- PAST OPINIONS : 2013 |2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 -
(Dec 31 2014) - Obama Frees a Nuclear Terrorist (Say What ?)
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- WAKE UP REPUBLICANS !!! It's too late to play “Let's Make a Deal” with that devil. Your political maneuvers to regain the House and Senate has not only infuriated “The Possessed President” to over-write anything Constitutional, American and Christian, but to unlawfully ink more executive orders, memorandums and the like - at break-neck speed - to further his fathers dreams – ushering in chaos, crimes, confusion and communism.(Dec 30 2014) - DHS's Planting GPS Trackers on Illegals ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Oh ... so GPS-ing all these illegals ... I mean undocumented ... excuse me ... ah ... employment slaves, will help the DHS and ICE stay in contact with “Back-door-Barry's” border hoppers ? Is that it ? How naive can you really be ? Listen up !!! What all this tracking technology is leading up to is the “Mark of the Beast”. Common ladies ... it's in your BIBLE - that you substitute as a purse in Church. Open it up and READ IT !!! Goodness gracious sakes alive.(Dec 29 2014) - THE QUEEN'S SPEECH : Deciphered ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm tellin' you, the further you research these “Royal” blood-lines, the closer you get to the truth re: their so-called authority from GOD and why they WAR with anyone else who claims that they have sovereignty from GOD. This has been a bur in their saddle re: America's Constitution and our Bill of Rights ... you know ... emanating from GOD, and all that. In the end, they'll sing satan's songs and the masses will obeisantly genuflect ... but not the TRUE BELIEVERS !!!(Dec 29 2014) - Hacker clones a politician’s fingerprints
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Don't ever say don't to a hacker ... ever !!! These cats and black hats resurrect off those words and most always prove you wrong otherwise. That being said, what's in your wallet ... is really what's at stake here. Of course these hackers say freedom is the issue, and for the most part I agree, but not to fleece or flank my bank account. And yes, many are hired by govt's to continue this chaos against order, until the banks cry uncle and austerity levels the rest.(Dec 28 2014) - Why Thoughtful People Are Dumping Church
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well, you'll have to go back to another book called Why men hate going to Church to get the real impact of why MEN ARE DONE ... showing up to a politically correct and or feminized dominated church environment. Men want to do something. They need a cause, a crusade, a mission of some sort which will validate who they are as men and what their purpose is in life. It's really that simple. Men want to be protectors, not spectators.(Dec 28 2014) - What Really Is Islam ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Look, I'm gonna lay it out like this. The politically correct authorities will never admit that they're loosing the war on terror here in the states. They are now trying to regroup after a muslim murdered two of their own in New York. Being nice to this nemesis' has given them time to exploit our weaknesses, our schools and ways to attack America. This is what islam really is and really does. So bone up on this brief article, cause if you don't ... that's on you.(Dec 25 2014) - A YouTube Hypnotist put me in a trance
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now, before you poke fun at this you-tube phenomenon, hundreds, if not thousands are actually submitting themselves and their subconscious minds to this on-line hypnotist. They're admitting, after going under, that they've experienced some degree of relief and or a re-alignment of a past personality, while others want to go even further, saying ... it's kinda addicting. (Oh I bet it is) - like everything else satan secretly serves up, especially on TV.(Dec 23 2014) - Why the Bad Guys Keep Winning
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- As well written as this article is, the masses – as a whole - won't take the time to align their self deceiving and self destructive defense mechanisms one iota. Their world view and construct denies them these truisms for the lessor of two lies and will hardly consider any facts re: “The Big Lie” ... even if it's broad-casted on all channels, the internet, or as The LORD stressed in this parable re: someone coming back from the dead ... they just won't believe.(Dec 22 2014) - ISIS selling Christian artifacts ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well good Monday morning “Chris-lamic” Christians. How do you like these headlines ? I don't suppose you wanna re-define this genocide & complete destruction of a Christian culture ... or do you ? Listen up, there's no amount of apologizing, on this side of Heaven, that you can utter that'll get you off the hook for these atrocities. YOU MUST REPENT ! Water & Oil won't mix & all muslims must be told that “Real Christians” & “Real Americans” won't tolerate this religious cleansing any more !(Dec 19 2014) - Police using 'Social Media' against you
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- How dumb is society ? Dumb enough to pay - up front - for toys & gadgets which will one day classify them as criminals. I've been harping on this for years re: surveillance and how it will be used by profiling police and alphabet soup agencies to round you up and dispose of you – indefinitely. Look kids, you may not see what's coming, but I do. Unless you OPT OUT now and say yes to JESUS ... your goose is cooked.(Dec 18 2014) - IRS : Budget cuts could delay refunds
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Alright ... T.E.A. Party people ... here's one right up your ally. It seams that the IRS is still in a cover-up / retaliation mode and they're threatening to shut down the town due to budget cuts (LOL). No doubt they've been instructed (off the e-mail record) re: the possible time-lines for being subpoenaed by either congress or a court, and if their offices are closed - well - those documents ain't gonna be got ... and “Back-door-Barry” wins again.(Dec 17 2014) - Obama Befriends the Castro Brothers
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Jeepers creepers, there's a lot of grassy knoll potential on this socialist strategy, with plausible deny-ability coming from countless countries and agencies. And the first shot across the bow is aimed at an angry bear ... RUSSIA ... Yikes !!! Europe depends on those oil pipe-lines running through various controlled countries by Putin and friends, but I'm here to tell you, tanks and sub's are all lined up on the borders and shores and those so-called lost nukes are un-pinned, keyed-in, and one number away from lift off. Sure ... the banks want Cuba ... but Russia wants the banks.(Dec 16 2014) - ISLAM IN ACTION ... Slaughtering Students
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hated most on their list ... CHRISTIANS !!! Time and time again, we have seen this in the news. A muslim group targets ... excuse me ... murders innocent people and then they'll take credit for these crimes. As disturbing, the main-spew media (Manchurian mouth pieces) continuously dials down any inference to islam, making the story somehow less threatening. Listen, ABC, CBS, NBC and the rest of you ... dead is dead and murder is murder, so STOP ENABLING ISLAM.(Dec 16 2014) - Black Helo's Descend on Dallas For Drill
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- As far as I can tell, no one has openly confronted these copters ... no one. However, plans are in the making re: negotiations with local military bases before civil law suits start drawing down of these ding-bats in the department of defense. These training exercises have got to stop before one of these ghetto birds crash and kills someone. Enough is enough !!! I flew in helo's in the Navy and I know for a fact, you do not need to train over populated areas. SO STOP IT !!!(Dec 15 2014) - Look up in the Sky - It’s Operation Blue Beam
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Before it's all over, their gonna call it all sorts of things ... AN INVASION FROM OUTER SPACE, an inversion of planes, a universal magnetic realignment, negative human frequencies and, as I know from my own personal research ... by cracky ... there's gonna put on a show in the heavens (in the upper atmosphere) where 3-dimensional entities will manifest and communicate a One World Message which, according to the Bible, will deceive the world and if possible the very elect. OPERATION BLUE BEAM ... shucks ... that's just the beginning.(Dec 14 2014) - Lockheed Martin sets up shop in Abu Dhabi
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's a newly developing issue of "National Security"... brought to you by one of those NEW WORLD ORDER war mongering machines ... Lockheed Martin. I mean, it's bad enough that we export and out-source many jobs that unemployed Americans could be performing right here. But come on ... setting up shop in Abu Dhabi and calling it an innovation center ? This ain't right ladies and I'm guessin' that the CIA probably "green-lighted" this operation. Stay tuned ...(Dec 14 2014) - Is your Church Secretly accepting Chrislam ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hear me Believers, Christianity is not compatible with islam. If your pastor is allowing this false teaching to come into your church, you - as a Believer, have a duty to Biblically address this spirit of error. If necessary, you might have to confront your pastor and or the churches board of directors re: this doctrine of devils. Lastly, if you pastor or church won't listen and are hell-bent on blending these beliefs into one religion, you better high-tail it out of there lickety-split.(Dec 13 2014) - When Rothschild Dials 911
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You gotta hand it to these guys and their EVIL intentions. Controlling, let alone owning the planet, is risky business. Buying off your friends and enemies with phony money ... ✓. Centralizing news and info ... ✓. Dividing democracy ... ✓. Serializing population growth ... ✓. Owning all the horses in all the horse races ... ✓. Marking their servants and survivors before CHRIST Our SAVIOUR ( not theirs ) returns ... soon ... very soon.(Dec 12 2014) - Sheriff Joe Arpaio Draws First Blood ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Boy howdy ... you want someone who ain't afraid of the establishment to run for President - come 2016 - well that's gotta be Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Maricopa County. This guy has been scrapin' with these elitists and their disdain for the Constitution from day one and he's still fronting them off and calling them out ... especially in court. His platform, no doubt, will be, "Illegals are not exempt from the law and the president isn't above the law." Go Joe !!!(Dec 12 2014) - GOP SELLOUTS ON BUDGET & OBAMACARE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Don't you know it ... this ain't gonna end well for Congressman McCarthy once the newly elected Representatives take their oath of office and settle in. America did not vote democ-RAT and RINO-republicans out of office just to continue the same old game. They voted for men and women with a Conservative Conscious, a Constitutional Conviction, and best of all ... GOD Fearing. I'm tellin' you, this ain't gonna end well for McCarthy ... not at all.(Dec 11 2014) - Military converting planes for Ebola victims ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- What cotten-picken tom-foolery is this all about - gutting our planes to accommodate overseas victims of EBOLA to fly them back here to America ??? You read that right, our military is converting it's cargo planes into air-ambulances and health-care carriers for those infected with EBOLA. I'm tellin' you, somebody's sick in the head re: this infectious disease. You don't fly diseases all over the planet ... for crying out loud ... YOU ISOLATE THEM !!!(Dec 10 2014) - Kentucky Residents Complain of Low Flying Helo's
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Knowing that America's avowed enemies monitor our media and internet new outlets ... reading what just happened in Kentucky re: some military exercise ... has them - I'm sure - rollin' in the isles with uncontrollable laughter. But for those who received an emergency phone alert from the gov't and actually seen an array of low flying helicopters ... this wasn't no drill. To them, this was the real deal and America was under attack ... ( but by whom, they asked ??? )(Dec 09 2014) - Can This Computer Predict The Future ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (MOVIE) Yes ... those greedy bankers found the bottom & discovered it was made of glass & that's why some jumped out of banking all together, while others jumped out of windows. This new movie re: predicting markets, elections & mayhem got the inventor of this computer source code locked up for years 'cause he wouldn't give the gov't his info & now he's out & his computer is predicting that in Oct of 2015 stuff is gonna happen - bad stuff. Are you ready ? Times a waisting ...(Dec 08 2014) - Over 4,000 Sex Crimes by Illegals & more ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well ... here's the latest on “Back-door-Barry's” border-hopping sexual predators. Looks like a watch dog group in North Carolina has been keeping crime stats on the Barry's ... “Back-door-Boys”. Over 4,000 sexual crimes against children in one year, they say, have been committed ... in only one state !!! LORD knows that these law breakers are having a field day ... on obama's orders ... and on America's dime. WAKE UP REPUBLICANS !!!(Dec 07 2014) - Where's CHRIST in Christmas - Porterville ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Today, around 1:00 pm, I went for a short drive around Porterville – from Henderson to Main, then to Olive Ave - to get a look at this years celebrations of The Birth of our Saviour JESUS CHRIST, & to rejoice in all of the pictorial displays & paintings put up by our local businesses. Much to my surprise, none were found in their windows except pagan propaganda & only nine mentions of Merry Christmas out of 30 displays. Absolutely nothing about The Reason for The Season – JESUS !!!(Dec 07 2014) - CA Cop Being Fired for 'NOT' Using Violence ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm tellin' you, too many times I was called in to calm a crisis between correctional officers & inmates when I worked as a Psych Techn in CDCR, & honestly, I batted nearly a 1,000 in getting the job done without any confrontation. It can be done. All that's needed is a little crisis training & soon the issue is resolved. Few get hurt & lawsuits become few & far in between. Good cops become the norm, make rank & of course friends on the streets, while bad cops are sent packing. What a concept ...(Dec 06 2014) - American Hostage Murdered In Yemen
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So, the question was asked of one of these muslims – from Yemen - who have a business here in Porterville, how do you feel about your country taking an American hostage and then murdering him in cold blood ? Answer ... No Answer. The bottom line with these muslims who have immigrated over here is to take legal advantage of our system, exploit it and laugh at us all the way to the bank. This is why I BOYCOTT all businesses which are muslim owned. Period – Paragraph !!!(Dec 05 2014) - WH Non-Denial of Sanctions Against Israel ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Odds are that this leach in the White House is smoke-screening someone or something. That's been his “transparent” M.O. ever since got elected in 2008. As satan's side-kick, “Back-door-Barry” can manufacture mayhem just by moving his lips, all while hustling hells' hostages of hate for his friends ... and believe-you-me, they ain't you, or I, and at this prophetic time in history ... Israel.(Dec 04 2014) - AMERICANS MUST MONITOR ALL MUSLIMS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Let's make this as simple as possible ... alright ? Good, 'cause LORD knows these folks and their religion have it bad for Christians, let alone humanity in general ... I mean - real bad. It's so bad that they are making all of our black-op / covert Manchurian candidates who have hypnotically hidden split personalties, look good. And that's bad.(Dec 03 2014) - 'No Social Security for Nazis Act' nears Passage
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- What ever you do, don't spazz-out re: this "Better Late than Never" decision by congress. I mean, it only took them 60 some odd years to ick-snay Social Security benefits which were givin' to actual Nazi War criminals. You read that right ... NAZI WAR CRIMINALS !!! Imagine how long it's gonna take to do the same with all theseMUSLIMWAR CRIMNALS ... receiving social security benefits ... over seas ??? Now you can spazz-out !!!(Dec 03 2014) - ISIS or Foreign Fighters returning to U.S. ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Stop ! Do Not Enter !! Do Not Go Past Go !!! For crying out loud ... somebody in Washington needs to put the kibosh on all these ISIS Terrorists returning to the states. Cut them off at the border, freeze their banking and internet accounts, and here's an idea, TAKE AWAY THEIR PASSPORTS !!! But NOOOO ... there's some classified agenda which regular folks won't understand ... and ... they need to let "Their Agenda" play out. In other words, to heck with the safety and security of Americans on American soil.(Dec 02 2014) - Co-existence doesn’t exist for muslims, period
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- For you Christians who cower, 'cause your convictions re: Christ might offend a muslim, get over it ! They have and are using your crowdedness as a sign that their religion is the correct, and you – the infidel - who are in their way for total world dominance, will be removed, by any means necessary. Wake Up Christians !!! Islam does not want to co-exit with you or anyone else. So, this Christmas, I suggest that you do, as I continue to do ... BOYCOTTMUSLIMBUSINESSES ... especially in Tulare County, where a lot of your money is sent back to their islamic terrorists countries. YES IT DOES !!!(Dec 01 2014) - Fund my Amnesty or I’ll Shut Down the Gov't
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's your adolescent in action democ-RATS ... the one you elected. And - just like Loise Farrakhan, who's words are becoming the fuel for a race war in Ferguson - “Back-door-Barry's” words are becoming fuel for a race war with illegals as well - boasting in front of an audience - “Fund My Amnesty (GOP) or I’ll Shut Down The Government”. I'm tellin' you, it time for the House's Sgt-o-Arms to perform his duty and arrest this National Security risk.(Nov 30 2014) - Obama Quietly Passed 3,400 New Regulations ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looking for a little light reading this Sunday ? Well, the Porterville Post has just what your looking for with “Back-door-Barry's” new drop of “Rule and Regulations” ... just in time for the Holidays. Par for his course - Mr. Transparency - had his administration dump a commie load of changes – 3,400 to be exact – on many unsuspecting civilians. And we were told he'd put any or all changes on the web for the publics viewing first. No he di-ent ... Yes he did !!!(Nov 29 2014) - Is the U.S. being set up to lose W.W. III ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- There sure is a lot of double flanking and false flagging sailing the seven seas - here lately - and I know that these “Usual Operations” are not all that usual. As a matter of fact, you could say these ships are kinda cruising for bruising. However, these maritime maneuvers have also been used in the past to produce “Smoke Screens” - if you will – and with all that GOLD being repatriated back to their original countries ... well ... “all bets are in” ... as the BANKS set the stage for World War III.(Nov 29 2014) - Pope prays in Istanbul mosque in new outreach
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So ... when will we have quantifiable evidence that says, “when two religious heads from two antithetical religions get together and genuflect before the flash and shine of many camera's, GOD ALMIGHTY, will hear from Heaven and bring Peace to the world ? ” Those suffering persecution, sold into slavery and die because of terrorism want to know ... when will we have evidence ??? When ??? When JESUS CHRIST returns ... that's when !!!(Nov 28 2014) - Why do British Royals refuse to visit Israel?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Very interesting ... wouldn't you say ? For hundreds of years kings & kingdoms have played this game of charade until they're ready to cease the moment to expand their kingdom(s). Now in this case we have the “BAD BLOODLINES” positioning themselves for the final takeover of Jerusalem ... one backed and supported by the remaining kingdoms and the other by GOD. Elliot Abrams, who penned this piece gets close in his third assumption, but not close enough.(Nov 27 2014) - The Good Muslim Terrorist ... (RIGHT)
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- In one of the most simplified articles re: Islams so-called “Religion of Peace” blogger Daniel Greenfield – as do many of his responders at the bottom of the page - point out the hypocrisy that Muslims cannot be good if they aren't killing anyone who isn't a strict observer of Islam - meaning, any muslim not killing, per the koran, must be killed also. Maybe “Back-door-Barry” can do a face-to-face with ISIS, show them his “Secret Islamic Decoder” wedding ring & ask them to play nice. Spose that could happen ? Just asking ... don't untie your turban.(Nov 26 2014) - Forget Ferguson ... What about Chicago ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This report ought a ring a bell or two. Looks like there's been more shootings, killings and murders in “Gun Free” Chicago - in the last three months – since Ferguson's Grand Jury sequestered and came back with a bill of no indictment. But ... these facts just ain't news worthy enough for the main-spew media, the race baiters and the National Guard, who – no doubt – would fence off the whole city and re-classify it as FEMA CAMP # 1 ... I Would.(Nov 25 2014) - Hagel's dismissal underscores WH distrust
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Once this “Derelict of Duty” is done clearing the deck - within the military – and has all of his Mob Bosses (Chi-Town Lingo) moved in, then {AKA} “Back-door-Barry” will put a final “Executive” clamp down on The Constitution with a Martial Law mandate - emanating “clandestinely” from the mindless masses. For sure, Chuck Hagel was on the outs once he put the puzzle together - and, according to many lawmakers - had to go.(Nov 25 2014) - Was the 'Dome of the Rock Built' for Jews ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now, if this doesn't ignite a fire-storm of faith between the muslims and Jews, I don't what will. Folks, if the liberal media (as many infer are mostly owned and controlled by Jews) are previ to this, one must question “WHY” Israel hasn't issued any press releases – to any media, let alone the liberal media - and take a stand. Why ? Because that property on which those religions are fighting over is owned by a third estate. Wanna guess which state ? Read the Book of Revelations ...(Nov 25 2014) - Islam Has a "Farm Team" in America
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- For a fact – since I used to work for the CDCR – many prisoners shared with me during "Group Sessions" that one of the biggest reasons inmates converted over to islam was to take advantage of the system ... especially during times of ramadan, where their islamic dietary demands put a lot of pressure on the prison kitchens and slowed down the whole process. Eventually they gained access to the prisons “Law Library” where they learned to sue the prison system re: meals, medicine and of course metal health. That's how I got hired.(Nov 23 2014) - Is this the Official Website of the Illuminati ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well ... hot-digity-dog ! I was wondering how long it was gonna take for the next generation of luciferian losers to misdirect the masses ... and now I know. Thanks to Holly-WEIRD and the record industry, we now have a generation of wannabes and practitioners who are ready to surrender their future to the folks at this website who claim – and get this - to be the illuminati. What do you think ?(Nov 21 2014) - Oklahoma Muslim stabs Christian after argument
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Once again, muslims in America silently cheer because one of their followers took their religion to an extreme. Just read through this report real quick and you'll see for yourself that muslims need to be watched ... all ... the ... time. In any kinda of give and take re: religious apologetics, they could fly off into a rage in seconds, as their mindset is muddled to avenge Mohamed – their messia of murder.(Nov 20 2014) - U.S. to allow Ebola Patients to come over
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- What better way to clog up air travel and American hospitals, then to tell all those nations who have EBOLA Patients to come to the U.S. and stay a while ... 'bout 18 months or so. I'm tellin' you if this chaos was planned, then there's gonna be some serious howdy-duty time between that undocumented blow-hard and the newly elected members of congress ... 'cause we're gonna make sure they keep their promise !!!(Nov 19 2014) - The Achilles heel of Narcissus
