- PORTERVILLE POST OPINIONS : 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 -
(Dec 29 2011) - Gerald Celente - Banking Holiday Coming ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- As I suspected, these NWO Nut-Jobs are done slow-cooking the citizens. Again, thanks to Gerald Celente's latest youtube.com report, these credit crack-pots will be cranking up the heat on the public to either hyper inflate the economy or have the POTUS declare an emergency banking-holiday ... meaning, the banks will severely restrict how much of your own money you can pull out of the bank. Listen, most of the bad banks have already defaulted and have been bought up by the bigger ones. Next, they'll go after each other and then try to monopolize it all through martial law ... please listen to this video !!!(Dec 28 2011) - CRA 2011 SCORE CARD : How did your Rep Rate ?
(Dec 28 2011) - DHS Secretly Meets on Domestic Threats
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like the DHS and a few more security type agencies will be going under-cover, possibly under-ground on Jan 9th 2012, in Arlington Virginia, supposedly for updates and training. The odd thing is the date, which corresponds to the same time Russia's secret space satellite - the Phobos-Grunt's - inevitable atmospheric reentry on Jan 9th. The alarm is in the pay-load {Alpha X spectrometer & Ion spectrometer} which could trigger an EMP as it desends over the U.S. And that ain't good !!!(Dec 28 2011) - Rubio not running for congressional seat
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like the Porterville area is stuck with Senator Rubio (D) until 2014, reports the Sacramento Bee ... meaning he ain't all that interested in D.C.'s Dog Fight. According to Supervisor Mike Ennis, Rubio was very pro-active re: California's high speed rail, as was the whole board of supervisors for Tulare County. Now I'm sure Rubio(D) and Ennis(R) may want to down-play this pro high-speed-rail info, because it may cost them a re-election.(Dec 27 2011) - Debate Persists on Deadly Flu Made Airborne
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm not surprised that this sneaky scientist "Ron Fouchier" is still alive. My guess is he's got something on the Military Industrial Complex or the Mossad, as did this rouge scientist / agent - "Joseph Moshe" - who was quickly rounded up in L.A. Odds are, the elite need another fall guy, to blame re: deadly flu virus' depopulating ... "the queens planet."(Dec 24 2011) - Calif. educators look to better English learning
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Attention students !!! Today we're going to learn another combined language skill called West-Side-Ebonics. California schools, in their attempt to educate students - first through Spanish & later with English - has left to many children behind & dropping out, so our schools will combine California Spanish with Mexican English & phonetically sound & spell these new words using Sesame St's software & DVD's.(Dec 22 2011) - Mind-Reading Machines Are Here
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- As often as we alerted the public re: mind reading machines and technologies - which have been here for a while - the masses, I'm sorry to say, will accept this as an improvement not an impediment. They'll be inundated with T.V. and radio ads, linking this technology with a free trial for your cell phone which will transmit voice frequency signals straight into your mind ... while you drive and talk at the same time. The kids will go "GaGa" over this gizmo, while the adults get their aches and pains reduced and their pleasure centers stimulated. Many will become addicted and possibly trans-human, setting the stage to surrender and eventually worship the anti-christ, the false prophet and the beast.(Dec 18 2011) - Is this a GOOD PICK for Ron Paul's VP ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like one of our on-line staff members located Congressman Ron Paul's Vice Presidential candidate - Congressman Mike Kelly. Watch this video and ask yourself, would the establish have a coronary if both Paul and Kelly won the Republican nomination ? Of course they would !!! But the good news is President Ron Paul {the-good-doctor} will nurse America back to great economic health as Vice President Kelly {the-car-dealer} drives those business-busting-bureaucrats and devil-may-care-democrats out of D.C. :)(Dec 16 2011) - Coming soon: Ubiquitous surveillance from Big Bro
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Indefinite Surveillance, according to this article, may soon be used to round up individuals for Indefinite Detention ... thank you Congress. How ? Seems as though our gov't has a bunch of "Cloud Space" that needs to be filled up with info and what better way to up-load these clouds by mining all of your data, past, present and soon future. This ain't good America !!!(Dec 15 2011) - The Bioterrorist Next Door
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Oh goodie goodie goodie ! Secretary of State Clinton is now suggesting - in her pre-crime thoughts - that the " ... emerging gene-synthesis industry is making (their) genetic material widely available ... (and) could potentially be used to assemble the components of a deadly organism." How convenient. Before they said it was the birds spreading these biologicals, now their intimating that you might have a Bio-Terrorist living next door. Bottom Line : Looks like were gonna need BIG PHARMA to manufacture some MORE VACCINES to save us from the bio-terrorists / gene-synthesis industry.(Dec 15 2011) - Fox News 'NEW MATH' re: Ron Paul Poll
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like someone at Fox News scored really low in math in school. But what can you say, it's called the new math and this T.V. picture from Fox News demonstrates this point about "Trust" or being "Fair & Balanced." But like they say ... "They Report and You Decide." Now ... where did I put my new math book ? Oh wait ... Fow News catches Romney secretly morphing into Obama ?(Dec 14 2011) - Obama to fill Gitmo with Americans
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- And so it goes ... our Freedoms and Liberty - with Congress passing the National Defense Authorization Act. Obama, who promised to veto this bill has changed his mind and I'm telling right now, he will use this as a weapon against the Republicans in 2012 ... by saying, "They Voted for this Un-Civil Rights Bill ... not me." Mark it down men and mark them WHO VOTED YES for this bill, which includes ... Congressman Devin Nunes and Kevin McCarty.(Dec 14 2011) - Big Brother patent knows where you'll go
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Are you a Person of Interest ? One day you could be. Just this month a patent (PDF) was accepted that may have the capability to actually analyze not only where you might go, but what you might do - opening up a huge can of BIG BROTHER worms. As draconian as the military industrial complex already is, this type of technology could virtually produce a "Minority Report" on you before you even know it. And then off to one of FEMA's "contracted" Regional "Collection Centers" you will go.(Dec 13 2011) - Shock Poll : Ron Paul Tied for First in Iowa
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I guess I need to inform the Christians out there re: why Congressman Ron Paul poll numbers are at the top. First he's been consistent with his campaign(s) ... for years. He's not a flip-flopper. Second re: support for Israel, he is in favor of economic support but not for military purposes. When Ron Paul says he wants to cut foreign aid to all countries, he's basically putting our own CIA, the military industrial complex (VIDEO) and federal reserve on notice. NO MORE MONEY FOR BANKING WARS ! It's really that simple. Now turn off that blasted T.V. and turn on The HOLY SPIRIT.(Dec 11 2011) - Candidates Clash in Pivotal Iowa Debate
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Quite obviously, the stage was set last night ... to make sure that the anti-American Council on Foreign Relations member - Newt - got more show time than the Real America and Consistant Conservative ... Congressman Ron Paul. As deplorable as this was, ABC's post commentators seemingly "forget" to mentioned Presidential Candidate Ron Paul in any of their summaries, and instead focused on Mitt's $10,000 bet with Perry. I ask ... "Is this coverage or is this a cover-up ?"(Dec 09 2011) - Names of the Military Industirial Complex ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm sure by now you've heard about the Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warned us about (VIDEO), just before he left office. Listed here are a few of the names I'm sure he was quite familiar with. Now, what you need to do is google all those Republican RINO's and Neo-Con's running for President in 2012 and see which campaigns have been compromised and corrupted by these corporations contributions.(Dec 09 2011) - Cracking down on the underground economy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now ... why in the world would the Department of Labor start cracking down on small businesses and contractors, when truth-be-told there's a HUGE Hispanic underground population who wants to work under the table. WHY ? They're here in California illegally; they're not on a guest worker program; they've got a bunch of anchor-babies and these gringo-hating Hispanics believe-it-or-not want the laws turned on their employers and away from their illegal activities & entitlements. Soon you'll be seeing more legal businesses leaving California than illegal Hispanics.(Dec 08 2011) - STOP LOSE THESE SOCIALISTS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- For Heavens sakes ... can't you folks in Congress "Stop-Lose" this socialist and his side-kick from heading down-range to Hawaii ? Are you soooooo scared that this demonic democrat will holler discrimination ? Cowboy-Up Congress and remind him of his own Presidential Executive Order #13589 -- re: Efficient Spending and head him off at the pass. Good GOD Almighty ... do we have to do all your work for you ?(Dec 08 2011) - Cooling the earth via Solar Radiation Management
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Boy, I tell you what. As soon as the public catches on to what these New World Order globalists call geo-engineering - and we call chem-trailing - they quickly label it something else ... like "Solar Radiation Management" or "Carbon Dioxide Removal." The problem is this, a rose by any other name is still called a rose and these NWO Nut-Jobs know this and that's why they're always changing these definitions.(Dec 06 2011) - If You Go to Church, Heed This Warning
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Recently the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, held an invitation-only call. The call was co-sponsored by the U.S. Health and Human Services, the Office of Minority Health, and CDC. The focus of the call was on getting faith-based organizations to sponsor flu clinics with Walgreens. Basically, they want to move inside your church ... (cause you don't trust GOD)(Dec 06 2011) - Ron Paul tops at 46% in Oklahoma Straw Poll
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Come on news people, show your so-called independence and report the real numbers from those GOP's who are conducting their own straw polls and please ... stay away from the "Donald-Duck" entertainers and their manipulations. Presidential Candidate Ron Paul tops at 46% in Oklahoma's straw poll, while Newt claimed 3rd place with 17%, behind second place Cain with 25%.(Dec 05 2011) - Over 46 Million Americans On Foodstamps
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Talk about fuzzy math - unemployment lines are down and food stamp lines are up ??? There's no way these numbers add up, and obama or his administration has to stop blaming congress or past President George W. Bush for this "DEPRESSION". At least Jimmy Carter turned down the thermostat when his "Misery Index" got real high. Maybe Speaker Boehner can change the locks so "barry the usurper soetoro" can't sneak back in. Just a thought ...(Dec 05 2011) - New charges of sexual abuse of kids in Hollyweird
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm telling you ... there's no way to fix a pedophile !!! They can't stop themselves from this hellish behavior and the only solution is to lock them up for life. JESUS can forgive what they've done in the past but they think about these acts and crimes all day long. How do I know ? As a Psychiatric Technician, I used to hold group sessions with them at Corcoran State Prison and they say exactly the same thing. So, ship them all to Coalinga State Hospital and change the name to Sodom & Gomorrah state prison.(Dec 03 2011) - The U.N. discusses plans to geo-engineer the Earth
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Please don't read this article re: the U.N. Plans on GEO-ENGINEERING the earth. Many who read the POST know we've been tracking these "Climate Criminals" for years and know full well that sprinkling a little pixie dust on the planet, in fact has side effects on the people and the planet. Now these so-called experts are concerned that the consequences of stopping suddenly may create even more climate chaos. Meaning, they've lost control of their experiment ... at least that's what they want you to believe.(Dec 03 2011) - Initiative to let illegals work in Calif ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here comes another end-around illegal immigration folks. Looks like an initiative may make the ballot in California if these haters-of-the-law obtain over 504,760 voter signatures. Now, we already have a huge unemployment problem in California and to allow an additional million illegals to cross the border and collect unemployment checks and benefits - cause that what they want - is dumping more fuel on the fire of California's budget.(Dec 01 2011) - Feds: Advocating jury nullification's a crime
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This one's for the books, I'm telling you. Now, it appears that courts in New York are in the business of addressing PRE-CRIMES ... meaning that you do not have the right to speak to "anyone" about "anything" that "might" involve the outcome or decision of a jury. This N.Y. court calls this "jury tampering" and are actually prosecuting a 79 year old professor for passing out free literature in front of their courts. Good by First Amendment - Hello George Orwell.(Nov 30 2011) - VIDEO : Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Please ... Christians, look at the flip-flops of the "New" Newt Gingrich before you slip into your "Lessor of Two Evils" campaign. Evil is evil and if you had any back-bone beliefs, you'd recognize this. This may be the last time GOD sheds his Grace on America, but that solely depends on Christians who will repent - not the unbelievers. Christians world wide - BTW - are praying that we repent and turn back to GOD.(Nov 30 2011) - Bill lets feds share intel with corporations
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- For your own protection, we need you dumb and dumber. Really, if we don't protect the corporations from ... other corporations ... from monopolizing the people, then there won't be any Christmas this year or the next !!! We - "The Intelligence Community" - are the only "Santa Saving Security" that needs to monopolize anything - on or off the internet. BTW, one of santas little helpers in this new draft bill (PDF), is Congressman Nunes (559) 733-3861.(Nov 30 2011) - Woman imprisoned on Scientology ship for 12 yrs
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Scientology = Brainwashing ! It always has and it always will. They call it "Being Clear", I call it "being captured" ... very much like all those who thought their thoughts needed to be changed, only to realize that their thoughts were in fact CHAINED - to the brainwashings of scientology. I'm sure L. Ron Hubbard would like to change his thoughts and eternal position in "HELL" ... right about now(Nov 29 2011) - Are evangelicals a national security threat ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Slowly but surely, bad-mouthing believers into submitting to the whims of whacked-out Wash D.C. is the NWO's goal. However, these anti-Christian pundits and pollsters must keep in mind, when believers are targeted with 'man-made' trials and tribulations, that will re-enforces their beliefs in GOD - not the government ! On the other hand, you may pick up a few Laodiceans, but their wishy-washy anyway and GOD says you can have these who live on "Lukewarm Lane" as well.(Nov 29 2011) - Group seeks class status for potential lawsuit
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Alrighty now ... looks like these geo-engineers will be pulled into a court re: their clandestine chem-trail operations. Folks here in our valley are also experiencing multiple and sometimes serious side-effects because of all the toxic metal that's being dumped on the public. Maybe someone needs to chat with one of the San Joaquin Valley Air Board MEMBERS ... maybe Supervisor Steve Worthley from Tulare County ? And maybe they can ask these weather modifiers from Fresno ... WHAT'S UP ???(Nov 29 2011) - Porterville Unemployment Holding at 14.00%
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Recent unemployment figures for Tulare County reveal that most cities are still in double digits. The county as-a-whole came in at (15.30%) unemployment, while the City of Porterville was a notch and a half lower at (14.00%) with East Porterville clicking in at (21.10%). Last on the list was Richgrove at (46.10%), with Earlimart (41.20%) not much better.(Nov 29 2011) - Hollyweirds Religious Beliefs & Atheists
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- When it come to believing in GOD, many in Hollyweird believe whatever they like ... and don't much care who knows it. Even ATHEISTS like Angelina Jolie, Kevin Bacon and Lance Armstrong are willing to put their personal non-beliefs out in the open. So the next time you pay to attend one of these celebrities outings or movies, know that you're contributing to their weird beliefs. I prefer boycotting myself.(Nov 27 2011) - Charlie Walton, inventor of RFID, passes away
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I bet you that Mr. Charlie Walton, when he died on Nov 6th 2011, found out that the original tracker of human beings - JESUS CHRIST - was no where to be found in his unitarian life. Subsequently HELL, may have been his final destination, because of his "Mark of the Beast" chips, inventions and patents. All I can say at this point is ... it's all up to GOD's Grace if Mr. Walton repented and made it to HEAVEN.(Nov 27 2011) - Congress to Vote on Creating a Police State
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- One day soon, American's - because of their IGNORANCE - will be living in a POLICE STATE. The Constitution is too long and arduous for the main-stream-masses to read - let along comprehend - so, they defer to those who want to control them. WHY ? Because these lazy folks have unresolved and unmitigated guilt - what catholics call the sin of omission and what protestants call being lukewarm - resulting in America turning into a police state. Get your house in order, the evil ones are here !!!(Nov 26 2011) - Academy adapts to pagans, druids & witches
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Knowing that their time is near, satan's soldiers are coveting in Colorado, while Christians cower in their churches. Where is the outrage ? Where are the pastors and their parishioners ? Why hasn't anyone of these Laodicians leaders alarmed their flocks against this pagan practice. Why ? Because they've all taken the so-called "High-Road" of looking the other way, hoping that their "Little Light" would create change in this anti-Christian culture of chaos. How about sharing the GOSPEL Message ?(Nov 26 2011) - Happy Corporate Holidays, America !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Can we turn back these corporate turn-coats who took off with America's manufacturing base - via NAFTA & GATT ? Maybe not all at once, but we can incrementally shore up those American companies and catalogues which still manufacture or offer products MADE IN THE U.S.A. As far as I'm concerned, my resolution for 2012 - starting today - will be to buy local ... if that product is made local or in the U.S.A.(AMERICA 2011) - Twas the month before Christmas
MERRY CHRISTMAS : by (Author unknown)
        Twas the month before Christmas
        When all through our land,
        Not a Christian was praying,
        Nor taking a stand ... continue
(Nov 25 2011) - Obama plays golf for the 30th time this year
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- If nothing else, obama's adolescent behavior reminds me of my mother saying, "you can't go out and play until you finish your homework and chores. This devil-may-care democrat, I'm here to tell you, was not raised up like most American kids, respecting these core values. His dishonest decisions and less than transparent administration reflects either his narcisstic / borderline behaviour or his misfiring as a Manchurian miscreant. GOD Forgive those Christians who voted for this NWO Nut-Job !!!(Nov 22 2011) - Computerised contact lens to bring the news ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Oh yeah, time for some rose-colored contacts. Seriously, are we that lazy or impatient that we need news or sports scores streaming in front of our eyes ? My guess is this trans-human technology will end up being "two-way contacts" and the public - if they want this new invention - will have to go along with this "future focus" ... thus allowing Big Brother to watch what you watch.(Nov 21 2011) - DARPA : Doing Away With Antibiotics ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- PAY ATTENTION : Your TAX DOLLARS - in the form of GRANT MONEY - is being outsourced to colleges and universities to build bigger and badder biological bugs ... supposedly in defense of other agents or animals. Listen folks, this Israeli scientists tried to warn the U.S. back in 2009 that our gov't was well aware of these biological projects and that we were creating even more. Come quickly LORD JESUS.(Nov 20 2011) - Ron Paul, top tier candidate - AGAIN !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Saturday in North Carolina, Congressman Ron Paul took "TOP HONORS" in their poll amasing 52.2%. And in California at the CRA convention on the same day, an "unofficial" straw poll was conducted which listed Dr. Paul tying for second with Rick Perry, both barely behind Gingrich in first. AGAIN ... the main-spew-media remained silent.(Nov 17 2011) - PARA to hold 'Speaker Meeting' Tonight
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Thursday, Nov 17th the Porterville Area Republican Assembly will be hosting a Special Speakers Meeting at the CHARLIES PIZZA KITCHEN - 1531 No. Main St. Rick Elkins, editor of the Porterville Recorder will be our guest speaker and he'll talk abouth the "STATE OF PORTERVILLE" and end with a few Q and A's. The meeting starts at 6 PM. For more info call 784-PARA.(Nov 16 2011) - Newt would be a really, really bad President
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Listen folks, I've been at this political "Thingy" close to 40 years now and if there's one thing I can sniff out - thank you JESUS - is a politician who's not on the up-and-up ... especially establishment politicians. Newt Gingrich, I'm here to tell you, is not a man of his word. He's a "hand-picked" CFR insider and a New World Order automaton - robot if you will. N.G. = Not Good for America !!!(Nov 15 2011) - Hitler's NWO 1941 President Roosevelt speech
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I tell you what, for those folks who have been tracking the NEW WORLD ORDER, here's another link to a great amount of info. This one highlights Hitlers claim for a NWO and the allies who knew he was serious and needed to be stopped. For what it's worth, glean what you can and discard what's un-Christian and of course un-America.(Nov 13 2011) - Scientists creates a mouse with super-endurance
