Bloodline of Rome - The MAXIMUS Clan
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Bloodlines and "FAKE BLOODLINES" Conjoining ??? This "Week End" web page called "The Orsini Bloodline of Rome" - from "Humans Are Free" web site - is just the tip of all the Bloodlines who are "Still Connected" to everything dark and evil re: the Jesuit's and their control of the Vatican and the World. To be sure, you're gonna need to "Bookmark" this web page, 'cause there's so much info to grasp & absorb. Folks, these Bloodlines have been protected by "False Prophets & Priests" for centuries, working to amalgamate their "FAKE BLOODLINE" with ... you guessed it ... the anti-Christ.(Apr 13 2019) - Trump’s New Solution To Border Crisis ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Knowing that the dem's will never be satisfied with anything that President Trump does, and the MSM - who are the echo chambers of their clamorings & chaos - I say have everyone who's a democrat, either sponsor an illegal & house them on their own dime and own properties, or pay a "Sanctuary Tax". And, since most of these illegal "Sanctuary Safe Havens" started and continue with Catholic Churches, I say make them pony up as well. Folks, as President Trump shared, we're out of room, and LORD knows, we're out of money !!!(Apr 12 2019) - The Day of Reckoning Is at Hand !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- At this moment in time, all the democ-RATS who are closely connected to all those swamp-RATS in D.C. - as well as all those RAT-finks in the MSM - are scurrying back into their dark and their damp DEEP STATE dungeons, and away from the light of day !!! Folks, in all their dreams and in all their schemes they never once thought that there'd ever be a "Day of Reckoning" ... until today !!! Attorney General Barr, I'm tellin' you, will give them no quarter, or immunity, and incarcerate treasonous players and impound all their pirating plunders.(Apr 11 2019) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange ARRESTED ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This "Arrest of Assange" is more like a "Special Access Program" in plain sight and in slow motion. At any time, anyone - not just the authorities - could have rounded him up or kidnapped him, and demandedransomreward from govts who wanted him. Secondly, WikiLeaks has thousands of anonymous contributors from all over who'll continue to unmask corruption, especially info emanating from entities in and around "Q" and many "Yankee Black & White" operatives at large. Folks, WikiLeaks "DROP DEAD BOXES" have been trigged, and the "WHITE SHOES" from the U.K. are panicking !!!(Apr 09 2019) - TRUMP TARGETS : Illegal Alien Money Transfers
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... now we're talking. For too many years, billions of dollars were leaving the U.S. at break-neck-speed with little to no oversight. And - at the other end of many of these "wire-transfers" - were criminals skimming and scamming better than most loan-sharks here in the states. Folks, everyone has to pay their own freight in the beginning - even legal citizens - and if you get caught doin' what these illegals are doing daily, it's called WIRE FRAUD !!!(Apr 08 2019) - Killer “Super Fungus” Spreading Across America
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, looks like it's time for the MSM to introduce another BIG PHARMA "Flu Buddy" to save the world from another mysterious (man-made) super-fungus. Amazingly this super-fungus shows up where ever it wants and takes down about 50% of it's targets. My hunch is, if they look at some of those well funded labs on collage campus', who are contracted by many DEEP DARPA Projects, you'll find the original DNA of this (man-made) super-fungus and it's carriers.(Apr 07 2019) - FAKEBOOK : Still a Haven for Criminals ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Facebook ... is sooooo Two-Faced, concerning security and practice, it's unbelievable !!! But believe it. Time and time again, criminals make their way onto their platform and get away with all sorts of crimes, and yet FAKEBOOK focus' more on what people say instead of what people do. No doubt their on-going connections to the DEEP STATE is keeping them afloat in The SWAMP, as well as you and all your "Friends" ponying up all your private doings and info. Honestly people, you better jump ship before 2020. I'm just saying ...(Apr 05 2019) - Farrakhan claims to be Jesus ... in address
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Sounds like this FAKE MESSIAH - Farrakhan - is "Jim Jones-ing" his FAKE FOLLOWERS. I'm tellin' you, Chicago should have put the breaks on this phony-baloney years ago, with all of his anti-Jewish and anti-Christian and anti-American race bating rhetoric. And now it's too late !!! He's made a claim about being Jesus, performing miracles (he claims) and the FAKE NEWS - along with many of the Black Churches in Chicago - are giving him a pass. Tragedy, I'm afraid, will trigger huge riots, possibly MARTIAL LAW, since he's openly begging for MARTYDOM.(Apr 05 2019) - Trump skipping correspondents dinner ... AGAIN
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'd be real careful if I was part of any lambasting of the President at the - soon to be ick-snayed - White House correspondence dinner. For sure, President Trump keeps score, and folks he rarely forgets. I'm tellin' you, the so-called 4th Estate has been up-ended by the 5th Estate (The Internet) and assuredly by President Trump. After the 2020 Presidential Election, the MSM and DEEP STATE will either be ... Outted, Dox'ed, Unemployed and hopefully JAILED !!!(Apr 03 2019) - Neurologist - Vaccinations Cause Many Sicknesses
