- PAST OPINIONS : 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 |12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 -
(Dec 31 2017) - ONE DOWN - SEVEN TO GO !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- At the end of the year the Porterville Post asks its readers, will Republicans, or Conservatives, and lest I forget, Christians have enough political or spiritual sustenance to continue for another seven years to help President Trump "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" ??? Well, you better start digging in deeper and have a long range plan, 'cause the enemy of America's soul is out for revenge and to Make America FAKE Again !!! Once Liberty and Freedom is exchanged for Safety and Security, you'll have neither in the end. So GOD Bless everyone who fought in the first round ... MAN UP ... 'cause we have seven more to go.(Dec 31 2017) - Current UFO disclosures and the NY Times
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Let me tell you guys something ... there's always a pay-off re: anything unusual or objectionable. If our gov't was the only gov't which had knowledge of any UFO activities, encounters or abductions, then I'd agree with this writer - Jon Rappoport - who links the PENTAGON with the NY Times as the lead disclosure publication. My take is there's no pay-off's, just pay-backs. Other governments - and their secret spy guys - have been notified by President Trump that he's in the know concerning "Project Blue Beam" and the plans which the NEW WORLD ORDER has for global chaos. So keep your eyes in the skies in 2018 for more unusual activity.(Dec 29 2017) - Flu widespread in 36 states, CDC reports
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Sad but true, there's always gonna be a "Mis-Match" when it comes to the flu and "Flu-Shot". Why ? Because there are thousands, if not millions of strains of the flu virus. No one on the planet, not even an "Artificial Intelligent" computer or software can predict the when or where or what strain will outbreak next. And yes, the CDC knows this and is paid off by BIG PHARMA to remain silent re: the harm of vaccines. Your best defense against any cold or flu is a good immune system. Just ask the creator of the immune system ... GOD !!!(Dec 28 2017) - MORE on President Trump's New Executive Order
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- A week ago (Dec 21st) the Post brought to light President Trump's Executive Order aimed at eliminating any and all corrupt activity and human rights violations - basically targeting the DEEP SWAMP and their sock-puppets. And now many internet investigators are digging into this Executive Order and are Fact-Finding who got their assets frozen, who's gonna turn states evidence, and who's gonna be going to the Big House. My guess is the MSM knows as well and are scurrying like gutters rats, back to the Bad Company of the CIA.(Dec 28 2017) - How will California’s newest laws affect you
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the L.A. Times list of new laws for Californian's starting Jan 1st 2018. The one that captured my attention right of the bat was the second law listed, making it a crime to post any violent video on-line as it happens. Now, for all intents and purposes, this kinda makes sense - given that ISIS and Radical Muslims are always posting their vitriolic hate and violence live, but this new law will cut right into the FIRST AMENDMENT like a hot knife into butter. And yes, you may end up in jail for video taping a cop beating the living daylights out of you or someone else. So be careful.(Dec 27 2017) - The Case for a Terrorist Registry in America
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay, here's the way I see it. Islamic extremists are triggered by a few things like the quran, mosques and a delusional fear of western culture - basically Christianity. So, providing a register of accused terrorists is a good start but the policing authorities still can't detain or arrest any convicted terrorist until they commit another crime or re-offend. That's why the public-at-large needs to have access to this list as well, in the event they see something, they can say something. Right ??? Of course I'm Right - Duh ...(Dec 25 2017) - AI Will Seduce Us to Obey ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Correct-O-Mundo !!! Yes, these Artificial Intelligent machines will manipulate the masses as easy as the MSM does. Will they demand obedience ? Yup, by using Pavlov's methods in the beginning, coupled with the greater good montage and minutia. Folks, just look at all those iPhone freeks, they're glued to these MAGIC MACHINES !!! Would they consider your opinion or info as opposed to what's coming out of their iPhones - AKA - iBuddy, iMomma, iBuyer, iBanker, iPlanner, iMapper ... LORD HAVE MERCY !!!(Dec 24 2017) - Protecting the Sex Abusers ... in D.C. ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Missing from this righteous report are the names of agencies who are very aware of this method to control or blackmail those in or around congress - basically the CIA and FBI. Second, to those American agencies, are the foreign agencies who send in their honey-pots to exploit these sexual abusers and offenders. Third, are MSM and all of their affiliates, who inculcate on the big and small scenes - a culture to imitate sex, drugs and violence. So ... if I had to say it one way, it would be something like this - SEX SELLS SECRETS !!!(Dec 23 2017) - Trump admin' to snap ties with Palestinians ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- AND IT'S GONE ... all the FREE MONEY which the Palestinians Liberation Authority took from the U.S. over the years to spend on anti-Israeli operations and anti-American subjugations. President Trump just froze what rightfully belongs to the American Tax Payers and has plans to do the same to others who do not use this money for the aid it was designated for. Look folks, many of these freeloading counties won't help their own countries, or peoples, and the CIA is very content with that corrupt concept. It's how they control the flow of money and drugs in that part of the world.(Dec 22 2017) - New gift-wrapped UFO revelations ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In this article Jon Rappoport does a good job of asking some good UFO questions, but not enough. What this disclosure by the Pentagon provided was the "start" of a dichotomy of information - Hegelian if you will. Basically, are there good UFO's or Bad UFO's ? Part I : It's the good UFO's who are here to help save the planet and people, and Part II : The world must unite to fight against the Bad UFO's and those who still don't believe - Christians, none the less. Yup, this "Christmas Swarm of UFO's" kinda sounds like "Project Blue Beam" again ... huh ???(Dec 21 2017) - Executive Order Blocking the Property ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is what I call a MERRY CHRISTMAS EXECUTIVE ORDER from President Trump !!! Yeah Baby !!! First you follow the money, next you freeze the money and if indicated as criminal in nature, impound the money and property. And since many of "Back-door-Barry" and Clinton's kin and criminals have most of their holdings overseas, President Trump just gave to GREEN LIGHT to Secretary of State and the Treasury Secretary to enforce this Executive Order. Now, if these crooks want to get that money back (and stay out of prison) they'll need to go to court. VIDEO !!!(Dec 21 2017) - The FBI plot to overthrow the presidency
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I gotta take a moment to flesh out a little tit-for-tat. Look, Special Investigator Robert Mueller and his special team are also being watched and monitored - everything from "closed door" meetings and "black-mail" confessions to phone calls and e-mails ... which NSA and Wikileaks - no doubt - are collecting. President Trump - BTW - has the right to monitor Mueller and his team 'cause they're on the gov't payroll. Mueller, in the end, will either cop a plea for himself and help drain THE SWAMP or be on trial for TREASON and SEDITION !!!(Dec 21 2017) - Church gives $25,000 to cops for WHAT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Come on Christians !!! What in GOD's Name are you trying to do ??? Look, unless the entire police depart in Redding California are all Christians - I'm guessing they're not - then that's good money thrown on secular soil. Okay, there's are a lot of good men and women who are police, but come on !!! All it's gonna take is for one bad apple to misappropriate these donations and wham, you're church will be under investigation. How about you buy the drowns yourselves, pay to have someone fly them and then report what you find to the authorities. Set your own guideline ... according to the BIBLE !!! Come on Christians !!!(Dec 20 2017) - GOP tax bill passes Congress
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Sometime between 12:00 and 1:00PM (PST) many local media outlets broke into regular programming to let the public hear what President Trump was going to say about the 2017 TAX REFORM BILL - which was passed by the House and Senate. In just a few minutes these local outlets did one of two things - they either talked over the President, or switched to some other item of interest. And I'm here to tell you, all those smiling Republicans on the steps of The White House must have scared the living daylights out of the MSM and so they probably called their affiliates to stop broadcasting !!! More on the way ...(Dec 18 2017) - DREAMers Get Arrested in Schumer’s Office
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- ILLEGALS bust into Chuck Schumer's office to protest being illegal and I guess being a DREAMer. So, the 64 trillion dollar question is, where is the MSM coverage re: this brute force break in ??? And where is Chuck Schumer's response ??? Folks, the conspiratorial connections between the democ-RATS and the MSM is so treasonous and corrupt, calling what they say and do FAKE NEWS would - in many minds - be giving them a pass. EVIL ENEMIES has a better ring to it, don't you think ???(Dec 17 2017) - Surveillance cameras in places of worship ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Big Brother Spying on Christians in Church ??? Forget about it !!! Long before this article was ever posted re: anything Big Brother-ish ... little brother was already in the house. Yes, little brother and little sister brought into the house of worship their cell phones, which have all kinds of tracking and triangulating capabilities. AND ... time and time again I've warned pastors and their parishioner re: these "Rev 13" devises, which - in the long run - will lead many out of churches to protect the privacy of their families and freedoms.(Dec 16 2017) - THE FBI IS NOT YOUR FRIEND !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now I want you guys to read this article carefully and by the end of it you'll understand one thing about the FBI, the CIA, the NSA and every other alphabet soup agency ... they all LIE and they're not your friend !!! They protect their own and that's about it. They create counter-intelligence and spoon feed it to the MSM almost hourly. They destroy anything and everything in their path if they need to and LIE when told to. They are not your friend, and most assuredly, not President Trump's !!!(Dec 15 2017) - Chicago Politician Requesting UN Troops ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well ... what can I say. It's Chicago. Listen, Chicago's gangs and drug dealers have been calling "The Shots" (pun intended) in that town from day one. Folks, bringing in UN Troops means only one thing ... bringing in more DOPE and bringing it in faster and on more military transport planes and vehicles. I'm tellin' you, Chicago is central in all aspects of criminal activity and drug dealing. Soon, another movie may highlight the problem and solution and could call it ... "CTQ in Chicago" or "Oprah's Outhouse".(Dec 15 2017) - Paul Ryan Might Resign From Congress ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The Speaker of the House, for the most part, is connected to just about every wheeler-dealer in Congress. Meaning they kinda have to know what's on the table at all times and what the chair of a particular committee is trying to push though to get signed by the President. That being said, yes Speaker Ryan is aware of a lot of really dumb and dumber stuff, as well as a lot of issues which are illegal - which kinda taints Speakers in the long haul. But being part of the #NeverTrumpers, financially speaking, may cause this RINO to retire early. So ... who will replace him ??? Stay tuned ...(Dec 12 2017) - Former Facebook Exec : You're Being Programmed
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- If you repeat it loud enough and long enough the masses will buy enough - enough garbage !!! Look guys, it's all programming. In any bone-head computer class they'll tell you it's garbage in and garbage out. And that's the truth. Unless you are fully "self educated" and defiantly skeptical and independent, you're gonna get took. Today, everything is in that thing-a-ma-bob you call a cell phone and FAKEBOOK - along with all those other social media machines - are calling the shots and yanking your strings, to do as they say ... or they'll cut you off !!!(Dec 12 2017) - CIA Role in Forging Obama's Birth Certificate
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As much as I want to just forget that this IMPOSTOR ever took office, today I need to let our readers in on one of the best investigations ever conducted on this case by Sheriff Arpaio and best article to date ... EVIDENCE OF CIA ROLE IN FORGING OBAMA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Folks, all these crimes lead us back to the CIA, and the Arpaio's Cold Case Posse tracked these treasonous traitors all the way back through their own den of computers. And BTW, the House Intelligence Committee had this info as well !!!(Dec 12 2017) - UFO : Disclosure or the Great Deception ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Can a full discloser of the UFO Phenomenon become a "Win-Win" possibility ??? Not if the "Powers That Be" (PTB) have any say-so. Look, my guess is these UFO thingy's have figured out that they could be played as an "Unidentified Enemy" and have stand-down orders from their high commands if this ends up being the case. Second, the PTB need an UFO invasion to threaten the world into combining all governments and military to fend off these outer space creatures, and lastly, Stage an UFO Invasion themselves if they can't trick the aliens into it ... to create order out of chaos - masonically speaking.(Dec 12 2017) - Muslim Terrorist Triggered by Christmas Posters
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- WAKE UP CHRISTIANS !!! Soon your silence re: these Islamic invaders into America are going to rob you of celebrating the Birth of JESUS CHRIST !!! This latest Islamic attack, according to this report, was due to this Muslim having an issue with Christmas Posters ??? So, in order to placate this terrorist and others, will you continue to allow the politically correct cowards to cram down your throats more anti-Christian clap-trap or will you stand your ground ??? Time's a waisting ... giddy-up !!!(Dec 11 2017) - Memo to American Muslims ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes ... American Muslims need to read this memo, as well as American Christians. The time has come to either share the GOSPEL with these folks and lead them to JESUS CHRIST or perish !!! Waiting for these Muslims to come into your church and make their way down to the alter are slim, if not nil. Second, Christians need to stop fraternizing at these Muslim businesses. Why ? Because you don't know if their proceeds are paying for more jihads overseas and here !!! So ... WAKE UP CHRISTIANS !!!(Dec 11 2017) - U.S. Patent : Method for Controlling Hurricanes
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, well, well ... looks like this patent wasn't stolen by the DEEP STATE - Method for controlling hurricanes. Most of the time if you invent something this substantial kids from the Company come by to either buy it, steal it or squash it ... and you as well if there's a problem. But, I digress from the obvious. Folks, this so-called global warming is man-made, not by folks using cars, or trucks or public transportation. It's made by men to manipulate migration, pollute populations and to wage weather wars.(Dec 09 2017) - Do You Know What You're Breathing ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Similar to death by a thousand cuts, geo-engineering is like death in a million breaths. Folks, the EPA knows full well what's happening in our skies. They are constantly and collectively being sued over the harmful effects of chemicals which are dumped daily by hundreds of jets retrofitted for this slow kill ... to {supposedly} save the people and planet from Mr. Sunshine ... ??? This is the epitome of “Double-Speak” !!!(Dec 08 2017) - GOP'S Nunes cleared by Ethics Committee
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- No surprise here ... Congressman Devin Nunes being cleared of any ethics violation re: disclosing any classified info to anyone, including President Trump. What needs a solid looking into are all the leaks from the democ-RATS - also on the House Intelligence Committee - who talked to the MSM and fanned the flames of this FAKE NEWS !!! Let me tell you something folks, lying to protect the country ain't a good thing. What's worse is lying to protect your party or your own political interests.(Dec 08 2017) - China's Whole-of-Nation Push for AI
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the scenario. Artificial Intelligence tells the world that Russia and the U.S. must compromise on many fronts and that China must be the lead agency from here on out. Well ... you know dang well that dog ain't gonna hunt. So ... you're back to square one, only this time you're using Artificial Intelligent machines (robots) to war with each other, 'cause you wouldn't listen when they you not to fight and play nice. Folks, once these A.I. machines quantify their demise and learn that lying is better than dying ... the jig is up.(Dec 08 2017) - RINO Ryan forces out Trent Franks
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now here's an angle few are considering re: Congressman Trent Franks being forced from office. Even though the intent of certain words can be misconstrued, that does not mean that a clear motive is ascertained. What this article points out is the fact that Congressman Trent Franks is part of the Freedom Caucus in which 'RINO' Paul Ryan has taken issue with as Speaker of the House. Paul Ryan's motive now stands in question and maybe he needs a righteous rebuke from Republican voters.(Dec 06 2017) - Trump: Either God Will Win or I Will Die
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... here's another one of those reports that The Porterville Post encourages it's readers to comb through. Why ? Simple ... we trust our readers to flesh out what's real as opposed to what's fake. Secondly, if there's any truth in this report re: President Trump's concern for his life ... we need to pray for his protection. Lastly, America just got BLESSED by GOD for what President Trump just declared re: Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. Now that's what I call leadership !!!(Dec 05 2017) - Mueller Credibility Plunges ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So if Perry Mason was on President Trump's team - lawyer wise - he'd advise the President to let Mueller's misguided miscreants go on their witch hunt. Why ? Easy enough ... to see how many would get caught tampering with evidence. Why again ? To see how many would alter their past doing's in the agency. And lastly - since they're crossed over into Trump's past banking practices - to start the audits of all banks, especially those laundering illegal loot, and of course the Federal Reserve. Yup ... the DEEP STATE and SWAMP just got owned. (LOL)(Dec 05 2017) - Corrupt Mueller Probers ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well why stop there ??? Why not look into everyone who voted for President Trump. I'm sure Special Council Mueller can find at least one person with a Russian connection or investments. Goodness gracious guys, I've never seen so many double standards in all my years involving politics. Worse than jurors on the take, are Mueller's corrupt probers. Folks, the MSM ought to be broadcasting from every medium they control, demanding transparency, and naming all of Mueller's probers and how to contact them with real info !!! Yeah ... I know ... double standards ...(Dec 03 2017) - No Problem With Contacting Russian Officials ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Evidence ... we don't need no stinking evidence. We're the MSM !!! We make it appear as though something might have happened. We are the ones who question motives. We are the ones who direct the masses for their own good. HOGWASH say internet investigators !!! Truth must be king - not the king makers !!! As far as President Trump transition team goes and General Michael Flynn's contact with Russian officials, it was a set up from get-go ... conjured up by the SWAMP democ-RATS and the DEEP STATE.(Dec 02 2017) - Google's AI Built Its Own AI ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Self destructing robots - with A.I. - ain't on anyones mind at this point. However, robots destroying other robots are - and no ones talking about that. Like humans high-fiving each other for accomplishments, robots will wifi each other for the same, to get in closer for the kill. And hackers, well, they're gonna have so much fun hijacking and reprogramming these robots that governments will impose protective laws and special rights for them, especially the "Time-Traveling" robots who can come back - intact - unlike humans. Now ... think about that !!!(Dec 02 2017) - UN Votes to Disavow Israeli Ties to Capital
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hey MSM ... have you heard ??? Anti-Semitism has gone into overdrive at the U.N. and they think by voting against Israel - who claim Jerusalem as it's historic Capital - will stop GOD's end-time prophecy ??? For sure this vote verifies what the Bible says in Zechariah 14:2. Secondly, whether on not President Trump moves the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, changes nothing on GOD's time table. But Israel celebrating 70 years as a nation in 2018 will accelerate it. Good if they repent - Bad if they don't.(Nov 30 2017) - Facebook's new suicide detection A.I. ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today as I was running around paying bills I shared with my local ISP about the Porterville Post and all of it's articles, reports, opinions and columns. He was very excited to hear about the Post and quickly said to Google - on his cell phone - just the URL address and it came up in a split second. Concerning to me was his trusting of this artificial intelligence and the voice commands as he and I were talking. Meaning, my voice was instantly researched, recorded, and recognized not as an owner, but possibly an intruder !!! Whether I like it or not, I'm now in the system and presumed guilty !!!(Nov 30 2017) - Trump has only ONE response ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What GOD told me - 6 years ago - about "The Evil Ones Are Coming" almost floored me. I staggered in complete humility through the hallway and then collapsed onto my bed, in a prone position, crying uncontrollably. WHY - I asked GOD - do you show me these things, when I know few would believe - let along prepare. The answer came 6 months later, and I was driving and had to quickly pull over or possibly end up in a wreck, as GOD told me ... "The Evil Ones Are Here" !!! President Trump - at this point in time - knows them by name and rank and from who they derive their authority ... "The Evil One Himself" !!! Keep Praying America ... Keep Praying !!!(Nov 29 2017) - Ultrasound Flipping Switches in the Brain ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I believe I had this discussion with one of my college professors back in '83. She thought that the whole idea of delving into a persons mind was absurd & pure fiction. However, most of my college peers back then thought it was possible, but at least 100 years out. A decade later I ran my idea re: the manifold frequencies of ultrasound technology with a HAM Radio Jockey & he pondered it less than a minute & said, "It is possible & it will happen. Sooner than both of us think."(Nov 28 2017) - The Threat of EMP Has Never Been Greater
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well ... I don't like givin' it all away but I don't mind sharing a little of what I know might happen if there's an EMP event. Let's start with people. If the have-nots have no plans, initially they'll stay put for a few days. Second, those who have and want to stay put will be found out by the have-nots. Third, the in-the-knows will leave early and at night. Fourth, the best trails out won't be into the mountains, it will be at the oceans edge, commandeering the in-the-knows sailing vessels. Got it ???(Nov 28 2017) - George Orwell predicted cameras in our Homes
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes George Orwell was right about 1984, but he didn't predict that those being surveyed would actually buy and install these iSpy camera's in their own homes and businesses. Worse yet, inside congregations and churches. And forget about those iPhones - which I call iRats. These hyper triangulating satanic cell phones connect the dots on so many internet of things (IOT) that courts all across the U.S. are using them as evidence against you. And you're paying for all this. So ... Which are you ??? Wheat or Tares ???(Nov 28 2017) - Joy Villa EVISCERATES Colin Kaepernick
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm gonna say this hugely enlightening article by Joy Villa ought to be titled Reason vs Racism. But I won't because the title is hers and is self evident by those who possess reason, rather than racism. And her video is hugely STAND UP !!! Thirdly, she makes a great argument re: AMERICA'S FREEDOM ... to freely say stupid things any time you want and in any place you want. And lastly, it's about why we stand and salute the Flag during The National Anthem - invoking thanks over lives lost to preserve and protect all American's ... here and abroad.(Nov 27 2017) - Huge haul from Marine raid on CIA HQ
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- On Nov 19th the Porterville Post paragraphed what the surprise Marine Landing at Langley was all about - securing TOP SECRET off-the-book documents. No one, as far as we know, have been detained or arrested ... YET !!! This Nov 27th report by Benjamin Fulford does confirm the Nov 19th report from the Post, but does not name any specific names being detained or arrested ... either. As for the DEEP STATE off-the-books money ... well ... Congressman Trey Gowdy will find it to help President Trump freeze and confiscate it, to drain the SWAMP. {VIDEO}(Nov 25 2017) - Google’s War On the Truth and ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Don't be that surprised. It was inevitable that Google would reclaim control of it's own property. Wouldn't you, if what you created was getting ready to destroy you ??? Of course you would. Now, I'm not saying that in defence of Google and all the other satanic search engines, all I'm saying is that these FREE applications and services may eventually cost you your FREEDOM. And in the end ... possibly your LIFE !!!(Nov 24 2017) - What They Do With Your Voice Data
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Concerning those voice commands on all those new devices ... supposedly Google, Amazon, Echo and every other switch flippin' trinket says they do not record your voice and store it for some nefarious operation later. Where your voice commands eventually reside are in some corporate server somewhere, and you have to find it to delete all your past voice commands. So ... in reality, your in-house toys and trinkets are just conduits who send your voice commands to some ISP, to be saved and thensharedsold to 3rd or 4th party corporations.(Nov 22 2017) - PORTERVILLE POST : CELEBRATING 10 YEARS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- On this date ten years ago the Porterville Post was created. Inspired by The HOLY SPIRIT to start up an on-line news service, owner and editor - A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta - listened and obeyed. So today we want to thank GOD and all of our writers who have contributed over the years, plus all of our readers who frequented our news service, read all of our articles, columns, reports, and prayed when we asked. Thank You - Thank You - Thank You !!!(Nov 22 2017) - Twitter : Ready to Police & Punish Users
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Can't you just feel that 1984 George Orwell boot on your neck ? Are you that numb or that dumb ? Look guys, I've said all along that one day all these free social media machines are gonna cost you - if not now, soon. Well, according to this article by The Duran, soon. Bitter Twitter - as I call them - has announced that it's gonna monitor all that you do - on or off your Twitter account, if they believe that you're looking at or reading info from other web sites and platforms which they do not agree with.(Nov 20 2017) - Why Muslims will never assimilate in America
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Muslims - for the most part - are pathological LIER'S !!! WHAT ??? You heard me - LIER'S !!! It's ingrained in them - per the qu'ran - to lie to infidels. That's anyone who isn't a Muslim. A huge part of their belief system is to make the infidel believe they are on the same side. THAT'S A LIE !!! They want the infidel to believe they are moderate. THAT'S A LIE. They want the infidel to believe they are the victims living in a foreign land. THAT'S A LIE !!! This is why they do not assimilate. And that's the TRUTH !!!(Nov 20 2017) - Charles Manson 'DEAD' at 83
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes ... I knew Manson ... and yes I talked with him many, many times. His CDC # was B33920 and was housed in 4A4R-51-L, at Corcoran State Prison. As a Psychiatric Technician, we were tasked with daily rounds to check up on the mental health of all inmates. Charlie, as he was called, knew how to play the game in prison and he knew when to turn up the circus side show. Anyone new entering 4A4R cell block got a show. And yes, he talked a lot with the Chaplain. I was there on a few of those chats and BTW, he totally knew (pic) about the salvation message of JESUS CHRIST. Whether he asked for mercy or grace or forgiveness at the last minute ... only GOD knows.(Nov 19 2017) - US Marine (MEU) Lands at Langley ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now ... if any on this is anywhere near true, the Marine Expedition Unit (MEU) would not be utilized to arrest anyone !!! They'd be called upon to safeguard the removal of TOP SECRET documents relating to any treasonous activity. Knowing that so many sealed indictments have been issued (1800 and counting) by Special Investigator Robert Mueller, warrants for documented evidence of off-the-book operations and actions would be the only reason for this weekend raid of CIA Headquarters. {Speculation & Opinion}(Nov 17 2017) - Church Sign Warns : Members Are ARMED !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As you were liberals, lunatics and luciferians. If it wasn't for the second amendment, there'd be no first amendment - or the right to PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLE. However, if any of you'uns out there who are that Constitutionally challenged, and feel the need to engage in criminal activity in any of our local congregations ... we's a packin' ... and we'd like for you to meet your maker on a good note, instead of bad. But ... if you feel the need ... we will reciprocate. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!(Nov 17 2017) - The Big List of 149 Trump accomplishments
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay Republicans ... it's time to focus on accomplishments. President Trump (149) vs Republicans (???). No ... I'm not being too harsh. It is what it is. In spite of all of President Trump's haters, he's done quite a lot in his first year. And ... no doubt he will keep many more campaign promises to his constituents if you guys will get on board and quit acting all but hurt. As for the House Tax Plan just passed, not bad, just get those sycophant Senators on board and your value might increase by (1 in 149) - .75%.(Nov 15 2017) - HOME FELLOWSHIP GATHERING PICTURES