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Are you a man or a mouse ? Somewhere in the not-to-distant future, that question may be difficult to answer. Currently scientists are crossing GOD's creative genius with man's desire to re-create a creature that will obey man's every command. On one end science can be good and helpful, however, we've seen man's dark-side as well, and for sure, we do not want a land where Geroge Orwell's Dr Moreau's have the final say-so.(Nov 11 2011) - Egypt closes Great Pyramid on 11/11/11
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I guess these "Masonic Magicians" & "Jewish Kabbalahists" can't increase their hook-ups from hell at the local "Occultist-R-Us" store & need some "pyramid power" to get through the day. What these misled folks need is someone who will lead them to JESUS CHRIST, whose BLOOD was shed for our sins and the sins of the world. TALK ABOUT POWER & AUTHORITY !!!(Nov 09 2011) - Fake weapons parts imported from China
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I hate to say it this way, but the Chinese did to us what we've done to them for years. Now, if we can only export those counterfeit congressmen - (like Congressman Bill Thomas) who conned the American people re: NAFTA and GATT - all of this outsourced store-bought-security that they've clandestinely imported can be stopped, and maybe, just maybe we can re-employ our manufacturing base again. How about it Congressman Nunes ? Can you help us here ???(Nov 08 2011) - Sarkozy to Obama: Netanyahu is a 'liar'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- THEY ALL LIE !!! Listen folks, it's their job to lie to each others country, per national security protocols. And it's their job to to lie to the people per corporate security protocols. What's at stake here is very prophetic and those pushing their anti-semitic end game event - maybe sometime this week - are making sure they are in control as to who is left behind re: the sun's "benevolent monster" and who get a bunker ... underground. Today's a good day to "Pray for the Peace of Israel".(Nov 03 2011) - Giant Land Grab For The Police State
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Seriously, Christians who are "addicted to entertainment" can't head the call from The Holy Spirit. Because of their Laodecian life-style, they've become "positive-affirmation-pawns" for the price of perdition. No longer can they repent for their sins of omission re: Romans 13 and now America's Christian based sovereignty appears as a negative in their balance sheets as believers. That's why we are loosing our faith, families and freedoms. Call Congressman Nunes today (559) 733-3861 and voice your opinion re: HR 1501 (PDF) the feds taking more of our lands.(Nov 02 2011) - Obama : Forget about "In God We Trust"
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Let me get this straight ... the son of the "Accuser of the Bretheren" - Barack Obama - actually had the nerve to mock Congress for re-affirming our Nations Motto, "In God We Trust" and not passing his jobs plan ??? Is there nothing sacred or sovereign that this Manchurian miscreant won't manipulate to create mayhem ??? Odds are this sacrilegious statement will secure satan's base, if ... the spiritual remnant remain silent.(Nov 02 2011) - National test puts California students on bottom
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- How about we take it to the voters, in other words create an initiative for the children - not the curriculum. Seriously, the parents must step up with an initiative to change the system or their children will suffer the consequences of a California education. And please ... no more politically correct changes like secondary languages or ebonics. Honestly ... quit "educating our children" and dumb down your own delinquents.(Oct 31 2011) - Gov't list growing for Holder's Resignation
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Recently release was an addition list of Congressman who are now demanding that Attorney General Eric Holder resign from office re: his failure(s) in the ATF's "Fast and Furious" fandango. Among those listed is California Congressman Devin Nunes and the Post just wanted to say thanks to you and your staff. Keep up the pressure - We will if you will !!!(Oct 31 2011) - Rogue websites bill runs into more opposition
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Can ya see how this isn't gonna pan out ? Lets say that one day you Tweet your family about having fun at Disneyland® and forget to include the little Registered ® mark. Soon you get hauled into court for refusing a law suit that states that you infringed on their © and ® marks and need to pay Disney® the Royalties that's associated with their name. And before they let you out of court, you need to pay a fine and then you and your property(s) will be on probation, for violating Disney's property rights.(Oct 30 2011) - The Brink of BLUE BEAM
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It's a Trick with No Treat - that in my opinion is what PROJECT BLUE BEAM is gonna reveal. For years I have been tracking both side of this "Black Budget" operation and to tell the truth, many "White Hats" have been buried over this "End-Game-Event". Norio Hayakawa, was my first contact back in early 90's ... he was right then and he's right now. IT'S A TRICK WITH NO TREAT !!!(Oct 27 2011) - Los Angeles to Occupy an Occult Agenda
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well, well, well ... looks like this so-called 26,000 year old secret society of the skulls will be making their long awaited trek across America - starting from the east coast on 10-27-11 and ending in Los Angeles on 11-11-11. How relevant are these skulls to regular folks ? Not much at all, but it's huge with Hollywierd's new age crowd, lucifer's leaders of the "Lost Light" ... and the "Lost Word" of Freemasons. QUESTION : Should Christians collaborate with this occult ceremony ? ANSWER : They already have ... with their silence.(Oct 27 2011) - The Population Control Agenda of the Elite
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Last Thursday (20th) at a PARA meeting, I openly discussed the New World Order's population-control plan, and the precursor to that plan - which originated from those who have an Old World Order monarchical blood-line. In their megalomaniacle point of view, it's us against them and they want us off their property. In their messed-up-minds, they know there's no mansion waiting for them in Heaven, so they've defaulted with their daddy - the devil. GOT Jesus ? Cause they don't ...(Oct 26 2011) - More SEX VACCINES for the Children ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Forget about vaccinating generation "X and Y", is there any research being done to prevent those whom we elect get a vaccine which would help them keep their promise to the people and their oath of office ? It sure seems that when they get in a certain geographical area a disease called democracy overtakes many representatives. In our history books we have what's known as a "Republican form of Gov't" and when we recite the pledge of allegiance we say ... "and to the republic for which it stands". Where's BIG PHARMA when you need them ?(Oct 25 2011) - Obama holds SECRET Hollywood meeting
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's a list of agents, executives and producers in Holly-wierd whose businesses and movies we "SHOULD NOT OCCUPY". In all honesty, these folks are a bit touched with their own self-aggrandizement. This is their job to promote people whom they believe we must "Pay-To-Follow". Obama, in their eyes, is no different ... so lets "Change the Market" and STOP OCCUPYING their music, movies and mayhem.(Oct 24 2011) - Vatican calls for a World Bank
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- What these controllers of countries really want is a centralized way of confiscating more wealth, property and freedom from the people. Making "Magical Money" - the so-called legal way - is the dream of every criminal counterfeiter. Now, in order for the Beast, the false prophet and the anti-christ to come and work their satanic-magic together, a centralized "Mark-of-the-Beast" money system must also be ready and operational. QUESTION : Is the vatican a player in this evil end-time economy ? YES ! Why would they be clamoring for a central world bank ???(Oct 22 2011) - The Real Reason For Rollout Of HDTV
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Are you having a bad hair day ? Can't get motivated to do much ? Well, your good-old-gov't has the answer ... "Turn-On and Tune In". Yes in dee-dee, those old analog days are behind you now and all you have to do is turn your UHF High Definition digital TV on and wham-o, the gov't will take care of those bad thoughts, feelings, or frequencies and - ta-boot - recharge your inner MICRO-CHIPPED batteries. GOT Jesus ? They don't.(Oct 19 2011) - GAO Finds Serious Conflicts at the Fed
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just in time for their 100 year anniversary - 2013 - the federal reserve opens up their books to reveal ... oh let me guess - conflicts of interest re: INSIDER TRADING. Now the good news for these funny-money-folks at the feds is this, they get to crash the economy one last time, helping the NEW WORLD ORDER establish a New World Currency - of which the same corporate executives will control. That's what they want ... a crash of our confidence of our currency. Oh yeah, and they'll blame the crash on Congressman Ron Paul ... for forcing an audit.(Oct 18 2011) - Virtualization vital to vaccine tracking
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The final devil-in-the-details re: "Rev 13:16" - tracking the beasts for 'The Beast' - is just around the corner. Now these IT engineers, working with the criminals at CDC, are finalizing what they've been after for many years and that's tracking in real time - kinda like watching the herd move from pasture to pasture. And what they want to track are those who've been VACCINATED. Suppose you can figure out the end results. GOT JESUS ? They don't ...(Oct 17 2011) - Kevin McCarthy gives weekly Rep. Address
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Are you kidding Kevin ??? You sound like you're talking to a school room full of adolescence - trying to convince them, of course in an "Non-Threatening-Way", that the RINO's, I'm sorry, Republicans have a new jobs plan that America can believe in. HEY !!! Why don't you get behind a Real Republican, Presidential Candidate Congressman Ron Paul, and push his plan(s) and coalesce the conservatives in congress. Really ... aren't you the Republican whip, or are you a corporate whip for the Military Industrial Complex ?(Oct 15 2011) - Geo-Engineering smog lifts from locals eyes
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yesterday, as I was perusing a few yard sales I met some wonderful women who were helping one of their friends sale some personal items before they ventured back to Africa as missionaries. One of the last topics we engaged in was that of CHEM-TRAILS, or what the gov't calls geoengineering. Taken back a bit at some of the secret history of CHEM-TRAILS, she quickly caught on and then took one of my business cards for the Post - resulting in another awakened mind. Thank You JESUS !(Oct 14 2011) - U.S. Scientist Patents Time Machine ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- As crazy as this sounds, this is their plan. When Luke Skywalker found out that Darth Vader was his real father, the dark side took a chance - hoping that Luke was cross over but they lost. That's the chance that satan's dark forces are hoping for when they crank up their time machines - to convince you that they went back in time, impregnated the Virgin Mary and to say that JESUS is their offspring and they have the true bloodline and they are the KING of THE WORLD. I'm not making this stuff up folks, that's what their after.(Oct 14 2011) - Biodefense panel to discuss anthrax vaccine ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's another VACCINE ALERT coming down the pike. Now, this gov't wants the public to comment on whether to go ahead and create another untested vaccine, one - they say - that will protect us from an anthrax attack. Maybe, our gov't needs to stop making these man-made virus' and maybe the funding for these projects needs to dry up. And maybe someone should contact Congressman Devin Nunes (559) 733-3861 and have him look into these bio-defence panel projects. Get on it team ...(Oct 13 2011) - Insane Ban on Cash Transactions in Louisiana
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So ya think you can just back-yard-barter your second hand stuff to your neighbors and the city won't find out about it ? Think again ! Porterville, like many cities, limits the numbers of yard sales you can have per month and year. Soon, you'll need a license for yard sales and receipts for what you sold. In Louisiana, the state house pass legislation banning cash transactions re: the above and I'm sure California - not wanting to be "LEFT" out - will follow soon.(Oct 12 2011) - Are Mitt Romney and other Mormons Christian ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It's kinda like saying something like this, yup it's looks like a car, drives like a car and "SOUNDS LIKE A CAR" ... however, "THAT CAR" and it's car parts cannot be interchanged with the other cars. Meaning, you can try to "Force-Fit" car parts from, lets say ... an American Made Edsel onto an American made Chevy, hoping for a universal fit. Odds are, they ain't gonna fit and it ain't gonna run - "RIGHT". But, to the ignorant consumer it'll still look like a car - albeit ... an untrustworthy an unreliable car.(Oct 10 2011) - Not a single Christian Church left in Afghanistan
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This is abominable ! What - in the name of security - are we still doing in Afghanistan. Our military presence there has created an onslaught - killing fields, if you will - against those who have made a decision for JESUS CHRIST. Those muslims - in their minds - believe they have a koranic right to kill CHRISTIANS because of the U.S. involvement / intervention. At one time we sent in Missionaries and now we send in Mercenaries. GOD please forgive us "all" for what we've done.(Oct 10 2011) - Brown makes it illegal to openly carry a handgun
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Again, and again and again, we've seen the publics interest conjoined with the publics ignorance re: the RIGHT to Keep and Bear Arms and now the publics servant - Gov. Brown - has all but sealed the fate of Second Amendment in California, by outlawing one of the best deterrents designed to defeat criminals - both foreign and domestic. I'm sure this one will end up on the SCOTUS' docket.(Oct 09 2011) - CAFR School: What Is A Commingled Fund ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- AMAZING ... Corporations, which include the "STATE OF CALIFORNIA", which must disclose their actual value through what's called their CAFR Accounts - the Comprehensive Annual Financial Review, only to those who - it would appear - keep this information sequestered away from the public by legal mumbo-jumbo. If for no other reason than to be a bit more informed on how corporations hide their wealth or value, please watch this video.(Oct 08 2011) - RFID to aid child safety on farms
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just in case you - the public - can't remember how to think, especially around the farm, we're gonna toe-tag-ya for your own safety. It's seems that there's way too many dumber-then-dirt "Canadian-Farmers" who can't keep track of their kids or animals on their own farms. So, in order to keep from killing their kids - with their high powered equipment - they're gonna hook-em up with some high powered tracking devices. What can you say - seriously ?(Oct 07 2011) - MICRO WAVES escaping from SMART METER
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Okay ... for some of you who still think that MICRO WAVES escaping from the SMART METERS can't cause any harmful or lasting damage to you and your DNA, please don't watch this VIDEO. It will totally destroy your desire for ignorance. Second, if I as your neighbor notice that you've allowed the electric company to affix one of these SMART METERS to your home and those micro waves bleeds over onto my property ... we're going to court.(Oct 06 2011) - Secret panel can put Americans on 'kill list'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just who are the "Secret Stars" in obama's "Star Chamber" ? Knowing that those who get on the "Final List" could initially take a trip to either Hotel California or Point Zero before they're finalized - obama's undercover chamber maids must be made known, or it must shut it down ! Obama cannot use plausible deniability at this point and he must be impeached for these actions !(Oct 06 2011) - No Warrent Needed to search your Cell Phone
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's how it's going down. First the police pull you over for a minor infraction. Next, they ask if your cell phone's on. Third, they could confiscate it because their new devise can tell if you've actually used it while driving. Fourth, you refuse to surrender your cell phone and finally you get detained or arrested for disobeying and or resisting an officer. You're options are ... leave your cell phone in the trunk of the car or leave it at home.(Oct 05 2011) - Mumps Outbreak Reported On Cal Campus
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now this is why those vaccination shots don't work. These self declared experts are actually, "encouraging all Cal students, faculty and staff - regardless of their vaccination history - to receive an additional dose of the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine, or MMR." The shame of all this, is the unbridled ignorance from the public and the public servants. But for BIG PHARMA, well ... ignorance is money in the bank.(Oct 04 2011) - Anti-Wall St. protest spawns others across U.S.
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So ... how far will these protesters go in their demonstrations ? That's the 64 trillion dollar question Walls Streeters are asking themselves. The second is, why are they protesting us at Wall Street when it was the Federal Reserve who set up this ponzi-scheme. ANSWER : The bank-sters want the protesters focused on Wall Street, so they can finish what they started in 1913, and that's to CRASH the world's economy by the end of 2012 - and then celebrate their 100 year anniversary in 2013.(Oct 03 2011) - Don't allow Obama to impose Martial Law
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Why is America ready for Martial Law ? Because the people do not know or understand their SOVEREIGN RIGHTS under the Constitution, nor will they take the time to contact their representatives in Wash. D.C. or Sacramento to remind them of their SOVEREIGN RIGHTS. The people are ripe for another revolution in which the powers that be could use the Occupy Wall Street protesters to rip to shreds the Constitution - by forcing Obama to declare Martial Law. It could happen, the paperwork and plan for an emergency backup government is all in place. GOT JESUS ?(Oct 01 2011) - Roseanne Barr (says) Behead the Bankers
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I tell you what, HollyWeird has always assumed they are above any man-made law {forget about GOD's Laws} when they express their opinions. On one side they're opposed to any violence and then their goofy comics open their big mouths to gaff their real intent, and that's this ... "if anyone should be killing, murdering or beheading people it's us - the loony left - because we care more." Now, I can appreciate Rosanne's angst but if you or I utilized the First Amendment as she did we'd be locked up and be sent to Ms Barrs' re-education camps. No doubt - she off her meds ... again !(Sep 28 2011) - Police use Military to avert alcoholic adolescents
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You know, those kids in Wyoming get pretty rough after they've had a few. Maybe we better call in the Military and have them assist us - the police - with this problem. And since the federal government is gonna kick in a few bucks, we might as well let the "Big Boys" handle the "Big Problems". Seriously, isn't that what "Big Brothers" usually do ?(Sep 27 2011) - Diebold voting machines can be hacked ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You betcha' they can !!! Most "Black Hatters" can demonstrate just how easy this is and yet, California's Secretary of State, Debra Bowen, continues to certify that these SEQUOIA DIEBOLD voting machines are good to go. Now, source codes - being what they are - can mysteriously come and go and they can be tracked. YES THEY CAN !!! That's why we need a paper voting system that can be verified ... like the banks operate. Maybe that's not a good idea either :((Sep 27 2011) - Obama visit caused $676K in airport damage
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Boy howdy ! Don't ya just love it when the media kinda lets the cat out of the bag. Back in 2010, obama had a need to "quickly visit" an emergency UNDERGROUND BUNKER in Massachusetts. And to keep a lid on this visit, that airport was under orders to say nothing - until obama's little fly-by torn up their tarmac and a few other items amounting to $676,000.000 in damages.(Sep 24 2011) - In Calif., no vaccination means no school
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Okay parents, it's time to come to your child's rescue and keep them safe from becoming another vaccination injury and statistic. All you have to do, reported CBS News, is to go with your child to school and tell them "you want your child to opt out of the whooping cough mandate because you are personally or religiously opposed to vaccines." THAT IT !!!(Sep 24 2011) - PUBLISHED REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- How 'bout we come at it like this. Lets say a group of think-tankers get together to possibly prognosticate the future of living in a world where there's no war. And lets just say they publish a little booklet {PDF} with a few of their findings. WHY ? Cause they ain't got nuttin' better to do ? Sure ... I'd say this was published for only two purposes - one to alert the insiders, and two ... oh, that's right, there wasn't a number two in the original booklets - back to reason number one.(Sep 24 2011) - Implant chip that controls the brain
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Let me run this Revelation Chapter 13 prophecy down to you one more time. These mad scientists have scientifically demonstrated that they can re-produce your thoughts and display them on a screen for all to see. Even though the re-produced images are somewhat rough, you can still make out the basic structures. Soon they'll be able to map and then capture your un-patented and un-copyrighted thoughts with one of their secret satellites, re-produce them in one of their kangaroo courts, and to prison you will go ... for THOUGHT CRIMES against the state !(Sep 24 2011) - CALL NOW TO STOP AB:131
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- If you are opposed, like I am, to giving monies to illegal aliens for college please make the call to Gov Brown's office * 916-445-2841 - I DID !!! Jerry Brown could sign AB 131 that would give California Tax payer money to Illegal Alien college students instead of American Tax Payers children. Illegal Aliens already get a free K-12 education from the Tax payers now they could get free money for College if AB 131 is signed by Jerry Brown. In a time when the state is cutting everything because of the budget short falls Brown could sign this bill that would cost tax payers tens of millions of dollars that we don't have.