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- In 2008, a two way pathological mis-marriage of hype and hope took place ... one that lifted the hopes of a group of electorates, as the other played on their hopes with hype. Again in 2012, those masses were mis-lead and by 2014 a (D)ivorce ensued and an exodus. Soon, "entitled anger" will manifest as a result of their narcissistic nuptials and a border-line set of children "Revenge and Riot" will be their offspring. In their mis-guided and embarrassed minds, blaiming ain't enought. Someone's gotta' pay ... for their mis-takes !!!(Nov 18 2014) - "POPULATION REDUCTION" white paper ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- There's just too many people on our planet ... and 2 billion have got to go ... SOON !!! Well, first of all, GOD created this planet & everything that can be observed through the naked eye & beyond. Second, it is HIS Good Pleasure that all be in good health and prosper, not just a few. Now ... for those of you still sitting on the fence re: over population and what to do about it and you really want GOD's take on this issue ... well ... you're gonna have to depopulate “yourself” and talk with The CREATOR and see what HE says. I already know.(Nov 17 2014) - Forcing Pesticides on Organic Farmers
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Freshly sprayed, fruits & vegetables ... on all of California's organically grown produce ? That's right, coming soon to the “Organic Isle” in your produce section, possibly a new label attached to those vegetables stressing that they're still considered organic, however, the CDFA - just in case some “Imported Produce” items get infested - are now mandating that all organic produce grown in California be sprayed with some type of pesticide - you know - to protect "imported" fruits & veggies.(Nov 16 2014) - Why Muslim Refugees are moving to Wyoming
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm tellin' you ... the enemy of America is moving in fast and furious and believe it or not, your tax dollars are paving the way for this islamic invasion ... seriously !!! First they found ways to buy up most of our small mom and pop stores all across the U.S. and now, they're getting SECTION 8 Housing - in droves - and are heading to Cheyenne, Wyoming ... in a gov't sponsored and supported Trojan horse packed with future terrorists.(Nov 16 2014) - State Dept computers hacked, email shut down
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now ... this is what the IRS should have done months ago, let some government hack ... I mean ... gov't IT hack into it's servers as a plausible reason to destroy the e-mail evidence .. I mean ... fix the system. In any event, whoever has to repair those servers, man-o-man, they better be “High and Tight” with JESUS CHRIST, cause most IT's who service gov't servers are UNIX / LINEX high-breeds and they know how to track and trace other hackers ... and they might pull a Snowden ... if you know what I mean.(Nov 15 2014) - Ebola contractors to be held unaccountable ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yeah baby, on Nov 13th “Back-door-Barry” just gave one big “Get Out of Jail” pass / bail-bond / executive order / MEMORANDUM for those individuals who travel over to countries where EBOLA is peculating. In other words, those folks who are contracted to go and work in EBOLA infested areas, cannot be taken to court, even if these workers come back and disease up the whole neighborhood and or town. It's kinda like that same deal that big pharma got re: their disease carrying vaccines ... that don't work.(Nov 14 2014) - Muslim Worshipped ALLAH in House Floor
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- May GOD Have Mercy on our leaders ... for their ignorance has set a flame the prayers of a religion of hatred in the House of Representatives and those elected, who claim to be Christian, stayed in that chamber until that iman finished cursing our country. Please ... I so desperately need to be corrected ... did anyone even attempt to share The Gospel of Jesus Christ with that muslim, or even walk out in protest ? Anyone ? Anyone ?(Nov 13 2014) - World Order Through Chaos or Insight ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Again, the main-spew media, always memorized by one of the chief architects of the NEW WORLD ORDER – Henry Kissinger – is goose stepping his rendering of history and the future. Seriously, they treat "See You in Hell Henry" like he's the only reliable source of information and the last secretary of state on the planet. Why ? Because they're all interconnected ... starting with the CRF ... the Council on Foreign Relations. Google it for yourself, then get back to me.(Nov 11 2014) - Apache Helo Visits Shooters at Gun Range ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This is why you keep your eyes and ears in the skies – like Radar O'Riley from the 4077 M.A.S.H. - 'cause at any moment, one of these military type helo's / ghetto birds could land and quickly become an issue. How do I know ? Because that's what I did in the U.S. Navy as a S.A.R. Crewman. At any time and at any place, we could drop S.A.R. Crewmen, Navy SEALS and or Navy SEABEES, to establish a beach head in a matter of minutes ... but not on U.S. soil or against Americans !!! We Honored our Oath !!!(Nov 11 2014) - U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This Veterans Day as we celebrate and honor those who sacrificed greatly for our freedoms, this recent report highlights what most researchers from the internet media already knew … that the elite, albeit the NEW WORLD ORDER establishment – has and is, in control of the political and economic process designed to favor their own. Thus it is true ... that democracy ... has left the building. What's left is simply an illusion. Happy Veterans Day ...(Nov 11 2014) - Sacking of Commanding Generals: Prelude to ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Look ... you train your resources / forces before you drain your resources / forces, unless your shadowy agenda says ... “It's better that one side wins (a Nuclear War) instead of both sides losing.” And from the looks of it, that is “Back-door-Barry's” agenda ... that anyone should win ... instead of America. Connect the dots kids. Your freedoms have been silently surrendered by a socialist ... for socialism.(Nov 10 2014) - Sheriffs Plan Opposition to Obama’s Amnesty
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- A call to convene has been issued to all Constitutional Sheriffs to converge on Congress re: “Back-door-Barry's” issuing any illegal executive order for illegal aliens. Dec 10th is the date set for this “Showdown of Sheriffs” and another date which could go down in infamy, if their Constitutional concerns are met with a hostile response involving the military. Knowing that Wash D.C. is not a state, but a corporate district, these sheriff's cold get locked up - indefinitely - and I think you can figure out the rest. So ... PRAY - PRAY – PRAY !!!(Nov 10 2014) - U.S. troops serving as HOSPITAL ORDERLIES ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- And so it goes ... right from the frying pan into the fire. I'm tellin' you, I pray that there's more hysteria re: this up-date with our military troops who were deployed to Liberia to “Fight Ebola” then truth ... 'cause if any of it is true, then you can best believe that these troops may have a hard time coming back home with a clean bill of health. No doubt this was part of someone's agenda. LORD have Mercy ...(Nov 09 2014) - Does Obama's "Enemies List" include the Media ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Of course everyone has an "Enemies List" ... it's called "Opposition Research". You hire consultants to do backgrounds on your opponent in an election and your chief of staff usually keeps this consultant somewhere close at hand ... just in case ... they need to shift the blame. In “Back-door-Barry's” case he spent millions on attorneys to cover his past and put his opponents at bay. If I were a bettin' man, and wanted a copy of that list ... I'd hire a private investigator to locate those lawyers and then have Congressman Trey Goudy grill them re: these lists ... 'cause trust me, they have them ... for their own protection.(Nov 09 2014) - 3 of 6 Shooters of JFK had Ties to CIA
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's a little re-hash for satan's secret society suck-ups – the worlds best agents in cover-ups and conspiracies – the freemasons. Missing from this article are some the names of the masons who orchestrated the assassination and cover-up of JFK ... namely Vice President Johnson, FBI Chief, J. Edgar Hoover, Chief Justice Earl Warren and Senator Arlen Spector. Yes, "masons do have a history of murdering their political opponents" {as local masons Irish & Hamilton boasted} ... however ... The LORD will reward all of you "mocking birds" accordingly !!!(Nov 08 2014) - Muslim B-ball player sits for National Anthem
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Offended ... absolutely basketball fans should be offended. Listen, if this freeloading anti-American loser sits while the National Anthem is be played, then he should sit when the game is played as well. I'm telling you, if a Christian acted this way before any game the main-spew media would have his head ... oh ... thats right ... they did T-Bow a Christian player.(Nov 07 2014) - Dangers Lurking with Lame Duck Congress
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Dead & buried - not hardly. These defeated lame-duck democ-RATS are now bruised & are backed into a corner & if an emergency session is called by the out going Senate majority leader, Harry Reid – they'll vote on more regulations, taxes & pork like there's not tomorrow. Christians, stay on your knees a bit longer 'til the calvary arrives & are sworn in. A call to arms may ensue if we don't - REALLY !!!(Nov 05 2014) - Sweden Cedes Control of Muslim Areas
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Muslims, when they gather together in one geographic location, become obstinate and refuse to assimilate. Their goal is to subjugate those who remain in those areas until they submit to their religion. Muslims must be watched at all times re: who they associate with, where they gather and just as important, how they transact business, here and abroad. “Back-door-Barry” - having too many friends and family members who are Muslims – is why Vigilance is a 24 hr Duty ! So ... if you See Something - for crying out loud - Say Something !!!(Nov 05 2014) - America faces most dangerous 2 years
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You betcha, it's time to hoot and holler ... today ... but BEWARE, there's one more power hungry psychopath that needs removal ASAP ... "Back-door-Barry" !!! For sure he'll go down kicking and screaming, threatening to take the whole country down with him - a typical action taken by a person exhibiting a "Borderline Personality Disorder" - unless the Republican controlled House, Senate and SCOTUS remove him !!!(Nov 05 2014) - Be "RIOT READY" in time for Christmas
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yes ... Christmas is just around the corner and so you're wondering, what do I give this year that says FUN, FUN, FUN ??? How about a slightly used military vehicle ? Why not ? Seems like everyone else is, including the local cops. And no doubt you and your family will sleep better at night knowing that your neighborhood will be RIOT READY, when “Back-door-Barry” - through executive orders - initiates the final games. Merry Christmas !!!(Nov 04 2014) - TAKING A STAND FOR VET'S IN PORTERVILLE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Today, as I was at a local donut shop in Porterville – Yum-Yums' – I saw a gray van parked outside of a local head-shop called Kings Smoke Shop. Attached to the back door of that commercial van were three stickers which said, Vet, Afghan Vet and WWII Vet. However, I noticed that the driver was of Arab decent and so I followed him into the head-shop to find out why he had these stickers on his van. I asked him, as he sat behind the counter if he was a Vet. He said no and that the van belonged to his son. I then told him that he or his son needed to remove those stickers, 'cause that was very disrespectful and dishonest. As horrific was a young girl, also behind the counter, who asked, what was so wrong about that ? Well ... I left the store ... 'cause I was gonna tell her what was wrong with that ... and what was wrong with her. GOD Have Mercy ...(Nov 04 2014) - Court Rules Secular Humanism a Religion
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yes ... we have a right - they say - to believe in nothing or whatever we want and guess what, the courts have up-held their secular humanistic rights. Their utter hatred for the original intent of the Constitution, a Christian World view of gov't, is now made manifest with this latest ruling. Will these anti-Christian courts continue to undermine our foundations, I ask ? No doubt, many nations who have tolerated this non-sense have gone by the wayside. Will America follow suit ?(Nov 04 2014) - VOTE RIGHT - LIKE THE POST :
Post Political Feature : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Every election cycle the Porterville Post submits a "" for the public to read, print out and take to the polls on election day. Listed are all of the candidates who made it through the primary, as well as the six state propositions and one local school tax increase - Measure B. GOD Bless you all a bunch and we hope that you'll ... VOTE RIGHT - LIKE THE POST.(Nov 01 2014) - What to do when the Gov't is the Hacker
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Look ... from day one, the gov't has always been used by “The Power Elite” to govern the affairs, possessions and freedoms of masses. They've authorized military's powers to kill and create chaos in other countries, hoodwinked courts into a granting un-Constitutional warrants, sickened our medical establishment, while hiring entertainers to lure the public into a false sense of security. Why ? Because the lambs are willingly SILENT and the pastors are willingly COMPLIANT !!!(Oct 31 2014) - Anthrax outbreak causes quarantine in India
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- And now, for the latest bio-emergency ... an outbreak of ANTHRAX - just in time for the Holidays !!! This latest bio-weapon comes with a 150 year guarantee and can be attached to any geographic area. Great for the emergency real estate needs. Not yet available in America ... (according to the CDC) ... the packaged RONCO-COMBO of EBOLA and ANTHRAX, called "E-THRAX" may be purchased on-line and possibly be delivered, along with back-up vaccines from the U.S. Postal service - by Christmas ... {Horrible Satire & Sarcasm} ... but possible.(Oct 31 2014) - Larger Ebola Outbreaks Coming to U.S.
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Alright, now that we know that EBOLA can remain alive on a sterile surface for weeks and be re-activated, and that the FAA, FDA and CDC agree that persons traveling from EBOLA infected areas need to be checked out really good and if necessary be quarantined upon entry to the U.S., then what about the mail coming out of those countries ??? If an EBOLA infected person "licks" a stamp or the envelope of that letter and a mail carrier handles it without protection ... HOUSTON ... we have a problem, unless we quarantine all incoming mail. This is not good !!!(Oct 31 2014) - UFO Sighting in Porterville Sky ... Confirmed
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Last Friday night around 7:50 pm I had noticed an unusually lit aircraft flying in a south-easterly direction heading towards either Edwards Air base or China Lake. At one point this "Aircraft Light" changed it's illuminating features, slowed down a tad, rounded a 90 degree corner and then shot straight up into space, leaving no sound or tracer of any kind. My thought was, "This better be one of ours, or we're in big trouble." The following Tuesday I ran into an old friend "Travis" and shared what I saw. And wouldn't you know it, he saw the exact same thing on the same night, performing the same maneuver's. Coincidence - maybe. Confirmation – you tell me... RIP Phil Schnieder !!!(Oct 30 2014) - Nurse was trained as CDC intel officer ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Funny how things kinda manifest ... ain't it ? Look folks, just about every semi / quasi NGO has it's plants and CDC ain't no different. NaturalNews.com for the most part, clicked right on to this subject to connect those dots. Now, are there other NGO's out there with secret / ulterior motives ? You betcha and sure as shootin' many of those motives are contraindications of care, which line the agencies with info and big pharma with lots o' loot.(Oct 29 2014) - Brain decoder can eavesdrop on your inner voice
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Guess what ? I know what you're thinking ... maybe not today ... but someday soon. That's right, my friends, soon science will be able to hone in on what that little voice is saying inside your head, and rest assure, there's a ton of money in this R and D. Don't be fooled, just about every alphabet soup agency wants this technology ASAP - for their futuristic minority reports - even though they're gonna hock it as helping the handy-capped. Now ... where's my aluminum foil hat. Seriously !(Oct 28 2014) - U.S. Army to evaluate Ebola vaccine candidates
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Candidates? What's that you say ... candidates ? How 'bout we call them guinea pigs !!! And BTW, since these candidates will most likely be volunteers from the military, suing this pharmaceutical company re: mortal side effects and or major micro-chip complications will be out of the question. But the masses will follow the guinea pigs, 'cause the pied pipers of progress – the press-titutes - will paint this as a positive plan. Wake Up People !!!(Oct 27 2014) - Ebola may live more than 28-days ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Could they ... or ... would they ??? YES !!! It's all within the pathology of absolute power. Megalomaniacs have always presented themselves as the one who can do it better than anyone else, and percentage wise, they ain't that far off the marker. However, they demand absolute trust. Once they believe their followers don't trust them any more, it's CHEM-TRAIL COOL-AID for everyone. And the sky's the limit, or should I say ... the conduit.(Oct 24 2014) - Military training Ebola rapid-response team
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Don't you tell me they're not thinking about it ... don't you dare tell me ... 'cause if Hollyweird can conjure up for the big screen – AKA OUTBREAK – and present the possibility of needed the military to come into a small town, quarantine it and then eventually needing to eliminate that town and it's population for the good of the nation and rest of the world ... then you've already contracted one of the worst diseases known to mankind ... DENIAL !!!(Oct 24 2014) - Russian, Chinese security projects on the horizon
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Is there anyone in Washington willing to fight for American's anymore ? Is the Constitution that cumbersome ? Come on GOP !!! Can't you even say - like the rest of us - “I'm mad as Hell and I ain't gonna take it anymore !!!” WAKE UP & Smell The TAKE OVER !!! The Mexicans are breaching our borders, the Russians are buzzing our coasts, the muslims are slaughtering our saints and the Chinese are set to control the world wide web ... while the NSA's on orders (from Back-door-Barry) to watch American's !!!(Oct 24 2014) - Okla. City 10 Commandments monument destroyed
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- And the hits just keep on coming in Oklahoma. This time someone took out a "10 Commandments Monument" that was positioned on city property - and get this - in front of their state capital. A hit and run, no less, on God's Laws, not just for the Israelites but the gentiles as well. No doubt they'll find who did it, however, the question must be asked, will the court throw the book at this culprit or will Oklahomans cower or capitulate ... now that the Law has been broken - literally.(Oct 23 2014) - Report: America's perpetual state of emergency
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Martial Law !!! Who needs Martial Law ??? Congress in 1976 gave every succeeding president, by way of The National Emergencies Act, the authority to do as he well pleases. And truth be told, this is a far better way to control and govern the affairs and resources of the masses ... wouldn't you say ? Yes my brothers and sisters, you-all got hoodwinked ... masonic speaking ... and if you chase this rabbit down the hole bit further, you'll discover who wants to control and steal Americans sovereignty ... other sovereigns.(Oct 23 2014) - Authorities covering up Ebola cases in U.S. ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Okay ... I agree ... this story sounds a bit out there. However if just one of these patients have been disappeared like the story suggests, then this is also happening. First a collective cooperation amongst agencies, and two, and this one really has me concerned, is that whom ever agreed to this disappearing of people, that means “they” can disappear you or I ... off the books ... sort-of-speak. Now I got your attention.(Oct 21 2014) - More Police Using Surveillance Systems
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hummm ... it's about time someone connected the dots on that eventuality re: satan's surveillance systems being used to listen and capture, not just what the unsuspecting masses are mumbling about, but what and how other policing agencies are "Code-Talking". Listen folks, these agencies wake up paranoid and for good reason. They know that Big Brother's Big Gov't – The NWO - has everyone "MARKED" re: the internet, phones, cars, TV's, appliances, wifi gages, micro-chips and more. And ... they know that resistance – without GOD - is futile.(Oct 18 2014) - White House Moratorium Bans Labs ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's one of those - what in the name of common sense just happened - moments ... I'll say ! Yep, somebody got a good switchen' in one of those “Lets Make a Plague” departments and now the brakes have been applied, leading to additional investigation(s) and possibly scape-goading - as usual - a whistle-blower. Yes a whistle-blower ... 'cause none of this would've come to light unless someone hadn't said something ... or had blackmailed someone ... hint-hint. What say you ?(Oct 18 2014) - US can detect Ebola virus in seconds
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well how do you like that. Apparently there's a quicker way to diagnosis this Ebola virus and this gov't friendly company (Healtheon) - out of Tennessee, whose new name is (Emdeon) – wants to get an approval ASAP. Now, since the DOE came up with this quicker picker upper in the first place, odds are they're all in cahoots re: patents and prices. Seriously ... check out just how far this company has evolved from Netscape to Endeon. Yeah ... that's right ... Cha-Ching !!!(Oct 18 2014) - VIDEO : 2001 Holiday Inn Ebola commercial
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- No way – Jose ... could anyone have known ahead of time that there would be different variants of the Ebola virus. Okay, maybe a few people kinda guessed it and maybe a few commercials were produced and satirically commented on it - especially this one. I mean, this one was a little too close to the truth, if you know I mean ... way too close ... like Steve King too close. What do you think ?(Oct 17 2014) - Dallas Hosp had the Ebola Screening Machine
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Today an e-mail was sent "by your's truly" to Porterville Mayor Milt Stowe re: this article, asking that he have Sierra View District Hospital look into this Ebola Screening Machine. Now, that being said, there may be a few hitches in this get-a-long, meaning, if there really, really is some kind of scheme re: Big Pharma – who wants to administer more VACCINES into the public – and Big Gov – who wants to CURB POPULATION GROWTH - then my e-mail may be all for naught and the uninformed public may be out of hope ... unless they Got JESUS !!!(Oct 16 2014) - Ebola-stricken nurse being flown to Washington
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- AGAIN ... look at this idiot standing in very close proximity (pic) with those who have protective gear on. Now, please tell me - 'cause my logic and critical thinking are interfering with the obvious – why in blue-blazes isn't that unprotected numb-skull being arrested for his incompetence ??? And why ain't those protective folks flagging him away from that exposed ambulance and medial staff ??? Good GOD Almighty !!! Is anyone awake re: this end-time ebola virus ??? Anyone ??? Anyone ???(Oct 16 2014) - Obama may send National Guard to fight Ebola ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- For crying out loud !#@&? By the time the WHO and CDC comes clean re: ebola's incubation time lines and transmission our men and women may never make it back home, from over seas, with a clean bill of health. Something wicked, no doubt, comes this way and ten dimes to a donut - I postulate - that sending our National Guard troops to an ebola infected country is not in the best interests of our country ... unless, of course ... it's in the interests of the NWO.(Oct 15 2014) - Real Life “Contagion” Drama ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm here to tell you, the courts are gonna be lined up with hundreds of law suits in the coming months. Any and every type of public transportation vehicle and flights will be brought into speculation as mass transit(s) will come screeching to a halt. Deliveries of food, goods and services could end up with multiple sanitation check points and the public water systems will be drawn into question as well. And for Washington to not see this possible end-time scenario begs the question re: ill-gotten ignorance or elitist indifference.(Oct 14 2014) - "Hello. Your Neighbor Has Ebola."
