- PORTERVILLE POST OPINIONS : 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 -
(Dec 30 2010) - Crash Taxes : A New Way to Tax People
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Don't you just love your local Tax and Spend and Tax Again guys on the City Councils ? Now, many cites are going to make you pay for additional emergency services, when they deem you're at fault. Hello ! We already pay for taxes for these emergency service and pay for mandatory insurance, when they claim we are at fault, so why tax the public again ? This is something that the Post is going to look into re: our own city council. If this is the case, by-GOD we'll recall the council members and MEASURE H as well. Stay tuned, more to come ...(Dec 29 2010) - POLL : Religion Losing Influence in USA
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yep it's true Brotha' - those that say they believe ... really don't. These nominal Christians will show up for Church to be entertained and that's about it. Ask them about their relationship with JESUS while they're at Church and their response sounds like yours. Ask them again when you see them on a Tuesday afternoon - away from Church - and their testimony changes ... except for the Remnant and the Watchmen. WAKE UP PASTORS ... "the tares are taking over."(Dec 29 2010) - Ashton Kutcher preparing for Armageddon ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm kinda wondering just how long it'll take before Hollywoods "Holy-Bible Haters" attack Ashton Kutcher as a nut-job ? Maybe a day ? Maybe a month ? But they'll attack just as soon as Homeland Security needs another scapegoat. In the mean time, you better take what he's doing as a "Holy-Ghost Heads-Up" ... or end up like the foolish virgins.(Dec 28 2010) - Objections to caging inmates during therapy
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'm sorry "L.A.Times" but I must alert your readers to the fine points of CDCR, since I worked there for more than 10 year myself as a Licensed Psychiatric Technician - and yes I've talked with Manson on many occasions. LISTEN, there are some inmates you cannot change, regardless of the states generic approach. These inmates know the game and the only thing that changes their life and behavior for any amount of time is JESUS CHRIST ! Psyche meds merely obscure their need for absolution. Therapy does not work well in prison, so why even offer it ? Truth be told, Dr. Jeffery Metzner - whom I've discussed these issues with - doesn't want the public to know these things. Mental health therapy, even in the best of settings, produces positive percentages ... only if the person believes what that therapist tells him or her. So why not cut to the chase and Believe in the LORD ? It's cheaper, more reliable with fewer side effects.(Dec 27 2010) - The Congressional Debt that Killed America
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Let me just say this about Democrat debt vs Republican debt - "IT'S ALL DEBT" no matter how you slice it. The American people who've been put on the Congressional auction block have been sold are slaves to the corporate / capitalist / communist bond holders. "We The People" are not a party to these debts. We signed nothing and we will pay nothing - because WE HAVE NOTHING ! Washington & Wall Street stole it.(Dec 25 2010) - MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Porterville Post :
Christmas Wish : from Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This year the Post has just one Christmas wish for all those who stop by and read what we display. And that wish is this, if someone could please find the "Line to See JESUS" at the shopping malls or department stores I'd really appreciate it. We really need to see JESUS more than santa this year. America has some problems only GOD can fix.(Dec 21 2010) - Harry Potter's actress beaten by muslim family
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Can you imagine the outrage from the main-spew media if a Christian family spanked their child. They'd crucify the parents. Needless to say, the same media is silent regarding an intolerant Muslim family who beat their daughter and threatened to kill her if she continued to see (date) any more non-Muslims. Where are her hero's from Harry Potter or Hollywood ? Isn't this one of their little movie stars ??? Yep ... that's what I thought. Spineless bunch of no-counts.(Dec 20 2010) - The FCC's Threat to Internet Freedom
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Regulating the web under the auspicious of net-neutrality is oxymoronic to say the least. Seriously, when have you ever seen the government perform a function that's neutral ? It always favors the government !!! And at some point it's gonna cost somebody something, either money or freedom of speech. In this case both if the FCC gets it's way. But that just fine and dandy for those who say nothing anyway re: government censorship - just so long as they can watch their sports and drink their beer. So ... let's forge a heard with OPERATION : NUMB THE DUMB. How much longer LORD ???(Dec 19 2010) - DNA is influneced by Words and Frequencies
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Thanks, Johnnie B.B. for this link. Now the folks can read for themselves what new DNA research is finding out. In this scientific epiphany, about half way down you'll read these words, "Researchers think that if humans with full individuality would regain group consciousness, they would have a god-like power to create, alter and shape things on Earth!" Meaning, once the elite (YouTube.com) find these DNA gods, they'll either kill them or make us worship them. REMEMBER - Thou shalt have no other gods before me says the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY !!!(Dec 18 2010) - DHS to begin battling Climate Change
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I can see the end of the road now. The DHS - with their new "Climate Control Capabilities" - will be knocking in your door if they believe you haven't paid enough for your carbon foot print. Better yet, the DHS just might put an air nozzle on your mouth because you're exhaling too much carbon dioxide - causing climate change. So don't hold your breath thinking things will get better anytime soon.(Dec 17 2010) - Earmarks for the devils democrat
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Den of Vipers, they are. Every last one of them. They rob from the poor taxpayers and give to their friends who are told they are entitled to your dough. Christ, I'm just about sure, will not let this democrats table go unturned ... and neither should you. Especially if you are a member of the United Methodist Church. This devil needs to be run out of office.(Dec 16 2010) - Australia man dumps keys for RFID CHIP