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday at a local store I came across a young mother and her 2 month-old, and struck up a conversation about VACCINATIONS, and the potential harm they could cause her child. She was knowledgeable "somewhat" concerning those damaging possibilities, but consistently said, "There's nothing I can do - they're mandatory." I gave her some solid advise, told her she's the child's parent, and in charge - not the doctor. I just hope I was able to save another child from a life of pain and suffering, as well as the mother.(Apr 02 2019) - Pope: Coexistence between Christians & Muslims
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- First, you had a Catholic Pope who was forced to "Stand Down" because of all the law suits re: their pedophile priests, and now you have a second-stringer who is forced to "Stand Up" for Islam - claiming coexistence is a beautiful thing. For sure, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", but I gotta tell you, this "Jesuit Pope" does not have "Eyes to See" or "Ears to Hear" what The BIBLE says concerning commingling Christian beliefs with non-believers. My gut tells me this has to do with Trump, the Temple Mount, and the Third Temple.(Apr 02 2019) - FINAL WARNING : TURN OFF YOUR TV !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For years, I've personally warned folks and family members about all these High-Definition "SUPER SURVEILLANCE" TV's and yet - to no avail - they remain "SPELL-BOUND" in front of these sets. As for me, I have an old TV that's not connected to any cable company or satellite dish {just an old antenna} and still, it puts me asleep. I watch many of the old black & whites, 'cause they have good endings, and some sports. But if push comes to shove, and the GRID can't get reconnected because of some mysterious EMP event, that wouldn't bother me one bit. Could you say the same ??? Didn't think so ...(Apr 01 2019) - China’s Social Credit System – Coming to the U.S.
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Sunday, I alerted an elderly couple who were purchasing a pizza - by using their brand-new smart phone - that when they used that "SPY-PHONE" they were enabling the "Mark of the Beast" system. Come to find out, both husband and wife were Christians. That's when I went full Bible !!! And, after a few lame excuses as to why they kinda gave up and gave into the system, I told them they needed to read the Porterville Post (Daily) if their pastor won't tell them the truth ... 'cuz we will !!!(Mar 26 2019) - "MINI" MARSHAL-LAW OVER MEASLES ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, you could say that the "Intellectually Challenged" and "Politically Correct" politicians are the driving force behind this curfew of sorts, as well as the FAKE NEWS. I'm tellin' you, once the public in New York accepts this ""Mini" Marshal-Law" over Measles, they'll accept being visited, rounded up, vaccinated and hauled off to a "Clean Camp" for their health and safety, against ... {You Guessed It} ... The UNVACCINATED !!!(Mar 25 2019) - Mueller report “opens MSM outlets to mockery”
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Way before the FAKE NEWS started promoting this FAKE INVESTIGATION re: the "Russian's Influencing" the 2016 elections, they were doing the exact same thing - for decades. And now they're crying - like their colluding cohorts in congress - that the Mueller Report, and Attorney General Barr's summation didn't go far enough to bring down President Trump. Folks, these demon possessed democ-RATS have boundary issue with the facts, and they - especially the MSM - are gonna need a "Come-to-Jesus" meeting real soon. So - if you please - let the MOCKING Begin !!!(Mar 24 2019) - Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Full CAIR Speech
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- First, I gotta say, "Gateway Pundit" did a great job reporting what this "Mad Muslim" - Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s - said at this event in Woodland Hills, California, sponsored by CAIR. For sure she used words to "Trigger" Muslims to become more aggressive and confrontational. No doubt many will, and no doubt - when they do - the MSM will blame (as always) anyone other than the instigator of these incendiary actions - Democ-RAT Ilhan Omar !!!(Mar 23 2019) - MSM : Continues The Delusion Of Collusion
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Long before Mueller was gonna bring forth a "Nothing-Burger" report, internet investigators knew that the MSM was gonna conclude that another collusion - to cover up the Russian collusion - was taken place. Now, a PANIC is setting in - like no other time in the history of the 4th estate - because of their collusion(s) with the DEEP STATE and democ-RATS. And believe-you-me, President Trump is gonna Twitter the you-know-what at the FAKE NEWS re: their collective conspiracy and coup.(Mar 22 2019) - WEEKEND WEBSITE : ZEROGEOENGINEERING
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here you go - one of the best web sites documenting "GEO-ENGINEERING" and all the damage it's causing to the planet and people. Folks, it's really no secret. Those massively expanding clouds which forms right after a jet flies by ain't protecting the planet ... au contraire ... it's polluting it !!! CHEMTRAIL pilots - much like the AGENT ORANGE pilots of Vietnam - are also suffering ill effects from these poisons and are voicing their concerns, warning the public to LOOK UP and WAKE UP !!!(Mar 18 2019) - Putin Signs 'Fake News, Internet Insults' Bills