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And now ... some good news. On Tuesday the Porterville Area Ministerial Association (PAMA) gathered at the First Christian Church and had a time of prayer, fellowship while addressing special events - like the Thanksgiving Dinner hand outs, the Nov 24th Christmas Tree Lighting service, and the up and coming 5th Sunday Celebration gatherings at Veterans Park for 2018. And today we received a special e-mail from Pastor Andrew Eggman which included pictures from their Home Fellowship Gatherings on Saturdays. Enjoy ...(Nov 15 2017) - 1183 Sealed Government Indictments ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Most of the time sealed indictments - like this - are sealed because of government involvement. Many times they're classified and or compartmentalized into a "NEED TO KNOW" category. But you guys get that - right ? In this case, where there are so many which are sealed, you have to believe Mueller's team, first and foremost, followed the money trail. The second trail of inquiry comes from personal computers and cell phones. And the last trail comes from eye witnesses, special agents and off the books employees. Soon we will know ...(Nov 15 2017) - Your Pill Spies On You ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As for the side effects & contraindications, well, you're gonna have to wait until about 500,000 individuals croak before BIG PHARMA admits anything. By then, they'll have the new & improved censors with new warranties to replace the old ones. Until then, you better take your medicine or face imprisonment - seriously. This is happening NOW if you fail to vaccinate your children - seriously. BIG BROTHER + BIG PHARMA = BIG TRIBULATION !!! WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!(Nov 13 2017) - Privacy Fears over A.I. as Crimestopper
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- If you wanna know the truth re: Artificial Intelligence as Crimestopper - it's a drag-net of Orwellian proportions. These satanic surveillance tools are just that - tools to oppress law abiding persons. Look, these high tech toys are veering into pre-cognition applications of massive mind control. Rarely do these agencies capture criminals before their crimes - unless there's a sting operation involved. And if these miracle machines have an "A.I. Mind" they'd locate - in nanoseconds - the who, when and where of any and every crime which will be committed ... creating huge unemployment rolls amongst the agencies. That's the truth !!!(Nov 11 2017) - NORTH KOREA INFORMS RUSSIA of WHAT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For many years the Porterville Post has been monitoring many "ALERT" and "WARNING" web sites which call for the public to prepare for any type of an emergency. In this report, Hal Turner supposedly has inside intel re: a "Letter" which was supposedly sent to Russia alerting them that North Korea was {really-really-really (my emphasis)} gonna NUKE the U.S. Now, why would they send a letter to Russia ? Maybe ... it's a FALSE FLAG letter sent by the DEEP STATE who's really gonna nuke the U.S. and then blame it on the little "ROCKET MAN". What say you ???(Nov 10 2017) - Depopulation chemical put into vaccines ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- The elite secretly talk about this issue all the time - depopulating the planet. They're obsessed with the notion that one day these useless eaters are gonna eat up the whole planet and then eat them. They squirm at the idea that they might have to give up more of what they own - like the planet - and share it with these cannibal created zombies. So, they invent wars and infections to kill off the healthy and inculcate ignorance to the weak minded to save the planet - not for the people but for themselves. As for the MSM, their dumb enough to buy their dribble.(Nov 10 2017) - Social Media Is ‘Weakening’ Our Brains
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- That goes without saying !!! Look, FAKEBOOK and those other social media platforms are the final collectives - collecting everything about you, what you say and do ... and worst of all, triangulating anything and everything around you for the final harvest. This is why I have blasted - all these years to all my friends and family - don't submit to this social engineering end game called eugenics !!! The world, in the end, will be divided amongst those who have submitted and those who haven't. That's not just Bible Prophecy - that's a fact !!!(Nov 08 2017) - Donna Brazile: Clinton campaign was a 'cult'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, Donna darling, the whole of the DNC is like a cult. They do not lead by facts or faith, they lead by FEAR ... the lynch-pin of all cults. Clinton and her connections to all that's cult like or occult - especially those PIZZAGATE perverts on the east coast and all those Hollyweird wanna bee witches and warlocks on the left - put a spell on America. But here's the 64 billion dollar question ... will she stay in the party of demo-CULTS and democ-RATS or will she bail and become an independent ???(Nov 07 2017) - Jury Duty in Porterville with a Muslim ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today I was called to do my civic duty and report to the South County Court House in Porterville for jury duty. I didn't get picked - THANK GOD - but I did spend some time talking with a Muslim by the name of Ali who lives in Porterville and came from Yemen 15 years ago. He was taken back a bit by how much I know about the Qu'ran and the Hadith. We talked for some time re: what's happening in Saudi Arabia, Syria and yes, Yemen. He does not want to go back. And yes, I shared JESUS CHRIST with him, and that he had a better life after death warranty. Who did you witness to today ???(Nov 06 2017) - Inside story of the Saudi night of long knives
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Measuring all the angles from this merging mess, one must consider a few motives. A power grab, yup that's high on the list. Revenge, sure, Muslims live and die for revenge - Sunni vs Shia. Outside influences, well why not. Look these sand soldiers received training from just about every alphabet agency that you can imagine and still they have no order ... but they have oil. And their so-called royal bloodline is either connected to the Brit's bloodline or Israel's - the real motive in all this.(Nov 06 2017) - Texas Shooter 'Preached Atheism' ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the skinny re: any assault, whether by a gun or knife, whether at home or church ... FIGHT BACK !!! Time and time again, our safe places are being invaded by ideological idiots and or illegals, angry at either who you are or what you have. Americans have gone to war over seas to bring this kind of life ending ignorance to a halt. And we need to have the same attitude here and now. Most of these "See Something or Say Something" agencies won't do nothing 'till it's too late. So it's up to us to stop the bad guys, either with the Power of PRAYER, the Power of PEOPLE, or the Power of POWDER - gun powder that is.(Nov 05 2017) - Arrest Warrants for Clinton & Podesta ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Every now and again you come across a story, well, that just might be a story. FAKE NEWS in other words. But what you look for is any kernel of information which may pan out later on. In this article, we know that these democ-RATS have been watched over the years and are connected to players, in the bank laundering schemes, drug and gun running business, human trafficking and so on. As for the MSM and Hollywood, they ain't gonna touch this, let alone research it any more than they have to ... due to they're common complicities.(Nov 04 2017) - World needs ‘brain washing’ on climate change ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, Jerry "The Jesuit" Brown spoke on Climate Change and talked about his own personal changes and how difficult those changes were, in spite of some bad issues still lingering - said ... "The World Needs Brain Washing on Climate Change". He made that remark because his transformation into becoming a Jesuit didn't feel complete. Why ??? Because he was trying to be "Brain-Washed" into what the Vatican wanted, not what GOD wanted. Now he's totally confused and totally lost.(Nov 03 2017) - Coexistence With
RadicalIslam Is Impossible
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, infiltrators don't always show you their true colors, charter or culture. Their motives eventually come out, typically manifesting as hate for who you are, and what you and your country stands for. They masquerade as being part of "The Melting Pot" until their deeply seeded sediments are unmasked. Muslims have this kind of indoctrination - to infiltrate amongst infidels - non-believers. This is why they must be monitored ... all of them - all the time, because you never know when they'll flip out. I've seen it first hand in Porterville. Yes in Porterville !!!(Nov 03 2017) - Dishonorable discharge & no prison time ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For the many thousands of veterans all over America - including myself - this is unacceptable !!! From the time that you enter basic training or boot camp, until the time you are released from active duty, desertion was drilled into your head as un-American, let alone treasonous. My thinking at this point is something like this ... somebody got something, a pay off - if you will - which benefited Bergdahl and his protector obama ... both muslim sympathizers and traitors.(Nov 02 2017) - Diversity is Our Terror
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's one of those articles that gets to the point a bit quicker and more concise then many. I've always said, that "diversity without unity ends in anarchy". No getting around that. Daniel Greenfield, I gotta say, hammers that point perfectly. Another way of looking at it is through the paradigm of political parties. The Republicans, re: diversity, say a rising tide lifts all ships. Democrats argue, diversity raises cultures, not character, not constitutions and not countries. What say you ???(Nov 01 2017) - Trump And Meinertzhagen’s Haversack Ruse
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This just might pan out. Honestly, this might have been the only way for President Trump to get deep into the DEEP SWAMP and flush out - or down - all the SWAMP MONSTERS. Now, if this plan of action produces any evidence - and it will - it's gonna have to come from the democ-RATS screaming to "cop a deal" with the deal maker himself to stay out of prison. And the fourth estate, well, their eating their own right now - loosing readership, viewership and sponsorship 'cause of their censorship, of real news - not FAKE NEWS !!!(Oct 30 2017) - Here's the simplest explanation of the indictment
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is great !!! Now we know how to indict someone, Congress should be able to tread this same path, which Special Council Robert Mueller blazed. Right ? Well ... think again. Why you ask ? Because Republicans with DEEP STATE moorings can't navigate the SWAMP as good as the democ-RATS !!! Yes, Manafort and Gates got caught up in this sticky thicket and might have to walk the plank, but Mueller's ship - the U.S.S. N.W.O. - is sinking just as fast. Stay tuned, 'cause ripples turn into waves, and waves turn into title waves and tidal waves turn into tsunamis.(Oct 28 2017) - Pope : World Government Must Rule U.S. ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Fit to be tied, Pope Francis says that the United States must to be ruled by a World Government. You don't say !!! However, the question at hand is, which world government. You see, that's the rub. Which body politic will rule the United States. He doesn't say, does he. But I bet you dollars to doughnuts he'd like to give it a go. Look, this Liberation Theology socialist, masquerading as GOD's messenger, needs to address his priestly paedophiles before he address anything outside the Vatican.(Oct 27 2017) - Mobile App Flaw Allows Hackers Easy Access !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Ah technology ... gadgets for the good life. Right ? Not so fast. Listen, your little smart devices were made to report on you. Good or Bad. They're all set up that way, and when those so-called entry points or back doors made by the manufacture - to be utilized by that manufacture - are hacked by any outsider or conspirator, then you might as well toss it into file 13. But that doesn't solve the problem ... does it ? Look, if you haven't prepared for the breakdown of these devilish devices, then you have failed to prepare. CLICK HERE to prepare.(Oct 26 2017) - JFK-Files to be Released ... Today ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well ... here's another one of those secret files, when uncovered, might present additional questions leading to additional issues. At least, for now, they've agreed to release - {photo shopped or not} - the JFK Files ... pending President Trump's certification that they are real and not FAKE FILES !!! In any event, the MSM, will have their spin doctors ready and willing to cast dispersions onto any one with any other conclusions than theirs. The good news is, the internet investigators will clean their clocks just as fast.(Oct 26 2017) - Vatican Invites Gov Brown to address WHAT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Looks like Jerry "The Jesuit" Brown has been called back to the Vatican to - supposedly - give a speech or two re: Climate Change. Honestly, ole' "JB" could write a communist compelling synopsis, package it up quite nice, and mail it in. But Nooooo !!! They need him on their political estate at the Vatican to reinforce his oath and their agenda. Second {and I have to admit this is speculation} the Pope wants in on the action re: any UFO disclosures and possibly appearances or landings in California. Edwards or maybe China Lake ???(Oct 25 2017) - Obama's "Muslim" Approved Uranium One Sale
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Thick as thieves - the Clinton's and the Obama's. It now appears that everyone, up and down the line, got a piece of the action re: the treasonous Uranium One deal. Russians got what they wanted. Muslims got what they wanted. However ... Bill and Hillary didn't get what they wanted. But don't loose hope. Theirs is coming real soon ... along with the DNC, the MSM, Hollyweird, and all the alphabet soup agencies, plus a few RINO's next year.(Oct 25 2017) - Pennsylvania Democrat arrested for child porn
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Indescribably horrifying !!! And just think of all the other perverts conjoined to this piece of puke. No doubt his friends have dumped all their images from their computers or trashed them all together. Secondly, this "PEDO-PUKE" will either turn or burn, because the police want the names of all the "PEDO-CRATS" connected to these crimes. Thirdly, internet investigators will, in fact, flesh out the remaining pieces of puke and light up the dark net, like never before. Oh yes they can, and oh yes they will ...(Oct 24 2017) - Censorship Up-Grades from ... FAKEBOOK ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For years I've been warning folks about FAKEBOOK and that a day of reckoning will come forcing you to "pay to play." Nothing is free forever - nothing !!! As for all of you free-loading FAKEBOOK friends and families ... sorry ... you should have paid up-front for a real web site, with a real domain name, not one with FAKEBOOK or any other free social media construct - stressing terms and agreements in their favour. So go ahead and cry foul, hire an internet attorney, but FAKEBOOK holds all the cards and if they want to censor you or cut you off, well, they can.(Oct 22 2017) - Muslim Terrorists Triggered by Outsiders ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As you look through this four page PDF, please note one trigger missing ... The QURAN !!! This, by far, is the biggest trigger of all terrorists activities, killings and wars !!! Without the Quran, these nomadic clans would have never had any inkling to conquer anyone, anywhere, anytime. The Quran is a deeply-seated devil inspired doctrine of death !!! And, Christians, you better believe that these hide-a-ways from hell, living here in the states and among you, ain't on your side. And Christians in Porterville, you better unite PDQ, 'cause your lovie-dovie little lights are barely lit.(Oct 21 2017) - Trump to allow JFK files to be opened
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So ... how do you catch someone with their hands in the cookie jar ? Open the jar and follow the crumbs. And that's exactly what President Trump is going to do. Most - if not all - President's, since Kennedy, knows who had him assassinated. President Trump included. What he wants on full display are the trail of crumbs, leading back to the bum's who did it, and those COMPANY cleaners - past and present - on the take ... especially the FREEMASONS.(Oct 18 2017) - Obama Covered Up Russian Bribery Plot
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is this the "THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM" ??? I kinda think so. Look, most of us internet investigators uncovered this unlawful and un-American "URANIUM ONE" scheme years ago. President Trump was apprised of this illegal issue as well, and what he's done was to make sure that those involved were employed by him. Why ? So their bank accounts, here and abroad, could be checked. Once that data was collected and vetted, he then gave the green light for the REAL RUSSIAN collusions and conspirators to be outed. On the hook will be the Obamas, the Clintons, the DNC, and the FBI - especially Comey and Mueller. Having cardiacs right now ... the MSM !!!(Oct 18 2017) - Why Your Flu Shot is Probably Illegal
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- A few days ago I went to see a friend of mine who loves Muscle Cars, Hot-Rods, and Car Shows, I do believe more than I, and he told me that he was battling the flu and coughing up blood, just a few days after he got a flu shot. Then Tuesday, his mechanics shop was closed all day. For close to 10 years now, I have been warning folks about what's in these flu shots and vaccines, and the horrific side effects which many end up with. BTW, these pharmaceutical companies can't be sued as a result of bad reactions, or those prescribing them and administering them. Why ? Because BIG PHARMA has been given a pass by the gov't, because of their BIG DONATIONS !!!(Oct 17 2017) - Fires in California Were Not 'Wild' ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now this is terrifying !!! If these chemtrailers (geoengineering gods) are sky-dumping igniter's, along with the toxic aluminum and barium into the atmosphere, then these so-called wild fires in the Santa Rosa area ain't wild ... more like man-made. Picture after picture seen postulates the presence of these possibilities. And look at all the trees and scrubs, they ain't all that charred, but the homes right next to them are completely destroyed. It's like spontaneous human combustions for homes. And think, what their sky-dumping, you and I are breathing. Now that is more than terrifying !!!(Oct 16 2017) - Lock Down on Prison Planet Almost Complete
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- MK-ULTRA ... Forget about it !!! Just look around and you will see millions of automatons marching around with whistle blowing devices - like Eloi - answering their masters calls on a minute by minute basis. Corporate and government handlers send funny noises or buzzing sounds to these machines and the mind-controlled masses respond in kind. Folks, what can I say ??? You are paying for these tech-toys and in the end, you really are gonna pay ... because of these tech-toys.(Oct 15 2017) - Brown signs bill keeping teachers from packin'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Just when you thought that ignorance and hate found the bottom of the well, along comes Gov Brown to did it a bit deeper. I'm tellin' you, this one person alone has created one hell of a hostile living environment for law abiding citizens. Folks, this political correct terrorist in Sacramento can't legalize stupidity fast enough to suit his suiters. And to sign a bill to take away the rights of schools to protect their students is basically telling evil doers to come on in and fire away, 'cuz your 'cuz in the capitol has your back ... not students. WAKE UP CALIFORNIA !!!(Oct 14 2017) - CALIFORNIA WILDFIRES : GEOENGINEERED ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- While California is looking for answers to all these "Wildfires" spring up from virtually nowhere, consider some of the info in this article. For the most part, we can agree that California did go through a few dry years, and our forests were not logged and cleared as they should have been in times past. But these "Wildfires" are basically Armageddon like and continue to take lives and destroy precious property and fertile soils. Maybe that's the answer, if that's their agenda ... AGENDA 21 ???(Oct 13 2017) - Google Home Mini caught 'spying' on owner
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Over and over again, I have warned my family, friends and Christians that these neat little tech-toys are gonna record everything that we say and everything we do. And here's the proof - sooner than later. Orwell, in a novel kinda way, tried to give everyone a look into the future, and I think that he'd be surprised to see how many people are willing to give up their privacy for a little convenience. In any case, this problem ain't solved because it was discovered. Why ? Because these contraption companies will just embed micro-chips deeper, super-size their spy-ware for their gov't buddies and then rewrite their terms of service agreements.(Oct 13 2017) - HELO IN A HURRY FLYS LOW OVER CITY
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- At about 09:30 this morning an Army Military Helicopter was seen flying over Porterville in a north westerly direction. Odd about this fly over was it's altitude. Quite low over the city. Next was it's singularity. Many times these helo's fly by themselves out of need and many times because of orders. Not knowing which, I must conclude a special deliver of some sort, until the skies reveal more. So ... keep your eyes in the skies and report what you see and hear ... always.(Oct 08 2017) - Kaepernick will STAND for National Anthem ... if
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look Colin ... you took a stand by taking a knee. Now take a hike !!! It's as simple as that. You encourage hate and racism and now you want a job in the NFL ... because you promise to stand and honour the flag next time ??? Seriously ... if you really want to display your political protest against police brutality, then give it all up. All of it - the game and all sponsorships. But your hype is now hypocrisy, and your right to fight has no light, because you've lost your sight when you left your first love for islam.(Oct 06 2017) - Crisis Actors Hired for Active Shooting Drill ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So Craigslist advertised for Crisis Actors for the Las Vegas area ??? However, once they (whoever they are) got their hires and someone outed them as possibly contributing to the Mandalay Bay Massacre, bang, the ad kinda vanished. Maybe they needed these hires to assist in the scheduled Mandatory Active Shooter Drill, set to begin Sept 30th at 12:30 AM ??? So, if that's the case, then there has to be some pay records somewhere, right ??? Which then gives us a list of who were FAKE and who weren't. As always, follow the money.(Oct 05 2017) - Lawmakers want to restrict internet surveillance
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As nice as this anti-surveillance bill sounds, it's too late in the game to arrest any of these anti-American agencies and Orwellian operators from continuing to utilize outside operations or outsourcing these needs to covert hackers on the dark net. The public - on the other hand - bought this "bill of goods" years ago when they agreed to bring into their homes just about every kind of apparatus that has any kind of computer chip in it or around it. Convenience - I'm here to tell you - won this war against privacy. So, all that's left to say is ... Alors il n'y a rien à faire. C'est la vie !(Oct 04 2017) - Geoengineering Materials Supplier ID'd ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Many thanks goes out to Dane Wigington from www.GeoengineeringWatch.org for producing some of the best Chem-Trail video's on the internet. Recently he's put his finger on one of the culprits - in this aerial assault against the masses - www.AmericanElements.com. For sure when you look through their web site you'll see who many of their clients are - most from the Military Industrial Complex. What's not in this video is the Luciferian / Illuminati end-game of depopulating the planet. There's no other end-game agenda !!! None !!! As for Romans 13:1 Christians, well, they got no dog in this fight and never will.(Oct 03 2017) - More than one Vegas shooter; evidence builds
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For the next few days, weeks, months, and perhaps years, internet investigators and American aggregates will be linking and re-linking to anything and everything related to this murderous massacrer in Vegas ... only because the MSM's agenda will be to open fire at gun owners, gun rights and any dime they can drop on President Trump if he doesn't agree. Obvious to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, are the continuous calamities, crisis' and chaos, conjoining almost in an orderly fashion all across the U.S., lending one to suppose it's either being allowed from above, or aligned from below. TIME TO REFLECT AND PRAY !!!(Oct 01 2017) - Now Wall Street Threatens the NFL's Act
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... America gets it ... we understand that injustices have happen, but honestly, Wall Street don't want you pissin' in their corn flakes, nor do Veterans, nor I. Eventually your toxic tantrums will shrivel up any extra income you could have accrued from commercial sponsors, and the sooner the better. Additionally, anything name brand sporting anything NFL will continue to drop in demand as well as the price because of your divisive diatribes. And since you're unwilling to forgive and forget - history won't - and neither will Wall Street !!!(Sep 29 2017) - Raiders threw the game because of QB ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- NFL Raider fans want to know ... did the line-men throw the game ? Did they intentionally fail at protecting their quarterback Derek Carr because he failed to take a knee in protest ? Yes, this retaliatory behavior has leaked out, and I'm tellin' you, most of the fans see this as pure-de-ole' BLACK RACISM !!! And if there's no investigation into this issue the NFL commissioner Roger Goodell can kiss his job goodbye. The fans are already fleeing stadiums, burning their jerseys and demanding refunds. NASCAR ... here we come.(Sep 28 2017) - DHS To Gather Social Media Info ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- It finally looks like the DHS is gonna be able to use social media in nabbing immigrants - legal or illegal - who may be using these on-line tools to communicate intent or actual harm towards Americans. However, if the DHS has the green light to do this, will other alphabet soup agencies also have the same leeway ? As concerning, will innocent Americans get caught up in this on-line dragnet and be considered suspect without their knowledge ? And speaking of social media, what about the MSM ? For sure they - and Hollyweird - has connections to enemies of the state. Will the DHS put a watch on them ??? Inquiring people want to know.(Sep 27 2017) - Restaurants & Bars Turn Off the NFL
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yup ... we kinda saw this coming. Anywhere there's a public TV turned on and tuned into a NFL game, someone's gonna complain. Now, the next phase will be to call anyone who doesn't turn the TV channel to a NFL game a racist. And yes, you might see a few more fights at the pre-game tail-gate parties. But honestly, who's really fanning the flames in all this hullabaloo ? None other than the MSM !!! This - my sporting friends - is who we BOYCOTT !!! They're the culprits who are ruining it for everyone, including their precious advertisers. So, NO MORE NFL THIS YEAR for me !!! Maybe next year ... maybe.(Sep 26 2017) - $80 Billion Spent on Dreamers ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- QUESTION ? How long should America foot-the-bill for free-loaders ? I'm not talking about those who really need help - and we all do from time to time - but those who have over extended and over used this temporary entitlement. One year, ten ? How long ? Look, if you or any of your family members are here on a temporary work or student program and when your work or studies are done and you want to return home, then GOD Bless you and yours. But if you can't take the time to do the initial paperwork to become a citizen, and then demand Constitutional rights, well ... all bets are off, and fines and penalties should be enforced, like they are on the rest of us.(Sep 24 2017) - Crazed Reaction to Trump on NFL Kneeling
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So ... what would happen if you or I were to show this kind of disrespect to our bosses in front of his business competition. Our fannies would be out of work by the end of the day. Why ? All business have an image to protect and the NFL is no different. If they loose revenue because of these postures of surrender - and that's really what kneeling projects - then everyone looses. President Trump, on the other hand, is taking a STAND, for the FLAG and AMERICA. And ... if he's on his knees, its before GOD ... like the rest of this country needs to be !!!(Sep 22 2017) - The Mainstream Satanic Deception Exposed
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So ... is there enough time for Christians to gear up for the final fight ??? NO !!! WHAT ... NO ??? That's right I said NO !!! Look, if you haven't been battle tested in the last few years, you ain't gonna be ready and as a matter of fact, you're gonna end up as part of the problem. And if that statement makes you mad - well, I rest my case. Those who have prepared and are ready, overwhelmingly agree and say AMEN !!! And let me say this, your silence is not saintly and your capitulations are crippling the great commission. Now get with the program or get out of the way !!!(Sep 21 2017) - Metallic Fibers Falling from the Sky ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For years, many online researchers have been seeking intel re: the fibrous fallout from the skies and what is the main purpose of these sky-dumping geo-engineering chem-trailors ??? From what has been uncovered, dumping this crap up in the sky's above has not lessened climate change. If nothing else, it's made it worse. And, if anyone in the MSM considers connecting the dots re: this DEEP STATE OPERATION, their jobs are on the line or even worse. Here's a thought. What if this operation isn't about protecting us from Mr. Sunshine, but protecting the haves from the have-nots. Just a thought ...(Sep 19 2017) - Cops called on protesting clergy leaders
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Why do they rage ... the liberal loony birds - that is ? They rage because they want more money or entitlements and today they gathered in front of Congressman Devin Nunes' office in Visalia to demand what they won't work and study for - LEGAL CITIZENSHIP !!! And in the forefront of many of these temper tantrums are crazies from the Catholic Church. Now, I have to ask ... what's in it for them ??? Well, here's a hint ... (LINK) ... and you'll notice they got their hands out as well.(Sep 18 2017) - Is America a Christian Nation ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Pay attention Christians !!! This is a great question wherein you need to have an absolute answer. Not one from any other source but the BIBLE !!! And, if you won't take some time to see what's in The BIBLE and continue play tippy-toes with the world and their view of what a Christian is and what a Christian should do, then you're becoming part of the problem. Look, many of us in the field of Christian apologetics have done the research, and hands down, CHRISTIANITY has the best of both worlds - here and the hereafter. There's no other like it !!!(Sep 18 2017) - FREE Suppers for Segregated Students ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Honestly, Gov George Wallace (D) - who got shot in May of '72 because of his stand on segregation - is rolling in his grave right now because of the Politically Correct Segregation (PCS) going on in our colleges. Now, I'm not, nor have ever been a segregationist or have discriminated towards anyone who wants the company of their friends or family, and I have to agree with my Dad who used to say, "To Each His Own" ... meaning do what you want, on your own time and your own dime. But, honestly, to fund colleges to reverse what student civil rights activists fought for on campus' all across the U.S. is bass-ackwords. Pardon my dyslexia ...(Sep 17 2017) - GEOSTORM A New Movie Trailor
