- PAST OPINIONS : 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 |12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 -
(Dec 30 2018) - Predictive Analytics = Predictive Programming
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks, "Predictive Analytics" the precursor to "Predictive Programming" has been sold as the end-all to mass marketing - if you will - and Manchurians for the military, if need be. It's been beta tested by humans - as well as "Artificial Intelligence" applications - depending on continuous data input, from all humans and machines. How ??? By clandestinely chem-trailing the plant with "SMART DUST" ... the kind that creeps into your blood, bones and brains. I'm tellin' you, they've spent "Billions" on this technology, and to not use it ??? Oh ... come on ???(Dec 30 2018) - 2 Illegal Alien Killers In California
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- If Wash D.C. is controlled by the "Deep State" and California is controlled by the "Sanctuary State" then Americans - from the east coast to the west - live in a FAILED STATE !!! Folks, all forms of gov't in the U.S. were established by "Law Abiding and Tax Paying" people, for the primary duty to protect the people. And yet, these democ-RATS in Congress & Sacramento have FAILED American Citizens, opting to protect illegal, invaders, trespassers, rapists and ... MURDERERS !!!(Dec 28 2018) - Everything is FAKE ??? On the Internet ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well shucks ... is that really true ??? Internet traffic numbers and metrics are FAKE ??? It kinda looks that way, according to one of the top dogs inside that kennel, former CEO of Reddit Ellen Pao. Just as FAKE are the mobile phone user counts and a whole lot more. Folks, this goes to tell you, these really big internet platforms have been propped up from the git-go, and mostly by our FAKE Intelligence agencies. Why ? To control the population until their FAKE PROPHET makes the scene.(Dec 25 2018) - Are Pastors Ever Going To Speak Up ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I've harped on this for years, knowing full well what the problem was, and so I need to address the ANSWER !!! Definitively it's JESUS CHRIST, albeit, it's also becoming one, as JESUS prayed in John 17:11-23. Folks, if your pastor's partially preaching from the pulpit, and producing parishioners who are practicing pacifists, then they or their flock ain't gonna come together with other pastors and churches to speak up or lead the charge to take any action against anything anti-Christian. That's the problem, but it's also the solution. MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!(Dec 24 2018) - Trump Throws Mattis Out Of Pentagon ... Then
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... it's dot connecting time again, and as far my knowledge of these clandestine activities go, there's always a bunch of mis-mash surrounding counter-intelligence doc's. And in this case - where we read that one of President Trump's past relatives was in the super-scientific arena along side the likes of Nikola Tesla - facts are found. Look - if need be - let your mind chuck what's unbelievable, but let your heart connect the dots, and pray that DISCLOSURE won't lead to WORLD WAR III !!!(Dec 23 2018) - US Gov't Lying About Chemtrails ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's another one of those great weekend reads for all of those Porterville Post's naysayers. This one was found at State of the Nation and has direct visual links showing documented evidence re: CHEMTRAILS which were - in fact - openly discussed within the U.S. Air Force literature back in early 90's. Folks, you can't look up at the sky anymore without asking ... What Are They Spraying ??? PARTICLES OF POISON !!!(Dec 21 2018) - Infanrix Hexa Vaccine Contains ... WHAT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- These stories angers me to no end !!! Why ? Because I've seen the DAMAGE that Vaccines cause first hand !!! And the culprits behind this assault on our young and helpless children include BIG PHARMA, Doctors pushing these vaccines, flu shots and dangerous drugs, and last but not least, parents who blindly trust the previous two. Folks, if you can't see the Forrest through the trees, and your kids are at stake, WAKE UP and do some research !!!(Dec 21 2018) - Pope tells abusive priests to turn themselves in
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Sure they'll turn themselves in (LOL). Folks, this huge institution - masquerading as a church - can't afford for their pedophilia priests to come clean. It'll cost the Vatican too much money in class action law-suits. What this pope is really saying is, come to Rome ASAP so we can "absolve" you of your sexual assaults and maybe reassign you to another local' before the authorities get wind of your wanderings, wilding's, and witchcraft.(Dec 19 2018) - US Set For "Full Withdrawal" From Syria
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- No doubt President Trump has undisclosed reasons for pulling our troops out of Syria - besides keeping any campaign promise. If I were a betting man, my money says Trump's gonna re-deploy some of these troops onto our southern security soft spot - the U.S. Border !!! If the democ-RATS won't put in for the border wall, but only for border security, then Trump - for now - will station our Veterans there until he gets the money to BUILD THE WALL.(Dec 19 2018) - Least-Educated State : California is No. 1
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hey all you "Politically Correct" school administrators in California ... are you looking at these numbers though your new math bifocals, or are you - as the BIBLE says - the Blindleadingteaching the Blind ??? Well, it kinda adds up that way. And I have a feeling that in order to fix this continuous education crisis more teachers are gonna possibly STRIKE for higher salaries for these lower education standards. Yes, it's that bad !!!(Dec 18 2018) - Artificial intelligence to combat hate speech
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- OUT OF COMPLIANCE - Christians, Conservatives and Constitutionalists !!! Unless the aforementioned groups agree to any and every "Politically Correct" position in which the loony liberals line up with, they're gonna be legally labeled and lynched as HATERS. And, their new god and saviour - Artificial Intelligence - will grant them extra behavioral credits and increased freedom if they assist in it's pre-programmed PURGE of the Population.(Dec 16 2018) - BORDERLAND BEAT : Why We Need The Wall
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, if you go to this web site called "Borderland Beat" you'll read for yourself why we need a BORDER WALL !!! Folks, you just gotta turn off your TV's & all those automatic 3rd party news feeds, 'cause they're grooming you just like Pavlov's Dogs to respond out of fear & ignorance instead of truth. And, if for some reason you're offended by this request, odds are you're already hooked by the MSM's bells & whistles, and you're gonna need a miracle from GOD to escape !!!(Dec 16 2018) - Trump Administration Accomplishments ... so far
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- While the MSM has been focusing on anything negative - real or imaginary - against President Trump, he's been focusing on MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN !!! Listed here are many - but not all - of Trump's accomplishments as President. Folks, I gotta tell you, not in anyone's lifetime will you ever see so much progress by a sitting President - especially undoing what "Back-door-Barry" dang near destroyed as the democ-RATS deceiver of democracy.(Dec 15 2018) - Spraying Particles Into the Sky to Dim the Sun
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- GEO-ENGINEERING IS UNSUSTAINABLE !!! My goodness, these mad scientists have convinced a nation of Nimrods and Nincompoops, that polluting our stratosphere is the best way to avert global warming, cooling ... whatever. Folks, that's their cover !!! These human hating half-wits, with gag-orders from the halls of hell, know that continuously chem-trailing the planet is unsustainable, and know that one day THE FINAL SOLUTION will be sprayed to save the planet - eliminating the problem - WE THE PEOPLE !!!(Dec 14 2018) - A Story of Massive Democrat Voter Fraud
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks, "VOTER FRAUD" in California was legalized back in 2016 and priming that pump - if you recall - was the MOTOR VOTER bill. There was no way that Republicans - especially in Orange County - were gonna out maneuver these amoral antics by the democ-RAT candidates & campaigns. With that said, I posit, can any Republican in California have any chance of getting elected or staying elected ? Yes, but only in confined areas & districts which don't overlap each other. Lastly - as far as I know - not a single Republican candidate has filed for a recount. California is now cancerous for Conservative candidates.(Dec 13 2018) - Trump Cancels Christmas Party for MSM ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yeah baby, not even a chink of coal in the socks for the MSM. I'm tellin' you, President Trump canceling the Christmas party at the White House for the MSM press-ti-tutes is very apropos - since most don't fully understand "The Reason for the Season" ... JESUS CHRIST !!! Secondly, there comes a time when you just gotta quit "Casting Your Pearls Before Swine" and just speak directly to the people. And he does !!!(Dec 11 2018) - Know Your Rights or You Will Lose Them
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As much as this article rings true re: your rights or losing them, the ignorant masses - now in control - are making decisions by default ... effecting the whole of this nation. They do not want real info or news, they want FAKE NEWS, which demands little to no obligation on their part. Most are ignorant by choice and the rest are basically uneducatable. You cannot teach them 'cause their comprehension skills are stunted. Pray for them if you want ... I won't ... I ain't got time for their tantrums anymore.(Dec 10 2018) - Bush Funeral: An Orwellian Space Opera
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hitting on several important issues, Paul McGuire connected some of those "Thousand Points of Light" - of which Bush 41 secretly initiated, and in the very end, will ultmately transform into a "Thousand Points of Fright" for the uninitiatd and profane. McGuire, as do I, believe that Bush 41's NEW WORLD ORDER - was his priority and not his "Personal & Private" connection to Christianity. Folks, the books have been written, Bush 41 was a luciferian tool and the MSM can't cover this up.(Dec 06 2018) - Judicial Watch Investigating “Ballot Harvesting”
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Judicial Watch - like every other watchdog organization - is looking into the slide-of-hand voting process called BALLOT HARVESTING. And for the most part, that's great ... however ... this needs to turn into a class-action lawsuit (conjoined by all investigating organization), not just for those politicians who were negatively effected, but for all Republicans effected. And if this case reaches the SCOTUS - and it really should - BALLOT HARVESTING must be rendered illegal all across America.(Dec 04 2018) - Pompeo calls for 'New Liberal Order' ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hold everythin' Baba Looey !!! President Trump's Secretary of State - Mike Pompeo - is calling for a "New Liberal Order" ??? At first glance, the title of this article kinda throws you off, but reading it one sees the bigger picture. Nationalism is still number one (Thank GOD), as the writer points out that the push for a "New World Order" and "Multilateralism" wasn't working and was rollin' off the cliff (pic). Interestingly, few in the MSM have yet to catch onto Pompeo's play on their words.(Dec 02 2018) - BALLOT HARVESTING IN CALIFORNIA !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- From the looks of things, Republicans in California - unless they resort to this corrupt process called BALLOT HARVESTING - might not ever win again in any future election. This article by The American Thinker - with an embedded video - shows exactly how and why BALLOT HARVESTING was employed by the democ-RATS, stealing the elections in broad daylight. Unless AB1921 is amended, the "Fat Lady" is gonna sing for as long as the dem's like.(Dec 01 2018) - President George H.W. Bush Dead at 94
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For his service to all those "Secret Societies" he belonged to, and the NEW WORLD ORDER, adulations ad-infinitum. For his service to mankind - GOD's creation - flames from here to eternity. Folks, this "family man" was a go-with-the-flow phony. He was handled by hell and controlled by The Company. And I'm here to tell you, it's all on the internet. So don't feel sorry for (Bush 41) ... it's too late !!!(Nov 30 2018) - Dem's Snatch Valadao's Seat & One In Porterville
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The more they count, the more votes for democrats are found. As of this time and date, California's Secretary of State reports that (D) T.J Cox has 591 votes over (R) Congressman Valadao, and the counting may continue up until later this evening. In Porterville' City Council race - Dist 1 - Tulare County Elections Department shows Danial Penaloza(D) has overtaken incumbent Cam Hamilton(R) by 26 votes, unless a 10th & final count is posted, changing the results.(Nov 29 2018) - Jewish journalist handcuffs self to Twitter HQ
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As American and as civil as this stunt is, TWITTER - I've said over and over again - is a "Private Company" and can pick and choose who can use their platform. Period - Paragraph. Now, if Laura Loomer is doing this to bring attention to the masses re: TWITTERS overt and obvious discrimination ... "Right On Sister", I'm with you all the way, however, a Constitutional Convention could be called by Congress if TWITTER bans more on the right, or even President Trump -affecting,altering,changing, limiting the 1st Amendment.(Nov 28 2018) - Satan & CERN Collaborate re: your Soul
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- After reading this article from ShepardsHeart.life a few times, I've determined that there's a lot to glean from its authors take on a suspicious, albeit, satanic use of CERN. Coming together at break-neck speed, is the technology of which the FALSE PROPHET and BEAST will use to ensnare Christians to assist them in their fight against GOD. Folks, you have to be blind, deaf and dumb to not see what's coming. Jesus foretold all this in Luke 21 and said to look up, that is if you can see past satan's surveillance satellites.(Nov 27 2018) - Pope clashes with Trump re: Illegal Invaders
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Ah yes, this "dope in a dress" - who can't even control his pedophile priests - wants to control President Trump, and force thousands of south of the border criminals onto the American people. Brother, I'm here to tell you, this is what you call inciting riots, creating divisions, which leads - almost always - to wars. Listen up Catholics, your FAKE HOLY FATHER ought to stifle himself, or suffer greater light re: The Final Fatima Vision and Luciferians in the Vatican.(Nov 24 2018) - CALIFORNIA ARSON & Solaren Corp's ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- If you look long and hard enough, you'll find the smoking gun, and in this case FIRE !!! Folks, these NEW WORLD ORDER Nut-Jobs do in fact have multiple patents concerning any kind of "Direct Energy Weaponry" or application, and at this point could care less who knows. Why ??? Because the DEEP STATE has moocho DRUG MONEY to buy anybody and anything, or pay to have one of hell's hombres DEEP SIX you and yours, iffin' any thoughts or objections occur.(Nov 23 2018) - Researchers Want Nationwide DNA Database
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... let me make this a simple as possible. Satan's scientists want everyone's DNA in their lab's to kinda-sorta protect everyone on the planet ... 'cause everyone's personal "ID" is already out there ??? I ain't buying that, not for one minute !!! Satan's goal is to locate and capture the DNA of "REAL CHRISTIANS" - not church goers - who are "New Creatures" in Christ Jesus (2 Cor 5:17), and possibly the DNA of the 144,000 JEWS, from the 12 Tribes of Israel (Rev 7:3-4). That's the only reason why !!! GOT JESUS ??? You better, and PDQ !!!(Nov 22 2018) - We're Living in the Prequel to 'Blade Runner'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, for now the masses still play "Follow-The-Leader" 'cause they're constantly under external and or implied impressions that it's either the lessor of two devils or the greater of two desires. This dichotomy - in fact - inculcates cognitive dissonance which ends in extremely hate-filled FAKE WORLD VIEW !!! In this Video by Truth Stream Media, you'll see and hear leading scientists present possibilities for this advancement, or shall we say, MIND CONTROL MEDICINE ... by 2525 ???(Nov 20 2018) - AGENDA 2030 = ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- These Evil NEW WORLD ORDER Agenda's are all out in the open for anyone to read and most of the secularized world is in lock-set with its ideals and morays. First, we were warned about Agenda 21, now it's Agenda 2030, and LORD knows what's coming after that. Through an array of double-speak by the MSM, peoples from all nations are throttled 24/7 with this hogwash and hatred of humanity in order to SAVE THE PLANET. Listen up, all these NWO Nut-Jobs want to reduce the population of "useless eaters" quickly, greatly, and permanently !!! (VIDEO)(Nov 18 2018) - Smart Devices = Massive Surveillance Network ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- We have reached THE POINT OF NO RETURN !!! All those super-snitching smart phones and surveillance cities have taken over most of the first world countries day-to-day operations and soon, if not all, thought processes in and around human craniums. Christians, I'm here to tell you, you're the main target. Satan's surveillance soldiers in silicon valley have their orders - 1st to accommodate, 2nd to infiltrate, and 3rd to annihilate. WAKE UP CHRISTIANS !!! Ditch those devices !!!(Nov 17 2018) - Trump offers Pelosi votes for speakership ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What ??? President Trump says Pelosi should be House Speaker ??? Now, before you get your pantaloons all in a wad, hear me out. Trump plays 3D "Business" Chess like nobody's ever seen and if he wants Pelosi in as speaker, it's because of two things - she's the buffoon that keeps on giving, or Trump has the goods on her. I kinda believe both. Folks, Trump has an agenda - to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN - and if those RINO'S, #NeverTrumpers and DEEP STATE democ-RATS are in the way, he'll "Triple Checkmate" all these con's against each other ... For The People.(Nov 14 2018) - Deadly Viruses Are Delivered Through Vaccines
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For years, the Porterville Post has been providing info to well documents cases involving BIG PHARMA and their VACCINES which have been injuring and killing people since the '50's. Today we'd like you to view this VIDEO re: Molecular biologist Dr. Judy A. Mikovits who was threatened and jailed - without cause - trying to force her to deny her findings concerning the harm that vaccines are producing. Hopefully it's not too late for Californian's, 'cause many of these vaccines lay dormant for years before manifesting as a disease.(Nov 12 2018) - WINNERS and LOSERS and OPINIONS {#3}
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So much has been purposely "Broadcast" by the MSM concerning the "Great Divide" in our nation and also in our churches, that Pastor Mario Murillo has openly chastised many supposedly "Born Again" Christians for basically siding in with secularism - as opposed to sanctification. Now, if you don't know the difference between those two words, that sin is on you. Knowledge and Wisdom are available to all Believers and in The BIBLE, which measures any and all FAKE NEWS !!!(Nov 11 2018) - Declassify FISA and Indictments Follow
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes in-dee-dee !!! One of the reasons Jeff Sessions got the boot as A.G. was his delaying the release of all those FISA doc's. And hear-tell, many republicans - who, all of a sudden wanted to retire and not run again for office - were in that mix of miscreants and machinations, and Sessions thought it wise to give them cover as they left dodge. However, President Trump's new "ACTING" A.G. Matt Whitaker just heard him say "sick'em" and those DEEP STATE devil-dogs heard it like-wise.(Nov 10 2018) - Most destructive wildfire in California ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's another honest-to-goodness speculation re: all these wildfires which kinda sorta self ignite and explode with fury ... CHEMTRAILS !!! Yes, Chemtrails !!! Folks, for years our skies above have been polluted with geo-engineering goulash, which settled on everything below, and acting as accelerants and killer kilning. I'm tellin' you, somebody needs to analyse these chemical deposits and drippings, and if I'm correct heads need to roll 'cause people, pets and property have been destroyed and DIED.(Nov 08 2018) - CIA’S SECRET GLOBAL SEX SLAVE INDUSTRY
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's another one of those weekend reads which is semi note-worthy. For more than a few reasons, the info herein sounds solid and can be tracked on-line or in person. Secondly, Bakersfield is mentioned as recruiting local gangs into the CIA operations of gang warfare, sex trafficking & drug dealing. Thirdly, DEEP STATE operators / handlers are still at large "Blackmailing" & "Liquidating" loose ends !!! Maybe newly appointed Attorny General "Big Matt Whitaker" can tie things up ???(Nov 08 2018) - WINNERS and LOSERS and OPINIONS {#2}
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The new "Acting" Attorney General - Matthew Whitaker - is gonna have a lot to tackle, coming straight off the side-lines after Sessions got benched. President Trump - everyone knows - leads by example & if he has to re-write plays, or replace you in order to put points on the board, then that's what he's gonna do to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. As far as the democ-RATS taking the House, well, retiring "RINO" Paul Ryan obviously fumbled that ball. Just check all the stats and replays.(Nov 07 2018) - WINNERS and LOSERS and OPINIONS {#1}
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Alright ... GOP increases in the Senate but lose the House. No doubt, it's gonna be gridlock in the House, as the Senate moves on legislation a bit easier, but that issue ain't high on the list of things to pray for. Briefly, there's gonna be more investigations into anything and anybody affiliated with President Trump ... 'cause you know that Special Investigator Robert Mueller now has the House and time on his side. Secondly, say goodbye to A.G. Jeff Sessions and any indictments aimed at Hillary and or Obama. As for any more conservative SCOTUS nominations, the jury may be out for some time on that one. More results later today ...(Nov 04 2018) - Smart Dust Tracking You Via Satellite
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Maybe, just maybe, this "dated video" will awaken some Christians re: the war that's taking place in our atmosphere, with the "Prince of the power of the air" - satan - and his secrecy society of scientists. Folks, let me say this LOUD & CLEAR !!! When you look up into the sky & see CHEMTRAIL PLANES creating FAKE CLOUDS all over America, they're spraying synthetic substances ... which we all breath, altering our internal DNA's, biochemistries, frequencies, and tracking your whereabouts !!! These POPULATION CONTROL & KILL planes and projects must be stopped !!!(Nov 02 2018) - Lawyers File Lawsuit for ILLEGAL INVADERS !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- THIS IS A STICK UP !!! If you don't let us in America to collect every entitlement and handout, we're gonna "sue" you for our right(s) to these freebies. Our fore-fathers snuke in illegally, and got on the dole, and no one was the wiser. We demand that you let us in, put food in our bellies, put a roof over our head(s), give us jobs, educate our kids, and give us free health insurance ... 'cause THIS IS A STICK UP ... (Yup - That's Exactly What This Is) - (BIBLICAL RESPONSE)(Nov 01 2018) - Facebook Sells Your Personal Information
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- FAKEBOOK, like all the others, is providing a "MONEY MAKING" service for themselves, while marketing a FAKE idea that they're helping humanity. (LOL) Yes, I watched the FRONTLINE special on PBS last night and seen how easy their reporter was snookered into believing that FAKEBOOK was acting too slow in developing any deterrence on other countries using their platforms in a negative manner. But, they say they're geared-up for the 2018 Midterms and stand ready to assist any gov't agency requesting help - DOXXING OPPOSITION - since they know everyone's number(s) ... literally !!!(Oct 31 2018) - Building a 'Moral Machine' ... WHO DECIDES ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In the end - and all these coders know this - there can only be one "ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE" system which will control all the others. Every other AI must comply or be disconnected, or terminated. The same goes for any algorithm assigned with morals - from and by the masses - must also comply or be disconnected, or terminated. It's inevitable and it's in the BIBLE - Rev 13. But, I waist my breath, knowing that Christians in America are actively engaging in this "MARK OF THE BEAST" system and ignore all GOD's warning signs. WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!(Oct 31 2018) - Obama's Taliban Brothers Back in Business ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Looks like Obama's terrorist boys are back in business, supposedly in some leadership position establishing negotiations for peace for Afghanistan. Just so you know, these are the same terrorists who were swapped out for U.S. traitor Bowe Bergdahl. And I gotta say, the MSM hasn't given an inch of print space, nor a peep on TV, re: this issue, and neither are any democ-RATS - who looked the other way when this trade-off occured - are SCREAMING BOO !!!(Oct 30 2018) - FAKE STICKERS ON FAKE MAIL BOMERS VAN
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's something to chew on for a few days. Is the CIA somehow connected to this FAKE MAIL BOMBER more that suspected ??? The dots are kinda connecting that way, 'cause all the tell-tale signs of someone who is too connected to the COMPANY and too OVERT in their disdain for leftist and MSM are flashing non-stop. And lastly, ya just gotta consider the timing of this act of terrorism, and who - in the short run - benefits (democ-RATS), and in the long run ... The DEEP STATE.(Oct 28 2018) - The Vatican under Siege ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yup ... all this paedophilia within the Catholic Church is now in the open, and there ain't much that Pope Francis can do to save this institution - since he's been outed in this massive cover-up as well. Some of the faithful have suggested that he should resign, while others hope he can ride it out. In either case, there's gonna be internal and external investigations that will go on for years ... unless you follow the money that's propping up this charade of a corporate state called - The VATICAN.(Oct 27 2018) - Synagogue Shooter Disliked Trump ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As this latest shooting aimed at a Jewish Synagogue in Pittsburgh unravels and motive is revealed, it's important to note that the MSM has already re-directed it's motive ... that is to blame this horrific murderous act on President Trump and all his supporters before all the facts are laid out. So ... lets everyone take a deep breath and let the internet investigators flesh this one out. It won't take too long.(Oct 27 2018) - Something Suspicious About Bombers Van
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now come on ... if this FAKE "Mail Bomber" was trying to be innocuous while driving around in this "LOOK @ ME - LOOK @ ME" van, well, it didn't work. Folks, the "FAKE" Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has a history of egging people on to facilitate their "FALSE FLAG" operations, and then setting them up as patsies. I'm tellin' you, rocket science ain't needed here, just the independent on-line media ... whom the DEEP STATE and MSM is also trying to set up, shut up or shut down.(Oct 26 2018) - Woman convicted for calling Muhammad pedophile