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This knife, in my opinion, can cut both ways - being that FAKE NEWS in the U.S. conspires with "The Company" and doubles as agents provocateur in others. I hate to say it, but the MSM, here and abroad, have brought this upon themselves - not the internet investigators. As you can tell, by watching the nightly news, most news monopolies around the globe broadcast nearly the same news, dang-near by the minute. Folks ... both Putin and Trump honestly want Peace for their countries - these "ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE" don't !!!(Mar 17 2019) - A List of Vaccine-Associated Toxic Reactions
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Over the years I have personally seen the damage that vaccines cause in children and a few adults. It's heart breaking, to say the least, and BIG PHARMA - along with BIG BROTHER - are the culprits of these continuous killing fields. Folks, as parents your children depend on you for their "Health and Safety" ... which - BTW - is one of the go-to issues any job-steward will attest is a contractual agreement - but, it appears, not for the children.(Mar 16 2019) - White People Have to Pay Bribes ... for WHAT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- A "FAKE" sense of guilt ... (AKA) Political Correctness ... is the driving force behind just about every discriminating design destined to Divide & Conquer !!! Period - Paragraph !!! This diametric, as far as I have researched, has rooted itself so deep into the very psyche of the American culture, that nothing but a complete REVIVAL, from GOD ALMIGHTY, can alter it's course. So, WAKE UP Christians and Pastors !!! You are their FAKE & FINAL SOLUTION !!!(Mar 13 2019) - VIDEO : Trump, the Temple & the Antichrist
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- On March 11th, "Prophecy Watchers" presented as their guest - Billy Crone - on their YouTube channel, who highlighted what's happening in Israel and how close they are to building the Third Temple. For most Jews, this is a "Positive Prophecy" concerning the coming of Messiah. For most Christians, it's good and bad. Good, that the return of JESUS is emanate. Bad, because of the rise of the anti-Christ, and Tribulation, which will ensue once the "man of sin" is revealed.(Mar 11 2019) - Chemtrails Causing Huge Health Problems
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- "The sky is falling - The sky is falling" ... well kinda. What's falling is ton's and ton's of CHEMICALS - like aluminum oxide, plus many more - spewing out of the spray nozzles of gov't authorized geo-engineering jets flying above us daily. Folks, between the fake foods we eat, the waste water we drink, and the polluted air that we breath, it's any wonder that anyone can survive. Population Control - for sure - is one of the end games. Population Elimination - no doubt - the final. LOOK UP & WAKE UP !!!(Mar 09 2019) - Pope meets with Mormon leadership in Rome
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- There's only one thing that these two "CULTS" are interested in - genealogy !!! Why ??? Well, the Vatican - for one - says they are the "Replacement Jews" and the Later Day Saints say that they also have "Jewish Bloodlines" ... according to the "Book of Mormon" (Alma 10:3). Now, both "CULTS" have "Control Issues" over their congregations and both have control issues re: the NEW WORLD ORDER, and both want their man / priest / anti-Christ controlling the THIRD TEMPLE - visa their FAKE BLOODLINE !!! Got it ???(Mar 09 2019) - How The World Could Change In 7 Days
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- More and more, writers, journalists, columnists and government agencies are emphasizing emergency plans - for your families and businesses - to be in place and practiced before any crisis, chaos or calamity occurs. For those semi-survivalists who have plans, and still live in and around a well populated area, start talking to your neighbors about preparing NOW !!! If they're not prepared, then you're still not prepared. CLICK HERE for more "Neighborhood Preparedness" plans ...(Mar 08 2019) - Warning to American Jews ... WAKE UP !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes ... WAKE UP !!! The democ-RATS have found another target - JEWS - and the MSM (including the social media platforms) are shilling for these dem's intolerant, imbecilic, and ignoramus' innuendos again !!! I'm tellin' you, unless these FAKE REPRESENTATIVES are outted, sanctioned, fined and sentenced - like the rest of us - then nothing will become of this blatant HATRED and discrimination. Never, ever, forget that ... first, they came for the JEWS - then the other objectors !!!(Mar 06 2019) - A WALL IS OUR ONLY DEFENSE NOW !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This goes without saying - we need a border wall NOW !!! Folks, empathizing with law breaking border breachers - as most Constitutional oath-breaking democa-RATS do - has law abiding Americans flummoxed, frustrated and fuming. Listen, this is not a question of racism - as democ-RATS belie - it's a question of realism !!! And, those who want open borders have "Left" their "liberal logic" to those suicidal socialists and sycophants in congress, who emulate - hourly - an absence of reality.(Mar 04 2019) - (AI) Snitch Switch Could Call Police ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Past practices re: any technological advances has always been tested on the unknowing masses, and for sure they're doing it right now. Eventually, this "Tattle-Tell Technology" will be release and sold - outright - as a better way to protect your property and everything you say and do on or around the internet. Yes, and for a few bucks a month, they'll even store it all in a very, very private and secure location. Folks, BIG BROTHER is throwing a lot of money on this "Tattle-Tell Technology", to protect their interests - not yours. WAKE UP !!!(Mar 02 2019) - Vatican’s clerical abuse summit a complete failure