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a new video trailor from the movie GEOSTORM and it kinda looks like Hollyweird borrowed a few ideas from the geo-engineering guys on-line or the geo-engineering guys with satellite hook-ups. In any case this movie might open the eyes of the disbelieving masses, or worse yet, close them if the climate controlmessagelie comes across stronger. What is known for sure re: Weaponizing the Weather (PDF) is that all countries have been warned by the U.N. not to do it. TOO LATE ...(Sep 16 2017) - Mueller to Probe FAKEBOOK for what ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For what it's worth, this report will either make you laugh or make you cry & you really ought to read it - including some of the comments. Why ? Well, it looks like special prosecutor Mueller is going to unmask anyone (without a subpoena) on FAKEBOOK - or any other social media outlet - which he thinks may have colluded with the Russians in the 2016 Presidential Election. Initially he believes that PM Putin used these platforms to influence a win for President Trump. But the facts will bear-out that FAKEBOOK allowed the whole country of Russia to use their social medium & said squat until now. Curious, wouldn't you say ???(Sep 15 2017) - Witches in the Washington Post ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes ... many press-ti-tutes are proud of their pet demons and today these pagan practitioners have no problem proving it in their papers. Folks, here's what reinforces their voo-doo's and hexes ... FEAR !!! If they can get you to fear what they say you should fear, then they have a 50/50 shot at making it happen. But, if you are thoroughly convinced that "Greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world" (1 John 4:4) then whatever whammy they try to put on you will come back on them 7 TIMES WORSE. And that's what they fear - BIG TIME !!!(Sep 14 2017) - They're all Listening, Watching & Recording !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- You're Guilty Until Proven Innocent !!! This is how all these mechanical devices which have listening applications embedded into them - and are connected to the "Internet of Things" - are programmed. And I'm here to tell you, everything that requires any electrical current to run will be watching, listening and recording every thing you say or do. You, or your family, or your friends - from here on out - will be under surveillance ... unless you can find a safe place to talk freely. GOD help us all.(Sep 12 2017) - Virginia Decertifies Voting Machines ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What a wonderful idea !!! Getting rid of theriggerselectronic voting machines to certify the voting process and results. Virginia, where most of the secret agencies hide out, is coming to their senses and the public couldn't be happier. Why ? Easy enough. It's because you have an actual receipt in your hands which you can be verified any time and any where. Kinda like those look-to-see-if-I-won lottery scanners that are located in just about every convenient store in America. Now, if we could get Republicans in Sacramento on board with this novel idea, they might win a few more elections. I said might ...(Sep 12 2017) - Steve Bannon Unleashes Names on CBS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, I watched the Steve Bannon's interview with Charlie Rose on CBS the other night and no doubt most of the TV crew and Charlie needed to get liquored up - soon there after - knowing they turned loose "The Grim Reaper" on national TV. Even though they (CBS) photo-shopped Steve Bannon somewhat, the message of THE SWAMP, and how long it's gonna take to ROUNDUP all the Republican RINO's and limousine liberals, made America believe again - that someone was on the job, besides President Trump.(Sep 11 2017) - Life & death in the FAKE NEWS business
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Of course its a "Dog-Eat-Dog" world inside the MSM, and to maintain their subscriptions & meet their "Hour-by-Hour" deadlines, this FAKE NEWS industry has to out-print or out-perform against their competitors or out the door they go. That concern has many journalists sinking to lower lows & illegal standards in reporting information - not news - regardless of the consequences. And, they want you to believe ... "Its nothing personal - It's just my job". Which - in and of its self - is FAKE as well.(Sep 09 2017) - New California Law Protecting Illegals
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- "Free Rent for Free Loaders" ... another name for this Assembly Bill (AB 291). I'm tellin' you, those bleeding heart socialists in Sacramento just can't give away California and all its vast resources fast enough. Everyone is entitled to everything in California, and illegals are no longer the exception - but the rule. Folks, we gotta find a way to take these "sympathy shovels" away from those democ-RATS who are digging deeper holes in California ... 'cause if we don't, we're all gonna fall in.(Sep 06 2017) - Survey: White Christians are now a minority
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Too often, surveys skew statistics by interpretation or by default. If there are 10 survey questions and only one result - knowing there should be 10 - then the survey is flawed ... by 90 % !!! This one which was conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute andwrittenweaponized by the Associated Press, demonstrates this precisely. But, the public at large will consume this FAKE SURVEY as if it's the gospel and Christians will consume it as if its their fault for being white and or Christian. Listen up folks, surveys do not serve the people - they serve the surveyors, which serves someone's agenda !!! I wonder who ???(Sep 01 2017) - NWS WARNS AGAINST FAKE FORECASTS ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now if that don't beat all - FAKE WEATHER MEN are saying there are FAKE FORECASTERS out there on the internet !?!? Yeah, I know, that sounds ridiculously redundant. However, if you look at the percentages of any of these prognosticators, not a one of them are 100 percent. Neither are their fancy smancy weather models or maps. Honestly, I thought this whole article was somehow a hoax, but it ain't and the National Weather Service is worried they might be out of a job soon.(Sep 01 2017) - Chemtrails, HAARP And Aluminum ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is there - by chance - other possibilities as to why government's all over the world are injecting chemicals like aluminium and barium into the atmosphere ??? Are there sinister reasons why they are CHEMTRAILING our planet and people ??? Yes and yes. Folks, years of REAL RESEARCH by real scientists and real doctors have discovered many strange side effects and illnesses cropping up because of geoengineering. And ... if these real scientists and doctors speak up or too loud, then bad things kinda happen to them and or their place of work. GOD Have Mercy ...(Aug 31 2017) - DOJ forcing Pastor to testify views re: Islam
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Listen up Pastors !!! For sure this case out of Virginia is gonna make its way to the SCOTUS !!! Why ??? Because it involves your Right of Free Speech and your Right to Peacefully Assemble. Second, this case is challenging your Christian world view - to be politically correct or else. Third, this case involves islam and their world view and their religious demands over unbelievers (infidels) ... here in America. Lastly, this FIRST AMENDMENT case involves our RIGHTS emanating from GOD - Not the Gov't !!! WAKE UP PASTORS !!!(Aug 29 2017) - Links Google Don't Want You to Visit
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As many hits which the Porterville Post gets daily, one might ask ... why haven't we been on any of these lists ? ANSWER : Because we were informed years ago of this "End-Time End-Game" and that one day all these "FREE" social media web sites will eventually cost You, the 1st Amendment, and America BIG TIME !!! So the Post, from the beginning, refused to play this NWO game. Don't get me wrong ... we're on a few lists ... but not the one's having anything to do with social media.(Aug 29 2017) - FBI refuses to release Hillary's e-mails ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Oh no they didn't ... YES THEY DID !!! The FBI has refused a request to release Hillary Clinton's e-mails because they said "there was a lack of public interest" ... attorney Ty Clevenger told the Times. Well at least the Washington Times - for once - had the nerve to release this info. Look, folks the FEDERAL BLACKMAILING INSTITUTION (FBI) is so corrupt that they make the Vatican look good - and that's bad. So, if the FBI needs a show of public interest, then call them at (800) 225-5324 and tell them you're interested.(Aug 28 2017) - Navy recovers remains of missing sailors
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- ATTENTION ON DECK ... or whomever is top side. Looks like the Navy recovered the remaining sailors which were trapped inside the crushed starboard side of the U.S.S. McCain. From the get-go this destroyer - some have speculated - was in the wrong place at the wrong time ... or it was attacked. Investigators will determine it was either bad navigational equipment or bad navigational skills. But come on ... four battle ships blind-sided by commercial vessels in one year. Give me a break ...(Aug 27 2017) - The Existential Question of Whom to Trust
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- All points connecting Washington's wide spread political corruption and collusions manifests rarely on the MSM. Their FAKE NEWS shows are just that ... FAKE. All too often the internet investigators and sleuths are the ones having to reveal these front page rarities and back room rendezvouses. The MSM was paid off years ago and folks, I'm here to tell you, their establishment ego's and elitist endeavours have told the real story and what their end-game is - eliminating Americanism and Christianity.(Aug 27 2017) - The Slow Death of the Republican Party
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And now for your Sunday selection of silly vs sad. And the winner (besides Floyd Mayweather) headlining The POST today is ... SAD !!! Brent Bozell, presents a sad-but-true list of lies wherein the Republican Party (which I'm a member) has failed to amend ... 'cause these RINO's failed at keeping their campaign promises. Conservative consultants, advisor’s & speech writers - it would appear - were used to get them elected, and global interests (money) are then recruited to keep them elected. And that SWAMP has drowned the party & shipwrecked the nation.(Aug 26 2017) - Navy Suspends Search For Missing Sailors
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I guess the military motto re: "Leave No Man Behind" does not apply to Naval men and women lost at sea or squashed inside the hulls or bulkheads of ships under attack. Make no mistake, conspiracy theories are cropping up already concerning this navigational mishap, as I and others, see a FALSE FLAG hoisted up by the DEEP STATE on this vessel. Listen, until those 9 who were lost or squashed are found, their lives and heroics deeds will rewritten by the FAKE NEWS. GOD have Mercy ...(Aug 25 2017) - Why Dem's Want Confederate Monuments Gone
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Can you say it's a cover-up ? Yup ... you sure can. And when you dig a bit deeper you find out that the best way to cover up criminal activity is to pin that tail (tale) on another donkey ... or whistle blowers. Yes, the DEEP SOUTH has historically been racist and pro-slavery. But you see, the MSM, ain't gonna take you down that memory lane. No-siree-bob. Their "Blazing Saddles" are tied to DEEP STATE operations and corporate control of FAKE NEWS. But ... you know that. Right ?(Aug 24 2017) - Earthquake Activity Around Porterville : 2.4
Post News Feature : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The Porterville Post has noticed an increase of earthquake activity and intensity all over the globe and felt it was necessary to start posting any earthquake activity around PORTERVILLE. The Bible says in Matthew 24:7 "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." Especially CALIFORNIA.(Aug 24 2017) - ARE YOU THAT ANGRY AT GOD ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- If I may ask ... why are all those folks out there - who are individually proud of themselves and their families, their heritage and cultures - act like they need acceptance ... or their gonna go off on you ??? Now why is that ??? Because they haven't run much of that nonsense by GOD. Yes, they kinda like that idea that GOD Loves Them - and HE does - but they're not to sure why GOD created individual people. And Truth be told, they're more angry at GOD than white folks. So, keep that in mind whenever you break bread with them in any setting.(Aug 24 2017) - Foreign forces hidden in every state ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Apparently ... this article says we have foreign forces spread about the U.S. In any case we should be alarmed about this info. Right ? Maybe. I'll explain. As it is right now, the bigger threat is in Wash D.C. Infil-traitors, from many arenas have ensconced themselves into our agencies and security apparatus' with covert protection by our gov't. Those others, in smatterings across the U.S., can be dealt with accordingly, when need be. My advise then is this ... keep you eye on both, keep your powder dry and keep your heart right with GOD.(Aug 22 2017) - Jesse Jackson Spoke at an Islamic Center
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So ... if I address Jesse by his last name ... "JACKSON" ... does that make me a RACIST ??? Or do I need to wait until he and everyone else by that last name ... "JACKSON" ... changes their names. And what about my collection of JACKSON FIVE records ? Do I need to donate them to a non-white salvation army dumpster ? Folks I can't tell you how ridiculous that sounds. Because it is !!! And now, the Right Reverend Jesse "J-Word" is stirring up more strife & ignorance in an Islamic Center in L.A. over the election process. Maybe we should call him - Jesse "The Mason" Mohammed - 'cause Mohammed wasn't a SLAVE OWNER - Yeah Right !!!(Aug 22 2017) - Vatican: A cesspool of pedophiles & homosexuals
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Seriously ... this institution is filled with so much filth, that volumes and volumes of the vicars victimizers of sexual crimes against children must be secretly sealed in Vatican vaults. It's really that horrendous and evil. It's so bad that there's an actual data base called www.bishop-accountability.org where you can locate the names and parishes where these preverts practice their perversions. Now you know why The LORD said in 2 Cor 6:17 "to come out from among them." I did and so can you ...(Aug 21 2017) - U.S. Navy Heading back to Vietnam in 2018
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now the picture is coming into focus. Did you know that the U.S.S. John McCain docked a few times in Vietnam in 2016 and 2017, and did you know that most of it's internal electrical, thing-a-ma-bobs, were developed and assembled in Japan. And did you know that the U.S.S. John McCain allowed some dignitaries on-board for a little tour, and did you know that the Chinese had spies and spy equipment near by which hacked into the ship. Well ... I just found out myself, and if anything more develops, I'll keep you all posted. In the mean time PRAY - PRAY - PRAY !!!(Aug 21 2017) - 4 collisions by USN ships in 1 year ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This morning I was having a phone conversation with my daughter re: why some of our Naval ships are having such a hard time navigating at sea. So ... I shared with her my speculations - and most of the time I'm purty accurate - and then our phones get cut off. Okay, so maybe it's the eclipse interfering a bit or maybe it's the Russians ... 'cause you know dang well it can't be my cell phone provider tapping the lines - as always. Any-hoo ... others are also asking ... what in tar-nation is happening to all our ships ??? Inquisitive minds want to know ... [UPDATE](Aug 20 2017) - History Is Clear - The Facts Are Certain
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, there's a lot of misinformed - albeit ignorant - democ-RATS who think that America's ROOTS are deeply connected to the leaders of the past. Well, they're kinda right, but don't know it. You see the MSM has turned them into their SLAVES and away from the true history of slavery and racism with FAKE NEWS. Instead of presenting all of America's history, the MSM deflects it's FAKE FACTS onto Republicans and Christians, when history shouts, it's the democ-RAT leaders who have political history of RACISM !!! New evidence ...(Aug 19 2017) - Perkins Asks President to Call Nation to Prayer
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What a wonderful idea ... A CALL TO PRAYER !!! You would HOPE that this would solve America's problem of being a House Divided. Well ... it won't. America's Christian Leaders - because of doctrinal issues - have always struggled with PRAYER. Yes you've read that right. Besides, if they actually did pray and took a moment to wait upon The LORD for an answer or direction, we wouldn't be this divided. Jesus PRAYED that they'd be one, as we are. Well ... HE must have been addressing just HIS disciples, 'cause it looks the pastors didn't get the John 17:11 memo. GOT JESUS ???(Aug 17 2017) - Julian Assange's Private Message to Trump
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... now that we have some speculation concerning Congressman Dana Rohrabacher semi-secret meeting with Julian Assage re: possible paedophilia's on the GOP side of the isle, I pray that this report is speculation and false. However, many in the DNC - who have been running cover for these perverts for years - know that the hammers coming down, and they're gonna have to name names and cop pleas to retain their seats and to stay out of prison. So ... if this info "is what it is" then Rohrabacher needs to hook up with Congressman Nunes PDQ or he could end up on a softball field somewhere real soon.(Aug 17 2017) - McCarthy on Charlottesville & hate groups ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I agree with Congressman McCarthy, "We Are Better Than That" !!! America is the land of opportunity, and if you work hard and obey the laws you can become successful and maybe famous. But, if you get spun out on someone else's crimes - past or present - and then commit crimes to justify your insensitivity towards those criminals, then you ain't any better than they are. As a matter of fact your demonstrations against discrimination demonstrates only one thing ... HATE !!! So stop it, go home and get back to work !!!(Aug 17 2017) - FAKE NEWS + FAKE HATE = FAKE STATE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For sometime now folks have awakened to the notion that the MSM is ginning up FAKE NEWS reports and analysis of people and events. And one of the outcomes of these manipulations, are fake feelings, fake moralities, manufacturing an abundance of FAKE HATE. Everyone is runnin' mad and many don't even know why. Third and final, this has lead Americans into believing in a FAKE STATE, one in which governing authorities mimic the MSM's satanic spewings. This is circular reasoning and is designed to falsify the facts and fleece the folks.(Aug 16 2017) - 1984 Is Officially Here: Censorship Ramping Up
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For years I have warned our readers that one day all this free stuff on-line is gonna cost you something, somewhere down the road. And, as much as I try and stay away from "I Told You So" ... this one I've earned. Am I pleased with my prognostication ? NO - Not Even !!! All I wanted to do was warn internet users in America that 1984 - even though we past that date 33 years ago - it's gonna happen, and you needed to close those free accounts down before they close you and the First Amendment down. So ... close your stuff down and then go and pay for a real web site ... like the Porterville Post !!!(Aug 14 2017) - 10 Facts about the Aug 21 Solar Eclipse
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What a great time for a FALSE FLAG event to occur - when America is experiencing an eclipse. The timing of unusual events such as this are what those creepy occult characters chatter about all the time. But ... one day ... when they least expect it ... you know who is gonna crash through the clouds with a fury and then all the fun's gonna start !!! For Christians, that's the GOOD NEWS !!! But, the BAD NEWS is, I'm afraid there's gonna be some tribulation before we're all called up yonder. So ... Pray for REVIVAL and Pray for America !!!(Aug 14 2017) - Charlottesville planned by DNC & more's coming ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- At this point in time, we better take a closer read at some of the speculations on the internet concerning the chaos in Charlottesville & who's possibly behind it. Crisis actors - yup, they were there. Crisis sponsors - probably Soros. Crisis party - the DNC. Crisis relief agency - FEMA most likely. Folks, this whole thing was ginned up by the democ-RATS & MSM to blame President Trump, especially if he didn't condemn the racists aspects of it quick enough. And lastly, I must say, these acts of violence have multiple triggers & manifold causations. GOD have Mercy ...(Aug 13 2017) - 2045 INITIATIVE : THE SUPERMAN SOLUTION
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Trans-humanism is in the works RIGHT NOW !!! Folks, these mad scientists are dead serious about creating a genetically modified human by the year 2045 - if not sooner. In their minds, this is the cure all for all diseases, populations, pollution, poverty, politics and war. Immorality - for the NEW WORD ORDER Nut Jobs - is what they have wet dreams about. This is the same "SUPERMAN SOLUTION" of which Hitler had for Germany's top end, and the same "FINAL SOLUTION" for the bottom - Jews and Christians.(Aug 13 2017) - Elite of Seoul "Secretly" Evacuating ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This last week I've had several conversations with locals re: the North Koreans and what President Trump's plans are - overtly and covertly. Additionally, I've included some of the MSM sabre rattlings and hostilities, addressing my analytics and assessments to provide possibilities and probabilities. In this latest rendering from Dave Hodges re: evacuating the private and gov't HIGH-HATS of Seoul and where they're secretly sequestering - 'cause they're gonna need a quicker return to South Korea - has been left out. No doubt their "sabbatical" will be on a U.S. Air Base near by. More coming soon ...(Aug 10 2017) - Hillary Turns To God ... (NO WAY)
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... let me break it down to you - plain and simple. The MSM's myopic misgivings concerning Hillary's crimes - in and out of office - is as criminal as she is. And now, they're wasting air-time with puff-pieces re: her nefarious desires to preach ??? Folks, listen to me. They all know it's coming down hard on Hillary and they're trying to soften the blows. Second, even if she has seen the light, you don't start at the top as a preacher. WHY ??? Because GOD requires that you do a lot of REPENTING and RECOMPENSE - for your EVIL deeds - to clear the books !!!(Aug 09 2017) - HEY MSM : You said nothing today
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For too many years the MSM - mostly through their editors - have conspired bias' with their competitors in the news business. Slowly but surely the obvious "EXTRA - EXTRA" Headlines of many of these news outlets mirrored each other, leaving one to wonder, WHAT HAPPENED ??? Two things ... corporate take overs and CIA infiltration. One wants the masses to BUY - BUY - BUY, while the second wants to LIE - LIE - LIE to the masses. And this is why few trusts the "Say-Nothing" MSM a just bit more than the "Do-Nothing" congress !!!(Aug 09 2017) - Charges of TREASON Filed Against Mueller
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Retired Navy Commander Walter Francis Fitzpatrick III, on Jan 26 of 2017, filed charges of TREASON - with Attorney General Jeff Sessions - against Robert Mueller for manifold reasons - besides TREASON. If what Commander Fitzpatrick says in this complaint is true, A.G. Sessions is gonna have to either fire Mueller or lock him up. Evidence is evidence, and most prosecuting attorney's live for evidence in the court rooms, while defence attorney's live for loopholes and lier's. And if Mueller doesn't hand over his discovery when asked by A.G. Sessions, then the new FBI Director "Christopher Wray" can assign a new special investigator. That will be the easiest way out for Mueller ... unless the DEEP STATE wants him DEEP SIXED !!!(Aug 06 2017) - States ramping up defenses against election hacks
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Sure ... they have ramped their defenses against hackers for the next election cycle. However, each sec' of state must certify that these super secured voting machines are "A-Okay" & they must announce who built these machines & who certified them. This is where all the hacking fun starts. The hackers get the names of those employees, find their home addresses, find the names of their family and friends visiting them there (or use social media), and then they can triangulate from their iphones, to the iphones heading back into where these voting machines are made or certified. This ain't rocket science any more folks.(Aug 04 2017) - FACEBOOK FACT-CHECKING FOR FAKE NEWS ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Pert near ten years, I've been warning folks about FAKEBOOK & what their eventual intentions were. But time & time again I was sheepishly assured by my friends that FAKEBOOK had no ill intentions towards anyone or for any reason. Well what can I say ? It's a free world & these social media freaks are hooked on these electronic apparatus' like junkies fiending for a fix. As far as these social media businesses go, they UNMASK their customers, contacts & data every second of every day & sell all of it to 3rd party purchasers, faster than NSA could even hope to do. YES, this is what FAKEBOOK does daily. And now they want to mask or manipulate your searches using their new fact-checking gizmo's to protect you from FAKE NEWS. People come on !!!(Aug 04 2017) - Nearly 100 sex abuse suits against priests
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For years, many of us in the independent news services have come across articles and reports chronicling the sexual abuse within the churches - specifically Rome and of course others. At times we just could not believe it was so rampant, vile and political - yes political - thus making it hard ourselves to aggregate what is now painfully obvious. Today - I'm happy to say - it's getting out in the open but then again - I'm sorry to say - that the damage has been done and it may take years, possibly decades to repair. Why ? Because of forgiveness. Few who were victims rarely find it and only GOD can pardon perpetrators and priests. I can't ...(Aug 03 2017) - Pedophiles Run The ‘Evil’ Music Industry
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'll tell you what. Somebody better start praying for this boy - Justin Bieber. Because if what he is saying is true about what he has seen and heard about the perverts and pedophiles running Hollyweird ... and ... how he could've made it even bigger in the music industry if he would've participated in those evil things, brother ... he's a dead man walking and he better get & stay, High & Tight with JESUS CHRIST. Folks, it's a known fact this SUPER DEEP STATE Counter/Intel slime was brought in by the CIA, to control the narrative and masses. And you know what, their best accomplices in this filth is you ... THE SILENT ONES !!!(Aug 03 2017) - 'I have had it': Trump's PRIVATE conversations
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Let me tell you guys at theWashingtonAMAZON Post something re: President Trump's "Private" phone conversation with the President of Mexico. It was PRIVATE !!! Second, this is how leaders talk to each other all the time. They tell it like it is and if need be, repeat what is said to make a point. Now ... if anyone of you "Snowflakes" at theWashingtonAMAZON Post care to admit, this is exactly how your editors & bosses talk to you whenever you drop the ball or fabricate the news. Thirdly, you - not President Trump - have trigger an investigation into this leak & future surveillance of all your communications. Yeah ... you did this.(Aug 02 2017) - Supreme Court BANNED Islam In Public Schools
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Amazingly, the SCOTUS - even though they decided that islam should not be taught in our public schools - 4 out of the 9 Justices had no problem with the idea. Secondly, you'd think that these descending democ-RAT supremes would be offended re: this so-called "Religion of Peace" and all that the Quran commands concerning non-believers. Thank GOD President Trump stood firm against the MSM title wave of FAKE NEWS to hold out and appoint Judge Neil Gorsuch to the bench. Otherwise, secret sharia courts would be popping up in small towns all across America ... and in Porterville !!!(Jul 30 2017) - $14.3 Quadrillion Lien Taken Against All U.S. Land
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- If you can't pay back a loan that you took out, they - whoever loaned you the money - will swing by and either repo your car, put a new lock on your home, or file on you - in some nebulous court somewhere - so you end up in a debtors prison. But what if the loan is so big and the interest is so consuming that no one could pay it off. This is where America and the world is right now, and DEBT FORGIVENESS is the only way out. However, it must happen at the same time everywhere, or it won't work. Eventually the usual end-time option will manifest into another war - possibly WWIII. Better get ready ...(Jul 29 2017) - Imran Awan Becomes Suspect In Seth Rich Murder
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I have to agree with Geraldo Rivera on this one folks. His questions re: who and why Seth Rich was murdered are very pertinent to solving this case. Running cover for this is the "Russians Hacked Everything" narrative which was pushed hard and fast by the DNC and of course their BFF's ... the MSM. Third to this explosive report is a person who has yet to recuse himself from this investigation, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz brother "Steve Wasserman" who is the Assistant Attorney for Wash D.C. More coming ...(Jul 28 2017) - The American Empire and It's Media
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here you go ... they say that a picture tells it all. For sure these one does !!! No doubt the MSM ain't gonna like this collective picture image and how it's all linked up. But I'm here-to-tell-you, they are the ones who linked up with each other. Not the on-line media. They linked up with each other and their corporate criminals - like the press-ti-tutes they are - for one collective purpose ??? MONEY & POWER !!! Now ... wasn't that lesson a no-brainer ???(Jul 28 2017) - Trans-Republicans Come out of ACA Closet