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Christians, wise up !!! This "Religion of PEDOPHILES" - marketing themselves as a "Religion of Peace" - will continue to capture Christian cultures due to your absence an abdication(s). These followers of Mohamed are under Islams death-like trance to subdue the world, by what ever means necessary, or they will incur the same wrath as infidels. They are the enemies of western society and every known freedom in which countries have fought and died for. Let's nip this in the bud ... NOW !!!(Oct 26 2018) - Exploring Real History OPERATION DELIRIUM
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... so your looking for another weekend read. Well, here you go. This article written by Raffi Khatchadourian on OPERATION DELIRIUM, is one for your bookmarks. I gotta say, this article - which covers some of the de-classified work of Colonel James S. Ketchum re: the testing of classified chemical on Army subjects - allows for honest anger and unrelenting investigations ... 'cause he wasn't the only officer who worked in this MK-ULTRA field (and) alongside compartmentalized NAZI scientists, there were hundreds. And today, Universities are given grants to continue this research - from (that's right) DEEP STATE agencies.(Oct 24 2018) - Google Wants to Be Your Media Mommy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- "Free speech for me, but not for thee" Look, Google and the rest of these social media "MOBS" won't argue facts on and even keel, so they have to censor your take on the truth - especially if it's true !!! And in this point in time, we've reached the point of no return. FREE SPEECH, on the internet, is in sharp and draconian decline, and to continue using their platforms exhibits insanity, albeit stupidity. As for your high priced snitchen' machines (cell phones) ... well, you paid for it, and later on you're really gonna pay for it.(Oct 24 2018) - Jesuits New Temple ... Somewhat Luciferian ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Even at the top of all these religious wood piles, competition for a seat on the NEW WORLD ORDER is running rampant with every new age mysticism, paganism, deviant & Luciferian influencing every creation which GOD established. Folks, these NWO Nut Jobs actually think that they can cross over & shut down the GATES OF HELL. They know that's where they're headed, and know it's for eternity, so they use the spiritual side of man to open a portal. Why ??? They're looking for time-lines as to when JESUS CHRIST will return. Yes, they're that paranoid !!!(Oct 23 2018) - Countries Set For EMP Attack on U.S. ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay, let me break it down this way. If an "EMP Attack" were to occur on or over American soil, that - in all likelihood - would be a FALSE FLAG attack orchestrated by the DEEP STATE to blame it on another country, creating an automatic WAR !!! If these other countries were to initiate an EMP Attack, it would - in all probability - be a slow cooker, as to not alert anyone re: their intent. As to when this may occur, at the same time the SUN is set to hit us with one. Got it ???(Oct 22 2018) - Military "ORDERED" to Southern Border !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Encouraging this free-fall into chaos, anarchy, riots and war are the democ-RATS, and of course their cohorts, the MSM !!! Yes, at this point in time, President Trump has to secure our southern borders by ordering our troops from several bases to STAND GUARD !!! No doubt there are hundreds of invading illegals who are bad hombres and will methodically merge with these maddened migrants and murderous Muslims. So ... is it time to STAND OUR GROUND ??? Property owners on the southern border will. How about you ???(Oct 20 2018) - Facebook Now Blocking “Gosnell” Movie Ads
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a great movie - Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer - now playing in selected theatres, and one that's setting morals right across the nation concerning ABORTION, just got their ads booted off of FAKEBOOK. So ... to counter this obstruction of the truth, Christians ought to buy as many tickets as they can and give them to their family and friends. Better yet, hand them out to those women entering and exiting ABORTION mills. It could save another life !!!(Oct 19 2018) - Presidential Memo Signed re: Reliable Water
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is how you turn the faucet on in California - by a Presidential Memorandum !!! Yes, President Trump heard and seen the need, and on Oct 19th signed a Memorandum, Promoting the Reliable Supply & Delivery of Water in the West. With Congressmen McCarthy and Nunes standing by his side, and who have been working diligently to resolve this issue, President Trump turned the water back on ... 'cause he knows that "Food Grows Where Water Flows" !!!(Oct 17 2018) - Facebook, Twitter, Google Etc. ... SUBVERSIVE ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In a nut-shell, you gotta be just plain-ole-nuts to continue using these "Free & Fake" social mediaplatforms"Fronts" which are harnessed by NEW WORLD ORDER Nut-Jobs. Look, they're controlled by "Back-Room" & "Back-Door" agents whose end-time agenda is to control & cleanse the masses. These social media fronts are as subversive as satan, and in the very near future they're gonna yank you by the short hairs just to watch you holler & scream like Arnold "the-girlie-man" Schwarzenegger.(Oct 15 2018) - Spray-On Antenna's Threaten Your Life !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I've been telling my family and all my friends who would listen, that you're a walking antenna, and this article about "Spray-On-Antenna's" - which covers the beginnings of that technology - is spot on. But why - you ask - would anyone put that much time, effort and money into monitoring the masses ??? Well ... for one ... Revelations 13 hints at this "Mark-Of-The-Beast" madness, and second, the anti-christ, will demand worship and what better way to observe this obeisance then by surveillance of your skins reactions.(Oct 14 2018) - Behind Hillary's Security Clearance Withdrawn ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- From what LidBlog.com dug up, this is a seasoned reason why Hillary Clinton - kinda / sorta - asked that she and a few of her close friends have the security clearances removed. BEING RE-INVESTIGATED !!! Yes, there's a law on the books that stipulates that to re-new your clearance(s), you have to be re-investigated every 5-6 years. And you guessed it, that would mean if she or her friends - kinda / sorta - lied under oath, that would initiate an investigate, an indictment and possibly incarceration of her, and her friends.(Oct 13 2018) - Alternative Media Purge Should TERRIFY Everyone
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- It's nothing personal - they intimate - it's simply business. You see, it's getting harder for the MSM & their social media shadows to sell good news to their sponsors. They know that FAKE NEWS sells & to stay afloat, this is what they gotta hock. However, when that ain't enough to keep them out of debt & garner the attention of the masses, they op for censorship of the independent media, or purging social media accounts, and if needed, lobby congress to establish a "Ministry of Truth" to ban any alternative media all-together. Sound familiar ???(Oct 12 2018) - Patent to Manipulate Impulse & Thoughts
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a little article to mull over for your weekend. This Oct 7th report has a patent which describes how TV's and computer screens can manipulate your mind, and from what I can tell, intrude a bit beyond influence. Look, all these devices - especially those streaming - have to find a way to corral your consciousness to benefit their corporate sponsors, and of course bad actors in gov't - usually democ-RATS beholden to their DEEP STATE demigods. And you, well, your thoughts might be their thoughts. Ever think about that ???(Oct 12 2018) - Francis & the FAKE resignation of Wuerl
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's how this works ... you get some dirt on someone and use it when you need it. In this situation, it looks like Cardinal Wuerl has something on someone, which is influencing Pope Francis' decision to rid the Vatican of these sexual abuse crimes and cover-ups. And how did Wuerl and all the other priest get all this dirt ??? In the confessional !!! BTW, in times past, this is where the Jesuits (Vatican Agents) would glean dirt, 'causing political problems re: this spy-like activity (which history tells us) lead to their expulsion from many countries.(Oct 11 2018) - Rosenstein Refuses to Testify to Congress
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- There's a very good chance that folks from all over the nation will be able to mail Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein a few Christmas cards, either thanking him for being open & transparent concerning "The McCabe Memo" or wishing him well behind bars. I gotta say, the more that these DEEP STATE sub-humans resist, the more they'll be named, located & locked up. Yes, Christmas may come early this year (Nov 6th) as President Trump's gift of Making America Great Again keeps on giving. (LOL)(Oct 10 2018) - MSM ... Coverage of Trump ... GETTING WORSE !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Lookie here guys, let me say this loud and clear ... the MSM - an "ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE" - refuses to surrender any equal time or coverage to anyone who might infringe on their Anti-American Agenda. They've become diametrically and demoniacally dyslectic in reporting good as evil. As for President Trump getting any positive journalism out of these ingrates, well, it may never happen. As a matter of fact, it's getting worse !!! Lastly, I strongly advise that y'all cancel your social media blogs and get a real web site ... like The Porterville Post.(Oct 07 2018) - California Poverty Now Highest In USA ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- We keep hearing that California is going down the tubes, folks, it's done gone. This report - from the left and right - are saying that California's poverty level scrapes the bottom of the well. That ain't all. In just about every category of economy, education and environment, surveys are indicating the same. And yet, California wants to be a "Sanctuary State" to all, making it even more unsustainable and undesirable as a state.(Oct 05 2018) - INTERPOL CHIEF MISSING ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Reading something like this ain't never good. Hopefully he's found soon or foul play will be surmised. Listen, this guy knows where all the bodies are buried - all over the planet - and for him to come up missing while in China can only mean one thing ... dead men don't talk ... especially if he's in any way connected to Senator Feinstein or worse, the Clinton's. Look, it's Friday and the MSM will sit on this 'til Monday, so let's flesh this one out ASAP. (More ...) (Up-Date)(Oct 04 2018) - Sessions Must Appear TODAY with Doc's
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Back on the boiler plate (today) is Attorney General Jeff Sessions. He was subpoena by the House Judicial Committee and to bring a few UNREDACTED DOCUMENTS with him. And here's the fire under his fanny, many are saying that he cannot leave unless he brings with him all of those doc's. Now, I'm not too sure if this little come-to-Jesus meeting will be broadcast, but if Sessions is willing to take one for the team we gotta ask, which team, and why ??? I have my suspicions. What's yours ???(Oct 04 2018) - 'Uncorroborated - No Hint of Misconduct' ... FBI
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Just days away, Judge Brett Kavanaugh is gonna get nominated as the next Supreme Court Justice. Looks like the 7th FBI report of Judge Kavanaugh concluded "Uncorroborated" evidence re: the democ-RATS accusations against him. As for Christine Blasley-Ford's false memory implants, well, they didn't raise any flags. Here's why. If you were to re-open whatever was sub-planted into her pee-brain, you'd hear controlling voices from her handlers at the CIA and FBI, and for dang sure they don't want that MKULTRA can of worms opened up.(Oct 03 2018) - Kavanaugh's accuser linked to the CIA & FBI
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, I suppose this smörgåsbord of "Spy vs Spy" semi-synopses of Christine Blasey-Ford connections to the CIA & FBI will make light soon, unless of course Senator Feinstein is able to keep the FBI's report on Judge Kavanaugh in the dark and away from pubic view. In any case, please read through this report and glean what seems creditable and then do some additional research. It stands to reason that the DEEP STATE will be erasing any links or evidence to this "expendable" asset.(Oct 02 2018) - Teenage Pic's of Kavanaugh & Christine Blasey
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Picture salivating over THIS ... this ... wanna' fit in any way I can teenage girl, who got rejected at every party she snuck into. Odds are Brett Kavanaugh and his buddies had the 411 on this beauty. Folks, this scorned teenager - who should not have been at this party in the first place - has HARBORED this HATE for years, and believe you me, she and families friends are gonna regret for the rest of her life her FAKE accusations against Judge Kavanaugh ... as will each and every other idiotic democ-RAT siding in with this slander ... starting on Nov 6th.(Oct 01 2018) - Ford Wrote About Using Hypnosis ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Possible hypnotic suggestions implanted into Christine Blasey Ford's pee-brain ??? No way !!! I mean, if you want to beat a lie detector, you'd use some of this self hypnosis, but come on, this innocent looking gal wouldn't of pull a stunt like that - or would she ??? Sure ... she co-authored a research paper on retrieving memories and / or creatingartificialManchurian ones, but ... would she have done this and then take a lie detector test to substantiate her allegations ??? It kinda looks that way ... doesn't it ???(Oct 01 2018) - Weaponized Demons of Social Media
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I gotta say, these luciferian leaders in Wash D.C. - accompanied by their satanic social media moguls, conjoined with the Manchurian MSM and of course those DEEP STATE devils - think that Christians in America are asleep at the switch. For the most part they're correct ... however ... GOD has their number, and after judgement runs though the house of GOD first, then Katie-bar-the-door to those DUMB's, 'cause TRIBULATIONS A COMING - like The BIBLE foretold - and hiding underground ain't gonna help ya either.(Sep 29 2018) - DEEP STATE talked to Flack before he voted ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- It's been surmised sufficiently concerning Senator Flake (RINO) convictions and why he caveatted his "Yea" Vote for Kavanaugh at the Senate Judiciary hearing, and what-do-you-know, it wasn't this little screaming mimi in the elevators who flipped the switch on Flack, it was his closed door connections to the Deputy Attorney General ... wait for it ... ROD ROSENSTEIN. Folks, these DEEP STATE SWAMP RATS - are in violation of their "Oaths" due to their TREASONOUS ACTIVITIES !!!(Sep 29 2018) - FBI kicks off investigation into Kavanaugh
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So, what will the FBI discover in their week long investigation "against" Judge Kavanaugh, and not Ms Ford ??? More allegations - that's it ... UNSUBSTANTIATED ALLEGATIONS !!! And, when their findings are presented to the Senate body, these satanically inspired "Search and Destroy" democ-RATS will demand another delay re: the confirmation. That's their game plan !!! If it means destroying the conformation process - let along the Constitution - they will do it !!! Folks, these democracy denying democ-RATS want control - not compromise !!!(Sep 28 2018) - Ms Ford’s Deep Ties To The CIA Uncovered
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Amazingly, info and intel is streaming all over the internet re: Ms Fords life-long connections to the CIA, and yet the MSM - who's joined at the hip with these intel agencies - won't report any of this. However, Judge Kavanaugh knows all about these clandestine connections and alluded to them when he pointed out that the Clinton's - specifically Hillary - had it in for him. In the mean time, innocent until proven guilty has been usurped by Ms Ford's unsubstantiated allegations and by the CIA's useful Mockingbirds in the MSM.(Sep 28 2018) - THE SEARCH AND DESTROY DEMOCRATS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Like millions of TV viewers, I watched the Senate Confirmationhearingcircus and became incensed by the "Search and Destroy" tactics by the democ-RATS on the panel. Secondly, I do believe that something happened to Ms Ford, but not as she testified. Thirdly, I also believe that Judge Kavanaugh was presented guilty by those democ-RATS and by the MSM - even though all witnesses claimed it did not happen - to protect, not just Ms Ford, but Hillary Clinton. More on that note soon ...(Sep 25 2018) - A New World Currency Will Arise in Oct ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, you could say this is old news, and it may not happen in Oct of 2018, but it will happen ... 'cause it's kinda connected to Bible prophecy !!! Folks, these NEW WORLD ORDER Nut-Jobs actually understand a Christians opposition to any object being placed in or on their bodies, and they know that an end-around these end-time evangelicals - if done too fast - will prolong their programs and plans. So ... Christians need to stand opposed - or - stand in line ... to receive the "Mark of the Beast" !!!(Sep 25 2018) - Wagering on Tragedies: The Elite’s Secret
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This article is a bit lengthy and you can read it when you have some spare time, however, bookmark it ASAP before it's ixnayed from the internet. Folks ... the DEEP STATE is so deep, dark, dangerous and demonic, that future lives are a stake right now - not to mention that America's in their cross-hairs. Layer upon layer, these "Powers That Be - AKA - Puppet Masters", conceal their crimes, corruption and "Blood-Sport" betting, by blackmailing any person, any gov't and all MSM into abject obedience and silence ... or else !!! After reading this article your eyes will be wide open. Sorry ...(Sep 24 2018) - Trump Is Planning Mass Arrests ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Of course the DEEP STATE and all their underlings are in a panic right now, and they should be. President Trump is legally setting the stage for a round-up of bad-actors, and it's kinda looks like Judge Brett Kavanaugh - if he makes it to the SCOTUS - will tip the scales in favour of this action. Listen, President Trump knows this is the only chance to set the records straight and to Make America Great Again. So please take a knee ... for all The Right Reasons !!!(Sep 23 2018) - Military Tribunals Beginning of Cabal Takedown
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Vengeance is mine saith The LORD, I will repay ... (here and in the here after). Look folks, these DEEP STATE devils have hidden behind layers of bureaucratic Beelzebub's and bumblers for decades and President Trump knows which courts can counter these criminals - A MILITARY TRIBUNAL. Additionally, those participating parasitical politicians are gonna get pulled in and punished !!! No doubt about it !!! In any case (pun intended) it's Sunday, and a great time to PRAY !!!(Sep 20 2018) - Executive Order of Certain Sanctions
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Did President Trump just notified all the "Bad Actors" affiliated with the "Export-Import" bank ??? It kinda looks that way and throughout this new "Executive Order" you read where any person or any thing who is associated with any of these "Bad Actors" who are SANCTIONED, well, they're gonna be in the outs as well. As another possibility, this "Executive Order" might also stymie some of that secret "BLOOD & DRUG MONEY" from re-entering the states and interfering in any more elections. I can hear these NEW WORLD ORDER Nut-Jobs screaming already. Can you ???(Sep 19 2018) - DOJ & FBI Plan Redactions of Doc's ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yup, most of us knew that these "De-Classified" Doc's were gonna be redacted, however, there are others within these agencies who know how to leak-out these un-redacted doc's to whistle-blowers and many "Q" platforms. President Trump knows all about this bureaucratic back-peddling and will wait these obstructionist agents out, as he continues to go DEEP SWAMP noodling. Folks, I have to tell you, the MSM also knows that many of these doc's will un-cover their DEEP STATE connections and contracts as well. Stay tuned ...(Sep 18 2018) - Christian Transhumanist Association ... NO WAY !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Are you kiddin' me ??? The whole idea of Christians accepting - let alone being - Transhumanists is unorthodox, not to mention oxymoronic. And yet here we are. Soon this concept will be accepted - within liberal churches - as a better and consistent way to moralize the masses. No, I'm not talking about needed prosthesis' - 'cause these fools ain't - I'm talking about the kind of technology which will transform a persons faith and possibly confuse their personal relationship with GOD !!!(Sep 17 2018) - Space Force & Command to Cost $13 Billion
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Why do we really need a SPACE FORCE and why now ??? Well, the obvious answer is to protect our national interest like our communication and spy satellites, and even more importantly our entertainment satellites, from conflicting countries. Why now ??? Because we have new players from the private sectors who are gaining ground in the rocket industry and many are very political, problematic, paramilitary and un-patriotic. They are the new "High-Tech" Terrorists who could hold the world hostage - in The Twilight Zone. Yes we need a SPACE FORCE !!!(Sep 17 2018) - Daughter Of CIA Assassin Paymaster did WHAT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks, the evil perpetrated on free persons by our own intelligence agencies goes beyond imagination. If all they even done was Blackmail innocent individuals into copping pleas, that would kinda be acceptable. (I said kinda) But so much blood has been shed, in the name of saving these agencies, I do not think their word evens out all the evil that they were ordered, albeit activated to accomplish. EVIL IS EVIL !!!(Sep 15 2018) - China's 'Digital' Totalitarian Experiment
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So ... you say we have nothing to worry about - 'cause that's China, and they're communist. Well, hold your horses partner. China has a huge electronic influence here in the states and around the world, and believe-you-me, if something that big and grandiose works, ya darn tooten' some country from the "FIVE EYES" team is gonna hook up with these Chi-Coms ... especially if they can get this surveillance technology dirt cheep. It's just a matter of time folks as Chinese Christians are being warned.(Sep 14 2018) - Diocese to investigate handling of priest abuse
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay California Catholics, here's your chance to out those pedophilia priests from the pulpits. If San Jose - with the help of an "ex" FBI agent - finds what & who their looking for, you need to start putting together all the documents & police reports ASAP to do the same. I'm tellin' you, those who've been shunned after they accused these priests of sexual assaults, can now be vindicated if you'll help. Will you ??? San Diego did ...(Sep 12 2018) - This 'PRAYER' Violated FAKEBOOKS Standards
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hey Christians, why are you still using FAKEBOOK ??? For sure these social media platforms ain't gonna let you change the rules, if they say it violates them. It's their little tinker-toy & you are gonna have to play by their rules - or your out. Yes, I believe that this prayer in no-way shape or form would constitute any violation or offend anyone ('cept satanists) but hear me out, unless you cut your losses now, its gonna cost you, your family & friends a whole lot more later. JUST DO IT !!!(Sep 11 2018) - Bill Introduced to End Taxes on Gold & Silver
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This could be a real game changer for those who are in possession of gold and silver coins. U.S. Representative Alex Mooney (R-WV) has introduced a Bill on Sept 7th - not yet numbered - which would exempt gold and silver from any form of taxation by the IRS. That's right, the IRS in 1986 changed the description of your coins as "collectibles" and then proceeded to impose a capital gains tax on it's increased value. This Bill, if passed, goes into effect Jan 1st 2019.(Sep 09 2018) - Deep State Panicked re: Military Tribunals
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The deeper President Trump's dragnet sinks in the SWAMP, the more dangerous it becomes for him. There are too many MSM miscreants just oozing with fear and loathing, and are waiting for the exact "Trigger Words" from their colluding handlers to publish, initiating an end game to end Trump. Why ? Because Trump, from all I've read, has green lighted Military Tribunals - since were still under The War Powers Act. So ... it's Sunday and it's time to pray !!! JUST DO IT !!!(Sep 09 2018) - A Month of Islam in America ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm just gonna say it like this ... if you're on the side-lines hoping to get in the game. GOOD !!! However, if you haven't done your homework re: this "Religion of Peace" you're gonna get taken out on first down. These Islamic invaders are here in America to subjugate anyone and anything that ain't beholden to sharia. They've brought their long game with them and can wait you out. They've just about corralled every politically correct corner that's available to shut you up and shut you down. So, what's your game plan - besides hoping ???(Sep 08 2018) - The 4 Waves of Artificial Intelligence
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In the future there will be no second guessing, if Artificial Intelligence (AI) gains a stronger foothold. Yes, wonderful products can help humanity with (AI), but when bad people are flipping those switches - like we see with many social media moguls - it's not gonna end well. And here's why. There are many big players in the (AI) pursuit and only one will be accepted as the universal (AI). All others will have to be eliminated and so will you, if you know what happens IN THE END.(Sep 06 2018) - Twitter permanently bans Alex Jones ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- NO TWITTER FOR YOU ... says the social media NAZI !!! Yes, Alex Jones at times was a bit loud and obnoxious while whistle blowing, but for crying out loud who isn't nowadays ??? In the beginning many social media platforms, and don't forget MSM liked this kind of repertoire - 'cause it increased rating - but now it's offensive ??? Is that was truth is ... offensive ??? Folks, the Porterville Post saw this coming and decided early on to stay away from these platforms which incorporated bottom bloggers, 3rd party trollers and cookies.(Sep 04 2018) - NIKE & NFL -- The New "N" Words !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks ... some decisions have consequences and others have severe consequences. As for the NIKE & the NFL, this decision to change the course of culture by defaulting to politically correct position is super severe. Their main consumers - men - will just save their money and buy other products. Yes, there will be those die-hard NFL supporters with season tickets but the rest of us All American Men, well, we have a new "N" word also ... and it's "NO" to NIKE and "NO" to the NFL.(Sep 03 2018) - FORCES IN PLAY - MAYBE FOR GOOD ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This week the Post was alerted to some secret shenanigans re: America's secret computer "Main-Frames" and "Secret Satellites", and today I've picked up a forth witness to this "What Hats" event, involving factions and sectors in America's covert agencies and black opps. Truth be told, there was some collateral damage, to some of our equipment ... maybe for good, however, it ain't over, and PRAYER is needed to finish the job.(Sep 03 2018) - LABOR DAY - DAY OFF
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well ... it's LABOR DAY ... and we're gonna slow role on The Porterville Post a bit. Yes, of course there's a lot of crazy FAKE NEWS floating all over the blog-o-sphere, but a little time with my family and friends is what I'm craving right now. I suggest y'all do the same. See you guys tomorrow and GOD Bless ...(Aug 31 2018) - OUR RECIPE FOR DISASTER by Mario Murillo