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now, how in the world are you gonna get to the doctor to get a prescription filled or re-filled if your neighborhood is quarantined ? Answer, you contact a tele-med doc' on your iphone or computer. Then he / she will contact the obamacare authorities to see if you're not too old to be helped or saved. In a few moments, you'll receive confirmation if your "Micro-Chipped" Meds or Vaccine will be issued and delivered either by a drone that day or by your mail carrier the next. In the event that you have a bad reaction to the meds, please call 1 800-Bad-Meds and a FEMA response vehicle will arrive shortly - I'm sure !!!(Oct 13 2014) - Voiceprint harvesting – the next frontier
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So you ask, what are the end results of capturing your Voiceprint (VP) ? Glad you asked. Listen, capturing your VP is one issue, storing it for future use is the second. Third will be capturing your VP frequency from the atmosphere and finally - and your jaw's gonna drop when you think this through - is to re-capture your past VP conversations from – not only from the atmosphere but – the memories of those whom you spoke with. Orwellian yes ! Possible ? Perhaps. What do you think ?(Oct 12 2014) - A Possibility of "QUARANTINING" Entire Cities ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- HEAD UP PEOPLE ! This just in ! Looks like the gov't is getting ready to issue military type orders re: the ebola virus and who can quarantine who. All I can say at this point is this. If this alert doesn't pan out, then "Praise The Lord", HE's given us some time to "Work while it is yet day" ... if you know what I mean. However, if this is the case, and the gov't is planning to quarantine large communties or inner city areas, then we can expect an exodus which may include carriers of the ebola virus.(Oct 11 2014) - Public Health Emergency Declared In Connecticut
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- No turning back, once the gov't declares some type of emergency ... even if it's legit. What's at stake ? Your Rights & Freedoms. I can't splain it any simpler than that. Everything gets put on hold. I mean everything ! Those agencies, bureaucracies & medical facilities, which need 24/7 attention, will be granted some leeway 'til a reprieve is enacted. But the rest of society, well ... they'll be forced to comply with these emergency restrictions or be placed somewhere else ... INDEFINITELY.(Oct 10 2014) - Mother Outraged over school assignment re: Islam
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Time and time again, we see Islams influence in our schools, propagating falsehoods re: their so-clled religion of peace. And what pray-tell initiated “all these religions are the same” agenda ? The Freemasons, that's who - the architects of the New World Order. These Fez-Heads have been hood-winked into believing that the collective commons of all religions come from their god … the god of this world !!! JESUS said in John 14:6 ... “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Wake Up Christians !!!(Oct 08 2014) - Martial law shakes hands with vac' program
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So, there you go. Some how, some way, big gov't has all their ducks lined up, just in case something happens. Right ? Right ! Now, come on folks, big corporation, big military & big pharma, ain't betting the farm on a whim & a whistle. No sir-ree-bob. They don't play by those rules. They make sure {even on the way down} that they're gonna have all the laws, codes, reg's & executive orders on their side to make a profit. Like they say … it's nothing personal, it's just business - rounding up people.(Oct 08 2014) - China is NOW the World's Largest Economy ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now that China has moved into first place as the worlds biggest economy, I suppose their gonna drop their communist ideals and agenda. No my little liberal ideologues, not in a hundred years. You see, they used their form of democracy known as a dictatorship, to enslave the Chinese people - took away their property and freedoms to preserve the Rights of The State … kinda like “Back-Door-Barry's” form of democracy.(Oct 06 2014) - DHS to intensify attacks on ... citizens
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Knowing what happened to the Post a few months backs, this article is more than creditable … it's postulation re: the inevitable targeting of true-blue Americans is dang near prophetic. Most of us in the on-line news business understand this plight quite well and will continue to alert the public as long as we can. So … if you understand what's at stake … and … want to help … PRAY, PRAY & PRAY !!!(Jul 12 2014) - Office of Refugee Resettlement
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well wouldn't you know it, the gov't has been in the refugee resettlement business since 1975. I'm sure someone from South America has used the info from this web site to assist their clients. And I'm sure that gov't grant money has been pirated and pocketed by unsavory NGO's. An audit by our Inspector General must be initiated ASAP to see who, in South America, is benefiting the most. For sure it ain't the illegals, they're fleeing their homelands and our tax dollars are encouraging this exodus.(Jul 12 2014) - TSA allowing Illegal immigrants to fly without ID ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Straight from the "You Gotta Be Kiddin' Me Dept" ... TSA, according to this article, is allowing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to board commercial airlines without showing a verifiable ID !?!? Keep in mind, no one knows for sure which of these illegals have any infectious diseases, virus' or germs. TSA ain't saying, ICE ain't saying, DHS ain't saying, CDC ain't saying, Border Patrol ain't saying, neither is "Back-door-Barry". I tellin' you, if you want to cause a QUARANTINED PANDEMIC ... this is how you do it.(Jul 11 2014) - Solution: Build More FEMA Detention Camps ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Boy-oh-boy, I can just see all of those "Back-door-Barry" supporters genuflect as they wait in line to be processed at a near by FEMA Camp. As entertaining, they'll regurgitate regulations as to why they believe it would illegal, not to register. No doubt, history will repeat itself due to ignorance, fear and manufactured hatred by the main-spew-media. What should you do at this point ? Well, if you have to ask, that's your problem. Remember, "Freedom ain't Free" and failing to prepare just got you a "Free Ride" to a FEMA Camp.(Jul 11 2014) - Discrimination Lawsuit re: Obamacare Website
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Like many ISP's that have outsourced workers from other countries, the number one complaint - not from these companies who discriminate against American employees {'cause they do} - is when someone contacts these foreign workers who have a very thick accent. They get just as frustrated as American's do while communicating. And wouldn't you know it ... mistakes get made - a lot ! The best solution re: obama-cares websites would've been to HIRE AMERICAN WORKERS !!!(Jul 10 2014) - Pastors not Welcome at Immigration Camps ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Make sure that you save this LINK to your favorites, 'cause I'm tellin' you, "Back-door-Barry's" minions in the media have been told to SHUT UP re: these QUARANTINED CAMPS ... and ... had plans to blame those hard-hearted Christian's for not caring. This is why, these Pastors from Arizona and a few other states were basically told to "Kick Rocks" and don't come back. Something "EVIL" this way comes ... 'cause satan's side-kick knows his time is short.(Jul 09 2014) - The Eight Major Chemtrail Types
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looking each night at the so-called pollen readings on the news, I have researched and found additional indicators and side effects of BAD WEATHER and AIR, namely and mostly from KILLER CHEM-TRAILS. Listed in this article are the eight major types of chem-trails and their list of harmful side effects on humanity and many of GOD's Creation. This is not good - not one bit !!! Check out this VIDEO(Jul 08 2014) - Why's obama 'Encouraging' illegal immigration ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now that Porterville has some new city council folk, are they going to allow "Back-door-Barry" to 'FORCE' illegal immigrants into our community ? Some officials in other cities - it's been reported - have said that no one's contacted them to get permission and the fed's just bused them in. So - newly elected Mayor Milt Stowe - will you "Grow a Pair" and direct the council to openly object to forced immigration, or will you just passively go with the flow and do nothing ??? The voters, the unemployed and our homeless Veterans want to know.(Jul 06 2014) - THE COMING EARTHQUAKE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Will California be swallowed up by the ocean in the end time ? Only GOD know for sure, but one thing I do know, there's been a lot of people who have had dreams and visions re: the end. Many of these end-time dreamers and visionaries have been debunked as false prophet's while the track record of others are staying the course. In 1937 one such end-time dream originated out of FRESNO re: California. I Pray that GOD would grant you a bit more time - to consider this DREAM - as you drop to your knees ... in the morning.(Jul 05 2014) - Statement by the President re: Ramadan
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- What would you say re: this statement by "Back-door-Barry" ? As an illegal immigrant, you'd typically say, "Yo no se". As a secret society sectarian you'd say "To each his own". As a muslim enabler you'd say, "yes we can" and as a Christian, Conservative American you'd say, "Praise The LORD and pass the Ammunition" ... literally ... because the aforementioned have you in their cross-hairs ... literally.(Jul 04 2014) - HAPPY DEPENDENCE DAY : AMERICA
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- America at one time was independent and the envy of the world. Nations re-constituted their govts and military to emulate ours. Third world countries would pray that we'd send missionaries and the only enemy we had - as a GOD Fearing Nation - was doubt. Today, third would countries pray for "Revival in America", while others are decoupling from our destabilizing form of democracy. Our Republic, dear friends, has been breached, and our beliefs have been silenced, due to our "Dependence on the govt" ... not GOD.(Jul 03 2014) - Drone Crashes in Man's Backyard
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Oh no Mr. Bill, the sky really is falling. No, my child, it's just one of those cute little whirly birds that lost it's way. When this happens, you must always remember to return it to it's owner ASAP, so he or she doesn't become worried. If there's no name on it, then take it to the authorities. You can trust them to do the right thing, and who knows, there might even be a reward for returning it. {sarcastic satire, if you will}.(Jul 02 2014) - Congressman blocked from immigrant facility
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- STAND DOWN Congressman Jim Bridenstine, you're not allowed in here. And NO, you cannot ask anyone inside of this fenced-in-facility about the living or medical conditions of it's illegal's. You're gonna need to set up an appointment with the higher-ups and that might take a few weeks or so. Until then, turn around and hit the road. There's nothing to see here. Now GET LOST !!! {sarcasm}(Jul 01 2014) - You Are Not Your Brain ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's a few things to think about. Are your thoughts, really your thoughts ? Can you hear your thoughts - in your head - while you are talking ? Are your thoughts prearranged into sentences before you speak ? Are your thoughts recorded in your DNA, or do they emanate from your DNA ? Is your whole body, not just your brain, a feedback system of thoughts ? Can your thoughts - spoken or not - be passed on to the next generation ? Is thinking predestined or can freewill hang a hitch in this get-a-long ? And as important, what are GOD's thoughts re: thoughts ?(Jul 01 2014) - The man who would be king
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The man who would be a DICTATOR, would be better title to this article. Be that as it may, the point is "Back-door-Barry" has "By-Passed" not only the checks and balances of the three branches of gov't, he's "By-Passed" Congress and - as important - the Constitution, much like a dictator would. As for the people, they were just stepping stones to get there. And to stay there, a thousand points of chaos will be employed, as a thousand points of order will be broken - in lieu of a dictators favorite dictate ... MARTIAL LAW.(Jun 29 2014) - Reading through the Illuminati Bloodlines
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Okay, so your in the mood for a little weekend reading are you ? Well, how about you take a little stroll through this list of Illuminati Bloodlines, staring with the Rockefeller's - Onassis - Kennedy's - Disney - Reynolds - Freeman - Russell - Van Duyn - Dupont's - Collins' - Astor & Bundy's. No doubt some will doubt, but that's their dysfunction, not yours.(Jun 28 2014) - Rich can stop worrying re: a ... revolution
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yes, the top end's borderline personality committee(s) have already thunk it out re: when and where to pull the plug. Their scrapen' ain't with the milk-toast middle-class, it's with their own kind. They ain't afraid of pitchforks or makeshift dragnets, their afraid of hostile take-overs from mega-mergers, manipulated by megalomaniacs. In the end - they surmise Samson's Option - if we can't own it all, then we'll destroy it all ... Armageddon style ... that is, if they can make a buck on it.(Jun 28 2014) - DRONES DELIVERING DRUGS & TOXIN'S ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just the other day I was involved in a conversation re: drones and how the police are gonna have their hands full trying to chase down a drone - in mid flight - which may or may not have conducted an aerial "DRUG DROP". As concerning for the cops will be when the thieving "Crack-Heads" take up this new habit and do some back-yard dumpster diving with these drones. And please, don't get me started with "Sky-Dropping" dangerous ANTHRAX like toxins, 'cause this little false flag could be flown at any time, by any body !!! Any way, just thought you'd like to know ...(Jun 27 2014) - Pope Francis Meets Evangelical Delegation
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well ... I guess this makes it alright now, since these TV Evangelists say so ... or does it ? I'm tellin' you, as a WATCHMAN, this dog-and-pony show with the POPE can only lead to more power struggles and strife within the "Body of Christ" and LORD knows we need more of that ... right ? Listen up you Lao-deceivians, the Bereans have got your number and boy-howdy, when push comes to shove it will be the Vatican enforcing all the "END TIME" ecumenical endeavors - not you.(Jun 27 2014) - California Gun Confiscation Bill Passes ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- In Tulare County, newly elected Sheriff Mike Boudreaux is on record as being very pro-gun and second amendment. However, that's about to change if this Senate "Gun Confiscation Bill" is signed by the governor. Deviling through the details one discovers that "Third Party Rats" can make allegations re: gun owners, get at restraining order put on them and wham, you're gonna get a visit from the police if you live in the city ... and that's out of Sheriff Mike's jurisdiction - don't you know.(Jun 26 2014) - UN Positioning to Lock Down the US ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Inching closer and closer to complete control over the Unites States, the United Nations are now preparing, in case that some MAJOR EVENT takes place, that they'll be ready to come in and help. Now, it does appear that some of their past practices includes GUN CONFISCATION in other countries and according to several sources these BLUE HATS are practicing for that second amendment scenario. I Pray that I'm wrong and this is all internet hype. In any case, get on your knees - before you get to your guns.(Jun 26 2014) - ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION OF PEACE !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- How about we start with a few Jack Chick Bible tracts which illustrates - with cartoons - why Islam is not a religion of peace & for that matter compatible with Christianity ! (1) Allah Had No Son, (2) Camel's In The Tent, (3) Is Allah Like You?, (4) Men of Peace?, (5) The Sky Lighter, (6) Unforgiven?, (7) Your Best Life. Now make sure you share these tracts with your friends & muslims who really want out & really want PEACE !(Jun 26 2014) - No Salvation outside of Catholic Church ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Amazingly, this pope has just challenged Protestant Christianity's conversions ... to The LORD ... outside of the Catholic Church. In other words, without the Vatican's doctrine(s) of salvation and all of the other religious traditions of the Vatican ... you might not make it. Now, I'm wondering if he got this revelation from JESUS Himself, or a memo of default from Kenneth Copeland (pic) - who made a special trip to Rome re: this "Last Days" Reconciliation ? All I know is this, Foxe's Book of Martyrs would be a bit slim if it wasn't for this same issue.(Jun 25 2014) - UNUSUAL EXERCISES AT NELLIS AFB ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Okay now, listen up. Additional reports re: Nellis Air Force base - roughly 300 miles east of Porterville, the way the crow flies - have confirmed that increased and unusual military defense air exercises are taking place. From these two reliable sources (here) & (here) and my personal contacts with retired military hoop-dee-doos, this "is" unusual activity & we need to keep our eyes turned upward, just in case. Got it ... carry on !!!(Jun 25 2014) - 22 Quotes That Lay Out The Elite's Agenda
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here in lies their problem - much like General Patton - we've read their books. We have heard their words and lastly we have seen the results of their AGENDA ! And I'm here to openly declare, Yes ... these NWO Nuts Jobs have made plans - behind closed doors - to save the planet for themselves, through their disorder and depopulation. All I can say at this point is, you - my incredulous ignoramus unbelievers - have surrendered your souls due to your silence. SPEAK UP - For Heavens sakes !!!(Jun 24 2014) - California Man Drones L.A. Cops
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- If you think that's "Right-On" re: citizen drones conducting surveillance on cops, this article ain't even told you the half of what these whirly birds are watching. They're now flying and following - to their home(s) - just about every paparazzi, pervert, politician and of course police officers. Why you ask ? Hum ... let me think for a minute ... that's right ... to make sure that they have the correct mailing addresses when they get ready to mail out Christmas cards ... or something like that. Who knows ?(Jun 23 2014) - New Strategy to Protect Bees includes DoD ... ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Don't start laughing yet. Once the bees get a federal "Bee-Czar" and the EPA starts classifying your property as a healthy-habitat for bees, then you'll start crying. Folks, think back a bit re: these same bees trying to cross pollinate Monsanto's "Killer Seeds" vs GOD's "Natural Seeds" ... it didn't work out well for bees or the farmers who - BTW - ended up in court defending their crops and property. Yes a new strategy and agency was formed, not for todays bees ... but for tomorrows round-up resilient super-duper killer bees.(Jun 22 2014) - Feds to fly hundreds of migrants to California
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- THE BORDERS ARE DOWN and more "Back-door-Boarders" are being brought - by the Fed's - to California. Do ya think this is gonna be a "One Time Only Trip" ? Hardly. ICE, as it stands right now are folding due to this onslaught of immigration and many are quiting ... yes quiting. FEMA, has legal jurisdiction over these "Border Breachers" and "Back-door-Barry" has given them the green light to place them into make-shift "FEMA Facilities" 'til further notice ... and BTW ... NO PRESS OR CAMERAS ALLOWED !!!(Jun 21 2014) - China & UN Boss demand a NEW WORLD ORDER ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here it is, in big bold print, a demand for a NWO from the left side of the planet - 100 commie courting countries & counting. Yes, this NWO dialectic from the left & not forgetting the right, will one day "openly" conjoin - as they harp - for the sustainable salvation of the planet. In other words, somethings' gotta give, and in the end it will be the people. I'm tellin' you, they're not saving this planet & resources for you - the people. No sir, not at all. They're saving it for themselves.(Jun 20 2014) - BANKS ARE BUYING UP THE PLANET !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- For some time now, the jig has been up re: other countries who have "Central Banks." Meaning, they can & do print money out of thin air just like the Fed's Central Bank does, especially in China, the focus of this article. Since these central banks won't rat-out each other, their end-game is to out-last & out-buy each other in real estate & solid investments - mostly GOLD ! So, even though they say they can only ratio up what they have in their vaults, that's hogwash ! They're a "PRIVATE TRUST" with little to no govt oversight ! Take Your Money Out - NOW !(Jun 20 2014) - California School Faces Lawsuit ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hey now, you're just a student and you have no rights and for sure you can't say any thing about GOD, JESUS CHRIST or The BIBLE ... any where or any time on campus. These dictatorial diatribe's are spewing continuously through-out our school system and in particular California, as is this case. I'm telling you, since the 60's, when they removed Prayer our of schools, America's has been on a down hill course at break-neck speed ... 'cause of their corrupt anti-Christian curriculum(s). Period !!!(Jun 20 2014) - Govt Hired Escorts to Help Illegals ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm sure this is what you call A Smoking Gun ... unless they're waiting for the video, which no doubt will show up soon. Be that as it may, yes in deed, "Back-door-Barry's" administration was hugely instrumental in eliciting escort services to help illegals ... (Breach our Borders) ... as this advertisement plainly indicates. Listen, you can't hire folks if there ain't work to be done, now can you ? So ... "Yes They Knew" & "Yes They Can" ... "Create a lot of Chaos ... said Sam I Am.(Jun 20 2014) - We know the whereabouts of those lost e-mails
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This is a no-brainer, retrieving e-mails from the IRS. Yes the NSA can find everyone of them, but the DOE can brute force them into an idiotic DDOS encryption, making it look like another Snowden breach. Stalling as long as they can "per the president" but in the end - and if necessary - they'll "911" it all under the guise of national security. Just remember, that little ol'e where house in Utah takes a lot of water to keep their machines from over heating. I'm sorry, did I let the cat out of the bag ?(Jun 20 2014) - Detroit citizens appeal to UN ... ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Of course these folks in Detroit have lost faith in the Constitution, mostly because of their over bearing and over regulating govt officials. However, to even think about reaching out to the UNITED NATIONS for help is just as ignorant, if not asinine, of course, drawing our attention to "Back-door-Barry" who's helping his "Border Jumpers" instead of the "Boarders in Detroit". Maybe if they can borrow someone's Obama-Phone they'll get through him ... on the golf course.(Jun 18 2014) - 200 Yrs of RACISM by Democ-RATS !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Ah yes, a bowl of racism in the morning aught to get things off to a good start. Would you say ? Yes ... RACISM !!! Now-a-days the main-spew-media harps on the history of racism and rants on as to who's to blame, and yet there's a lot of information missing from their reporting(s) ... about 200 years worth of info. So, settle in with a bowl of raisin brand this morning and up-date your memory re: who in Congress is a Racist.(Jun 17 2014) - Largest marine preserve created in Pacific ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- If you think the price of salmon or yellow tail tuna's high right now, "Back-door-Barry" - by executive fiat - is gonna drive it even higher, by creating the world's largest marine preserve in the Pacific Ocean. Yes, my little buddies, one day you, the Skipper and Gilligan will be "4 hr touring" through one of these "Sea Sanctuaries" and wham'o, you'll be boarded by the "Pacific Preserve Police" to "PIRATE" all of your possessions - boat and all - as evidence.(Jun 17 2014) - Arresting people for anti-obama f-book posts
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now you can get arrested and or detained for posting anti-obama comments on your "f-Book" account, or anyone else's ? You betcha ! It's been happening a lot lately and dollars-to-donuts the security squads of this administration feels this Orwellian tactic is necessary to thwart any threat to "Back-door-Barry" or to his agenda. Time to "Lawyer Up" internet media. This could get ugly real quick.(Jun 16 2014) - Millions spent preparing for mass civil unrest
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This Minerva Research Initiative, that's been highlighted lately ... honestly ... is only one of thousands just like it. Each agency, bureaucracy and region have to have contingency plan(s) in place for a variety of situations and crisis'. If they don't, then some of the funding dries up - due to liability and culpability. The bigger question is this. Do you have any CONTINGENCY PLANS ? That's what I thought. Now go back to sleep.(Jun 16 2014) - Cop Cameras to be put inside businesses ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hello there ... We're from the gov't and we're here to help. Don't ya just love it when they say that ? We're here to help - help ourselves ... that is ... to everything that you own, possess or make money on ... EVERYTHING !!! And we want you to keep an accurate account of your profits, and we want you to video tape your customers, and while your add it, we want you to video tape yourself at your business, and BTW, you better make sure that video camera's turned off when we arrive ... 'cause ... we're here to help !!! {Reasonable Sarcasm 'cause of Unreasonable Search}(Jun 14 2014) - The Manufactured Extraterrestrial Threat