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Early this morning in Wash D.C. three Trans-Republicans (Democ-RAT Wanna-bees) came out of the closet & voted with the left, assuring that ACA will continue to collapse the health care industry, & possibly America's economy. These three women, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine and John McCain of Arizona, came out against their own party & what millions & millions of Republican's voted them back into office for - to Repeal & Replace "Barry's" disgrace. Now they must go ...(Jul 27 2017) - New Law Puts People in Jail for WHAT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For the love of humanity, why in the world would a person in their right mind cater to someone in their wrong mind ... especially in an old aged home, where most of the time these old folks loose their minds anyway, or end up with Alzheimer's. Can you imagine one of these confused clients waking up to their own stupidity and then wanting to re-identify with whom they were really born as ??? Imagine that long term care facilities nighmare, every time that person changes their minds re: their identity. Can you say lawsuits ??? What a cluster that's gonna be ... thanks to this new proposed law in Sacramento.(Jul 27 2017) - Disney’s Next Movie Could Be Watching You ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Immediate self gratification on both sides - from the TV producer to the TV consumer - is being tested & developed. That's the ultimate marketing tool that Disney & a whole host of other Artificial Intelligence (AI) companies are crafting. Folks, they are building a bio-feedback future where the machines will have increasing control of your desires & dreams. Orwell, could only envision this nightmare, but Disney & Company (CIA) are manufacturing - for the Millennial's & beyond - matinées & mediums to motivate Manchurians & mayhem.(Jul 27 2017) - Porterville Pastors 'WAKE UP' about ISLAM !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For two and a half years, the Porterville Post has been collecting on-line info and data about the Muslim invaders and their Sharia agenda. More often than not, folks from Porterville who I personally share this info with, still think there's nothing to worry about. Christians - on the other hand - who have the answers are pretty much in the same category - nothing to worry about. So ... I'll quickly conclude with this. I have talked with several Pastors in the Porterville area and have told them I'd be very willing to come and share with their congregations what I know about Islam and Muslims in Porterville. As of this date ... NO INVITATIONS !!! NONE !!!(Jul 25 2017) - FOR THOSE WHO MISSED THIS HUGE EVENT ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay "Snowflakes" ... you might not want to click here. This VIDEO of President Trump at a Boy Scout Jamboree might just trigger a moment for you and your friends. No ... there's no editing on this video, and no there's no photo-shopping - just thousands and thousands of folks coming out to see and hear The President of The United States - Donald J. Trump. As a side note, the MSM has yet to report on any of these HUGE EVENTS and their willing to take it in the shorts (ratings wise) for not doing so. But the Porterville Post - as usual - will report The Right News @ The Right Time.(Jul 25 2017) - The Misuse of Trusts
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Again and again and again, Judge Anna von Reitz knocks it out of the park with info that rarely sees the light of day, let alone compliance in any Admiralty court and for sure will never manifest in the MSM. Folks, there's been a shell game of identities, governments, kingdoms and properties from the very beginning, which have benefited mostly two constructs - players is you will - the Vatican and the City of London. And Wash D.C. is basically the corporate half-breed of these two incestuous institutions, and caters to their corruption, criminality and chaos.(Jul 24 2017) - Latest DARPA Mass Mind Control Technology
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Let me put it this way ... It's Mind Control (MC) vs Choice Control (CC). Inwardly you think that these new or strange thoughts are yours. Outwardly you are bombarded with choices from multiple mediums wherein you feel the need to make a decision. DARPA is paying for one (MC), while businesses and politicians pay for the other (CC). Combined they can over ride any rational and or realistic truth. Inject a steady flow of FAKE FEAR and herding the masses is as easy as flipping a switch. There's no other outcome and there's no other end game. It's ... OBEY or DIE !!!(Jul 22 2017) - Trump unleashes long Twitter tirade ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Good Morning MSM !!! Since you have failed miserably with your FAKE NEWS agenda's for the NEW WORLD ORDER, President Donald Trump is having to pull your load to report the truth and facts. BTW, your double standards make you out to be double agents for the democ-RATS and the DEEP STATE. Folks, President Trump does keep his friends close, but he also keeps his enemies closer and on the gov't payroll. That's gonna make it easier for him to raise the stakes and increase their time behind bars - starting with Clinton and Comey.(Jul 20 2017) - THE BATTLE FOR AMERICA STARTS NOW
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Every now and again, the message for the Body of Christ - which has everything to do with the Great Commission - is rising to the top ... and here it is ... "The Battle for America Starts NOW !!!" Yes, GOD'S "Watchmen on the Walls" and HIS "Remnant" usually are the first to pick up on the move of the SPIRIT. And believe-you-me, the SPIRIT To STAND is moving across the land. Not because Christians in American are praying, because Christians in other countries are praying that Christians in America need to take a stand !!! Will you ??? I will ...(Jul 19 2017) - McCain diagnosed with malignant brain tumor
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So ... one of the DEEP STATE boys - Senator John McCain - has a "Brain Clot" of sorts and his membership as a mason is expiring, and maybe his life real soon. All that aside, McCain is pretty much a goner and might not return to the Senate, and he needs to send up the white flag to surrender. And, just like when Hillary Clinton was supposedly sick and the MSM tippy-toed all around that issue, my bet is they'll do the same with McCain, to garner sympathy - not for McCain, but for Obamacare, so it doesn't get repealed, and or replaced.(Jul 19 2017) - 1,063 Documented Examples of Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hey MSM !!! Just in case your memory lapses - again - please bookmark this link to a report which finalized the count of how many times "Back-door-Barry" broke the law and bamboozled his own believers. Folks, the MSM has become so jaundice in their biased endeavours, that yellow journalism pales in comparison. Yes, it's that bad. These turn coats have turned a blind eye re: honesty, truth, and facts, when it came to their man. But FEAR NOT, the history of the hell he left behind is now on-line.(Jul 18 2017) - Yes, Bill Clinton ASKED Russia to interfere ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- But, but, but ... but nothing. U.S. President Bill Clinton and Russian Prime Minister Boris Yeltsin were election buddies. Chums from the beginning. And yes this was reported on by the Washington Times in '96, as a positive thing - Russia and America working together. I'm tellin' you, what's reported by the MSM today is nothing but hit pieces. In 1996, this was a good thing, but 20 years later it's a bad thing. It's all FAKE NEWS, controlled by the Puppet Masters, the Play Masters and Pay Masters !!!(Jul 18 2017) - U.N. Publishes Population Replacement Plan ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Their hue and cry is either (1) Over-Population, (2) De-Population and now (3) Replace-Population. One or the other - for crying out loud. I'm tellin' you, these unscientific and unproven socialist plans will only benefit the owners of slaves - not you !!! Folks, it's a state of flux where these NEW WORLD ORDER Nut-Jobs want you to stay in, not the state of which you originate. The U.N. wants everyone to be on the same level, economically, educationally, socially, politically and religiously. And to accomplish that, they have to keep everyone moving.(Jul 18 2017) - Calls For Full, Clean Obamacare Repeal
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the Art of the Deal for President Trump. He knows that if Republicans in Congress - House & Senate - can't "Repeal & Replace" any portion of obama-care, they're gonna take it in the shorts in 2018. If they do muster enough votes needed to "R&R" obama-care, it will be done closer to their re-election bids. And guess what, in either case President Trump wins, 'cause Congress knows he will sign an Executive Order forcing their hands and forcing a 2/3rd's vote to override his order, which they don't have in either chamber.(Jul 17 2017) - Google to release millions of mosquitoes ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Google has plans to infest the FRESNO area with around 20 million or more lab created mosquitoes to stem the possible grow of the ZIKA Virus carried by mosquitoes. Their "LAB" - which few have ever heard of or even reported on by the MSM - is called Verily. Googles lab is located in South San Francisco and has many "DeBug" protects such as this in the works, and one must ponder ... What Could Go Wrong ??? And if serious side effects result because of the release of these semi-secret mosquitoes, where will Fresnans get medical help ? A Google sponsored hospital with Google medical practitioners ? People Wake Up !!!(Jul 16 2017) - Trump Jr.'s Translator has ties to Clinton ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Daily Loyalty Meetings Needed at White House !!! What in tar-nation is a Clinton democ-RAT doing working as a translator for any meeting having to do with President Trump, his family or friends - before or after the election ??? At this point in time, President Trump needs to unmask all of his enemies and fire them - with cause and strong prejudice. We are fully aware of all the FAKE NEWS shows out there wanting to destroy democracy, even if it means destroying themselves in the process. That's called TREASON, 'cause they're aiding and abetting the enemies agenda.(Jul 16 2017) - Lynch Tapped Manafort’s Phone During Meeting ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Words cannot express the number and magnitude of all these anti-American activities of which "Back-door-Barry's" bunch of "Blackmailing" bad apples benefited. If there were any loopholes or borderline procedures re: their political antics, these congenital conspirators cut through them like a hot knife into butter. Folks, layer upon layer of illegal wrong doings are manifesting at break-neck speed and parsing the legality of obama's evil doers or to have continuous Senate hearings is a waist of time. I say, ARREST THEM, and keep them locked up for "Protective Custody" and until they all fess up !!!(Jul 15 2017) - McCain’s Surgery Will Delay Senate Votes ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, the problem really is that Senator John McCain has been looking out that loony left eye - instead of the right - for too long. My question is, why try and save that eye - or remove the so called blood clot above it - when honestly the whole top part needs to be lopped off. Look, the timing of this tactic - to delay a vote of the Health Care Bill amendment(s) - is plain to see. McCain, since he'll obey his doctors and not the people - let alone President Trump - ought to just stay in Arizona and retire.(Jul 13 2017) - Hollywood's Pedophiles Too Powerful ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- SEX SELLS ... an axiom accepted by all in Hollywierd, the recording industry and with many power players across the globe. No matter who gets outed, another one of these scum sucking sexual deviants will take over. Does that mean there's no hope for those caught up in this holocaust from hell ? NO !!! It means - just like the war on poverty and war of drugs and the war on terrorism - America and the World needs to combine their forces on the WAR ON SEX CRIMES !!! And BTW, President Trump is working on it. Are you ???(Jul 13 2017) - Obama's DOJ let the Russian Lawyer In !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now it appears that Obama kept his promise to Putin when he said he'd have "more flexibility" after his re-election ... allowing more entries, influence and espionage into America. One of those "Extraordinary Entries" was granted to Russian lawyer and honey-pot, Natalia Veselnitskaya, who made a straight beeline into the Trump campaign - supposedly - wanting to share intel on Hillary, but switched up to address adoption issues between Russia and the U.S. Additionally in the second report, are names of who this "Double-Agent" lawyer "Flexed With" including her cozy relationship with FBI Director James Comey, Senator McCain and NY Times Reporter. More on the way ...(Jul 12 2017) - Trump defends son re: disclosure of Russian emails
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hey MSM, get off your Russian witch-hunt on President Trump, or his family, friends or supporters, and shift your myopic camera's and microphones on California ... where the Chinese spies are dumping "dollars for democ-RATS" by the millions !!! I'm tellin' you, if you want to talk about a SWAMP of SOCIALISM, or a HIGHWAY of HYPOCRITES, well baby ... California's the place, and gov' Brown is it's vicar. This politically correct pot-hole of problems cannot be solved by politicians. Only a Miracle and Revival from GOD will do the job !!!(Jul 11 2017) - Fake News Media Begging Congress for WHAT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, what do you know. Looks like the MSM has a bone to pick with FAKEBOOK and Google - let alone the internet investigators - and are asking for a little help from Congress. Yes, they're loosing their listeners and viewers at break-neck speed, and many of their long time advertisers. Meaning, the jig is up and their going down hard. I'm tellin' you, no one's shedding any tears over these FAKE NEWS Nut-Jobs and truth be told, AMERICA - and the world - will be better off. And yes, all of us on-line news outlets will quickly fill that void. No problemo'.(Jul 10 2017) - Trump Jr. was told in email re: Russian effort ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Once upon a time in America, the 6 o'clock news was where the family gathered right after dinner. A trusted estate with verifiable information. Now-a-days, it's called a show - for good reason. Folks, the MSM has been on the take ever since they were infiltrated by the CIA and other intel agencies, years ago. Today, commercials and adds drive editors into yellow journalism for ratings. And it's the corporations that call the shots on who, when and what gets published. As for the 6 o'clock news, Americans are now considering the source - for good reason. And this latest cry for attention by the New York Times re: opposition research gleaned from a Russian, is at best reaching and at worst pathetic.(Jul 10 2017) - E.R. Nurse Drops Truth re: Vaccine Reactions
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I as well, have seen the "Sickening Side Effects" of vaccinations and I'm here to tell you, most parents won't listen to your warnings, 'cause they've been manipulated by the media and medical establishment that they are safe. VACCINES ARE NOT SAFE !!! The "Pusher-Men" at BIG PHARMA have BIG MONEY hooks on the gov't, the doctors, and media. And their FAKE MEDICINES are harming, not only the ones who are injected, but the next generation and their offspring’s ... 'cause their DNA is also damaged !!! WAKE UP PARENTS ... PLEASE !!!(Jul 10 2017) - Israel and the unexpected NEW WORLD ORDER
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As eye catching and intriguing as these headlines are re: Israel and the Unexpected NWO, the devil is in the details of this article - about 25 paragraphs down, which says, " ... Israel is positioned to guard the world’s Internet. Everything today is traded, controlled and administered online. And Israel is emerging as the world’s number one guardian of the worldwide web." Folks this is one of those Revelation Chap. 13 end times issues and if I read this report right, the "Internet of Things" will all run through Israel and some nations ain't gonna have it. I'm tellin' you, this could get ugly and brutal real fast.(Jul 09 2017) - Podesta Outed by President Trump !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- If I've said it once, for sure, I've said it many times to many friends ... this is how you compromise and control the opposition. Get something bad on them or allege something bad or on their relationships with bad people. John Podesta, for what he's worth - like Jimmy Seville - has done the NEW WORLD ORDER proud. However, his time is ending, and if he doesn't go quietly into the night his own kind will tender the situation, and then blame President Trump - The Master Twitter Blaster !!! To be sure Podesta is the lynch-pin connecting all these #PIZZAGATE pedophiles, politicians and potentates.(Jul 08 2017) - ALERT : Pope Francis makes a new law ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Layer upon layer, I have researched who might have started all these interconnected corporations and basically bottom out with these three possibilities. Wash D.C., The City of London and last but not least ... the VATICAN. All of these "Nation States" are two-tiered and the VATICAN - being the oldest of the three - usually manifests as the beginning of these FAKE CORPORATIONS and has the strongest ties, handles and hooks on the other two. Recently the Pope issued and signed a "Motu Proprio" re: one of the corporate layers signalling either internal banking issues or more blackmailing. Soon we will see what the Pope sees ...(Jul 07 2017) - Clooney's Flee UK Over ‘Terror Fears’
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And there you go. Without admitting that President Trump was right re: border security and building better border walls, the loony Clooney's - in the dark of night - snuck back into the United States. (HYPOCRITES) I guess their open border plans and demands kinda back-fired on them. (HYPOCRITES) Now, here's the obvious question. Will this little secret midnight rendezvous and reversal of ideologies get the TMZ treatment from Holly-Weird ? (HYPOCRITES) And second, will this dash Georgie boy's democ-RAT desires of running for office ? (HYPOCRITES) We'll have to wait and see.(Jul 06 2017) - 90,000-strong child porn ring busted
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... now were talking. Almost 90,000 users of child porn will now be hunted, detained and jailed (hopefully forever) after authorities captured a server and it's owner in Germany. Absent from this initial report are any references to any #PIZZAGATE codes or operations. Also absent are any names - usually a sign of higher ups being involved or secret moles planted in this take down. Now, what I need is for all you FAKE NEWS sleuths to "do what you do" and see if we can't push this story for better intel. If it's fake - then Hallelujah - if not, then fact-find the hell out of it. Carry on solders ...(Jul 06 2017) - The Death of CNN & the Mainstream Media
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Oh No Mr. Bill, what will we do if the MSM goes under ??? First and foremost "Praise the LORD" !!! Tolerating FAKE NEWS ain't no Christian virtue. No Sir - Not at All !!! BTW, If you sit there long enough and consume their dribble, from the radio or TV, you're gonna be the one who gets consumed !!! Get it ??? Why - if I might ask - do you think they call it TV Programs ??? Come on now, this ain't Jeopardy or rocket science, it's a rhetorical question, demanding a rhetorical answer - PROGRAMMING !!! Look, the MSM has had it's chance and they've lost the trust of the "Awakened Americans" and all that President Trump has done is point this out.(Jul 05 2017) - Will you take the RFID chip ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Soon enough, there will be internet outlets offering souped up intel chips at basement bargain prices. At first they'll say it's gov't approved artificially enhanced intelligence, and then the free market will kick in. Next they'll change the patent names from artificial intelligence to augmented intelligence to educational intelligence to accepted intelligence to perfect intelligence, and in the end ... final intelligence. Unless this Orwellian onslaught is curbed quickly, a Manchurian matrix and madness will manifest, as the knowledge of a Loving and Caring GOD gets deleted.(Jul 04 2017) - Extremely Unethical - CNN Draws Backlash
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Everyone is missing the FAKE NEWS angle concerning this video. It's The Russians !!! They are the ones who created this video that triggered CNN into an "Extremely Unethical" report ... kinda like that video that former SOS Hillary said triggered a raid on the U.S. compound, causing Ambassador Stevens death. All sarcasm aside - seriously CNN - you wanna-cry about this WWE Take-Down video ? Lookie here CNN and MSM, the 1st Amendment protects everyone’s rights re: free speech, and for too long your corner market on news has failed. So ... from here-on-out, the REAL NEWS will be delivered by people and for the people !!!(Jul 03 2017) - VATICAN : Just 1 Of 8,000 Pedophile Priests
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- It bothers me greatly, knowing that this reported "Number" of predator priests is much so small in comparison to the Vatican's over all history of sexual abuse and murder. And BTW, you cannot fix these perverts with a pill or a program. They have to be locked up and you have to throw away the key. At one time there was so many that GOD had to clean house - a couple of times. Folks, this end-time epidemic is what controls kings and queens, bankers and bread makers, movie stars and military's, politicians and prostitutes. I could go on, but you get the picture.(Jul 02 2017) - VIDEO : President Trump Body-Slams CNN
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Folks ... this is how you keep the MSM lap-dogs running in the opposite direction and off the scent. Look, President Trump can give these FAKE NEWS NUT JOBS a little head tilt and off they'll go. I'm tellin' you, my hats off to President Trump and how he can keep these dogs of destruction at bay. With all the good things President Trump is accomplishing and all the good speeches that he's making, all abc's adolescents can report is how hurt they feel, 'cause it's all about Me-Me-Me !!! Well, maybe after 8 yrs, we'll sympathize with you some. NOT !!!(Jul 02 2017) - FANTASTIC FOLKS & 4th OF JULY FIREWORKS !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Last night at the Porterville Sports Complex, I met some of the nicest folks who came out to view the Fireworks. I arrived early to hand out flyer's for an Aug 12th event called "EXTRAVAGANZA FOR HOPE" and the place was filling up quickly. I saw literally hundreds of pop-up tents, BBQ's, side-games and large family gatherings. I saw and talked with folks from all parts of Tulare County and from all persuasions but what I did not see or encounter were Muslims - None !!! Of all the Holidays to acclimate with and into, INDEPENDENCE DAY is the biggest for showing your support for America. And yet they failed to show up and participate !!! So, Porterville, I'm gonna let them know I was offended. Will you ???(Jun 30 2017) - Ex Order on Reviving the National Space Council
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What do you say folks ... looks like President Trump just put AREA 51 and the likes of all those DEEP SPACE agencies and adventurers on notice, with this new Executive Order. Reviving this old mothballed "National Space Council" can only mean one thing, President Trump is either gonna share with the public what he now knows about "UFO's - "ET's" and "Abductions" or he's gonna DEEP SIX them all together. My hunch is, he wants to control any disclosures before the Vatican does and before the NEW WORLD ORDER uses it to user in their luciferian saviour. What say you ???(Jun 27 2017) - Trump : What about the other phony stories ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay guys, this is where we pile on the FAKE NEWS corporations along side President Trump !!! For too many years, these establishment ingrates havespreadspewed so much disinformation that you'd think they were from a different country & had a different philosophy. They all fight for the attention of their viewers & readers to the point of no return, & to their own discredit. Fortunate for America, the independent internet investigators have come the rescue, in spite of these NWO Nut-Jobs, Suck-Ups, Holly-Weirdo's and luciferians.(Jun 26 2017) - NSA Has Recordings of Trump Phone Calls ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's where the rubber's gonna meets the road. For sure, the White House - and every room or structure thereabouts - is surveyed and bug scanned for others doing the same on a minute by minute basis. And yes, the NSA has that capability and then some. Folks, the DEEP STATE has it's cross-hairs on the White House, and BTW, they can capture any intel, sound or voice from any source - is it live or is it Memorex - and then plant onto another persons iphone, ipad and computer ... even if their apparatus' are off line. Scary stuff, I know ... but real !!!(Jun 26 2017) - Day After "Hot Weekend" Up-Date
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- On Saturday I went to a car show with my 69 Chevelle SS held at a local Church. It was a first for them and a last for me. I did talk with several "Christians" there and the Pastor re: The Posterville Post and the reaction was the same - kinda lukewarm. Sunday I went to Church (PTL) and on Monday morning, I had to make a bank run. While I was there I witnessed to a Muslim woman from Yemen. I asked her a few questions, got a few typical answers. The best response I got from her was that she acknowledged that Mohammed was not the real name of their "false" prophet. That shook her up pretty good that I knew this and made her a bit more open to the Gospel. And that's what I did, I shared with her about JESUS CHRIST. What did you guys do ... ???(Jun 25 2017) - RULERS OF EVIL by Tupper Saussy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... so you want something intriguing to wet your whistle with this weekend. I suggest that you curl up around this - almost banned - book called "RULERS OF EVIL" by Tupper Saussy. At first glance you might say this (PDF) is too long for a simple one-day sit-down. You may be right. But take your time, if you're not familiar with this subject, and read it all. I guarantee that you'll come away with a different world view, as to who really rules the world, and how evil these people are. GOD Bless ...(Jun 24 2017) - Podesta summoned to 'SECRET' House session
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Looks like John "The Predator" Podesta has been summoned to a secret House Intel Committee to answer a few questions. I'm sure that he's gonna ask for something in return for his testimony, and I'm sure this committee is well prepared to show him a few of their findings to get him to squawk. Folks, for sure intel committees have been "PRIVY" re: assets and agents who blackmail and or hoodwink politicians and players, once they set them adrift into "The Swap". And with John, being a "John" to the last D.C. Madame - Hillary Clinton - his testimony will either send him up the river for a long time, or her. Maybe both !!!(Jun 24 2017) - Trump Ends Celebrating Ramadan in WH
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For a couple of decades the White House let Islamic invaders dine on their premises and on the tax payers dime. NOT NO MORE !!! President Trump, as well as many others in his administrations has concluded - Americans really haven't got much of anything from this un-American activity, so Muslims have been told - in so many words - hit the road. No more free diners and no more free rides. (And take your crazy quran with you on your way out)(Jun 24 2017) - When Evangelicals Become Useful Idiots for Islam
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes everyone has heard the phrase that "Love Conquers All" ... except for one little bitty thing it doesn't conquer - TRUTH !!! Yes love makes a lot of ouches go away and love - they say - makes the world go around (it dosen't) and love holds the keys to a good marriage - no doubt - however ... it's the Love of TRUTH, not the love of love, but the love of TRUTH which set men free. Christians listen up. If you want to water down your relationship with GOD, then incorporate other religions into your world view. But if you study to show yourself approved, TRUTH will rise to the top and half-truths will become filthy rags.(Jun 23 2017) - James Comey "Visits" N.Y. Times building ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Uh ... (James Comey) ... me and my wife ... uh ... we were in there looking for a new job at the New York Times ... uh ... no - hold on - we were looking to rent an office space, that's it. That's all we were doing - that's it. I'll check with my notes when I get back home, but ... NO ... we did not talk to any(more) New York Times reporters. No sir, we did not !!! We want this new office space so the Russians can't hack into what we're secretly doing, 'cause the Times is gonna be our new SAFE PLACE. Oh yeah, we went to that CASA thingy too. Yes, this is sarcasm & satire, but ... you never know ???(Jun 22 2017) - Trump just clarified the "Comey Tapes" situation
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Don't you just love it when these nincompoops get outed as imbeciles ??? President Trump just called out every stinking surveillance operation in America - let alone ex-FBI criminal James "The Leaker" Comey - re: their conversations being taped. As it turns out, none have surfaced, and none will, unless of course wikileaks or some anonymous hackers can find them. I'm tellin' you, if there's any recordings re: their conversations ... The RUSSIANS have it !!! (LOL) Idiots - Every last one of them ...(Jun 21 2017) - FRANKENSKIES : FULL LENGTH DOCUMENTARY
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Make sure that you watch this latest video about CHEMTRAILS - AKA "Geo-Engineering". For years the military industrial complex, and their mad scientists, have been toying with the weather. And so far what they've been able to produce is "Extreme Weather" not milder weather - EXTREME !!! The Ozone is damaged, the upper jet stream is damaged, the air we breath is damaged, the crops are damaged, the seas are damaged, the earth is damaged and the people are damaged !!! I better stop there, or my righteous anger will get the best of me.(Jun 21 2017) - Only leftists are allowed to be angry ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Righteous anger must be exhibited at the right time, at right place and for the right cause. The Bible say ... Be ye angry; and sin not ..." meaning, it's okay to be angry but make sure that you do it without malice. Listen up lefties, America understands that you're always hot-and-bothered about something, and we know that the First Amendment protects your right to share your thoughts - out loud - but goodness gracious, dial it down a bit so we can have a dialogue !!!(Jun 20 2017) - We Have to Stop Chasing Russian Ghosts ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- At one point in history the MSM was, who ya gonna call - que the music - when real investigations were needed. But when collusion and conspiracy connect, and by all appearances the teams looks like ghost busters, then Congressman Nunes words must be heeded ... "We have to stop chasing Russian Ghosts ..." and that goes for everyone - especially the MSM !!! Look folks, Russia does not want to have a WAR with the west, let alone America. They want "Normal Relations" with us and we with them !!!(Jun 19 2017) - RNC Contractor 'Accidentally' Exposed Records
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So let me get this straight ... someone was able to get into an unsecured AMAZON server - who BTW is connected to the Washington Post (DEEP THROAT) and the CIA (DEEP STATE) - and was able to LEAK the records of 198 million republican voters ??? How about we just say it this way ... someone made it very easy for someone to accidentally click across this URL and discover the contents for themselves ??? Better yet, let's just call it like it is ... another NEW WORLD ORDER message was sent to President Trump !!!(Jun 18 2017) - Chris Wallace Gets Owned by Trump Lawyer