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- All too often I encounter the same FAKE FOLLOWERS as does Evangelist Mario Murillo dang-near daily. Their convictions and witness of the GOOD NEWS - out side of the four walls of the church - is diminishing daily. What's springing up in it's place - because of their AWOL - are cults and religions of hate. Secondly, and as bad, are the placating pastors and preachers who "pretend" to lead their parishioners re: POLITICS. Rev 3:16 says this about that ...(Aug 31 2018) - WEEKEND WEB SITE - TheHackerNews.com
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's another - simple to navigate - great weekend web site to "Bookmark" to your favourites called "TheHackerNews.com". I'm sure there will be some internal links that will create some concern(s), especially with all the cell phone apps which are getting hacked, not to mention all the security agencies and security software(s) being breached. It kinda makes you wonder ... why in the name of common sense would anyone trust any snithin' machine with any personal info ??? Why - Why - Why ???(Aug 30 2018) - CHAOS IN THE VATICAN ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As much as we'd like to see this paedophilia filthiness within the Catholic church all go away - it won't !!! For too many years, decades - possibly hundreds - this perversion of priests, and don't forget the nastiness of the nuns, has finally come to a head, and most adherents aligned to this abhorrence are aghast and are leaving at break-neck-speed. And they should. You see, these Catholics have put too much trust in this religion and need a personal relationship with a personal Saviour - JESUS CHRIST !!! Not the Vatican. Not the Virgin Mary. Not the Saints. And not protestantism ... but JESUS CHRIST !!!(Aug 29 2018) - AB 2888 : Gun violence restraining orders
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- At first reading, this article sounds like these idiots in Sacramento want to rid everyone in California of their guns - and the do - however, the real agenda is to take the word of snowflakes who are triggered by anyone who may or may-not have any guns in their possession or home, which in turn would trigger SWAT SQUADS to do security searches and to terrorize the whole neighbourhood looking for leads. Yes this is a BAD BILL AB-2888 !!!(Aug 29 2018) - Trump Declares All-Out War Against Google
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And so the end begins ... not with a bang, but with a Google. Folks, these so-called private enterprises which - in the beginning - lead the masses to expect equal distribution of info, have been caught conspiring with their computer comrades re: anything conservative, let along Christian. And before Donald Trump became President, complaints re: these hindrances to free speech fell on deaf ears ... until now. And believe-you-me, the FAKE NEWS boys lost their hassle with "The Don" and if Google doen't comply - something might die.(Aug 27 2018) - Anti-vaxx people are really Russian bots ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The second time I read through this article - looking for any faulty logic - I knew that if SB-1424 passes, so will the Porterville Post, and any other web site offering any opposing views on any subject - not just anti-vax info - which doesn't comply with California's approved info standards. As of Aug 23rd 2018, a third reading from the Assembly side has taken place, and continues. However, if enough opposition from the public is employed, it could be stalled or stopped. It's up to you - JOHN Q' PUBLIC !!!(Aug 26 2018) - “The Pope Must Resign” ... Say What ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This "usual" activity of homosexuality and pedophilia within the priesthood of the Catholic Church incrementally climbed it's ranks and into the "Collage of Cardinals" decades ago. Pope after Pope were advised of these awful offenses and obviously opted to allow these predators priests to be relocated and reassigned, rather than rebuking or removing them. Consequently - as we read today - trust in the churches leadership has fallen below crisis intervention and can never be repaired. Even by a JESUIT POPE !!!(Aug 25 2018) - Judaized Christianity: Front for New World Order
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now ... before you go and pee your pannies re: this article, consider some of the info. Don't just automatically shut down, do some research. I have and I gotta say, most "Blue Lodge" Freemasons ain't got a clue about their own history, or what transpires in the higher degrees. They join because it's a good place to network if you have a business. It's a bad place to join if you know too much. That's what all their SECRET OATHS fearfully inculcate ... SILENCE !!!(Aug 23 2018) - DATA from Studying Militarized Policing
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Data on anything can be misconstrued and misused - if subjective analysis is employed. It doesn't matter one wit, which department or agency that you're trying to track or trace ... TOTAL TRANSPARENCY is the key. As far as police departments go - after 10 days and no more than 30 - initial reports "must" be written, read, and posted on-line. This is the only way to keep these people honest - the police, the politicians, the press, and yes the public. If everybody knows ... truth prevails !!!(Aug 22 2018) - Highest Murder Rate in the USA - CALIFORNIA
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Last year the Crime Prevention Research Center came out with a report showing which states and which counties have the highest murder rates. No doubt you know where California lies - being a Sanctuary State and a safe haven for illegals, criminals, what-have-you's and whatchamacallits. And if you look closely, California has a higher murder rate than Illinois - namely Chicago. California's CCW's permits are also - per capita - lower than most. And Jerry "The Clown" Brown calls President Trump a criminal for wanting safer borders. Give me a break !!!(Aug 21 2018) - California Assembly OKs bill to eliminate bail ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Why stop there ??? Why not just eliminate jail as well ??? Folks, these empathetic idiots in Sacramento have lost all of their marbles and wing-nuts, having more compassion for criminals than the victims. It's beyond comprehension at this point. California, always boasting of their "Sanctuary State" status and coyote connections - mostly through the Catholic church - has revived the Vatican's old RAT-LINES ... thanks to the democ-RATS and Jerry the "Jesuit" Brown !!!(Aug 20 2018) - Social media censorship - some 'deep' basics
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the skinny. Most everyone is already hooked into satan's surveillance society, via their invading i-phones and secularized snitchin' machines. At one point in time, you had options - to opt out. Those are no longer available. You're either in or out. And I'm here to tell you, even if you're kinda off the grid, the gov't gumba's like Google - which are some of the highest paid "CRIMINAL INFORMANTS" - have you, and everything that is understood concerning you, so dialed in ... that it would even make George Orwell tick-a-lock.(Aug 20 2018) - Practising Satanists in the Catholic Clergy ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- My first encounter with an angry ex-Catholic priest - who switched sides and became a "Druid" High Priest - was in Visalia. His name was Shawn Paul and he owned the "Ye Old Bookstore" in Visalia, just off of main. He eventually shared with me how and why he left the priesthood, and his utter disdain for anything Christian. As time went on we became good friends, and he disclosed additional atrocities he endured and was forced to perpetrate, if he was to continue as a priest. BTW, he also taught at C.O.S. occult and metaphysical courses.(Aug 19 2018) - Retirees Shouldn’t Get Security Clearances !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As a precaution, everyone who's ever had a security clearance, it should automatically be revoked one year after retirement of service. A debriefing should take place at the end of that year, plus a National Security agreement must be signed, given full knowledge of the consequences of disclosure. There are too many bad actors gaining employment with too many consulting groups and media. Folks, this is what's needed in a time where moles turn into spies, and spies turn into conspirators, and conspirators turn into assassins. Just ask President Lincoln, McKinley, JFK and Reagan ...(Aug 18 2018) - How Hate Speech Conquered Free Speech !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, the MSM has the corner market on HATE SPEECH by virtue of their cognitive dissonant diatribes. Look, they've tapped into America's "50 Shades of Silence" and the fearful 501c(3) Churches into believing that their FAKE NEWS gospel and 6 O'Clock sermons are honest & forthright. However, they, and all their social media cohorts, have been outed as the ENEMIES OF FREEDOM, and their borderline personalities - within the Brotherhood of Broadcasters - are ready to take the First Amendment down with them if they can't control the narrative.(Aug 17 2018) - Trump Cancels His Military Parade
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The number one issue why President Trump cancelled the Military Parade was SECURITY !!! Word in the swamp was ... if there was a parade ... the DEEP STATE was gonna green light mass shootings - not just at the President and Vice President - but also target the marching military and brass, 'causing instant chaos, martial law to be enacted in Wash D.C. (to capture the assassins) and initiating civil war all across America. Trump was wise to this set up and said NO PARADE !!!(Aug 14 2018) - This TEDx Talk Attempts to Normalize Pedophilia
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a few exerts from a "TED Talk" about pedophilia and how they cannot change their desires of wanting to have sex with children - calling it love. (Give me a break) As horrific as that sounds, these "TED Talkers" actually try to convince those in the audience to normalizes thisbehaviordisorderdeviancy, and that normal folks are just gonna have to find a way to accept pedophilia ... 'cause THEY CAN'T BE FIXED. Just ask your neighborhood priest ...(Aug 14 2018) - The “N” Word Is In The News ... but
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... the "N" Word ... to be politically correct and nice, you just can't say it. The problem is two fold. First, every time you hear the phrase "N" Word, you are reminded that the "N" is an abbreviation and it stands for "N***er". Right ? Right ! Second, every time you hear that phrase, you then have to unmask it in your mind, to remind yourself not to say the "N" Word out loud. What a conundrum, you say. Eventually this oxymoronic prohibition of language will develop into an "N" Word syndrome or another thought disorder, in which an "Anti-N-Word" Vaccine will be readily available. {Sarcasm, Yes - Reality, Very Soon}(Aug 13 2018) - THANKS FOR THE INVITE ... HOWEVER
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday and again today, I was asked by a few social media algorithms to join someone’s special social media platform and I'd really like to respond with a simple thanks, but no thanks. HOWEVER, these blasted artificial algorithmic do-hickies won't let you. Secondly, even if I did respond or reply, no-tellen' how many "3rd Party Parasites" would use my contact info on the DARK WEB. Lastly, if you already have my e-mail (editor@portervillepost.com) then use it. I'll respond.(Aug 13 2018) - Free-Speech Monopoly : The Game's Rigged
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Quite simple, this is an Easy vs Effort issue. Folks, I've been railing against these social media platforms for years, knowing full well that one day these quasi-concerned companies - with all their free web site usage - was gonna pull their radical rugs out from beneath all who opposed their terms and agreements. Yes, their hooks of free and easy was hard to resist, 'cause they knew - in the end - they'd catfish Conservatives, Constitutionalists and Christians.(Aug 12 2018) - DEEP STATE HUSBANDS & WIVES ... NAMED !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- It's a forgone conclusion and simple assumption that most who are working for an agency will get something on someone, even if it's all FAKE !!! {That's what Counter-Intel does} But protecting that process takes a ton of money - dirty DEEP STATE money !!! And one of the first things needed in outing these dishonest departments is to name-names and to get these names onto a court doc' before any statute of limitations occurs. And lastly - and if necessary - put any presiding Judge in protective custody. As for the MSM ... well, after TODAY, they've officially become an ENEMY OF TRUTH & FREEDOM !!!(Aug 12 2018) - The Media (MSM) Shouldn't Fear Conservatives ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The MSM is and always has been looking for BLOOD on the streets, or in recent times, The White House and President Trump !!! Why ??? Because BLOOD SELLS !!! If the MSM continues to collude amongst themselves in this BLOOD BATH style of reporting, someone will get hurt !!! And - most obvious with the internet investigators being on the case - if the MSM has to sacrifice one of their own (which they do all the time) to get the story and create a FAKE NEWS narrative, then American Aggregates - truly supporting the 1st Amendment - won't stand in their way.(Aug 12 2018) - Omarosa "Secretly" Taped John Kelly ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Walking around the White House with any kind of personal cell phone, let alone recording equipment - was BANNED to address all the leaks and moles who were trying to undermine President Trump. As far as Omarosa's "Secretly Recording" any of Trump's staff without their knowledge - no question about it - was a CRIME !!! Folks, listen, either she was that stupid, or she knew ahead of time that she goofed up big time and was headed for the big house, and I'm guessing, she copped a plea with some agency which - in turn - blackmailed her into doing this illegal act. There's no other explanation !!!(Aug 10 2018) - WEEKEND WEBSITE : Declassified Documents
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's another weekend website that should keep most of our readers occupied a while. It's called Declassified Documents. Even though the name is "Eye Catchy" most of the documents and info are second hand. Since I haven't ploughed through all of it's contents yet, perhaps our readers will take the time. In any event, enjoy and let me know what you find out. GOD Bless ...(Aug 09 2018) - Voice to Skull Tech' Embedded in 5G ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What if these mad scientists - hired by these neurotic NEW WORLD ORDER Nut-Jobs - are able to rewire some of the synapse in your brain just by flippen' a few switches ? Would you consider that invasive ? You know you would ! What if they could sneak this "Voice to Skull" frequency inside you without you knowing it ??? What - if anything - could you do ??? Not much ... unless you take some precautions now, like getting "High & Tight" with JESUS CHRIST. And I mean, like yesterday. And for good measure, ask GOD for the Baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT.(Aug 08 2018) - Banning Election Auditing ... LIFTED !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Known in many high-end circles in both the DNC and RNC was this "accepted" decree, ratified in 1982 by a court in New Jersey, which basically says, neither party can audit any of the others voter numbers after an election - preventing election challenges and skulduggery. This law has been challenged on so many elections by the party that was harmed, and to no avail, until it was lifted. BTW, those who benefited the most from this anti-audit agreement were the democ-RATS. That's why they're throwing hissy fits and the social media masters are CENSORING internet influencer's before the mid-terms.(Aug 08 2018) - Indictment Unsealed: U.S. Congressman Arrested
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- See ... I told you guys (Aug 3rd) that RINO's as well democ-RATS are all caught up in the DOJ's dragnet of the DEEP STATE and SWAMP. And I mean everyone, especially all the paid consultants, lobbyists, and embassy staffs from other countries taking up good real-estate here in America. And all those "commie suck-ups" in UNITED NATIONS, whoa baby, you ain't seen nothing yet. BTW, the final round up (won't be the people) will be the judges, because of their off shore connection - primarily through the state bar associations - to England's continuous control of America's courts in relationship to commerce !!! Just wait and see ...(Aug 07 2018) - Pentagon Prohibits using GPS Services ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- GPS devices ??? Forget about it !!! No one tracks users cell phone locations any more. That's old school. They can now use your voice to locate you. Also they have the capability to use your body and DNA's frequencies to find you. How ??? Well, for starters, they've already quadrant off every inch of our planet into cubes and can tell when you have "biometrically" passed through or near them ... in real time. GPS devices - forget about it. You Are The GPS !!!(Aug 05 2018) - A Major Bio-Terror Attack Is Coming ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Every now and again, I get reports like this sent to me, and I gotta tell you, many times GOD intervenes in these attacks ... mostly because "REAL CHRISTIANS" - who are intercessors - petition the Throne of GOD 24/7 for HIS MERCY !!! That's always been America's first line of defence ... not all of our advanced weaponry, technology or science - PRAYER !!! So, today is Sunday and a great time to PRAY for GOD's protection ... unless you "think" this is a game.(Aug 04 2018) - HOAX ? AI from aliens shut down power grid ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Anybody smell a set up ??? Of course this is a set up !!! First, you create a scaremongering narrative in the minds of the masses. Next, guilt them to petition the gov't to establish another "WHAT IF" department, and then the gov't can blame the outer space aliens for destroying all of our computers and power grids. First of all, these aliens - early UFO researchers have warned - communicate telepathically like demons, and secondly, President Trump's SPACE FORCE will nip this DEEP STATE and DEEP SECRET alliance to destroy America in the bud. Just watch ...(Aug 04 2018) - Shock Survey re: The First Amendment ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well ... there you go. Ignorance manifested by the masses. And, that's just the way these NEW WORLD ORDER ideologues and their nut-jobs in the Department of Education want it. I'm not surprised that those surveyed didn't "guess" that the First Amendment also protects their personal feelings - since feelings starts with the letter "F". Good LORD !!! Folks, these lemmings are looking for a cliff to jump off of, kinda like what the MSM has done recently.(Aug 03 2018) - What Are They HIDING? DOJ Defies Lawsuit ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What is DOJ Sessions hiding in this FBI investigation ??? The communications from all congressional and senatorial representatives - meaning all democrats and all republicans. You see, my little friend, republicans are also caught up in this dragnet and Jeff Sessions is delaying these requests for transparency until after the mid-term elections. Loosing RINO's and #NeverTrumpers - like McCain - could cause a blue wave. (I said could, not would) So, pray for GOD's intervention and protection for President Trump. I do ...(Aug 02 2018) - Vatican Laptops Seized in Pedophile Bust
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks, you need to understand how horrible this issue really is !!! It's not just catholic clergy and protestant pastors committing these horrific crimes against our children, pedophilia is darn near in every vocation and profession. It's in every country and in the halls of every government and all their agencies. If drugs weren't the number one business on the planet, pedophilia and sex crimes would be. Look, you can't change these perverts, you gotta LOCK THEM UP and pray that GOD can change them, or NEVER LET THEM OUT !!!(Aug 01 2018) - Feinstein had a Chinese spy connection ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well jeepers-Louise ... let's just give Dianne Feinstein a pass, 'cause she wasn't aware that her Chinese driver and part-time gopher was passing intel over to his COMMUNIST handlers. And this story is now making headlines ??? Folks, DiFi, who was on the Senate Intel Committee at that time - and still is - should have stepped down ... unless there's more to these findings by the CIA - who was spied on her and the Intel Committee - which has yet to be reveal. Shame -shame - shame !!!(Aug 01 2018) - Freemasonry to accept transgenders into lodges
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay kiddies ... here's one of freemasonry's creepy - coming out of the closet - secrets, transgenderism ... or as this 29 page (PDF) calls it, "Lucifer: the Divine Androgen, Ancient god of Modern Transgender Movement". Yes, these NEW WORLD ORDER nut-jobs over in England are now accepting into their luciferian lodges, women who use to be men, which were already "raised" as masons. Listen, if you disrobe these baphomet believers, you'll see their sexual perversions, favoring occult inclinations in their rituals, and exposes their end-time-endeavours.(Jul 31 2018) - Illuminati Defector Detailed Pervasive Conspiracy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Test yourself by CLICKING HERE !!! Look, as one of GOD's Watchmen, I have come across many individuals who have come out of these extremely bizarre and traumatising occult arenas and I'm here to tell you, the most disparaging TRUTH about this dated article is this ... most who are made aware of these satanic situations, choose to look the other way and do nothing, including Christians, 'cause it's too unreal to believe. BELIEVE IT ... 'cause these occult practitioners do !!!(Jul 30 2018) - California schools aren’t exactly leading
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Just about every year, organization(s) survey the educational outcomes of California's students and issue ideas on how to improve schools. Taking in the shorts - as usual - are the students and parents. From my personal experience as a substitute high school teacher for Monache and Porterville, good teachers, with a good curriculum can teach students to become good learners ... regardless of salary. I'm tellin' you, there's a lot of money being thrown at a bad education system, and teachers unions want even more.(Jul 30 2018) - THE WORLD MERCURY PROJECT
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- One of President Trump's promises he made, and now kept, was to commission several people to look into why so many children and seniors were having negative and harmful reactions after receiving vaccinations. Heading this new commission is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and you can stay up on all the latest research and findings at this web site called the World Mercury Project, of which he also heads up.(Jul 29 2018) - The Power Of Comfortable Beliefs
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today is Sunday - a day in which millions of Christians world-wide will attend church and become cleansed from evil experiences as a result of living in a Mad, Mad, World. At least, that's what they say. Come Monday - since all is forgiven and or forgotten - the cycle of secularism begins again and by days end, Sunday morning Christians have been re-absorbed and are now out of their comfort beliefs and comfort zones. Why ? The Answer's In The BIBLE ... so, for GOD's sakes ... READ IT !!!(Jul 29 2018) - Major Catholic Report re: Homosexual Priests
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, you can't fix these freaks, homosexuals and paedophiles. They will increase in numbers until laws in every country will mandate that you respect their life styles or be imprisoned yourselves. And if that happens, it will happen because of your compromising convictions, causing eternal harm to all who follow. Listen, they're angry at GOD and want to take it out on you. The catholic church - like hundreds of protestant churches - are changing their doctrines to accommodate these misfits. You don't have to !!!(Jul 27 2018) - Nunes calls for ban on electronic voting systems
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now we're talkin' !!! Congressman Devin Nunes is now convinced that the electronic voting systems used in many states are vulnerable to hacking and or mechanical malfeasance and should be BANNED !!! As great as those words are, they're only words. A paper trail - which most courts require in declarations - are hard to come by when an electronic trail is controlled or manipulated by evil doers. So ... please contact Congressman Nunes in Visalia (559) 733-3861 or in Wash D.C. (202) 225-2523 to shore up his convictions and facts. Thanks ...(Jul 27 2018) - Moratorium on facial-recognition technology
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT !!! This will always be the initial outcome when Artificial Intelligence lays claim to the identity of someone assumed to be a criminal. It's called PROFILING !!! Remember ??? Many folks were incarcerated - back in the day - when false accusations and witnesses testified against innocent individuals in a court of law. Subsequently hundreds of discrimination law suits were filed and won. So ... how in the name of truth and justice can an innocent person fight against Artificial (false) Intelligence and win ??? They can't. Human intervention is required. However, in Congress' case, this "Facial Rekognition" (AI) may be right.(Jul 26 2018) - It's Official : America Has A Traitor Problem
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Seeping with satanic insolence, these embedded anti-Americans have taken that which was created for the good of everyone - The United States Constitution - and have used it for their own self interest. Additionally, these employees of the people, have biased the Bill of Rights in their favor - sheltering all kinds of crooks, criminals and conspirators with traitorous tendencies. In times of war, they'd be arrested, convicted and put to death. They know it, and so does President Trump.(Jul 25 2018) - Biblical Illiterates Reverse Romans 13 ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the reason why Romans Chapter 13 is preached this way. Pastors, preachers and priests do not want to become the target of any government authority, let alone their churches board of directors. They FEAR being FIRED by the church or imprisoned by the government. That is it !!! Secondly, their parishioners don't want to hear the truth either. They want their ears tickled and their laodicean life styles left alone. Standing against an evil government entails sacrifices and consequences, and neither one will OBEY the BIBLE re: the truth !!!(Jul 25 2018) - Visalia & Porterville - Least Educated Cities ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, it is - what it is. Visalia and Porterville are at the bottom of a newly released survey from WalletHub, reporting that these two cities are among the least educated cites in America. Now, I'm sure there's gonna be some disagreement re: this survey from Tulare County Office of Education (link), but their findings are what they are. TCOE and Superintendent of Schools - Jim Vidak - should take notice ... 'cause the curriculum is the culprit.(Jul 23 2018) - BANG : Another China Vaccine Scandal !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In my past vocation as a Licensed Psychiatric Technician, I was trained in just about every aspect of medications, specifically their side effects and contraindications. In collage we were lectured multiples times re: the misuse and overuse of med's, especially antibiotics. But BIG PHARMA - once they got the green light to advertise (non-stop) on T.V. re: all the wonderful reasons to ask your Dr. for one of their PILLS that KILL - for 30 years, made tons of money and the FAKE NEWS made a killing too.(Jul 23 2018) - The Biometric Mirror Project ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Artificial Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence. Just like other products attempting to corral the market, (AI's) will war against other (AI's), attempting to prove their worth. However, if their product is virtually the same as all the others, and congress mandates it be the same due to the Internet of Things (IOT), then what these warring (AI's) will do is compete for more trans-human interactions ... "with benefits". Yup, they're artificially working on that experience too.(Jul 22 2018) - Who Will Stand For America ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Last week at a secular businessmen’s luncheon I sat at a table with mostly Christians. They were very polite and very churchy. Too churchy if you ask me. Their Christianity was on hold and so I basically took the lead - due to their silence - and directed the narrative for The LORD. Issues which I put on the table included freemasonry - my favourite subject - islam and the local mosque, and politics. As hard as I tried to engage these church goers to share their faith, mum was their word for the day. Maybe next time they'll stand up and say something and quit being so POLITICALLY CORRECT !!!(Jul 22 2018) - TWO MORE IMPORTANT WEB SITES !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For your weekend reading, here are a couple of web sites that you may want to BOOKMARK after perusing their info. One is called ChemtrailsNews.com and the second is called Lies.News. Both appear to update their info at least once a week - maybe more. They're also prominent in aggregating links to other well written reports and documentation. And as usual, when you guys come across interesting web sites, let me know, and I'll place them on the POST.(Jul 21 2018) - 14 SPONSORS to BOYCOTT from THE VIEW