* Call 916-445-2841 * Press 1 for English * Then press 2 * Then press 1 * Lastly, press 2 to vote in opposition of the DREAM ACT!(Sep 23 2011) - No fundamental rights to consume natural milk
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This blind-man in a black-robe {Judge Patrick J. Fiedler} actually said, "NO - you do not have a fundamental right to consume milk from your own cow." Unbelievable !!! His utter hatred for those who want to grow & consume their own natural products, vs unnatural was more than apparent in this Wisconsin court. Obvious to the raw milk & natural food farms is the politics of corporate food & drug industry. They know their processed products are part of the health problems in the world and they know the answer to these health problems is GOD's Natural Produce.(Sep 23 2011) - South Korean Bank Chief ... JUMPS !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now, you gotta conclude one of two ideas - bankers who are corrupt and are caught, suicide themselves ... or do they ? Next those who aren't caught live out their lives in a normal fashion. The silly synthesis or synopsis of this could be ... once the FED is audited, we will either place Bernanke and his BOD's in the funny farm for their own protection, or clear the streets below to protects the citizens from falling fugitives. In the later case, their carbon footprint will finally be paid.(Sep 20 2011) - WEATHER MODIFICATION INCORPORATED
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Okay now ... lets see if there's enough acumen out there to connect these dots - the chem-trail dots. Located here is an actual list of clients and projects that this Weather Modification company is proud to display. Now, I'm sure if you click-in a bit further, you'll discover that the Weather Modification Association {established in 1954} will be having an annual meeting in Las Vegas on April 25-27, 2012. And I'm sure you'd like to attend.(Sep 20 2011) - Neo-Con's likely to abandon referendum
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- As suspected and posited at the last PARA meeting, Congressman McCarty from the Kern Kounty Kartel - who has a safe seat - was one of those who initially opposed the newly authorized referendum on re-districting. Kongressman Kevin mcKarty and neo-Kon for the Korporations - for those in Porterville who don't - will end up as our representative. And like Devin "NO-SHOW" Nunes, we'll never see or hear from him.(Sep 19 2011) - Tougher laws for unvaccinated students
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I tell you what folks, it's RINO's like Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher (R) from San Diego who took a lot of special interest money from big pharma's friends {list} that turned him into a pill-pusher for the vaccination cartels. Now this paid-off politician wants Gov Brown to mandate more vaccinations in California, quite like NWO candidate Governor Rick Perry did in Texas. I think it time to mandate him right out of office.(Sep 19 2011) - N.Y. City's Abortion Rate, 41% and Higher
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The question has always been for women who kill their un-born is ... if I make it to Heaven, will those children that I had killed in my womb be there waiting for me - if I make it to Heaven ? As worrisome as the first question was, is this question ... if I make it to Heaven, will those children that I had killed influence GOD's decision to let me in ? Answer ... REPENT and Stop Killing the Children and you won't have anything to worry about.(Sep 17 2011) - The Oath Accountability Civil Action
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Celebrating the CONSTITUTION, for me means reaffirming my oath - to Protect and Defend the Constitution - that I took as a Navy Veteran. I, along with millions of vets thoroughly understood what that meant. However, there are many elected representatives and officials who take this oath lightly - and that hugely offends VETERANS !!! So, in defense of the Constitution, we must make these folks accountable ... and if necessary - in court.(Sep 16 2011) - Free AK-47 when you open a business account
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I tell you what, with all of the credit card fraud and stolen identity problems we're having across America, having an AK-47 on the counter where you process your customers transactions may not be a bad idea after all. I can just see and hear all those liberal demo-taxers screaming, " ... that's un-safe, un-fair and un-Constitutional." BTW, we on the RIGHT still protect your un-educated rights to blither your ignorance. Speaking of reading the CONSTITUTION - get with it !(Sep 16 2011) - Unelected, Unaccountable and Unrepentant
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This so-called 4th branch of government (The Fed Reserve) is out of control and has turned maniacal in it's manufacturing and manipulation of the money supply, not just here in America, but around the globe. At times these megalomaniacs-of-moola show their true colors and blood lines, overtly chastising those who challenge their crimes, or, with the assistance the press-ti-tutes, silencing their critics ... like Presidential Candidate, Congressman Ron Paul.(Sep 16 2011) - Hmmm ... Is he or Isn't he ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- At first I couldn't see what attracted those devil-may-care demo-taxers to the likes of "Barry O" and now I think I've got it figured out. Body mannerisms - being what they are - of course helped ... and so did these pictures. And you know pictures don't lie ... like the guy in the pictures. Any-homer, enjoy your weekend and don't forget to read the CONSTITUTION.(Sep 15 2011) - WWASP : Sued By Ex-Students Claiming Abuse
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Oh you betcha - the dirt is coming out on them mormon boys from Utah. Imagine, the Republican Party trying to hide Mitt Romney or Jon Huntsman's political contributional ties with Robert Lichfield, founder and director of a boarding school (WWASP) which was supposedly designed to help troubled teens. The opposite was truer than fiction re: reports of all kinds of abuse, including sexual abuse. Stick around, I'm sure more will come out.(Sep 15 2011) - PARA to hold 'Speaker Meeting' Tonight
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Thursday, Sept 15th the Porterville Area Republican Assembly will be hosting a Special Speakers Meeting at the CHARLIES PIZZA KITCHEN - 1531 No. Main St. Our guest speaker will be CRA Disrict Director Paul Olsen - from Tulare. Mr. Olsen will address Re-Districting and what that means for voters in Tulare County. As important, the newly release movie CONTAGION will be addressed as will AGENDA 21, the NEW WORLD ORDER and how these plans are all connected. President Lucketta, as always, will highlight the goals of PARA and a little Q & A. The meeting starts at 6 PM. For more info call 784-PARA.(Sep 12 2011) - Geoengineering trials get under way
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You know, you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool the Fact-Finders. For crying out loud, geo-engineering ain't gonna cool down the planet enough to save the planet and it ain't gonna protect us from Mr. Sunshine. However, all those particles that the government is CHEMTRAILING into the air continues to have long lasting side effects on the planet - and the people.(Sep 12 2011) - An Epidemiologist on the Movie Contagion
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Sunday, a friend and I watched on the big screen the movie, CONTAGION and came away with a few concerns. First, the movie tippy-toed around a lot of truth mixed with holly-weirds liberty of half-truths. Next, in dramatic fashion, towns were shut down, martial law was enacted, and troops were called in by DHS. And, believe it or not, the hero of the day was a scientist who saved the people with ANOTHER VACCINE. I almost cried. Finally, I pondered, who did Jude Law emulate in the movie as the blogger that the main stream press hated ???(Sep 11 2011) - Knowing Constitution vital to remaining free
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- To tell you the truth, I've had this conversation with more people than I could count. Knowing we have a Constitution does not automatically entitle you to it's benefits - it's knowing what's in the Constitution that enables you fight for those rights and freedoms. Corporate interests, starting in 1871, has used the Constitution to get around the sovereignty of the citizens. But now-a-days, since folks don't know and don't care, they've defaulted their sovereignty with a need for more security ... leading future generations into slavery.(Sep 10 2011) - IS THE GOSPEL ILLEGAL IN AMERICA ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm sure you've seen me around town with my testimonial Christian or Patriotic T-Shirts and - as most of you know - I have no problem receiving compliments or condensations from you lookie-loos. However, when Christians, arrest Christians, and are tried by so-called Christian Judges and jury re: testifying about their Faith in JESUS CHRIST on public side walks or arena's, GOD's Judgment, can only be right around the corner.(Sep 10 2011) - HAARP , VLF, UHF and weather modification
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Alrighty. Now that you've had a chance to watch the movie CONTAGION, take a few moments to view DUTCHSINSE web blog that contains a huge list of links that are associated with weather modification and all those new little VLF, UHF frequencies that can be and will be used for un-ethical and un-American activities. And then you will conclude - as the movie suggests - that those dirty-birds {who work for the CIA} are weaponizing the {man-made} virus. GOT JESUS ???(Sep 09 2011) - So Cal Hit By a Big Power Outage
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Oh come on now ... you mean to tell me that our "SMART GRID" had some over use issues and couldn't resolve them in time to keep the lights on in southern California ??? And why - may I ask - did this "SMART GRID" conspire with the San Onofre nuclear-power plant to shut down. Someone in San Diego needs to investigate these chaos created crimes. Hint - Hint ...(Sep 07 2011) - Ron Paul Wins Debate at Reagan library
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Again and again and again, Presidential Candidate CONGRESSMAN RON PAUL can and does win major debates and the hearts of the people. The exit polls reflect this more often than not, and yet the press-ti-tutes turn a blind eye to this truth. It's quite obvious to "Truth Seekers" - the only real leader the Banksters are afraid of is RON PAUL.(Sep 07 2011) - NAFTA's Giant Sucking Sound : Part II
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like those migrant manufacturing machines are manipulating FREE TRADE ... again ! Oh yea, I can remember when Congressman Bill Thomas had all his NAFTA Neo-Con's converging in Bakersfield, blending in quite nicely with their bohemian business buddies. And, Bill's protege, Congressman Kevin McCarty, is as silent as Congressman Devin Nunes re: keeping the jobs we already have.(Sep 06 2011) - Mexican Military Flies Over South Texas
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like those high-flying joy-riding Mexicans can't stay on their side of the border and no I'm not talking about the usual influx of illegal immigrants, I'm talking about Mexico's Military doing fly overs with their HELO's - Again ! And the DHS - supposedly - ain't got a clue. My guess is, the elite's bag-boys for their "Corporations Instigating Anarchy" want to make sure that they are in control of the outcome of the coming chaos ... not Governor Tricky-Ricky from Texas.(Sep 06 2011) - EPA Declares Hay a Pollutant ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Alright cow, spit out the hay and come with us. We know you've been eating polluted hay for sometime now and according the EPA, you will have to forfeit the hay and pay a stiff fine. Now ... tell us where you're owners are and we let you off with a minor infraction. Hay, as the gods of global warming declared - they told the cow - will destroy the planet if we do not genetically modify it. Sarcastic but True ...(Sep 05 2011) - Predictive Programming & Human Microchipping
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well, you know what they say, "Stupid is as stupid does" and that seems to be the sentiment with this new generation of consumers and their children. They appear more willing to be tracked like animals re: their day-to-day lives, purchases or thought patterns. Equally absent from many Christian consumers is the fight to stay free - instead they believe GOD planned it this way and HE won't condemn them if they take the "Mark-of-the-Beast." Oh really ! Please e-mail me that verse in the BIBLE !(Sep 04 2011) - BOOK REVIEW : America's Nazi Secret
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- If you can't get this book (pic), at least you can take some time and watch this 12 and 1/2 minute video. John Loftus, one of hundreds of ex-officials who knew what took place behind the scenes, from the early robber barons - who were financially calling the shots with the nazi's, the commies and the muslim brotherhood. Seriously edited 30 years ago by the CIA, Mr. Loftus has finished what he started ... naming names.(Sep 02 2011) - Vegas schools go door-to-door ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Listen folks, in the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off, ditching school for the day was almost a rite of passage. Now-a-days, ditching means not having to endure endless, meaningless and mindless indoctrination, interrogation or incarceration. And lets be honest, even the dumbest of ditcher's are not going to stay home and wait for the volunteer truancy teams to round them up. They're dumb, but not that dumb. What these truancy teams are targeting ... are the parents.(Aug 31 2011) - Lincoln Signed the Declaration of Independence
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Are you kidding me ? I knew that Abraham Lincoln was recognized for many selfless and sacrificial acts during his Presidency before he was assassinated, but I don't recall from my history lessons in school or there after, that he also "Signed the Declaration of Independence." Now, if I missed that part will someone from the dumb-a-crat party please up-date me regarding Mr. Lincoln accomplishments.(Aug 30 2011) - Rockefeller tells FCC secure comms needed
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hey, listen up people ! According to FEMA and Jay Rockefeller(D) you need to stay off your cell phones during a disaster so the first responders can do their job(s). That's right, the bigger disaster in a disaster is you people ... fixing the problems yourself - on your phones. Well listen up FEMA, FCC and Rockefeller, you guys are the disaster - not the Americans. We know how to fix anything in a time of need and we know who to turn to when wisdom is needed - GOD !!! Not you ...(Aug 30 2011) - Italian Town prints its own currency
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- For some cities and towns over seas, getting out of debt - by default - is death to their economies. For others it means an opportunity to emulate what's effective ... and that's re-creating your own system of barter and wealth. How ? By printing your own currency. And that's exactly what many cities in America have done and that - to most rational and fiscal conservatives - is the way up and out of depression. And that's what a town in Italy is doing, printing their own currency to fight austerity. Maybe Porterville's City Council should consider this as a reasonable option. What do you think ???(Aug 30 2011) - New Strain H5N1 Now In Viet Nam
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- How convenient and timely, a new flu virus {H5N1} emerges along side a new movie called CONTAGION ... just in time to scare more people into accepting more untested vaccines. If you pay attention to the movie trailer - about 1:11 minutes into it - you will notice 'The Question' of how it's weaponized. ANSWER ... {at 1:15} the birds are doing that. Times running out and the U.N.'s AGENDA 21 and OVERT PLANS, to depopulate the planet through germs and viruses, is coming to the big screen in September. GOT JESUS ? Your better ...(Aug 30 2011) - Secret STD tests in Guatemala violated rights
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yes Secretary of State Hillery Clinton was rightly outraged when she heard that our own government secretly commissioned STD experiments in Guatemala under the guise of public health, however, she and the rest of her NWO Nut-Jobs have yet to express any concern re: the contaminated contents or side effects of most vaccines that our children are force to take ... without their consent or knowledge !!!(Aug 30 2011) - Get Flu Shot or Get Fired, Hospital Says
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here we go again, another dictatorial demand re: untested and unregulated vaccinations for the flu. There was a time when doctors would tell their patents NOT to over burden their immune systems by taking too many antibiotics - because there'd come a time when the antibiotics would no longer be effective. The same is true re: vaccinations. And now a hospital says the employees MUST be administered theses vaccinations by the end of the year or be fired ??? BTW - It has yet to be proven that vaccines are 100% efective !!!(Aug 29 2011) - WHO IS MILITARIZING THE VACCINES ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm telling you folks ... DON'T READ this article re: the military's role in vaccinating all of our children. If you do, I - as a publisher of truth - cannot be held liable for it's content or the reaction of those who decide to hold their representative(s) responsible for these un-Constitutional and un-American assaults on our families and future. GOD knows who the un-godly are, and they know their on their way to HELL. Just make sure you don't go with them. GOT JESUS ?(Aug 28 2011) - ICELAND said 'NO' to the International Bankers
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like the press-titutes from the corporate media can't keep the people of Iceland down and out. Now that the people voted NOT TO PAY THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS, and defaulted on the loans that the people were not a party to - the Icelanders are on the verge of establishing a new nation, with a new constitution. And because the people fought together, they're gaining back their SOVEREIGNTY as well. Who would have thought "The People" could THINK for themselves or FREE themselves ? Take note America - This is how it's done !!!(Aug 28 2011) - Incendiary Art Incites Ignorance
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So a lowly street painter can't express himself on the streets of California and yet all of holly-weird can basically BLOW UP any entire city - banks included - and not get questioned for inciting riots ??? If I were that street painter, I would have said - to the police - that my internal impressions came from holly-weird and I felt compelled to reflect what's displayed on the small and big screen(s). So go and talk with those un-American jihadists in holly-weird.(Aug 27 2011) - Rising above the GOLD Standard - Ron Paul
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Let go over this again. The federal reserve system says it has no gold (VIDEO), the U.S. Treasury has it all. Next - all the feds have are pieces of paper (certificates) alluding to having gold, which can be leveraged on behave of their private investors and so the truth is ... the federal reserve system is as phony as the paper dollars they print. Soooooooooo, audit what's left and END THE FED !!!(Aug 26 2011) - STATE OF EMERGENCY = GUN CONFISCATION
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- SECOND AMENDMENT ALERT : Looks like Hurricane Irene is just the crisis that these NWO Nut-Jobs are looking for to confiscate your arms. According to Lone Star Watchdog, FEMA came in after Katrina and went house to house looking for looters, vandals and gangs. And while FEMA and the National Guard were in the neighborhood, they were also under orders to pick up any weapons that any citizen had - legal or not - because New Orleans was declared in a "State of Emergency" ... just like North Caroline just declared.(Aug 26 2011) - Mexican police allowed back on U.S. soil
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Okay, now that "Fast and Furious" (VIDEO) backfired on the FBI and people got KILLED because of this boondoggle, allowing weak minded mexican cops onto U.S. soil so they can capture their mexican drug cartels without being compromised has to be dubbed - OPERATION "Dumb and Dumber." Seriously folks, the D.E.A. doesn't have enough mexican looking people in their agency to infiltrate the Sinaloa Cartel's operations, north of the border ??? I gotta say, this appears like our own agencies are getting infiltrated, compromised, weak or just plain STUPID. Some are saying, give the cartels amnesty - for now. SAY WHAT !!!(Aug 26 2011) - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Agents Raid Guitar Factory
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hand over the guitar(s) and no one will get hurt !!! Really ... federal agents swooped in on Gibson Guitar Wednesday (VIDEO), raiding factories and offices in Memphis and Nashville, seizing several pallets of wood, electronic files and guitars. Were these factories secretly transporting drugs in these AMERICAN MADE guitars and their cases ??? Nope ! They're accused of using rare types of WOOD in making the guitars ... that's it - REALLY !!! UN-Flippen' Believable :((Aug 26 2011) - Boycotting Barry's Money Bundler's
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here ya go folks. Maybe we need to "BOYCOTT" Barry's money bundler's to send a message the way we did, back in the day. Now-a-days, what their doing is "Flash-Mobbing" on folks and businesses and this method is catching on quick. My advise to the Tea Party Republicans is to learn a few of these tricks and head - Barry's back-door bundler's - off at the path. My father used to tell me ... "Never go where you're not wanted and NEVER BUY from thieves or liers."(Aug 26 2011) - Founding fathers thoughts re: Corporations
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I know that this article re: What the Founding Fathers thought about Corporations was written a few months back, but it's vitally important that our young patriots get caught up on some history ASAP!!! Many high schools and colleges briefly highlight America's corporate history (VIDEO) but it's essential that you review this subject. Thanks BQ ... for the link.(Aug 25 2011) - New Rules for California Smart Meters
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Smart for who ? Easy for who ? YES hackers will crack these smart meters and smart grids, just because it's a challenge. Don't ever tell a hacker don't, because they will. Now that California has new rules re: their smart meters / grid, "government hackers" will start hacking to crack the grid first. Then their findings will get hacked by real hackers and the new smart grid will grind to a halt. That's how it's done, and that's what the government wants. They need to consider these documented SIDE EFFECTS of smart meters.(Aug 21 2011) - MUSIC VIDEO DEFINE BETTER
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I have to say, most of the music out there is void of what the NWO is all about. But every now-and-again, one song pops through that hits the nail on the head re: BIG PHARMA. This one from Chill E.B. called DEFINE BETTER really made an impression on me and I hope this YouTube video gets a lot of play. GOD forgive our ignorance and apathy.(Aug 21 2011) - Secret U.S. experiments to prompt 2nd Coming ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Initially they want control of our thought processes, and eventually they'll want control of our contact processes ... with GOD that is. This way satan and his mindless-minions will know when a believer is in contact with GOD, declare him or her as a "Thought-Terrorist" and have you locked away, until you take his mark and surrender your spiritual sovereignty. Think I'm kidding ? Think again. Why go to all this trouble if all the government wants is to help you think better - DEFINE BETTER !!!(Aug 19 2011) - AIR FORCE Unit raids Las Vegas gun store