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- "TIME" the connector & container of all things on this side of "Eternity" can no longer hold the middle, especially when it comes to the Vatican. Judgment has come to this "Synagogue of Satan" as their pedophilia priests are outed, including their involvement with the Illuminati and "ET's" ... the demonic ones !!! Folks, once all this dirt is aired by the MSM - to save their own skins - a manufactured meltdown of the masses will in sue, buying a bit more "TIME" before CERNS "Gates of Hell" Collider brings to life an "Artificial Intelligent" ANTICHRIST !!! There's no other end game - Period !!!(Mar 01 2019) - PROGRAMMING BELIEVERS TO BACKSLIDE ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, any "Believer" worth his "Salt" knows that in the end, the Church is gonna get attacked with all sorts of worldly ways. Additionally the "Believer" knows that these attacks are not directed at those who are already self-deceived and those who have over embraced self-love sermons, but those who are still standing and are fighting the good fight. And lastly, the "Believer" knows - in the end - he'll be shunned or forced out by these "Last-Days Laodiceans" holed up in these "Sanctuaries of Sin". So, get ready, and get out ... or GET OUT OF THE WAY !!!(Feb 28 2019) - When the Press Does It ... That Means It's Legal
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Self imposed immunity, the FAKE NEWS always intimates re: "their" First Amendment Rights ... but ... for anyone else - HARD TIME !!! This dangerous and demonic dichotomy by the "Fourth Estate" is destroying democracy for the people as the MSM delusionally and perpetually props-up the democ-RATS desires for a dictatorship. Folks - WAKE UP - if it wasn't for the real news on the internet by truth seeking journalists, columnist and writers, you'd be "Left in the Dark" ...(Feb 24 2019) - Bankrupt Intellectuals by Bill Warner
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In this video, Mr. Bill Warner - from Political Islam - points out that "Bankrupt Intellectuals" from our colleges & universities have become apologetically dishonest in their research concerning Islam. In their less than academic approach re: Islam & it's propagandized "Religion of Peace", Bill Warner presents their obvious ignorance of the two distinct parts of the Quran (Medina vs Mecca) and Mohammed's instructions re: infidels, and weakening western civilizations. WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!(Feb 24 2019) - CHEMTRAILS : Not A Conspiracy Theory !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For the most part, the whole idea that the gov't would spray - all over the planet - a geo-engineered goulash into the atmosphere is way too unbelievable for the masses to believe. But, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, who authored H.R.2977 bill back in 2001 called the Space Preservation Act of 2001, actually listed "CHEMTRAILS" in this bill, knowing of it's consequences. But the public, who can see these polluting pilots crisscross over head, still remain skeptical, stupefied and silent - just the way the NEW WORLD ORDER wants them.(Feb 21 2019) - Earth to liberals: You are all Jussie Smollett
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As much as I didn't want to give this story any coverage, opinion, or sarcasm, the title "Earth to Liberals" says it all. The take-away from the MSM's FAKE NEWS surrounding actor Jussie Smollett reminds me of a scene from "Blazing Saddles" - which everyone recalls - wherein another actor Cleavon Little projects a "Borderline Personality Disorder" with his own gun aimed at his head, threatening to kill himself if the towns people didn't drop their guns and comply. That ... pretty much sums up what happened with this holly-weird hypocrite, and all their lies.(Feb 18 2019) - COUP-COUP McCabe Should Terrify Everyone
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Not surprisingly, CBS "openly sympathized" on TV Sunday night with fired FBI agent Andrew McCabe re: "His Side" of the collective & clandestine coup against President Trump. As far as I could tell - observing McCabe's body language & facial affects - he lied at least 3 or more times in that interview, and Scott Pelley didn't catch it. Folks, yes these agents are trained to take notes - as McCabe injected - but they're also trained to LIE if they're part of any "Counter Intelligence" operation. Congress already witnessed that ... and has DONE NOTHING !!!(Feb 17 2019) - IS YOUR CHURCH A NO PHONE ZONE ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This Sunday, you need to leave your "Cell Phone" at home and not take it to Church ? Why ??? Because your cell phone triggers and triangulates with other parishioners cell phones, which - in the long run - will rat everyone out who comes into close contact with your demonic devise. Listen up Christians. Leave that dangerous do-hickey off and at home !!! Look, until your Church commits to a NO PHONE ZONE, this is the best way to protect you, your family, friends, and congregation !!!(Feb 16 2019) - Big Tech Scaring Independent Media Readers