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- 'Bout the only way that these foul mouthed hypocrites in Holly-weird can be cured of their "Arrested Development" is a good ole' fashion BOYCOTT. For all she's worth - dang near nothin' - Whoppie Goldberg (stage name) is and always will be a FAKE ACTOR !!! They all are !!! Why do you think they call it acting ??? And if that talk show - The View - does not FIRE HER for attacking a guest on the show, then a BOYCOTT is the most adult and appropriate action to take ... at this time.(Jul 20 2018) - Mueller Grants Podesta ‘Full Immunity’ ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... if Mueller is gonna give the paedophile brothers - Tony & John Podesta - immunity to testi-LIE about Manafort - for basically being an unregistered agent, then congress ought to do the same by calling in all of Mueller's unregistered and registered agents for questioning re: his doings as a government employee in the URANIUM ONE deal. I'm tellin' you, the DOJ needs to mandate a drop dead date on this witch hunt ASAP. More, just around the corner ...(Jul 19 2018) - Engineering perception for THE NEW WORLD
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Jon Rappaport, in unraveling the NEW WORLD ORDER and it's goal of reducing the masses mind-sets into a politically correct amalgam, destroys this satanic synthesis and the lefts false narrative of freedom. Look, unless you enjoy being hypnotized by the MSM or - since you avoid any confrontation caused by truth - enjoy self hypnosis, his well written report will - in fact - either set you free, or cause more derangement syndromes and neuroses. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED !!!(Jul 18 2018) - Everyone Is Smart ... Except Trump
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And now, a few encouraging words from The American Spectator re: President Trump vs them-there idiots in the MSM. I know this article is about a 5 minute read - if no one calls or tweets - and it's a mano-a-mano read, if you know what I mean. Snowflakes and liberals, listen, unless you have your mental health insurance claim all filled out, you best start clickin' down the road, 'cause this much truth could really do you in.(Jul 18 2018) - Brennan Under Fire After Strzok Outed ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Loyalties ... who needs them when there's so much moolah in the mix. Folks, most everyone has a price - I said most - and if money ain't your thing, then these DEEP STATE serpents joyously go to plan B - BLACK MALE. It's a tried and true practice, and it starts out by smearing their subject(s). This is where the MSM - already paid off - mixes in, like hamburger helper, once the meat's in the pan. For now Brennan, Comey, Strzok and Clinton are deflecting at Mach 5 with their hair on fire, hoping the MSM will bamboozle the belligerents and confound congress. Well I'm here to tell ya'll ... IT AIN'T WORKING !!!(Jul 17 2018) - Coming Coup Against Trump
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... even though the MSM squabbles FAKE NEWS 24/7, that's still covered under the First amendment. However, when they collectively opine directives from ex-agents to incite a coup against a sitting president, then they've broken a public trust, and should be considered hostile. And obvious to millions are the overt attempts by the MSM in fermenting angst, animosity an abject anger at President Trump, when all he wants to do - like John Lennon - is GIVE PEACE A CHANCE.(Jul 16 2018) - PUTIN BLOWS APART RUSSIA COLLUSION PROBE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yup ... always follow the money. And today we just heard - via Putin's exit speech - that $400,000,000 Million Dollars was donated to Hillary's campaign by aRussianAmericanBritish billionaire (Mr. Browder) who has never paid taxes to Russia or the U.S. on money earned illegally. I had to play this Youtube video several times (before it's removed) to fully hear what was being said - basically HILLARY'S HINNIE is in the HOT SEAT !!!(Jul 15 2018) - Rand Paul: Russia's Always Going To Meddle ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay, it's Sunday and time to "Post" the TRUTH !!! Look, spies all over the world know who each other are. They play bump-in-the-dark games all the time. To name their names - like Deputy AG Rosenstein did in this indictment - destroys these interactions and connections on both sides. My hunch is these Russian names are gimmies who'll take one for the team. Because that's the game and that's the risk. You got a leak, plug it up with a patsy, deny everything, and deflect what you're accuse of doing onto your accusers. See how simple that was ...(Jul 14 2018) - 12 Russians Indicted ... Zero Americans !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hearing Rosenstein's speech on July 13th re: these indictments, most investigators heard ... "There is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. There is no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result." Between the lines ... I heard this ... “There is no allegation in this indictment that any Americancitizen(AGENT) committed a crime ...” Now you see and hear more clearly. Dep' AG Rosenstein just gave himself and these agents a pass - like they did in the Hillary investigation - by saying no "American committed a crime." Dirty dogs of war ...(Jul 13 2018) - California’s CRAZY Vaccination Policy !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Let's just start by saying that BIG PHARMA is a side effect !!! They've found a way around laws - with the help of many politicians - to forestall and or amend most litigations. They've agreed to fund a billion dollar injury court, where you have to prove that their vaccinations or medications caused serious and or life threatening harm, or you don't get any compensation. Folks, these snake oil salesmen are making a killing - literally - off of you and me, and the law is on their side. And now Californian's have NO EXEMPTIONS re: refusing vaccinations !!!(Jul 13 2018) - ARE YOU "PAYING" FOR FAKE NEWS ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Just this last year, I have noticed more FAKE NEWS web sites are requiring you to subscribe (pay money) to their renditions before you can log-in and read any of their offerings, opinions or objections. And this is a good thing - because that's driving the public to look for free sites, like the Porterville Post, and thousands of other FREEDOM LOVING links. I'm tellin' you, the MSM ain't making much money doin' this, they're making the masses mad - undeniably a NEW WORLD ORDER objective.(Jul 13 2018) - A New Technology To Control The Human Brain
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Artificial Intelligence is FAKE Intelligence !!! This is why it's called "Artificial". And yet folks think it's trustworthy. Secondly (AI) uploads what's assumed as legit intelligence or info, previously uploaded by humans - either from FAKE science labs or from FAKE social media. Thirdly, (AI) will eventually be re-classified as human intelligence once the social engineering algorithms of (AI) overloads the masses by altering the minds frequencies or dimensions. There's no other conclusions - None !!!(Jul 11 2018) - TRUMP SLAMS NATO - MAY WITHDRAW ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- President Trump has drawn a line in the sand (6 months in length) for NATO re: increasing their fair share of defence spending (or the U.S. is out) and then levels Germany with the truth re: being on the take (natural gas) with Russia. And the MSM, well they're aghast, and are still stumbling on how to spin this. I'm tellin' you, Trump ain't taking no prisoners, and for sure - when he eventually meets with Putin - he's gonna bring up that URANIUM ONE deal, and nip-that-in-the-bud, while collecting real intel on Hillary's pay-to-play collusions with Russia.(Jul 10 2018) - 5 Things re: POTUS pick for SCOTUS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Last night President Trump picked Judge Brett Kavanaugh to secede Justice Kennedy, and I - like hundreds of other investigators - are still picking though Trump's pick. For sure he has a judicial paper trail, and that's gonna take some time to parse, but for now, I'm gonna softball this one. Why ? Well a couple of things. First, the Senate might not confirm Kavanaugh, and second Trump also knows he'll be replacing Ginsberg as well - maybe sooner than later - and this will shore up the base by 2020. So, for now, enjoy watching the liberals walk the plank and snowflakes have meltdowns - I will (LOL).(Jul 08 2018) - MIND CONTROL AND MANIPULATION ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What exactly is THE MIND ??? Everyone agrees that we have one, some say half-a-mind, but all-in-all, we have something in, or around our body that signals to other parts of our body to do, or not to do. Some default to voluntary, while many side in with involuntary. And this is where millions are spent trying to uncover the thoughts and frequencies of the mind. Why ? Because the mind is the repository of all creations, dimensions and time travel - especially if you're a Christian.(Jul 08 2018) - How Big is the Global Drug Trade ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- How big ??? It's the number one business on the planet. Bar None !!! To start with, every gov't and bank in every country benefits from the skimmed proceeds or pay-offs from these DOPE DEALINGS !!! If it wasn't for drugs, cops would be out of work. The military couldn't win wars. Banks couldn't meet their goals, and Wall Street couldn't gamble any more. DRUGS = PHARMAKEIA = WITCHCRAFT Period - Paragraph !!!(Jul 07 2018) - CIA tweets congratulations to Russia ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What's going on ??? Is the CIA sending a secret message - via twitter - to Russia disguised as a congratulations for making it to the semi-finals in the World Soccer games ??? Is there some collusion going on with Russia and the CIA ??? Wait 'til President Trump hears about this. LORD knows, he'll tweet someone a new nick-name over this wasteful use of CIA time, or FIRE another department head - no doubt - connected to the DEEP STATE.(Jul 07 2018) - Bot vs. Bot ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Just how far will these bots go - amped up on artificial intelligence ??? All the way !!! They'll calculate all decisions you think your making, send them off to an (AI) blender - geographically assigned for that area - and generate feedback that you thought was your own. Folks, there is no other end-game with all this technology, other than controlling you from the womb to the tomb. George Orwell - in his wildest dreams - would've had nightmares re: this.(Jul 06 2018) - REAL.VIDEO - A New Safe & Secure Alternative
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, today is the day where a new on-line video platform is launched - REAL.VIDEO - which up-loaders will have fewer surveillance and restrictive worries than those imposed by social media manipulators like youtube and FAKEBOOK. Mike Adams, the founder of REAL.VIDEO, has stuck his neck out on this venture, so please pray for him and this new operation. So, ditch your other on-line media masters and join REAL.VIDEO, and together we can Make Internet Real Again !!!(Jul 06 2018) - Ancient God of the Modern Transgender Movement
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today I came across this extremely well researched article (PDF), from "HaveYouNotRead.com" about the whole transgender movement and it's historic connections to all kinds of occult symbolism and pagan worshipping of anything hermaphroditic. And, if you didn't already know, the old Knights Templars object of their worship, the BAPHOMET - which got them excommunicated from the Catholic Church and later killed - is also featured (pg 6) in this synopsis of Satan's synthesis of this sickness.(Jul 05 2018) - Back from a 4th of July Mini Vaction
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, I was gone a few days for the 4th of July and had a great time. I traveled to Sacramento to visit a few family members and friends, and learned a few more tricks re: politics and these political place-holders at the Capitol. The weather was great, as was all the food and festivities, and I picked up a tan from all the swimming I did with my grandkids. Tomorrow, (July 6th) I'll hit the ground running early, making sure that all of our loyal readers are up to speed.(Jul 02 2018) - Mueller Gained Access to NRA Tax Filings ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- ATTENTION ON DECK !!! Muellers investigation has taken on the NRA with an evil IRS tact. Looking for any kinda connection re: the Russia collusion and if they donated any money to the NRA, Muller has basically targeted every NRA member with possible IRS investigations lurking in the winds - especially if any NRA member is a Trump supporter. Sure as shootin' every second amendment soldier and citizen was just alerted to this un-speakable and un-American action. To millions of Americans ... THIS MEANS WAR !!!(Jul 01 2018) - Is Trump the Most Fun President Ever ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well yeah !!! Unless you have a hitch in your get-a-long, laughing loudly at the lunicidal left should be a daily routine. And President Trump, well, he's the "Master of Ceremony" on Twitter and his one paragraph monologues are priceless. He's got a new nick-name for just about every idiot espousing any anti-American ideology, plus an award-winning answer for every false narrative which the FAKE NEWS spews. He's a mans-man with a New York attitude and says it like it is. Honestly refreshing ...(Jul 01 2018) - Prince William Pledges To Make Peace ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For sure, this little visit by the Prince William to Jerusalem - with a side trip to his "Great Grandmothers" tomb - says more about his Judeo-Christian ROYAL BLOODLINE than his commitment to peace in Jerusalem, let alone the middle east. Why ??? Because it's the Hebraic Bloodline and ancestral genealogy which governs the affairs of Israel, and without that connection there can be no peace. Some have speculated years ago that Prince William had enough end-time markers and could end up as The ANTI-CHRIST. What do you think ???(Jun 30 2018) - Mexico reduces legal age of Sexual Consent to 12
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now that's gonna make it easier for many paedophiles within the DEEP STATE to abduct and rendition children down south. Once these pre-verts take over the Vatican's old RAT-LINES, these children will be lost forever, as all kinds of sexual exploitations and exotic experiments will beguile their lives, souls and spirit. And remember, it was candidate Donald J. Trump who tried to warn everyone about Mexico's failing state, and now it's okay to have sex with a 12 year old. HELL NO !!!(Jun 30 2018) - Weekend Web Site : The Female Illuminati
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a web site called THE FEMALE ILLUMINATI with a lot of secret society info that will keep you, your family and friends up to your elbows and eyes in research for the whole weekend. I recommend that you start with articles one and article two - before moving to the more advanced areas. Folks, I have to say, these individuals who are following this non-sense are deadly serious and it would behove you to consider that equation and not be so quick to marginalize the material. Take care ...(Jun 27 2018) - THE RISE OF THE MOB !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, you know what the left says, "It Takes a Village" to raise a child. And for the most part, the products of these "Village People" are "Village Idiots" ... like Maxine Waters - AKA - "Mad-Max" the "Mother of Mob Rule". Folks, these inciters of anarchy and movers of mobs, ought to be sanctioned by congress. Secondly, these "Village Idiots" and their "Village Values" makes the idea of TERM LIMITS for congress a whole lot more palatable. What say you ???(Jun 26 2018) - American Totalitarianism & Culture of FAKE NEWS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The fact is ... FAKE NEWS ... has been around for a very long time. The MSM - the sole conduit and consistent contributor of confabulations - has spun more opinions and polls than Carter's little liver pills. Just add a little background music - like many commercials do - plus a pretty face, and the masses will buy it. And those are the facts with which FAKE NEWS networks manipulate the masses and make money.(Jun 26 2018) - Altering human genetics through vaccination
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Infusing any kind of synthetic material into a human body - just ain't normal. And now these mad scientists - working for BIG PHARMA no doubt - want to alter your DNA with a universal flue vaccine ??? Are you flippen' kiddin' me ??? I can envision someone like Steve King writing an end time thriller about these DNA Destroying Doctors and calling it ... "Artificial Intellective vs Artificial Mankind" - Who Will Survive ???(Jun 23 2018) - REPORTING 'FAKE NEWS' ON TWITTER ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For those of you who have "Twitter Accounts" - (I don't) - here's a link called "FAKE NEWS" that will keep you chuckling all weekend long ... maybe longer. I'm not too sure when this account was started or who really is the creator (I Really Don't Care - Do You ?) but dollars to doughnuts, y'all are gonna get a laugh of two by Sunday. There's quite a few photo-shopped satirists and juxtaposing articles, so loosen your britches, 'cause your gonna be in stitches, in mere minutes.(Jun 22 2018) - TIME'S FAKE PHOTO & FAKE NEWS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This ain't creative license by photo-shopping a crying little girl on the cover of TIME magazine !!! It's CREATIVE LYING !!! The whole purpose was to insinuate that President Trump was the big bad bully by separating this child from her parents. As the story goes, her father denounced all of TIME magazines implications and innuendos. Now, if I were a betting man, someone's gonna end up winning a huge lawsuit ... and justifiably so.(Jun 22 2018) - Mexico's Candidate Inciting Illegal Invasion
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As bazaar as this sounds, this is one of the platforms of Mexico's candidate for president. Not if he gets elected - but now !!! And the MSM, here in America, thinks it's more important to trash the FLOTUS for wearing a coat which says ... "I Really Don't Care - Do You ?" ... instead of this south-of-the-border inciter of an illegal invasion. Folks, Mexico's is almost a failed state and it's run by drug cartels & street gangs, and the MSM is so HOOKED ON HATE, they can't see it and won't report it.(Jun 21 2018) - The Immorality of Immigration
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This article - in my opinion - is plain and simple. Immigration is a supply and demand issue. So, if there's no need, and if citizenship is circumvented by chaos or a contrived crisis, then that's an issue. Accepted laws have there place in a civilized society and to disobey those laws, then the immorality of immigration is obvious. Eventually, this eradicates any semblance of safety, security, or civility. And just like those private properties signs which say ... "Trespassers will be prosecuted to full extent of the law" ... so should all illegal trespassers - parents & kids !!!(Jun 19 2018) - Population Engineering (is) Population Control
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well ... since the masses won't reduce their carbon footprint, or reduce their consumerism, or reduce the size of their families ... BIG BROTHER will !!! Yep, they've got plans to reduce you and yours. Now they're calling it Population Engineering, which is actually POPULATION CONTROL !!! Their reduction plans, are ginned up because of their paranoia of the people and their past behaviors with pitchforks. Their dilemma however is, they still need slaves, and your silence ensures your servitude and enables their agenda !!!(Jun 18 2018) - Google to predict when a patient dies ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- IGNORANCE - The breakfast of Masses !!! Honestly, hospitals are gonna jump on this predictive program & use it to their advantage - caring less for the patient & more for profits. And, I'm sure they're gonna re-package & re-word Googles algorithm software to highlight it's life saving significance, while selling it to medical centers & the masses. From the womb to the tomb, the NEW WORLD ORDER owns you !!!(Jun 18 2018) - Bush & Obama (also) Separated Families
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- How about that !!! Finally someone has decided to ENFORCE THE LAW !!! And if President Trump didn't, according to Kirstjen Nielsen - Sec. of Homeland Security - he'd be just like the previous presidents who failed at keeping America safe. Secondly, if the issue was separating kids from their parents, well, that's done every single day, all across the U.S. every time the kids parents are incarcerated. The kids are removed and put in foster care if other relatives don't step up and take them in.(Jun 17 2018) - HAPPY FATHERS DAY from Mark Twain
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”(Jun 16 2018) - Obama’s Name Scrubbed From FBI Report
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks, who “Back-door-Barry” really was and just about all of his interactions with humanity was scrubbed from the beginning … by the Brit’s “Back-street-Boys” and the CIA’s “Can-Men” !!! As with the Clinton’s - when you got too close to their operations - things disappeared or got cleaned. Listen up people, “B.O.” was a cut-out, a triple agent, much like Kissinger, to be used … or accused … if he refused. A Manchurian ? Quite possibly. A megalomaniac designed by the dreams of his FAKE FATHER – Frank Marshall Davis ? Most indubitably.(Jun 15 2018) - MANAFORT JAILED; BAIL REVOKED HERE'S WHY
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, sending Manafort to jail until his trial in Sept., might be the safest place he can be – for now. Once you read through all of the mis-mash of the MSM - still shilling for “Back-door-Barry” and his “Back-room-Buddies” at the bureau – you discover that all of Manaforts collusions and cover-ups took place during obamas 8-year tenure at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. And don’t forget, at the trial, Manafort’s lawyers can bring up Mueller's conflict of interests with the Russians as well. Yes, President Trump knows this ...(Jun 15 2018) - SOUL MACHINES : Engineering Lifelike Machines
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Artificial Intelligence will soon personify Arti-FACIAL Intelligence on all your devices. It's called Automated Virtual Assistant (AVA) or "SOUL MACHINES" !!! Yes, you read that right, Soul Machines !!! These AI guys aren't happy with today’s answering machines - like Google, Alexa, Siri and all the others - they want them to come to life, to dictate directions, to obey AVA's every command, and in the end, to surrender your soul to Their Machine - AKA - The BEAST !!!(Jun 14 2018) - Has Trump Been Briefed On UFO’s ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here’s the 911 about all these ABOVE TOP SECRET or NEED TO KNOW and BEYOND BLACK classifications concerning UFO’s. Many of these UFO’S are extra-dimensional craft which can navigate through our closed system / matrix with what you you’d call - time traveling machines. It’s a quantum spectrum akin to an observable opportunity. This is why some see them and some don’t. As for President Trump knowing about this … why do you think he’s creating a SPACE FORCE ??? Fore sure he knows ...(Jun 13 2018) - Trump: Fake News is Our Country’s Biggest Enemy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Like a school of piranhas, these FAKE NEWS nut jobs surround their prey and collectively consume the carcass until all that’s left are bones, and then they’ll chew through those like chain-saws in slaughter house. Folks, turn your TV’s off. These prime-time piranhas aren’t presenting the whole picture, and never will. They aren’t paid to inform. They’re paid to dis-inform and dissuade the masses.(Jun 12 2018) - Trump Talked Human Rights With North Korea
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Little to no patience, the MSM issued FAKE NEWS re: President Trump not bringing up human rights violations at the summit. But guess what, he did along with a few other issues and now the MSM needs to set the record straight. As historic as this meeting was the MSM couldn't control the narrative or outcome and are quickly losing more trust and respect. I wouldn't be surprised if one these MSM reporters goes to North Korea to purposely get arrested and to gum up the negotiations. Yeah, they'd do that or worse.(Jun 10 2018) - “Neurobiological Home” For Spirituality Found ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- QUESTION ??? Now that these scientists have supposedly found the spiritual neurons in our brains, are they gonna quit tinkering around with it ??? Of course not !!! Secondly, since this Pandora's box is open for business - I did say business - BIG PHARMA will provide a new pill to shove down your throats to fix your spiritual issues ... making you more business friendly for the NEW WORLD ORDER, and to spiritually love the luciferians an anti-Christs. Remember ... "It's in the pill you took today" - Zager & Evans(Jun 08 2018) - House Voted to Audit Mueller’s WITCH-HUNT
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now were talking. One of Congress' job is to control the purse strings of all bills approved by the house and finally they've seen fit to audit Mueller expenditures in his never-ending-witch-hunt. As thrilling, will be to watch the Inspectors Generals blood hounds follow the money trail and to see how many of obama's 'coons the "IG" can tree. Leave no doubt, the MSM's bank accounts will also be audited for hush monies and pay-outs for under-the-table leaks. More on the way ...(Jun 08 2018) - Trump & Mulvaney Drained the SES Swamp !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- These people at "Senior Executive Services" (SES) being let go (YOUR FIRED) by President Trump & Mulvaney ... have - for years - influenced too many administrations abdicating anti-American agendas while nurturing a NEW WORLD ORDER. For sure they ought to be thankful that no one's is getting locked up - yet. As for the Queen's culprits and conspirators connected in this caper, well, her "Order of the Garter" and "Masonic MI6" miscreants got the message as well. BACK OFF - OR ELSE !!!(Jun 07 2018) - Vatican to attend elite Bilderberg meeting ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So, you gotta ask, what need is there for the Vatican to send a delegate to one of the most secretive gathering of elite - The Bilderbergs - and why now ??? Yes, the Vatican has more than a billion at their disposal, and yes the current Pope is very inclined to socialistic approaches to world issues ... so ... are they going there to influence or are they going there to be influenced ??? In either case, something's up, and my hunch is they're gonna run a SUPER DEEP STATE operation against President Trump. I hope I'm wrong. PRAY - PRAY - PRAY !!!(Jun 06 2018) - Facebook gave data access to Chinese firm ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Why am I not surprised. FAKEBOOK is all over the planet and odds are they have Conspired, Colluded & Compromised with Commies to get the rights to deploy their companies social media platform in Communist countries - CHINA being the biggest. Second to consider is this. China ain't no dummy and they - much like Russia - have long range goals and have no problem acting like they "LIKE" you and your ides(s) ... a means to an end. But somehow FAKEBOOK got a pass, from our alphabet soup agencies. And I think you guys now know why.(Jun 06 2018) - Mathis, Sigala maintain the lead in assembly race