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm telling you, there's just too many witnesses (that I've personally talked with) and info re: a manufactured extraterrestrial threat to avoid the subject any longer. Yes, these operations have been planned for a while and when the time is right, they'll spring it on us. When you ask ? When they pull the plug on the electrical grid - that's when !!! You'll have no one to call and no where to run ... 'til their manufactured crafts and creatures come to save the planet from the chaos. Got it ? Alright then, get with it ...(Jun 14 2014) - Cops told to Shut-Up re: Surveillance ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It kinda look that way ... doesn't it ? Under some nebulous orders, local policing authorities have been told by "Back-door-Barry's" administration, that, if they want to keep their sting-ray type surveillance toys, they're gonna have to tick-a-lock re: this technology. True to form, local city police will be forced to obey, due to their cities "incorporated" charter. However, the County Sheriff doesn't have to comply ... and that's who you "Soldier Up" with guys.(Jun 13 2014) - KNIGHTS TEMPLARS HEIRS SUE THE POPE ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I think it's time to hit this again re: The Knight Templar's and their Bloodlines, since local freemasons won't admit to any of it. Yes, they were very, very well off - 9,000 thousand parcels of properties valued at 168 billion dollars - and they had an "Inherited Bloodline" ... which concerned the Vatican more than their holdings. Maybe this was one of the reasons for the Spanish Inquisition - to eliminate their sovereignty and confiscate their inheritance ?(Jun 12 2014) - Re-Engineering the Earth's Climate ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Once again guys, these NWO Nut Jobs are throwing it in our faces re: POLLUTING the planet and people by Chem-Training our skies to combat climate change, which their factories created - not the people. In this article by the Council of Foreign Relations you will read why "they" need to Re-Engineer the atmosphere but spill little ink re: the long term side effects to the planet and people. This is where the EPA is suppose to have a say in this secret suicide mission but obvious to many, they remain silent.(Jun 12 2014) - Christianity Today says "Thank God for Vaccines" ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Melding into the mantra of the main-spew-media, Christianity Today's article - reverberating that un-vaccinated children are contributing to recent outbreaks - gets a thorough lecture re: the DANGERS Of VACCINATIONS !!! Seriously Christianity Today, your research says that vaccinated kids can still pick these germs and diseases, even if they've been vaccinated against it ??? Well, if that's the case, then why vaccinate and risk serious side effects ???(Jun 11 2014) - Eric Cantor's out, Kevin McCarthy's in ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Will Congressman Kevin McCarthy - the House Minority leader - be up for Leader of the House, now that Eric Cantor was defeated by a real Conservative - David Brat in the primary ? Well, if nothing else he's gonna be in the media's spotlight a lot more, as well as his district in Kern and Tulare County. And if McCarthy is tapped for Leader or Speaker how will that help Porterville ? About as much as when Devin Nunes - from Visalia - got elected, helped Porterville. Get the picture ?(Jun 10 2014) - NSA : Our systems are so complex ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Talk about selective incompetence. Now the NSA wants the courts to believe that their system is "To Complex" and that's why they are having a difficult time retrieving ... uh ... selective information. I'm telling you, this rank right up there with the banks ... "To Big to Jail" excuse(s). So, if they gotta re-boot the "Beast" to retrieve info, then so be it. I say, re-boot the Beast or confine the computer to Brig - for unlawfully destoying evidence !!! Case dismissed ...(Jun 09 2014) - Are Police dept's preparing for War ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Talking with police officers from various quarters - getting a feel for the future - I can honestly say, without hesitation, that amassing military equipment from the fed's has absolutely nothing to do with preparing to battle foreign armies invading our country ... NOTHING !!! As a matter of fact, join operations with the military, the local police ... and ... foriegn military's continues here in the U.S. which focus' on protecting the gov't, - not the people.(Jun 08 2014) - A HOLOCAUST IS COMING ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Back in the 70's when I became "Born Again" - while stationed at Imperial beach, CA. - I had read a book called "The Vision" by David Wilkerson (Video) ... which began my Christian journey as a "Watchman" and a short time later I read his book called "Set the trumpet to thy Mouth" (featured in this article) that basically cemented my call for sure. This VIDEO aught to viewed by every Christian, Pastor and Patriot ... to REPENT and to be prepared !!!(Jun 08 2014) - NSA Whistleblowers : Snowden vs Tice
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Okay, this article kinda breaks it down a little better than most, but it still lacks most of the SUPER DEEP classifications of which the DEEP SPOOKS run under - spooks which are more than MKULTRA minions - but satanically initiated, with split personalities which would make Anton LaVey blush. Additionally these DS-Spooks are "Remote Viewers" and can stay out a long time and do communicate with demons "down-range" for their intel ... while in that state. Yes, folks ... it's really that bad !!!(Jun 07 2014) - THANK YOU SERVICEMEN AT NAS LEMOORE !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It has come to our attention that many of our service men and women have indeed, taking their OATH to protect the Constitution from all enemies quite seriously and when asked - amongst themselves - and at times openly in front of their commanders, that they WILL NOT take up arms against American's and WILL NOT go house-to-house, confiscating any weapons. We in Porterville want to THANK YOU for your service - in keeping your OATH - to keep us SAFE !!!(Jun 07 2014) - Video : Illegals Dumped in Detention Camps
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here he goes again "Back-door-Barry" using his agencies to undermine States Rights ! What's important to note in this case is that these illegal immigrants are being delivered from one state "Texas" and dumped in another "Arizona" to be documented, which will set up a "Border War" amongst these states. The real war is with Washington, who illegally crossed the states border(s) to create this crisis. In the end the states will issue executive orders against each other re: this practice and a new range war will divide the states. Maybe that's the plan ? What do you think ?(Jun 07 2014) - CHEMTRAILS OVER CALIFORNIA HIGH DESERT
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- HEADS UP PEOPLE ... Literally !!! As more and more reports stream in re: CHEM-TRAILS, and these SATANIC SKY-DUMPERS, you need to be ready to protect yourself and your family. Now, for those of you who are still pooh-poohing these claims re: your geo-engineering genius' from the gov't ... wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry ? Honestly ... get a grip ... and look up.(Jun 06 2014) - Is there a Military Coup In Works ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Contingency plans re: a rogue president have been in place (by the military) for quite some time - unofficially. That's because it cannot be documented or outlined for the public, the politicians and for sure, not the president. No doubt "Back-door-Barry" has been axing the military's top brass, preparing for this possibility. Could a military coup be in the mix - leading to MARTIAL LAW ? Yes, just so long the NWO and the CORPORATE ELITE stand to make a profit ... by the THIRD QUARTER. {Hint-Hint}(Jun 06 2014) - Courthouse attacker prepared to inflict mayhem
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So now we are to assume - for our own protection - that TSA agents are possible HOMELAND TERRORISTS ? I mean, didn't this guy from Georgia, who use to work for TSA, plan this attack ? I tellin' you, I can connect that dots on this one pretty easy - Kemosabe. However, I can't wait to see how the main-spew-media is gonna market this mayhem. Odds are they'll bypass anything involving the TSA and follow "Back-door-Barry's" leads ... to arm more TSA's agents and dis-arm more Americans. Isn't that right ... Tonto ?(Jun 05 2014) - Politicians & Preachers meet with Pope
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It's not his "POPE-NESS" that these politicians & preachers are coagulating over, it's his CORPORATE TRUSTS & HOLDINGS ! The Vatican is a CORPORATE State - just like the CITY of LONDON & WASH. D.C. These three geographical land areas / districts control & regulate INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE & COMMON LAW. And don't be fooled, the Nation of ISRAEL knows this plainly and knows what holdings, trusts and lands the VATICAN legally possesses in JERUSALEM & PALESTINE.(Jun 04 2014) - AMERICA IN RETREAT ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's another flag waving event which "Back-door-Barry" might deflect - in his usual manner. Yes our troops serving in Afghanistan could very well be on their way back home, not 'cause their mission was complete, let alone successful - but because of a July 11th EVICTION NOTICE from the Kyrgyzstan gov't !!! Read this article carefully guys and gals re: who is moving back in ... THE RUSSIANS !!!(Jun 4 2014) - CALIFORNIA'S "PRIMARY" ELECTIONS RESULTS :
Post Political Feature : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- CLICK HERE - after 8 PM - to check in re: California's elections results, and for anyone running for office in Tulare County CLICK HERE for those local elections. Those running for Porterville City Council can also be viewed HERE. An up-date will be coming somewhat later ...(Jun 3 2014) - VOTE RIGHT - LIKE THE POST :
Post Political Feature : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Every election cycle the Porterville Post submits a "" for the public to read and take to the polls on election day. As well the Post, in the beginning, created individual campaign pages for all of the Porterville City Council Candidates - for the public to review - and an On-Line Poll. Last but not least, the Post researched - as thoroughly as possible - the 14 Charter Amendments and have our recommendations on how you should vote for them as well. GOD Bless you all a bunch and we hope that you'll ... VOTE RIGHT - LIKE THE POST.(Jun 03 2014) - NASA Unveils 'Their' Flying Saucer
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- No, no, no, you got it all wrong. We're flying space craft that only looks like a UFO, which may or may not have been retrieved at Roswell. And while were at it, let's clear the books re: AREA 51. All that is, is an unclassified area which was constructed to throw off the USSR. I'm mean, really, if these little alien fat-heads did land or crash in New Mexico, do you think we'd cover that up ? All we're doing is acting like something like that happened ... really. {cynical sarcasm up the wazoo}(Jun 02 2014) - Claim: Vatican Hoarding 2nd Temple Vessels
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Of course the Roman Empire took off with the spoils of war, as most armies do, and in Israels' case, they - the Sanhedrin - taunted Caesars legions into this tussle ... as predicted by JESUS "Their Messiah" and recorded by the Jewish historian, Josephus. In the end these Temple vessels will be returned, either voluntarily or - as this article reports - through the Hague.(Jun 02 2014) - Spain's King abdicates to Prince Felipe
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This one is gonna be interesting for the prophecy pundits to follow - knowing that King Juan Carlos was one of the few that had an aledged Judeo-Christian "Bloodline" which supposedly ran up and through King David. As interesting, will his title of Pretence, "King of Jerusalem" be automatically passed on to Prince Felipe or will he have to be re-initiated in Jerusalem to become one of the end time players ? More to follow, I'm sure.(Jun 02 2014) - Obama cares less about doing his job ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Sure as shooten' this wasn't much of a stretch for your average 9 to 5 guy. "Back-door-Barry" the pathological lier that he is, was and will continue to be, is clinging to this self entitled opulent life style amongst the rich and famous, 'cuz he knows that once it's over those superficial associations will quickly dissipate ... and the darkness which drives him shall - in the end - destroy him.(Jun 01 2014) - Obama Submits to Taliban Demands ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- As much as I want to shout "What the Sam-Houston just happened" it was all over - and - without Congress' approval, "Back-door-Barry" made another back-door deal. Yes, for goodness sakes I'm happy that we got one of our POW's back, but at what cost ? I'm mean, Congress got jilted, sure, as did the Constitution - for the umpteenth time by an executive decision from "B-D-B" - and worst of all, these taliban terrorists heard praises to their fake prophet from the steps on the White House.(May 31 2014) - The Greatest Murder Machine in History
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Listen up Porterville !!! We have a lot of muslins in our community which own many businesses and dollars-to-donuts, if you press in on these islamics, they'll quickly quote the koran re: what to do about infidels (you & me), while secretly genuflecting jihad. And Christians, your "Little Light" ain't shining "JESUS" too brightly around these murdering Mohammedans. As for me, I'm all over their little Trojan horse game of conquest and challenge them ... with the "Light of The Gospel" ... daily.(May 31 2014) - 2014 Bilderberg Meeting Participant List
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- That's right, these big-wigs got nothing else to do, so they all get together 'cause they're the worlds greatest humanitarians and really miss each others company. This is where you want to RALPH - projectively. Truth be told, these megalomaniacs don't really care for each other, they just want to see each others game plans as much as we do. Remember, they're Bilderberg members 'cause they were chosen and have assignments to accomplish or they're out ! That NEW WORLD ORDER dog got treed years ago.(May 30 2014) - What the Gov't is using your DNA For ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Why are these NWO Nut Jobs in such a hurry to collect everyone's DNA on the plant ? It has somewhat to do with tracking everyone, but their end game is IMMORTALITY - living as old as Noah and beyond. Listen, these luciferians believe if they can't track down the DNA sequences of Noah or his closest offspring, they won't die and possibly live through the "Return of JESUS CHRIST" and into the Millennium. Now, do you see who their saving the planet for ? Surely not for us ...(May 30 2014) - Fed's new database to track credit ratings ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Honestly, what could go wrong ?!? I'll tell you what could go wrong. The biggest holes that identity thieves hack in-and-out-of belong to the government. Just ask any IT Guy who works for these alphabet soup agencies. All this "Big Data" they're drooling to obtain, is suppose to make it easier for their agency to ... get this ... help them and protect you. I think I'll stop right now. My side hurts too much from LOL at the absurdity of this !!!(May 29 2014) - Implants to retrain brains of mentally ill ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Wow ! What a great idea - UC President Janet Napolitano. I bet these university scientists will be asking for student volunteers during the beta testing phase and then volunteers from the psychiatric sectors. I suggest they end their experiments with our politicians with an brain implant which has The Constitution in it - as one of the impulse guides, and the second being connected to all their constituents iphones and ipads to help them keep their promises. And lastly a little stinger embed from the courts to help them stay on the legal course. {}(May 29 2014) - 'TAX EXEMPTIONS' For the Fed's Banks ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So you say, what's all the hub bub about the Federal Reserve banks anyway ? Don't they pay their fair share whenever they make a profit, like the rest of us Americans ? HELL NO ! I'm telling you, there's no conspiracy here, only blatant in-your-face facts. Just read Section "C" re: EXEMPTION ... which says ... "Federal reserve banks, including the capital stock and surplus therein, and the income derived therefrom shall be exempt from Federal, State, and local taxation, except taxes upon real estate." Just thought you'd like to know.(May 29 2014) - Climate change is critical to national security
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Shrouding the truth re: "Global Climate Change" the DoD has announced that they intend to use their resources and know-how to protect national security ... basically ... everywhere on the planet. At first this doesn't make much sense, but if your transpose ""Climate Change" for "Weather Wars" then it might be easier to see the skies through their KILLER CHEM-TRAILS.(May 28 2014) - Obama's plan to use the military against citizens
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like the boys at Capitol Hill are waking up re: the possibility of "Back-door-Barry" using the military against American civilians ... here in the states !!! Will these Congress Creatures press in harder re: these possibilities and question When, Where or Why ? I pray that they do - In JESUS Name !!! In the mean time, you - "John Q. Public" - ought to get a few plans together ... starting with your Salvation ... Got JESUS ?(May 28 2014) - Snowden Says He Was a Spy ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- These techno-spy's, I'm here to tell you, are all over the place. In our universities, in our corporations, in our media's, in our states and yes, even in our churches. So, this so-called new info re: Snowden being a spy lines up better then the disinformation that the "In-House" spies are portraying. Why ? Because you just can't snatch that much classified info unless you are part of a team authorized to do so. My guess is he initially agreed and soon discovered that once he was finished ... he was finished.(May 27 2014) - MILEAGE TAX ... Is Back Again !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This "Mileage Tax" idea is nothing less than pure-dee ole' ignorance gone to seed and one of the best way to slow down the business economy, if not run it out of California all together. Now, if these democ-RATS want that kind of hyper-regulated enterprise where only Tonka type trucks and cars are the only vehicles authorized by Sacramento, then get your pull carts ready kids, that's where we're headed.(May 26 2014) - New Vulnerability in IE8 remains Unpatched
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Listen up lemmings ... miCrow-Slop ... puts out a less-than-average product all the time and consumers falsely assume a newer version will solve their current computer problems. That's what they want to to believe, so you will come running back to their stores to buy their miCrow-cRap. Professional IT's know this, as it's easy for them to locate Bill Gates back-doors and vulnerabilities. It's money in the bank - believe me folks - for both businesses !!!(May 26 2014) - Obama Should Apologize - to Veterans
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Like the "Girly-Man" that he is, "Back-door-Barry" will blame anyone and anything instead of apologizing - like a real man - for his lack of knowledge and certainly know-how. Our VETERANS should never take a back seat when it comes to benefits, and yet, according to many reports re: the VA's past incompetence, Veterans aren't even on the bus, let alone the back seat. If GOD is Merciful and America repents, a strong rebuke from The LORD - truth be told - would be a Blessing.(May 25 2014) - US secretly selling nukes worldwide ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm telling you, this story just won't go away - being all too loosy-goosy with our nukes. And to boot, tracing these refurbished micro-warheads from the U.S. to other countries and through Israel, crops up on many search engines. Be that as it may, WAR & KILLING - as most know - has become an industry of choice for the elite and a plight for the poor, not the mention the Patriot or Veteran. GOD have Mercy ...(May 22 2014) - Another false flag? See Craigslist
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Okay, so you want to get on the inside of one of those world famous "False Flag" thingy's. Well here's your chance, 'cause Craigslist in Atlanta has some employment openings for those world famous "Crisis Actors" around the times of June 27, 28, 29. No doubt your new employers will brief you on what you need to do and know - right after they qualify you according to their needs, and not yours.(May 21 2014) - Why the IRS Can Now "Ground" You
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Man-O-Man, the IRS has gotten' their greedy little fingers on some more tracking technology and buster, if they say you owe ... then you can't go ... anywhere by plane. I'm tellin' you, this is factually Un-Constitutional, to say the least, and historically Un-American. Folks, again, your RIGHTS were usurped and "Back-door-Barry" could care less, 'cause he's Un-American and Un-Quailfied and has yet to Protect and Defend the Constitution ... 'cause HE'S THE ENEMY !!!(May 21 2014) - Bacteria Survives up to 168 hrs in planes
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Suspected for some time now, virus' can and do survive without a host longer than previously believed. The ramifications ? A Doctors certificate of medical approval - no doubt - will be needed to board any mass travel vehicle - like a jet, ship, train and bus - if the TSA get their way. This subject has been researched many times and in order to keep these virus' at bay, travelers are gonna need to be medically cleared or be confined to quarters ... in your own home. Dollars to donuts ...(May 21 2014) - Thailand's "Operation Valkyrie"
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Ah yes, the old "Stir Them Up - to Soften Them Up" routine can be seen at work in Thailand, no doubt, as it's also taking place in Vietnam, Cambodia and soon in Laos - the center nation of that collective peninsula of compatriots. In this article you'll also notice the names of those corporate conglomerates who had influenced military coups in the past, tied to their interests - and you betcha - instigated by the CIA ... of course. Now, the question must be asked, "Is this a Reverse Domino Effect leading to Democracy ? What say you ?"(May 21 2014) - Pope Supports RFID Chip Implantation ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Holy evasive implants Batman !!! Is the Pope really saying these surveillance RFID Chips are a Blessing from GOD ??? Correct Robin, and as soon as the "Third World Catholics" get word of this, they'll be lining up like lemmings, leaping away from the light of the Book of Revelations. However, American Catholics who are Biblically literate, will stand their ground re: this anti-Christ application and could be excommunicated for it in the future.(May 20 2014) - Your car's phone system RECORDING all sounds
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Wow, if I were a hacker, I'd follow any car - in this case the newer Fords - which has this "Car-Phone" technology on all the time, and glean what they've said, play it back for them over another device, blackmail them for a few bucks ... or ... sell it to another groups of hackers, or worse yet, send it to the gov't ... if I were a hacker. Wake up world, the Olympians are coming ... but so is JESUS !!!(May 20 2014) - TWITTER "Is" The New Police Scanner
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- And do the kids care ? Not one wit. They've come to believe that this is the quickest way to become popular at school, at home and yes, even at work. And that's where most of these on-line investigations start as this report points out. Many of these youngsters are aware of this possibility but can't pull themselves away from these social net-working sites. Will they ever cut themselves off all together ? NOPE ... 'cause they couldn't bear the shame knowing that someone might not click the "LIKE ME" buttons on their blogs. Yes, it really boils down to that ...(May 19 2014) - NSA Spying Is a Power Grab
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now that every person on the planet is considered a "Person of Interest" by the NSA, it's demonstrably obvious that this agency has gone ROGUE and must dial back their demonic data collecting computers ... NOW !!! Congress can no longer wait for "All the Evidence" and the Corporate America must "Shut off NSA's Supplies" - which enables this "End Time" engine of satanic surveillance ... NOW !!!(May 18 2014) - New drones demonstrate innovative uses