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hold everythin' Baba Looey !!! We ain't suppose to have our own military kicking in doors or shaking down citizens in American !!! No one, as far as I am aware, has declared MARTIAL LAW - which today severely undermined the Posse Comitatus Act !!! But yesterday, someone called in the U.S Air Force to help the local police kick-in the doors a local business "looking for leads." Wouldn't that have been great if they responded that quick and effective re: "Fast and Furious" ???(Aug 19 2011) - MOODY'S : Rotten To Core With Conflicts
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This more-than-obvious shell game that the SEC has perpetrated on the public is coming to light at break-neck-speed. Moody's - a rating agency - is corrupt to the core with conflicts, according to one of it's own. The biggest bomb shells in this shell game was Moody's "Pay-to-Play" rating policy, which, I'm gonna guess, will be huge once the other rating agencies are investigated and slammed. Since Moody's was the first one outed ... shoot, we might need the government to take over these corrupt corporations as well. Yup ... it's a commin'.(Aug 19 2011) - APA wants to destigmatize pedophilia
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Since psychology or their pharmacological cohorts - psychiatrists - can't disengage those classified as pedophiles, they've chosen the lower road to de-classify them as having a mental disorder - like they did when they couldn't alter homosexual behavior in the 70's. They took this lower road because their secular methods couldn't provide honest insight or a way out of that dysfunctional, albeit devil-may-care behavior.(Aug 18 2011) - RON PAUL TOPS PRESIDENTIAL POLL
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- On August 18th 2011, an unofficial Presidential poll was taken by the Porterville Area Republican Assembly - gearing up for the 2012 Presidential Elections. Topping PARA's Presidential poll was Congressman Ron Paul with 25% of the total paper ballots cast. Governor Rick Perry came in second with 20% and tying for third was Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and Governor Sarah Palin.(Aug 17 2011) - Chavez: Venezuela will nationalize gold mines
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Get ready for another war brought on by the banks. This time they're going after Venezuela. Why ? Just like Qaddafi, Chavez has GOLD and he plans on mining more of it and nationalizing it - meaning the bankers can't drown Venezuela in debt. And since Obama needs to pay off the various TRUST HOLDERS with GOLD, what he looted from Qaddafi wasn't enough. So get ready for another war.(Aug 17 2011) - Afghan Warlords Run a Protection Racket
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I tell you what folks, "Fast & Furious" ain't got nothing on the U.S. "Pay to Protect" policy in Afghanistan. Recently the U.S. House's subcommittee's of National Security and Foreign Affairs, disclosed more fraud and waste - under the guise of protection - than the U.S. secret security plans which gone array in Mexico. And guess what ... the war on drugs ain't working for us there either. It's time to bring the boys home and quit meddling in Britain's fields of heroin.(Aug 13 2011) - White House staff get big raises - We get nothing
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Let the Good Times Role and Let The Big Money Flow. As America's economy decreases, Obama's staff salaries increase. At a time when all are asked to tighten their belts, "Barry's Brown-Shirts" appear exempt from these depression-like-days. Looking at these salary increases makes one wonder, is Congressman Nunes okay with this ? And just as important ... are YOU - The American Patriot - okay with this ?(Aug 13 2011) - S.F. BART blocks cellphones to hinder protest
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Good thing no one who rode BART that day had any health problems or had to call emergency services. If they had or suffered because of a delay, BART's still liable for that person - because BART turned off everyone's cell phones. Now comes the tough decision ... boycotting BART. Why ? Because riding on BART is now a safety issue and dangerous to your health.(Aug 12 2011) - How computers will soon get under our skin
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It's all in the Bible kids ... soon theses mad scientists will adjust the frequency values to increase the dopamine levels in your brain, and botta-bing botta-bang, you've created a new addiction for these crazy consumers, and it's all free and legal. Forget about legalizing pot, consumers will die for this mind-addicting Mark of the Beast - just like the Book of Revelation says. Got Jesus ? You better !!! NEW VIDEO(Aug 10 2011) - HSBC: The World's Dirtiest Bank
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- For years this rabbit hole that the British Drug Lords dug made huge profits for themselves as they enslaved millions with their opium. A little snippet from Dean Henderson's book, Big Oil and their Bankers in the Persian Gulf, actually names a few of these devils and their money laundering banks, including freemasonry's role in setting up the Chinese gang called the Triads. That's why you should NEVER trust or vote for a freemason. NEVER !!!(Aug 10 2011) - High-speed rail hits roadblock in Kings County
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm telling you folks, these high speed rail hooligans ain't gonna get their way with "We The People" in Kings County - let alone Tulare County. If the Porterville Post has anything to say about this billion dollar boondoggle, it's this ... "move your big city liberals and immigrants on your own dime and stay out of the Big Valley." Later today the Post will be meeting privately with political leaders who oppose this HSR to form a "CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT" committee. So stay tuned ...(Aug 06 2011) - Weather manipulation via frequency(s)
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The final side-effect of bad politics is dead people. Weather manipulation, one of the torch-like-tools of tyrants, is used daily to "control the weather and people." Please take some time to view this video and prepare for additional side effects - like usurping your thoughts, feelings and morals. Waiting to see what will happened, has already happened today ! Now get off your couch, get on your knees and get right with JESUS !(Aug 06 2011) - New IMF Chief Under Investigation
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Wow, perfect timing !!! First we loose our Credit Rating with S&P and now we find out that the IMF replacement for the sex crazed Dominique Strauss-Kahn, (France's choice) Christine Lagarde, (USA's choice) is under investigation for embezzlement charges, from who ... France. You know what they say, what goes around comes around. My guess is, Hillary Clinton - who's on the short list for IMF Chief - may finally get this job. Come quickly LORD JESUS !!!(Aug 05 2011) - U.S. power grid to be tested w/o public consent
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This is not the right time to check the time ! Pay attention public, a little unknown private company (The North American Electric Reliability Corporation) will be testing the electric grid for frequency variations and they're gonna take a whole year to do this. Objections from the public will be heard, but will not stop the procedure ... and this company hasn't addressed their liability when electrical devices are damaged or corrupted. Like I said, this is not the right time to check the time !(Aug 04 2011) - Raw Food Co-op Is Raided in California
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here it is folks, stupidity at it's highest. I'm sure that one day the FDA will also regulate the use of raw milk for calf's {and other animals} saying something to the effect, "the mothers {cow} raw milk is not fit for the calf's consumption. It has to be pasteurized, galvanized and globalized. And besides, scientists are working on cows to produced human milk ... for humans." Seriously, this has gotten way outta hand.(Aug 04 2011) - Scientists are creating GM Monsters
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Having (cloned) slaves is their ultimate goal. Human slaves are too much trouble and demanding. Besides, having cloned slaves means the elite will own "the title" to the genetically modified DNA within that trans-human worker, who was lab created to consume genetically modified food ... thus putting the rest of humanity out of work, out on the street and of course out of food ... which is fit for humans.(Aug 03 2011) - DOT wants a protection plan for cars
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- If it ain't broke - don't fix it. Listen folks, the Department of Transportation is currently in the process of "Fixing Free Travel." Imagine one day getting pulled over, arrested and locked up for traveling outside your assigned route. This imaginary need - protecting the cybersecurity of cars - which the DOT created is just another noose around American's necks. BTW, your silences - by default - grants them this authority.(Jul 31 2011) - NEO RETURNS TO CALIFORNIA'S MATRIX
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well it's true, I did in fact take a little time off and traveled to Georgia to visit with my son, his wife and my grandson. This was their first child (my 3rd grandchild) and the time / visit went by too fast. In any case, it was a well needed vacation for me as I once again assume the controls behind the matrix. The Architect failed to factor in this choice.(Jul 31 2011) - RANTINGS OF A RACIST MURDERING MASON
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just like many of the unsolved high profile cases, (JFK / RFK) there's always an element of mystery ... and no one in the main spew media, it would appear, is authorized to connect the dots for the public. Here's a few dots. One, was a racist Freemason. Two, his masonic / malta friends didn't care about his rantings and only expelled him after he committed mass murder. Questioning those dots.(Jul 29 2011) - Visualizing the U.S. Debt
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Okay ... this dead horse that the media and congress calls the debt is so dead that there ain't enough trees to go around to mill enough paper to print enough funny-money to resurrect, albeit save the economy, let alone the world ... thank you Pelosi. Needless to say, the only service to our economy that the federal reserve preserves ... is FEAR. And that's what's holding the economy together - FEAR ! Pull you money out NOW !!!(Jul 22 2011) - The Knights Templar : Mexico's newest drug cartel
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- In the counter drug-wars it's become increasingly obvious - to us researchers - that "Image" plays a huge role in scaring your competition out of your area ... a fearful tactic used by the Sinaloa Cartel and currently by the Knights Templar Cartel from Mexico. The obvious connection with these two is this tactic, leading one to contemplate ... not where they learned it, but which of their "Fast & Furious" friends taught them ?(Jul 21 2011) - FDA : WALNUTS ARE DRUGS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now I know for sure ... I have a drug habit. And with most folks who have an additive kinda' behavior or mid set, denial is always the culprit that keeps the addict from initial and final recovery. So with that being said, I want others to be fully aware of one thing re: my addition ... to WALNUTS. In the beginning it was good, clean and healthy fun but in the end it was noting but hurt and heartache. Now I know for sure, thanks to the FDA, WALNUTS ARE DRUGS !(Jul 21 2011) - S. Valley residents raise high-speed rail concerns
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- California's "High-Speed-Rail" may take Californian's straight to HELL - economically speaking. Look, this whole idea of loading up a bunch of unemployed San Franciscans onto a train heading south towards L.A. to look for employment - or visa versa - is nothing but a train load of ignorance gone-to-seed. Last night at a local political meeting in Porterville, reliable researchers denounced this high speed train as economic suicide - listing many beneficial ties to Senator Dianne Feinstein's hubby ... and their all so cozy relationship with the CHINESE !!!(Jul 21 2011) - PARA to hold 'Speaker Meeting' Tonight
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Thursday, July 21th the Porterville Area Republican Assembly will be hosting a Special 'Political Pot-Luck' Meeting at the PIZZA FACTORY - 897 Henderson Ave. Our guest speaker(s) will be the "Out-Spoken" PARA Members and Guests. President Lucketta, as always, will highlight the goals of PARA and a little Q & A. The meeting starts at 6 PM. For more info call 784-PARA.(Jul 19 2011) - Masons 'tied' in Murdoch Hacking Scandal ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Okay, now that they have Murdoch in the hot seat re: the hacking scandal why don't these tribunals take their investigations a little further and look into the background of Jonathan Rees - a freemason - who set up a network of informers with local police who ... were freemasons ? Knowing that many of the Bobby's in Scotland Yard are freemasons, odds are someone wanted Sean Hoare silenced, and it just wasn't Scotland Yard ... more like MI6, cause Sean snorted - not only the peoples cocaine, but the politicians and the police. More to come ...(Jul 18 2011) - GMO Deregulation: An Act of War
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- My guess, at this point in time, is these genetically modified food producers are all possessed - demon possessed ! Logic, let alone reason, has evacuated their minds and hearts, leaving their dried out souls to be re-possessed ... times seven. GOD has a place "HELL" for those who's need has been re-possessed by greed. What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world if he lost his own soul ??? HELL !!!(Jul 18 2011) - Afghan president's aide shot dead ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- And here's another message that's being sent from the "Drug Lords" of the universe, you can either work with us as "our leaders" of your country ... or your services for us will cease to exist. Again, the message is clear, do what we say ... "to the end" or we'll end you !!! This ain't rocket science folks, this is the real world we live in. Many "ASSETS" want out of the drug business and some are spilling the beans hoping the world will wake up.(Jul 17 2011) - Family confirms death of CEO's young son
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- In a single story, this is how "Black Baggers" send a message - take out the ones closest to you and make sure their deaths are vague and embarrassing. Dying in a sexual compromising situation or naked is, like I said, a tell-tell sign of a black-ops message. Listen folks, the elites are in the process of eating their own and their big media cohorts are attacking each other as well. This is where the alternative media steps up ... oh so well. No wonder they want the web shut down.(Jul 16 2011) - Hollywood's next mass brainwashing campaign
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Alfred Hitchcock, the master movie thriller maker from the 60's, would be all so proud of Hollywood today and what they've accomplish since his death - basically moving fake fear from the screen ... to the streets. Coming soon to a theater near you the latest from Hollywood called "Contagion" - a movie similar to "The Stand" by Steven King, but - like Alfred Hitchcock's movie "The Birds" - they are creator and carrier of this end time virus, not the U.S. Department of Defense.(Jul 15 2011) - Florida wants answers on Operation Castaway
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Oh yeah ... the farther down this rabbit hole you go, the more you find re: secret government operations gone array - especially those dealing with "Fast and Furious." Apparently, Florida's found a rabbit hole called "Operation Castaway" - letting guns get into the hands of criminals so they can be tracked easier. And Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) wants some answers, and so do the American people !!!(Jul 13 2011) - (VIDEO) The Father Of Weaponized Weather
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The next time you look up into the sky and see jets zooming by leaving con-trails which grow abnormally large, remember this video and ask yourself ... is there anything else that these jets are seeding into the atmosphere that's harmful to humans and the environment ? And then ask yourself, why do I choose ignorance instead of independence ? As important, why don't I care anymore ? That's the question you need to ANSWER today. Tomorrow's almost gone !!!(Jul 12 2011) - (VIDEO) Obama Orders Launched Fast and Furious
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- If someone out there will tell one of Congressman Darrell Issa staffers that it was "Obama" who authorized the ATF's Project Gun Runner (Fast and Furious) according to David Ogden - Deputy Attorney General (video) - one of Eric Holders flunkies. My guess is, Issa knows about this, as well as the involvement of many complicit "Secret Interest Neo-Con Republican's" - SINR's ... if you will.(Jul 12 2011) - Ex-PM Brown alleges Murdoch used criminals
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- As wrong as it is to hack into anyone's private doings, let alone bank accounts and such, it appears more draconian when the hoytee-toytees get a taste of their own medicine. Meaning, it's okay for these uppity-ups to use their criminal hackers to look at your junk, but you can't look at theirs. Maybe, just maybe, they have something 'criminal' to hide and that's what this fuss is all about. What do your think ?(Jul 11 2011) - CODES FOR REAL OR FAKE PRODUCE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's Wikipedia's "Price Look-Up" codes for your fruit and vegetables. Now, if you're one of those consumers who could care less about where your produce is grown, how it's grown, if it's genetically modified or nutritionally good for you, then I suggest that you click on through to the next story / web site. However, this is a great tool to use when it comes time to "BUY RIGHT or BOYCOTT". Enjoy ...(Jul 09 2011) - The final phase of cloud seeding project
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just as soon as these Cloud Seeding Sicko's run out of material to pollute our skies with - supposedly stifling starvation - and the upper atmosphere collapses and becomes totally shot - thank you HAARP (1 / 2) - new medical experts will come along with another vaccine to protect us from the air that they destroyed. Conspiracy ? NO Legislation ? YES !!!(Jul 07 2011) - New lights release mercury vapor when broken
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Again ... more researchers continue to disclose that exposure to mercury is not a good thing - let alone safe. And yet, legislators continue to grant Big PHARMA a hall-pass re: the dangers of mercury & thimerosal, the so-called preservatives in the Mandatory Vaccines that our children are forced to take. I can't tell you how many times I've seen the "Autistic Aftermath" of these unsafe vaccines in Porterville. I think it's time for the parents in Porterville take action against these health care hypocrites.(Jul 06 2011) - Roadside Radiation Detectors To Blanket U.S. Soon
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Imagine, if you will, one of these radiation trucks pulling along side you, flippen' the switch to see if you have any radio activity in your vehicle or on your person. And imagine - that you do ... because you just left the airport and on the plane you sat next to an American Red Cross personnel who just finished working in Japan, and was clandestinely sent home because of exposure. Imagine draggen' all that into court, asking to be compensated for the "False-Detention" and "Stress" of it all. BTW, Japans radiation is still reaching California ... STILL !!!(Jul 06 2011) - No whooping cough vaccination = No school
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's the starting line for "Wait-and-See" parents. Your kids can't come to school without being vaccinated. Next, you, the parent will be either fined or incarcerated until the kids get vaccinated, or the kids will be taken away - become wards of the state. Third, you and your kids must attend reeducation classes to reassemble as a family - of the state. That's the end of the line for "Wait-and-See" parents -- who said and did nothing to protect their kids from the Vaccination Nazi's.(Jul 05 2011) - Porterville City Council's 'Quick Agenda'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Tonights the night, for possibly another big blow up at Porterville's City Council. With so many items scheduled to be passed - in one big lump - tempers could flare, not only from the councilmen but from the audience. Will some items be pulled or tabled for further discussion ? That depends on you - the public. So get there early to square off with the city council and their agenda.(Jul 04 2011) - INDEPENDENCE DAY
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- President Ronald Reagan once said, "Let the Fourth of July always be a reminder that here in this land, for the first time, it was decided that man is born with certain God-given rights; that government is only a convenience created and managed by the people, with no powers of its own except those voluntarily granted to it by the people. We sometimes forget that great truth, and we never should. Happy Fourth of July."(Jul 01 2011) - Fast and Furious weapons turn up in Phoenix
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yup, your tax dollars are at work ... "Fast & Furiously" supplying the CIA's drug running cartels with ATF Fire-Power. And like most "Need-To-Know" or "National Security" programs / operations, there will be some info released, {re: this false-flag} but not enough to lock-up those department heads, who got approval from congressional committees, who got approval from NSA ... not to "Lock-and-Load" on the illegal drug cartels, but the Second Amendment !!!(Jun 27 2011) - Mormons : Buying a Stairway to Heaven ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's an interesting take on who took (stole) the Gold booty of WWII. According to Mormon blogger Paul Drockton, a bunch of it's now in the hands of the LDS Corporation - The Mormon Church. For sure the end-time LDS prophecy of saving the country when it's "hanging by a thread" is being staged, as they offer two LDS options ... Romney and Huntsman - who may use the LDS gold reserves to buy America out of debt. Very Interesting ...(Jun 27 2011) - Another Step Closer To A One World Religion
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Becoming politically correct with the world will not make you spiritually correct with GOD ! As lovie-dovie as this "Coming Together" looks, it's all superficial - setting the stage for the anti-Christ. To be sure, the falling away starts here with a world religion. Pastors need to take a stand against this chrislam-ism of the believers and get the church ready for the real EVENT - Christ's Return !!!(Jun 26 2011) - The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part V: The Solution
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The left even gets it ... after taking a hard look at the problem - The Federal Reserve. Writer Dean Henderson from "Left Hook" has taken some time to connect the dots for the left. What I need you to do is go to this web page, find a way to print or copy and paste his article and then hand it to one of your lefty buddies and ask them to take it home an analysis it. Give them some time to let it soak in. This may be their only chance to Change Hope.(Jun 25 2011) - Flesh Eating Virus in Cocaine Supply ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- QUESTION : How in the world can you acquire that much levamisole (supposedly to increase the drugs effect) and add it to the countries cocaine supply without a lot of insider help from either the pharmaceutical companies or the military ? ANSWER : Both ! And soon they'll hint, "this flesh eating virus may also be spread with causal contact and the country will need to be VACCINATED." Suprise, Suprise, Suprise !!!(Jun 24 2011) - OC Pawn Shop Tip(s) Police off re: TSA Agent
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Alrighty now ... I think it's high-time that the TSA workers get a commando-style pat-down before coming to work and leaving. As well, they should be drug tested, randomly searched - at work and at home, plus their vehicles searched for stolen items from passengers. Their supervisors should be fined when their employees are caught and fired for additional violation - now that they have union representation. And to top it off, TSA employees should be sued in civil court for theft, distress, loss of wages due to court appearance and the courts need to impose harsh penalties or jail time for perjury. No Exception !!!(Jun 24 2011) - Top 10 Most Sinister PSYOPS Mission Patches