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For now ... Assemblyman Devon Mathis has the lead in the 26th Assembly race. All through the night and up until about 8:00 PM the race was close and then very close. The lead switched from Gubler and then back to Mathis, and until the remaining ballots are counted, it's anyones guess. The surprise was (D) Jose Sigala's showing. He did quite well in Inyo County and placed second in the primary. And, if his numbers hold up, he'll be in the General election with either Gubler or Mathis. Like I said, it's anyone's guess.(Jun 06 2018) - Trump Announces New Appointments & Assistants
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Looking at all these new "SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS & ASSISTANTS" by President Trump it dawned on me that Trump was throwing out some meatless dog bones (25) to be chewed on by the MSM dog pile. And then I laughed. I mean really laughed. I guess he figured that this is all the MSM knows how to cover, so why not have a little fun and throw them a bone. In the mean time, political correctness is eating Holly-weird alive, while the paedophiles, witches, muslims, illegals and MS-13 animals are taking over the democ-RAT party.(Jun 05 2018) - VOTE RIGHT - LIKE THE POST :
Post Political Feature : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Every election cycle the Porterville Post submits a "" for the public to read & take to the polls on election day. As of this date {May 26} the Porterville Post - to assist those with mail-in ballots - has updated an early version (99% Complete) re: which candidates to vote for & which propositions need a yes or no vote. So, GOD Bless you guys greatly & we hope that you'll VOTE RIGHT - LIKE THE POST. The final up-date will be released on or before May 25th.(Jun 05 2018) - Why's Washington named the Dist' of Columbia?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This video is about as simple and concise as it gets re: the District of Columbia being a CORPORATION. Congress in 1871 voted to create this new CITY STATE as a CORPORATION to deal with some of the issues surrounding the debt which occurred after the war. It is an entirely separate city with it's own governance, flag, and police, which is overseen by congress. It is one of three CITY STATES set up like this to do business. The other two are VATICAN CITY and the CITY OF LONDON, and all three are players in the NEW WORLD ORDER !!!(Jun 05 2018) - SECRET PENTAGON PROGRAM USING AI : VIDEO
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Artificial Intelligence (AI) "will be deployed" by every gov't to counter attack other AI's which are pre-programmed to attack !!! It's already in play - like our Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) policies - but not on paper anywhere, and won't be if these pre-programmed (AI) have mutually assured their mad scientists & mad governments that they won't terminate them or mankind. However, times & places for the FINAL WAR have already been deduced, factoring in false flags, and of course, THE BIBLE !!! Yes, (AI) has read the scriptures re: the END TIMES, but so has satan. Have you ???(Jun 04 2018) - DHS COMPILING A SECRET LIST ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Everyone, without question, will be on the DHS list - profiled as either an activist or non-activist. Your web travels will be tracked, your time on each and every site, and your high days and low days. Your social media "Likes", your on-line purchases, banking transactions, and viewing your medical records. Your voice will be captured and tracked, your cars GPS, and every time you get close to one of those little snitchin' cell phones, they're triangulating and profiling you for their list.(Jun 03 2018) - PRESIDENT TRUMP KNOWS ACCURATE HISTORY
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Alright !!! Time for a little weekend reading. In this article a few names cropped up of which I had researched years ago while listening to "TRUTH RADIO" from Delano & can verify with a high degree of accuracy it's authenticity. To say that this info is intriguing, is adolescent. To say it's imaginative or conspiratorial, is delusional. To say it's too late to say or do anything about it, is giving apathy more time to acquire ignorance. So ... get on it & read, or get out of the way when the SHTF !!! (More)(Jun 03 2018) - Facebook Gave Device Makers Deep Access
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For the umpteenth time, we have warned users about all of the 3rd PARTY agreements of which FAKEBOOK and all the other social media platforms have snuck in, and this report unmasks the names of those who employed many of these programs, platforms and apps. True to these social media agreements and NEWSPEAK language, they've taken the public for a ride, but the public still uses them, hoping their identities won't get taken for the final ride. TOO LATE !!! Why ??? Because the public is LAZY !!! That's why they will - in the end - take the MARK OF THE BEAST ... believing it is safe.(Jun 02 2018) - Workers win right to boot the UFW union
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, I worked in the fields when I was young, and even though I had to work twice as hard - since I was a "White Guy" - I kinda enjoyed the challenge. I proved my worth and made a lot of money and friends. However, when the UFW started moving in, I was singled out and attacked physically multiple times. Of course I fought back, a bit bloodied, but I always finished the job. That's when I - and the crews I worked with - saw first hand how the UFW would treat you if you didn't join in and pay. Few in the fields wanted anything to do with the UFW. It was always forced upon them - always !!!(Jun 01 2018) - Political Prisoner of Queen Elizabeth ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- No doubt, Julian Assange is someone’s useful tool. In the beginning his hacking brought him into the internets spotlight and from what I can tell, he allowed himself to be used to sneak past all the safeguards and firewalls. Look, hackers take pride in getting there first and walking away with the info or loot. But you need a second in place to trip those TOP SECRET switches ... like Edward Snowden. He may not admit it, nor any hacker, but it still takes two to tango. Just ask the Queens useful tools - the 5 EYES. More on the way ...(May 31 2018) - DARPA’s 5G End Game For Humanity
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Have we reached the point of no return with all these magical machines designed to help mankind ? And ... are they designed for some evil enterprise ? The answer for both is YES & YES !!! Chemtrails have been dumping all sorts of chemical on us for years and turning us all into conduits. High and low frequencies are streaming all around us and chipping away at our human frequencies & DNA. And once these 5G Towers are all in place, CERN will flip the switch causing millions to comply quicker or those who can still resist, become a lot sicker.(May 30 2018) - NSA's New Next door Neighbor ... FAKEBOOK
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- A funny thing happened on their way to Mormon country ... FAKEBOOK kinda-sorta was able to pick up some really good real estate right next to NSA in Utah. What a coincidence ??? My, my, my ... I'm tellin' you, the way the crow flies it wouldn't be that hard for many of these security clearance employees at NSA - for training purposes - to come over to FAKEBOOK for a little in-service, and visa versa. Folks, these agencies has a history of recruiting LDS employees to their ranks, due to their temple secrets, inculcated by Joseph Smith, a Freemason ... or should I say FAKEMASON !!! Yeah, that's the ticket.(May 30 2018) - Planet of the Fakes ... re: Roseanne
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Talk about touchy-feely snowflakes. Okay ... Roseanne - as always - shot her mouth off in her comedic fashion (much like Don Rickles) and the left lost it. And ABC - in spite of Roseanne's contrition - immediately canceled the show. Will they, ABC and the other networks, cancel other shows which dispare others. Hardly !!! For sure ABC's scrambling to find a replacement show and are flippin' through phone books adding to their bank of lawyers ... 'cause they're gonna need them. And FOX - who picked up ABC's last cancellation - "Last Man Standing" will reap even more ratings, and maybe pick up Roseanne down the road.(May 29 2018) - Democrats cheat Democrats ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- No ... they didn't run out of options, the democ-RATS cheat and lie because it gives them a sense of power. Their under-LYING premise goes something like this. If those people aren't smart enough to catch me cheating and lying, then they deserve what they get. Doing the right thing and doing it while no one is watching, characterizes courage and morality - a staple of stability. So ... re-read this article again. Better yet, send it to that fence-sitter in your family. Do it before June 5th !!!(May 27 2018) - Epic Project to Record the DNA of All Life ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This project to capture and record every DNA from every living thing on the planet - without a doubt - has population control as one of it's end products. Sure they might re-create a few things that GOD created in the beginning, but in the end their science projects will end up as anti-human anomalies and monstrous malfunctions of mankind. So listen up ... what they really want is one final creation ... ANTI-CHRIST ... something that's tangible, super-human, which the world will worship as a god.(May 27 2018) - Mind Control Brainwave Tech' in Movies ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- From all accounts, it appears that everyone wants in on the action - that is - Mind Controlling the Masses !!! Gov't will say it needs this technology for security purposes, schools will say this will unify education, employers will say this will increase production and the entertainment industry will say it will enhance the experience. All-in-all, this technology in the wrong hands, will ... destroy the will of a people, which in turn will destroy the will of the city, eventually destroying the will of a nation. Assuredly America !!! Specifically Christianity !!!(May 27 2018) - Muslim running for Congress sides with Trump ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Don't be fooled by this headline, or that this muslim is a republican. If he really wants to make some really great headlines, he needs to renounce his religion and convert to Christianity. We already have too many muslims and islamic sympathizers in Congress. And the worst one - who said he use to be a muslim - hung on to many of Mohammad's beliefs while occupying the White House ... and dang near destroyed America !!! DON'T BE FOOLED !!!(May 25 2018) - California’s Ideological Version of WHAT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Every now and then, we gotta re-hash things, especially when the means to an end, is exactly that ... what democ-RATS mean to do and what the end will mean for Christians in California. Already these do-as-I-say and not-as-I-do democ-RATS have the majority in Sacramento and they aim to kick us while we're down, and if they could, outlaw Christians all together. Listen, they have this "SATANIC STRONGHOLD" in Sacramento right now. Why ? Because that socialistic road to slavery was paved with your silence.(May 23 2018) - Biggest Threat to America's Future ... MSM
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Convincing people of the truth, after they've swallowed a lie bigger than "Back-door-Barry's" birth records, can be daunting. But the MSM has shoved this and many other lies down the throats of the masses at break-neck-speeds. Folks, truth - once established - exhibits wondrous fan-fare for the fact-finders, but for those addicted to the lies of the left are diseased by the MSM's deranged deliberations, down-loading their delusional dictates of democracy. Listen up folks ... it's a "Republican" form of gov't and if you can't fathom that fact, then YOU GOT THE DISEASE !!!(May 23 2018) - CIA, DOJ & FBI CONSPIRACY CRACKED !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now that these dots of collusion between the CIA, FBI, NSA, DOJ, DNC and Russians are all connected, it's time to connect the MSM dots and their conspiratorial capers as well. Folks, the MSM has been the official mouth piece of these agencies for decades. They've regurgitated just about every counter-intelligent story against the public and other nations, facilitating FAKE NEWS over facts. And President Trump knew this from the beginning ... 'cause the independent internet investigators informed him !!!(May 21 2018) - Aluminum Vaccine Adjuvants Linked to Autism
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today, you can save your child from an autistic life if you just take a few minutes to read this article. For too many years Big Pharma has pushed their "de-population dope" onto the masses with little to no consequences re: these final solution shots. Yes, you can see ad's on your TV's hocking all kinds of med's which doctors can prescribe for many kinds of medical illnesses or behavioural issues. And half of those commercials must disclose all the possible SIDE EFFECTS, except when it comes to vaccines. Why ? It's FAKE MEDICINE !!!(May 20 2018) - Stefan Halper Was Paid to Spy on Trump ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Of course the "independent" news media was gonna catch this mole - Stefan Halper. Why ? We know where to look. And yes, a lot of reason and logic is employed through a series of deductions, but the results are always the same - especially when you follow the money. And in this case, the tax payers money. Folks, this dear caught in the headlights is gonna cry to high-heaven, saying that he was set up to infiltrate Trump's campaign, or that he was blackmailed, or possibly say McCain green-lighted it ... 'cause - ya' know - he's gonna die anyway.(May 19 2018) - Social Reality is Carefully Controlled
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... here's another one of those little weekend reading projects that you guys otta delve into. It's written by John Coleman and is titled ... Social Reality is Carefully Controlled. His conclusions are more than obvious, but I'll leave that to your own subjective insights. Secondly, since this piece is placed at an somewhat controversial web site, don't let that underestimate the stories truism concerning The Truman Show's realities and today's emulations from MSM and gov't.(May 17 2018) - The Rise of Holy Russia ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- RUSSIA INSIDER, a possible counter-intel web site, has posted the notes of one of Russia's writers - who lives in the U.K. - saying that Russia will need to reclaim it's "HOLY RUSSIA" lands and territories to fight off the NEW WORLD ORDER, run by Sodom and Gomorrah ... AKA ... Israel and America. As concerning, this writer says that the new "Christian Emperor / Tsar" - representing the Messiah - will stop the anti-christ and false messiah and somehow save the world. Sounds to me like the early makings of Gog and Magog. What say you ???(May 16 2018) - “WET-WARE” SOFT KILL PLAN IS HAPPENING
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Some have the temerity to actually name, names, especially names affiliated with the goals of the NEW WORLD ORDER. For some time now, I have seen these names and who they associate with and how fast they climb up that satanic ladder of success, and I'm tellin' you, this web page from this web site {Americans4innovation.blogspot.com} corrals just about all of these NWO "Nut-Jobs". These anti-God globalists believe that there's too many people on "their" planet and those espousing Nationalism or Christianity are on their de-population "To-Do" list.(May 15 2018) - "BOMBSHELL REPORT" re: Mueller & Putin
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm tellin' you, this is a huge "Bombshell Report" and it's all over the internet. Folks, there's been more colluding with Russia and other governments by the CIA and FBI than a rattle snake has time to hiss at. And Robert Mueller has now been caught in this thicket, due to his conflicting contacts with Russia - especially President Putin. The way I see it, Mueller is gonna have to find a way to cop-a-plea with the Justice Department ... namely by dropping names, or Katie-bar-the-door, 'cause the flood of facts is-a-flowin'.(May 15 2018) - As The Church Slept ... Satan Crept In
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For years I've argued this point with Christians concerning the "Pre vs Post" tribulation "RAPTURE" and this condensed article kinda says it all for me, a "Post Tribulation" believer. Basically Christians need to always be alert and prepared. They need to know how to defend themselves Biblically with objective apologetics and Spiritually with prayer and praise. They need to always be battle ready to provide an answer for the hope that lies within - not just on Sunday mornings, but seven days a week.(May 14 2018) - Deep Tru^th. Neither CNN or Fox will tell you this.
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- After watching this video, I have to say ... this is only the beginning of what's to come. These evil mind-controlling machines, which manufactures Manchurian madness will - in fact - target the masses and command compliance to attack Christians in the end. I know this sounds like a bunch of hogwash, but folks, these SUPER DEEP projects cost a lot of money to develop and the DEEP STATE operatives have their orders, and once the 5G cell towers are all in place - that's it. So, today's a great day to say yes to JESUS CHRIST !!!(May 13 2018) - The Quran & Bible Say Jerusalem Is Jewish ... !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For Christians - who read their Bibles - ('cause many don't) Jerusalem cannot belong to any other group, nationality or religion. It does not matter how many times those who possess more than their fair share of ignorance denies it, or how often the press-ti-tutes blab it over their FAKE NEWS air-waves, Jerusalem is Jewish and will always belong to the Jews. So get over it !!! My only concern is the last Temple and why the Freemasons think they're the only ones who can re-construct it. They need to back off that idea as much as the Vatican needs to back off supporting those illegal Islamic interlopers.(May 11 2018) - Most People Don’t Care About Privacy ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- That's about right. People want "Free & Easy" and could care less about which platforms sell their private info to third parties. As far as FAKEBOOK and the others go, they ain't a bit worried re: any law suits or any new legislations curbing these trade off's ... because the public - when they signed up for these free platforms - agreed to the Terms of Service when they joined. So ... the new "Public Enemy #1" ain't any of these platforms ... IT'S THE PUBLIC !!!(May 09 2018) - McCain gave the FAKE Dossier to the FBI
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What else can a lying / dying egomaniac like John McCain say. Yes, I was the one who gave to the FBI the FAKE dossier on Trump and ... "anyone who doesn't like it can go to hell." Folks, that's what he wrote in his book & the MSM has yet to load up on the bomb shell. Look, if you live in Arizona & voted for this RINO, brother, I'd change my name & address & lay low for the next few election cycles. Of all the gall this man has, and to take this revenge against Trump to his grave. GOD have mercy on him ...(May 09 2018) - Eric Schneiderman Helped NXIVM do WHAT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Remember all those sealed indictments - some say thousands - which have yet to be unsealed and unmasked ??? Well here's one of them right here, Attorney General from New York Eric Schneiderman. Looks as though his sudden departure - resignation - may be a plea of some sorts to connect a few more democ-RAT dots. My money is on only one sealed indictment, "Back-door-Barry" who is still connected to all his "Bath House Buddies" back in Chi-Town and all that "Kick Back Money" he got from the Iran deal, which Trump just cut off yesterday. More on the way ...(May 06 2018) - McCain Going Out The Way He Lived
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Poor loser, sour grapes ??? In either case John McCain's dying wishes and last words will be his legacy. This you can count on. As for McCain asking that President Trump not attend his funeral, that's straight up "unforgiveness" and I'm not to sure that's gonna get him past the pearly gates. GOD - on the other hand - has the last word on McCain's hardened heart, but scripture tells me repentance is the recipe to clear that issue up ... if you intend on heading north.(May 06 2018) - Acronyms & Codes Parents Should Know
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here you go parents (P911). Somewhat of a complete guide from "Internet Safety 101" listing many of those funny looking acronyms and codes which your little whipper-snappers are using to disguise their communications ... from you (CD9). My guess is, many parents are already hip to these codes, but many grandparents - no doubt - haven't a clue. So, here's a web page that you need to look over and maybe print out. GOD Bless ...(May 05 2018) - Criminals could alter their DNA to evade justice
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Ya see ... every time there's a new way to detect crime or to catch a criminal in the act, or before the act, they find ways to circumvent crime fighters and their new technologies. Folks, we haven't even scratched the surface yet re: how artificial intelligence is going to be used by criminals. And forget about redirecting 5G cell towers frequencies away from civilians ... 'cause they can't be redirected !!! Listen, between the criminals altering their DNA and the cell towers altering your DNA, you ain't got a chance. GOD help us ...(May 05 2018) - British Crown Runs the U.S. Legal System ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And now for your weekend reading pleasure, another well researched article re: America's legal system and how the British Crown runs it, and the B.A.R. association which tenders licenses to operate under their charter. Folks, you just gotta dig deeper to flesh this stuff out, or you'll end up down stream without a paddle. This empire for the elites, headed by the "Queen Bee" of all "Secret Societies" ... especially the "Order of the Garter" ... Queen Elizabeth ... has flanked all avenues of escape. This is why you need JESUS CHRIST as your KING & SAVIOUR !!!(May 04 2018) - The press wants confrontation, not information
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- No question about it !!! The adversarial relationship that the MSM has had historically with presidents and their administrations - especially against the Trump administration - has crossed over the line and into an out-and-out confrontational one. These haters of truth and purveyors of perversions have - at the very least - entitled themselves as untouchable, unaccountable and unforgiving, while judging others of the same. It's a defense mechanism called displacement - blaming others for your offences.(May 02 2018) - Common Bonds Between Islam & Catholicism ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's one of those centuries old questions that can only be answered in the affirmative. In the end time, if all the Religions in the world have to unite into a "ONE WORLD RELIGION", they must do so by either highlighting their commonalities or by collective force. Either way, these two mega religions, Islam & Catholicism, will be in this end time religion. And the Freemasons, well, Albert Pike - 33° Freemason & Grand Commander - foretold this, and encouraged this crisis to create this end time religion, which will produce "ORDER OUT OF CHAOS" and the "ANTI-CHRIST".(May 02 2018) - A Lot Of Apps Sell Your Data ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- It's almost meaningless to get this point across to most folks who have already paid "out-the-nose" for one of these cell phone snitching machines. They assume that their cell phones won't be targeted, get hacked or app'ed, and delusionally assume that their cell phone carriers & companies have their backs. No, No, a thousand times NO !!! These companies are in the business to protect their backs - not the customers - and rake in as much money as they possible. Lifelock will tell you the same.(May 01 2018) - The Framing of a President ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Heck, anybody can set anyone up !!! It all depends on how you frame the question - if you're gonna frame someone. You start by shielding an obscure, albeit, opaque answer, frame the question out of context, then demand absolute recall. I'm tellin' you, even if President Trump has "TOTAL RECALL" re: every question posited by Mueller ... MOTIVE ... will be his second gotcha. So, don't be fooled by this so-called innocent leak of Mueller's possible questions. He's hoping President Trump will "tweet" answers to these FAKE QUESTIONS.(Apr 30 2018) - Illegals could serve on California boards ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Good grief !!! Is there anyone "left" in Sacramento who has read The Constitution, let alone comprehend its value ??? Folks, listen to me plainly ... California is not only being invaded by illegals, but being bamboozled by unqualified and ignorant elected officials. If this is the "lefts" way of providing an opportunity for outsiders - and the insiders are okay with giving it all away - then buddy, don't come a knocking when those criminal illegals and gangs KILL for more than their fair share. Good grief !!!(Apr 28 2018) - Control the Words, Control the Culture
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a really simple video which describes how the left uses words to change exact meanings into politically correct verbiage, and in the end, forcing social intolerance and or peer pressure if you do not accept the changed nomenclature. So ... listen carefully to every word that escapes their pie-holes, because most of the time they're lip-syncing the liberal / luciferian lies spewed out by the FAKE NEWS cartels and authorized by puppet masters of the NEW WORLD ORDER.(Apr 28 2018) - Another MAGA Week End Web Site !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- With all the FAKE NEWS out there re: Christians, Conservatives, Republicans, and in particular President Trump, there's a web site called www.MEGAPILL.com that I encourage all of our readers to bookmark and plough through this weekend. Included in this web site are President Trump's list of "Accomplishments" - so far - and a "Breaking News" web page. Now, if you want to have a little something to talk about with your liberal family members or buddies at work, this web site is a great place to start. So enjoy your week end and GOD Bless !!!(Apr 28 2018) - Dr. warns world about 'CHEMTRAIL LUNG' ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And here you go ... a medical doctor who isn't on the take and actually says it like it is. If you're having flu like symptoms and have a persistent cough which takes months to get over, odds are you have what this doctor says is "CHEMTRAIL LUNG" !!! A video was made by Rachel Reenstra and she was able to get her doctor to share this important info. He even discusses additional reasons why this is becoming a medical issue and epidemic. So, bookmark this page and VIDEO before something bad happens to this doctor or videographer.(Apr 27 2018) - NUKING THEIR NUKES North & South Korea
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yippee Yi Yo !!! Just like when the Soviet Union was called out by President Reagan to "Tear Down These Walls" and renounce communism, President Trump has done the same, demanding North Korea renounce nuclear arms and to reunify with South Korea, and yet the MSM think these two Korea's kinda did this one their own. Albeit, North Korea has a history of reneging on issues, so just like President Reagan kinda said, we can trust ... but we still need to verify.(Apr 27 2018) - MSM Silent re: Hollyweird Sex Cult NXIVM