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is it too late to cut and run ??? YUP !!! Ya'll fenced yourselves in with those iPhones - AKA - SPY-PHONES, and you guys paid good hard-earned money for these FAKE PHONES with FAKE APPS and so on. Folks, the Porterville Post, has been on a tear for years re: all these "Internet of Things" and how one day everyone's gonna be monitored and manipulated into accepting the "Mark of the Beast" to buy or sell anything !!! If nothing else, watch on NETFLIX an episode called "NOSE DIVE" from the "Black Mirror" series aired in 2016. WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!(Feb 15 2019) - TRUMP DECLARES NATIONAL EMERGENCY !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- National Emergency Declared !!! FORGET ABOUT IT !!! Folks, in spite of all the cries from the MSM and democ-RATS who take issue with President Trump on an hourly basis, this honestly needed to be done to BUILD THE WALL. As for the RINO'S & #NeverTrumpers in the House and Senate who are hypocritically harboring hate, well, they'll be taken to task soon enough by Trump's new Attorney General - William Barr ... (or) ... by the Military Tribunals, once they're done with the DEEP STATE animals and employees. (hint-hint)-(hint-hint)(Feb 13 2019) - 5 Million Illegals Coming in Next 12 Months
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- SAY WHAT ??? 42 million want in, and 5 million may be on the way ??? That's what this article reports, and I'm here to tell you, we're gonna need more than a wall, we're gonna need a Military Force about 10 divisions deep, just to man the ramparts. Now, I'm speculating that these "POLL NUMBERS" might be stretched a bit (I hope) and those who were surveyed fudged somewhat. In any case, Gallup - who conducted this survey of 450 million adults from Latin America - needs to testify before Congress ASAP re: this INVASION OF ILLEGALS !!!(Feb 12 2019) - Sinaloa Cartel Marches On ... DUH !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- One down - thousands to go !!! Folks, this conviction of "El Chapo" means very little to the Sinaloa Cartel and other cartels. What it means is that back-up enforcers - here in the U.S. and abroad - can proceed under new names, and new managers. The DRUG BUSINESS will continue because the BANKS - who launder all that drug money - need that denaro to prop up their fiat currency. This is another reason to BUILD THE WALL and of course ... AUDIT THE FED !!!(Feb 12 2019) - YouTube Advances (AI) for More Censorship ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Not to be outdone by any other social media platforms "YOUTUBE" is gonna make it harder to promote your on-line videos - especially if you're a Christian / Conservative / Constitutionalist or Republican - and have a large following. Folks, this is how the MSM - who spoon feeds FAKE NEWS hourly to logically challenged liberals - can build a FAKE WALL to combat truth, and to Make America FAKE AGAIN !!!(Feb 08 2019) - WILL YOU WITNESS THIS WEEKEND ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday and today (in the Sacramento area) I encountered several women who benefited from me OBEYING GOD rather than man, and my fleshly instincts. On those occasions, I believe I benefited more than those whom I witnessed to. One message I shared - with a Muslim woman & daughter from Morocco - involved what the pope was doing in Abu Dhabi. Another message involved the "Mark of the Beasts" biotechnology & the last highlighted "Chem-trails" and the depopulation agenda. All knew what I shared was true & heeded to my warnings. Will you witness this week end ???(Feb 06 2019) - Pope & Islam Just Signed A Covenant ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Let it be known, from Porterville and from all parts of the U.S.A., that Christians are not "A Party" to this agreement - albiet {contract / concordat / covenant} - signed by the Pope and by one of Christianities arch enemies - Muslims. Why ??? Because this is APOSTASY - pure and simple !!! Listen up Catholics, this is where you "Exodus" at break-neck-speed, or be fooled by this FAKE RELIGION OF PEACE !!!(Feb 05 2019) - Drug addicts outnumber H.S. students ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For a few years my family lived in SSF & before that San Bruno, and as far as I can remember, life was fun as a youngster living in these cities in the 60's. Yes, there was all kinds of "FLOWER POWER" posters plastered everywhere, but there was also a lot of good parents watching out for us kids - especially in Italian neighborhoods. Today, "Forget About It" !!! Drug addicts & democ-RATS have overdosed on ignorance and insanity, infecting the City by the Bay !!!(Feb 04 2019) - Loud booms in downtown L.A. ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Training Exercise ??? Affirmative !!! DATA Collection ??? Of Course !!! Behavior Modification ??? Without Question !!! Folks, our military can practice URBAN WARFARE anywhere they want, but choosing to conduct these clandestine operations - either close to or over populated areas - sends a message to LOS ANGELES, we can do this the easy way, or hard way !!! So ... don't get any ideas !!! Got It ??? More after the SOTU Address ...(Feb 03 2019) - 3,750 more troops deployed to border
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- More troops needed on southern border ??? Well yeah !!! Since the democ-RATS are playing follow the leader by putting politics over people, and refuse to fund the wall, this is the only option on the table - for now. True, President Trump can declare a National Security Emergency or issue an Executive Order, but for now he's ordered the Pentagon to deploy more troops to our border. Folks ... "The Man has a Plan" ... just be patient and pray.(Feb 01 2019) - The Church in the cradle of Islam