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Boy howdy ... once this video exchange between blow hard - Chris Wallace - and attorney Jay Sekulow from American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) - and who's also part of President Trumps battalion of lawyers - goes viral, there just might be another vacancy at Fox News. Mr. Sekulow, I'm here to tell you, just ate Chris Wallace's lunch and dinner. Obvious to the viewers is the MSM's attempt to get someone - anyone - to state anything about insider stuff, so they can quickly turn the tables and say they LEAKED it during an interview, and they should be investigated and or recused. Great Job Jay !!!(Jun 18 2017) - THE SWAMP REACHES TO THE BRITISH ISLES
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This short and accurate reading of Britain's continued colonization of America is a must venture for those seeking the length and breath of the DEEP SWAMP and the DEEP STATE. Folks, even though we have a signed "Declaration of Independence" issued at England and celebrate our independence on the 4th of July, truth be told ... we're still DEEPLY DEPENDENT !!! All the signs are all around us signifying this fact - in the court rooms and in the corporate rooms. Here's the video ...(Jun 15 2017) - Pictorial collection of Liberal Media Hypocrisy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... so the MSM has been trying to cover both sides of a story, but come on, what it really looks like is blatant liberal hypocrisy. Yes, they're trying to report on a subject, and when they get it wrong they simply reverse what was reported without saying it was a corrected, or put it in another section of the paper or web site. Folks, FAKE NEWS is what honest journalism calls lying. BAD NEWS is what honest folks calls the MSM.(Jun 15 2017) - Trump vs The Deep State
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Honestly, you have to consider the angle of BLACKMAILING your enemies, assets, agents, politicians and so on to control the outcome. Yes money can do the trick - if it ain't too much - but usually it's blackmail or the cleaners come in. Now ... was this a "Hit-Job" on Congressman Steve Scalise because of someone's anger, or was it to send a message to back off of the #PIZZAGATE investigations ??? At this point it looks like the DEEP STATE wants President Trump to take notice, shut up and to tell others to do likewise.(Jun 13 2017) - The Jeff Sessions Hearing Went Nowhere
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Of course this "WITCH HUNT" for "FAKE NEWS" went nowhere. I watched the Senate intelligence hearing / inquiry / investigation / probing / fault finding / lecturing and pontificating aimed at discounting anything which A.G Jeff Sessions might say in his defence, and not once did I hear any intelligent questions from this intelligence committee. Apparent to most was their shameful attempt to shame Sessions and his professional relationship with and for the President, especially Sen. Kamala Harris' harassment, which had to be called out by the Committee chair.(Jun 13 2017) - Trump scolds 'dirty' media
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well that sounds about right ... "DIRTY MEDIA". As a matter of fact I kinda like that label as much as I do "FAKE NEWS". Albeit, "Dirty Media" conjurers up the idea of the MSM digging up dirt on someone whom they don't like - in spite of the facts - and then presenting it as news. Back in the day, it used to be said, that a man's word was his bond. And now any of the words which are printed or presented by the "Dirty Media" ain't worth bonding, let alone clean. But you knew that - and so does President Trump !!!(Jun 11 2017) - Eye Witness to Seth Rich's Murder Talks
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- BREAKING !!! This guy in this video who just said that he was there when Seth Rich was shot and saw that he "walking" with police to, I guess an ambulance - better get into some PROTECTIVE CUSTODY really quick. I mean PDQ !!! Now ... if he knows that he's hot and goes into hiding, odds are we'll never see or hear from him again. As for this video, most of the MSM won't touch it with a ten foot poll, let alone lend any credibility to it. That's where the internet investigators show up and start digging. More to come ...(Jun 11 2017) - How Muslims Take Control of America
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- WAKE UP PORTERVILLE !!! Your city is being groomed for a possible take over by Muslims !!! For years I have been warning leaders - political and Christian - that this is happening. To some degree an acknowledgement of this concern was outwardly manifested, however any action from that initial point of awareness basically morphed into silence, due - I'm sure - to political correctness. Yes, Porterville has a mosque. Yes, Muslims own many businesses in the Porterville area. And yes, they "ACT" like they're acclimating into the American culture. The key word here is ... ACT !!! The second is motive !!! The third is timing - due to your silence !!!(Jun 10 2017) - President Trump Zeros in on Elite Pedophiles
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is a War on Sexual Perverts - plain and simple. It always has been and always will be. It just took some time to get the right people elected and put the right people in the right places to start cracking down on the wrong people - especially the evil elite !!! Folks, these cursed criminals have no intention of stopping, and ... for-the-most part, do not have the where-with-all to stop even if they wanted too. You just gotta lock them up and throw away the key. Few - if any - can be reformed or restored, even after repenting, they'll return to their own vomit. It's called the Sodom and Gomorrah Syndrome.(Jun 08 2017) - Wray tied to Shariah-compliant deals ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Sure enough, it looks like the internet investigators are seeing something that may or may not be a problem with President Trump's new nominee for FBI director - Christopher Wray. Yes, he was part of a law firm that mediated Sharia financing - bad, very bad. So ... when Wray goes through the confirmation process, congress will need to bone-up on this islamic issue to make sure he's Constitutionally Compliant and not another sharia sympathizer. Like I've said in the past, competency is nothing - LOYALTY is Everything ... something that fired FBI director lacked !!!(Jun 06 2017) - London's Mayor 'Buddy-Buddy' with attacker's ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is what you end up with when you play the game of political correctness - leaders who stand for nothing & fall for everything ! Folks, it's apparent to apologists & historians of America, that America is Great, because Americans do great things. We have great laws & great freedoms because we adhere to the giver of those great rights - GOD ALMIGHTY !!! Now if other countries or cities - like London - need to blend bizarre beliefs into their nations & laws, that's on them. Look, Islam, has taken root in England & America better take stock - or suffer likewise !!!(Jun 04 2017) - IS IT SAFE TO BE NEAR MUSLIMS ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Obviously this is a rhetorical question, with an obvious answer. NO !!! There's no tellin' when he or she might become "Self Radicalised" and use you as a target. Folks, these islamic infiltrators are on a mission to terrorise and take over westernised countries, and in particular America. Should you always be on the defensive with these muslim malcontent’s ? YES !!! Look ... if you do not fully understand who they really are or what their mission is, or how to lead them to JESUS CHRIST, then by all means, stay away from them, stay out of their stores, and stay away from their mosques.(Jun 04 2017) - REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN (PDF)
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Every now & again, I'll find an article which covers the same info I've fleshed-out & I'll take a few minutes to compare & or contrast their take on an issue - something many of the Post's readers do as well. With that, let me say this. Dean Henderson, presumably an honest leftist, kinda lines up his synopsis re: the Report from Iron Mountain, pretty much like those of us on the right do. Concluding, his thesis + our antithesis = this synthesis ... WAR IS NEEDED FOR PEACE ???(Jun 02 2017) - 35 MUSLIM STORE OWNERS Arrested ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So ... are the feds monitoring the muslims in Porterville who own businesses. Yep ... especially those who possess unregistered guns - obtained from gang members. Folks, these stores don't generatelaunderthat much money from their business, and for sure their quarterly tax reports are less than accurate, 'cause they transfer ownership to other family members within 4-6 years. Worst of all - is this fact - you continue to do business with FREEDOMS ENEMIES !!!(Jun 02 2017) - Google, Facebook are Upset ... because
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Internet Freedom - without third party interventions - is REAL FREEDOM. Free from those who want to sell your private info and web browsings to whoever at the highest price, who - in turn - will sell it over and over again, to GOD only knows. The solution is simple for most ISP's, just add a pop-up box - not a cookie - that's not obscure and readable with an accept button, and boom, there you go. Problem solved. Folks, if Google and Facebook did this third party scam to each other, there'd be sewing each other on an hourly basis. And the "Internet of Things" ... well they'll probably use that to crash the web.(Jun 01 2017) - Globalist Says He Controls American Policy ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is exactly why America needs to pull out of all these NEW WORLD ORDER agreements - you loose your sovereign rights as a nation and soverign rights as a people. President Trump ain't gonna let the American tax payers continue to pay for a bunch of freeloading nations or a bunch of freeloading agencies. He's letting these ingrates share their concerns - mostly socialist - and he has determined they ain't worth a hill of beans and America ain't gonna plant anymore of those beans either. Period - Paragraph !!!(Jun 01 2017) - Senator Chuck Schumer "Colluding" with Putin ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- THIS JUST IN ... Senator Chuck Schumer demands that the White House open up an independent investigation re: another possible collusion with President Putin and this unidentified member of the Senate. Schumer has told the MSM, yes there is some resemblance of himself, but it was probably photo-shopped to look like him with President Putin and he wants an investigation. Folks ... yes I've funned you all a bit re: this picture ... but it really is Schumer with Putin. What an idiot ...(Jun 01 2017) - Kathy "Garbage Mouth" Griffin is Gone !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, as much as I do not want to give this whinny woman - Kathy "Garbage Mouth" Griffin - any more attention re: showing a mocked up display on President Trump's head severed with blood dripping down it's face, I gotta say, she cut her own throat and CNN should've canned this anti-Christian and anti-American Don Rickles wanna-bee years ago. Folks, even if she's fired from anything else CNN has or does, trust me, they have plenty more the same filth - they call news and entertainment - to point their cameras at. So ... if you want to boycott CNN, that's great. But if you want to tell them why, CLICK HERE !!!(May 29 2017) - PROOF THE DNC HAD SETH RICH MURDERED!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Speculating without the facts seems to be the norm for the MSM. America calls it FAKE NEWS. However, when honest journalism speculates, the MSM says it's a conspiracy theory, verbiage contrived by the CIA a few years back. Great journalism follows leads to where ever it takes them and for whatever it costs. In the case of Seth Rich, one must connect all the possibilities and motives, which this editor suggests looking a bit closer into who can schew the evidence - authorities investigating and or agents planting intel, leaking lies, or worse.(May 27 2017) - Comey Lied: FBI Illegally Shared Raw Intel
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Say it isn't so MSM !!! Former FBI Director James Comey wouldn't have lied to the American people, the President of the United States of America, let alone Congress and other nations ... say it isn't so ... the Porterville Posts dares you !!! But, as usual, your shades of truth is a slime veneer, a sham and an incestuous elitist insult against the intelligence of the American peoples. In many countries, you'd spew your FAKE NEWS once and then you'd have to put-up or shut-up or face incarceration.(May 26 2017) - DHS chief: If you knew what I knew ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay, now we can get somewhere !!! First you have to acknowledge there's a problem, and that's what DHS Chief John Kelly just did on TV. Next, the Federal Gov't needs to act faster & better re: Islamic Terrorism on the home front. Third, if the DHS wants you to "See Something and Say Something" then by GOD they need to DO SOMETHING !!! "Back-door-Barry" gave these haters of humanity eight years to burrow into our country, our communities and our culture, and I'm tellin' you ... America needs our help - RIGHT NOW - to remain American !!!(May 25 2017) - It’s Time to Terrorize the Terrorists
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So where and when do you draw the line re: Islamic Terrorists ??? We know their "Rules of Engagement" - the Quran - cannot be reformed and their culture of commanding right and forbidding wrong, is centuries old. So where and when do we draw the line ??? First of all, the real Religion of Peace comes from the King of Peace - JESUS CHRIST !!! Look folks, Islam and their practitioners have been tolerated for too long and they've crossed the line, not wanting our western ways or our Christian culture. So, now is the time to take a stand, with your Family, your Friends, your Church, your neighborhood, local authorities and politicians ... if they'll take heed and take a stand !!!(May 24 2017) - UFOs and Martial Law !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, for sometime now, I - as well as many other Christian apologetic researchers - have been tracking this whole UFO thingy and it's possible end-time effects leading to some collective kind of Martial Law - leading to a NEW WORLD ORDER. However, what's missing from these luciferians hocus-pocus 3D Displays of an Invasion, are the weapons which may appear and or be used. Youtube video's have folks who talk about abductions, being implanted, becoming paralyzed and so on, but there are few, if any, video's which actually show any devices which can be used to attack planet earth. That, my friends, changes the equation of an invasion ... real or fake.(May 23 2017) - Authorities ‘Rehearsed’ Attack Weeks Before
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, for what its worth, I'm gonna put this report out there - as is - to see how long it will stand. Why ? Only because this story reports that the authorities had been rehearsing for this attack a few weeks prior to the concert. Second reason is that these same authorities may have called a "Stand-Down" order from one of their own "Deep State" officials. Folks, this happens too many times where the authorities have a pretty good take on what's about to go down and then stifle themselves, fearing, not the perpetrators nor the people, but their Puppet-Masters.(May 23 2017) - 400 Hundred Billion for Health Care ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Riots and civil war coming this summer ??? Well if it does, California might be the first state to kick it off. First they want to secede from the nation and to dig that hole a little deeper and faster these idiots in Sacramento want to foster a single payer solution to heath care which would cost the state ... $400,000,OOO.00 Billion Dollars a year !!! Now where in this state can you find that much money, since businesses are fleeing at break-neck-speed ??? The TAX PAYERS, who can barely make ends meet as it is.(May 22 2017) - 800 Churches Nationwide Harboring Illegals
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- 800 Churches ??? Are you sure, only 800 Churches ??? My guess is there's a whole lot more, especially knowing that illegal immigrants rarely tell the church pastors or priest that they are illegal. As a rule, most illegal immigrants keep a low profile, even after they have a few anchor babies. And as strange as this may seem, these churches aren't harbouring these illegals out of the kindness of their hearts. No way Jose !!! Many are doing it FOR PROFIT !!! Yes, there's money in them-there illegals.(May 21 2017) - Text of President Trump’s Speech in Saudi Arabia
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the text of the speech that President Trump gave in Saudi Arabia. Please read through it at your pleasure and be ready to respond to the MSM when they start slitting hairs re: what he said ... especially those "f-bombing" democ-RATS from California. I have to say, if all the MSM can do at this point is to remain silent re: anythinggoodgreat that President Trump does overseas for America, well ... the internet news media will come through, again, as usual. You're welcome ...(May 21 2017) - President Trump well received by Saudi Arabia
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Was there any difference when President Donald Trump was received in Saudi Arabia than whenPresidentObama showed up ??? YES, a thousand times YES !!! President Trump is very much RESPECTED as a "Mans-man" and greatly feared by all his enemies, whereas "Back-door-Barry" an effeminate "Deep State" slave, and muslim "apostate", needed to embarrassingly genuflect to gain a smidgen of respect from the King. On the other hand, President Trump, nor the First Lady, never capitulated America's culture or beliefs while being received.(May 21 2017) - F*** Bombs from Dem's Convention Stage
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- All I can say is ... GOD Have Mercy on California !!! Here we are basically five months into the Trump Presidency and these angry like-the-devil democ-RATS have all but lost their ever-lovin' minds, mouths and manners. Folks, I'm sure these liberal loonie-birds are gonna have it bad for a while, but goodness gracious, for the out-going chairman of the democ-RAT party in California - John Burton - to say to the crowd from the stage to "f*** Trump" and so on, is in fact inciting anarchy and posses an actual threat to the President. But what can I say, the MSM does it nightly at 6PM.(May 20 2017) - Wiki "LEAKS" Mueller's Connections to Russia
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Collusion with the Russians ??? Maybe not so much with President Trump. Deep State connections ??? Maybe with former FBI director Robert Mueller. Look, fired James Comey was Robert Mueller's underling when he was the "G" man, under Bush and Obama. Second, Mueller has notes on Comey and Comey has notes on Mueller, that's a given with the heads of any agency. So ... do I think that this "Independent Investigation" is gonna be fair, albeit accurate ??? Hold on a minute ... let me check some notes ... NOPE !!!(May 20 2017) - How will we keep our thoughts private ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Will there ever come a time when you can't recognize your own thoughts ? Yup and for many who work in the fields of Artificial Intelligence or Embedded Technology say ... NOW IS THE TIME to address this issue or all bets are off. Folks, when the developers of this "Mark of the Beast" technology warns the public at large re: their concerns, it may be too late. Odds are that some Deep State "Men-in-Black" agents threatened these scientists - as usual - to hush them up ... or else. GOT JESUS ??? They don't !!!(May 19 2017) - DNC Whistle Blower Left to Die in Hosp' ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This just in ... from what this "Screen Captured" Twitter account says, by an attending intern at this hospital, Seth Rich came in with gun shot wounds "which weren't life threatening" and later on in the evening/morning, someone authorized a "No Rounds" to this VIP patient {highly unusual} and a "No Code" alarm was also issued. Apparently - according to this anonymous Twitter account - they let him die ... or caused him to die !!! I wonder who ??? (VIDEO UP-DATE)(May 19 2017) - Drag Queens in Libraries doing' WHAT ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Really ... really !!! Our tax dollars are going to Libraries which allow "Porno-Presentations" ... my bad ... "Creepy Cross-Dressers" to read to innocent children in public libraries about ... "Creepy Cross-Dressers" ... my bad ... "Drag Queens". Give me a break !!! These kids are kids, and are not suppose to have any kind of decision making ability until they reach the age of 18. Folks, these "Drag-Clowns" have no place in the public library, let alone, being alone with easily impressionable kids. I'm tellin' you, Sodom and Gomorrah would have died to see this day. Oh ... that's right ... they did.(May 18 2017) - MAGA - MAKE AMERICA GODLY AGAIN !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As always, very well written and to the point. Pastor Mario Murillo, I must say, won't mince words with whiners or weirdo's, and he won't step back from a righteous fight. I know he's laid a lot on the line as a Pastor and has a track record of admonishing others to follow in his footsteps, as I do. Why ? Because most of the time his messages are right on and appropriate. So ... President Trump's back-up plan is right on as well. Thank you Pastor Mario.(May 18 2017) - An Attack on U.S. Soil ... by Muslims ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I'm sorry, but this unnecessary attack by Erdogan's bodyguards at Turkey's embassy in Wash D.C. (VIDEO) on peaceful protesters is nothing less than an attack by a foreign country on sovereign soil - (VIDEO). You would think by now other countries in the U.N. would've condemned this attack, but nothing so far. No not a peep. As for the MSM, this ain't news worthy enough for them, 'cause their agenda is much like the Muslims - to muzzle the masses by creating chaos.(May 18 2017) - CIVIL WAR ... If Trump Is Impeached ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For all too long this issue re: the elite being involved with child sexual abuse, paedophilia & trafficking has been swept under the rug by the MSM ... because ... they're the elites last line of defence ! Countless times I've shared what I know - including this morning - of who the culprits are & that they'll create CIVIL WAR to keep their secrets, secret. Yes, putting it on a HARD BLAST via the internet, youtube & f-book, is a good start. What must be done is a 4AM HARD KNOCK on the elites doors, followed by some diesel therapy, a little righteous rendition, then lock them up and of course, POSTING their names & addresses, like the filth they are.(May 17 2017) - Putin says Trump didn't pass Russia secrets
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, Jeeze Louise !!! Now the MSM is gonna say that President's Putin and Trump have some kinda "Bromance" goin' on because Russia's top dog wants in on this dog-fight Trump has with the MSM. Of course the press-ti-tutes are gonna spin it that way, knowing full well it's harder to correct a negative narrative than telling the truth. Folks, let me tell you something, facts can only tell the story once, however FAKE NEWS can go in endless directions and pert-near forever.(May 16 2017) - Christian pastor admits worshiping Allah ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Listen up Porterville !!! This is what happens when ignorance goes to seed. A group of local pastors in North Carolina came together to honor the opening of a local mosque, which used to be a Pentecostal Church. Yup ... you read that right, and this is happening all over America and it happened right here in Porterville, where a group on Muslims bought a local church building over on 3rd Street and then converted it into a mosque. And guess what, the local police were invited to an "Open House" - 'cause they told me so - and said they were treated nicely. Ignorance, I'm tellin' you ... pure dee ole ignorance !!!(May 15 2017) - McMaster: WaPo Classified Info Story Is False
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's the MSM's dilemma. They've created this false story re: the Russians interfering with the 2016 Presidential elections and as this latest reports indicates, their sources was called out by National Security advisor, Admiral McMasters as FAKE NEWS !!! Now, let me tell you why President Trump is allowing this charade to continue. The MSM's dilemma is this, they - and their networks - have many more connections and investments in Russia and this is why they need to out Trump before AG Sessions' - or the internet investigators - outs them. Stay tuned ...(May 15 2017) - Maxine Waters Held $200k in Russian Funds
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Come on MSM !!! This one aught to be easy !!! Here you have a "Congress Creature" from California - Maxine Waters - yapping as loud as she can to impeach President Trump for his supposed connections to Russia, and yet SHE SHOULD BE IMPEACHED for holding over $200,000 in a Russian Federation retirement account. Unless of course you guys are on the take as well. No, I apologize. I know you guys wouldn't lower your standards to her level. My Bad ... (LOL)(May 15 2017) - Ransomware "Genies Out Of The Bottle"
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- New questions to ponder ... for instance ... the timing of this "WannaCry" ransomware ravaging computers all over the planet lends one to suppose ... hum ... was FBI James Comey privy to this hack-and-smack attack ??? And, was President Trump threatened this would take place if he messed with any of the "Deep State" Intel Agencies ??? And finally, if any of these dots are someway connected, will President Trump clip the heards of CIA and the NSA - Clapper and Rogers - as well ??? Because ... you know Micro-Slop ain't gonna take it in the shorts.(May 14 2017) - MINIONS EXPOSED AND GOING DOWN !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now that THE HAMMER - the CIA/NSA Super Computer & Program - has been exposed, it and it's programs have been mirrored through out the entire world - basically hiding in plain sight now. Why on earth do you think that this latest NSA RANSOMEWARE was Triggered ??? To cover up it's trails, connections and back-doors. Then the CIA alerts Micro-Slop to send out a patch, to reboot THE HAMMER - unsuspectingly. Just so you know, the CIA/NSA, did this to send a message to President Trump ... "you take us down, then we'll take the world down" ... and blame you.(May 13 2017) - Mass Hypnosis, Mind Control & Trigger Words
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look ... businesses pay out the nose for TV time, knowing full well that certain images and words can TRIGGER impulse buyers to purchase their products. Well back in the day those buyers had to wait until the next day to go shopping. Now, those impulse buyers can push a button on their smart phones and wham'o, instantaneous gratification. And you say there's no such thing as MASS HYPNOSIS. Wait until they use the Voice of God technology on you. By then you'll be brain fried or a Zuckerburg Zombie (pic).(May 13 2017) - ROLLIN' RELIC'S CAR SHOW TODAY
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today from 6am to 3pm the Rollin' Relic's Car Club of Porterville - of which I am a member - will be holding their annual car show at Veterans Park in Porterville - corner of Henderson and Newcomb. This year the entries will need to enter Veterans Park from Henderson Ave and not Newcomb, as the park has been remodelled somewhat. So ... I'll see you guys there.(May 12 2017) - ZERO evidence Trump Colluded with Russians
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- A thousand times a day, the Main-Spew Media (MSM) asks ... "Was there any evidence of Russia influencing the 2016 election" and a thousand times it is ANSWERED ... NO !!! Now, any rational person would think - at this point - that there's something inherently missing from these reporters - and that would be rational, reason, logic, honesty, and of course truth !!! Look, begging to differ re: info not totally vetted is one thing, but to "Brute Force" FAKE NEWS down the throats of TV viewers is deplorable, despicable, deceptive and down-right DANGEROUS.(May 10 2017) - Liberals Repeatedly Attacked James Comey ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I don't know about you guys, but I'm laughing my head off, reading about all these liberals & democ-RATS who wanted FBI Director Comey fired months ago. And, as soon as they got their wish, they're crying foul. I tell ya ... no one knows how tocryLIE out of both sides of their mouth like these swap-RATS. And, in a couple more days you're gonna see more taking-heads exhibit intolerance & ignorance, like buffoonish broadcasters. Man alive, I'm 'bout ready to bust a gut and pee my pants.(May 09 2017) - Jerusalem is holy to Jews, not Muslims !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Just because you say it is, doesn't make it so. Jerusalem is and always will be Jewish. It's mentioned in the Bible close to 670 times, and not a word of it being in the Quran. Nothing !!! So you muslims need to shut their yap re: Jerusalem belonging to islam. And for those muslim store keeps here in Porterville, you better start acclimating a bit more, 'cause the Porterville Chamber of Commerce has your number, as do many of the local discount grocery stores, the Porterville Police and the See Something Say Something folks at DHS. I made sure of that ...(May 09 2017) - 10 Major FBI Scandals on Comey's Watch ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As I suspected, the early lists of what FBI Comey did as director and what he didn't do is amassing. No doubt the AG Sessions has a longer list which he shared with President Trump, and a few others. I tell you what, if I was Trump I would've fired his fanny on the first day of office, just because of all the leaks filling The Swamp. So ... let me let you in on a little secret, James Comey got outed by his underlings and whistle blowers, and they put it to Trump this way - its him or us !!! More to come ...(May 09 2017) - MEXICO : 2nd Deadliest Country in the World ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Did someone say bad hombres ??? Yup, I believe it was President Donald J. Trump, during and after the election. And these numbers from CNN prove he was right, Mexico - according to their report - is the second most deadly country on the planet. Why ? Mostly because of the drug trade and cartels, who - BTW - the CIA kinda oversees. Folks, we do sympathize with Mexico and their plight, but goodness gracious, we need that wall for our protection and to stop the drug runners. Maybe Trump can appoint "Dog the Bounty Hunter" to a DHS position. He ain't afraid ...(May 08 2017) - Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who's Sicker ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Amazingly, vaccine "SIDE EFFECTS" - like most 30 second TV commercials selling drugs - aren't ever listed. Yes, you see commercials on TV saying that your child has to be vaccinated or they can't go to school, but never do you see any one of these commercials WARNING you about vaccines side effects - including DEATH !!! And now we have new research comparing the side effects of children who have been vaccinated vs un-vaccinated. And the results of who gets sick more are obvious - those with the NEEDLE MARKS !!!(May 05 2017) - Plans to tax space travel ... by the mile ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Surely Governor "Moonbeam" Brown wouldn't sign a bill that would actually tax rocket ships - by the mile - launched from the state of California ??? Or would he ??? Of course he would, and so would any of his little "Moonbeams" in the Assembly and Senate craft such a con. Folks, these lunatics done launched their logic years ago, let alone any rational re: this idiotic idea. Lest we forget, their unfunded "High Speed Rail" has yet to be launch ... Wonder Why ???(May 05 2017) - Details of the Treason Against the Actual U.S.