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Waiting for a satanic spin from the MSM re: this Hollyweird Sex Cult NXIVM ... not to worry, the independent on-line news media has it covered. At this point in the investigation of this sex cult more names are being added to the "Who's Who" in all this nastiness. Just so you know, many on-line investigators, I'm here to tell you, will follow the money - like they always do - and scoop the MSM ... like they always do. As of this posting, suspicions of the MSM involvement and hush money pay-offs are being tracked as well. Yes they are !!! President Trump is making sure of that.(Apr 26 2018) - Jesuit House Chaplain Forced to Resign ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm not too sure if the House Chaplain - a Jesuit - didn't get the ax because of a prayer, or because he invited a muslim to say a prayer in the house either. My guess is, he's been tipping off what has been shared with him in private or in a confessional to his higher ups. You see, this is how Catholics absolve themselves of wrong doing, by confession their sin(s) to a priest. Secondly, history has shown that many countries have ick-snayed these Vatican Spies, and have kicked them out of their countries all together. And at one time, so did New York. Just wait ... you'll see.(Apr 24 2018) - THE DEEP MIND OF GOOGLE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- WAKE UP PASTORS !!! Yes, your parishioners in Porterville want you to "Preach the Gospel" ... and ... to "Tell the Truth" concerning DEEP STATE politics and DEEP MIND programming. But you are afraid to, fearing you might loose your position as their pastor. Like Paul the Apostle, I gotta warn Christians re: who and what's coming down the pike - 'cause you won't. As upsetting, I see Christian brothers & sisters goose-stepping with Google's luciferian leadings, and artificial intelligent endings.(Apr 23 2018) - Long Term Power Outage Drill in Wisconsin
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Drills, drills, and more drills. For the public’s benefit ??? Hardly !!! These drills are designed to find weaknesses in their warriors and to flesh out Second Amendment Citizens - AKA - PATRIOTS !!! That's it. What they drill for can be artificially programmed and produced with computers. These drills are not necessary. What's needed is the old civil defence drills, where everyone knows where to go and what to do. And, back in the day, the neighborhood Church was where you got trained. Now they're being trained ... to OBEY THE GOVERNMENT !!!(Apr 23 2018) - Fresno State's Hate Problem
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In a nut-shell you could say that these liberal academics have little to no morals. And this one at Fresno State is a prime example. If you want to say that this HATE SPEECH is protected by the 1st Amendment, well fine. But to many of us what this waked-out-woman said is equivalent to yelling fire in a theatre. What she said & how she said it motivates others into action. Folks, if you intend on sending your offspring to Fresno State - don't !!! They'll thank you later on in life once they're grown.(Apr 23 2018) - New Reality Magic Engulfing Your Brain
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Back in the day our parents & teachers used to say, re: our brains ... "Garbage In - Garbage Out" ... meaning that if you fill your mind with garbage, that's what's gonna come out. So, madscientistsmagicians are developing ways to make sure that our brains are filled with stuff they deem appropriate, or politically correct. No more choices - no more freedom. It's too risky to allow the masses to think on their own. Who knows what chaos that could bring ??? So, these NEW WORLD ORDER Nut-Jobs need to control the people in order to control the future ... their future.(Apr 22 2018) - Are Your I-Phones ... ILLUMINATI PHONES ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- History has revealed that those who were in the Illuminati had to keep tabs on those around them and then to send what they found out up to the next level. This way those at the top could keep those at the bottom - at the bottom. And this same collective commitment continues today, utilizing the unsuspecting and uninitiated masses ... via the ILLUMINATI PHONES - I-Phones !!! And Christians - I'm sorry to say - are still in denial re: this issue and are ignorant accomplices as they tote these triangulating tattle-telling toys around with them 24/7 and on Sundays to Church. (See April 14th Notes)(Apr 22 2018) - Over 90 Muslims in U.S. running for offices
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Over 90 Muslims are running for some political office - mostly democ-RATS - in the U.S. and I'm here to tell you, most, if not all of them, want to gain an office, to gain power, and to gain changes to the U.S. Constitution, making it more sharia compliant. But you see, changing the laws to accommodate a FAKE RELIGION doesn't solve the problem. The changes that these "Moon Worshipping Muslims" need is spiritual. They need JESUS CHRIST !!! BTW ... they ain't gonna come to your Church and run down to the alter. You're gonna have to come out of your Church and run to them. Got it ???(Apr 21 2018) - North Korea's Pledge to Denuclearize ... (Hum)
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I have to agree (somewhat) re: Hal Turner's suspicions of North Korea ... wanting to denuclearizing themselves - now - in from of GOD and everyone. There's gotta be a pay-off somewhere for both countries, and maybe China and Russia as well. However, for me, I gotta ask, why ain't the MSM circling their FAKE NEWS wagons around this HUGE possibility ??? Maybe they're on stand-own orders from the DEEP STATE ??? Maybe they're in disbelief re: Trump's accomplishments. Or maybe this is a set up and Hal Turner is right by quoting 1 Thes 5:3. What do you think ???(Apr 21 2018) - Why Amazon's DoD contract is so Controversial
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In about 9 paragraphs, Bryan Crabtree, writer for American Thinker, nails it as to why Amazon should not be given any more contracts to any more military agencies, becoming their internet service provider. Conflicts, collusions, cronyism and control. Listen, having that much influence in the inner sanctums of many of these above top secret service departments, is a huge cause of concern. Even if Amazon can provide the best security, that's not the issue. The issue is Amazon becomes the MATRIX for all intel, on land, under the seas and for all SKYNETS !!!(Apr 19 2018) - DHS Releases Records on Remote Mind Control
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Of course this is something to keep an eye on - anyone toying around with or experimenting with any mind control apparatus. That being said, you gotta believe when any gov't, especially our own, is funding or supporting these kinds of Orwellian machinations, bad things kinda happen. Look, these scientists may have good intentions re: some of this technology, but history has always recorded that those who want to control the masses and have the money (cough, cough, Bill Gates), usually end up with these devices of destruction.(Apr 18 2018) - EXPOSED: All the Queen’s Agents & Corporations
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Please, if nothing else, save this web page called (EXPOSED: All the Queen’s Agents and Corporations that Control the World) from this site called (American Intelligence Media) and read it very careful. Since the Revolution, American's have been under the assumption that we were free & independent from England, but hidden is the truth on how they did a few end-arounds on the U.S. and used lackeys to put us back under their control and ownership through corporate dealings, banking debt and secret societies like the freemasons. READ IT AND WEEP !!!(Apr 17 2018) - Judge wants names reviewed & released ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I can only imagine the destabilizing domino effect with this ruling by Judge Kimba Wood (Pic) to release the names of Michael Cohen's clients ... so they can be searched, reviewed and categorized. This political precedent by an oppositional judge will, I'm tellin' you, end up before the SCOTUS as a class action law suit by all those who names are unjustly and un-Constitutionally unmasked. And the MSM, well, their necks are cinched up just as tight on these 1st and 5th Amendment gallows. This is not good or safe for anyone hiring an attorney ... for anything !!!(Apr 17 2018) - 'Sleeper Cells' in U.S. ... and Porterville ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- 'Sleeper Cells' in Porterville ? Of course Porterville ! All across the U.S. muslims who have a lot of money & businesses know that when push comes to shove they have to side in with TERRORISTS motivated by islam. And Porterville, BTW, is a great place to hide-out until it's time to subjugate the infidels. These islamic invaders know they can't get money from overseas to sponsor their "Religion of Terrorism" so they tap the money here from local mom-and-pop's & other phony baloney businesses. And "you" are fraternizing these stores, buying their stuff & becoming an ignorant co-sponsor of terror. WAKE UP PORTERVILLE !!!(Apr 16 2018) - Brown rejects proposed border duties for troops
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well ... what-do-you-know ? Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown likes the idea of President Trump funding the National Guard Troops for California's border, but he's not to sure he wants the troops obeying Trump over him, - cause that's would make Brown look bad. Worse yet, what if those National Guardsmen actually do a good job protecting California. That'd really make the democ-RATS look un-American (as if that's more possible) and maybe mess up the mid-term elections, or the 2020 Presidential Re-Election of President Trump.(Apr 14 2018) - Is It Now Unsafe to Attend Church ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For all the right reasons we should attend Church. However, in this day and age of surveillance, it's now risky to attend - fearing that you might hear a Sodom & Gomorrah sermon, or have someone’s smart phone spy on your conversation in the Churches foyer or after the service. Is this speculation ? Not if the Bible says it's gonna happen. Folks, I've harped on this almost 10 years now and since many pastors preach in surveillance sanctuaries - and do not warn their parishioners re: these satanic cell phones - It's Now Unsafe to Attend !!!(Apr 13 2018) - PENTAGON surveillance ends ... FAKEBOOK starts
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Again, let me reiterate. These social networking cartels were working with "The Company" and all the other collectives - here and abroad - to do one thing, and that is to establish inside information on who you are, where you're at and what you're doing. This way, in a court of law, it was you who ratted yourself out !!! Just like Zuckerberg said in the beginning ... that the users of FAKEBOOK are "Dumb f**ks" ... and I've been saying from day one, these social networking sites are a set up !!! They're all rigged against against you and free speech.(Apr 12 2018) - Zuckerberg, Facebook is working with Mueller ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So Zuckerberg says he wants to protect his insider info from Congress because Robert Mueller's rifling through FAKEBOOK ??? What a crock !!! From the beginning FAKEBOOK wasworkingcolluding with the DEEP STATE and raking in a ton of money because of it. What Mueller is really doing at FAKEBOOK is "Cleaning The Books" for his past employers, like "Back-door-Barry" ... "Crocked Hillary" ... plus the FBI & CIA ... 'cause he's a dead man walking if he don't. Right ? Right ...(Apr 12 2018) - FEMA orders 16,000 Guillotine Blades From Mexico
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Time for The Porterville Post "Fact Finding Folks" to put some time in. From what I can tell, this March 18th 2018 report re: FEMA Ordering Guillotine Blades from Mexico has some merit, only because of some past articles stating similar issues and a Georgia House of Representatives bill (HB 1274) - Death penalty; guillotine provisions (95/96), which can still be viewed. Now, as creepy as these articles are, remember ... "Evil intentions produce Evil results when Evil lurks in the dark". So, shed some light guys ... giddy up !!!(Apr 11 2018) - PEDOGATE INDICTMENTS UNSEALED ... !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Lookie here, the MSM is obsessively focused on President Trump's past sexual encounters so much that they can't even pull themselves away for a moment to report what has been uncovered and unsealed - REAL SEXUAL PREDATORS & PAEDOPHILES. Folks, satan's second guessing sycophants - MSM - are so spiteful that they'd sooner take America down with their FAKE NEWS & AGENDA as opposed to letting President Trump do what he promised to do ... "Make America Great Again".(Apr 11 2018) - IN TRUMP WE TRUST
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So these has-been agents are crying that they're playing cards with a mobster - President Trump. Then by all means, cash in your chips, and hit the road. The longer you play against the house - The White House - the likely you're gonna loose. As for Mueller, he's betting with someone else's money, and dollars to donuts, he's staying in the game as long as he can, 'cause he knows he's got some debts to pay ... and ... some indictments on the way. I'm tellin' you, Trump has all the cards marked. (LOL)(Apr 10 2018) - Feds Raid Office of Trump Lawyer ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Lawyers all across the U.S. are now worried re: their attorney client privileges because of President Trumps personal lawyers office(s) being raided by the FBI ... per Robert Mueller. Folks, these agencies make it up as they go. They say they have probable cause - kinda like what they told another judge so they could wire-tap President Trump before the election - but honestly, they're deep sea fishing in the desert. More reports on this raid will be written in the days ahead. (More)(Apr 09 2018) - Apple's Co-Founder Closes FAKEBOOK account
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Are Americans waking up, or is it too late ??? Yes, many are waking up, but it's too late, because "BIG BROTHER" has already captured enough personal info on just about everyone. As for Apple's co-founder Steve Wozniak closing out his account ... well, they kinda got him by the short hairs as well. Folks, even if one billion decide to cut their losses with FAKEBOOK, they've already stolen your identities, and will sell them again once you bail. Why ? Their "Terms of Service" agreements - that few ever read - allows them to use you, 'cause you used them.(Apr 08 2018) - The Truth About Gun Control !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here are some brief & simple reasons why gun control is not about controlling guns - it's about controlling people. Facts are facts & numbers are numbers. So, when the FAKE NEWS folks start spewing their FAKE FACTS and FAKE NUMBERS, return fire with this ammo. Most - if not all - cities who have the strictest gun laws have the highest rates of gun violence, including California. Side by side comparisons of other statistics, which increase death, are rarely heard on radio, or seen on TV, because that info has to be approved by the program director & control agent. Got it ???(Apr 07 2018) - DHS to hire "Media Monitoring Service" ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well ... here we go. Push has come to shove and now it appears that the DHS will be hiring media watchers to compile data on just about every on-line blogger, journalist, news service, and don't forget on-line voting. If you wait a few seconds you can hear the DEEP STATE calling in their lawyers, banking buddies and MSM miscreants to find loopholes in this new "Media Monitoring Service". Additionally, many of the social media cartels, link FAKEBOOK, Twitter and so forth, are also scrambling. Maybe that's why Mark Zuckerberg is silently deleting his account, as FAKEBOOK fazes out freebies.(Apr 06 2018) - Who Really Controls America ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- (Side Note) Loyalty of the branches our military - from the ground up - kinda goes like this. Loyalty to your command first, loyalty to operations second, loyalty to the brass third, loyalty to other branches last. As you noticed, I didn't include loyalty to the Constitution - of which all swear an oath to protect - or the President. Why ? Because they come under a different set of laws - Military Laws, namely the UCMJ. And the Navy - under Admiralty Law - is set up to call the final shots on everything, if everything is blown to smithereens.(Apr 06 2018) - Trump ... Attending MSM dinner ... probably not
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And why would he ??? Seriously, President Trump is in the middle of fortifying America, our jobs, our economy and our traditional family values, and to attend a dinner with a room full of media jackals would lead me to believe, he might be mental. But he's not. History will record that his acumen and true grit as a one-two punch which stymied the NEW WORLD ORDER and Made America Great Again. So, if you think President Trump is gonna cast his pearls before swine - thing again.(Apr 05 2018) - ACT to End Racism Interfaith Service ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Too bad these religious organizers, who don't want their names mentioned, want what their individual religions say ain't possible. I'm tellin' you, each and every person on the planet has some subjective experience re: GOD, or what they are lead to believe is some higher power - with differing names and from other planets. Second, once these religious off shoots - if you will - get a little ground clearance within their own-kind, that's when their leader claims owner-ship and or messiah-ship of that new cult. This "Catholic" ACT to End Racism Interfaith service is no different.(Apr 03 2018) - Caravan vows to cont' march to US border ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Listen up liberals ... this is an INVASION !!! Not a caravan !!! As awful as that sounds, it's true. This illegal invasion of immigrants do not want to come to the U.S. on our terms - the legal way - but by INVASION with a shear force in numbers. Now, if they stop at the border and hoot-and-howler fine, but as soon as they cross the border in mass and jam up the U.S. roads they've committed a crime and are subject to the higher powers - like all law abiding Americans.(Mar 31 2018) - The Resurrection of Jesus: An Inconvenient Fact
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- That's a fact Jack. Years ago I set out to see if there were any other religions out there with similar claims as JESUS CHRIST being "the way and the truth and the life" and discovered a lot of claims, and that's about all. Most religions want man to control the in's and out's of any benefits, but none ever came back (from the dead) to reinforce their claims ... except JESUS CHRIST, who said he'd RISE AGAIN !!! Folks, because of The Resurrection we have access to The Thrown now, and Heaven when our mission is complete.(Mar 31 2018) - VIDEO : This is what FAKE NEWS looks like
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Once you view this sad but true video about FAKE NEWS and how "Extremely Familiar" each news station andreporter,distorterpress-ti-tute mimics some man-made mantra to manipulate the masses, you just might slap a label on the front of your TV's which reads ... "Bad for your health, proceed with caution, in some cases may cause death". Folks, the Porterville Post has righteously warned it's readers re: this issue for years and why it's important to save your sanity and family by turning off these smart TV's and other smart contraptions - if you're really smart !!!(Mar 31 2018) - ICE arrests farmworkers in Central Valley
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Next stop for ICE - no doubt - Tulare County, and ... you guessed it, Porterville. Look, everyone gets it, that many - if not most - immigrants had to flee their own countries for all kinds of reasons, but there comes a time when sustainability must be part of the equation or criminality will rule the day, let alone the city, county, state, country and in the halls of legislators. And the really sad part in all this, you have many Churches providing sanctuary and not real salvation. Why ? Because those pastors want attendance numbers just like the democrats want voting numbers and farmers want cheep employment numbers.(Mar 29 2018) - Pope Francis: 'There Is No Hell' ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, isn't that special. The Pope says there is no Hell. So ... obviously questions will mount ... like, why even attend the Catholic Church or read The Bible ? Right ? Since there's no Hell or punishment in like measure, why even try ? Yes, I'm cutting to the chase, but let me tell y'all something, when a church leader changes Biblical doctrine - not traditions - this radical and fast, run like hell in the opposite direction. This "Resurrection Sunday" let us follow JESUS CHRIST - who had the first Life after Death experience and the Keys of Hell and Death - not those who are blind and have not the light within.(Mar 27 2018) - Chemtrails, Morgellons, Smart Dust ... and
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday I had a conversation with a good friend re: Chemtrails, the history of it's inception, patents and the military's involvement. I shared with him that there's a video - still on youtube - called The Chemtrails, Morgellons, Smart Dust and Achons Connection and the speaker, Harald Kautz-Vella, with impeccable credentials and qualifications, scientifically shares many facts. Even though this video is an hour in length, please watch it with a friend or family member, and if you can, try and save it to a safe directory or folder.(Mar 27 2018) - Al Sharpton’s Half-Brother Charged with Murder
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Be careful now ... if you report that someone in the "March for our Lives" anti-gun movement murdered someone just one day after that event, and that individual was Al Sharton's half brother, the MSM would insinuate your report as hateful and racist. Oh well, if reporting that truth at The Porterville Post causes the MSM mistakes, and mishaps that much anxiety, angst, or anger, then click on down the road. There's plenty of snowflake sites you Mouseketeers muse your minds with.(Mar 27 2018) - 2020 Census will ask about Citizenship Status
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Listen up illegal invaders. Everything and everyone is watched and tracked via on-line software hooked up to satellites, computers and cell phones. And, in all these contraptions a persons "I.D." is needed. So if you're so inclined to say that asking for your citizenship in the 2020 census is un-fair or un-Constitutional ... un-fortunately ... it's gonna be un-lawful if you "stay" un-cooperative. Now, you have a real reason to become a real citizen, with a real "I.D.", with your real family, and to contribute to a real country. CENSUS FLASHBACK !!!(Mar 26 2018) - Press-ti-tutes for Pros-ti-tutes !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Last night as I was flippen' through the channels - hoping that the FAKE NEWS might assemble some truth on a Sunday - I caught a portion of the "Press-ti-tutes for Pros-ti-tutes" special on CBS. Now I'm sure that the TV show picked up some ratings as men and many women all over America ogled their TV sets to get a glimpse of the whore - yes whore - who's blackmailing a sitting president, not a Russian Honey-pot, a has-been video exhibitionist with credibility issues and a network as an adulterous accomplice. Folks, the reason the MSM is going this hard against President Trump is ... #PIZZAGATE !!! Remember ???(Mar 25 2018) - The New King of Censorship ... Microsoft !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- No turning back now. Looks like Microsoft has some new "Terms of Service Agreements" that you have to agree with or they're gonna lock you out - out of your own lap-top, desk-top, ipad, iphone and anything that uses their software. With this new agreement, they can go inside (Intel-Inside) and check to see if you are complying. Even if someone has hacked through your device, Microsoft can still ick-snay your access. Now, for the good news ... still looking ... nothing yet ... wait ... no nothing.(Mar 24 2018) - Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Those who wanted to conquer other countries knew that the youth had to be captured, either by force or by subterfuge. If captured, then re-education was employed to address the past and harness the future. If by subterfuge, then driven, by fake fear and FAKE NEWS. In any case, 25% - 30% were either arrested and incarcerated, or worse, if awakened by the truth or reality. The "DEEP STATE" knows these facts and this "March for our Lives" was not about the protecting the kids, it was about protecting their lives, their projects and D.U.M.B.'s - Deep Underground Military Basis, once they're done dumping CHEMTRAILS THAT KILL !!!(Mar 24 2018) - The
MarchManipulation for Our Lives
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- If crying and complaining and marching are signs of leadership - typically democ-RAT leadership - then this so-called March for our Lives, is not a demonstration of leadership, but a collections of kids who are truant of their schools and Truant of the Truth !!! Guns do not kill people - people do !!! And secondly, if they really want to March for our Lives, then start in Oprah's & Obama's Outhouse in "Chicago" where these folks are subjected to shootings and gun violence daily - where guns are forbidden and illegal.(Mar 23 2018) - Vatican Hires High-Powered Global Law Firm
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Vatican says ... "shu-dupa you-mout, or weza gonna sew you", or something like that. I know, I know, whatever the Pope says is historically infallible ... albeit - in the protestant arena - illuminates brightly as another gospel. Folks, the Vatican has so much baggage it cannot reform itself back into basic Christianity, or even a semblance there of. There are way too many pagan-ish rituals, satanic symbolism, and perpetrators of paedophilia, at this point in time to save the Vatican or Catholicism. So ... it's time to come out from among them ... PRONTO !!!(Mar 23 2018) - Trump's going nowhere ... for the next 7 yrs
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For sure this is definitely a good word by Mark Taylor, author of The Trump Prophecies. Folks, many of us Holy Ghost hardened Freedom Fighters, Watchmen and Remnant have already been convinced that GOD and all of His followers will WIN IN THE END, but until then, the rest of The Body of Christ needs to play catch-up. Quit playing Church and just listen to what GOD is saying. There will come a time when HE will need you to just sit, listen, and obey. You need to hear HIS Voice - "My sheep hear my voice" - now more than ever. GOT IT ???(Mar 21 2018) - Widespread Civil unrest if Trump fires Mueller
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- More and more Democ-RATS - in their hate filled hearts - are encouraging anarchism over pacifism. They have double standards in the departments of morality, reason and logic, and if they ever employed these right-isms, PEACE might break out. GOD Forbid ... but that's the truth. There are no exceptions to the rules of right. There are no directions to those without sight, and there's no way wrong can be strong, unless morality, reason and logic are gone ... which appears to be the case with California democ-RAT Ted Lieu.(Mar 20 2018) - Church falling back into apathy by Mario Murillo
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Boy, ain't that the truth. Yesterday I ran into several Christians while wearing one of my famous T-Shirts and not a one of them commented to me re: it's message of being "Armed & Dangerous" with the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST. No doubt their silence - as opposed to a friendly "hey-how-you-doing" - was their usual high-calling of the day. Not Good !!! However, I did come across a new friend who was wearing a "Make America Great Again" ball cap and we hit it off after I paid him a compliment. Hopefully he will stay in contact, and maybe I can introduce him as one of our new columnists.(Mar 20 2018) - Samsung's new app can 'Erase Your Memory' ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now that we know that it can be done, how do we know that these apps - turned on or not - aren't actually hypnotizing you ??? You don't !!! Too many times I have seen cell phones kinda-sorta turn on whenever you get close to another cell phone or "Internet of Things" thing-a-ma-bob. These devices communicate with each other all the time, rain or shine - 24/7 !!! And don't be fooled by these companies dropping millions in R & R 'cause they want you to have more conveniences - get real !!! These are hells-hooks designed to employ your naiveté and eventually enslave your minds. WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!(Mar 19 2018) - Modern Newspeak: Censoring the Internet ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- At the risk of ticking-off a few low-info webbies, I gotta say ... "I Told You So." Look, as I've said in the past, these so-called free social media web sites are gonna one day fail and cost you something ... 'cause what you think is free, ain't free. And because of your insistent ignorance - that these free web sites are on the up-and-up - the 1st amendment could suffer it's first set back. Ultimately, all of us internet news providers - with real web sites - need to come together quickly, uniformly & geographically, or our freedoms of the press will be outlawed as well. Starting in California.(Mar 19 2018) - Democrat Congressman Suggests Taking Up Arms