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's another look at the patches from many of the ABOVE AND BEYOND TOP SECRET programs that are formed to protect America. After looking at these declassified patches and these, I noticed there were none that kept an eye on the Federal Reserve System, which - under the guise of National Security - has systematically undermined America and all it's freedoms. So where's the patches from the deep programs that are watching the feds ? Maybe Congressman Ron Paul's image should be on one.(Jun 23 2011) - Say hello to the TSA, AFL-CIO
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Who woulda' thot, that sky-thugs "TSA" needed street-thugs "AFL-CIO" to represent them in union-like representation ? Now "TSA" can hold the government hostage - during negotiations - just like they hold passengers and their property hostage - during pat-downs. Yes, it looks like TSA has officially become the SS of America - because of this union - and will be asking for your papers and permissions to travel freely with gestapo like super powers.(Jun 21 2011) - Iceland Declares Independence from Banks
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So this is where all the off-shore "black-budget-banking" is being re-directed, and illegal profits hidden ! Very interesting - to say the least ... meaning, that Iceland is no longer under the same policies and procedures that's required by the FED's, IMF, BIS, or World Bank. Odds are the Clinton's and the Obama's will stash their stolen cash here as well. Time and transactions will tell ...(Jun 20 2011) - Heavenly Holograms in China ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You betcha "OPERATION BLUE-BEAM" is gearing up for "OPERATION GOTCHA" ... the Catching up of the Saints. Seriously folks, what will the governments of this world tell those who are left behind - that the negative force {Believers} was removed making it easier to come together as a world family ??? Terror - most definitely - will ensue once The HOLY SPIRIT is gone, making it easier for the NWO framers - the freemasons - to manufacture order out of their chaos. That's the real picture ?(Jun 19 2011) - Shaquile O'Neal Has Been Made : A Mason
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Thanks to our on-line staff, it looks like Shaquile O'Neal has just been made - a freemason that is. These masons are made - historically on site - due to something great they've done. When this happens, these NWO Nut Jobs want to take credit for the good works that individuals accomplish by giving him a title ... basically stealing his good works, not making good men better !!!(Jun 17 2011) - Puerto Rico Banker : Professional Hit Job ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- What a lot of folks don't realize is our own government can't audit the IRS because it's off-shore in Puerto Rico and sequestered within Trust Account #62. Truth be told, this poor banker got just a bit too close to the Queen's corporate connections with Washington D.C. That's what his audit revealed, and that's why Obama went to Puerto Rico - to sign as the "new trustee" for trust account #62 and to have Maurice J. Spagnoletti silenced, not for insider trading, but what he knew !!!(Jun 16 2011) - Huma's Family Ties to Muslim Brotherhood
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now, now now ... you "demon-crats" can't have it both ways. How in blue-blazes did you defenders of democracy {sic} not vet Huma Abedin, the wife of Anthony Weiner ? On one end, you cried foul when Sarah Palin wasn't vetted properly but when it comes to "Huma-the-Hipocrit" - Hillary's Islamic side - kick, you look the other way. Or, did Huma release the hounds on her husband ???(Jun 16 2011) - PARA to hold 'Speaker Meeting' Tonight
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Thursday, June 19th the Porterville Area Republican Assembly will be hosting a Special Speakers Meeting at the PIZZA FACTORY - 897 Henderson Ave. Our guest speaker will be California Republican Assembly Vice President Tim Thiesen - from Fresno. Mr. Thiesen will address Re-Districting and what that means for voters in Tulare County. President Lucketta, as always, will highlight the goals of PARA and a little Q & A. The meeting starts at 6 PM. For more info call 784-PARA.(Jun 15 2011) - Selling America to China : It's Called Treason
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now, this article re: the Chinese buying up large plots of land in Idaho has been circulating for sometime and I have to say, Barbara H. Peterson clears up - a little better - what a Special Economic Zone is and who's gonna benefit from this exclusive government agreement ... surely not the silent-citizens of Idaho. And so it goes - our country to the highest bidder ... E-GADS !!!(Jun 13 2011) - Obama "War Lord of the World"
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- In broad day light, Obama becomes "War Lord of the World" ... with a little help from his friends. His first conquest was the Constitution, his second - Congress, and his final ... Christians. Is it too late to stop this anti-American / anti-Christian CIA Spook ? Yup ! And believe-you-me, when this devil declares martial law in America and stops the 2012 elections, he'll send his GPS goons to knock your door to collect his property ... YOU !!!(Jun 09 2011) - U.S. can't justify its drug war spending
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Not wanting to agree with democrats concerning moral issues, I have to say Senator Claire McCaskil (D-Mo.) has hit the nail on the head when it come to the U.S. Policy re: the "War on Drugs". There's way too much money given to DOD/DEA/CIA friendly type companies, that's not in the business of going out of business. Meaning - if they actually accomplish what they say they can ... then their out of business. Listen, if you really want to locate the big drug dealers, hire the banks who launder the drug money. Duh ...(Jun 08 2011) - SWAT Team sent to collect on student loan
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Someone, I'm telling you, needs to educate the Dept. of Education re: going after dead-beat students who default on their loans. Will the Dept. go after the dead-beat illegal immigrants who come to California and who can now qualify for "In-State" tuition fees ? Probably not ! It sure seems as if this administration is hell-bent on bending the rules for obama's little hellions.(Jun 07 2011) - Have-Nots in France get 1/2 their ATM Money
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Al right now. You have-nots in France can only have half of your money from the ATM's. We banks know whats best for you have-nots and that's for you to not-have access to your/(our) money. It's not good for you to have that much freedom or money. And if you have-nots want to dispute our new banking policy, then we will change our policy again, and you'll get nothing ... and like it !!!(Jun 06 2011) - Engineered 'E.COLI' Outbreak in Europe ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm telling you folks, there's no other rational / reasonable explanation as to why this e.coli out break in Europe occurred, except to create fear and panic within the public. This article, has gone viral across the internet and it's awakening and angering the masses - something the corporate blue-bloods want, but are loosing control over. I believe it's time to find and support local organic food farms before they're all hauled off to jail - REALLY !!!(Jun 05 2011) - Banks may need more cash to clear derivatives
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Are you still betting on the betters - Bank of America-Merrill Lynch, Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citi, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, RBS, Societe Generale, UBS and Wells Fargo Bank - who continue to bet on bad derivatives ? Listen, they're in it for $600 Trillion and may need another bail out by the end of 2012. Back in 2003 "Ming-The-Mechanic" disclosed that the derivative debt was $17 trillion and in 2009 the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation supposedly settled $1.48 QUADRILLION in securities transactions. Imagine breaking the banks on that doe ! Folks listen, it's all computer created and traded. None of this is real money, it's all satanically driven to crash the economies and user in the NWO.(Jun 05 2011) - Creating Vaccines to Control Christians ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Wake Up America : According to this video release, the DOD could use vaccines to limit any kind of revival, especially amongst religious fundamentalist - thus FUNVAX. If in fact this video is a fraud, to be sure, these folks are still toying with the idea, how do we control the Christians ? And how can we ensure a faster demise and departure of their faith ? I'm telling you - these "NWO Needle Freaks" have too much time on their hands.(Jun 03 2011) - Apple has Patent to Crash Your I-Phones
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- How about some new i-phone / i-pad tracking technology for you i-idiots. Seems like the i-masters (internet-masters) want to be able to shut down your i-devices if you stray too close to one of their i-hideouts. Apple, i-guess, has created this technology so the i-masters "Feel Safer" ... now that we can i-track them as well. However, the i-Americans will just backtrack where their devices crashed, or where the courts said they crashed, and share that i-location on the i-web as well. LOL :-)(Jun 03 2011) - Wall Street's Role in Narco-trafficking
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- National Security "NS" basically means, someone's on the take - either big business or big government. "NS" enemies have been the law abiding citizens, truth tellers and Christians. And when the truth is told re: the banks laundering drug money and the military moving drugs for the British drug lords and their cartels, the truth is sacrificed ... for National Security. Because, "We Can't Handle The Truth" - Jack Nicholson(Jun 03 2011) - The White Hats Report #20
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Seemingly those sectors involved with the transfer of global trust accounts have issued final documents which would release needed and necessary payments to save, not only the American economy but the world's as well. These deep agents within these sectors have tracked and traced these gold trusts from World War II and beyond. China, knowing what these trust accounts mean, divested 97% of it holdings, hoping this added pressure will box in the Bush's banks and their buddies. START PRAYING !!!(Jun 02 2011) - VIDEO THE FEDS HAVE NO GOLD !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now it's plane as the nose on my face why the Federal Reserve Bank didn't want anyone snooping around. According to Mr. Alvarez in this YouTube video, the Feds have had no gold since 1934 - only gold certificates. That means, when an audit takes place - and it will - the public will finally see this funny money, make a run on the banks, make a run on the stores, and that's when martial law will more-than-likely kick in.(May 31 2011) - MARK OF THE BEAST MEALS ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Isn't having the MARK OF THE BEAST so nifty and user friendly ? Apparently many in the food industry think so and they've invested millions in research to convince you ... that they know better than you re: what you buy or sale or eat. NutriSmart is one of those leading the way re: tracking what you eat and that's just the beginning. GOT JESUS ?(May 31 2011) - Amazon Tax Bill Passes State Assembly
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Way to go democrats !!! Now that you have control of both houses back in Sacramento and the governorship, ideas for pulling California's economy out of the crapper, by TAXING THE INTERNET will - in fact - create an economic exodus by businesses within the state. If Amazon wants to pay more taxes ... then let them pay. I've always said, "robbing Peter to pay Paul has never set well with the masses - never !" WAKE UP T.E.A. PARTY This one's got your name written all over it.(May 31 2011) - Obama off Course on Golf Course
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Experience has taught me - if noting else - respect for the position or office you hold, and I have been at the top of many wood piles in my life time and believe-you-me, you rarely get a second chance to make a first impression. Honoring AMERICA'S VETERANS who gave their all to protect and preserve our FREEDOMS, as far as I'm concerned, is the epitome of AMERICANISM, and for obama to blow it off - again - on a golf course is down-right disrespectful. Shame on you barry :-((May 30 2011) - VETERANS ARE AMERICAN IDOLS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- As far as the Lucketta's / Lucchetta's house holds go, we will serve the LORD because this is what our Spirit desires, and when called upon to serve our Nation, four generations have done so proudly. Starting with my grandfather Disiderio Guiseppie Lucchetta, who served in the Italian Army in WWI, my father Aldo Lewis Lucketta who served in the U.S. Army during WWII, myself, in the U.S. Navy at the end of Vietnam, and my son Joseph Ryan Lucketta, who served in the U.S. Army's Military Intelligence. Please take the time to Honor those who died - FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM.(May 28 2011) - Church fined $4,000 for excessive tree pruning
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's a "Believe it or Not" story. I've read it and still don't believe it. If I was the pastor of this Presbyterian Church I'd not only appeal this fine, I'd also round up all the other Pastors in that town and approach the city council with a "Re-Call Petition" if they continued to enforce this unbelievable ordinance. I tell you what folks, this is nothing less than a bunch of eco-ignorance gone-to-seed ... and if the Churches don't remove or replace the bad seeds on the city council, then the pastors need some pruning from the parishioners - not just the trees.(May 28 2011) - DEAD CAT TAXES ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Again, another ordinance / code that makes little to no sense at all. REALLY ... a local police department in Washington sent a "FINAL NOTICE" ... "OR ELSE" to the owners of a "Dead Cat" stressing that their pet license was past due. As horrific - this notice warned that the police would come and search their home if they didn't comply. I say dig up the dead cat and give it to them. Good grief ...(May 28 2011) - Masonic All Seeing Eye on the Dollar Bill
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's a quick little read for the "Profane" sent from "FD" - one of 303's ex-masons and one of our on-line staff. Most folks look at the pyramid on the one dollar federal reserve note and wonder, why is that image on the currency and what does that mean ? This link should fill in a few blanks re: the whole "33" thingy that the masons are occultly obsess over. BTW did you know that Porterville's Post Office was constructed in 1933 - by masons ???(May 26 2011) - Permit for Weather Modification in Montana
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm telling you folks, these maleficent malignant Machiavellians who modify our weather for their own private gains will one day end up in HELL - along with hitler's half-breeds. For the-life-of-me, I struggle {as a Watchman} with abject horror at the chosen ignorance within the Christian community re: this issue. Albeit, I shall continue to sound the ALARM, according to GOD's Will. Believe me, I fear GOD more than the I fear these godless genocidal geoengineers. WAKE UP CHRISTIANS !!!(May 25 2011) - The Four Horsemen of Banking
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Knowing that the history of banks can be a bit boring, here's a simple primer {link} for those readers who want and need a quick lesson re: predator banking practices. Basically you can see that the final four banks will eventually gobble up the remaining little banks in the U.S. and consolidate with the original banks from across the pond - which they were originally chartered and incorporated "thanks to congress" to re-capture and re-colonize America. Sorry ... that is their goal.(May 24 2011) - CIA Contaminates in their Blood ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Thanks to our on-line researchers we have another YouTube Video that might explain why many folks from the San Joaquin Valley and Porterville are tired all the time. Odds are our bodies are tapping out with the amount of chemicals - barium & aluminum - that the shadow government agencies are spraying on us. Once you get your blood work done and it comes back positive with CIA contaminates - AKA Chemtrails - best you can do is stay inside or wear a breathing apparatus outside. And to think Omega Agency is allowing the CIA to do this is unthinkable. FIX IT -- (15) !!!(May 22 2011) - Fed Insider Herman Cain Announces Bid
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- In the 2012 run for the White House, you're gonna hear from many contenders who claim they can clean up the mess in Washington, including an ex-federal reserve banker Herman Cain. Although Cain's rhetoric is catchy and obama-ish, his negatives out-way his positives, and his early rise in popularity smacks of NWO Nepotism with the establishment media. Cain's number one job at this time is to misdirect southern TEA party players away from supporting Congressman Ron Paul. Remember, bankers support bankers - no one else !!!(May 19 2011) - PARA to hold 'Public Meeting' Thursday
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Thursday, May 19th the Porterville Area Republican Assembly will be hosting a Public Meeting at the PIZZA FACTORY - 897 Henderson Ave. Our guest speaker will be "You the Public" ... because this month it's Political Pot-Luck where the public is invited to step up to the podium and share their political concerns. President Lucketta, as always, will highlight the goals of PARA. The meeting starts at 6 PM. For more info call 784-PARA.(May 18 2011) - Mind-reading machines for the Masses ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yep, the thought police are just a brain-wave away from controlling the masses. Imagine one day leaving the safe confines of your home only to be veered back into your house with an unrecognizable urge to stay at home. Or better yet, desiring to purchase items that you really don't need. Corporations would kill for this kind of technology ... Oh ! That's right, they already do.(May 18 2011) - CIA : Shut Up or Else ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like the CIA's having a little problem. Apparently many who work behind the scenes at Langley are having a hard time "Handling The Truth" or ... handling the half-lies of Leon Panetta, re: the killing of OBL. Now, on the other end of clearing the deck re: these loose lips is the fact this actually happens all the time when these agencies change department heads. Why ? To establish plausible deniability.(May 18 2011) - Beware online "filter bubbles"
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like these progressives own internet technology has awaken them to their own Orwellian nightmares. Maybe, this little speech that Eli Pariser gave at a recent TED Conference will move that hundredth monkey to stop these "Filter Bubbles" before the whole internet is re-directed pass the point of no return. And I thought computer viruses were gonna get us, it's gonna be our own technology ... Arnold's Terminators.(May 17 2011) - Did PAK Forces Muck Up 'Bin Laden' Raid ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- How about another "spooky" tell-tell-sign in the "Obama got Osama" saga ? Could it be that there were many secret agencies {ISI, PAW, CIA & MOSSAD} who wanted this triple agent - OBL ? My guess is yes. But Why ? Black-Op's as a rule - if their good - can get in and out without a trace. But if a trace is needed, make it messy and confusing, and that's what we have here. And last of all, make sure the trace goes back to those who you intend to black male. Got it ? Time will tell shortly ...(May 16 2011) - SCOTUS gives police new entryway into homes
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
WASH D.C. -- I'm sorry to say ... we just lost our 4th Amendment Rights - thank you SCOTUS. In a day when you still want to believe that the police are there to protect you and your rights, well ... the supremes just threw that baby went out with the bath water. In the coming days, when the police knock on your door, you better open it up quickly - or suffer the consequences of an unwarranted search, or more ...(May 16 2011) - Mysterious Masonic Mumbo-Jumbo
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Alrighty now. Here's a good waste of time and video footage. But for those masons who still believe that freemasonry has no religious beliefs and is compatible with Christianity ... explain this mumbo-jumbo. I'm convinced that the average blue-lodge mason is so confused with this esoteric / occult wisdom and he's spirit is so stifled, escape may never happen unless he's lead out by the convicting power of the HOLY SPIRIT.(May 16 2011) - The White Hats Report #19
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I knew something didn't look right re: the head of the IMF getting charged with rape - a typical CIA operation. According to this report, CIA Director Leon Penetta is stone-walling the on-going trust settlement payouts and could be running interference for many other trust accounts in which Christopher Story disclosed before they silenced / bagged him. Stay tuned for more on this scam ...(May 16 2011) - AUTHORIZATION FOR WORLD WAR THREE ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well, I ain't very surprised or worried about them New World Order nut-jobs and their demonic depopulation desires, however, I am concerned that the body of Christ in America could be fooled into their devilish dementia, quite like the German Christians were. If, for whatever reason congress grants authorization for WWIII, the tares {Matt 13:25-40} in the Church, will tear the Church apart - again. Pay Attention Pastors !(May 15 2011) - 1988 Congressman Ron Paul Interview
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Over the years Congressman Ron Paul has veered very little in his political beliefs and from all accounts has paid his political dues - not just within Republican party but with TEA party as well, and in my opinion deserves to be the next American President. Here's an early 1988 video interview I thought you'd enjoy. Wouldn't it be great if Dr. Ron Paul would honor Porterville with an appearance ? What do your think ?(May 14 2011) - Military Police Resettlement Manual
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I am thoroughly convinced the 30-something-kids just ain't convinced or concerned that our government is capable of corralling them up into concentration camps or UNDERGROUND FACILITIES. You'd think they'd change their impressions after reading the U.S. Military Police Internment / Resettlement Manual. Nope, they believe these military police procedures are intended for someone else.(May 14 2011) - FOIA Suit Seeking bin Laden Photos & Videos
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Saturday, I attended a republican gathering in the city Tulare with one of PARA's members. At this meeting one of Congressman Nunes' aids was present and I shared with him re: Nunes' viewing of the Osama's photos and how it was appearing he was batting for Obama - opposing the publics right to see these photos. Now a FOIA law suit from Judicial Watch has been filed re: viewing these pictures. To me, this was a very wrong headed decision by Nunes' to announce that he'd seen these pictures and then to agree with Obama saying that the public shouldn't see them either. The question that needs asking is, which public are we really protecting - the muslim public, the Christian public or the corporate public ???(May 11 2011) - Babies given anti-obesity drugs in the womb
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hey, sheeple ! We need some pregnant guinea pigs to run our new drug tests on. We're hoping to create a new medical need so you breeders will have smaller and fewer babies at birth. Once our studies are complete, we'll direct your attention to which pharmaceutical companies that will sell you these smaller sheeple pills. Yep - from the womb to the tomb, this is what your silence is birthing ...(May 11 2011) - Stop This Drug War Congressman Nunes !