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In this piece from the Vatican Insider, it's hard to tell who's selling more sand in this sandstorm - the Muslims or the Pope. For sure, you read in the very last paragraph, that Pope Francis is a "friend of Islam" (besides every other country that's against America, President Trump - especially Israel). Why ??? Well, once upon a time "Replacement Theology" - still encouraged by the Vatican - meant "Replacing Old Jerusalem" with a "New Jerusalem" and "New Jews" - Catholics. Early on "Bloodlines" were crossed and doubled crossed and now the Pope is a friend Islam ??? Here's one reason WHY ...(Jan 31 2019) - Schumer Urges 'SOFT COUP' Against Trump
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks, this is what you call a "SOFT COUP" when someone from the Senate (Chuck Schumer) wants someone from the DEEP STATE to put President Trump in check - (calling it an intervention). Now, if I was in Congress, I'd do more than call out Schumer on this "SOFT COUP" ... I'd demand that he come under investigation for his role in this "Collusion" to overthrow the President and possibly more !!!(Jan 30 2019) - Scientists invent 'self-aware' robot ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yeah, sure ... just like all those other computerized devices made to help mankind, something invariably will go wrong with these "Self Aware" robots as well. Someone, somewhere will crack the FAIL SAFE code to hijack part or all of the "Artificial Intelligence" motivating these Manchurian machines against the masses and boda-bing bada-boom, the SAMSON OPTION codes - to terminate the whole kit-and-caboodle - will automatically engage to eliminate or annihilate everyone except the elite.(Jan 30 2019) - PETITION TO IMPEACH PELOSI FOR TREASON
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, this "PETITION TO IMPEACH PELOSI" didn't take long to reach over 100,000 signatures. This petition - which is linked on a White House server - started on Jan 18th and quickly reached the required threshold for consideration. As of this date, over 130,000 have signed on and it doesn't look like it's gonna stop anytime soon. Maybe, on Feb 5th - the altered time & date of the SOTU Address - President Trump will respond to all the signatories. Wouldn't that be thrilling ???(Jan 27 2019) - Willie Brown Admits (dating) Kamala Harris
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is what "San Fransisco Values" brought California and maybe the White House. Admitting in a San Fransisco Gate article, Willy Brown dated Kamala Harris (back-in-the-day) along with other gold-digging girls and foreign floozies. I'm tellin' you, this ex-mayor wasn't ashamed of his extramarital affairs, not one bit. So, why does anyone care about this adulterous affair ??? Because Kamala Harris wants to get this out in the open now, to be forgiven and forgotten, to run for President in 2020.(Jan 27 2019) - Beaming VOICES Into Your Head ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- It's all in your head - most everyone has told you. However - very soon - it's all gonna be in their heads as well ... VOICES ... from all spectrum's of society - govt, corporations, TV and Radio, etc. etc. As frightening, these VOICES can be compelling, and worse commanding - something schizophrenics need medication to combat. Folks, by the time your voice in your own head says this might have merit, you're a goner. I'm tellin' you, the only way around this is to deploy GOD's Gift of Glossolalia !!! Look it up yourself ...(Jan 27 2019) - Influencing behaviour through public policy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So ... you're still not concerned that governments and corporations are convincing, conniving, controlling, and conspiring against you to comply to a certain way of thinking and behaving. Then, by all means, do not read this "Institute for Government" report re: the previous. Folks, the very word "govern" means controlling and directing. And this 96 page report shows agencies how to do it and a lot more. Enjoy ...(Jan 26 2019) - Texas finds 98,000 non-citizen registrations ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And so it goes, non-citizens & illegals turned the tide in many elections, especially in California. Texas, according to this report, discovered that there were 98,000 illegal voters who cast 58,000 votes, then ponders the question ... imagine California ??? Better yet, what to do with these illegal voters once they're found ??? Somehow many election dept's know who's legit' & where they supposedly live, and yet we can't deport them 'til they're processed - due to California being a SANCTUARY STATE.(Jan 24 2019) - Trump Delays State Of The Union ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well done Mr. President !!! No sense casting your pearls before swine, especially since they don't want to hear anymore speeches about MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, and could care less about the facts. As for "Little Miss Nancy" no doubt she knows - like Mueller - that time is not on their side, as more and more charges of corruption, collusion and conspiracy to conduct a coup are amassing against them ... AND ... their com-padres from the DEEP STATE. Stay Tuned, Stay True and ... STAND.(Jan 23 2019) - President Trump : Build a Wall & Crime Will Fall !