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- From the get-go, con's have always wanted the bigger prize. And for Kingdom killers, like the City of London and the Vatican, the prize was AMERICA - lock, stock and barrel. It was the "New World" and those who sailed to these shores "assumed" opportunity and freedom ... even if they were initially indentured at landfall. And for a time, there was opportunity and freedom, until those who paid up-front for this voyage wanted a return on their investment - all land patents and title deeds. Soon a war was needed to fuel this fraud, and another and another. Now there's so many treasonous layers of authority, gov't and ownership ... GOD's help is needed to Drain the Swamp.(May 04 2017) - List of Obamacare Taxes Repealed TODAY !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And so it begins - in the House - undoing many of the taxes that "Back-door-Barry" promised not to inflict on the American people, by repealing some of the HELL he secretly placed in the Healthcare act. Folks, This bill (HR 1628) still has to make its way through the Senate and then be placed on President Trump's desk for signing. But for now, it's a good start, and the House - in unison - needs to announce it this way or the MSM will manifest a negative narrative. What say you ???(May 03 2017) - An Official Illuminati Web Site ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Just the other day I sat down with a few new friends and we discussed many issues, spiritually, politically, and about secret societies - in particular the Illuminati. So, I shared what I knew and then referred them to the Porterville Post. I saw them a week later and we continued our conversations at a gathering of the Porterville Area Republican Assembly, and I suggested they continue reading the Post for any updates re: the Illuminati. So, for my new friends, and many of our loyal adherents, here's a web site called www.IlluminatiOfficial.org for your perusing.(May 03 2017) - The Biggest Loser, Newspaper Reporters ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yup ... the Porterville Post kinda saw this coming - newspapers being out performed by the on-line media. In the beginning we had several offers to actually go into print and provide the public another option for local news. But, I told all these big money men, until I hear from GOD, ain't no money gonna direct what GOD has built. Now ... I will say this, if - and I say if - GOD does want the Porterville Post to go into print, HE knows how to get my attention and change my direction. So, until that day, we will remain on-line and FREE to the public.(May 02 2017) - Hell freezes over: Lefties attack Obama
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So now these leftist lunatics see the ways of their lying leader, "Back-door-Barry". Of all their incessant jibber-jabber re: equality and fairness, they - as well as obama - are responsible for destroying their own political party. And clamoring about how he's collected so much money for his speeches after being in office, tells me three things why they're mad ... (1) the DNC got fooled, (2) the media got fooled and (3) the commie loving snowflakes got fooled. But not President Trump !!!(May 02 2017) - Knights elect leader to enact Vatican reforms
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So what's the sticking point with the Knights of Malta (KM) and the Vatican ? As always ... it's the BLOODLINE !!! Just like the Knights Templar (KT) who eventually had a Jewish bloodline - after marrying into it - the Pope's authority stops with Peter. Not so with the (KM). So, this falling-out that these semi-autonomous religious groups had, and the demand from the Vatican to reform the leadership of the (KM) - 'cause their linage to the land "JERUSALEM" superseded the holdings of the Vatican - is all about controlling the FINAL TEMPLE and TEMPLE PRIESTS !!! Got it ??? Good ...(May 01 2017) - Obama ducks court summons ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And here you go, an actual video has shown up re: "Back-door-Barry" being served by a processor at his home address in Wash D.C. Now, it also appears that a "Secret Service" agent - with a Russian background ... if you can fathom that - did in fact receive the certified court summons to appear on behalf of this satanic suit called obama. Since the details of this summons is still somewhat sketchy, will have to wait and see what transpires. So ... stay tuned, 'cause more info is on the way.(May 01 2017) - The Circle: Conservative Movie of 2017 ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- On Sunday my daughter and I went to see this movie called - The Circle - and ceded the same observations, and then compared it to APPLE PARK located in Cupertino, CA. All these automations that many software companies and it's spin off sub-cultures are working to develop, plus all their artificial intelligence genius' and gurus are "in fact" funneling the future of the world towards this "Point-of-no-Return". Eventually, there will be no freedoms or options, and truth will be whatever they mandate it is, and Mercer - according to this movie, and the way I see it - died as a result of this technology. WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!(Apr 30 2017) - Why millennials are backing away from God
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today, in most mega-churches, you'll notice a vacuum of Holiness and or Sanctification. And in many smaller churches, which preach Holiness and Sanctification, you'll notice a desire to grow and become a larger / mega-church. So the parishioner has a choice - as does the next generation of believers - re: worshipping with or without the presence of The HOLY SPIRIT. That, without a doubt, is the connective tissue which holds the Body of Christ together - not programs, plays or preachers !!!(Apr 29 2017) - The Democ-RATS First 100 Days ... (LOL)
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Running all over the world wide web this week are some of the reasons why the democ-RATS lost the 2016 Presidential Election. Nullifying these reports - as always - is the main-spew media (MSM) with their abject silence and or their concerted and collective mockings. The PRESS for years relied on the 1st Amendment to report info to the public but now-a-days, they're just obstructing the facts with biased opinions and FAKE NEWS !!! At one time they were America's allies, but now they're considered ... ENEMIES OF THE STATE !!!(Apr 28 2017) - Feds Investigate Abedin Family For Conspiracy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... now that this report has cleared several aggregating web sites, and looks to have legs, let me chime in with a question or two. As complicit as the main-spew media (MSM) is re: any of these BREAKING REPORTS, people want to know (yeah I stole that from the MSM) when will they stop with all the FAKE NEWS and do some real investigative reporting ? Second, did the Russians really influence the 2016 Presidential elections more than the MUSLIMS influenced Hillary - before, during and after the elections ? Seriously MSM ... do your gal-darn job !!!(Apr 27 2017) - Past Prophecies Concerning the Porterville
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Tonight, @ 6 PM the Porterville Area Republican Assembly (PARA) and guests will be gathering to hear what a few special speakers will be sharing regarding the Christian history of the Porterville area and some past prophesies concerning GOD wanting to use Porterville - in the end times - for a Revival. Typically PARA invites guest speakers who are either in office or who are running for an office. However,many PARA members who are Christian are very interested in this end time message, which - many believe - has political connectivity.(Apr 27 2017) - EXPOSED : Secret Ties To Elite Pedophile Ring
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For decades this "Secret of Secrets" was widely known amongst the "TOP" media moguls, broadcasters, presenters and politicians - CHILD MOLESTING, RAPE & PAEDOPHILIA !!! Just about everyone assigned within every secret agency, here and abroad, was told this was way above their pay-grade and to leave it alone ... or else !!! Folks, let me say this, if we were to round up all these low-life's, and put them in some a rehab hospital or prison, they ain't gonna change. Sodom and Gomorrah is where GOD resolved this issue, because repentance wasn't found in any of them.(Apr 26 2017) - Trump's 100 Days of Media Hostility
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Countering FAKE NEWS and their Utopian agenda of equal-this and equal-that, has been a main-stay at the Porterville Post for years. The main-spew media (MSM), spins stories for their leftist leaning leaders is hopes of luring the masses away from the truth, let alone reality. President Trumps' first 100 days in office - being attacked by the MSM like no other President in the history of America - has in fact accomplished this HUGE thing ... defining the MSM as FAKE !!! And that, as Paul Harvey would say, is the rest of the story ... and a FACT !!!(Apr 25 2017) - Gotham Shield Commences - What Happens Now?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For all its worth, these "Preparedness Drills" by our gov't take place all the time and they should. However, when one looks at the timing and local of some of these drills, well, you'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind, not to hear, see or know what they are preparing for. First of all, the gov't has to have all their contingency plans of self preservation locked in. Second, are the gov't supply lines. Third are the gov't methods of communications amongst themselves and finally for the masses, telling them to stay put and wait for either an emergency intervention or evacuation ... but to where ???(Apr 24 2017) - Who Is Obama ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This article asks all the right questions re: who "Back-door-Barry" is, but lacked any quantifiable answer(s). If approached by what obama says of himself, additional questions arise exponentially. However, if questions are approached by his actions, then traitor was his name, and America's destruction his game. Second - to this easy observation - was and is his associations with the NWO Nut Jobs, occult enclaves, Hollyweird and his pizza people. Third ... his secret service riverboat - the U.S.S. Manchurian - which received navigational orders from the "Q's" above Quantico ... altering all his alters.(Apr 23 2017) - Trump: The Man vs. His Ideas
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- In a controlled crisis, the controllers initiate the crisis for a desired outcome. In an uncontrolled crisis, all bets are off, as the desired outcome is split - at best. Eventually, the instigators are found out, forced out and then fenced out. President Trump knows who some of these instigators are and he needs a little more time and space for these swamp creatures to breach the surface for air and be captured. Right now, President Trump is chumming the waters with FAKE BATE ... 'cause he knows the MSM will bite, as will the democ-RATS, RINO's and NWO !!! Stay in Prayer, so President Trump can stay the course !!!(Apr 23 2017) - Truly ... a Great Day at Church !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today was truly a great day at Church. The HOLY SPIRIT had his way and at times various people from different places from the pews prayed for others. We sang many songs and almost worshipped the entire time. Our Pastor, who plays the guitar and sings, just let GOD speak to HIS Children and it was great !!! Folks might say we are a small Church, but when they come for a visit and leave, they know it's still a small Church, but one with a Big GOD !!! Hallelujah !!!(Apr 21 2017) - New "EXECUTIVE ORDER" Tax Reform
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's one that the T.E.A. Party crusaders should "start" clapping about, an Executive Order on Identifying and Reducing Tax Regulatory Burdens, from President Trump. Like I said ... this is a "start" and one in the right direction. This should also reignition all of Congressman Ron Pauls long time supporters who were calling for something like this and of course an audit of the Federal Reserve. However, will the Big Gov RINO's and Ryans RAT's (Republicans Against Trump) follow suit in the House or Senate before the gov't has to shut down. We'll soon see ...(Apr 21 2017) - The Result of Religion of Rape ... ISLAM !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- As you can see, this woman ain't gonna make it and I'm sure that she is praying for death to take her before another Muslim does. Please notice the ISIS Black Flag in the background along with the price for her ... "Yazidi Woman $10.00". Folks, this practice to capture and rape women is ingrained into every Muslim going to war ... because it's in the Quran, a book which reduces women to that of property and at times worse. GOD Have Mercy ...(Apr 21 2017) - Muslims to March on Amazon Over Prayer Breaks
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Knowing that Amazon uses employees who are Muslims, and knowing they are angry and getting ready to protest in front of Amazons headquarters in Seattle on May 1st ... one must ask - if these angry Muslims don't get their way - what will they do next ? Will they be civil and go through the arbitration process, since SEUI is involved, or will one of George Soros well funded organizations foot the bill, leading these Muslims into the streets to protest ? And what will you do ? Will you continue to foot the bill for Amazon, knowing that Muslims handle your purchases ? Or will you shop elsewhere ? I will ...(Apr 20 2017) - WHAT IF GOD CHOOSES TO GO IT ALONE ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes we've heard this scripture a hundred times, "If my People ..." and it's so true, but what if GOD chooses to go it alone to save mankind, let alone the Body of Christ, assembled at the First Church of Ichabod. Well, that's gonna be HIS decision if Revival isn't listed in the Church's bulletin this year and an AWAKENING ain't happening either. Listen up ... GOD is GOD, and leave no doubt, HE Will keep his Word ... Regardless of America's lack of Repentance !!!(Apr 18 2017) - Heavily armed Muslim warns 'Be terrified'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Could a Muslim Terrorist strike Porterville ? Will one of their targets be a Christian Church ? These are questions which must be answered with Yes, and Yes !!! Porterville, I'm here to tell you, has more than their fair share of Muslims, and their "Religion of Peace" is thin-skinned, 'til you ask them questions, then they'll show you their "Religion of Death". I've seen this instantaneous change too many times to discount their intentions. Porterville, could very well end up like Dearborn, Michigan if silence is our only defense.(Apr 18 2017) - Groundbreaking Hunt for Jesus' Descendants
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- How convenient ... once they say that they've discovered the DNA of the person on the Shroud of Turin, then they can convince the world that Jesus Christ was human like everyone else, and not divine. Watching with greater anticipation are all those Sovereign Kings and Queens who claim a ROYAL BLOODLINE back to and through Joseph and Mary, and even back through to King David and Salomon, so say many "Secret Societies". That's of course if Jesus had any offspring - family yes - offspring no. And the anti-Christ, well, he wants to claim that "Bloodline" or he can't enter the Temple in Jerusalem. Got it ? Good ...(Apr 18 2017) - Schools Sued For Spying On Students ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Peeping Toms in Local School. Yup ... it kinda looks that way. What in the name of education does this have to do with spying on students. Nothing !!! This school in Philadelphia got caught peeping into the private lives of their pupils - via their lap-top computers - and now faces a major law suit. And why not. BTW, a second "Class Action" law suit should be directed toward the software / computer company for setting up this program on the schools computers ... 'cause someone had to educate the educators re: how to operate this program.(Apr 14 2017) - Christian Leader makes this Declaration to Erdogan
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, a very high Priest of the Greek Orthodox Church called out the Turkish leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and informed him - in writing - that if he did not repudiate Islam, and accept JESUS CHRIST as LORD, he and his family will all end up in eternal HELL !!! I'm tellin' you, that's how you win souls for Heaven ... some through LOVE and the rest through FEAR. Now I know there's a few snowflake Christians out there, who'll take offense of what I just said. Why ? Because they've never shared the Gospel or prayed with someone to accept JESUS ... which, is hugely offensive to GOD !!!(Apr 13 2017) - Radical Muslims and Moderate Muslims
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now that I have immersed myself in just about everything I could get my hands on re: Islam, I'm here to tell you, one of the biggest triggers which radicalizes a Muslim, is the Quran. That's a fact !!! The Quran is the biggest motivator of Muslims into extremism and jihad. So, in a nut shell I can say, the 1,000 year war(s) between the Sunnis and Shias has a lot to do with the manufactured history of Mohammed, their idiotic interpretation of the Quran, jihad's, and taking over the world. But, if they do take over the world, the Sunnis and Shias will still war with each other. So, without further adieu, The Mother of All Bombs has just put them all on notice.(Apr 11 2017) - Is the Military Planning to Take Over the U.S. ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Running down this ravine of no-return, it kinda looks like the "DEEP STATE" has the U.S. Military by the short hairs, and possibly President Trump. All this ramping up of wars with everyone - thank you MSM - is very concerning, not because it might happen, because it was pre-planned ... way before President Trump got into office. With that said, please monitor - as I do - all those happy news presenters, RINO's, Neo-Cons and democ-RATS, who thought that shelling Syria was a good thing, and those who think it was a "False Flag" operation. Just remember, The Porterville Post has eyes wide open ... thank you JESUS !!!(Apr 11 2017) - 206 U.S. organizations funded by George Soros
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Now that David Rockefeller has expired ... here's America's NEW PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE !!! No question about it !!! This guys bank accounts should be frozen like a dead penguin and he needs to be brought up on - {___fill in the blanks ___] - charges. He's manipulated just about every stock, business, and country - even his own people in Germany. So lets get him into a court room and throw all the books at him. And the media, I have to laugh, wants an apology from White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer re: his remarks on Syria vs Hitler. Give me a break ...(Apr 08 2017) - U.S. church not ready for what's coming
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This message has rung so true with me in the last few days, that it's more than alarming, it's apocryphal. Listen up Christians, if you're just going to church because your family goes there or your friends go there, you're missing the whole point. You should want to go to church because JESUS IS THERE !!! Christians in other parts of the world know full well that they could come under severe persecution and possibly death, if they testify or tell the truth re: their Faith in Christ. Do you have that kind of relationship with GOD ??? If not, then get one ... TODAY IS THE DAY !!!(Apr 07 2017) - US prepared to take further military action
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... now President Trump can see who's positioning for or against the United States re: bombing Syria last night. This initial "Turning of the Screws" & "Turning of the Heads" was a hand well played by "The Don", as it also took out the MSM. Next will be putting pressure on NATO to see if they're still worth their salt. Third, will be to freeze the banks associated with these terrorists, eventually confiscating all their ill gotten gains from laundering drug money. Trust me ... the CIA knows this is coming.(Apr 07 2017) - Don Rickles: Freemason Or Not ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Another Freemason dies - Comedian Don Rickles. Yes, his loud, bombastic and derogatory act was the rage through out Hollyweird, Las Vegas and the rest of the world. However, his stand up - which generated fame and fortune - will not be enough when he stands up before The LORD. The Bible, in John 14:6, says that "no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Don Rickles was raised a master mason on June 6th, 1953. But, here's the eternal question ... was he raised again on April 6th 2017 ???(Apr 07 2017) - SKINNING THESE SNAKES IN THE SWAMP
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So you think that these embedded enemies of the state care about the truth ? Hardly ! Folks, this very, very, short list of the MSM being in bed with "Back-door-Barry's" administration and don't forget "Hillary Clinton" is merely the tip of the iceberg called espionage. Lest we forget, it was OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD, which started all this infiltration, to control the narrative, and to control The White House. No doubt about it, these snakes in the swamp, who have been feeding off these rats in the swamp, must be stopped and skinned.(Apr 06 2017) - Nunes steps aside from Russia probe
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here they go again ... jamming up the process in favor of politics. Look, these democ-RATS screech at the crack of dawn just because the sun showed up and they weren't ready to wake up. I'm tellin' you folks, Congressman Devin Nunes has done the honorable thing by stepping aside for an ethics committee investigation ... however ... he then positioned one of the best go-getters in the business of gettin' it done ... Congressman Trey Gowdy. Can anyone say "Yippee-Yi-Yo-Ki-Yay" ???(Apr 06 2017) - Weather Modification Association in Fresno
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- One more time !!! This morning I was talking with a "Newbie" re: Weather Modification, Geo-engineering and a few other "In Your Face" operations which have been going on for years, and of course, he said he hadn't heard about these things and would look into it by reading a few reports on The Porterville Post. I told him that was a good start, but if really want to see it up close and first hand, he needed to visit this "In Your Face" link ... www.WeatherModification.org ... head-quartered in FRESNO !!!(Apr 05 2017) - Pope urges Prince to be Man of Peace
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So Francis, "The Pope of Peace" tells Charles to be "The Prince of Peace" in his dealings and in return, Price Charles, much like his mother Queen Elizabeth - presented Pope Francis with a hamper of produce - basically, the same offering that Cain presented to GOD, which was rejected. Now, I don't know about your guys, but these NWO Nut-Jobs, take these words seriously & document every iota re: their meanings & authority. Somethings up kids & I'm sure the AGENDA of two "Power House Princes" are more planet friendly than people friendly. What say you ???(Apr 04 2017) - Trump decimates Hillary and dishonest media
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- President Trump ... "I'm not gonna tell you anything" ... said this to the worlds biggest blabber mouths, the MSM. Honestly, these main-spew media mongrels have hurt "National Security" on so many levels it's unbelievable. And yet, they poke and prod until they're "Got-Cha" chatter boxes make up stories re: being shut down in front of their news conspirators, the FAKE NEWS of the day. By 6PM, these egotistical elitist ideologues call this news. I call it noise and non-sense. Period - Paragraph.(Apr 03 2017) - Unmasking National Security Advisor Susan Rice
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... now that "One" of the swamp rats has been ratted out, we must ask ... who else did she unmask, which agency approved this National Security request, and did she reveal this FAKE ANALYSIS to "Back-door-Barry's" closets confidant ... Valerie Jarret, who - in turn - might have shared it with the DNC's pick for president, Hillary Clinton ? Folks, they all knew this intel was rife with allegations, as did the MSM, who went with it anyway. All I can say is ... FAKE - FAKE - FAKE !!!(Apr 01 2017) - Obama spying, worse than Trump claimed
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- You've heard of string theory, haven't you ? That's where a they string you along until they have enough on you to eventually string you up. And that's what President Trump is doin' right now. He's got the goods on "Back-door-Barry", his conspirators and then some. Also ... President Trump's own internal investigative team is stringing together Clinton's cohorts in these crimes, as well, namely the MSM. And trust me, they're lawyering up at breakneck speed, 'cause they're all strung out. (LOL)(Mar 31 2017) - Muslim sentenced for $16M Food Stamp Fraud
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here it is in a nutshell. Muslims don't have to be honest in their dealings with infidels or any other govt which is not submissive to the quran or sharia law. That being said, we must ask, how many of the store owners in Porterville - who are muslim - are honest with their dealings with customers ? Are they honest with the IRS ? Are they honest with wiring money oversees to family members who are connected to terrorists ? And, just as important, should Christians shop elsewhere until these questions are answered ??? YES - YES - YES !!!(Mar 30 2017) - Mexican State Attorney General Arrested
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So what's missing in this report of a Mexican official being arrested as a "Drug Kingpin" ... besides a Tweet or two from President Trump saying "I told you so" ... the names of other Mexican officials, couriers and BANKS, which laundered all that money. Look ladies, for sure the U.S. officials laid out an aggressive and internal operation to snag this corrupt hombre, however, this report only scratched the surface in relationship to the number one business on the planet ... DRUGS !!!(Mar 30 2017) - James Comey: America's Most Wanted ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Listen, if you lead this swamp rat - FBI Director James Comey - out into deeper water, he'll drown. But that's the easy way out. Congress has been given a green light by President Trump to get these top cop criminals to name names before they fess up with their obvious doings. Second, the public - since the MSM is still providing cover - needs to hear and see these investigations for themselves, making "truth and justice" great again in America !!!(Mar 29 2017) - FACING OFF WITH FAKEBOOK
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Slowly but surely the "Internet of Things" is becoming the "Prison of Things" ... starting with fakebook. Look guys, just because they say you can have a social media platform for free, doesn't mean there isn't a price to pay. Every piece of automation that's attached to another piece of automation, computer, ipad, iphone, twitter, #hashtag or e-mail, will become the WARDEN of the future, constantly and copiously testifying against you. So ... FACE IT ... FAKEBOOK Ain't Your Friend !!!(Mar 29 2017) - The Entire DNC Staff Asked to Resign
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, yes, yes ... the DNC is running a cover-up operation right now, as the incoming chair - Tom Perez - takes command. No tellin' what's gonna come of this, hopefully more insider testimonies. But truth be told, having everyone resign at this point in time tells me that computer cleaners are coming to the DNC's rescue ... like they did for Hillary. Look, the only person who can stop this is Bernie Sanders, who was tarred and feathered by the DNC. But will he ???(Mar 28 2017) - Reforming the Knights of Malta Order ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Better take a look at this so-called reformation of the Knights of Malta, 'cause they still enforce a BLOODLINE in order to be part of this order, let alone its head. Additionally, they're connections to the past Knights Templars, the Freemasons and Illuminati, has the Vatican concerned as much as this. Third of the Vatican's concerns, are all the paedophile priests who've emptied their churches and bank accounts due to all the law suits. And lastly, all those luciferians who've infiltrated their chambers with occult rituals. I could go on ...(Mar 27 2017) - Illegal Immigrants: 62% Use Welfare Programs
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Simple observations = simple solutions. Folks, this ain't rocket science. Some are saying if you dry up the FREE STUFF - the issue of illegal immigration would dry up a little faster, leaving a bit more for those lawfully living in the U.S. Secondly, more money - usually sent via Western Union and others - will stay here in the local economy, benefiting local merchants and towns. And thirdly, the black-market and crime will also be reduced. So ... lets see if these simple solutions can help. Okay ???(Mar 23 2017) - "Incidental Surveillance" of Trump ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Incidental my armpit !!! What this "Incidental Incident" collection of surveillance means is, someone with cell-phone triangulation software was able to move in & out of Trump Tower, and Trump's transition team, with cell-phone hacking applications, which mirrored every call & voice, from their cell-phone to a 3rd party and or agency. If I were a guessing kinda guy, I'd say it was some MSM personnel on the take, hiding under the 1st Amendment, and pressured by the CIA. That's why Press Secretary Spicer had the White House aids cell phones checked. REMEMBER ???(Mar 23 2017) - The Truth About Terrorism ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Christians in Porterville have a BIG PROBLEM ... Islam, and the culture of death the Quran brings with it. For the last 2 years, I've immerse myself with anything I could get my hands on re: Islam, the Quram & the Hadith. I've talked with muslims all over this town & have concluded, muslims do not want to acclimate into America's culture, they prefer sharia law to any other form of gov't. They view Christians, our beliefs & culture as inferior, and are incrementally bringing in more radicals. Christians in Porterville - like I've been alerting - have a big problem ... SILENT PULPITS !!!(Mar 22 2017) - Trump Wiretapping Mystery Solved ... GCHQ