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Again I ask - Congressman Nunes ... What are we doing in Afghanistan ? Why are we sending our sons & daughters to die for this DRUG WAR ??? Many individuals are well aware that congress knows the reason and THIS MUST STOP !!! If by chance you can break away from the Kern County Cartel & take a moment to ask your select committee on intel members to look at this, so we can bring our troops home.(May 10 2011) - POLL : Republicans Want a Third Party ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- When you get out and talk with the "decline to state" voters it becomes clear they've bolted from the establishment controlled parties saying, "this was our way of telling those at the top, don't count on us, because we can't count on you." Now, in this Gallup Poll, Republicans are saying they want a third party, something like a TEA Party - and I'll tell you why. Main Street Republicans can't count on Main Stream Republicans - those who represent corporations over the Constitution. THAT'S WHY !!!(May 10 2011) - Satan's Friends Calling Your Cell Phones
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Man-oh-man ! Now we can get terrorists alerts and fear attacks from the White house. Just imagine getting a special silence sound {U.S Patent} speech sent by one of satan's social networking side kicks and CIA Secret Spook - BHO. And one day, you could be fined or jailed if you don't listen to the whole mind-controlling MK-ULTRA / Manchurian message. Yep ! Their working on it kids, cause they know your mind has no firewall without GOD. GOT Jesus ?(May 09 2011) - WHAT THE FINAL EVENT COULD LOOK LIKE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yes, my little non-believers, Wash. D.C. is clandestinely preparing for this possibility. I can remember in the late 50's growing up with a make-shift bomb shelter dug out in my parents back yard. My father, who served in WWII and had a little post-traumatic-Filipino-syndrome, was preparing our entire neighborhood for this Civil Defense possibility, while the rest of us "Cold-War-Kids" practiced for this possibility with our teachers. But today our kids - who have post-traumatic-school-syndrome - can't even see that the anti-Christ's final event is just around the corner.(May 08 2011) - MINORITY REPORT : From The FDA
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now that the "Minority Report" is in place, the Food Czars from the FDA can detain any and every natural food substance if they believe it's adulterated or misbranded - for 30 days !!! Meaning, the FDA will be able to swoop down from Corporate Farming Headquarters to detain, stifle or eliminate any competition. Fresh Garden food will be labeled Bad Food and will no longer be tolerated in Obama's Orwellian Utopia. As draconian, Obama's DPA {PDF} is draining your rights to your water as well. How ya liken' that change now ???(May 06 2011) - How do they know - what we know ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's a thought. What if technology reached a point of no return and their meddling in mind sciences crossed into the very fabric, fiber and future of the human DNA ? What if science was able to time-stamp the human life cycle to an approximate date and time of their death or usefulness ? Would the blue-blood governments black-op these technologies to control, divide or thin out the masses ? Answer : YES !!! Got Jesus ?(May 04 2011) - Kate puts an Illuminati Spell on her Prince
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Conspiracies being what they are, I thought I'd generate one myself. Now here's the question ... What kind of purfume would someone within the ranks of the Illuminati wear for a festive occasion - lets says a royal wedding ??? Answer - "IlluMinum". That's what Prince Williams bride, Kate Middleton wore on their wedding day. And here's the conspiracy - the secret "Kool-Aid" ingrediants will change the DNA of every woman who uses it into an Illuminati spy for the New World Order. What do you think ?(Apr 30 2011) - Davidic Ancestry of Prince William and Harry
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- One thing is for certain, the British Royals have a bloodline "they say" that leads back to King David of Jerusalem. To those who live in the United Kingdom this is a no brainer, but to many westerners it's still mysteriously and masonically shrouded. The Vatican understands what this "End Game Blood Line" is about, as do the Israelites and Muslims. To be sure, this 'End Game' has little to do with governing the masses, but more about inheriting and owning the masses and planet.(Apr 29 2011) - Is SIRHAN SIRHAN Waking Up ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now that I'm retired from CDCR, it's time to say a few things re: political prisoners. YES there are many political prisoners who are locked up ... to shut them up. Those I came in contact with at CSP-Corcoran ended up with various forms or anxiety / psychotic disorders because of this. It was during those times when I was called in as a Licensed Psychiatric Technician to assist these inmates who's behaviors were escalating due to manifold situations, and it was at these mental health moments they opened up and shared their feelings, fantasies and fears. In Sirhan Sirhan's case ...(Apr 28 2011) - " A MIGHTY ONE HAS GONE "
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I as well felt the pain of Pastor David Wilkerson's death. For America he was Christ's consummate Watchman and forbearer of the forlorn in the streets of New York. Establishing so many organizations that reached out to those in need and especially those hooked on drugs and alcohol with Teen Challenge, Brother Wilkerson's influence in the Church or later on in politics will be greatly missed. Good-by Brother Wilkerson, please save me a seat at "The Last Supper" ... Brother LUCKY.(Apr 28 2011) - Most Polluted Cities includes Porterville
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- If you think that somethings in the air that's making you sneeze all the time, you may be right. A recent survey done by State of the Air shows that Visalia & Porterville's air quality is pretty bad - basically polluted. In Porterville we know better and have stated to many EPA authorities, "it's pollution from other cities that gets trapped in Porterville's cul-de-sac ... nestled up against the base of the Sierra Nevadas." Too bad Porterville couldn't fine those other cities for sharing their pollution with us.(Apr 27 2011) - JUST SAY NO TO DRUG WARS !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- That's right, the war in Afghanistan isn't a war about drugs {don't look} it's about ... democracy (sic). Good GOD ALMIGHTY !!! If our so-called founding 'masonic' fathers - who didn't want us engaged in outside wars - saw these pictures, heads would be lopped off. Truth be told, wars have a lot to do with who owns and controls the planet and the people - either the British or Rome. Once the U.S. was "Re-Incorporated" in 1871, "We The People" went back to being ... "We The Colony".(Apr 26 2011) - Down the Rabbit Hole with Double Agents
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- In the EVENT that something goes array at the White House, one can only wonder who you can trust. In the beginning it was fleshed out that Obama had "Strong" connections to the CIA - but so did Bush 41. For the most part this type of rabbit-holing has had a strangle hold on this country since 1913 - when the federal reserve freaks stole America. And according to several sources, including Bill Cooper, no one can trust who's in control of these trusts accounts (#1 Philippines) and (#69 Puerto Rico - The IRS). That should be enough for now ...(Apr 25 2011) - Martial Law in the Land of Confusion
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- As one of GOD's Watchman - who watches and prays over our City - I can tell you this. Last year GOD's HOLY SPIRIT let me know that the "Evil Ones" were coming. Six months later HE said they were here - meaning that there's been a demonic changing of the guard over America and especially California due to what's coming. Part two has yet to be revealed, but since the paperwork for Martial Law is in place, I'm pretty sure the "Evil Ones" are standing in the (left) wings readying the conditions for total confusion and control. GOT JESUS ?(Apr 24 2011) - WHY CHRISTIANS CELEBRATE EASTER
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- If you missed the reason "Why We Celebrate Easter" - then you've missed the point all together and regretfully the opportunity for SALVATION ! Please take the time this weekend and consider why CHRIST Died of The CROSS and Rose again. We call this "The RESSURECTION" and it's why Christians have HOPE and Celebrate. Watch this video closely and thoroughly. It may save your life and soul from eternal death.(Apr 22 2011) - Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This weekend when you get through with all of your easter activities, do yourself a favor, turn off that infernal T.V. and watch this video about Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy. I know it's a bit lengthy, but it's well worth your time to watch. Oh ! And BTW make your kids watch it before these secret societies steal their souls. Remember ... "Time slips into Eternity when Time is Wasted".(Apr 21 2011) - PARA to hold Special Meeting Thursday
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Thursday, April 21st the Porterville Area Republican Assembly will be hosting a Special Meeting at the PIZZA FACTORY - 897 Henderson Ave. Our guest speaker will be James Henderson, Chairman of the Tulare County Republican Central Committee. Mr. Henderson will update PARA about the central committee's activities, what PARA can do to increase voter registration. President Lucketta will also share a bit about the CRA Convention in Sacramento. The meeting starts at 6 PM. For more info call 784-PARA.(Apr 18 2011) - RADIATION FALLOUT : Better Safe than Sorry
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- TOP SECRET : Most of the time when you see these words, you veer away because you want those who are keeping these secrets to know that you are a good little citizen and will obey their commands, even if it cost you or your family their liberties or life ... Right ? Well in this case "Better Safe than Sorry" is the motive for the day, so you better watch this video re: RADIATION FALLOUT.(Apr 17 2011) - Big Sis Getting T.V Reality Show ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yep ... it ain't enough that the government can track us from every form of electronic device known to mankind, they now want you to WATCH and OBEY their new reality show. And trust me on this one, all of their ELF's "Extreme Low Frequency" machines will be running full boar, adjusting the high definition / frequency on your digital T.V.'s and fine tuning the ELF's - which are associated with your ULF/ELF brainwave activity.(Apr 17 2011) - DHS' : OPERATION END GAME
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Ok, lets just say that ICE comes through and deports the illegal immigrants by 2012. Now there's just one problem left ... American's. It's inconceivable to me that ICE would go away after this mass deportation and after mass producing their "Detainee Handbooks" in Spanish and English. I'm willing to bet ICE will be recruited by the FEMA's Fusion Centers to remove and or relocate those who still believe in GOD, the Bible and the Constitution.(Apr 16 2011) - Donald's Deal with the Devil - A Democrat
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Donald Trump is already on the "Hit Parade of Hypocrites". As ringers go, "DT" gives me the DT's - knowing he's ringer for the RINO's. Conservative main-frames within the party have done their homework on this RINO. Listen ... TRUMP will use what ever means possible to secure a seat at the RNC Convention. And don't forget what he said about Congressman Ron Paul's 2012 bid for the White House, "... he ain't got a chance." Can you hear the Bells Ringing Now ???(Apr 15 2011) - Wall Street Women got a Bail Out
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- BAIL OUT MONEY ! What Bail Out Money ? The money that the feds gave these Wall Street women from the TARP funds - I'm here to tell ya - won't be paid back. This Rolling Stone article is gonna cause some more heads to roll and more banks to shut down. People are hard pressed already and to see that the feds gave these Morgan Stanley mother's money is Criminal - to say the least.(Apr 15 2011) - Term limits for Congress ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Back in January the Porterville Area Republican Assembly conducted a street survey about TERM LIMITS and much to Congressman Devin Nunes surprise, 100 of the 107 people from the streets of Porterville said they favored term limits. As startling was Nunes' Negative Numbers re: name recognition. This results of this survey was presented to his aids at a speaking event and his office.(Apr 15 2011) - Porterville Tea Party Protest at the Park!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- If you need a reason to join the Porterville Tea Party Patriots " TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY " special event this Friday - at Centennial Park across the street from City Hall - here's just a few. The disease of income taxes, I've always said, cannot be cured without major surgery. And the surgeons must be todays tax payers - not the tax collectors or the bankers. See you Friday, April 15th at 11:00 AM.(Apr 13 2011) - Libya: All about oil or all about banking ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Knowing where the WWII Gold is located was half the battle for the CIA's merchants of war. Part two is to quickly establish a new set of rules, regulations, codes, laws or treaties. Part three is positioning a new puppet dictator that can be controlled. Part four is relocating and smelting the gold, like Bush did in Paraguay. Part five, where will obama stash his booty of gold - since China still wants to be paid off in gold ?(Apr 13 2011) - UN to give 'Mother Earth' same rights as humans
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just when you thought that those tree huggers couldn't get any more buggy - their friends at the U.N. drafted some new treaties that protect bugs ! Yes-in-deedy. If you get caught with a can of bug spray, odds are you'll end up in an administrative proceeding with the Ministry of Mother Earth - a court for bugs, trees and everything environmental.(Apr 13 2011) - FBI Raids Chuck E. Cheese
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like the friendly folks at the FBI finally found a lot of rats using counterfeit currency. Where and who you ask ? At Chuck E. Cheese. Yes, I've been there many times with my children and grandchildren and I had concerns with those tokens. Somehow I kinda thought those pizza people were breaking the law with those cheesy tokens. Anyway, I feel better knowing that my tax dollars were spent on a sting operation that targeted those token terrorists. GIVE ME A BREAK !!!(Apr 10 2011) - Global banking system runs on cocaine money!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Finally, another journalist out there in media-land fesses-up {video} that the banking industry has been laundering drug money. Back when the Post first covered this issue {video} we received many e-mails doubting this issue. Now it's as plane as the power on their banking noses. They're addicted to drug profits, regardless of the consequences to the country or the penalties imposed from the government. DRUGS are the NUMBER ONE BUSINESS on the planet - bar none !(Apr 07 2011) - Deadly new superbug raises fears of spreading
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Suuuuuuuuuuure the waters bad ... and GOD forgive us if we assume that this "Mystery Gene" that got in the water supply, got there all by it's self. Nooooooooooo ... that's the last thing any honest person would think. And, yeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss ... we trust the government to find a remedy - I mean they've already located "New Anti-Biotic" drug that we can take or be immunized with. Bottom's up kids ...(Apr 07 2011) - Obama friend arrested for soliciting sex in Hawaii
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Wanna see something funny ? Watch how fast "Barry-O" ditches "Dicky Titcomb" - his sports buddy from Hawaii. As far as the main-spew media is concerned this ain't a cover story, cause Titcomb's ties to Barry-O hasn't been fleshed out ... just yet. So, if that undercover cop ain't deep six'n it by the time this case gets to court, ole' Dicky's gonna take it in the shorts from ole' Barry ... in the back 9. Ouch !!!(Apr 06 2011) - Never Ever Mess With Mom
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just in case you think you can't - you can. One of our on-line staff members sent this link to the Post to remind our readers that black dogs can be dealt with. Whenever a mother get wind that her child is being held down or stomped on, she will quickly transform into "Super Mom" and save the day. Thanks, G.T. LOL ...(Apr 05 2011) - EPA to raise limits for radiation exposure ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hey, lets tell the world that we are dumping our radioactive water into the see like BP oil executives tell the folks in the Gulf Coast. Most of public will go along with "EPA's PR" saying, "it's all being absorbed into the sea" and will simply look the other way, or change the channel. They can't really do anything about it any way. Really ... where are they going to go ? Who are they gonna believe - their pastors ? LOL ...(Apr 05 2011) - UN, Hotbed of New Age Satanism
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Amazing ! Those masters-of-deception masons who aren't free claim that most wars are started as religious wars. So what do they do ? They set out to de-religionize all religions - especially Christianity - by forging a united nations world religion, where everyone can do their own thing in satan's New World Order. Remember, what Paul the Apostle said in 2 Cor. 2:11 vs 13-15 re: following angels of light. Don't believe it and don't receive it !!!(Apr 05 2011) - Prince William's Davidic Ancestry : Exposed
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Thanks to our on-line staff, here's a better link to the Davidic Ancestry of Prince William. For years I've studied the genealogies of the Kings & Queens, albiet "Blue-Bloods" through out the world and their secret blood-lines - granting them titles, inheriting Kingdoms and countries. To be sure, the "Blue-Bloods" will be factored in the "Blood-Baths" in last days and of course they'll assist the anti-Christ in his rise to power. Stay tuned ... Prince Williams marriage to Kate Middleton is set on the eve of Beltane, an occult high holy day, and incorporate other faiths in their ceremony.(Apr 03 2011) - Tweaking the Climate to Save It: Who Decides ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like our blue sky's will be turning gray with ton's of metal - mostly aluminum & barium to protect us humans from good ole' Mr. Sun Shine. The problem with the governments downloading their geo-engineered gobbledygook on us humans, animals, minerals and vegetables are the long range ENVIRONMENTAL implications !!! And yes, they've weighed that out come and decided it's all expendable in order to ... save their planet.(Apr 03 2011) - Supreme Court protecting prosecutors