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Welcome to www.DroneCourt.tv ... (cue the music) ... where, you the defendant, must present your case before an I-Phone audience and a jury of Artificial Intelligence. In todays case, we have Mr. Jones who says he's innocent because he didn't know that his old "On-Star" technology for his 2021 vehicle needed updating, which caused satellite interference with the cities four emergency response drones (ERD's) delaying their response time(s), leading to the death of his neighbors "Chip-Implanted" cat. (Yes, this is sarcasm ... dunderhead ... not this)(May 18 2014) - Cops can kick down your door without warrent ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- No doubt, this case will be heard in the SCOTUS soon, now that a lower federal court has said that it's okay for the police to kick in an innocent persons door (without a warrant) if the cops believe, in doing so, will protect that person from harming themselves. And second, while their in the home, they might as well case the joint and pirate a few particulars as evidence. YES, Mr. Patriot, your Constitutional Rights are being incrementally suspended and superseded ... one case at a time.(May 17 2014) - US : Chief Enabler of Christian Persecution ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Again, here's a real good opportunity for the main-spew-media to shine brightly, as in the past ... but they won't. The American Media - and I'm shouting as loud as I can - needs to either fish or cut bait re: reporting the news, and stop enabling our enemies to KILL CHRISTIANS ... like our govt has in this report. As convicting is the continued silence from the Churches. Look alive Pastors - I'm also shouting - that the Watchmen are Waling, Walking and Warning ... for I am one !!!(May 16 2014) - Keep your powder dry for the other guy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The bigger question re: foreign troops here on U.S. soil is ... what to do with them once you discover who they are ? Answer, much like we did with Gang Watchers, tell them about JESUS and ask if you can PRAY for them - Right There !!! If that don't convict them, then tell them you want to invite them to lunch - right then. And for sure, call "A Friendly" from the local sheriff dept and hand them over for spying and espionage. I'm tellin' you, you're gonna need to "Keep your powder dry for the other guy".(May 16 2014) - TRAINING TO ROUND YOU & YOUR FAMILY UP
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Will there come a time when it might be safer to go with some FEMA type authority to a nearby facility / camp until all the chaos and crisis' blows over ? That's what your ill-informed neighbor will say, 'cause that's what he said the "Main-Spew-Media" said. Second to that, he will be lead to believe that your resistance in relocating to these NEIGBORHOOD SAFE ZONES is jeopardizing the collective safety of the city and that's why he turned you in - for your own good and the good of the neighborhood. I'm tellin' you, "Their ignorance will cause your imprisonment". Make no mistake about it, "Civilian Informants" will cave to cut a deal ...(May 16 2014) - Feds using Civil Forfeiture to seize property
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now, unless you have the doe-ray-me to protect yourself from "Civil Forfeitures" ... baby, you is guilty until they've taken all that you own. Criminal Forfeiture - BTW - is different than Civil Forfeiture, where you're suppose to be innocent until proven guilty. The reverse is true re: Civil Forfeiture, and - in way too many cases - the authorities come in like gang-busters, confiscate your possessions and basically wait you out or let you off the hook with a lessor of their two penalties.(May 16 2014) - The Secret Space Mission of X37B
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I know with some jamming devices {hint-hint} you have to be in a close proximity to us them. Second, this "Space Drone" is closer to the moon and can moon-bounce protons, frequencies and EMP attacks towards other satellites in orbit - in conjunction with HAARP - with little to no detection. And lastly, if truth be told, this little "Space Drone" might also have the same "Samson Option" - which the Israelis possess - "If we go down, we're gonna take everyone with us." A bit "Borderline" wouldn't you say ?(May 15 2014) - Spying's meant to Crush Citizens Dissent
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Like these agencies always say ... "If you have nothing to hide, then why all the paranoia ?" Why ? Because there's no equal footing re: all this electronic eavesdropping. If the public had equal access to those trillion dollar toys, on land, underground, through the air or in the sky, then you surveillance sadists would be locked up in jail - found guilty for conspiring to undermine our freedoms, granted to us by GOD and secondarily by The U.S. CONSTITUTION. That's why !!!(May 14 2014) - Dem's KILL Sex-Selection Abortion Ban
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Only those democ-RATS know what's good for the public re: abortion. Now, these dem's KILLED a BILL (AB 2336) - introduced by Assemblywoman Shannon Grove (R Bakersfield) - which would make it illegal to abort / kill a child if that child isn't the sex that that woman / family wanted ... and according to world wide stats and also in California, it's usually the female child who gets aborted / murdered. I'm sorry, but I have to ask ... where's the femi-nazi's on this one ?(May 14 2014) - $1.2B spent on data workers doing nothing
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Ah yes, your tax dollars are hard at work ... hardly working - that is. One has to think that eventually this typical type of Ponzi scheme pay-off would stop, if the public cried loud enough. But they won't 'cause the main spew media has convinced them that this "Super-Size Socialist Scheme" is "Affordable & Doable". Wonder what their pay-offs looks like ? Here's Covered California's Scheme ...(May 12 2014) - Killer robots allowed on the battlefield ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Killer robots being used on the battle field ? Come on, who'd even thinks thats a good idea, except maybe most of the Gen-X and Millennials who stay up all night playing video games, except maybe engineering students who's masters / doctorate degrees depend on it creating them, and except maybe DOD's Military Industrial Complex who want to "Manage and Maneuver" these killing machines, while sconced inside their "D.U.M.B.s" ... Deep Underground Military Bases ... regardless of any opposition from the U.N.(May 12 2014) - Your dreams "CAN" be controlled ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Welcome to DREAMLAND ! No, not Art Bells original Dreamland radio show, but a dreamland where you can chose any dream that you want. Yes, wrapped up in all kinds of reason and logic from lucifer's lunatics, your mind / brain frequencies can now be tapped and controlled, of course, to help you get through the night. I mean, isn't this better than taking a bunch of pills to sleep ? Yeah, you guys know where this is gonna end up, don't ya ? Got JESUS ? They don't ...(May 11 2014) - Implanting Morality
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I know this article is a few days past, but please, read what this author is saying, what he's trying to say and how his arguments re: morality might require some type of inculcating device or machine. In other words, these NWO Nut Jobs are moving forward with their "Collective Morals" of society vs the "Individual Morals" ... leading, quite obviously, to implantable moralities or face utter destruction.(May 10 2014) - US Airliner's Near Collision with Drone
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Who has the RIGHT OF WAY any why ? During take off's and landings, the passenger airliners do, not drones - I've been told. In any case, a collision could happen very soon if too many drones occupy our air space and if the traffic controllers do not up-grade their horribly out-dated equipment. I'm tellin' you, this dilemma with the drones will down our defense capabilities PDQ, knowing that China and Russia have our drone intel ...(May 08 2014) - School had kids bow to 'sun god' ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hey now, the YOGA gods want a little worship too, at least that's the malarkey that's being forced upon some students in Encinitas. As an alternative to actual exercise, maybe some of the kids can benefit from some of those yoga type contortions, but to have them perform any obeisance re: this religious practice needs collective agreement from the parents - not the principle. BTW, I shut down this practice in Strathmore Elementry where my daughter attended, after the principle confronted re: this cultish curriculum.(May 07 2014) - Pentagon's protection agency crippled ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Of course this news flash re: The PENTAGON will help America sleep better at night ... NOT !!! Folks, things break all the time and responsible adults have back up plans or know someone who they can call to come over and fix what's broken. In this case ... AMERICA IS BROKE ... and Barry's "back-up-boys" are not authorized to fix what was purposely allowed to break - false flagging the military's "FAIL SAFE" options.(May 05 2014) - Town Meetings Can Have Prayer, Justices Decide
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Dear LORD, America just found out that the SCOTUS decided that it was okay to pray just before a Town Hall meeting. Now ... I'm not sure if they needed any discovery from you re: this "Free Speech" issue, but as far as I can tell, it's okay for you - as Creator of the Universe - to not only hear our prayers but answer them as well. So the good news is, the SCOTUS has given the public a green light to pray ... 'cause the way things look down hear LORD ... many of these pastors are still stuck on YELLOW.(May 05 2014) - Sen. Introduces Mileage Tax Bill !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It's baaaack ... that Mileage Tax Scheme from the democ-RATS. I tellin' you guys, Sacramento's tax & spend ingrates just can't keep their hands out of the publics pockets. Few economists say were inching out of obama's recession - very few - but the majority are SHOUTING we're heading into so many economic bubbles it's dang near demonic. This mileage tax scheme will assuredly kill California's come back, driving the transportation industry out of state at Mach 5 speeds.(May 04 2014) - Benghazi 'Smoking Gun' Email Given to Whom ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Busted - again - "Back-door-Barry's" connections with The Muslim Brotherhood. Folks, this Benghazi Bombshell, is more than enough circumstantial evidence to even indict Apostle Paul himself. I don't care how many administrative / military / presidential or secret "STAR CHAMBER" courts there are on U.S. soil ... Benghazi's Blood's on "Back-door-Barry" ... 'til Judgment Day. And until Congress moves to impeach him soon, Civil War may very well take it's course here in America.(May 03 2014) - Californians to vote on cost of public records
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Rife with wrongs, it appears that the only way out, is to have someone else pay for your ideas. In this case - re: Prop 42 - Jerry Brown and Sacramento's legislators says that the local governments should be paying for all their own paperwork, which the State agreed to pay for years ago, cause of State Mandates / Laws. Yes, we all know that the state giveth & the state taketh away, but there's no give & take with this one kids. The state is taking - again - with prop 42, which will cause a huge back-log of local public records & FOIA requests, amongst other things.(May 02 2014) - Media Silent on Crucifixion of Christians ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hey now, you truth tellers on the internet !!! You guys can't expect us in the main steam media to cover Hell's Holocaust of Christians ? We'd be out of a job in less than a week. Yes we know it's happening all over the world, but really, we'd end up like you guys, freelancing for a few bucks here and there, and that won't pay the rent. So, get off our case, 'cause those Christians wanted martyrdom anyway. {Truth Telling Sarcasm}(Apr 30 2014) - Coming soon: a brain implant to restore memory
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Forget about a brain implant, no doubt these NWO Nut Jobs are working on a "less evasive" method of inducing "right thoughts" and "right feelings" into someones brains. All they're waiting on is for the public to demand this "mind freeing" technology. And soon, my little "brain battered" buddies, obama-care will allow you to buy a brand new "I-Brain" from just about any pharmacy - per your psych doctors orders - 'cause the Dr. said ... you ain't right.(Apr 30 2014) - Was Surveillance the Purpose of the Internet ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Of course this was a possible outcome, turning the internet into the world's biggest snitching machine. Was it the initial idea ? Maybe, say most of the alphabet soup agencies. In any case, the machine has us all dialed in and hooked up. Escape from this modern day grid is all but impossible - outside of a major EMP incident. All in all, your gonna need GOD's help, and step number one starts by clicking here.(Apr 28 2014) - White House wants to issue you an Online ID
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Look, Bill Gates goons can't patch their own goofs good enough, so consequently new versions are thrust upon the public, even though they liked the old ones, like Microsoft XP. I'm tellin' you, hackers have all but ate Microsoft's insides & have creeped into the Cloud & are gearing up for these new govt biometric mandates - an obvious precursor to the MARK OF THE BEAST. Yes we need security, but not when it's tethered to a tyrannical anti-Christian & un-Constitutional govt. Come on BELIEVERS ... WAKE UP !!!(Apr 28 2014) - Pre-Crime systems actively monitoring the Internet
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Compliant with their eventual captivity, millions - clicking through their personal or social networking accounts, blogs and sites - have more than assisted the authorities with their on-line activities or verbiage. And believe-you-me, little do they care. One day these "participants of pre-crimes" will long for the day - prior to being locked up - when their "On-line Rap-Sheet" was still a joke ... 'til it was used against them in court ... by ... you've-guessed-it ... NSA's Net Nazis'.(Apr 28 2014) - A Bohemian Grove Blog
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Coming up in June, those "Boys at the Bohemian Club" will be getting their groove on at the Grove. Most know that these "BoHo's" don't like waiting on themselves so they always 'rent boys' to service some of their desires. (Help Wanted). These "BoHo's" get their panties in a wad, as you know, when confronted about what takes place in "Their Forest" or "Their Camps". They say they need this time away from the cares of the world, but they're usually the ones creating the cares of the world.(Apr 27 2014) - Pricing Mechanism for Gold & Silver to Break ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's a great little "I told you so" link for those nearsighted nay-sayers re: price controls, or should I say, controllers of price. Look, there's always been layers of collusion between the "Haves" & layers of laws against the "Have-Nots". This is how the OLD WORLD ORDER protects their families fortunes & keeps the NWO from taking over ... unless that's part of the amalgamation concocted by the "Kings of the Earth" and foretold by The BIBLE ? Rev. 17 & 18.(Apr 26 2014) - Will Humanity Survive the Depopulation Agenda ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- All to often - I'm sorry to say - ignorance becomes a choice when the facts are presented. And choosing to look the other way when a boot lands on the side of your neck or a gun is pointed at your head demonstrates this precisely. Folks, hear me shout, there's more than one gun pointed at you and your family right now. Yes - for now - that statement is allegorical but very soon it will become a reality. These NWO Nut Jobs - shored up by their masonic miscreants and piles of gov't paperwork - want you off their planet, and by any means possible. WAKE UP !!!(Apr 25 2014) - Russia Has Betrayed the "New World Order"
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- What's that you say ??? Russia has betrayed the NWO ??? Correct-o-mundo !!! I'm telling you, these NWO Nut Jobs are getting very nervous and Putin's calling them all out ... mostly the NWO Neo-Cons. Up for auction are Wall Streets stock holders, since obama allowed S&P to downgrade Russia's bonds to near junk. Next in line will be all those "Americans" who are heavily invested in China. Why ? 'Cause "Back-door-Barry's" bankers need more than one boogie-man to pull off crashing the economy ... leading to ... Martial Law. And Putin wants no part of it. Can you blame him ?(Apr 25 2014) - Microchips to administer drugs, replace pills
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Imagine one of those evil scientists playing around with your embedded microchip implant - if you would - you know ... adjusting your medication in the morning causing you to become drowse while driving to work. Or how about at night, adjusting those time-release frequency medications, turning your dreams into nightmares. But we know that could never happen - unless of course you live on the Isle of Dr. Moreau.(Apr 23 2014) - Dem's vote down Connie Conway's Bill
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Democrats in Sacramento have voted down a better (COVERED CALIFORNIA) security bill on Tues. by Assemblywoman Connie Conway ... 'cause they believe "it could lead" to some kind of discrimination against these criminal felons ??? Man-alive ... I guess you could say that the dem's are more concerned about the con's rights, than their constituents rights re: HIPAA's privacy laws ??? That's how I read it ...(Apr 23 2014) - Anagraming the word 'FREEMASON'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Did you know that if you submit the name freemason to an anagram generator you will come up with several restructured names or small sentences. Like these ... Frame Ones, Frames One, Fear Omens, A Serf Omen, Ransom Fee, Fear Me Son, Fears Me No, Safer Me No, Snare Me Of, Sear Men Of, Far Me Ones and also ... A Fee Mr Son. Yes, even their secret boogie-boogie name discloses the truth, even if they're bound not to.(Apr 22 2014) - U.S. Conducts Spy Flight Over Russia
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Who's idea was it any way, to allow the soviets to run surveillance flights over America ... ? Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin, at the Geneva Conference of 1955. And which American President signed off on this NWO Nightmare called the "Treaty on Open Skies" ... ? George Herbert Walker Bush in 1989. I could just PUKE !!! And now RUSSIA - whose agents are spread out all over the US - are getting ready to FALSE FLAG all over "Back-door-Barry".(Apr 22 2014) - US intel employees face new consequences ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- At this time we can not confirm or deny any incriminating evidence, especially if a member of the media has that intel in their possession. {Of course that sentence was sarcastic}. However, this administrations new "Shadupa You Mout" policy resembles it quite a bit - wouldn't you say ? Be that as it may, the First Amendment just took another serious nose-dive as the main spew media compliantly and fearfully silents itself ... as usual.(Apr 21 2014) - Highest Sustained Taxation in U.S. History
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Do you want to know why I ask business owners if they are a Republican or a democrat ? I'll tell you why and hope that you'll follow my lead. I do not shop in local stores which are owned by dem's 'cause of their party affiliation which votes to tax and take money out of my pocket and rewards their liberal, albeit, lunicidal legislations. So here's a better way to save your money and keep it away from the TAX-O-CRATS supporters. Shop somewhere else ...(Apr 20 2014) - HE HAS RISEN ... WIL YOU ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yes millions around the world are celebrating the Resurrection of Christ our LORD by going to a man made structure which society calls the church. The "Body of Christ" is the CHURCH, not the structure and millions who will be amassing in these structures may listen to a message this morning but - sorry to say - will dash the opportunity to become born again. They may learn a lesson re: The Resurrection but few will rise when JESUS CHRIST calls. Yes, HE Has Risen ... Will You ?(Apr 19 2014) - Opening the door for weather control ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It's time to control the controllers ... 'cause they're out of control. Without question, controlling the elements has been the passion of the pentagon and their politicians for years. Weaponizing the weather, they say, is essential in winning future wars. But I ask ... winning the war against who ... the earth, the sky and the water ? 'Cause so far these elements have turned on the rest of us bystanders and all we can do is wait ... until the weather warriors - AKA Climate Engineers - are stopped !!! SO STOP !!!(Apr 19 2014) - Knightscope's New K5 'ROBO-COP' coming soon
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Will this little "R2-D2" Robot called Knightscope put police officers out of a job, in the future ? Some say yes, while local policing unions say no. Duh ! Odds are these Artificial Intelligent Units will work side-by-side with the police, 'til these little computer rat-finks, report on what the cops are actually doing or not doing (I'll stop right there). My bet is they'll be used with the sky units (drones) and Google's goon squads. I wonder how they'll hold up against a few paint balls, some super-glue spred pads or a bunch of Batman type drag nets ???(Apr 19 2014) - The Govt is Silencing Twitter & Yahoo
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You can't know that or say that !!! Why ? 'Cause the govt says you're not smart enough or masonic enough to shut your mouth, so they'll impose a GAG ORDER on your business ... saying ... "Yes We Can". And, they might charge you a fee for their services - don't you know - or a penalty if you resist or challenge them ... like obamacare ... 'cause ... 'cause ... 'cause ... "Yes We Can". {Honest Sarcasm}(Apr 18 2014) - Western lawmakers gather in Utah ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Western lawmakers are being prompted by their constituents - no doubt - to wake up and take back their lands which the feds and U.N. are holding hostage and using as collateral for debt. This is a major step up for these lawmakers and especially the media in Utah to even cover this gathering. So, the question I must ask, will our lawmakers from the west - lets say Congressmen McCarthy and Nunes - chime in soon re: California's lands ? Maybe the electorate needs to give them a few ringy-dingy's. So let freedom "ring" and "ring" and "ring" and "ring".(Apr 18 2014) - Mike Boudreaux, Rudy Mendoza and Greg Shelton get GOP Endorsement
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Last night the Porterville Area Republican Assembly hosted a "Republican Round-Up" looking to endorse candidates in the up and coming June 3rd primary. Once all the talk was done and the votes were tallied, the top vote getters - who earned PARA's endorsement - were Mike Boudreaux, running for Tulare County Sheriff, Rudy Mendoza running for the 26th Assembly and Porterville City Councilman Greg Shelton who is running for Board of Supervisors of the 5th District. Congratulations Republican Candidates !!!(Apr 17 2014) - IRS using License Plate-Tracking Vendor ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Watching the watchers - watch the watchers ??? Seriously ... how much more redundant are these agencies gonna be ??? And why in the world does the IRS need this tracking technology to read license plates ??? Honestly folks, these agencies don't want this "surveillance" technology to protect - you Joe public. They want this technology 'cause the other agencies have it and are tracking their activities !!! And you, a good ole' law abiding citizen, has to submit a FOIA just to acquire your file on why their tracking you ... even though they say your innocent 'til proven guilty. Nuf said ...(Apr 17 2014) - PARA to Host 'Republican Round-Up'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Tonight the Porterville Area Republican Assembly will be hosting a "Republican Round-Up" of candidates who are running for several seats in Tulare County. First out of the shoot will be Mike Boudreaux & Dave Whaley who are running for Tulare County Sheriff. Second will be Teresita Andreas, Esther Barajas, Devon Mathis & Rudy Mendoza, who are running for the 26th Assembly. Last, are Mike Ennis & Greg Shelton who are running for Supervisor in the 5th District. See you tonight at 6PM inside the Fellowship Hall of the Freewill Baptist Church, at 91 N. Prospect.(Apr 17 2014) - The Impact of an EMP Attack Upon America
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- And now, a - plausible deniability - public service announcement from the NWO GOVERNMENT. Last night the world was attacked by invading forces from outside our demonstrate-able universe. In one single electromagnetic engagement, these outside forces damaged the world's electronic grid, leaving major portions of the world without electricity and in the dark. Millions - mostly Christians - are now missing, as travel, food and water "must be restricted" until Martial Law is lifted. Remember the NWO safety motto ... "Stay Put and Stay Alive". {Sarcasm up the wha-zoo : but possible}(Apr 16 2014) - Confiscating States Defense Equiptment
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- 50 states - 50 solutions ... to garner complete dictatorial control over America. One of those NWO plans is incremental-ism, basically taking over inch by inch. However, the luciferian elite know that the public is becoming aware of their plans - as are our oath-keeping folks from inside the defense dept. - and that has them scared. But, they figure, if utter chaos is created and initiated with a 1000 points of "lucifers light" - masonically speaking - then freedom will give way to security, 'cause the states won't have any defense equipment to protect the public.(Apr 15 2014) - Google Warns : We Are Scanning Your Email
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Apparently this makes it right, Google announcing that they scan all of your e-mails. Hardly ! But, Goggle, as you'll soon find out - ain't the only one with these past practices. Yes, these over-night mega e-mail manipulators got a pass (and no doubt creative financing) early on, from the gov't covert spying agencies ... just as long as they can review all those e-mails and data. Honestly, how would this activity benefit their business by rifling through e-mails ? How ? By selling that access to the gov't ... who - in turn - would convince Wall Street to allow their company to go public. See how easy that was :)(Apr 14 2014) - French scientists: We've lost SARS virus vials
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- How in the name of humanity do you loose over 2,000 vials of a hugely contagious virus and not get the firing squad ??? Can someone with any lick of common sense explain to me why we even pay these scientists to play around with these germs ??? I'm here to tell you guys, if France doesn't declare a national emergency re: this environmental exposure, then odds are, this is part of the Illuminati's plan - to slowly reduce the population.(Apr 13 2014) - Built to track the End of the World