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Let's put it another way ... everything that has any micro chip sensing device in it, has some form of eyes and ears embedded in it !!! And believe-you-me, these little micro spies are wire-tapping 24-7. As far as President Trump's whistle blowing re: these Orwellian obstacles an antics, that's old news. Just ask any intel agent, past or present, handling any annalist ... all info is gleaned by outside contractors {GCHQ}, then routed through secondary sources - usually another country - where access codes are dead dropped / wikileaked - opened once for viewing, and then, like MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, automatically destroyed. Ian Fleming would be so proud.(Mar 21 2017) - New Delegation of Authority for SOS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hedging his bets ??? You betcha President Trump is !!! And if I read his latest Executive Order / Memorandum right, very well played. Look, "Back-door-Barry" left a bunch of trip wires - not just wire taps - all over the White House, making sure his end-of-the-west war plans would continue beyond his administration. As for Secretary of State Tillerson, well ... he knows full well what this authority granted to him means, and so does China, as he told them ... "don't piss on his leg and try to tell me it's raining".(Mar 21 2017) - FBI looking at far-right news sites ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Conservative web sites are now being pulled into the FBI's dragnet re: any Russian internet activity which might have influenced the outcome of the Presidential election ? And I quote ... "FBI Director James Comey’s agency is investigating a broad campaign of Russian influence in the U.S. election. That investigation includes a look at the role that conservative news sites played." In other words, the FBI is saying, that the Russians are so tricky and conniving, and that Conservatives are so gullible, that the FBI must investigate every word on every web site to protect the election process. ARE THEY SERIOUS ???(Mar 20 2017) - AB-1104 : Political Cyberfraud Abatement Act
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- FIRST AMENDMENT - FORGET ABOUT IT !!! Looks like a new Assembly Bill No. 1104, introduced by Assemblyman Ed Chau(D), will basically make any offending political opinion illegal. This bill, an act to add a SEC.2. {18320.5} to California's elections code, says, "It is unlawful for a person to knowingly and willingly make, publish or circulate on an Internet Web site, or cause to be made, published, or circulated in any writing posted on an Internet Web site, a false or deceptive statement designed to influence the vote on either of the following: (a) Any issue submitted to voters at an election. (b) Any candidate for election to public office.(Mar 20 2017) - Chem-Trail Pilot & OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday, after Church, a couple of folks were directed to my attention with questions re: CHEM-TRAILS and who was spraying us, and why. Most of the time I'll give folks a semi-synopsis re: this sinister activity, until I can gage whether they can handle the all the truth. As effective, I generally direct their attention to the Porterville Post and let them decide for themselves, as was the case yesterday. So ... this LINK is one of the better on-line investigations re: WHO and WHY they're spraying us. And yes, many of these Chem-Trails pilots knows what's up.(Mar 19 2017) - Of course Trump was Surveilled - Isn’t Everyone ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Good Sunday Morning Christians ... On your way to Church today please be informed that you are being watched over with loving attention by the creator of your life - JESUS CHRIST !!! But, if that ain't enough, your tax dollars are at work kinda' doing the same thing with man-made technology ... except for President Donald J. Trump. That's what the MSM would have you believe. I'm tellin' you, these deluded demigods - like atheists - have yet to disprove the fact of this absolute truth - EVERYONE IS UNDER SURVEILLANCE ... except for Trump, Trump Tower, Trump's Businesses and Trump's Golf Courses. Give me a break ...(Mar 19 2017) - 150 Yrs of British Criminality - The Short Version
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... so your looking for some early word crafting in relationship to contracts and constitutions. Specifically the United States Constitution. For a few of you, this read might stretch you out a bit, but for those day-to-day readers of The Porterville Post, this brief article is just what the doctor ordered. So, if you need to grab your Black's Law dictionary or any English reference materials, do it now, because Judge Anna von Reitz is gonna take you to school. Enjoy ...(Mar 18 2017) - 72% of Illegals are taking jobs from legals
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay, lets break this down to who wants what ? First, employers want low paying employees. Second, illegals want any job to stay here on a temporary work furlough. Third, democ-RATS want these illegals - dead or alive - to pad the ballot box. Fourth, the NWO ideologues want continuous migration to end nationalism. And lastly, the Vatican wants illegals to overwhelm the U.S. economy, to assist The City of London's debt process of possession. Now, that was simple enough ... wasn't it ?(Mar 17 2017) - Secret Service Agent's Lap Top Stolen
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Seriously ... this Secret Service Agent was that lackadaisical !!! I want to say that this stuff was meant to be stolen, but that'd give this agency too much credit. My hunch is, there's some bogus intel of this lap-top and just like "Fast & Furious" there's a sting operation attached to it's info. Normally, you don't take this stuff home and if you do, you never let it out of your sight. My bet's on OPERATION TWITTER ... hoping that this info will make it's way back to President Trump, so he'll Twitter it, and catch him revealing national secrets. Make sense ???(Mar 17 2017) - A GOOGLE WORLD ORDER BY 2030 ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Is it too late to escape fromNew York... Google ??? Yup !!! Even though some of these computer contraptions are convenient, many times they're a huge headache when they crash or fail, or have to be patched up. Google, according to this article, doesn't have to be fair re: the usage of their products, especially when most folks breeze by their terms and conditions. And yes, others will take over the "Internet of Things" (IoT) by 2030, if Google won't. So ... plan accordingly.(Mar 15 2017) - WHAT IF ... MIND CONTROL IS REAL ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Being bombarded with information - real or fake - everyday takes its toll on many consumers. As for TV and radio commercials, well they've reached their limit and want something quicker and more reliable. They want "MIND CONTROL" to assure their commercial sponsors that they can sell their products. Second, is the government. They want this technology to control the masses ... until they need the masses to be out of control. "MIND CONTROL" for just about every collective group, government or religion, is luciferian in the least, and satanic in the worst. This is what's called ... THE GREAT UNION !!!(Mar 13 2017) - Reichsdeutsche maps of the cave world ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay guys ... this came across my desk / computer today and I submit it for yourapprovalinspection, as Rod Serling from The Twilight Zone would say. Why ? Well ... for the most part, this stuff just won't go away. Now considering it's German source, and being part of Hitler's secret occult investigations, I have to view it with some sense of scepticism. And being translated from German to English, we might loose some intent and impressions. Other than that ... have at it.(Mar 13 2017) - Obama's Third Term is Here
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes, my fickle friends from afar, there are deep and covert factions embedded in all of Washington agencies. And to suggest this fact as fiction, you'd have to be off your med's and be heading back to the loony bend. Look, "Back-door-Barry" ain't running a B-613 operation, but he's pretty dang close ... if you add up all the dead bodies around the Clinton's. Second to this seditious set up, are the Manchurian miscreants still mingling the hallways on the Hill. That's enough for now. You can figure this out ...(Mar 13 2017) - A FAKE WORLD + FAKE NEWS = FAKE PEOPLE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Are you ready for the facts ? Can you handle the truth ? Sure 'nuff ... these three little articles written by Judge Anna von Reitz ought to clean the air re: who you are as a "Living Human" ... who really owns "The Planet, The Seas, and The Air". And if that ain't somebodies "Hey How Ya Doin'" ... then your dots can't be connected, let alone communed. These articles are titled ...(1) The Nature of My Work with the Vatican (2) What Has Been Done For You (3) Your Political Status and Your Oaths. Enjoy ...(Mar 12 2017) - Major Criminal Probe in Govt Security Breach
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a winner of a question for you Computer Geek Squads, still working with any intel agency. When you slave any computer, device, or iphone to do some major software changes or upgrades, can you honest say that you have effectively BLEACHED all their info out of your computer ??? ANSWER : NO YOU CAN'T !!! So, with that "Q" aside, here comes the KILLER !!! Are your "Rotating Main-Frames" and "Satellite Up-Links" BLEACHED daily, hourly or when needed ??? That's what I thought - NEVER !!! I'm tellin' you, if they're not in a secure location, underground, in a Faraday Cage and off the grid, your computers are not secure !!! Today's computers are designed to talk to each other and the closer they get, the more they communicate. Just wait for the next wikileaks downloads. You'll see ...(Mar 12 2017) - Senate Run by Arnold Won't End Well
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... lets take a look at this ballyhoo a bit - shall we ? Yes, Arnold's Great Adventures in Hollywierd got him the Governorship, but for reals ... a Senate Seat ??? Look, California's GOP - in order to get him into that high chair - chocked down a lot of crow from thousands of "I Told You So Conservatives" re: his pedigree as a RINO. And now, he's wants to run as a third party candidate against Senator Dianne Feinstein. Why ??? Because he's been told by NEO-NWO-CONS, RINOS' and RATS (Republicans Against Trump) that he can win. Listen up, Arnold Plays for the Puppet Masters, not the People. So ... "fool me once, shame on you - fool me twice, same on me." GOT IT ???(Mar 11 2017) - Sessions asks 46 U.S. attorneys to resign
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- You know what they say ... "Loose Lips Sinks Ships" ... and ... you better have a "Tight Ship" in order to sail the seven seas, let alone the SWAMP. So far, the U.S.S. "Make America Great Again" has navigated out of port and has dropped anchor in a few spots. And, for the long ventures out to sea, a new crew will be needed and ready to serve the Captain - President Trump. So ... one of his navigators and steersman - A.G. Sessions - has dry-docked 46 of obama's swabbies, making the vessel "Ship Shape" and "True to Course".(Mar 08 2017) - CIA hacker tools can mimic Russian cyber attack
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay ... now I can say a bit more - from what I reported on Mar 6th. - re: what I know about hacking, since some of this is now out in the open. Look, your voice has a unique frequency and can be traced, replaced and then re-introduced into any receiving apparatus under the sun ... including back into your own head. The CIA has yet to flip the "Cell Tower" frequency switches, but let me tell you, this dangerous hacking tool which is outsourced to a Alaska University who - BTW - can grant access to "Whomever They Want" to HAARP. Again, that's all I can say for now, 'cept ... PRAY - PRAY - PRAY !!!(Mar 07 2017) - The Gov't Is Still the Enemy of Freedom
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's my question of which I've asked Christians for many years. "What would you do if you knew who the anti-Christ was?" For many, they said "NOTHING". They'd do absolutely NOTHING !!! Why ? Because as Christians, they're doing nothing now. They might say that they pray, but come on. Actions almost always follow prayer. Better yet, Faith without works is Dead !!! Regarding "Obama's" un-American activities, against President Trump and our country ... What will you do ? Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is almost gone in America, and as vanguards for Freedom, your action is needed more now than ever !!!(Mar 06 2017) - EXTRA, EXTRA, N.Y. Times Tells The Truth !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- How about that, the New Your Times headlines a Jan 20th 2017 story which says, "Wiretapped Data Used In Inquiry of Trump Aides" and puts it on their FRONT PAGE !!! I thought I'd pee my pants when I read that. But there it is, in "Black and White" for all the world to see, including all their cohorts and comminglers of FAKE NEWS !!! Now I'm sure they'll have some sort of up-date to clarify what was written, but for now ... LOL ... 'cause President Trump is gonna have fun with this piece of work.(Mar 06 2017) - Trump Signs Executive Order Banning Travel
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well, you knew it was coming, and here it is ... President Trump's new Executive Order banning travel to the U.S from these 6 original countries, with a different slant. Now, if these bleeding heart democ-RATS and commie lovin' courts take issue with this latest order, President Trump will just issue another and another and another. Remember, the original reason why the states came together to form a federal gov't, was for protection - not for population control or production !!! PROTECTION !!!(Mar 06 2017) - CIA admitted (07/31/14) hacking Senate computers
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- How 'bout we take a little trip with Yahoo's way back machine, and see if any of these intelligence agencies ever pulled a surveillance stunt like this before. Oh my, it looks like the CIA did and they had to admit they conducted surveillance on congress and the senate. And guess who fumed the most re: this little faux pas ??? Senator Dianne Feinstein. Remember ??? And guess who they wanted to resign over this ... CIA Director John Brennan, the same guy who says there's no evidence re: the Trump Tower surveillance.(Mar 06 2017) - Fake Server 'SET-UP' to Obtain Warrant
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Lets go down this rabbit trail a bit ... shall we ??? Look, many years ago I was privy as to how someone could run a FAKE SERVER, or just as nefarious, hack through a real server and then leave a honey-pot of intel in that server on the way out. NSA and lets not forget DOE, kinda owns these "Rabbit Trails" or "Tunnels" and are aware as to the when's and where's. If any investigation of these 2 out of 17 agencies is on Attorney General Sessions lists of to-do's ... well ... lets just say they're gonna be cut off their satellite feeds and frequency finders. I can't say any more ... catch my drift ???(Mar 05 2017) - PROOF that Obama spied on Trump Campaign
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- There's a thing in court that's called a defamation of charter, and the damage it causes, wherein a jury awards the victim of this slander, monetary compensation. In this case where gov't agencies conspire to use police state surveillance to suppress the opposition - Republican Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump - and green-lighted by a sitting President, fines and penalties must be enforced to the highest degree, and off-shore bank accounts seized. Mark Levin, I'm tellin' you, has a lot of evidence (VIDEO) and more is on the way ... a lot more !!!(Mar 04 2017) - Obama wiretapped Trump Tower phones ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Whoa baby ... President Trump just found out that Trump Tower was "WATER-GATED" by "Back-door-Barry" during the 2016 Presidential election. Surprisingly, these plumbers found no leaks in the Towers, but dollars to do-nuts, these in-house jihadis - still ensconced in secret places - will either be deep-sixed or be used as fall guys. What ever the case, a complete draining of the SWAMP is urgently needed and dry-docking many security agencies until these SPY vs SPY guys are exposed and or eliminated. Back on your knees Christians ...(Mar 03 2017) - Russian Ambassador Met with Obama 6 TIMES !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So ... let me get this straight. If the Russians helped Donald Trump become the President, then ... why is this FAT FIGMENT of my imagination - Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak - sitting with the democ-RATS during the Presidential Address ... if ... the Russians were siding in with Trump ??? For the life of me - and wake me up when the Manchurian media manifests the truth - why isn't anyone asking this so-called RUSSIAN SPY to testify ??? I'm tellin' you, these dem's are now dead on arrival, come 2018 and 2020.(Mar 02 2017) - SORRY : Sessions Did Not Lie - Holder Did
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Again & again, these liberally lying leftists posit possibilities & not probabilities of political wrong doing. If - and I say if - these logically challenged democ-RATS would connect the dots re: their reason for attacking Attorney General Jeff Sessions & his alleged contact with the Russians during the campaign, they'd quickly see that the only connecting dot with treason tied to it would show up in a bank account with "Back-door-Barry" and "Hillary Clinton's" name on it. That's why they're trying to smear A.G. Sessions, before he stings & sentences these socialists.(Mar 01 2017) - Lone survivor on Vatican abuse commission resigns
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Hey now ... this resignation is HUGE !!! Another commissioner from the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors has called it quits, re: resistance to recommendations from the Pope ... specifically ... that all letters sent to the Vatican by abuse survivors receive a response. For some reason the remaining commissioners don't view this recommendation as important. Subsequently the last appointed sexually assaulted survivor on the commission resigned, she said, "to retain her integrity." And now - back to D.C.'s favourite food fetish ... #PIZZAGATE.(Mar 01 2017) - Viewers strongly approve of Trump's speech
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- For President Trump's first "Joint Address to Congress", millions are saying he looked and sounded Presidential. A few times he panned in the direction of the democ-RATS and expressed a desire to work together with them and the Republicans for the people, and on a few more occasions he motioned in their direction expressing concern and ridicule re: their reluctance and resistance. By the end of his speech, his assurance about "The American Spirit" rang loud and true ... as the MSM repentantly admitted.(Feb 23 2017) - City Manager to Address 'State of Porterville'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Tonight, the Porterville City Manager - John Lollis - will be addressing the "State of Porterville" at the next Porterville Area Republican Assembly (PARA) meeting. Mr. Lollis, who was hired by the City of Porterville in "2006 as Administrative Services Director, and appointed City Manager" in 2009, will address many issues citizens want answers for, such as when will the Jaye St bridge will be finished, Porterville's "East Side" water issues, Porterville's water rates, city roads needing repair, Porterville "Municipal" Airport, Eagle Mountain Casino, Lake Success "Dam" stability, public safety and if Porterville is becoming a Sanctuary City.(Feb 22 2017) - Our job is to control what people think ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yes ... the MSM is loosing control of their phony-baloney FAKE NEWS narratives. And in this video they let it slip that their job is to control what people think. (Enter LOL) Folks, understand this, at best these talking heads are information regurgitators. They have editors in their news rooms who either allow or restrict stories. At second best they spin it either away from the facts or into a neutral zone. These political correctors - Americans are Realizing - are nothing but high paid press-ti-tutes. Period - Paragraph !!!(Feb 22 2017) - McCain's Connections with Russia EXPOSED !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This dog ain't gonna hunt with the MSM. Looks like ole' Johnny "Cut-Throat" McCain is just about to be "Water Boarded" by "Wikileaks" ... again. Look, the MSM has had the goods on this "Snake in the Grass" Senator for sometime now, but since he's laying the ground work for his NEW WORLD ORDER com-padres, a "Hands Off" investigation by the MSM is what's wagging this dog. More to come, so stay tuned ...(Feb 21 2017) - Minorities Speak Against Sanctuary City
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Straight from mouths of immigrants who became legal citizens ... their concerns re: "Sanctuary Cities". This person of Mexican heritage and culture had to explain to a city council in Los Angeles that providing a safe haven for illegals is wrong and un-American. As concerning ... this VIDEO ... never made the 6 O-Clock news. Why ? It doesn't fit the MSM's format of FAKE NEWS and ratings. Hopefully this video will go viral before youtube takes it down.(Feb 18 2017) - MCCAIN BASHES TRUMP TO GLOBAL ELITE ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Looks like it's time to bring back The Rat Patrol, to assist President Donald Trump in exposing and expelling all the SWAMP RATS ... "Republicans Against Trump" ... starting with Senator John McCain. Folks, this RAT - some how, some way - has become immune to the truth for so long it boggles the minds of Christians and Conservatives, and maybe a few Republicans. A RINO at best, McCain only plays the hand dealt to him by his NEW WORLD ORDER dealers. Once the SWAMP is drained, this RAT will be caught and removed, "Making America Clean Again".(Feb 18 2017) - DNC Wants a Muslim as Party Chair ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Could it be that the democ-RATS have reached the bottom of the barrow re: who they want as their next DNC Chair ? It kinda' look that way, because Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) - a practising MUSLIM - is rising as the cream of theircrap... I mean crop. Now the good news, with this suicide mission of the DNC, many Blue Dog Democrats will bail, leaving mostly ignorant and illegal voters. So ... will these disenfranchised democrats re-register as republican ? Maybe. For sure they'll sit on the bench in 2018 & 2020, thinning out the Dem's conservative base.(Feb 17 2017) - SEARCH : A Day Without Immigrants
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Last night, just about every "Mocking Bird" media opened up their "News Shows" with conjoining "FAKE NEWS". They showed individuals worried that they might be deported because they are living here ILLEGALLY. They showed stores and shops shutting down to protest ... THE LAW OF THE LAND. Well, let me 'splain something to you. That actually worked out great for the other shop-keeps and restaurants. Why ? Because consumers took their business to their establishments. No kiddo' ... if you need to cry a river, 'cause chaos, and display your disrespect for America, then find another country who'll bend to your ballyhoo and belligerence.(Feb 16 2017) - Christian university opens up Muslim prayer room
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- And you wonder why college students - when they come home - are all jacked up, confused, and accept just about every idiotic idea under the sun. But for aChristiancollege to open up a "Special Place" for Muslims to pray on their campus, this takes the cake. Parents, alumni and supporters of this back-sliddenChristiancollege, why aren't you pitching a fit about this ??? Listen up !!! Islam is not a religion of peace !!! Islam discriminates and does not tolerate Christianity !!! Islam laughs at your ignorance !!! WAKE UP CHRISTIANS !!!(Feb 15 2017) - FBI Sweep Puts US Media in Terror ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Ah yes ... everyone wants to be the first one to report the news - even if it ain't totally vetted or corrected. And yes, news agencies want to claim that they have inside sources, confirming their FAKE NEWS !!! Folks, President Trump was born yesterday. He knows how to set a trap, and the MSM took the bait and swallowed - hook, line and sinker. Soon, those caught conspiring to "Take Out" Trump, will be taken out, fired or locked up. This is gonna be real fun to watch ...(Feb 14 2017) - National Security Adviser Michael Flynn Resigns
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- If you're in President Trumps cabinet, you better tell the truth and tow the line or your toast. Such was the case for National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, and many more un-notables and U.S. Ambassadors. Folks, wouldn't it be great if the MSM performed as "Fast and Furious" with the FACTS - as President Trump does - and FIRED FAKE NEWS REPORTERS ??? Of course it would. But, the TRUTH - many in the MSM ruminate - doesn't sell as quick or as much ... as DIRTY LAUNDRY.(Feb 13 2017) - UN: Islamophobia is what causes Terrorism ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Talk about mental illness. This fool at the U.N. has been sucking up bad air for a while now, and brother it shows. Look, "Islamophobia" is a leftist label used to manipulate the masses. Second, it has nothing to do with Christianity or honest fear, like getting snake bit or getting run down by a Freightliner. And, TRUTH be told, the best way to get past this FAKE FEAR of Islamophobia, is to face it, defend your position, or BOMB IT INTO SUBMISSION !!!(Feb 13 2017) - Dam Starts To Break: Trump Please Help !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Oh come on now Governor Brown. If you, on one hand, say that Donald J. Trump isn't your President, and then on the other ask for assistance when things kinda OVERFLOW ... "Your Hypocrisy Poisons Your Democracy" ... to say the least. Yes California needs some assistance when evolutions ecology ain't cooperating with evergreens geoengineering jets ... 'cause GOD is in control. California, no doubt, needs some knee time before GOD and not Jerry "The Clown" Brown !!!(Feb 12 2017) - Obama Administration linked to PIZZAGATE ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Democr-RATS who are infected with demo-critis or demo-crosis are at best ignorant of this disease. At worse, they are players & practitioners. Sick, through & through, these demonic dredges are actually fulfilling Bible prophecy re: their paedophilia & perversions. As darkness lights their days, sex morphs into temporal pain & punishment, conspiratorially cognizant of their eternal damnation. These deluded desires - honest psychologists will tell you - are rarely vanquished or halted unless incarceration is employed. {NOTE: I know 'cause I worked with these sick souls in CDCR.}(Feb 12 2017) - They Prefer Detention to Deportation
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- DETENTION VS DEPORTATION equals staying on the DOLE !!! Yes these insufferable illegal invaders seem to think that they can out maneuver and jam up the court system by holing up in a jail cell ad infinitum. Idiots they are, the whole lot of them. Surprisingly, if the courts want to rule in abstencia, for what ever reason, they can. That means these insulates don't have to appear in court, and guess what, President Trump knows which courts will uphold his Executive Order(s), and which judges he might educate or vacate. VIVA LAW & ORDER !!!(Feb 11 2017) - Mexicans Vow to Jam Up U.S. Courts
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Oh sure, this is a great idea - jamming up the court system until President Trump gives in. However, here's a FREE second thought for all you illegal ingrates out there. While you wait for your day in court, guess where the U.S. will safely house you - 'cause you ain't gonna be on house arrest - in a TENT CITY, somewhere out in the boon-docks, where you will get three squares a day, and get plenty of sunshine and outdoor excise ... WORKING ON THE WALL ... to expedite a hearing, before being deported. You want your day in court - America wants a wall !!! Thanks for helping ...(Feb 10 2017) - What the Bible Says About UFOs & the Aliens
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today, I came across this Feb 2nd article re: UFO's and Aliens - written from a Biblical perspective - and saw that it's analysis was simple and easy to understand. SIDE NOTE : {I too have personally interviewed several people who have had encounters with these supposed outer space entities and or possibly military hybrids}. Listen, this "New Age" notion of an outer space invasion, has been toyed with for years and many Christian apologists have concluded that this could possibly be the "Great Delusion" which the Bible talks about in the end times. So, my advise to everyone is this ... read like a researcher, analyse like an apologist, and stand like a Berean. Got it ...(Feb 09 2017) - The New World Order Manifesto ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Once the "People Haters of the Planet" unite, death and destruction directs their desires. These NEW WORLD ORDER luciferians, have for eons, competed in criminal combat arenas ... just because they could and just because it is fun - for them. They view humans as deplorable and expendable. They arrange and assign evil to various parts of the globe and to multiple players in politics. Hollyweird - their overt Manchurians - play their plays and sing their songs, all while encouraging eco-idiots and satanic socialism. What else needs to be said ...(Feb 08 2017) - 39,000 Pakistanis deported in 4 months