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- And so it goes - the right to enter into a court of law ... evidence that would prove your innocents, is no longer a right. In this supreme court case, protecting the prosecutors is the new high road that the high court followed. Forget about the Constitution, the supreme court 'IS' the supreme law of the land and whatever they say - is the law. And so it goes - all of your Rights emanating from GOD.(Apr 02 2011) - FDA says You Have NO CONSUMER RIGHTS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hey ... if we say it's okay to eat processed dirt, weeds or hormonal meat, then that's what you're gonna eat. You, as a consumer have NO RIGHTS to eat what you want. You as a producer have NO RIGHTS to produce natural foods which consumers want ... unless we - the FDA - give you the right. So, go back to your little suburban shacks, shut up like stupid sheep, eat what we authorize and die. We don't need you consuming our planet any more ... signed, The Elite.(Apr 02 2011) - Methodist Church Suiciding over Koran
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This self imposed suicide mission by the Methodist Church is what the mental health community calls border-line personality disorder. I'm here to tell you, if this is where being politically correct is going, it's all but over. The body of Christ cannot appease anti-Christian beliefs assuming that one day they will change their Christian hating behavior. And lets be Biblically clear about this, your continued silence will not convert those practicing islam - the Word of God will ! Got it ?(Mar 31 2011) - Emotion detection research shown to DHS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Oh sure, that's what you say, but we've recorded your intent and you know ... machines don't lie. So, with all due to respect your Honor, the DHS argues that the defendant - the American Public - can no longer be trusted to testify for themselves in this or any other case. We respectfully ask the judge to consider the crime of perjury ... since machines don't lie. ALERT ALERT ALERT : This case hasn't happened yet - but trust me - they're manufacturing, patenting and micro-waving multiple mind-manipulating machines at mach-speed. Got JESUS ?(Mar 29 2011) - Is Project Blue beam the Grand Deception ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Years ago, I had a private meeting with Norio Hayakawa and of course Bill Cooper {pic}, re: PROJECT BLUE BEAM and at that time information was sparse and witnesses were few - Norio was one. Anyway, please consider this VIDEO re: the possibility that a Man-Made 3D Spiritual-Experience "False Hologram" from the sky could become very real ... very soon. Army Research Lab Document : PDF(Mar 25 2011) - "Black-Op" Patriots and Patches
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You know that those "Black-Op Patriots" who work for secret agencies & societies have a hard time working in the light of day ? So, presented for your approval, the many patches & insignia's of "Beelzebub's Black-Heart Patriots" who surrendered their souls for "Below-Ground" security clearances - protecting, not the Constitution that protects American's but satan's so-called "second stringer" - the antichrist / false prophet.(Mar 25 2011) - Nunes' Congressional district will be changing
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Sure-enough looks like East Side Politicians from California are demographically due for a change. According to the Sacramento Bee, Congressman Devin "No-Show" Nunes' district increased in population by 11.6%, giving him cause for concern in the next election cycle. In all likelihood more democrats will be added to his area and our guess is that's why Rudy Mendoza {an 'ex-dem' from Woodlake} was brought on board as a field representative to deal with these democrats.(Mar 24 2011) - 'Superbug' spreading to So/Cal hospitals
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- How about we tell you about a new super bug, that - thankfully - we've confined to many hospitals through out the U.S. ? But don't you worry your little head non, we know how to deal with this Fort Detrick kinda' killer. We'll just release this super bug into the atmosphere at the right time and the radiation from Japan - as it crosses over America - will simply fry it. GOT JESUS ?(Mar 24 2011) - CIA's Facebook program cuts agency's costs
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hey ... we finally found the CIA Director, Leon Penetta. Please take a moment to update your profile(s) on Facebook. The CIA is saving a lot of money by logging into your "Private & Secure" accounts. Shucks, you might as well call them and give them your codes for bank account(s) - since they already use your "FREE" social info to hack through your computer(s) ... thank you Bill Gates.(Mar 24 2011) - America has world's most progressive income tax
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Gee ... is there any wonder why there's growing a T.E.A Party ? Americans are "Taxed Enough Already" and to put it bluntly, we don't have permission from GOD to sell our children and our grand children to the New World Order as slaves to pay off a nebulous, albeit nefarious banking debt . And if I remember correctly, you have to sign legal documents to be a party to any business transaction - private or public.(Mar 22 2011) - Corrupt Immigration Attorney Gets 17 Years
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Oh come on now, you mean to tell me it's illegal for ICE attorneys to take illegal money to illegally process illegal aliens paperwork to illegally entitle them to obtain legal services and monies ? That seems a bit far-fetched to me. Maybe when illegal alien Pedro Ramirez, student Body President from Fresno State, has some time, he can illegally drive down to L.A. and illegally address this horrible case of mis-justice.(Mar 21 2011) - ATF gunwalking scandal: 2nd agent speaks
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's the back up plan guys ... we will make the drug cartels think we are working with them to get rid of their competition and then tell the public - if those ATF guns show up - that we did this to track those guns. We'll also tell the public - if need be - that it was some rogue agent(s) that tipped off the drug cartels. Hopefully the DHS public relations folks will side with us - since they agreed to sponsor this little guns for drugs deal. BTW, where is the CIA's Drug Running Director Leon E. Panetta ?(Mar 20 2011) - Declassified MK-ULTRA Project Documents
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like it's time to crack another brick in the wall. Listen Christians, if you can click here and read through this vast collection of declassified MK-ULTRA documents and still believe that the government in Wash D.C. has your best interest in mind, then ... "your mind" has already been hived. You must repent ASAP or suffer the same consequence as the tares in your lukewarm churches.(Mar 20 2011) - Florida Judge orders Muslims to follow sharia law
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Another day, another victory for sharia law in America. Listen sheeple, if you had a real relationship with the LORD, you wouldn't be angry at me for telling the truth, you'd be angry at your passive and placating pastors for not telling you the truth. But no ... you're more interested in shading your little light - inside of your little church boxes - rather than exposing the truth with the "LIGHT of CHRIST".(Mar 19 2011) - NSA Helping Microsoft With Windows 7 Security
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Every now and then we need a little reminder that what you look at and say on the internet is closely monitored and recorded and by your "Intel Inside" and "Intel Outside" friends. A special thanks goes out to the Post's on-line staff for sending us this little link - reminding us WHY you should curb your info on those social networks that you log-on to.(Mar 18 2011) - Obama's Intellectual Property Enforcement
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yep, the clamps are coming. One day you'll be sent an e-mail from someone - you may or may not know - and to view it you have to open a document. In that document is a registered trademark - of some kind - and you respond to the e-mail sender, making you, according to the Obama's White Paper on Intellectual Property Laws ... a criminal. Now the DHS will have the authority to wiretap your computer(s). How covertly convenient. American's are set up again by those secret agencies, who are controlled by those secret societies - satan's unspeakable sidekicks.(Mar 17 2011) - PARA to hold special GOLD & SILVER meeting
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This evening at 6pm the Porterville Area Republican Assembly will be having a special "Political Pot-Luck" meeting at the PIZZA FACTORY - 897 Henderson Ave. Tonight is your night to speak out re: your concerns and how PARA can possibly help. As important, we will be launching our PETITION DRIVE to encourage the City of Porterville to adopt additional codes / laws that will allow the usage of Gold & Silver in Porterville as legal tender once more. Tonight will be historic ! 784-PARA(Mar 16 2011) - Scientists Project Path of Radiation Plume
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- HEY, Pay Attention - Radiation Fall-Out from Japan will be at the West Coast by Friday. Most, if not all of the Potassium Iodide has been bought in Porterville, so get down to the local hardware store and BUY DUCT TAPE to seal the windows of your homes and cars. My guess is those folks who have radioactive detection equipment will post their findings on the internet this weekend - since our government won't. So, stay tuned, stay safe and stay close to GOD ...(Mar 14 2011) - 7th Fleet moves ships, radiation detected
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- In all likelihood, this report from the U.S. Navy might be one of the last reports we may see for sometime. I'm willing to bet that someone from the Pentagon will put the clamps on any future press releases, making sure that the public from the west coast won't panic, leave their homes and jobs and head further east. Congressman Devin Nunes should respond to the safety concerns of his constituents ASAP. Please call his Visalia office at (559) 733-3861. {More}{More}(Mar 14 2011) - Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Lets just complicate the "End of the World" predictions a little more. One of our readers sent me this link and video and asked, "Does this change the Mayan Calendar from 2012 to 2011 ?" My answer, sent back to him was ... "If I was an insider and knew what the real dates for some of these catastrophes were, I'd keep that to myself as well. So, let's keep an ear on the rails and our hearts close to JESUS CHRIST. Our LORD told us to watch for these end time events in Matthew Chapter 24."(Mar 12 2011) - Was Japan's tsunami caused by HAARP ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like HAARP's Weather Warriors claimed another client, JAPAN - who was non-compliant. Thanks to Post's on-line staff - who sent us this video link, the possibility of Japan's 8.9 earthquake just might be man-made, and we must look into this. BTW, scientists consider all the data when formulating a hypothesis and so we kindly ask you to do the same before your defense mechanisms dive into denial.(Mar 11 2011) - DOD, Governors Bridge Gaps in Disaster Response
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yep, here's another layer of bureaucracy, namely - The Council of Governors - which created another layer of national defense, designed to control the out come [ of ] ... a controlled crisis. I just wonder, does Porterville's school curriculum teach our children that their futures are up for grabs by satan's New World Order nut jobs ? Do our teachers even care anymore ? Just as horrific, do our mothers and dads care ? GOD, please forgive us for our sins of omission - looking the other way - and convict us to stand up for TRUTH. Our children deserve a chance at freedom.(Mar 08 2011) - WILL YOU TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- In this CFR article, you can sense that satan's secret "Blue-Lodge" plans for stamping every child on the planet with the mark of the beast is getting closer. As noted in this article, satan's shadow governments are falling behind with the New World Order's agenda for his "Blue-Bloods". Now, they'll push harder for "Plan C" - Chemtrailing the Earth, to "Plan D" - Depopulation the Earth, and finally "Plan E" - setting the stage to "SAVE THE EARTH".(Mar 07 2011) - Turn Austerity into Prosperity - Own a Bank
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- TO BIG TO FAIL vs TO LAZY TO LISTEN : For years the Bank of North Dakota has out smarted the feds by establishing their own state bank - which, by-the-way, is DEBT FREE !!! As editor of the Porterville Post, I've always encouraged this as a way "OUT" and have always encouraged local and state politicians to consider this as a way "UP". Non-the-less, their laziness to listen encourages more banking failures, more banking foreclosures, and more banking wars !!!(Mar 05 2011) - VIDEO : CORPORATION NATION
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Are ya getting tired of their silly shell game ? You know the one where government agents say there's no such thing as a corporate government and the banks say they're all bankrupt and need those federal reserve notes to control "THE DEBT" on their balance sheets which their computers won't balance. Dude ... these agencies bank on your silence and your "Declined to State" position at the polls. Listen, Conservatives and Tea Party Patriots ... you need to get back in THE GAME !(Mar 04 2011) - The Mystery of the Golden Calf
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I gotta say guys, I've followed many prophecy teachers and those that attempt to divine the dates and times of CHRIST Return or the Rapture, get dinged up pretty good when "Their Day Approaches". In other words, way too many preachers in the prophecy business of selling prophecy books and the like have shorted the Saints on the Second Coming ... "Countless Times". However, J.R. Church has an interesting take on the tribulation and I think "GOD's Watchmen" need to watch and weigh Church's astrological assertions. Let me know what you think ...(Mar 04 2011) - GOT AN UNDERGROUND BUNKER ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well, many of your representatives have access to them. This company called American Reassurance Communities has been building underground bunkers for years and it's pretty much too late for us to get one - unless our kind and generous government will give us a "Green Pass" to obtain one at a lower cost or to be allowed access to their little hide-a-ways ... when wormwood trys to wiggle through again. GOT JESUS ?(Mar 03 2011) - Manchurian Muslims in Porterville ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Look, I know you believe in JESUS CHRIST, but when was the last time your Church had an outreach to muslins in Porterville. They have a plan and part of that plan is to use your sheeple like behavior to convert you, your family and friends into their shariah law. I am pretty sure that the pastors from the Porterville Area Ministerial Association have no plan to combat Islam. Porterville's police department may have a plan, {no one saying} but a better question is - do you ??? If by chance this upset your little spirit - GOOD ! Then get off your pews and get to work. And don't e-mail me any more about your fears !!! E-Mail your pastors ...(Mar 01 2011) - Can geoengineering freeze global warming ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Look ... up in the sky, it's a plane, it's a bird, no ... it's CAPTAIN CHEMTRAIL. Able to block killer rays from the sun with a single pass with his super-secret jet, CAPTAIN CHEMTRAIL geoengineers the plant daily, making sure that global warming is kept at bay. Soon, CAPTAIN CHEMTRAIL will land and shower the globe with new outer space laws and scientists - so we can worship them for saving good ole' mother-earth. I think I'm gonna puke. Please watch this VIDEO !!!(Feb 28 2011) - Child brain scans to pick out future criminals
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Ah, yes ... we found the "criminal gene" in these little humans and now - thanks to BIG PHARMA - we can dope them up to make sure that they won't commit any crimes in the future. Soon, we will find the "guilt gene" and we'll dope these fragile folks up - leaving GOD without a job. However, we've been advised that politicians who weren't pre-diagnosed with the "lying gene" may be exempt from any mandatory drug therapy.(Feb 27 2011) - DHS Checking DNA "before your Board" ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Dear Sheeple, Please be advised that your DNA will be collected and your genealogy will be analyzed for future re-productive possibilities. Since you carelessly pro-create, causing environmental damage, your reproductive license will be suspended and your LCC - life credit calculations - will be reduced by 25 percentage points. Please report to soylent green square at Free Town before 2022. Listen Folks - don't think they won't go that far. They've got the technology and they want to use it ... to reduce the population. WAKE UP !!!(Feb 27 2011) - Another 'National Emergency Order' by Obama
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like big brothers banking buddie - barry o - just closed shop on Qaddafi. Most of the time when these pupet dictators get too close to the truth re: oil, drugs diamonds or banking, they get the boot. Qaddafi's CIA funds, in all actuality, were the monies that obama was told to freeze / steal / conceal in this executive order. BTW, his secret CIA funds in Switzerland was froze as well.(Feb 26 2011) - CIA Spy Caught Aiding Taliban in Pakistan
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I've said this for some time now ... "secret agencies protect the governments, secret societies protect the bloodlines, and it's the bankers responsibility to finance both to keep the people in the dark and at bay." When the serfs storm the castles - wars mysteriously break out. Leaders are put down and nations change hands. In the case of Raymond Davis - the CIA got caught stirring up another conflict ... to protect Israel - the King of Bloodlines and England - the Queen of Bloodlines. Do a little research Christians, this might help you make it through the tribulation.(Feb 25 2011) - Congressman McFadden on the Federal Reserve
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- In 1913 America's sovereignty was surrendered to a group of private bankers called the federal reserve. Up until now, few congressman from Washington have attempted to right this wrong. Congressman Ron Paul wants an audit, which is great. However what Congressman Louis T. McFadden did do in 1933 was bring formal charges of treason against the fed - something that must be done today. Maybe Congressman Nunes will shed his hooks from Kevin McCarthy's Kern County Cartel and file charges against these banksters ???(Feb 25 2011) - London Stock Exchange Hit by Technical Glitch
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You'd think by now that these established stock exchanges - especially in London - would have firewalls in their computer systems that would keep satan himself out. But NOOOOO !!! Computer glitches make a lot money for insiders and best of all, they can create another crisis, driving stocks up or down ... depending how you place your bets. One thing's for sure ... someone's suppose to loose this shell game.(Feb 25 2011) - California's linked to immigration enforcement net.