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Back to the bizarre ! This link was sent to me from one of our on-line staff and I thought, this is surely an interesting structure. Here you have a project which was built by our gov't., sits in the middle of somewhere (North Dakota) and looks like a pyramid. From a couple of links in, I read that this structure was built in the 60's and was one of the gov'ts secret missile defense silo's. At least we can see this above ground project. I wonder if it still works ? I guess I'll have to file a FOIA with the Chinese to find out ... thank you Bill Clinton.(Apr 13 2014) - IRS MISSES MICROSOFT XP DEADLINE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well, if there's a hitch in the IRS' get-along and you haven't received your income tax returns, it might not be what you feared - filing incorrectly. It looks like the IRS failed to heed the warnings of MicroSoft in up-dating their computers. Should their be an investigation re: this incompetence - 'cause the IRS is gonna claim computer error on their part - or should the tax payers for 2013 be given a pass ? Well, we can only hope ...(Apr 11 2014) - PAYING FOR YOUR PARENTS SS DEBTS ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Pay attention to "Back-door-Barry's" new SOCIAL SECURITY scheme, which began in 2011. Apparently if your parents received any assistance from Social Security and they "Eventually Determine" that an overpayment occurred, then you just might be on the hook for thousands of dollars - if not more. You read that right, you're gonna have to either have all of your parents past paperwork re: any assistance they've received from the govt ('cause the govt won't produce any) or you're gonna need a good lawyer ... just to break even.(Apr 10 2014) - BLM fracking racket exposed !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well, lookie-lookie ... seems like the BLM - AKA Feds - aren't really in Nevada protecting turtles habitats {even though they say that's the reason}. No my friends, FRACKING is what's driving this new WACO WAR. Thanks to internet investigators - like Mike Adams from Natural News - odds are this wouldn't have been revealed. I'm tellin' you right now, there ought to be a "Stay" from some court in Nevada 'til this new discovery is presented ... to save - that's right - the land, the land owner and of course the turtles habitat from FRACKING.(Apr 10 2014) - 100 Facts re: The Moral Collapse Of America
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I do believe I had this conversation yesterday with a 24 year old waitress at one of Porterville's restaurants, while we both watched unattended children basically take over the place ... as if they were in their own private Disneyland. Even at 24 she knew that America was in a very steep decline, morally speaking, and wondered openly to me, what was the end was gonna look like ? I told her plainly, unless The LORD intervenes, you can expect the prophetic fulfillment of Matthew 24.(Apr 09 2014) - Microsoft partners offer XP Tech support in China
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Aiding and abetting the enemy, ole' Bill Gates - with the help of his friends - will extend Microsoft XP tech support to China. Yes, you see, Bill the Billionaire can get away with this 'cause of his NWO Network of NSA Nerds - putting profits over people. And since this is one of those little secret things that "Back-door-Barry" encourages, well, China must be supported, not boycotted ... 'cause we can't pay them back - in GOLD - like they've asked and the courts agreed.(Apr 09 2014) - Gun owners to wear RFID bracelets ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Laughing out loud ... are all those prisoners who think that gun control is a joke. And now "Back-door-Barry" wants the law abiding citizens to wear or haul around some kind of RFID Gun-Chip to make guns safer ? Now, I'm 'bout to bust my britches laughing at the utter ignorance re: these un-Constitutional and un-American ideas. Folks, these NWO Nut Jobs are serious and you ... well ... you don't care, 'cause they haven't knocked on your door - yet.(Apr 08 2014) - Embeddable "implants" are already here
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yes one day little Judy will come home from school and ask her mommy to buy the latest bio-implant, not because she thinks that the technology will help her in any way re: school work and what-have-you. No sir, she wants this bio-implant 'cause her friends have them and it's easier to socialize, via the implant network ... {coming soon}. This is how these NWO Nut Jobs are gonna hock these hell on earth gadgets ... get to the kids first and if the parents say no, well then ... MAKE IT FREE !!!(Apr 07 2014) - Former bank executive & family FOUND DEAD !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- BANKERS BEWARE ... ought to be the title of this "Deep State" operation. Yes, kiddies, the elite will eat their own - obvious with this article - and for a while that may sound like good news for those of us still striving to make ends meet down in the valley. But PUBLIC BEWARE, once they're done thinnin' out their own heard ... well ... you can figure out the rest.(Apr 07 2014) - Al Sharpton's Secret Work As FBI Informant
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's another "I'm above the Law" freemason in the news. This time it's Al Sharpton and he's trying to defend himself re: recent disclosures where he worked with the FBI to RAT-OUT a bunch of Mafiosos. Now it kinda looks like he's done an A-Okay job, but what was the pay-off for his services ? Did he get a pass from the FBI re: other illegal entanglements he was involved with, or was he just a honest to goodness citizen willing to help out ? What do you think ?(Apr 06 2014) - Jay-Z's bling from 'whites are devils' group
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like the freemasons can't control Jay-Z any longer, and they're gonna take pounding for this, no doubt. Why blame the freemasons ? For one, Jay-Z is part of their secret satanic society and number two, their New World Order isn't bringing any order out of chaos. And lastly, their secular concept of tolerance is a major reason for all these WARS ... not Christianity !!! Their exclusive brotherhood of man and fatherhood of god, just got outed - again !!!(Apr 05 2014) - Federal Register's Listing of Gov't Agencies
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Okay, so your a little bored this weekend and want some intense and accurate info to research. Well it just so happens that the Federal Register's web site just might be what your looking for. On one web page within this plethora from the Potomac - of which I browse a bunch - is the "Executive Office of the President". This is where the 'FR' post's Executive Orders and Presidential Directives. Have fun ...(Apr 05 2014) - Pope meets with Queen Elizabeth II
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looking at these gifts presented to each other at their meeting - whiskey for the Pope from the Queen and a silver St. Edward's cross, with an iron base for baby Prince George of Cambridge from the pope - caught my eye, indeed. Whiskey, ah well, maybe a sip or two for the nightie-nights, but the symbolism emanating from St. Edward's cross atop a lapis lazuli sphere really stood out - especially the comments by Francis, saying ... (this) "gift of a cross of St Edward, is a mark of his recognition that these values must be transmitted from one generation to the next if we care for the survival and flourishing of our civilisation." Say what ??? SURVIVAL OF OUR CIVILISATION ??? I'm tellin' you guys, this symbolic jester re: baby George's future position & acquiescence of power by the 3D Pope is HUGE !!!(Apr 05 2014) - Former Muslim Brotherhood Member Speaks Out
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Maybe, just maybe, this web-site will wake up Christians in America. For sure, this undocumented usurper in the White House could care less about these horrific crimes perpetrated by his islamic associates and friends. And yet, the main-spew media continues to pander to his requests and not ponder his quest ... for CHAOS ... leading to a NEW WORLD ORDER. Look alive Christians !!!(Apr 04 2014) - Fort Hood Job Posting re: Role Players???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Folks, it's getting harder & harder to make this stuff up, especially when the dots are so well connected. One has to postulate, if our agencies are exercising, practicing, role playing and or prognosticating for these critical / terrorist type events, then why in blue blazes aren't these exercises effective ? If these agencies claim innocence by virtue of ignorance, then these wasteful exercises must be halted. And second, showing the agencies cards in these practices - in times past - has either triggered or false flagged an event. Just look at the cards on their table(s) and who usually wins the pot.(Apr 03 2014) - The NSA's New Minister of Radio Propaganda
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Eating up the air wave, come Jan 2015 with Cumulus Radio, will be Rep. Mike Rogers, Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Do you suppose some of his "Talk-Show" topics will incorporate whistle-blowers ? I don't think so. Odds are he'll role in slow, to test the market and his listeners, particularly the super-snoops of the NSA and super-spooks of the CIA. Will he "wag-the-dog" with the newly appointed Chair of the PSCI - possibly Congressman Devin Nunes ? Not if his life depended on it. His new assignment will be to white wash the military intelligence complex, and to targeting truth tellers and the internet.(Apr 03 2014) - EPA under fire re: pollution tests on humans
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now ... if we can get the EPA to turn their heads upward, towards the sky, and see one of the biggest environmental exploits against humanity (AKA GEO-ENGINEERING) and then have the "I.G." actually perform an honest investigation re: who got paid off to look the other way at the EPA, no doubt many will end up behind bars and the gov't will be on the hook for "Billions" - settling medical law suits by the millions.(Apr 03 2014) - Asking obama to ban importing weapons ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- No not exactly Ms Speier ... banning politicians from this illegal activity would be a better start. Transparency re: who you guys are hobnobbing with is another great idea which could be petitioned into law by the people. But most law abiding folks know, you politicians think your above the law, have little to no desire to follow the laws you create and lastly, openly LIE and or blame others when you get caught. Quit making laws if you won't OBEY THE LAWS !!!(Apr 02 2014) - Did Michigan just trigger a 'Con-Con' ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looking down the barrel of a Constitutional Convention - also called a "Con-Con" - right now, is not a good time to make any major amendments to the Constitution ... especially with these desperate democ-RATS who might loose their Senate seats in Jun or Nov. Too many negative variables could develop in the amendment process and procedures ... not to mention the militia's loose barrels and cannons - the (CIA) - triggering a revolution ... to control the outcome. Again, I Pray that I'm wrong.(Apr 02 2014) - The Occult Meaning of Lady Gaga's Video
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Lowering the bar, while illuminating the darkness, appears to be the on-going measure in the music industry. Too often appropriate standards are diminished in pursuit of profits - "nothing personal, that's just business" those behind the artists exclaim. Yes, it's possible to slow this "Satanic Secularizing of American Society" ... if - and I only say if - those claiming to possess a higher authority and higher power, actually claim that higher authority and power ... namely Christians. Current results demonstrate this deficiency. Come Quickly Lord JESUS !!!(Apr 01 2014) - Britain orders inquiry into Muslim Brotherhood
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hey ... Mr. Prime Minister of Britain, have you asked MI6 to ask the CIA, if their little experiment at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. has been "Officially" debriefed ??? I'm sure by now, good ole' Mr. Transparency - AKA - "Back-door-Barry" can help you guys, as well as he's helped the U.S. and the world with his political relations re: his friends and relatives ... who are still connected to "The Muslim Brotherhood."(Mar 31 2014) - Obamacare sends out premarked Voter Reg's
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's a few of questions for California's Secretary of State (web-site), Debra Bowen. Who in her department knew about this collusion amongst Covered California and the Premarked Voter Registration as Democrat and who will she appoint to investigate this crime. As important, will the IRS now step in and audit these so-called non-profit and non-biased groups - like they did the TEA Party - and what about possible Brown Act violations which had to occur behind closed doors ? Now, if Pete Peterson was the SoS, for sure the media would drill him down over this and he'd clean house ... even if it was his own party.(Mar 30 2014) - Michelle waving Red Communist Flags ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hey now, this is a little too user friendly ... Michelle !!! We know that additional gold bond payments were signed off during your trip to China, but come on, rallying those in the audience with red flags only benefits the commies ... unless that was subconsciously part of your continued dislike towards America ??? Honestly, flag waving is more than symbolic to some nations, it's also a SIGN OF SURRENDER, like holding up a white flag. What else needs to be said ???(Mar 30 2014) - Flight 370 reality check ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Logic and common sense lends itself to the obvious - flight 370 had other plans and orders to follow. Suicide, I'm here to tell you, wasn't one of them. Now ... flying under every type of aviation / military radar can't happen, unless the tracking equipment from the controllers, the aircraft itself and satellites were turned off. And don't forget many private corporations have access to these toys as well ... again ... lending logic and common sense to the need for a useful patsy for this covert action ... plus ... plausible deniability for, you guessed it - the CIA.(Mar 29 2014) - JESUS IS MUSLIM ... Say What ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The body of Christ better get a grip, as my Pastor says all the time, re: Biblical and historical accuracy and wouldn't you know it ... He's RIGHT !!! Too many Christians - I'm sorry to say - are still waiting in the wings, letting their little lights shine as a by-product of their faith and fruit. Few are won to the LORD with this little light - I'm here to tell you - especially islamics. And that's why we're loosing the mission fields here at home to muslims. WAKE UP PASTORS ... THE WOLVES ARE AT THE DOOR !!!(Mar 29 2014) - Yes, you are under surveillance
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Go ahead and say it like it is ... we live in a Surveillance Industrial Society - Period !!! Corporations see it as revenue, their employees see it as steady income and governments see it as control !!! The masses, well, they don't want to see it, 'cause they view these I-Devices as tools and toys, which they believe they need for their day-to-day lives and pleasures. Yes, my friends, you are under constant surveillance ... especially if you're technological footprint is relatively small.(Mar 27 2014) - 2014 : Scenario Ground Truth Capstone Exercise
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Once again, I implore you to view their paperwork re: the governments contingency programs and plans against the freedoms and rights of Americans. Labeled and coded "Trusted Agents Only" you're gonna see - first hand - what's in the making, in the event that some major cataclysmic scenario manifests ... ushering in ... MARTIAL LAW !!! They're getting ready for the final round-up. Are you ready for The LORDS ???(Mar 27 2014) - Antigun Politician charged with Gun Trafficking
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Ant-gun democ-RAT and FREEMASON, Senator Leland Yee (D) was busted in Sacramento yesterday for GUN RUNNING, along with a host of other under-world affiliates and gangsters. It's kind of funny how "Ties The Bind" ... masonically speaking ... lend many masons to believe that their above any law and can get away with anything - due to their luciferian initiations, rituals and rites. For sure, this part of the story is gonna get buried real quick.(Mar 26 2014) - Second Species Hiding at the Vatican ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- No wonder this woman got fired as a banking executive. She's gotta be plum crazy for actually saying - in an interview - that there is a second species (alien) living at the Vatican. Every alphabet soup agency within a stones throw of Washington D.C. knows this ain't true and where this so-called alien is actually located ... at the White House ... dummy. For Heavens sakes, do I have to explain everything around here ?(Mar 25 2014) - Seriously ... What Militia ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Great question !!! It's one that I've drilled into just about every Second Amendment Soldier in and around the Porterville area. None to my amazement, has been their consistent chattering of ... "Well, if they come to my door, I'll ... I'll ... (do nothing)." That's right ... NOTHING !!! Just like Congress !!! Most of these militia wanna bees are hugely selfish re: their possessions and property. And honestly I don't blame them. However, the bigger question must be asked. Is their a well regulated militia in Tulare County, let alone Porterville which will come to our collective defense ??? Please let me know.(Mar 25 2014) - Electric thinking cap can help you learn
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- "Good morning students," says the teachers, "it's time to put on your thinking caps" ... literally. This new frontier of education (brain washing) is not a theory anymore. Science is getting closer and closer to that super-duper sweet spot in the brain, where they can induce or reduce info with the flip of a switch. Again ... literally !!! They're just waiting for the public to beg for this new technology, for corporations to make it affordable and for politicians to make it legal.(Mar 23 2014) - Israel closes embassies around the world ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Allowing this to become a National Security Issue for Israel - not to mention a diplomacy relations fiasco by closing all of their embassies around the world - sets one of the worst precedents ever in the history re: diplomacy ... ever !!! Unless of course, this is what Israel wants ... for now. That being intimated, is there perhaps - just maybe - an ulterior motive ??? A counterintelligence move ??? For sure, something is sailing in the slue re: this security slip-up !!!(Mar 22 2014) - Transport of Aerosols with Application ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Submitted as evidence - from our Chem-Trail Colleges & Universities - grants from our very own U.S. govt., requesting more research involving aerosol dispersant's into our atmosphere. In other words, the U.S. govt's paying our colleges to develop better geo-engineering techniques, supposedly to help arrest any possible lung infections or diseases, which might happen ... ('cause of previous dispersant's - obviously).(Mar 21 2014) - Navy database tracking civilians ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm here to tell you, they've got you so hoodwinked, hooked up and hacked, it'll make your head swim. If it's at all possible, and can be digitized, you and yours are gonna be in some massive data-bank co-hosted & house by govt's, military, medical, corporations, web sites, private contractors & yes - who would have thought - on-line sports web sites. Is it too late to get off the grid ... "DUH" ... What do you think ? Listen, one day you'll notice that your thoughts aren't your thoughts. That's when you'll hear a knock on the door & get a FREE RIDE from the THOUGHT POLICE.(Mar 20 2014) - The CIA Spying Scandal, Watergate and ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- At break-neck speed, these hooligans in the White House are just about ready to hang Dianne Feinstein re: "Back-door-Barry's" plumbers secretly rifling through her Senate Intelligence Committee. Early on, Feinstein has leveled conspiratorial complaints against the CIA, and justifiably so - as it turns out. Eventually this secret surveillance issue will make Nixon's "Watergate" look like a walk in the park, on so many levels.(Mar 19 2014) - US tech giants knew of NSA data collection
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- And there you have it. Once these varmints get cornered they're ready to eat their own. In this case the so-called Tech-Giants knew all along that the NSA was using their ISP's to spy on the world. Was their any kick-backs for their usage ? I'm sure some got a few bucks - here and there. But I'm convinced that a lot of under-the-table "Blackmailing" took place under the guise of "National Security".(Mar 18 2014) - Spy Agencies Cooperating with other Countries ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Staying alive by staying connected ... not to the Constitution - but to a COMPANY of corporations, who are transnational. These spying agencies work hand-in-glove with other spying agencies in other countries to protect the interests of these multi-national businesses. They topple governments all the time and deep six any and every entity attempting to uncover their clandestine activities re: who they keep COMPANY with or work for.(Mar 18 2014) - Could KGB Agent Become US President ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Of course every nation has a "Fifth Column" plan to take over another nation. That's a counterintelligence co-op, albeit, end around to get inside to gain control. "Back-door-Barry" has been considered by many reputable researchers and investigators as a "5-C" agent working for - some have surmised - the Soviets. I for one, believe he's working on behalf of his lord - lucifer. What do you believe ?(Mar 17 2014) - Time To Defund and Abolish The DHS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Time for a gut check kids. Just about every alphabet soup agency has been created under an administration - not the Constitution ! They are all subdivisions of the corporate UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, not the United States Constitution. They are beholden to their creator(s), usually the President and his administration - again - circumventing the Constitution. Haven't you guys noticed that every President has to re-introduce "Emergency Powers" or default back to the Law of the Land - The United States Constitution ??? That's about as simple as I can put kiddies ! Google it for yourselves.(Mar 16 2014) - Martial Law Cannot Be Far Away Now!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm sure that a lot of folks p*ssed their pants 'cause they couldn't make it to a rest room stop during this massive "Martial Law" log jam on I-270. No doubt others demanded their rights to travel freely, but when the barrel of a gun is nose diving towards your face, you quickly hush up re: your rights. You folks need to know, your interstate highway system was build for the Department of Defense. And when this happens on their interstate(s), dollars to donuts, the DoD authorized this military action.(Mar 16 2014) - A missing Flight 370 and two Muslim pilots
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- TSA and "Back-door-Barry" are gonna have some serious splain' to do, if this article re: muslims hijacking flight 370 is anywhere near the truth. But first, seal team six - I bet cha - is on a new mission, not just to locate the black box from the jet, but those pilots, flight attendants ... and ... those pesky passengers, obviously held hostage by the hijackers. 'Cause you know some of them might tell the truth re: why they didn't answer their phones a few days after the plane come up missing. (Hello Barry; this is Putin. Want your plane back ?) ... {WWIII Sarcasm}(Mar 15 2014) - The Future of Brain Implants
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Utopia for mankind is almost here, especially for the brainless occupants in D.C. No need to speculate any longer, these NWO NUT JOBS have seen the economic value in producing a brainless society. And the best part is, you - the consumer - will literally buy into this, especially dealing with your own unruly children. Yes the future of brain implants is here, however, the bad news is, not everyone will qualify under obamacare. But you knew that already - didn't you ? {Futuristic Sarcasm}(Mar 14 2014) - NSA has Automated its Spying Operations
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- What's that you say, the Hydra from Hell had been release years ago ? But of course. All these high and low tech operations had been developed to stifle the opposition, whether it be political parties, the military industrial complex, the banking cartel(s), the secret occult societies, the main stream media, and today, the internet news - like The Porterville Post. Dumbing down the masses is now as easy as flippin' the switch. Cause these NWO Nut Jobs know you won't turn off all of your I-Devices, which control all of your affairs ... basically ... "Waggin' The Masses" for "Their Master" ... lucifer ... AKA (satan).(Mar 13 2014) - The FCC is NOT what they claim to be
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Layer upon layer, you will discover, that there is little if any real gov't agency, administration or bureaucracy that hasn't been subverted into a shadow like gov't corporation since 1871. Depending upon default, this defacto form of democracy has destroyed American Independence ... all in the name of the "Corporate" UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - not the "Peoples" United States of America. You and your "STRAW MAN" - the other you - were created at birth ... on paper ... certifying this corporate collusion.(Mar 13 2014) - City Hall Celebrates 'Hijab Day'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yes folks, Barry's "Back-door-Brotherhood" in Minneapolis has taken over City Hall, to the point that they're celebrating "Hijab Day" - Hoodies for islamic women. Very little of this "Hijab Day" for women is in the main stream press. You're only gonna read about it on the internet and then maybe a few days later in a few local news associations. Will you hear about it from the pulpits ? You tell me when and where and - by GOD - we'll place a big thank you on the front page of the Post.(Mar 11 2014) - Human Effectiveness Directorate: Boosting IQ