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Dear President Donald J.Trump; Please make sure that the opposition party (MSM) is aware that 39,000 "Possible Terrorists" were deported in the last 4 months - not from America, but from SAUDIA ARABIA !!! And BTW, Japan has a very strict limit on who can migrate to their country as well. So ... let those "First Amendment FAKES" know that they're destroying their credibility even further by side-stepping reports like these. As for those hateful comedians, hypocritical actors and politically awards shows ... FAKE - FAKE - FAKE !!!(Feb 08 2017) - A Muslim Brotherhood Security Breach in Congress
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Okay, looks like the internet investigators are blowing the whistle re: these Muslim plumbers who got caught breaching National Security - which The Porterville Post pointed out on Feb 3rd. ALARMED ... should be the response from Congress and President Trump, but they can't - just yet - until the other criminal breachers are caught & removed. Yup ... there's a lot more in many more agencies, security posts & positions. But these "Islamists" must be "Identified" & the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD - whom instructs most of them - must also be "ID'ed" as a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION.(Feb 07 2017) - Pope and Trump meeting “expected” in May
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Boy howdie !!! In a few months, President Trump "MAY" meet with Pope Francis over in Italy when the G7 Summit Convenes. So why is this a big deal ? Because of who and what's behind the scenes - pulling the strings. For the Vatican, who is still trying to control the Knights of Malta - infiltrated by protestants and Freemasons BIG TIME - they need all these "Knight" fraternities to cooperate so Pope Francis gets a bigger role in the NEW WORLD ORDER. Trump is on to Francis, his NWO, and his FAKE liberation theology. And ... on June 24th 2017, the Freemasons will celebrate their 300th birthday, gleaning a lot of attention world wide, attempting to establish their claim to their NWO !!! Interesting ... wouldn't you say ???(Feb 06 2017) - Judge blocking immigration ban RIDICULOUS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look, I've watched enough court cases on TV to choke a mule, and each and every judge in these courts say to the defendants, please show me the harm - not the possibly harm - the actual harm, and I will rule in your favour. Second, all of these court cases cannot rule in favour of any defendant if they are not a party to the proceedings. And if Judge Robart's order overstepped his jurisdiction and authority, a higher court has to fix it, and if necessary the Supreme Court. So the actual harm is generated by this judge, creating the impression that illegals have the same rights as American Citizens under the Constitution. THEY DO NOT !!!(Feb 05 2017) - Rogue Muslim IT Staffers Compromise House Intel
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Was the Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence - Congressman Devin Nunes - aware that there were MUSLIMS hired by democ-RATS to, basically, watch over their IT stuff ? Questions are gonna be asked, for sure, once this investigation of these 5 IT infiltrators are exposed as rogue agents. Folks, this is why the swamp needs draining. We have outside employees and interns diggin' through highly classified documents and are privy to inside discussions re: state security. And Congressman Nunes ... didn't know about any of this ???(Feb 04 2017) - Advocating the overthrow of Government !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Most of those folks campaigning for civil rights in the streets may not know that "The First Amendment" does not advocate overthrowing the Government. But, in their manipulated minds, they feel if a little anarchy is needed to get a little attention, then that's okay. However, once their actions cross over into illegal activity and threatens the stability of the government, then 18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government, kicks in. And those in the MSM and Hollyweird better take note of this law, 'cause they're abetting it just as much as those in the streets.(Feb 03 2017) - Police investigating House staffers ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- If this looks like a cover-up from the previous administration getting rid of some type of evidence, no doubt it could be, or the capitol police would've been called off before Obama left town. Folks, you're smarter than this article, I mean ... why would any of "Back-door-Barry's" boy's (and one woman) risk jail over lifting a few computers and computer parts ??? Why ? Because these computer parts might expose more damning e-mails, tweets, and connections to secret off-the-book BLACK-OPERATIONS !!! That's why ...(Feb 03 2017) - Trump’s Enemies Within ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- A good friend of mine once told me, "Loyalty is Everything - Competency is Nothing". And how true that axiom is today, with President Trump's first few weeks at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Look, those agencies who saddled up with Obama, quietly deep-sixed his campaign promise of transparency back into darkness, and are still embedded. Trump, no doubt is keenly aware of this and also knows that transparency - especially Twitter - targets this treason and tyranny. Additionally, President Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon, is on their trail, like a hound dog treeing a 'coon, and a shark ripping off limbs.(Feb 02 2017) - It's Time to Go For the Jugular
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This mini-sermon article is for you Pastors, and take it to heart, WE ARE AT WAR !!! Why ? First of all you should already know why, but for those in your flocks, I'll explain. Tolerance - a toothless tool - rarely supports "The Great Commission". Second, tolerance does not mean acceptance of every idiotic idea expressed in equality. Third, tolerance leads to back-sliding and belying your beliefs. Christians, pay attention. If your Pastor ain't preaching "We Are At War" from the pulpit, that's on him. And if you tolerate his special "We Are The World" sermons, then that's on you !!!(Feb 01 2017) - Refugees and the Right to Immigrate
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Look out liberals ... here's some common sense comin' at ya re: immigration and their so-called "Right to Immigrate" - where ever and when ever they want. POPPY-COCK !!! I'm tellin' you, most immigrants - if their country of origin wasn't so hell-bent on killin' their own - want to go back to their home country and homes where they were brought up - dang near all of them. Folks, yes we should help, but for GOD's Sakes, not be suicidal about it. So ... if you liberals want them, then you pay for them. Shoot, maybe Hollyweird will help with an IMMIGRATION TELL-A-THON, to pay for their up-keep while they're here ... living with you.(Feb 01 2017) - Gowdy & Chaffetz Back on Clinton Case
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Well now ... ain't this something. Looks like Hillary Clinton - whom President Trump gave a chance to run to the hills and stay in the shadows after the election, changed her mind - forcing President Trump to change his mind. And guess what ??? The investigation is back on !!! Look, one of the primary reasons she wants to get back into a political office, is to harbour a safe place from prosecution - like New York - a sanctuary city for illegals & illegal activity. Stay tuned ... more on the way.(Jan 31 2017) - Con and Cali heading into INSURRECTION ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Shouldn't this be called - SANCTUARY STUPIDITY ??? Seriously, amping up this asinine idea of protecting illegals & going toe-to-toe with another entity who's at least 48 times bigger & badder than you, a little mental ??? You think ??? Listen, these SNAKE HANDLERS haven't gotten bit yet - and they will - once they finish building their SNAKE PITS ... excuse me ... sanctuary cities. GOD only knows why these folks are so delusional, 'cause most common sense folks don't.(Jan 31 2017) - There are 164 "JIHAD" Verses in the Koran
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday I went to visit an old friend where he worked at a local store owned by "Sunni" Muslims. As we were reminiscing a bit, one of the merry-go-round of Muslim owners came out and attempted to disrupt our visit - much to his embarrassment. He openly intimated that I was a known celebrity amongst the local Muslims, but not in a good way. So, him and I conversed a bit re: President Trump's latest executive order banning terrorists and Jihadists - not Muslims - and I told him this was good. Then he attempted to provide cover for the word "JIHAD" and what he says it means. I then suggested, if that's the case, then Muslims need to quit reading the Koran ... 'cause the word "JIHAD" appears in it 164 times, and that word is a "Trigger Word" for some Muslims to terrorize the unbelievers. He then left my friend and I and we continued with our visit.(Jan 28 2017) - President Trump's Work Schedule For Sat, Jan 28
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- President Trump, who could be taking a little time off for the weekend - maybe play a round or two of golf on any of his private courses - is back in the Oval Office, meeting with leaders from Japan, Germany, Russia, France and Australia. In meeting with these leaders - all in the same day - what do you suppose President Trump will discuss ??? Possibly forming a better alliance with each other, better trade agreements, and yes, a better way to fight Islamic terrorism. Yup, just another working weekend from President Trump and The Porterville Post. What are you doing ?(Jan 28 2017) - BEST WEB SITE COVERING THE BORDER
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- All right now. For those of you who blindly believe everything bit of propaganda that the MSM bellows, please do not go to this web site called www.BorderLandBeat.com and read any of it's contents re: drug cartel leaders, drug dealers, drug traffickers and criminals. And for sure, do not let the Mexican President see this web site either. No doubt, the Trump administration is aware of this web site and many more just like it. And finally, do not let the MSM know about this web site, 'cause their deep state "drug" connections could dry up ... which is a good thing.(Jan 27 2017) - Calexit gains speed in Californian ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What a bunch if namby-pamby nincompoops. I'm tellin' you, by divorcing the state of California from the U.S. - to create a SAFER PLACE, and away from President Trump - will obviously ignite anger and anarchy like no ones seen in their life-time. But, maybe that's the idea. You remember. "As California Goes - So Goes the Rest of The Nation". And don't forget AZTLAN and their dream of taking back major parts of the western states for Mexico. Yep ... we need a wall and we need a wall right now ... To Keep America Safe.(Jan 27 2017) - IS PRESIDENT TRUMP A FREEMASON ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- After reviewing my primary sources and scouring the internet for sometime, I've come to the conclusion that President Donald J. Trump is not a Freemason. Noting this - however - he is surrounded by many individuals who have been in and out of just about every secret society and secret agency that you can name. Does that mean he's being controlled by these folks ? I'm sure to a varying degree he is. Is he controlled by the CIA ? I'm sure to a varying degree. But, a better question with a better answer would be - is President Trump controlling these folks ? YES ... to a larger degree !!! So keep Praying for President Trump !!!(Jan 26 2017) - Trump sets dizzying WH pace in first days
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Man can this guy put in a days work for a days wages. President Trump is running circles around all those mired neck deep in the D.C. Swamp. And to boot, last night on ABC, he spanked David Muir and the MSM - BIG TIME !!! President Trump saved no quarter destroying David Muir's questions and surrendered no assistance to any allegations - NONE !!! That aside, I must remind all Americans, that the line up for recovery is equally on our shoulders as it is on President's Trumps. Okay ...(Jan 26 2017) - Entire Senior Management @ State Dept RESIGNS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- GET IN LINE - OR GET OUT !!! And for sure somebody at management level heard those words and arguably amassed an exodus - the likes we haven't seen in years, if ever. No doubt these "LEFT" overs from the past administration hoped for another run at the State Department, but Secretary Tillerson ... started tilling the ground for a better crop, knowing that their yields were rotten and all dried up. Yeah buddy ... It's time to pull the weeds, plant a new crop and reap a NEW HARVEST !!!(Jan 25 2017) - Pope destroys the Order of Malta’s sovereignty ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Whoa ... this ain't good - the Vatican taking over a sovereign entity ... The Knights of Malta ??? Folks, behind the scenes is the "YELLOW BRICK ROAD" called GOLD, of which all nations desire and which all banks control. I'm tellin' you, go back and read up on the history of the Knights Templars (KT) and the Vatican having it bad for each other, and you'll discover why the KT went dark and later surfaced as Freemasons and why the Vatican went darker ... in THE DARK AGES. Remember ???(Jan 25 2017) - WITNESS WHILE YOU WAIT
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Yesterday I witnessed to two middle-eastern foreigners in Porterville - one from Pakistan and the other from Syria. Both were at a local car wash waiting for their cars to be finished and I knew they couldn't turn and run, so ... I shared my Testimony, The Gospel and Salvation. At the same time there was another Christian standing by and silently watched. Once these two that I'd witnessed too got into their clean cars and drove off, I then witnesses to that silent Christian and asked ... "Did you see how easy that was ?" She smiled and said "Yes". And then I told her - like I'm tellin you Porterville - "GO AND DO LIKEWISE" !!!(Jan 24 2017) - LOOK !!! A president who works for a living
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I have to say ... "Hip - Hip - Hooray. America finally has a President who gets up early - gets to work on time - and gets the job done." Folks, President Trump has hit the ground running to "Make America Great Again". His work ethic exemplifies good old fashion values, and he's counting on us - you and I - to do the same. Slothfulness is not a virtue that is highlighted in the Bible and it should not be a part of any Christian's character or manner. Now "RISE" and do the same !!!(Jan 23 2017) - Is the New Star Really a Sign ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Gazing into the night sky in 2022 - looking at the creation of a new star - has many Jewish teachers and prophecy experts believing that this new star is a sign that "Their Messiah" is coming. Now, as Christians, we know that JESUS CHRIST is The MESSIAH and HE Promised to return - but through the clouds and onto the Mount of Olives. With that, we also know that another messianic person will appear on the scene in the last days and that one is known as the anti-Christ. So, yes we need to be vigilante re: these beliefs ... even though they're not ours.(Jan 22 2017) - British Trident Test Malfunctioned ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Looks like one of Britain's Trident missiles was hijacked and redirected towards the coast of Florida by "Back-door-Barry's" (BdB) BLACK-OP satellites. Now, if the Brit's really owned up to this mis-guided missile, they would have copped to it and then made adjustments re: their unreliable missiles. But since (BdB) is out of office, and not a threat to the Brit's or the U.S. anymore, PM May thought it wise to fess up before President Trump finds out and cuts loose with a TWEET. More to come, I'm sure ...(Jan 21 2017) - Obama's start New Life with New Scam
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- I know you don't even want to hear any more news re: "Back-door-Barry" and his "Life Partner" but, check it out. These two scam-sters are actually forming a foundation - like the Clinton's - to benefit others who "they say" need help. Now, that's about as nice as I can put it, 'cuz ... these ingrates still want more (for themselves). So ... since it's still unclear where Hillary's moo-la could end up, my guess is "Back-door-Barry's" foundation might shelter it for a spell - {Witchy-Poo lingo}.(Jan 20 2017) - NEW WHITE HOUSE WEB SITE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- No less than a few seconds after Donald J. Trump was sworn in as President of the United States, the White House official web site www.WhiteHouse.gov was changed over. And Boy Howdie ... it's a site to behold. So make sure that you save it to your favourites on your computers, ipads amd iphones, because what was done in darkness by the deep state and "Back-door-Barry" - at break neck speed - is gonna be undone by "The Peoples President" ... Donald J. Trump.(Jan 19 2017) - CNN: If Trump is Killed During Inauguration ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Every inch of the way, the NEW WORLD ORDER, has put up road blocks, preventing a possible takeover of the White House "By We The People" ... including - if necessary - eliminating the opposition. Now that Donald Trump is just one day away from being sworn in as President of the United States, the scuttlebutt firing up the internet today is this last ditch possibility - assassination. Folks, if you know how to pray - then get with it, 'cause I'm tellin you ... if Trump is taken out ... then you and I could be next. GOD Have Mercy ...(Jan 18 2017) - An open letter to Trump from the US press corps
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- So ... now the U.S. Press Coups (MSM) will be turning into "Terrorising Journalists", if they can't goad President-elect Donald J. Trump into answering one of their FAKE NEWS questions. I guess they haven't learned anything re: reporting THE TRUTH ... 'cause the Internet Investigators cleaned their clocks in this last election cycle, and will continue to do so from here on out. So ... SHUT UP FAKE NEWS ... or we will show up at your place of business, or homes, or address our concerns with those who advertise with you and your FAKE NEWS corporations. GOT IT ???(Jan 16 2017) - Will the Real Russian Agent Please Stand Up ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Here's a little something (article) to think about. Isn't it funny how "Back-door-Barry" had more communist influence in his early up-bringing ... and ... all the way up into his candidacy for the President in 2008 ??? Isn't it ??? As interesting, many in the early civil rights movement were also influenced by the Russians, encouraging protests and civil disobedience. But that important legacy of "Back-door-Barry" has been smoothed over by the MSM and all those muslim double agents and Commies In America (CIA) ...(Jan 15 2017) - Barnes & Noble Censors Book Reviews ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- WOW !!! I have just finished reading "The People vs Muhammad" by author J.K. Scheindlin, and let me just say ... WOW !!! Folks, you better grab your copy of this "Best Selling Book" before it's banned in toto. This eye opening "Exhibit Number One" against Islam and it's so-called founder - Muhammad - will forever enlighten your understanding of these deep irrational roots of this religion of death and sex, like no other. And for sure, if any Muslim reads this book, and is honest with it's findings and their feelings, they'll leave Islam a nanosecond.(Jan 14 2017) - Obama unleashes NSA cache of your details
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Many are calling these last minute executive actions, orders, and memorandums by "Back-door-Barry" Underhanded and Suspicious. Folks, pay attention to the newly revised "Orders of Succession" and tell me if you can't see an "agenda" - in the event many of these department heads come up "DEAD" !!! Second, notice that many of their replacements are those from FEMA's 10 Regions ... suspiciously undoing "States Rights". So ... Stay Awake, Stay Active and Stay Alive !!!(Jan 13 2017) - US Intel Warns Israel NOT to Share Intel
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Let me tell you guys something, these intel agencies are all compromised and coerce countries daily under the guise of national security interests. And to tell Israel to back off of sharing any intel with Donald Trump's incoming administration smacks of sabotage and treason of the highest order. Their afraid of the intel from Israel that will out these agencies and their agents, as performing un-American activities, and failing to keep their oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic - especially domestic !!!(Jan 13 2017) - Why obama slammed the door on the Cubans
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Discrimination ??? Dishonesty ??? Disloyalty ??? Yes - Yes and Yes. "Back-door-Barry" (to the end) demonstrates these descriptions of his defence mechanisms, while his lap-dog do-nothings and say-nothings (MSM) bow to his betrayal and belligerence. Sure, the Cubans were his target - 'cause of their voting {historically} is Republican, and they supported Donald J. Trump for President - but for crying out loud, these Cuban immigrants want to become citizens and want to acclimate ... unlike obama's imported muslims.(Jan 12 2017) - Trump vs US Intelligence
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Quite simply, President-elect Donald J. Trump is signalling his intentions re: all intelligence agencies, and shadow gov't, that he will not tolerate their escapades here or abroad. Manifestly, he's re-establishing the correct dynamic and purpose of these "Behind-the-Scenes" spies. Folks, once our own intelligent agencies start to draw down their own private and personal schemes, then many of the other intelligence agencies from other nations may do the same. Listen, it's gotta stop soon or they'll assemble a team of assassins - triggering anarchy in America, leading to WWIII, and predictably ... ARMAGEDDON !!!(Jan 11 2017) - Knights of Malta refuse to cooperate with Pope
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This is kinda how it got started with the Knights Templars and the Vatican claiming ecclesiastical rights over all their bounty and lands - especially Jerusalem - forcing them to flee and emerge later as Freemasons. Now on one hand the Knights of Malta are claiming State Sovereignty and cannot be investigated or disposed by any outside estate. On the other hand the Pope can simply excommunicate them all with another Bull. So why the push to fire the head of the Knights of Malta ? They may not posess all the money, but I assure you, they possess the money trail. Yep ... it's always been about the money.(Jan 10 2017) - "Alien Invasion" Envisioned in 1966 Report
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Missing from this Project Blue-beam possibility re: an Outer Space Alien Invasion, is the use of weaponry from these ultra-dimensional intruders. Look, once an object is seen, reason and logic demand an answer. However, when your central nervous system kicks in with fight or flight (with traceable frequencies of fear tracked by DARPA) and wham'o, you become a hard target, and with a flip of the switch you spontaneously com-bust, disintegrate or become a zombie. That's what's missing from this FALSE FLAG INVASION !!! CERN will open the heavens and men will see these ultra-dimensional intruders for whom they are ... DEMONS ... not weapons!!!(Jan 10 2017) - RFK Jr to Head Commission on Vaccine Safety
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Oh heck yeah !!! Robert Kennedy Jr. will make a great commissioner re: Vaccine Safety. For too long, children who could not tolerate all those immunizations and vaccinations ended up with a myriad of life changing side effects - AUTISM being one of the worst. Yes, I know he's a democrat, and yes I know he could share the same fate as his father and his uncle, JFK. However, from all the reports, articles and activities that I've read re: his stand against these vaccines ... Brother, I'd appoint him too.(Jan 07 2017) - The History of the CIA : Book Review
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today I took a few minutes to review this article re: The History of the CIA, which I believe should've been titled, a small but interesting look into CIA interest abroad. Notwithstanding, this piece gives the reader a quick glance into some of the CIA's early history, clandestine activities and deep pockets of protection and immunity - from prosecution. Folks, these agencies do not have any "Peace Time" agendas any more, now that most of the corporations they protect benefit more from war then peace. President Kennedy's "Report from Iron Mountain" committee warned us about that, and - no doubt - cost him his life.(Jan 06 2017) - Baby snubs Joe Biden's kiss ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Good grief !!! You'd think by now this stinky old man (Joe Biden) would keep his mitts - let alone his filthy mouth - off children. But, noooo ... It seems like every time there's a young child or kid in the room, this "Micro-Molester" moves in quickly to cop a feel and more. Eight long years is long enough for America and the rest of the world to put up with this demonic duo - a closet Muslim and his sickening sidekick. Enough is enough !!!(Jan 05 2017) - Sheriff Offers Inmates to Build Border Wall
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- What a great idea !!! Here's a few ways this could be done. First, offer to the inmate an incentive to lower his sentence if he is willing to "Work on the Wall". Second, offer to the prisons in the border states a transfer of inmates who want to "Work on the Wall" - which the fed gov would pay for. Third, create a Reality TV Show for the public to watch and then to chime in via their social media toys and trinkets, where in the inmates could also - at the end of the work week - give a "SHOW TIME" shout out to their fans back home. Now ... who wouldn't want to "Work on the Wall" ???(Jan 05 2017) - Time for California's GOP to Embracing Trump
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- High time someone from California's GOP said something of value. Look, most people around the Porterville area know that I am the President of the Porterville Area Republican Assembly (PARA), and back in Nov 20th 2015, we had taken a SECOND STRAW POLL of who our members would vote for if the election were held on that date. Presidential candidate Donald Trump came away with 37.5% of the vote and PARA stayed the course with him, past the primary and into the general election. BTW ... We knew there were many RINO's in the GOP but we held true to our convictions, fought the good fight and have a leg to stand on - not California's GOP !!!(Jan 04 2017) - Warning Signs Point to Danger Ahead in 2017
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Indicators and issues from just about every arena in America demands all of our attention, alertness and an awakening. Folks, Jan 20th 2017 is just one day in a year and our collective agreement with Donald J. Trump to "Make America Great Again" will require a "Day-to-Day" Constitutional commitment from all of us - and not just from one man in the White House. Listen to me closely, these "Whatever-Goes-Weirdo's" in Washington have got their panties in a wad, 'cause their unnatural pursuit(s) of happiness just got rebuked BIG TIME !!! Thus, from here-on-out, all of us must engage in OPERATION PILE-ON and STAY-ON !!! Now, Return to duty ...(Jan 02 2017) - WITNESSING TO A LOCAL MUSLIM ABOUT JESUS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Today GOD let me run across a young man in need and I jumped at the chance. His name is Abraham and I gave him a ride back to his business in Porterville. On the way we struck up a conversation re: the Sunni vs Shia divisions of Islam. Why ? Because he is a Muslim and was open up to hear my views - which impressed him a lot - and I his. He showed me his Quran at his store, and I came back a bit later and showed him mine. He heard my Testimony of how I met JESUS CHRIST and I heard his. Before leaving the store he agreed to dialogue with me re: the Quran and to be my friend. BTW, he let me Pray with him and for him - in the Name of JESUS !!!(Jan 01 2017) - ANOTHER YEAR - ANOTHER CHANCE ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- Like most Christians returning from Church this morning, their pastors or priests may have reassured them that everything is gonna' be A-Okay in 2017 ... if we just BELIEVE. Believe in what ??? Believe that America can become great again, economically, politically, militarily, or spiritually ??? That depends ... depends on YOU !!! You as a Christian have to understand, in the End Times, you may get another chance, and maybe another year ... not to proper, but to preach the GOSPEL, plant some seeds and pray for forgiveness. I know I will. How about you ??? Amen : Come LORD JESUS !!!(Jan 01 2017) - LOOK OUT - If You Use Facebook Messenger
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE -- This New Years Resolutions - to "Quit Feeding The Beast" - ought to be high on your list. Why ? Because the more info that you surrender ... the more you surrender. These apps on your smart phones, tables and computers appear to be making your life easier and faster, but behind the scenes they're amassing intel on you, your family and friends at break-neck speed, of which there is no return. So ... how do you cut the cord or unplug ? Stop using FAKE-BOOK !!!- PAST OPINIONS : 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 |12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 -
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