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Ok, so one day you're verbally threatened by an illegal alien and you call the cops. Next, you file a report, show up at court to make sure the authorities don't loose this criminal and then ICE could do a drive-by to pick up this illegal immigrant and haul them back to their country of origin ? FINALLY ! Where do we sign up ? Is there any bounty or finders fees ? I know where hundred's of these criminals live - PORTERVILLE ! This concept could save California ... LOL.(Feb 24 2011) - Foolish Faith - Fails the Flocks
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- No doubt, these week-minded ministers want their "watered-down-wittness" to be admired by muslins who worship and pray to their moon-god ... allah. This tolerant view of Christianity is an abomination by islam, so why in the name of CHRIST do these preachers and teachers tolerate the worship of this false god on their premise ? ANSWER ... because their foolish faith failed their flock and no doubt some NWO "Fez-Head Freemason" encouraged this Laodicean practice. PASTORS WAKE UP AND SAY SOMETHING !!!(Feb 23 2011) - Cut Benefits to Bankers, Not Public Services
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now here's a "PLAN B" that congress needs to implement before they shut down the government. This video is simple to understand, even our legislators can follow this simple video. But NOOOOOOO ... they're afraid of the banks and so they'd rather pass the buck, I mean pass the bill, onto the America tax payers - who are Taxed Enough Already !!! GOT TEA ?(Feb 21 2011) - H.G. Wells : THE NEW WORLD ORDER
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Again, for those who've turned a blind eye from H.G. Wells utterings and prognostications regarding the The New World Order ... shame on you. Blindness may beg forgiveness at the feet of Christ, but steady silence shall severe your soul from the family of GOD and possibly HIS Grace. Today, YOU MUST REPENT !!! Today you must awake !!! Today you must assemble !!! Or surely all will be lost. See you at the Tea Party meeting - Monday Night Feb 21st at Charlie's restaurant.(Feb 19 2011) - FEMA'S FREE VACATION GET-A-WAYS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So your still worried that when you retire you won't be able to take that long over due vacation. Well the DHS and FEMA want you to know one thing, even though the economy is in the crapper, they promise to TAKE YOU on an extended stay at one of their exclusive FUSION CENTERS, right after the summer riots ... financed {of course} by your social security investment money, making you entitled for that little get-a-way. Isn't it nice to know that some of your investment money didn't all go to bankers ?(Feb 18 2011) - POLL : TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Early in January of 2011, the Porterville Area Republican Assembly commissioned a local poll regarding congressional term limits - an idea and belief held dearly by the California Republican Assembly. Included in this survey - which was conducted from Feb. 1st -> Feb. 12th 2011 and POLLED 107 PEOPLE from the Porterville area - were four questions concerning Congressman Devin Nunes. Those questions were ...(Feb 17 2011) - GETTING READY FOR TEA PARTY III
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- On Thursday Feb 17th 2011, Al Watts from the Porterville Tea Party will be sharing with the Porterville Area Republican Assembly what their plans and events are for 2011. Additionally, you'll get a first hand look at Congressman Devin Nunes "negative poll numbers" for the Porterville area, plus Assemblywoman Connie Conways ratings from the CRA's Score-Card. The "Assembly" on Feb 17th is FREE & OPEN to the public. It starts at 6:00pm and it's located at Helping Hands {135 East Olive}. For more info please call (559) 784-PARA.(Feb 14 2011) - How to Pay the Debt and Make Friends Overseas
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now that we know that the assets within our agencies have admitted that they cannot protect America from WMD - I suggest we get rid of these WAR MONGERING MACHINES by shutting them all down. Many, if not all, are corrupt and just do the bidding of banks, while creating CIA Wars for CFR's Corporations. Now, Senator John Kerry has to go to Pakistan to retrieve one of the companies gunman, Raymond Davis.(Feb 14 2011) - Merscorp Lacks Right to Transfer Mortgages
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just as many of us warned, Merscorp Inc. - the bankers side-of-hand show - is a business scam and now it is judged to be that as well ... by a judge. And get this, the media {except Bloomberg} is in a tail spin over this action, because .... they've been told that the reporting of this victory could cause the housing market to crash. Get on this folks. Call your morgage company and get your homes back.(Feb 13 2011) - ONLY BREED SMART BABIES
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here it comes ... one day, if we're still alive, governments will grant licenses to private industry to genetically modify your child's brain before birth. Shoot, they'll even give you a choice of IQ scores and certify the outcome. Now that's "Outcome Based Education." The need for schools and colleges will all but vanish. And best of all, the elite can now trust the people ... whom they've re-modified, re-educated, re-named and re-numbered. WAKE YOUR PEOPLE UP PASTORS !!!(Feb 09 2011) - Where did all the sea food go ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- One of the best kept secrets / stories that the main-spew media has conspired / constrained to the back burners of British Petroleum - is the on-going GULF OIL SPILL TRAGEDY. However, one of the best on-line web sites that's been keeping close tabs on this charade is www.floridaoilspilllaw.com. Make sure you read it daily. Their lives and livelihoods are basically gone, like the fresh fish and sea food ...(Feb 07 2011) - Mandatory Arabic Classes Coming ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Pay attention folks, here's another example of masonic tolerance - gone to seed. They've publicized in masonic literature, their secular educational views re: separation of church and state. However, the inner cults of masonic-ism calls for a "Blending of Beliefs" ... forming a New World Order Religion, led and directed by their spirit guides that they've conjured up in their secret rituals while cir-cum ambulating - very much like Gardnerian and Alexandrian witchcraft. Does that make the mayor of Porterville a practitioner of witchcraft ? To Know One - Ask One ...(Feb 07 2011) - Emergency alerts tested by President
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like the FCC and FEMA is one step closer to mandatory marching orders. Much like the sirens from the classic movie, "The Time Machine" you'll be advised to goose-step-it into the secret bowels of some innocuous inner sanctum for your supposed safety. And get this, the POTUS can sound that alarm as well and soon "YOU WILL BE TESTED" ... Not the System.(Feb 04 2011) - TSA workers granted collective bargaining rights
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like those TSA THUGS just got unionized. That means they'll have collective thug-like superpowers and they'll have super powerful pensions. But ... but ... isn't that one of the reasons why our economy is in the crapper - giving these government give-me give-me groups benefits that we can no longer afford ??? Someone needs to contact Congressman Devin Nunes (559) 733-3861 and explain this to him.(Feb 03 2011) - Salaries & Retirement for COP & Police
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's what Porterville's city employees and police make and the rates of their retirement plans. Most of Porterville's city employees get a good salary and a retirement plan - most at 2.7% and the police retirement plan is listed 3.0%, equaling what many cops in California get. Just thought you'd like to know. Maybe, we can elect some new folks to the city council that will "Performance Rate" the police and if they do not cause law suits - that the tax payers of Porterville have to cough up - then maybe we can honor that very very high retirement plan of 3.0%. What do you think ???(Feb 03 2011) - The Mormon primary: Romney vs Huntsman
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here we go again. This time the new ringer for the republicans is gonna be Huntsman - another mormon. If you remember, Romney pulled a lot of supporters away from Congressman Ron Paul in the 2008 election sweeping obama into the white house. Yes ... the LDS Neo-Cons in the CIA wanted obama rather than Congressman Ron Paul ... just so the country could be hanging "by-a-thread" and saved "by-a-mormon". This is what happens when you tolerate a masonic cult called mormonism !!! I wonder who City Councilman Brian Ward will vote for ???(Feb 01 2011) - Michigan schools submits to Islamic students
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- How do you like all this Masonic Tolerance now ? That's right, your friendly little freemasons have been led to believe their view of religious tolerance is the correct view - the New World Order view. Just last week I confronted a "Fez-Head" from Porterville's 303 and told him that GOD didn't like their NWO agenda and if Washington were alive today he'd kick all of you out of the lodge and throw you all in jail for treason. It was the masons who secularized Christian America and in 1933 they engraved on the back of the federal reserve notes - "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM". Thank you mayor and FREEMASON Ron Irish for allowing this secularization. You really need to send in your demit as a member of the lodge or allow the media to attend all of your secret back-door meetings. That way we know for sure you're not violating the brown act ... any more.(Feb 01 2011) - Proposed law requires citizens to purchase guns
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- If noting else, I like this South Dakota Representative Hal Wick's (R) moxie and I like the fact that he's proving a point by using absurdity - Rush Lingo - to demonstrate absurdity. Imagine, if you will, the rest of the states picking up on this legislation and "bada-bing bada-bang" we just might tip the second amendment scale back in the "Right Direction".(Jan 29 2011) - I can't buy local: I don't live in China !
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- GOT FOOD ? For the most part, that's what folks ask when their economy's in the toilet. Many are recording that's what led to many revolts in Arab countries - including Egypt. Africa was in the tank years ago, as China is currently buying that nation (And America) for pennies on the dollar, I'm sorry yuan. Moral of this paragraph, BUY FOOD NOW ! The local food pantries and churches are empty. At best they have 2 - 3 days supplies. Most of the food reserves will be directed to big cities - per FEMA. That's a fact. I PRAY THAT I AM WRONG !!!(Jan 27 2011) - TODAY SHOW 1994 : What's the Internet ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just remember folks, it was these T.V. news-creatures who couldn't tell you what the internet was. Someone "off camera" had to explained it to these talking heads. And these socialists shills are still on T.V. pandering to the public. Worse yet, you still turn your T.V's on and obey these buffoons and buy their baloney. Time's a wasting and GOD's a wondering ... "Who you gonna Believe" ?(Jan 24 2011) - FOOD FREEDOM BETRAYAL !
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Have ya looked at the food shelves at the stores lately ? There getting' kinda' thin and this year America will feel the food pinch more than usual. And don't blame the farmers ! For years they've done all they could to put food on our tables, only to be over-regulated by congress, over-ruled by the courts, out-sourced by corporate farms and conned by climate criminals ... chem-trailing the sky's to control the weather. GOT FOOD ? Thank a Farmer. GOT CONNED ? Thank a "CON"-gressman.(Jan 24 2011) - Congress considers cutting U.N. funds
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I couldn't agree more. Not only should we stop funding the U.N.'s human rights programs, we need to stop funding the U.N. all together. This organization has been a cancer to the freedoms of peoples all over the planet and is corrupt to the core. Marxist and Leninist' infiltrated this communist collective from the beginning. And now it's time to pull the plug on these thugs.(Jan 24 2011) - Russian Cruise Missiles in America?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just when you thought that your tax dollars were at work - protecting America - another story reveals how inept our security agencies really are ... or are they ??? Maybe, just maybe, the higher ups at DHS knew about these missiles and wanted another reason to increase their strangle hold on America's remaining freedoms ? My guess is our secret agencies are still squabbling with our security agencies re: jurisdictions, running guns, drugs, and blackmailing off-shore bank accounts.(Jan 23 2011) - Hawaii's Guv Can't Find the Birth Certificate
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here we go again. Now the Governor from Hawaii can't find "Barry's Birth Certificate" ... even though he stated publicly that he was going to prove that obama was born in Hawaii. Here's the next step for those "Republicans" in Hawaii. Recall that dumber-than-dirt democrat and get control of Hawaii. You'd think those conservative Mormons who politically control Hawaii and brag about how good they are with genealogy would have seen this coming. (YouTube)(Jan 23 2011) - FEMA's GOT YOUR HOUSING READY
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Don't ya just love how the government is spending all of your money making plans to LOCK YOU UP in their "MILITARY INTERNMENT CENTER" in the event that something catastrophic happens ? Yeah, I thought you'd love their little plan. Now, call your Congress-Weasel and tell him you're not ok with this un-American activity and let him know it's his job to protect us ... not lock us up.(Jan 23 2011) - FEMA's GOT YOUR FOOD !
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The Post, for some time now, has been 'Preparing Porterville" for any catastrophic Possibility, planned or unplanned - mostly because the "Word of GOD" alerts us of these Armageddon type anonymities and second, because the U.S. Government is doing the same. FEMA, we understand, is in the process of purchasing 140 million prepackaged meals, in the event they need them. And after they buy what's left ... what will you do to survive ??? Got Jesus ?(Jan 21 2011) - SODOMITES SECURE BIRTH RIGHTS ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You know that the new law says you can have one heterosexual child and the next one has to be a homosexual child - that's the law ... or it could be in about 20 years. Believe it or not, sodomites want science to change the sexual orientation of their off-spring. According to this article, homosexuals may push this envelope - but I'm sure by 2030 America may be in such depravity that the issue will be moot - because Christians "Spiritual Orientation" and "DNA" dwindled in their dead Churches. Wake Your People Up Pastors !!! This one's on you ...(Jan 20 2011) - FAA WARNINGS NEAR BERMUDA TRIANGLE ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- First they said the magnetic north on your compass was moving around - again - making it a little hard to land planes in Tampa. Now FAA's saying that this area is going to be electronically effected again but this time the DoD is flippin' their little secret switches - basically jammin' your GPS signals. I kinda think their getting' ready to throw some big mind-blowin' switches soon. Possibly testing "Project Blue-Beam" near the "Bermuda Triangle" where flight instruments act funny and things kinda disappear for a while. [MORE](Jan 19 2011) - SCOTUS Landmark Decision: Constitution is Void
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Constitution, what Constitution ? We're the supreme law of the land, at least that's what the SCOTUS decision emulated in denying a petition re: corrupt judges from lower courts. And the main-spew media complied with this ruling with their corporate silence. Many see this as a huge bit out of the Constitution re: redress of grievance, complaints, suits - etc. etc. And with that decision filed, we can expect those of you who file complaints with California's Commission on Judicial Performance {web} re: corrupt judges to fall on deaf ears as well.(Jan 18 2011) - PHONE PAGES FROM U.S. SPY DIRECTORY
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So one day you wake up and say to yourself, maybe if I just call one of our secret agencies and tell them that they may be caught up in defending the Constitution for all the wrong reasons and for all the wrong people. Maybe just maybe, they'll stand down and defend the Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic, like most of us service men and women and oath keepers promised to do.(Jan 17 2011) - (Video) Rockefeller confronted at Chilean Airport
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- There comes a time when the truth must be told re: those who want a NEW WORLD ORDER. In this video David Rockefeller is confronted by a citizen of Chile and told to leave his country. I must say, what this person is saying to Rockefeller has him shook up a bit, and rightfully so. Those who want a NWO Must Repent from this Evil Agenda, and Christians in America need to REPENT from their apathy. Either get on your knees and pray or open your mouth and speak the truth. DO IT NOW !!!(Jan 15 2011) - California rates 'A-Plus' for Killing Babies
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Isn't it just peachy, knowing that you and I live in California - otherwise known as "The Killer State". Really, California's government kills many ideas that involve following the U.S. Constitution or common sense coming from the local counties or communities. I know because I crafted and drafted a great piece of legislation for Senator Chuck Poochigian, which was dropped by killer liberals. And now California get a high grade for KILLING BABIES. Come quickly LORD JESUS !(Jan 14 2011) - DHS Junks Billion Dollar 'Virtual Fence'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now that I'm retired from CDCR, I think I'll re-apply as a consultant for some government security job. It's become hugely apparent that anyone can make millions - hocking worthless security ideas to either the DoD, DHS, NSA and additional alphabet soup agencies. Here's the sad truth in all this, our shadow government doesn't want our borders secure. In the real world, if your business didn't supply what's in the contract, you'd be standing in front of a judge and be ordered to give back what your business was advanced for that worthless product.(Jan 12 2011) - Magnetic pole shifts & poisonous space clouds ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Science starts it's research with theories and speculation, hoping to find the cause and or reason of many things, both animate and inanimate. In the current case(s) of dying birds and fish, we must examine all evidence, those that mirror facts and those employing untested ideas. This article highlights a few possibilities and the Post behooves it's readers to view the contents with much Prayer. Because if any of what's written is even close to be scientifically accurate, life on planet earth could be radically changed for a long, long time. GOD, please protects us from these mad scientists ...(Jan 09 2011) - Media figures politicize Giffords shooting
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Talk about conspiracy theories gone wild ! It amazes me how fast the liberal main-spew-media conspires with conspiracy theories from the left. They garner the feelings from a few folks, wrap it up as a national concern and wham'o, case is closed. Now if they would've performed this quick with the Beltway Sniper - John Allen Muhammad, a loony leftist - then I'd say write on, lefty, write on. But they're still b*t-hurtin' over the Tea Party shellacking they got in 2010 and want revenge as they try to spin this left-leaning substance abusing shooter as a right winger. Ain't gonna happen. The local collage kids knew that Loughner was a liberal loser.(Jan 08 2011) - Royal Family granted new right of secrecy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like some of the Queens secrets got out, and GOD only knows why the Royal Family needs new and improved "Powers of Secrecy". My guess is it's time to collect from HRH debtors ... either in the form of taxes {from the U.S.}, more land from the government land trusts, money from government banks, and gold from the sovereign nations to put back into HRH golds vaults, under the "City of London" ... protected by the "Knights Templar" ... which includes her families genealogy, connecting them to Christ's family - Joseph and Mary - by way of James, the brother of Jesus. BTW - All Christian Kings and Sovereigns attempt to claim this genealogy. Just ask Ted Enslin.(Jan 06 2011) - CA.GOP delegation swaying immigration issues
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- And there you have it. Congressman Kevin McCarthy - from the Kern County Cartel - is finally outed as "MODERATE" re: "ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION", according to this article. Not that there was any question re: his RINO credentials, the CRA and now PARA will be keeping an eye on his continued influence over Tulare County's representative, Devin "No-Show" Nunes.(Jan 05 2011) - Shift of magnetic north pole affects airport
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hold on now "Baba-Louie". Do you mean to tell me that the magnetic north pole shifts at a rate of 40 miles per year - and to boot Tampa Airport has to re-calibrate their instruments for this "Normal Magnetic Shifting". I kinda smell some more dead fish on this one folks. Really, if an airport has to adjust some of their equipment, shouldn't the rest of the world be notified to re-calibrate as well ? Tesla knew about the earth's energy core and I kinda think our top secret boys got it outta' whack. Better get ready folks. 2012 is just around the corner. GOT JESUS ?(Jan 04 2011) - The Rise of the New Global Elite
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- MEGALOMANIA : As far as the average American understands, this mental delusion is not well known. But for the NWO's elite, it's a "must have" to rule the world. Many - if not most - leaders have it. Politicians, need-I-say, exhibit these characteristics, and lest I forget, Kings and Queens are inbred to believe this about themselves and their duties - which is, "someone's got to rule the mobs and masses, so it might as well be us." WAKE UP CHRISTIANS - Satan's self imposed sovereigns have one final target and that's you ... the Believer. GOT JESUS ?(Jan 04 2011) - Court OKs searches of cell phones without warrant
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Lets just say that one day your so-called-friend gets pulled over by the police and just happens to commit some vehicle infraction. Now the police start an unwarranted search of his vehicle and confiscate his cell phone, rifle through it and come across your phone number. You're in his phone bank because he's reached out to you for help (as many service organizations do) and now you're a suspect and don't even know it. Your cell phone data will be considered circumstantial evidence and there's nothing you can do about it. Now can you see why this decision by the California Supreme Court is unconstitutional ?(Jan 04 2011) - Kettle Brand Chips teams with iGPS for shipping
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- We're quickly heading into a NWO where your food and water will be tracked. Here's an idea to consider. Since these GPS chips and devices will precede the final "Mark of the Beast" it might be wise to invest in containers that have no GPS chips in them. Why you say ? Because one day all your food will be rationed and you will not be allowed to trade or share with your family or friends. So ... buy all the containers you can find now and when the time comes, bring these with you to the store, so you can safely secure your newly bought food in them. BTW, make sure you leave the remaining packaging at a dumpster by the store. That part should be obvious.(Jan 01 2011) - China eyes California's high-speed rail system
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like the public got bamboozled again ... not a stretch because most of the electorate who rarely if ever read the fine print of any of the laws that are passed. And so it goes - out the door - jobs which were promised to Californian's for this high speed rail and - out the door - bond money, which will go to the Chinese ... because Californian's aren't smart enough to build high speed rail ourselves ??? Come on California, where's the out-cry to stop this out-sourcing ?- PORTERVILLE POST OPINIONS : 2009 -
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