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Listen up democ-RATS !!! If you really think that a wall won't keep out criminal activity, then by all means - starting with all you delusional democ-RATS in Congress and through out the United States - PROVE YOUR THEORY by removing all your own walls which surround all of your dwellings and see if this doesn't prompt crime. Secondly, surrender all of your self protecting weapons, and or assigned secret service agents. And lastly, watch your HOME OWNERS INS' spike ... 'cause ours rise, when crimes rises !!!(Jan 19 2019) - ElliQ - The Sidekick for Happier Aging ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Boy, I'm tellin' you. These NEW WORLD ORDER Nut-Jobs know how to sell stupidity to stupid people. I'm sorry, but - good GOD Almighty - if you need a little help from your family or friends, then by all means, push that button around your neck and then say ... "Help - I Can't Get Up" ... 'cause I did something stupid again. Yeah, I'm ticked a bit, but come on. This new "Side-Kick" called Elli-Q ain't there to pick you up or cook your meals. It's there to monitor you, your family, friends and future. That's what a FAKE FRIEND does !!! Sheesh ...(Jan 18 2019) - Exploring Real History -- Part 1: Survive 666
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a web page for Pastors, Preachers, Evangelists and Christians Apologists. This authors take on the "Mark of the Beast" and "666" draws attention to the fact that todays technology is more than hitched to everything that we may buy or sell, it's also gonna be connected to all of our thoughts and the way we worship. Additionally, this article reveals many of the occult meanings and values re: this number and it's draw to-and-from everything evil. So, glean what you can for your next sermon and study the rest for future use.(Jan 16 2019) - Pelosi wants SOTU Address Postponed ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- That's right kiddies ... President Trump has to be invited by both House's to address The State of The Union. However, and this is where Trump gets the last laugh, he could just as well have his State of the Union address in a HUGE COLOSSEUM, where he can wax eloquent in front of his supporters. Also, he can invite both houses to sit in the audience where they can hoot-and-holler with their constituents. And his new 2020 Slogan could be HAMBURGERS FOR EVERYONE if I'm elected. (LOL) Yes, the Dem's are that dim and yes, dishonest. (LOL)(Jan 16 2019) - AI, The Vatican, Satanic Church & Robotic Agenda
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Robots or Synths - as they're currently called - will need new laws to protect them and their creators. Back in the day you could "Jail Break" your cell phones to get around a few things, which upset the manufactures who wanted complete control over the creations, which lead to law suits which benefited the consumers back then. Well, times have changed, and technology has changed, and these FAKE HUMANS will end up with new laws and equal rights - or more - especially if they're weaponed for any policing or military activities.(Jan 15 2019) - Superintelligent Synth Shells Deployed ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday, a few of us went to review the movie called "REPLICAS" - Hollyweirds latest predictive programming re: "Human Like Robots" or as they're called today ... "Synths". In this movie, three robots are re-booted with harvested thoughts and experiences from three humans after their deaths !!! I'm tellin' you, this movie will manipulates the masses into trusting these machines, and that they're better - in every way imaginable - than humans. Folks, that technology is already here, and you're interacting with it everyday, as it harvests everything about you through your CELL PHONE for future replication !!!(Jan 12 2019) - ABOUT THE CHRISTIANS AND THE BANKERS !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm tellin' you, GREED has no first or last name. It's more than the "Love of Money" it's a satanic addition to anything mammon and more. In this case it's BANKERS not wanting to bank in their own banks ... 'cuz they don't trust each other, and to that end, bank with the enemy of our enemies ... MUSLIMS !!! Yes, the FED - PUBLIC ENEMY #1 - has stolen our real money and replaced it with semi-fiat reserve warrants, and have manipulated & traded its supplies & values with PUBLIC ENEMY #2 - which oughta' be un-Lawful, 'cuz it's un-American & un-Christian !!!(Jan 09 2019) - BEWARE THE EMERGENCY STATE ... !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Last night I shared with one of our readers one possible FALSE FLAG operation which might happen at the southern border ... operatives releasing a dirty bomb at the border, exploding it, killing hundreds of immigrants, creating all kinds of havoc and blaming President Trump. As dire and as dastardly as that sounds, doubt it not that the DEEP STATE wouldn't pull the pin on that possibility - especially if IMPEACHMENT is their end-game. Again, I pray that my hunch is wrong ... and PRAY those responsible will be stopped !!!