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well of course we need super-human traits and qualities, even if it means destroying a few thousand humans. This is their means to and end. And just so you know, these NWO Nut Jobs are getting paid a lot of money to finish what Hitler's scientists we're trying to create - SUPERMEN. Oh, now you remember. It's the same idea folks. Quite denying it. Once these trans-humans are created, new laws will be established for their protection ... against you ... GOD's Creation !!! Wake Up Pastors !!!(Mar 11 2014) - 1984 Surveillance Takes Over California Town
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Surveillance cameras cannot stop crime !!! These Big Brother cameras only help to track down the criminals after they do their dirty deeds. They help the police with their paperwork in developing a case against the criminals. Blue or white collar criminals do not have the moral underpinnings which law abiding people have; subsequently they're not deterred by surveillance cameras. Only the Surveillance Industrial Society say it works. Not the criminals ...(Mar 11 2014) - Senate intel' head says CIA searched computers
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well what-do-ya-know ? Here's the pot (Feinstein) calling the kettle (CIA) black re: secret, albeit, subversive surveillance on the "Intelligence Committee". Yes folks, it only matters when it happens to them - the power brokers, the political classes and the money changers. I'm tellin' you, the corporate side of congress is having a cow and you better believe the widow makers on Wall Street are gonna whack any wrong doers(Mar 10 2014) - The Manchurian Muslims - Make a Break For It
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Totten' a bag of goodies, Valerie Jarret - conjoined to obama's - "makes a break for it" with her Manchurian men ... "Back-door-Barry" and "Ahmad Rashad" ... her muslim boy-toy. While the world wonders what will become of their freedoms and livelihoods, these carefree commie wanna-a-bees are living the life of Riley, fleeing all the false-flag operations that they've pre-approved and set in motion.(Mar 10 2014) - Dem's Put 'POT' in Party Platform
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like the left plank loonies are high on legalizing "POT" - no doubt as a new way to collect taxes. From this article we can conclude that the new "Pot-Plank" platform in the party had already been means tested and approved by some ... "High" ... ranking members - at a party, before the party. In any event, Jerry Brown is now the new downer for the democ-RATS - party of pot-heads and no endorsements.(Mar 09 2014) - Communists announce plans to rescue Democrats
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yes the democrats are very scared about loosing the 2014 mid-terms and possibly the general election come Nov. Trying their best to glean what they can from "Back-door-Barry" party officials are allowing the COMMUNIST left, of their party, more leg room, which - in the end - will make obama and many congressional candidates look less communistic and more socialist - an un-American idea they've embraced early on.(Mar 07 2014) - NSA can't keep metadata more than 5 yrs
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Easy does it Freedom Fighters. Yes, this court adjudicated that the NSA couldn't keep any meta-data for more than five years, but all those "Out-Sourcing" scoundrels on the dole ain't been ruled against (yet) nor have the "Super-Deepers" either - where ever they may be. At the sound of the bell, Wall Street will wager, that meta-data will still be collected by someone, everyday until the end of the day, to amass data to prepare for THE END OF MANKIND !!!(Mar 07 2014) - Judge strikes down small drones ban
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Thanks to this court decision re: private & commercial drones, those with the know-how (brains) & where-with-all (money) will be able to fly below radar & under 400 feet. Soon these privately owned stool pigeons will be following & attacking anyone, anywhere, anytime. This includes following the local policing authorities & politicians - of all ilk - back to their own private domiciles for a little looky-looky ... 'til that little hiccup is addressed by the SCOTUS. I think I'll run down to {Drones "R" Us} and get me a Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang sometime this week.(Mar 06 2014) - WARNINGS :From Former Muslim Turned Christian
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yesterday I went to Fresno to price a few cars I'm interested in and discovered that many of the used car lots - on Blackstone Ave - were owned by deceptive muslims. That's right, terrorists associating islamics. And folks, I'm here to tell you - NEVER AGAIN - will I fraternize a muslim owned business or store, in Fresno and especially Porterville, anymore until they openly shame their "Christian-Killing" religion. I refuse to economically support their success anymore - in Porterville - and neither should you. Look around Christians, they own most of the small "Mom-and-Pop" stores in Porterville.(Mar 05 2014) - What is the NWO & Why Does it Matter ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Trespassers beware ... "You're on borrowed time". Those eclectic elitists ideation's are the constant conversations amongst many NWO Nut Jobs. Acclimating above that is the accepted "King of the World" concept - their foolish faith re: their "Royal Bloodlines" granting them supreme & sovereign authority over the planet, the people and their property. Population Control & Reduction, has always been on their agenda. And don't ever forget ... Wars to these satanists "IS" Sexual Foreplay - a Ritual Orgy on a massive scale !!!(Mar 05 2014) - Why Is Our Govt So Incompetent ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Competing con-men from both sides of the isle play a big part in this Hegelian dialectic. One day you're fighting against the laws of the left and the next, against the right ... while those assigned bureaucracies have to play catch up - like most Americans - due to new laws created to counter old laws that those in charge say are incongruous or inconvenient for them - the law makers and politicians ... who are incompetent.(Mar 04 2014) - U.S. Military Hires Terror-Tied Chaplains
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Of course this is how appeasement works. First you surrender your moral ideas in favor of the collective. Next you "equally" promote their side to demonstrate democracy. Third, you blame those who won't go along as "Narrow Minded". Fourth, you then outlaw those law abiding Christians as moral obstructionists and or terrorists. And finally, you allow vigilantes to roam free, as you rescue these poor souls and provide a safe place for them to reside ... IN THE CAMPS !!!(Mar 03 2014) - Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico not recognitized ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Of course Nationalism is playing a part with these clandestine masons invading other lodges in Mexico. This was the same issue when President George Washington was informed that the Illuminati was infiltrating lodges in America, so he - as a master of his lodge - authorized "Un-Recognized" changes re: the degrees, their secret signs, symbols, tokens, hand shakes and agendas. That's what started the war with England. The Boston Tea Party was used as a ruse to rally the profane - non masons - into this masonic revolutionary war re: authority.(Feb 27 2014) - Connecticut state police 'Will' go door-to-door ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Knock - knock. Who's there ? Han Dover. Han Dover who ? Hand over your guns and ammo or we will kick in your door, slam you to the ground, taze the fire out of you, remove any adolescent from your guardianship (for their protection - of course) and last but not least, charge you with felony obstruction for not registering your fire arms. And that's just for starters. Any questions ??? (Sarcasm - You Betcha' ... What else can I say ... They're coming ...)(Feb 27 2014) - Obama (...) to Empower Young Black Men
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Are you sure "Back-door-Barry" didn't blame George W. Bush - the speech-a-fier - re: keeping African Americans down, economically, educationally, or ebonically ? Was there any mention of the GOP fudging about some 40 archers and a mule {back-in-the-day} deal ? Noted in this article is the racist retaliation of someone who's running out of people to blame re: their own self repressive culture, including - I'm sorry to say - separatist slurs from Bill Cosby.(Feb 26 2014) - Obama tells volunteers, 'You're doing God's work'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This democ-RAT in the White House is getting desperate and dangerous re: his disastrous and demonic HELL(th) Care Act - by invoking GOD's blessing onto those charged with it's operation(s). Possessed by passed evils, this POPE of Pennsylvania Ave - much like a cult leader - guilt riddled those in his presence by subliminally intimating, "You're doing GOD's Work" ... (if you listen only to me) ... and no one else. I'm telling you, the pathology re: this impostor will be his legacy - not his program(s).(Feb 26 2014) - Cow meat recalled due to eye cancer ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- EYE CANCER ??? Yes eye cancer !!! That's what the USDA's finding were that spawned one of the biggest meat recalls in California's history. Any human sickness developed by this yet ??? NONE !!! In light of these spurious findings, I must ask ... will all pre-consumed animals (chickens, lambs, pigs, turkeys, etc. etc.) now need a visit the from a Vet or eye doctor prior to slaughter ? (LOL) As curious ... who really stands to benefit from this recall ? Other countries perhaps ? Maybe the NAU ? Or maybe BIG PHARMA and their wonder working vaccines !!!(Feb 25 2014) - SCOTUS expands police authority re: warrants
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- My, my, my, my ... my. This SCOTUS ruling re: the police searching a home without a warrant, as long as at least one person consents, will clog up the courts for years - mostly involving "He said vs She said" cases. Why ? Well, in court, all the police has to say - true or not - is, "it sounded like he consented, your Honor, and that's when I felt my life was threatened (upon entry) so, in self defense, I shot him ... since my tazer malfunctioned." (See my point)(Feb 23 2014) - Roundup Weedkiller Found In Everything !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- As I live and breath ... eventually I will die ... from all of the herbicides (especially RoundUp) floating up in our skies, in our water and of course our food - our genetically modified food. Info re: the deadly long range side effects of everything modified, man-made or geo-engineered are making it's way onto the internet, in vivid scientifically measured detail for all to review and question. But, as Doris Day sang years ago, "Que Sera-Sera, whatever will be, will be. The futures not ours to see, Que Sera-Sera" ... pretty much sums up the nonchalant attitude of Americans.(Feb 23 2014) - Operation Mockingbird by the CIA
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Of course this make sense - controlling and manipulating the masses through the media - that is, if your corporate / govt / king-making masters says it does. But to those broadcasting otherwise, well, they'll be classified by those Orwellian / CIA Mocking-Birds as a fringe - alternative at best. None-the-less, those in-the-know - they intimate - will have to go ... so these NWO Nut Jobs can go on with the Show.(Feb 22 2014) - Pope Evangelizing Copeland Ministry ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- And now, a message from Kenneth Copeland ... the Pope's latest convert. I'm telling you, when you get tapped like this - in front of GOD and everyone else - you're gonna have to make a decision whether or not it's the TRUTH that you are following, or a bigger audience, leading to a bigger income at days end. Word to the wise, many of these "Word of Faith" ministries could very well get swallowed up with the Vatican's ecumenical outreach ... that is, if the faith-fearing freemasons don't flank them first.(Feb 20 2014) - Battle for humanity nearly lost !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- If push came to shove, and it was you vs them, odds are you might be motivated, much like these NWO Nut Jobs, by slow boiling the frogs, tainting their water supply, and for-sure, geo-engineer their air, and finally by altering the food - nutritionally ... just to keep the people and their pitch-forks from crossing the motes and into the castles. These luciferian elitists do - in fact - think and plan these outcomes for the people they believe they own. Got JESUS ... They don't !!!(Feb 20 2014) - HHS wants 'Full Access' to Social Media
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- At least HHS is a bit more transparent than "Back-door-Barry" re: wanting access to all of your social media - which ain't saying much. For sure this is what's called a pile-on. If everyone piles on, then it's harder to single out who (agency) actually hurt the man (citizen) on the bottom ... especially when the first one in the pile was the NSA . No doubt HHS has already beta tested this pile-on for do-ability, but my money's on those creepy obama-care culprits - shaking down those social web sites for info. That's the end game for these criminals - make no mistake !!!(Feb 20 2014) - Bohemian Grove: Dabbling in the Occult
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Back in 1999 when I received the "Man of the Year" Award from the CRA, I had a chance to sit down and interview several Presidential candidates who made an appearance at our Convention. One of those running was Alan Keyes, President Reagan's Ambassador to the U.N. As well as the others, I asked him if he had been invited to the Grove as a guest or to speak and he said ... "yes, but I turned them down, it wasn't a Christian arena or proper forum." That's one of the biggest reasons why I supported Ambassador Keys for President in 2000 - 'cause he couldn't be controlled or bought by the bohemians.(Feb 19 2014) - Vatican Pushing for Control of Mt. Zion ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Soon, they will be checking the DNA & bloodlines of those claiming authority over Jerusalem. Why ? Well, genealogy is important to orthodox Judaism & it's important to Kings & Queens claiming a Judeo-Christian bloodline. This establishes their sovereignty & authority over peoples & places ... and trumps any paperwork from any nation saying they have authority, which leads me to wonder re: the Vatican's recent conquest of Mount Zion. Did they manifest the old Knights Templar bloodlines ... again ... trumping the co-masons occult, albeit, esoteric Hebraic claims ??? Remember, these players are setting the stage for 'their' Christ.(Feb 18 2014) - Restrictions eased for islamic immigrants
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Let me break it down like this. Most of these asylum seeking associates of terrorism will not - I repeat - will not acclimate to the American way of life, nor our Constitutional and cultural pinnings ... least of all our Christian belief systems. Why ? Because they bring with them their islamic hate for America and fear death if they do not spread mohamuds message of mayhem. This is what associates of islam will do, plain and simple. Folks, the boarders were breached years ago by "Back-door-Barry" ... with a little help from his associates. Here's one list ...(Feb 18 2014) - Massive 'Map of the World' Data ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You are a person of interest, even if you have nothing to hide !!! According to this tidbit of info., everyone and everything is tracked, regardless of your compliance(s) ... EVERYTHING !!! If you're a law abiding kinda guy, you are tracked. If your off the grid, you're tracked. If you are healthy as a horse, you're tracked. This National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency tracks everything and saves it for other agencies and authorities ... just in case they need to target lawful citizens. GOD forbid they use it to track and capture illegal immigrants.(Feb 18 2014) - Resolution filed by GOP to Restrict Obama
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Oath of office and loyalty to the Constitution or constituents ... forget about it !!! We're the leaders of the GOP - Boehner, McCarthy and Nunes - and we don't need to sign no stinking resolution to curb the over-reaching executive ordering tendencies of "Back-door-Barry" ... today ... maybe in a few months when the house gathers 300 more signatures, but not today ... 'cause we're the leaders. {sarcasm employed for the politically challenged}(Feb 17 2014) - Obama creates new S.S. Agency for cybersecurity
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Let me introduce you to obama's new little friend called ... "The Program" ... handled by the S.S. Agency (Sector-Specific Agency). On Feb 12 "Back-door-Barry" signed a new E.O. entitled - "Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity" creating this SS-Agency. This Program, as it is dubbed, will troll anything and everything internet, looking for infrastructural weakness in the govt's cybersecurity, businesses cybersecurity and or private internet usage and report back to the president , so he can report back to the public and say that the govt ain't spying on the public ... because the "SS" type agencies and authorities checked it all out.(Feb 16 2014) - Jerusalem renters wary re: Messiah's arrival
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Sad but true, many living in and around Jerusalem have a clause in their rental agreement(s) called the Messiah Clause, which stipulates, if Messiah returns, you - as the renter - must vacate the premise ASAP. As odd as that sounds, this renters clause is making the rounds. Sadder than that, will be when the false messiah / prophet makes an appearance, there's gonna be way too many hitching there hopes on his hypes re: Peace and Safety ... kinda like that fake in the WH.(Feb 16 2014) - GRAMMY'S GO SATANIC !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Not for the faint at heart or fearfully faithful, this article - you need to know - touches on a lot of satanic and occult entertainment which our children are watching and emulating. Hollywood, without question, is one of the main vehicles influencing this un-godly indoctrination - not to mention the music industry. Can it get any worse, you ask ? Just ask someone who placed an add on Craigs List.(Feb 15 2014) - U.S. Bank expanding 'mobile voice' pilot
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Voice recognition technology involving any authenticating application, especially mobile devices such as iphones or ipads, involves the need for a huge voice recognition data base, centrally located for security validating operations. Meaning, these internet service providers will be forced to combine their security software with NSA - since they watch all the banking data at night anyway. And the way hackers can high-jack and re-route these iphones, well ... I better let them explain how easy it will be ... real easy.(Feb 15 2014) - Obama waisting time golfing ... again
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Drought - I don't see no drought ... on the golf course {laughed obama - honest sarcasm}. Yes California, the only thing near & dear to this White House hoodlum is a day on greens with a few of his buddies. Now, I'm guessing it takes a lot of water to keep those greens - green ... right ? And ten-dimes-to-a-donut this golf course waisted a lot more water getting ready for "Back-door-Barry" and his "Back-nine-Boys". What a waist ... pure-de-ole'-simple ... waist.(Feb 14 2014) - Obama to Announce Climate Resilience Fund
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Show (give) me the money - ONE BILLION DOLLARS - and I'll create another CZAR like regime that regulates climate change with more fees, fines and penalties ... {No doubt that's obama's solution}. It's like having a porcupine for president. You need his political authority to right a wrong, however, once you make contact with this STRANGE CREATURE, you crawl away wounded ... wondering ... what went wrong ??? Be careful Central Valley Tea Party ... be very careful around this strange creature.(Feb 14 2014) - Islamic Iran sends threatening message to Obama
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's the scenario. Iran sends one of their suicide ships loaded with a few brief-case nukes to one our shores. They then announce, just after they launch a few dozen speed boats from their ship, that one of those speed boats has a high ranking military POW that they want to exchange for one of theirs. But, they also announce that this speed boat with the POW might also have a dirty bomb or a nuke on board and they won't say which one until the exchange takes place. How do you negotiate that tactic obama ... by flying to the West Coast for cover ???(Feb 13 2014) - DHS to buy 75.1 million rounds of ammo
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- TIME FOR AN AMMO AUDIT. As concerned as congress is re: auditing the federal reserve ( ...right), 2nd Amendment American's are very concerned about auditing the governments ammo purchases, storage and usage. For sure the govt's paperwork is in place to either counter homeland terrorism with deadly force or with martial law. So the question must be asked ... "If the public is needed to assist the gov't under a real terrorist attack, will they share their ammo with us, to defend America ?" I'd like to know(Feb 12 2014) - NO TECHNOLOGY IS FAIL-SAFE ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- And you thought your new highfalutin "CHIP" embedded credit cards were gonna be more secure than the old RFID embedded credit cards. HA !!! Looks like the president of PayPal, who had one of these super-duper chippy do-da-day credit cards, got sacked and hacked while over seas. But you say, it will be much safer once this technology is embedded into a human. I say, put your money (credit card) where you mouth is. EVERYTHING CAN BE HACKED !!! Just ask the NSA - for crying out loud.(Feb 12 2014) - Recognizing leaders in DHS security community
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Coming out of the closet - a bit further - are these award winning Hot Shots of Homeland Security. Named in this report are a few companies who have partnered with the gov't in developing technology and services, supposedly, protecting the homeland. Honestly, the only thing that these private / public partners protect are their companies connection to the teats of the govt's hog-trough. Don't you feel safer knowing all this ???(Feb 10 2014) - Mind control and mind chaos ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- If you listen closely to Paul Simon's song called Slip Slidin' Away, you'll conclude, much like Jon Rappoports article, that America is sliding away due to illiterate language forms, lousy logic and non-sequitur sentence structuring. Quickly, their answers are based on comfortable conclusions instead of an elongated analysis or synthesis. Meaning ... there's a lot of Mind Controlled, albeit, dyslectic dig-a-lings out there clamoring for ... CHAOS as the CURE ???(Feb 10 2014) - NSA's Secret Role re: Assassination Program
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just so you know, every time you frequent a store owned by a Arab looking person who travels back & forth from his islamic controlled country, the NSA's gonna hop their phone onto yours - listening in - to analysis why you're fraternizing with these foreigners. Look, they've listened in for years and truth-be-told, they've even tapped most policing agencies, supposedly to curtail corruption amongst cops. That's one of many reasons why "they don't trust each other" and neither should you.(Feb 10 2014) - The Bilderberg Plan to Obliterate Humanity
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Lets cut to the chase. If there ain't no Mount of Olives in Israel, then JESUS CHRIST cannot return - so say the sons of satan. Armageddon, in their minds, is GOD warring against their rights to live as they want. This is why satan's sons use secret societies to war against the saints. Their plan is quite simple - get the Christians before GOD gets them. If they can't corrupt the Christians, then they will obliterate them and of course Israel. No JERUSALEM = No JESUS.(Feb 09 2014) - Recall of nearly 9 million lbs of meat
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So your telling me that nearly 9 millions pounds of CALIFORNIA BEEF has to be recalled, 'cause it might be diseased or unsound, due to an improper inspection ? Are you serious - FDA - 9 million lbs ? For sure a couple million have already been consumed and no one's gone to any emergency room - yet - over this beef. Maybe they've been VACCINATED against BAD BEEF ? Or, maybe there's nothing really wrong with this meet ?(Feb 09 2014) - DHS Announces Environmental Justice (League)
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Thundering down from all parts of the U.S. is the Environmental Justice League - DHS' Defenders of the Planet. Using eminent domain - if needed - this environmental agency will equalize the rights of the planet vs the rights of the people. Once a violation against "Mother Nature" is submitted, or secretly called in, DHS' EJ-League will leap to conclusions, clandestinely confiscate the property and or citizens, while compensating that community for their counterfeit claim.(Feb 08 2014) - Obama to visit Fresno next Friday re: drought
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- According to this Political Blotter, "Back-door-Barry" will be doing a democratic drive-by in Fresno on Feb 14th - Valentines Day - to address California's drought. Now, wouldn't it be better if he just called it in to save money ? Of course it would ! If he did, he could demonstrate his trust in the Governor's "Emergency Declaration" and simple stay at home. But he won't. Why ? Because Fresno has one of the biggest Tea Party groups in California, and I'm sure he'd like to see how they'll respond.(Feb 08 2014) - Many on-line banking applications are awry