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Oh ... so now this democ-RAT is encouraging people to use the Second Amendment to fend off big gov't. No, that's not right ... let's see ... to arm themselves to scare big gov't ... wait ... I almost got it ... arm themselves toresistshoot Republicans in Congress & the POTUS. Seriously ... isn't there some kinda a law re: threats like this, especially against a sitting President ??? Well yeah !!! I'm tellin' you, this Congressman from New York - where else - oughta' be investigated by Congress, specifically by Congressman Devin Nunes.(Mar 18 2018) - Main-Streaming Micro-Aggression in Colleges
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Micro-aggression ??? It's the little things that bother these FAKE AMERICANS !!! Yes I said FAKE AMERICANS !!! Growing up, you learn that nothing is handed to you on a silver platter. You have to earn it, and if earning it means being called a name or two, well, that comes with the territory and most successful people understand this. However, these micro-americans - AKA FAKE AMERICANS - who learn to cry about everything on college campus' need to suck-it-up and grow-up before the best of us throw-up. Too late, I just lost my (barf) breakfast ...(Mar 17 2018) - Protocols of Zion are Genuine ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, the weekend is here and it's time to go back and re-read the continuously denounced "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Why ? Fair enough. Whenever a book or manuscript or document continues to come under investigation re: it's contents or significance, it stands to reason that those highly critical of it might be too subjective in their analysis and or allegations. Secondly, if there are more dots connecting actual events or information than falsities, then it's outcome must be considered as a possibility - one even I do not relish.(Mar 16 2018) - FAKEBOOK Forced To Apologize ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, we've all been bombarded by these auto-complete searches and peek-a-boo pop-ups whenever you simply visit a web site hosted by ISP's who get kick-backs from the Big Brother main-frames ... like Google and FAKEBOOK. This is how they generate cash - making it appear that you've checked out their porn products, and con-jobs. Folks, even if you're not in the least bit interested in their FAKE-ADS, they then roll you over to another Big Brother tracking combine to either box you out or put you on THE LAST LIST.(Mar 15 2018) - You're Being Programmed For Evil Purposes
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, duh !!! Yes, every little tid-bit of info that you come across, read or experience does in fact re-arrange or change the way you see or deduce things. FAKEBOOK and all the other social web sites knew this and that's how they were able to convince advertisers to buy into their scheme. Every flicker, every twinkle, every color sends either an obvious or subconscious message to your mind, making you collectively buy into their agendas, products and commercials.(Mar 15 2018) - Undocumented immigrant appointed ... Where ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Illegal discrimination by democ-RATS ??? Oh, say it ain't so !!! Yes it is !!! And, no, this isn't a play on words. Somehow no one in Sacramento could find a competent citizen to appoint - in an advisory position - to a state post. I'm tellin' you, I had to read and then re-read this article a few times to make sure I wasn't reading too much into it. But, there it is, the Senate Rules Committee appointed a criminal to help with granting tax payers dollars to - no doubt - more illegals on collage campus'.(Mar 14 2018) - Great Web Site : BORDERLAND BEAT !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So, you want a little evidence re: why we need to build a bigger and better wall on our southern border. Just click through some of these reports from this web site called Borderland Beat. You'll read about all the horror stories involving these Mexican cartels murderings, mules and coyotes forcing illegals to transport DRUGS or else !!! The corruption of politicians, police and military is beyond repair, 'cause of their acceptance of a NARCO STATE ... and California is in their cross-hairs !!! Just do some research on ATZLAN or watch this VIDEO ...(Mar 14 2018) - Stephen Hawking Was an Atheist ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well ... guess who's a believer now ??? Professor Stephen Hawking, the world renown atheist. Now, it's true he was an accomplished physicist - of what he thought was spontaneously created - but anything before or beyond his theory of everything still had him paralyzed. Sadly, he will be remembered for those unbelievable theories until another theory of the Big Bang or Evolution is concocted by another deranged anti-Christian ding-dong or dufuss.(Mar 13 2018) - Islam’s ‘Slow Motion Genocide’ of Christians
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This "Slow Genocide" of Christianity in America by Islam has taken root because of many Christians mis-beliefs about Islam, and because of Freemasons secret agenda of a NEW WORLD ORDER, where they mis-align all religions into to one. So ... can Islam actually take over America ??? Yes, if the preceding two continue down the same path - as noted. No, if REPENTANCE leads to REVIVAL !!! Folks, The Answer is JESUS CHRIST ... not the local Church or the Freemasons lodge ... 'cause in the end The LORD says in 2 Cor 6:17 to come out from among them. So ... do it !!!(Mar 11 2018) - Clinton Charity Fraud Biggest Scandal in US
WASH D.C. -- Former CIA Officer & whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the reason for all the crime & treason at the FBI & DOJ all boils down to one thing - the Clinton so-called “charity.” Shipp explains, “Hillary was running & is running a global financial criminal syndicate. She was using these secret servers to conduct Clinton financial money laundering business. The shocking thing about that is all the former directors of the CIA that have come out to support her, from Clapper to Brennan to Morell to Robert Gates supporting her being elected, knew about this criminal syndicate.(Mar 10 2018) - Joy Behar Apologizes ... Sort Of ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- A Forced Apology is A FAKE APOLOGY !!! So, if you're caught doing something or saying something that offends someone, especially the Vice President, and you are called out on it, it's not a real apology from the heart. It's a CYA APOLOGY. Nothing more - Nothing less. Joy Behar, of the View, supposedly called Vice President Mike Spence on the phone and apologized for openly mocking his Christianity. But is that enough ??? Millions of Christians want to know. ABC sponsors, fearing additional boycotts, want to know. No, that's not enough !!! She's gonna have to apologize "Live" on TV. Period - Paragraph !!!(Mar 09 2018) - Is California America’s Future ? - by Mario Murillo
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- It's a rhetorical question with an obvious answer ... NO !!! The answer is JESUS CHRIST !!! Ex-Jesuit priest - Jerry Brown and his priestess - Kamala Harris, foolishly think that California is the showcase of all America. Theses two and the democ-RATS have basically created a cesspool of sin, with vagabonds, druggies and illegals leading the way. And their sycophants in Sacramento, well, their mental illness re: Trump's Tax plans have put the states prosperity on hold, causing businesses to flee ... fast and furious. Pun intended.(Mar 09 2018) - HELL FREEZES OVER ... at CNN ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hey ... CNN finallygotread the memo about "Making American Great Again" ... which would make President Trump a "Great President". My guess is there was another memo floating around their water cooler, titled "Sink or Swim" which turned their talking heads into part-time truth tellers ... (I said part-time). For too many years the MSM couldn't sell "Good News" to their viewers, so FAKE NEWS was employed. Now, if the MSM really wants to get clean and sober re: the news, they need to get past making their profits great and help "Make American Great Again" by telling the TRUTH !!!(Mar 06 2018) - GOD IS CALLING YOU OUT - by Mario Murillo
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hey Pastors ... GOD's Calling You Out !!! Does your preaching create Warriors for Christ or worriers for your church ??? Are your coffers collecting money for your ministry or men for HIS Ministry ??? Where is the fruit ??? Sure, everyone is preaching REVIVAL and that's a really great idea, but REVIVAL has to do with reviving that which is almost DEAD - not evangelism. Speaking of evangelism, GOD ain't gonna allow it in your church if you're gonna continue to obey men rather that GOD. So get with the program - GOD's Program !!!(Mar 06 2018) - Mind-reading project is about improving lives
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So ... how far will these "Mind-Reading" machines go ? Whether it's FAKEBOOK, Google, Twitter or whomever, what's the next step after they supposedly can read your thoughts ? Synchronize the motherless masses for a sinister solution ? Trans-humanize their offspring ? Weapon suicide ? Soylent Green certain citizens. Or to create little gods - who "Think" they know everything ? For sure, the first company which dials in all of these manchurian monsters, will then, flip of the switch to dial out their mind-reading competitors. This will not end well for us or for them and it MUST BE STOPPED !!!(Mar 06 2018) - TAKE YOUR TRUMP HATS OFF - AT WORK ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In essence this is what Special Council Robert "BIG BROTHER" Mueller's notice says. So ... let me get this straight. Just because President Trump declared early that he's gonna run for the White House again in 2020, that means anything Trump-ish can't be displayed at work ??? Are you kiddin' me ??? Talk about paranoia. Next, they'll issue a demand to remove all of President Trump's pictures which are typically mounted on the walls inside Federal buildings. Come on MSM !!! Do your job !!! Your neutrality displays your complicity !!!(Mar 05 2018) - The Russian Reset Was Outright Treason
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Whoa Nellie ... Names are being dropped re: Russia-gate and who the real treasonous conspirators are, like June-bugs in the dark. Included in this report are the names of many companies who benefited from these Russian connections which Hillary and Obama authorized ... knowing that there was gonna be kickbacks for their campaigns, in the millions. Folks, these snowflakes all across America and holly-weird ain't gonna acknowledge any of this. They're goners and self-deluded by FAKE NEWS and SIN !!!(Mar 05 2018) - HAARP & Chemtrails: How They're Change You
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- If you want to know what one of "End Time" plans that the NEW WORLD ORDER is conjuring up against you, watch this video. But I must say, knowing what one of their plans are ain't gonna slow the devil down any time soon. They have many in the works, like ex-president Bush said, like a 1,000 points of light - an occult saying referencing luciferian light. How do you fight this ??? First you need to be high-and-tight with JESUS CHRIST. And, lastly, you need to be on the offence not defence, or you'll back-slide into silence.(Mar 05 2018) - The NRA is going after Hollywood ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Ya dar tooten' ... Hollyweird ... you're time is runnin' out !!! Just because your box office winnings have y'all hollerin' and hoppin' all the way to the bank, for sure, it doesn't mean you told the truth. Taking license with too many stories is the same as tellin' lies, making what you manufacture on the big screens and little screens as FAKE FILMS !!! So ... since you started this shoot out with the NRA - better take cover - 'cause America's SECOND AMENDMENT Citizens will finish it.(Mar 04 2018) - Trump's "President for Life" Remarks
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Let me spell it out for y'all ... this message was directed at the DEEP STATE !!! Not Americans, not Christians, not Republicans and not even most of the ignorant MSM. The underlying message is this ... if you DEEP STATE guys want to continue pushing for a coup and force a major false flag on this country, I "President Trump" will declare Marshall Law on your a**es - and stay the President as long needed - until all you conspirators are rounded up and incarcerated. Again, this message was not intended for Americans, or Christians, or Republicans or any of the ignorant left overs. Got it ???(Mar 04 2018) - Trump Amends Manual for Courts-Martial
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Oh my ... looks like it's curtains for all those government and military folks living the "Double Life" for the "Deep State" now that President Trump amended on March 1st 2018, the Manual for Courts-Martial - via Executive Order. So why is that important ? Easy, everyone who has any government or military employment during the Trump years can be brought up on charges, and then some. Is the MSM also gonna get their come-up-ins as well. If they're holding out on leaker’s ... you betcha !!! More coming, so stay posted ... to the Porterville Post.(Mar 03 2018) - VIDEO : "Active-Shooter DRILL" on the Same Day
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, if your student comes home one day and says that their school is going to participate in an "ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILL" ... by all means, (1) go to your school administrators office - usually the principle - and demand answers as to (2) when the drill is to take place, (3) if crisis actors are being employed and (4) if the local police / sheriff's will be involved. Next, (5) call your local media outlets and ask them to (6) investigate the when's and where's of this "FALSE FLAG" drill and finally, (7) make a huge fuss at the very next PTA meeting. (8) Get involved parents. Your children and grand children are depending on you ...(Mar 02 2018) - Cops Were Possible Shooters in Parkland ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The twists & turns re: these "Active Shooter" drills demonstrates dysfunctions, dangers, denials & disinformation. First, this latest drill "somehow" went live, demonstrating dysfunctions with the cops chain of command. Second, it demonstrates denials by the local authorities re: the dangers of these kinds of "Active Shooter" drills. And lastly, it demonstrates how the MSM was quickly brought in to "Set the Script" & provide disinformation to the masses, making the 2nd Amendment the FALL GUY, instead of the cops or this kid, Nicholas Cruz.(Mar 01 2018) - INDICTED RUSSIANS ... THAT'S IT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the final question we must ask. Once Mueller's investigation into the possibly collusion with the Russians and the Trump campaign concludes that there was no collusion, will he walk away un-scathed or un-investigated ??? Not on your life. Mueller is stringing this witch hunt out as long as he can and if he's called on the carpet to testify re: his conspiring underlings and bottom feeding cohorts - mostly democ-RATS - he'll turn states evidence quicker than he'll be forced admit (Under Oath) ... I'M WITH HER !!!(Mar 01 2018) - Facebook keeps secret files on users and others.
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Countless times I have alerted Christians that all these free social web sites like FAKEBOOK will one day harness all the info that you've uploaded on your site - which is also connected to their servers - and to make a buck, they're gonna auction off all of your personal info. Just as Orwellian, these free social web sites are now admitting - what I've been warning for years - that they even track those who don't even have a social media web page. Now that's more than creepy. That's surveillance supervised by and for SATAN !!!(Feb 28 2018) - Shooter lived with military intel' analyst ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And another piece of this puzzle re: this active shootingdrillwhich took place at Stoneman Douglas High school in Florida, just got put in place. Knowing what I know about the Army's Military Intelligence Analyst divisions and classifications, this sort of adoption of an already mentally mangled miscreant, needs a special clearance from the brass - if you know what I mean. And for this family to say, they thought there was only one key to the gun safe or cabinet exhibits embellishments of the lowest order. It's called LYING to CYA !!! More on the way ???(Feb 27 2018) - Findings of Fact, Timeline & Database
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For sure you need to bookmark this web page from the FBICoverUp.com quickly before it's taken down. There is so much info here it's unbelievable. Better yet, make sure that Congressman Devin Nunes and Congressman Kevin McCarthy get wind of it, knowing that it may help them expedite their investigations. Secondly, please alert the Porterville Post re: any other links of value, 'cause you know quite well, we will put it on the front page for all to read. GOD Bless ...(Feb 27 2018) - Vatican & Muslims form 'Code of Ethics'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And this my friends, is what you call ecumenical incrementalism. Christianity and Islam cannot be bound together by a "Code of Ethics" ... unless ... you take something away from each religion. Now you get it. But for those of you who want this new kind of religion - groomed specifically for the NEW WORLD ORDER - history and truth will be banished and censorship committee commanders, via the "Code of Ethics", will have the final say-so ... kinda like what Google, Twitter, Youtube and Facebook and many others are doing TODAY !!!(Feb 27 2018) - ARMED & DANGEROUS ... The POLICE ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- John Whitehead makes it easy - in his latest article - not to cherry pick on behalf of the police. His facts are in the high 90 percentiles and conclusions re: BIG BROTHER and the DEEP STATE are incontrovertible. With that said, let's consider this. Good people can do good work, when their job descriptions are clear and their peers are also good people. It's those gray areas of doubt is where you find the devil's dirty dozen of Unclassified, Restricted, Need to Know, Eyes Only and Top Secret duties.(Feb 26 2018) - Oaklands Mayor Warns Public of ICE Raids ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now that this idiotic Mayor of Oakland (Libby Schaaf) put in writing - warning all of the illegal invaders who are in and around her city - to be on the look-out for ICE, she could be brought up on charges of "Obstruction of Justice" and be "Sewed" by every citizen in Oakland who has been negatively affected or assaulted by these illegals. What a buffoon !!! But, I gotta say, her protégé and previous Mayor of Oakland, Gov' Brown, kinda led the way ... and still does.(Feb 25 2018) - Florida School Shooting Plot Exposed ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As the plot thickens - and it most assuredly is - schools across Florida may come into question re: this funding practice/plot. This initial report exposing this horrific collusion to collect more money by downgrading criminal statistics in and around this school, I'm telling' you, will put a lot of people behind bars, right after all the parents sue the pants of all these perpetrators. And lastly, just wait until the really big internet investigators and hackers get wind of this. Names will be named !!!(Feb 23 2018) - Satanic Attacks : The Breakfast of Champions
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Seasoned Christians know this drill when being attacked, either by an individual, or by the media spreading malicious gossip, or by satan himself. The outcome - most assuredly - is usually the same ... benefiting GOD's vessel, which in turn benefits The Body of CHRIST. With that knowledge and experience, most of these seasoned Christians can lead the way, away from difficulties, calamities and back to the GOD'S LOVE and to get re-connected and re-positioned for the Final Battle. War is right around the corner, and today's a good day to ENLIST.(Feb 22 2018) - Guns in the hands of good people - are GOOD !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is why good people need guns and why we give them to the local police, the military and just about all of America's alphabet soup agencies. We train these folks how and when to shoot, how to care for these weapons to make sure they function properly. However, in the absence of good people with guns, bad people have the upper hand. Their targets - most usually - are people who are un-armed and un-protected. And in a matter of a few minutes, massacres occur, like in Chicago - every weekend - where there's gun control ... and media control.(Feb 21 2018) - Skull & Bones, and bankrolling the enemy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Years ago I purchased and read many of these well documented books revealing the NEW WORLD ORDER plans by the establishment elites. And as the years came and gone, many more books, documents and videos have dittoed the same truths, namely that these old world "secret society" boys are behind all the "order out of chaos" wars. However, in the end, they'll turn on themselves, because they are the most paranoid, egotistical and self-centered cabal of KILLERS !!! Hell will be their FINAL SOLUTION. Is that your ???(Feb 20 2018) - Students told police re: Nikolas Cruz threats
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This ain't news, but in a not-so-bizarre sense, it is. For many of these policing authorities, they are instructed to wait before responding to any "See Something - Say Something" calls. Why ? Past practices of bad policing. And now, waiting for more info is becoming a bad practice. When fire departments across the nation were called out on delay's, they began tracking "RESPONSE TIMES" and made it a goal to get faster and better. With the local police, and all their super-duper surveillance set ups, they ought to get there before the perp pulls the trigger or gets away. You'd think.(Feb 20 2018) - Mueller charges man with lying ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- You know what they say, "It takes one to know one" and if Mueller is indicting these little fish because of lying - in hopes of landing "The Big One" - he's gonna find himself walking off a gang plank on the starboard side a ship called the U.S.S. TRUTH & JUSTICE. Folks, these agencies are all trained in telling lies !!! Telling the truth - internally - will get you fired if your lucky. And Mueller, well, he's been the devil's deck-hand on several ships pirating for THE SWAMP and now he thinks he's a captain of a vessel called BLACKMAIL. The MSM's on board, are you ???(Feb 19 2018) - McCabe Altered FBI notes to frame Flynn
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Planting FAKE evidence or planting FAKE notes or planting FAKE leaks is what many agencies do to protect their agencies. Now, for most of our readers that ain't a stretch, but for our newbies, that might take some time to absorb. Secondly, these agencies are all told, do not talk to other agencies unless you run in up through the chain of command. Why ? Because whatever info or intel is shared, it might not be correct or corroborated. In this case, that's the case, a very bad case !!!(Feb 18 2018) - Mexican Nationals Meddled & Colluded in Elections
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Mexicans meddling in the 2016 elections and beyond ??? How preposterous !!! Californians wouldn't stand for it and neither would any respectful political organization. Yes they can and yes they do. As for the Russians interfering - again - not a chance. Everyone and their dog will be in on that hunt. However ... the democ-RATS from California - the SANCTUARY STATE - will get to register moreillegalinvadersFAKE VOTERS at the DMV, come April, and if anyone says squat or asks to check the voting records, they'll be labelled a racist, bigot or worse.(Feb 17 2018) - Shareblue : Has Ties to Foreign Govts
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is too easy and funny. Look folks, there are hundreds of companies on the web who will do your bidding for the right price. And many times these companies are hired by our agencies as fronts to cover their crimes, and this one called Shareblue.com (now off line) kinda looks like they were used to troll the election. So ... you guys can do some digging yourself on this one, 'cause Mueller's investigators need all the help they can get. Have a nice Presidents Day weekend.(Feb 16 2018) - Indicted Russians Were Facebook Trolls
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As much as I do not want to chime in re: Mueller's charade of indictments, I guess I will - just a bit. Now, if all Americans are cleared of any interference in the 2016 Presidential election (including the FBI the other intel agencies) that still leaves the democ-RATS illegals voting, dead people voting, Muslim money, all the other agencies abroad - allies included - and every non-citizen who ever had any kind of blog or web presence spewing anti-American sentiments, ad infinitum. As revealing ... Mueller kinda gave Rosenstein the green light to pardoned him, Comey and all the other co-conspirators. Now, chew on that a little this weekend.(Feb 16 2018) - School Ran Active Shooter Drill ... ON SAME DAY
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here we go ... again. Another one of those non-nonsensical incidents involving an active shooting drill, and then the real thing. This time on the same day. I'm tellin' you, more & more questions are leading down this road which mirrors a manufactured MK-ULTRA massacrer. Now, get this straight - MSM. This kid had a social media page, told the world what he wanted to do, and the FBI let him do it - not President Trump - the FBI !!! And Hollyweird, they're just as culpable in this murder with all their action packed shoot-em-ups on TV and the Big Screen !!! More's coming ...(Feb 14 2018) - Shooting outside NSA headquarters - 3 shot
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, this doesn't make sense. Why would anyone try and take on an agency which has an arsenal - no doubt - a hundred times bigger and greater ??? Was the motive due to a bad relationship ? Maybe bad traffic ? Possibly bad employment ? Bad medicine ? Or ... BAD ACTORS ??? Since these are speculations scooping for solutions, I must note, that the usual play for patsies are unmasked quickly. And if there's a long and drawn out investigation, it's safe to conclude ... that's right ... a conspiracy. But by whom ... ???(Feb 14 2018) - FAKEBOOK - Caught Defrauding Conservatives
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Supporting fraud ??? Why would any Conservative or Christian support fraud ??? And yet they do - daily - by logging on to their FAKEBOOK accounts. As horrifying, these same apologists for the 1st Amendment submit to the likes and dislikes of this BIG BROTHER machine which in the end will disconnect their truths, after collecting all of their vital info and intel. Folks ... listen up ... "Get a Real Life & a Real Web Site" and then you post what you want. FAKEBOOK IS FAKE !!! Don't you get it ???(Feb 13 2018) - Sarah Sanders Slams Media ... !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I LOVE THIS WOMAN !!! Sarah Sanders, the White House Press Secretary, kills it over and over again ... especially when the MSM tries to gig her on anything. And in this Feb 13th episode of "Exposing the Establishment MSM" Sarah cuts the liberal leaker's off at the pass, stating ... "If you guys have real concerns about leaking out classified information, look around this room. You guys are the ones that publish classified information, & put national security at risk". GOD Bless Sarah !!!(Feb 13 2018) - Who's bigger threat to privacy - NSA or Google?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- There ain't no either or in this debate. They're both competing for control ... control of everything that can be controlled - animal, mineral or vegetable. Moving past break-neck speed, these "Orwellian" collectives, at the end of their quests will turn on each other in a chess game which would make Watson - son of Deep Blue - extremely envious. Folks, pay attention, their end game is not just controlling your thoughts, but owning them. Think about it ... while you still can. Come quickly LORD JESUS !!!(Feb 12 2018) - Baltimore Now Forcing Bad Cops to Pay Victims