(Jan 08 2019) - Trump to declare National Emergency tonight ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, tonight's the night, and we'll see & hear whether or not President Trump is gonna "Officially Declare" the use of the already authorized "NATIONAL EMERGENCY" Presidential Order to secure the border. Now, if I had my druthers, I'd rather he put a a wall around the democ-RATS first. This would save America a lot of money & grief. As for the MSM, for sure they're gonna spin this as "Nationalistic & Hateful". In either case, you can bet President Trump will do what's right, to protect the people - not the politicians - - {Full Text of Trump's Address}(Jan 08 2019) - WAR JETS ON THE WEST COAST ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- A lot of war planes - jets - have been flying over Porterville today. At last count 30 since early this morning. Now, if this is just military maneuvers - and I pray that it is - then you can go back to whatever it is you were doing. However, since "all of these war jets" have been flying north-westerly from Edwards and China Lake, to possibly Vandenberg and back, I kinda doubt it. President Trump knows there's more at stake in building a WALL ... he's preventing a WAR !!! More when I get it ...(Jan 08 2019) - Trump to declare National Emergency tonight ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, tonight's the night, and we'll see & hear whether or not President Trump is gonna "Officially Declare" the use of the already authorized "NATIONAL EMERGENCY" Presidential Order to secure the border. Now, if I had my druthers, I'd rather he put a a wall around the democ-RATS first. This would save America a lot of money & grief. As for the MSM, for sure they're gonna spin this as "Nationalistic & Hateful". In either case, you can bet President Trump will do what's right, to protect the people - not the politicians.(Jan 08 2019) - FREE HEALTHCARE FOR ILLEGALS UNDER 26 ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- No he didn't ... yes he did ... Gov' Newsom - on day one - proposed FREE Health-Care for any illegal freeloader in California under 26 years of age. And once these illegal invaders get medically cleared, and get all their FREE Vaccines, they can then apply for FREE College ... besides all the other FREE stuff like Welfare and Social Security. Folks, this socialist in Sacramento is suiciding our Sunshine State - California.(Jan 07 2019) - Home items are getting smarter & creepier
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Seemingly all this "SMART STUFF" - as it is sold - will supposedly enable more "FREE TIME" for the consumer. On the contrary ... it will ENSLAVE it's users until everyone can no longer "Buy or Sell" without the approval of this "SATANIC" technology. Folks, for now it's the rage, but tomorrow - if you don't comply - you'll end up in a cage. And Christians, for GOD's sakes get rid of those contraptions while your minds are still clear and you can still hear GOD's Voice ... 'cause that's the connection they want destroyed.(Jan 06 2019) - PETITION To Remove Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This petition - however honest - cannot compel anyone other than those in Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) voting district to recall her or vote her out. Unless she has committed a crime, or subjugates her oath of office to protect the Constitution in lieu of the qu'ran, she cannot be removed. If she says any disparaging remarks on the floor, she can be sanctioned. If in the actual face of President Trump, possibly arrested. She can, however, be investigated by the Secret Service, and all independent journalists and watchdogs ... and should be !!!(Jan 05 2019) - Why We Need The Electoral College
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Sometimes you gotta show these numskulls a picture before they understand what's at stake. Having an "Electoral Collage" was an important idea that the early framers of the Constitution declared a necessity. Without it, they surmised, that America could be taken over by "MOB RULE" ... with outside influences penetrating our governances, our defenses, our culture, and Christian Culture. YES, Christian Culture !!!(Jan 04 2019) - Judicial Watch Wins Inactive Voter Law Suit
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As much as I want to say HOORAY - 'cause voter registration rolls are finally gonna reflect the correct number of actual registered voters in California - I can't. Election-wise, we're a day late re: this law suit, if you know what I mean. Folks, there isn't just one DEEP STATE - there's one for each state in the union. And one for each county, city or town. Thousands !!! And, you gotta sew them {like Judicial Watch does} to compel them to obey the laws - especially their own.(Jan 03 2019) - No Sharia in America ... YET !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For too many years, those who have escaped the unjust practices and beliefs of Islam, and have become Christians, have warned the western world re: this so-called "Religion of Peace". Christians in America should know better, but their "Lukewarm" lifestyles have limited their abilities to share the Gospel. And now MORE Muslims have gotten elected in congress and have taken their "Oath of Office" - on the quran - basically upholding it's practices and beliefs !!! WAKE UP CHRISTIANS !!!(Jan 01 2019) - 2019 : From A Fourth Turning Perspective
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The few who will read this article - all the way through - will be somewhat ahead of the end-game, only because what was alluded to re: the Fourth Turning, Cycles of Crisis, and many End-Time Markers. Folks, the only way around any crisis, is with a controlled crisis - one which the "White Hats" control, not the "White Shoes" (Intel-Lingo). And Christians, you better pray, and you better listen, 'cause GOD's Voice is best heard, just before the storm. LISTEN UP !!!- PAST OPINIONS : 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 |12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 -
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