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Something is awry right now re: several on-line banking sites. From http://sitedown.co they are reporting that you cannot gain access into your own personal on-line banking through their sites, even though http://www.isitdownrightnow.com reports that the entry / index site(s) are on-line. In my opinion, this is why Internet News is much more valuable and faster than the old and slow main stream news. Plus, we trust our fact finding friends, family and readers. Thanks Arnie for the heads up ...(Feb 07 2014) - 'PAY WITH YOUR HAND'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hackers, scammers & surveillance agencies will exploit this technology so fast it'll make your head spin, needing - and you know it - an exorcism. These NWO Nut Jobs have the whole of society actually begging for this "Mark of the Beast" technology so bad, that they - the public - will even pay for it themselves. What hasn't been revealed re: this trans-humanistic technology, is how a person charges and or up-dates these devilish devices ... by aligning their self identifying frequencies with theses contraptions ... { wait for it } ... by using frequencies attributed to being thankful, grateful and or worshiping. Until then, the public can take A PASSWORD PILL to unlock their digital devices. Do you believe now ???(Feb 07 2014) - The Love Frequency 528 Hz
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Those who use chanting, channeling and charging in their meta-physical applications, like the freemasons, have - from time to time - stumbled across this Love Frequency or so-called God Frequency. The problem is GOD is not limited to one frequency, 'cause HE is Omni-present ... EVERYWHERE !!! And to straighten out these idiots of self illumination, GOD, I'm here to tell you, wouldn't isolate HIMSELF to a single frequency - an anthropomorphic construct reserved for self-delusional, albeit faithless fools ... obviously.(Feb 07 2014) - Pope & others to face prosecution ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm telling you, this ain't going away no time soon - protecting pedophilic priests, politicians, kings and queens. For too many decades - centuries no-doubt - these people governing, power perverts have colluded together - laws and tribute exempting their criminal and sub-human satanic acts. Big on their list to protect are their banks - second their positions and last on their list ...obviously ... their souls.(Feb 06 2014) - U.S. Postal Service announces huge Ammo buy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now, those employed by the U.S. Postal Service, who have an inkling to go postal - from time to time - don't have to worry about forgetting their weapons or ammo at home ... 'cause they'll have a new supply at work. Yes, the price of stamps have gone up & will continue to go up, to cover the cost of "extra security measures" and in case the under-vaccinated public turn into zombies - earlier than expected. {semi-sarcastic}(Feb 05 2014) - Obamacare Turning Cancer Patients Away
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You betcha ... everyone can choose a plan and a doctor under obama-care ? Not so fast border hopper. What's missing are the doctors who have ... { wait for it } ... chose not to be part of this socialized program - about 70% in California alone are saying, "adios amigo" according to the Washington Examiner. And cancer treatment ... forget about it. Unless congress removes that cancer in the W.H., his goons are gonna goose step American's into his medical-gulags ... as the final solution.(Feb 03 2014) - Govt couldn't protect you at SUPER BOWL ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yes sir-re-bob, I've seen this happen all the time re: security police. I've personally explained to various policing agencies in Tulare County, at anti-gang gatherings, and while working for the California Department of Corrections, why their departments cannot fully protect the public. Why ? Because they're paranoid about protecting themselves and departments 'first', not to mention ... they take everything way too personal - skewing their sixth sense. And yes, real Americans - supported by the truth - will get through the lines ... even at the Super Bowl.(Feb 02 2014) - WORSE THAN GEORGE ORWELL
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm telling you, whistle blowers ought to have a special award in and of itself, plus a financial gain once the truth bears out the facts. Yes, George Orwell in his world famous book "1984" envisioned a Big Brother boot on the side of a resistors neck but - like this article points out - at least Orwell was somewhat optimistic re: the outcome. Today it's "Worse than George Orwell" could have imagined ... a 1000 points of light worse - thank you G.H.W. Bush.(Feb 02 2014) - HERE IT COMES 'MECCA' IN TEXAS ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- In other countries muslims are killing Christians at break neck speed as satan's side-kick in D.C. - and his family members - are allowed more freedoms to instigate these islamic ideas and insults, than Americans !!! And now we read that in TEXAS these miscreants of mohamud have moved in and are manufacturing a mecca for their manchurians ? Where in the name of The Alamo is the NSA on this one ???(Feb 01 2014) - Standing at the Judgment Seat of Christ
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Nailing it !!! This little quickie ought to be printed out and mailed or e-mailed to every Church goin' Christian in America today - defining the difference between what JESUS CHRIST did on the Cross re: "Your Sin" and what you're called to do - on earth - for CHRIST. Honest to goodness, most of us Watchmen can see this difference in The Body of CHRIST, but The Body can't see this themselves. They're too busy striving to become millionaires for GOD and not missionaries.(Jan 30 2014) - Are sports facilities the new FEMA camps ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- There was a time when many "Watchmen" who were crying out loud re: many end time prophecies, quasi-concluded that once these NWO Nut Jobs intruded into America's major sporting events those fans would wake up. Well, they haven't and they won't. These sports fanatics - in the end - will even invite their family & friends to their favorite "FACILITY" ... occupied & controlled by another group of fanatics ... "FEMA".(Jan 29 2014) - Google sending your vid's & pic's to 'The Man' ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Very soon, quick time collections (pictures / videos) from the collective (masses) will automatically be sent to just about any policing agency with which Google has a collection contract. Their new patent suggests this to be the case. So deny it all you want, your I-Phones - that you pay a huge chunk of change for and haul around all day long - is more than RATTING YOU OUT ... it's ratting out everyone and everything around you. And you haven't a clue or even care.(Jan 29 2014) - Transparently Vague, Yet Obvious : SOTU Address
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The SOTU address given by "Back-door-Barry" - in my opinion - was transparently vague, yet obvious. While he tippy toed around some of his previous promises and whistled through the graveyard re: ObamaCare, he did slow down a bit to lecture & threaten Republicans - with his mighty pen - and school America's work force to work harder, 'cause that's what the son of a bar-keep did and that's what the son of a single mother did ... worked hard at being VAGUE re: his real identity.(Jan 28 2014) - FEMA preparing to evacuate with Motor Coach(s) ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- As Tattoo would say in the beginning of Fantasy Island - "De-Plane De-Plane", our Fantasy Island friends from FEMA want to holler ... "De-Bus De-Bus" ... everyone on the bus - NOW !!! I know there'll be some who'll say they have no fear and will board these buses, when "Back-door-Barry" bellows. But lets be clear re: the kings kindness and his cattle cars. These free bus rides are one way and clicking your heals together ain't gonna get you and To-To back the Kansas.(Jan 27 2014) - The Elders visit Tehran promoting ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hoping to influence Tehran, "The Elders" have come for a visit. Well, whoop-de-do ! With that all powerful and all knowing title, the these wizards of wisdom have come to saddle Tehran's sovereignty and ride back to the U.N. with a pocket full of peace. Now, I don't much care about their independence and so forth, but golly-Moses, I think these "Elders" aught to influence D.C. first ... if they want peace.(Jan 26 2014) - The Silent Muslim Invasion of America
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- There are some in American who toot their horns re: Americanism and the like ... however, they rarely muster for duty. Many of our young Vet's are still in the troughs of undoing - the best they can - the effects of PTSD as they scream and holler ... "There's noting left to defend - NOTHING !" As for our Christian brother and sisters, well ... they're asleep in the light - as Christian artist Keith Green musically proclaimed would happen.(Jan 25 2014) - Retailers want govt to replace credit cards ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hurry ... we need the gov't to pass a law to replace credit & debit cards with a "PIN & CHIP" (quasi 'Mark of the Beast') card, so say a slew of retail lobbyists. Yes, they got hacked big time and they'll continue to get hacked even with their super-solution CPIN's. For now, the best way around getting hacked - and I know some find this scary - is to buy stuff with CASH !!! Novel idea ain't it ...(Jan 25 2014) - Better check your 401K and Retirement Plan ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yes, my friends, they - the gov't - needed your 401(k)'s and private retirement plans and you weren't so quick to get in line and help. So ... they simply crafted new laws establishing that they could basically take it and switch into their treasury ... to help you. No need to thank them at this point or take them to court. I'm sure they'll be waiting to settle with you with all kinds restrictions, penalties, fees and fines.(Jan 24 2014) - Major Banks suspend Foreign Exchange traders
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Fat chance that "CHANCE" is really driving the market - more like manipulation, according to CorpWatch. But, that's how they - the INSIDERS & FIXERS - sell their pigs-in-a-poke to the public saying ... "you just gotta take a chance - on the market". So now ... I'm asking you guys, would you leave your business to chance if you knew of a better and quicker way to be successful ? I didn't think so.(Jan 24 2014) - Boehner Blames GOP for Shutdown ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This is what RINO's do all the time. On one hand they lecture their electors and on the other, listen to the establishment. In Boehner's case, he had no plan re: obama-care and no intentions of fighting what was wrongly executed by "Back-door-Barry". And now, in front of GOD and all of America, blames his own party - the GOP ??? Well, I think it's time to "Bounce Boehner" as speaker and "Move in McCarthy".(Jan 23 2014) - N.S.A. program is illegal and should end
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- But, but, but the American people have to trust us with this kind of surveillance technology - so says the most transparent president in the history of the U.S. It's their tax dollars that we used to protect them & our borders. Besides, we just can't throw all that (POWER) away ? We've invested too much time, effort & money into these (COVERT) technologies. Honestly - like the American people - (WE HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE). {Satire & ridicule}(Jan 22 2014) - How the Banksters Took Control
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It's been a shell game from the beginning - the federal reserve, of course. Briefly written, here are a few notes re: the supreme courts (in)decision in the McCulloch v. Maryland case - a primer for the under-educated. Now, the question the public asks, over and over again, has this quasi-governmental monopoly helped or hindered American's ? Yes ... it's helped the BANKERS !!!(Jan 21 2014) - Is FEMA Preparing For a Pandemic ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Obviously many scientists who work for various corporations and governments are creating these super virus' & bugs under the auspices of prevention - in case our enemy has them. Sure they do - LOL ! And yet, like a hacker ... somehow ... someone gets into these labs & turns loose all of these man-made germs, diseases, & virus'. And if your lucky, they'll give you the right antidote. As for the rest, well, the govt will buy a bunch of boxes for the dead. Thanks FEMA ! At least we get a box ...(Jan 20 2014) - BoA preparing for Chinese Trust Default
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You better hope to High-Heaven that this report doesn't come true on Jan 31st. Yes, we do know that the Chinese have been buying ton's of gold - not fake - in preparation of the U.S. dollar failing and the Yuan becoming the worlds default currency. As draconian, the U.S. banks have been secretly planning for this economic collaspe - encouraged by our own govt to do so - as well as DHS and their alphabet soup minions.(Jan 19 2014) - Bloggers (do) have same 1st Amendment rights
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Ah yes, the Ivy League journalists cannot claim exclusive 1st Amendment Rights any more, after a federal appeals court set the record straight. Ya darn-tooten' we - internet investigators - can report just how the cow eats the cabbage and we - for some strange reason - have always invited the public at large to challenge our fact finding ... unlike the mass controlling mantra's of the main-spew media.(Jan 18 2014) - CA. Law would abolish Private Property ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Look, I've always said, "Taxers are Takers" ... thieves none-the-less. And high on that list of thieves are your mega-millionaires, billionaires and Beelzebub's bloodlines. AGENDA 21, is their plan to steal back the freedoms of the middle class by STEALING YOUR PROPERTY. And if they can't - by manipulating the law - steal it out right, then taxing you out of your home is just as good. The HAVES, my dear friends, want it all.(Jan 18 2014) - DHS wants changes in Montana ID system
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here we go ... looks like the state of Montana ain't havin' it and passed legislation basically saying ... "we don't need your stinking Federal Real ID system !!!" As a consequence, DHS has threatened them with multiple travel restrictions, including boarding aircraft out of their own state. I could be wrong, but that kinda appears as if Montana just got fenced in. More, I'm sure, to come.(Jan 16 2014) - The final purpose of the Surveillance State
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Read this article and then re-read it and then send it to your friends. John Rappoport has once again delivered on the obvious re: "The Matrix", those behind that curtain and the psychology of mass manipulation and control. Yes, our gov't out-sources these haters of liberty, only because their psychopathic synapses are un-godly connected with an un-godly purpose, namely, to destroy that which GOD has set free ... you and I.(Jan 16 2014) - Invasion of the US has been planned for decades
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Last night at Church our special speaker discussed a lot re: this & how it ties into last days persecutions for Christians. The elite have paid their "Think-Tanks" a lot on moo-la re: population control, albeit reduction, and believe you me, Christians are high & fast on their list. One item of note is this ... yes FEMA, DHS and the rest of the agencies have documents authorizing their little camps, however - and think this through - there's not enough razor wire in the U.S. to fence in 300 million plus people. Thus - a reduction (with foreign assistance) - is part of their plan. GOD have Mercy ...(Jan 16 2014) - When can police search your car ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- As much as we'd like to believe that our local police are there to protect and serve, there have been way too many occurrences of abuse by the police. Yes there are some flat-foots on the force that understand a citizens 4th amendment rights, however, more and more pressure is placed on them to treat every law abiding person as a threat, for their protection ... not yours. So, be careful and polite if you're pulled over and do not "Verbally" consent to anything, let alone a search. Have a good day.(Jan 15 2014) - Al Gore: Geoengineering is 'Utterly Mad'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- WAKE UP PEOPLE : Look ... when the god-father of global warming - Al Gore - concedes that geo-engineering - AKA : CHEM-TRAILING - would be bad idea to manipulate the weather, either he's finally waking up from his own self imposed delusion, or he's being sued by other governments. I'm going with the latter. For sure he's correct re: polluting the people and planet with harmful chemicals and yet the main-spew media remains silent ... as usual.(Jan 15 2014) - A Good Day to Witness - On The Bus
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Today I took the local public transit after I dropped off my pick-up for some additional repairs. I was a bit surprised seeing the new expansion routes with the bus I was on, however, I was able to spend a lot more time on the bus sharing my Faith in JESUS and for sure, a lot about The Porterville Post. And lest I forget, I also met a new friend ... "Linda" ... another Christian and "Praise The LORD" we sure had a great time of fellowship.(Jan 15 2014) - Air Force officers suspected of cheating ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- And this is how the Air Force wants to fix this issue of cheating on tests ... instead of keeping it in house - like the NSA - to deal with it, they want to publicly air it out so our enemies can have a good laugh ? Something ain't adding up Baba-Louie. I'm telling you, if only "Back-door-Barry" was as transparent as the military, our nation would be a whole lot safer. That's a fact - Jack !!!(Jan 13 2014) - The FDA Wants To Watch You Too
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Facing down their Facebook foes, and-the-like, the FDA now wants to know what you are saying re: their decisions. Concerned that opposition research will reach the masses, Big Pharma is gonna sick their FDA dog on anyone who says anything contrary re: their bogus and untested research. So, they're putting in on some of that good ole' NSA surveillance ... that's not really surveillance. Say again ?(Jan 13 2014) - Two Constitutions in the United States
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yes, my friends, there are TWO CONSTITUTIONS ... one for the people and the other FOR THE CORPORATIONS, who, are incorporated with previous corporations and charters - namely the VATICAN. Now, read it out loud and let it sink in ... in 1871 Congress went along with this scheme and a "City State" - the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - was created to re-connect to these "King-Makers" and "Sovereignty Takers" ... the VATICAN !!! Deal with it !!!(Jan 12 2014) - Agenda 21 has started in Wyoming
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So the lib's want you to believe this is an isolated case ... because ... it's time to give back to this Indian tribe land that the gov't stole from them in 1905 ??? Well, I'm here to tell you, this confiscation of land(s), private property and now whole towns is just the beginning of AGENDA 21. If this case doesn't get cleared by the SCOTUS, anarchy will ensue at break-neck speed. Maybe that's their plan ? What say you ?(Jan 10 2014) - China surpasses US as world's largest traders
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This, my friends, is what "Trading with the Enemy" gets you ... Second Place !!! I'm sorry folks, but trying to offset our national debt by allowing our avowed enemies more and more access to free market system that was designed to help a free society - not a COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP - is nothing less than suicidal ... to say the least.(Jan 10 2014) - Dangerous Idea re: Unelected Bureaucrats
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Boy howdy, these unelected bureaucrats - according to this article - are gonna have too much power at their disposal re: private property & eminent domain in CALIFORNIA. But that's always the case re: bureaucrats. Every gov't agency, BTW, has unelected employees who have collective bargaining unions, who protect their employment & economic rights, regardless of the consequences & or rights of the people who are taxed to pay their salaries.(Jan 09 2014) - Pentagon admits stockpiling Potassium Iodide
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Okay, finally the Pentagon admits that they need to stock pile potassium iodine to stave off the effects of RADIATION EXPOSURE due to the Fukushima's subsequence and continious leakage. However, the question that needs to be answered "NOW" is, who do we - the public on the West Coast - contact to acquire some of these tax funded potassium iodine tables ??? My guess is they're buying and hoarding it all up for themselves - the good-for-nothing government !!!(Jan 09 2014) - Obama's cheap-labor "promise zone" fraud
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- When you think that you've heard and read it all re: the liberal main-spew media's protection of "Back-door-Barry" ... you ain't read nothing yet. Believe it or not, a socialist web site had to out obama as a tool for the elite and not a defender of the poor or homeless, especially considering his latest "Promises" to protect the poor with - get this - "Promise Zones". Boy are these commie wanna-bees mad !!!(Jan 09 2014) - Modern cars at risk from computer hackers
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I can just hear the defendant right now explaining to the judge ... "the car was hacked and took over all by itself and drove into the local police station. All the doors were locked - your honor - and I couldn't get out. I am innocent. I did not drive into the police station - the car did." This defense, I'm telling you guys, won't pass in court, 'cause if it does, then the manufacturer will be held liable re: their hackable black boxes. { editorial satire }(Jan 08 2014) - Military Interventions are ordered by Corporates
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Look, many of our readers are responsible researchers and have fleshed this issue out years ago re: who's really running the WARS. In this concise and correct article, you will be hit with the fact that most - if not many of our military engagements - are created and controlled by corporations. Who would of thought ? Yes, my dear, there's money to be made in manufacturing mayhem ... a lot !!!(Jan 07 2014) - Group unveils Satan statue design for Ok.
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- And this is what the freemasons secular society has brought ... blatant satanic sculptures on Oklahoma's state Capital. Yes I do place the blame on these NWO Nut Jobs and their mystical tie of bringing order out of chaos. And what satanic symbol do these designers of darkness want displayed at the Capitol ??? None other than the masons very own Baphomet. Who would of thought ???(Jan 07 2014) - Voluntary gov't checkpoints spark backlash
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now, think this through a bit. Once these outsourced companies collect your DNA - at these voluntary roadside checks - and give it back to that agency who paid to collect it, will that agency only use it for identification or for other nefarious needs ? My hunch is the later, knowing full well how every policing agency and authority HATE to share anything with other agencies. BTW, most companies today want your DNA, not for ID purposes, but for genealogical and or genocidal needs - you guessed it - to save the planet.(Jan 06 2014) - Bill would bar state from aiding NSA surveillance
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now here's a bi-partisan bill we can agree on ... cutting off any assistance to any massive spying operation - like the NSA - that infringes on the rights and privacy of the people. And yes, this bill is coming from Sacramento. However, NSA's opposition to this bill - the mormons of Utah - will be fighting it, 'cause they don't want to go it alone with respect to the environmentalists protecting the water rights of the animals and fishes from California. Stay tuned, this could get ugly ...(Jan 06 2014) - More Americans believe aliens ... than Jesus ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Ah yes, the preparations for an UFO attack - AKA Project Bluebeam - is well under way. And ... from this latest poll re: American's believing more in UFO's than JESUS being the Son of GOD, it basically says it all. Funny thing is, these outer space aliens somehow think that there's intelligent life in Washington ... kinda like the other aliens ... who'll be used for a similar attack.(Jan 06 2014) - Yahoo hit by malware
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- If IT ain't broke, then don't fix it, as many have said. However it's only a matter of time before the whole thing is broke and someone will have to pay to have IT fixed - obvious pun. Yes my little chick-a-dees, there's money in them there old broke down appliances - updates and what have you. And, you can take IT to the bank, the IT industry knows this as well. I mean, seriously, why make something so good that IT causes your company to fold. See ... now you get IT !!!(Jan 04 2014) - USDA-Approved Agent Orange for your farm ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm telling you, it's the same people in the back rooms that stamp "A-Okay" on these industrial chemicals. Why ? Because there's a lot of money to be made & a lot of useless eaters to be reduced. These "Lords" of population reduction honestly believe there's too many people on mother earth & they're eating the whole planet up. So ... they want to save the planet by polluting it. That appears to be their plan ?!?!(Jan 02 2014) - Obamacare contractor blamed for slow payments
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Not unlike anything else that's come from "Back-door-Barry" bargain basement, it now appears that you and your hospital may have to sue obamacare's processors and contractors for reimbursements. From this article we read that some hospital employees haven't been paid in a month - siting one of the obama's biggies "Novitas Solutions" as the culprit. That's right, they get theirs first and you have to wait.- PORTERVILLE POST OPINIONS : 2009 -
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