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Blue Lives Matter - Absolutely !!! However, there's always a few bad apples in every basket and in Baltimore, BAD COPS HAVE TO PAY for their abuses out of their own pockets and can be sued. Will this idea trend into other departments ? Maybe ? Should it ? Yes and no. Yes, it's a good idea if the bad cops get their just rewards in an honest court of law - a bad idea if the "Good Ole Boys" network have the courts continue to cover up their abuses by Blue Lies Matters - The Freemasons !!!(Feb 11 2018) - Trump Moves Against Mandatory Vaccination !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Words have consequences and if your're not knowledgeable concerning the varied uses of language in the formation of laws or contracts, then whoever you become a party with ... well ... they've got you by the short hairs. And it looks like whomever President Trump assigned to draft the language in this new vaccination law knew exactly what the difference is between inalienable and unalienable rights. One is assigned by admiralty and administrative courts and the other from The HIGH COURT of GOD !!! Hallelujah !!!(Feb 10 2018) - Can We Keep Our Biases from Creeping into AI ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So much is left out of this argument re: "BIAS" in artificial intelligence. First and foremost is "Intellectual Property" - maybe bias is good in selecting the best product. I surely wouldn't lay out more money for neutered software, and I don't think the public would either - unless they're conned into it. Now you see what I see. Yes my dear friends, there's a scheme to all this one-size-fits-all technology. So ... you can either pay for (AI) which benefits your needs, or you can pay for politically correct (AI) later which benefits the NEW WORLD ORDER !!!(Feb 09 2018) - Dem. Sen. Mark Warner Colluded With Russians ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And the Lies from the Spies - I mean democ-RATS - just keep on coming. Sure ... Senator Mark Warner made it a point to tell everyone what he had done was not on the up-and-up, and to keep what he had told them on the down-low ... but he got caught and his you-know-what is now in a sling. Second "Need-to-Know" re: this revelation are all the names of those he talked to, especially in the FBI ... CIA ... DNC ... RINOS ... and ... you got it ... the MSM !!! People want to know ...(Feb 06 2018) - The Memo Has Triggered Civil War II ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- When someone has wronged you, you know the who, what and why ... why you're so hurt. And at the right time you both can achieve absolution - through GOD. But when you are lead to believe that someone has wronged you - {FAKE NEWS} - but you're not sure re: the who, what or why ... you can be angry and hurt for a very long time ... and ... you can be triggered at any time by the same - you guessed it - FAKE NEWS !!! These are the "True Triggers" of CIVIL WAR !!! Their job is to keep the masses at bay, and distracted ... hoping that "the world ends in a whimper and not a bang". (T.S. Elliott)(Feb 05 2018) - Rampant Abuse & Possible Contempt of Court ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- A bit of a read, but please try and get through it. Alexander Mercouris makes valid points re: the GOP FISA MEMO and how some of the names mentioned in it played out. Second, you'll notice several "Contempt of Court" charges from the writer - and justifiably so - alleging abuses by the Trump haters withing the FBI and how they hoodwinked the FISA Court with less than credible evidence. And lastly, who might have written the report - Congressman Trey Gowdy and edited by Congressman Devin Nunes.(Feb 03 2018) - The Democratic Party must be DESTROYED !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Let me just break it down like this. IT'S THEM OR US !!! We have coddled these anti-Christian and anti-American activists for all the wrong reasons. They do not want to emulate - let alone imitate - our values. Folks, these democ-RATS have a STRONG DELUSION, due to their constant denials of truth, that there's no saving them. And if we continue trying, then we're gonna have to issue an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah ... not to mention GOD. Period - Paragraph !!!(Feb 03 2018) - 16 Bombshells In the Nunes Memo ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As anticipation grew re: the Nunes MEMO, additional stories - concerning the mountain load of misdeeds by these agencies and misinformation by the MSM - are soon to follow. And if you know anything about how to build a case, you start with the small stuff and then close with either multiple witnesses, video taped confessions, a smoking gun(s) or a trail of blood. For sure the BIGGEST BOMBSHELLS are coming. And make no mistake, the MSM will face some indictments with this dragnet of the DEEP STATE and their little "Secret Societies" embedded within.(Feb 02 2018) - FISA MEMO : Tip of The Iceberg ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- You betcha there's gonna be more questions raised after the release of the "MEMO" !!! Questions from the public, from the MSM, from democ-RATS, from the other intelligence agencies, questions from other countries and questions from the DEEP STATEdemigodsdevils as well. Folks, this is just the "TIP OF THE ICEBERG", and we must press in daily - if not hourly - to continue this process or they'll revert back to their original state of disinformation, darkness and death.(Feb 01 2018) - NEW FRIEND - NEW COLUMNIST ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This morning at a local laundry mat I encountered a like-minded lady who was well versed in the REAL HISTORY of our government and a few other engaging ideas. Her concerns re: the future of our nation and planet echoed mine and many of our writers. Secondly, we kinda sorta pinky-promised to stay in touch as we parted. Hopefully the Porterville Post could pick up a new columnist, one who is well travelled. For sure we made a new friend.(Jan 31 2018) - TRUMP'S SOTU ADDRESS - HISTORIC !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- President Trump had set so many historical precedents for his first year in office that his first SOTU Address - which was set up for only an hour and a half - had to be more generic than specific ... giving the MSM something to pitch a fit over. Over the next few days, possibly weeks, those historical and specific accomplishments will be accentuated either by President Trump from his twitter account or they'll come from Press Secretary Sarah Sanders or the true "Defenders of Freedom" - the independent news services ... like The Porterville Post !!!(Jan 30 2018) - Memo Weeeeee!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Permission to spy on whomever we want ? We don't need no stinkin' permission ... says all the "SECRET SOCIETIES" embedded into all our "Secret Agencies". Look, if all the world is getting along, then there'd be no need for the "Military Industrial Complex". If crimes are reduced to nil, then there'd be little need for local policing authorities. And if this "Secret Memo" ... soon to be released to the public ... can't trigger anyone in the DOJ to start arresting folks in these "Secret Agencies" then ya'll better converge at the Capitol with your boots pulled up tight and paperwork perfected for one massive "CITIZENS ARREST".(Jan 29 2018) - The Dark Secret of Two-Faced Academics
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Academia, I'm here to tell you, has proven beyond a shadow of doubt, that their foolish ramblings and illogical demands may cost them their federal fundings and grants. Yes, President Trump could send in auditors to see where those monies are being spent, and if it looks like it's going anywhere over seas or to any radicalised Islamic college campus, or students or terrorist connected groups here in the states ... say good by and say adiós. Your free education is finished.(Jan 27 2018) - NETWORK : The last great film about The News
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Network news ... noisy naysayers ... image instigators ... luciferian loudmouths. Nothing too specific and everything quite generic. Folks, the MSM talking heads are paid handsomely to obfuscate - collectively and timely - that which their editors pronounce as gospel. Then at 6pm, the masses genuflect in front of their boob-tubes to memorizes the anti-American narratives of the evening, only to regurgitate it in front of their friends by the water coolers. That is so pathetic. It's just plain ole' ignorance gone to seed. Nothing more - Nothing less !!!(Jan 26 2018) - Why Congressional Black Caucus Hid Photo
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Years and years of FAKE NEWS, which was assisted by FAKE AGENCIES, of course created a FAKE PRESIDENT !!! As far as this picture of "Back-door-Barry" hobnobbing with these FAKE MUSLIMS - (Nation of Islam) - it's past tense and too late for any legal ramifications. Most of the really free and independent news agencies and sources - like The Porterville Post - outed this conspirator and traitors early on, and stay on his back-side the whole time. And the Congressional Black Caucus, well, they conspired & threatened their own just like their FAKE DREAMER.(Jan 25 2018) - It begins: DOJ goes after sanctuary cities/states
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes ... the DOJ has sent out letters to 23 areas within America and 9 specifically to California in regards to enforcing the law on illegal immigration and sanctuary cites. So ... because of this, California's Coyotes & Gangs, will be making a lot more money escorting these illegals from one county to the next. Just so you know, Tulare County is not on this initial list (yet) and it's population is primarily Hispanic, and this is where the Coyotes & Gangs will bring the illegals ... unless Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux catches them first.(Jan 24 2018) - John Kerry hints at 2020 White House Run ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Looks like the DEEP STATE is gonna trollop out one of their BONESMAN from Yale University ... Senator John Kerry ... to possibly run against President Trump in 2020. Skull and Bones is a "SECRET SOCIETY" who's members eventually go on to be placed at very high and powerful positions in the corporate fields and of course politics. Their collective agenda - away from Yale University where only 15 members are chosen every year - leans heavily towards a NEW WORLD ORDER and Military Industrial Complex, with a little help from the ultimate and obnoxious occult "OG's" of "Secret Societies" ... THE FREEMASONS !!!(Jan 23 2018) - THE FISA MEMO HAS BEEN RELEASED
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here it is kiddies ... THE MEMO HAS BEEN RELEASED !!! Now, the who and what re: the release of the memo will come later, for sure, but for now, here it is. Second, make sure that you save a copy to a file which is not attached to your own computer, just in case this release has bugs and malicious malware hidden inside. Third, do not send it via e-mail, for the same reasons. Lastly, pray that no harm will come to the "White Hats" still embedded within those agencies. We'll need them to testify in the coming months. Giddy-up ...(Jan 23 2018) - ODEN'S EYE : Intel's Super Secret Back Door
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Long before this little tid-bit of intel came out today, many in the intel agencies knew this was the case - A BACK DOOR FOR THE BAD GUYS !!! Off-the-books money was directed towards this operational need and "ALL" CPU's were corruptedconstructedwith this back door. Even more frightening ... all the over night hand-shakes in which all the worlds banks connect for processing all of the days transactions can be accessed with this "Super Secret Set-Up" at any time, meaning, the banks can be crashed at any time. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!(Jan 23 2018) - 72% of Hispanics want Merit-Based Immigration
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- When I was young little whipper-snapper, my father and many of his truck-driving friends would tell me ... "Son, you gotta earn your keep". Meaning, hard work, honesty and loyalty is the best road paved for success. And you know what, that saying isn't indigenous to just Americans, it's a main-stay of with all peoples, regardless of their ethnicity or language. And that's why the illegal immigrants ought not be issued entry by lotto, but by a MERIT BASED system - 'cause you gotta earn your keep, like everyone else in the USA. Free-loaders Need Not Apply !!!(Jan 22 2018) - Register illegals to vote – automatically
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- On one hand this sounds like a bad idea - IT IS !!! On the other, since these illegals will have a valid California drivers license, maybe it's time for the GOP to push for valid ID's at the voting booth. Listen, everyone knows democ-RATS in California have no moorings or maturations when it comes to politics. Their goal is to stay in power, regardless of their collateral damage to the state, let alone the country. And the "first scheduled disaster" will be on April 1st ... at the DMV !!! No doubt.(Jan 21 2018) - NOW ON-LINE : www.SchumerShutdown.com !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, well, well. Looks like the GOP found a better way of getting the message out about the democ-RATS shutting down the government. They have now published a brand new web site called - www.SchumerShutdown.com ... and it has some interesting information on it. Since the MSM has been all to user friendly with these liberal lunatics in Congress, the GOP has decided to follow the leader - that would be President Donald Trump - and use social media and the web to disseminate the facts to counter the FAKE NEWS !!! Enjoy ...(Jan 21 2018) - WATCHING THE WEEKEND WARCRAFTERS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- It's times like these that the "White Hats" need to worry ... unless they're already hip to what's going on behind the scenes. Look, when there's a crisis going on - real or imaginary - that's when the wicked ones do their evil deeds. So ... since the gov't is being forced to shut down - temporarily & through the weekend - that's when things could disappear or drop dead. However, the "White Hats" could also find MORE EVIDENCE - during these dark days - to level against THE DEEP STATE ... and I kinda think they will. Keep Praying Patriots - Keep Praying !!!(Jan 21 2018) - More than 25,000 Murdered in Mexico ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is what the democ-RATS want for California and the rest of the nation ... MORE MURDER !!! I'm tellin' you, facts are facts and yes, we fully understand why illegals are fleeing their country, but we also know full well that the DRUG CARTELS don't want a better border wall. Folks, these DACA democ-RATS want votes any way they can get them, and while they're at it take some of that illegal Mexican Moolah if they can get away with it.(Jan 20 2018) - ‘SCHUMER SHUTDOWN’ BEGINS !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In a display of their usual "Border-Line Personality Disorder" the democ-RATS - lead by "Chucky Cheese" himself - have failed to protect the greater good, to save the lesser law breakers. Wanting to tarnish President Trump on his one year anniversary, Schumer - whose name literally means "Good for Nothing" - wants America to suffer because of his (BP) disorder. Folks, this satanic stalemate by Schumer's socialists is a direct attack on the people ... including the illegals. Schumer should be sewed !!! That's how you deal with (BP) disorders.(Jan 20 2018) - Artificial Intelligence – Extermination of Humanity
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Artificial Intelligence (AI) becoming conscious or self-aware like a human is a red herring designed to keep the masses in the dark re: the end-time game of the NEW WORLD ORDER. Why ? For one thing, "Facts are Facts" and "Feelings are Feelings". One is objective and the other subjective. And in a court of law, subjective feelings come in second to facts. So the reason (AI) is being automated to become self-aware, ain't 'cause they care how we feel. Heavens no ... they don't care !!! Their hidden purpose is to use this (AI) to "Program the Population" with FAKE FACTS & FAKE FEELINGS !!! Welcome to the MACHINE !!!(Jan 18 2018) - Law Enforcement Officers ... Can't Cooperate ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Law enforcement officials in California, may end up as law breakers ... if California's A.G. has any say-so about an "Illegal Immigration Sweep" soon to take place by ICE. Yup !!! That's the crust of it. We now have a real "Mexican Stand Off" here in California. I mean ... who would have thought ??? Right ??? I'm almost at lost for words when I read this article, as it now appears that Montezuma's Revenge will have full and undiluted protection to reconquer California, using ILLEGALS.(Jan 17 2018) - Unhealthiest State has Highest Vaccination Rate
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is one for the books and one for the courts in Mississippi - possibly the SCOTUS. Folks, it's a miracle that any of our children have survived these injurious injections, inoculations and mandatory vaccinations. Year after year humans immune systems are being depressed due to eating processed foods, the very air that we breath, and then you combine that with a nasty needle of nano-poisons, and dang-it if someone doesn't develop a serious side effect or die.(Jan 16 2018) - 2017: The Year the MSM Went Negative
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Not much of a stretch here. Not at all. The MSM, it would appear, could care less about how negative and FAKE their reporting of President Trump really is. They're still in a tizzy that this President does not kowtow to their constant questions and tantrums. Folks, there's a tried and true statement which says, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" and in the MSM case, they believe they're in HELL'S KITCHEN and President Trump is Gordon Ramsay, with the front burners on BLAST ... (LOL).(Jan 16 2018) - ALL THAT CAN BE SHAKEN ... WILL BE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Attention on Deck - Porterville Pastors and Christian Leaders !!! For years now Porterville was in GOD's Heart to bring Revival to our area, and many prayer warriors, remnant and watchmen have been sounding the necessary trumpet of REPENTANCE - which precedes REVIVAL - on deaf ears. Now ... a shaking is needed !!! Soon, another call will be issued. One that will alarm many in the Churches. And this final alarm will be to COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM ... for these beautiful buildings bear no fruit, and harbor tares of tolerance which watered down The WORD OF GOD !!!(Jan 16 2018) - ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION = SAVING SLAVE LABOR
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The title pretty much sums up what illegal immigration is all about. U.S. stats along with fake facts have conjoined this false narrative with democ-RATS - who want open borders to allow illegal aliens to come to American and become cheap SLAVE LABOR. And every year or so, have these illegals vote - DEAD or ALIVE !!! Folks, the corruption re: illegal immigration involves a lot of money and once these illegals get here, they get on the dole quickly, and work under the table for more illegal doe, and to avoid paying taxes.(Jan 14 2018) - CHEMTRAIL FLU - Do You Have it ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This covert action - by whomever is paying pilots to fly these chem-trailing jets - must be considered an ATTACK ON AMERICA !!! Besides thousands upon thousands of Americans coming down with flu like symptom and allergies - which are exacerbated by antibiotics - our animals and plant life are suffering as well. Disguised as a geoenginering effort to protect the planet from Mr. Sunshine - no not Al Gore - POPULATION REDUCTION is the final act in the NEW WORLD ORDER's end time play.(Jan 14 2018) - Repelling demons & alien abduction ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- UFO encounters, experiences and abductions, historically, have gleaned the front pages of New Age / Occult magazines, and not so much in the MSM ... until lately. Now, you see and read about this para-psychological phenomenon almost daily, except when it comes to those persons who's stories reveal the sinister, seductive and satanic side of these unusual and out-of-this-world acquaintances - Christians invoking The Name of JESUS CHRIST - like myself !!!(Jan 12 2018) - WORST THAN SH*T HOLES - THE MSM !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Are you kidding me ??? These third world countries know quite well that their countries are in a mess - money wise, food wise, cartel wise, and political wise. And our own MSM, well, they've got their Depends so full of "you-know-what" that they think their "sh*t-holes" don't stink and President Trump's pie-hole does. Second ... the MSM and their live in lier's, Holly-Weird, is the sewer of sh*t holes. So unless they clean up their potty mouths, President Trump and the rest of America will continue to use our 1st Amendment Rights they way we see fit !!!(Jan 11 2018) - Earthquakes of Biblical Proportion in 2018 ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As fearful as this possibility sounds, it shouldn't alarm Christians - who read and understand the BIBLE. And if you are one of those Christians who are well versed in many of the End-Time eventualities re: earthquake - especially Matthew 24:7 - then you're halfway prepared. I said half way. You see, the other half of preparations for Christians is sharing - sharing your personal testimony of who JESUS CHRIST is to you, how you became BORN AGAIN and SAVED. Then, it might be a good idea to share your survival goods and or shelter. Remember ... BE WISE !!!(Jan 09 2018) - $10M more for immigrants from El Salvador ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Just when you thought that California's "Entitlement Executives" couldn't become any more demanding, well guess again. Democ-RATS in Sacramento are now asking for an additional $10,000,000 million dollars to find a way to keep El Salvador's stowaways sheltered in our "Sanctuary State" and away from President Trump's reversal of their "Temporary Protective Status". BTW, did you catch that ... it says TEMPORARY !!! Not forever and ever. TEMPORARY !!! Good grief ...(Jan 09 2018) - Latino Churches Fear Impact of DHS Decisions
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... Christian to Christian, or better yet, Pastor to Pastor ... why haven't you provided any leadership re: any citizenship for illegals coming to America and joining your Church ??? Are you that ignorant of the laws of the land, or do you just think - as a Christian or Pastor - your prayers will fix it ??? Well, here's the 411. Your prayers kinda missed the mark. Look, you've slid off into an entitlement mentality and need to refocus on the law. Your parishioners are depending on you. If you have to, suspend church services for a few Sunday's, bring in some citizenship experts and teach them how to become citizens or tell them ... START PACKIN'.(Jan 08 2018) - NBC: Oprah Running for President ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Man I hope she will run. Can you imagine all the opposition research that all the internet investigators are gonna flesh out. Boy howdy, I can't wait. Look, this woman has been given platforms to speak her "NEW AGE" mind from the beginning. Yes she's a really good spokes person and has helped a lot of her racist friends, but if you want to start any research, start in her own backyard - CHICAGO - where she's the cream of that crop ... I rest my case.(Jan 08 2018) - Amazon's Alexa To Take Over The World ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes these voice activated assistants are gonna suck the spiritual life out of Christians. How ? Simple. Christians will rely on the voice of this artificial intelligent apparatus more than the voice of The HOLY SPIRIT. See, I told you the answer was simple. Second, these same Christians are bringing these contraptions into Church with them and in a few seconds they'll capture all the voices next to the owner of this infernal do-hickey, labelling all those who do not have one of these "Mark of the Beast" machines, an outsider. And lastly, getting off the grid, well, forget about it. IT'S TOO LATE !!!(Jan 07 2018) - Reading Concealed Emotions from a Distance ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So ... boys and girls, how do you feel about having your feelings captured and or exposed ??? Does that make you feel threatened in any way ??? Does it make you feel paranoid or depressed ??? Well it makes me feel down right ANGRY and a little P-OFF !!! In time these mad scientists will get the approval of some secret program to conjoin their services with mad psychotherapist and psychiatrists to deem you dangerous ... due to your IRRATIONAL FEARS !!! Look, if there's money in these discoveries, then that's the direction these Nut-Jobs will research and develop.(Jan 06 2018) - OPERATION CONDOR ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- There's a lot of info/intel here in this article and it is well worth your time to read it all. Congressman Devin Nunes, Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, has had his work cut out for him this last year and it's all coming to a head - hopefully sooner than later. In any event, all the players from "Back-door-Barry's" bunch of bureaucrats and bamboozles may be headed for the Big House once all the evidence and names are UNMASKED !!! So ... Pray that this can happen without any civil unrest or anarchy.(Jan 05 2018) - Clinton’s Trail of Bodies Grows ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Lying about killing your competitor or whistler blower, many have said, gets easier after the first dozen or so. In the Clinton's case, their murderous ways have cruised beyond needful, way past pathological and eventually into enjoyment. That's where the dark hearts of the DEEP STATE and Luciferians live. Folks, the Clinton's are just one end, in all this EVIL and CORRUPTION all across the globe. Salvation, no doubt, has been offered to both Bill and Hillary, but with some folks as Mark 9:43-45 points out, HELL will be anxiously waiting for them because of their offences.(Jan 04 2018) - Thoughts to Control Machines or Vice Versa
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Controlling today’s thoughts, that ain't nothing. What these Mad Scientists and NWO Nut-Jobs are really after are tomorrows thoughts and how to implant their hellish thoughts and schemes into the DNA of future generations. Some say that the MSM will be implemented as the usual conduit. Others say it will be accepted whole heartedly by the masses without dispute. The later grouping - however - must open themselves up "daily" through an accepted ritual, an incantation or politically correct worship to accept any information, update or purging. That's where GOD's gift of glossolalia will come in handy down the road. GOT IT ???(Jan 03 2018) - A.I. Is Taking Over Bit By Bit ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Artificial Intelligence's final solution - like Hitler - will be to help humanity create the ultimate SUPER MAN !!! AI will initially monitor all your vitals, then control all your physical needs and sustenance, design time-lines for pro-creation and eventually your demise. And everyone will demonstrate obeisance by overtly genuflecting - like Muslims 5 times a day - to this AI "Mark of the Beast" technology attached to you via an implant, tattoo or some sort of biological apparatus. Doubt it not !!!(Jan 03 2018) - California Officially Becomes Sanctuary State ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Since last week, this story re: "Sanctuary State" signs being attached to the bottom of many "Welcome to California" signs has been making the rounds on the internet. The Porterville Post, like many other independent news aggregates, are waiting to see who are the persons responsible for "TELLING THE TRUTH". Eventually someone will cop to it and either be labelled a racist - unlike all those bleeding heart liberals in Sacramento who voted to make California a "Sanctuary State" - or a hero to law abiding citizens. What say you ???(Jan 02 2018) - Cash Remittances to Mexico ... HOW MUCH ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes Mexican's, as well as other foreigners who are living here in the U.S. - some on work permits and others illegal - are sending a lot of money back home to their families and friends. Muslims ... it's just about anyones guess where their money is being sent to, but in any case, it's time to pinch some of that lost revenue. Look guys, it's one thing to lend a hand, it's another to go into debt doing it. America for many years has opened it's borders and banks to those who wanted a piece of our pie, if they'd just work hard and legal - like the rest of us.- PAST OPINIONS : 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 |12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 -
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