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yes it's true, there are many people who want a convenient way of life - at least that's what this implantee from Australia says. I guess it's too difficult opening doors with the hands that GOD gave him, so he's decided to surgically implant a RFID CHIP into his right hand to enable his inabilities. Listen Christians, with your continued silence you'll be implanted as well. It's coming and you will be judged if you take the mark ...(Dec 15 2010) - FDIC Looses $50 Billion On Failed Banks
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Once again folks ... the banks are going under real fast and they're under orders to confiscate what's left or to restrict what's in their coffers. You need to make arrangements before the end of this year, as to what you should do with "Your Money". The FDIC owes it's soul to the company store and they can't really back up your deposits. Get what you can out of the banks before the end of the year. Listen, if I'm wrong, you can always put it back in ... but not until the FDIC is solvent.(Dec 11 2010) - Depopulation of the Gulf Ensues
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Gotta move that herd outta da way, don't cha know. There's too many people cloggin' up the Gulf Coast and we need to depopulate that area. Looks like Governor Jessy Ventura from "Conspiracy Theory" (YouTube) got the government reps' from the Army Corp of Engineers to fess-up on some of D.C.'s people-moving-projects and followed that money trail all the way to Obama's EPA. It's time to "Head em up and Move em out" - not the folks from the Gulf Coast ... Washington D.C.(Dec 11 2010) - Morality is modified in the lab ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Once upon a time you knew right from wrong. Then one day a google looking vehicle parked in front of your residence and all of a sudden, you didn't care any more about who lived or died. Unexpectantly ... you now think euthanasia's a good idea - putting people out of their misery. And you signed a "Legal Poll" - under penalty of perjury - stating this new belief and still don't know why. Once upon a time you knew right from wrong, but a strong delusion changed your mind and your morals. Got JESUS ?(Dec 09 2010) - Living in the North American Union
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So these NWO elitists won't shut the border to protect American citizens from drug cartels but they will put a border around, Mexico, Canada and the U.S. to protect the markets of the North American Union ??? My guess is they need this NAU BORDER to "FENCE THE PEOPLE IN", keeping them from seeking sanctuary elsewhere once the economic you-know-what hits the fan.(Dec 07 2010) - U.S. Military Prepares for Economic Collapse
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (YouTube.com) Message to the Armed Forces of America : Don't be taken in and Don't forget your OATH to "Protect and Defend the Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic." American's - and you know who we are - are not the enemy. You swore to protect the people, now KEEP YOUR OATH ! And lest you forget, America's Veterans have many back up plans. DON'T BE FOOLISH !!!(Dec 06 2010) - Wal-Mart has a "Secret Friend" this Christmas
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- That's right kiddies, Santa needs a little help (video) finding out who's been naughty or nice. His sled, according to his reindeer, has been vandalized twice. So he's asked the Department of Homeland Security "Secret Friends" to watch over his sleigh and of course your gifts. However, it's too late. It appears that someone naughty has already stolen something precious to Americans' - their FREEDOM ! SHOP LOCAL !!!(Dec 04 2010) - Tagged Like Cattle, Sprayed Like Bugs
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I'll-tell-you-folks, I don't like the idea of anyone or any government saying that I must have on or in my person a RFID Micro-Chip to be tracked like cattle or just as bad - being sprayed like a bug to protect me from Mr. Sunshine. Geo-Engineering - spraying chemi-trails all over the planet - is hugely unnatural and for the environmentalists to encourage this suicide mission is maniacal. Q : Just who are we saving the planet for anyway ??? A : The anti-christ and his false prophet. SOLUTION : Save the planet by saving the people with the GOSPLE OF CHRIST.(Dec 04 2010) - BEST BUY : May not have best return
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- After a few e-mails from locals complaining about Best Buys exchange policies and restocking charges, it might be a good idea to question these retailers before purchasing their products. As many scams that the FBI looks into each Holiday season, the one's they overlook - just like you and I - are the one's that appear legit from these retailers. So ... BUYER BEWARE this Christmas; you may be charged big time for returning and restocking these products.(Dec 03 2010) - California's High Speed Unemployment Train
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Listen people, Californian's are "CAR LOVERS". That's what we are known for and strive for. It's a major purchase for us - second only to our homes. All I can say about this high speed rail - in which I voted against - is this. All this train will be good for is to transport one unemployed sector of California to the other. NO ONE RIDES THE RAILS ... if you have your own transportation. And BTW, we can't afford it !!!(Dec 01 2010) - Rothschild to the Rescue
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Let me get this right. A foreigner {Rothschild} is able to buy up stock from a coal mining outfit in America, and then sell most of that coal to China, while the rest of our citizens freeze because of their inability to pay for coal to heat their homes. Where in the name of common sense, does this make sense ? It doesn't ! But for those illusive Illuminati type stock owners ... it does.(Nov 29 2010) - Groping Your Groins at Greyhound ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You knew they were coming, and you knew the main-spew media would roll over on this story as well. Soon, you'll be on some agencies list and travel with be out of the question. Eventually, they'll make you carry a handy-dandy travel GPS device - a day before travel - just to make sure that you don't make any last minute changes in your travel plans. Yep ... your silence bought us slavery, not security.(Nov 29 2010) - Anti-Christian group lists anti-homosexual groups
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like everyone has a hit-list. You're either for something or against something. In this case a very liberal group, the souther poverty law center, has listed some very established Christian groups as being anti-homosexual. Take a look at this list and you will very surprised who's on it. Remember, your silence registers your approval, and GOD tallies all the votes.(Nov 27 2010) - Getting Ready for a NWO Christmas
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like you won't be getting any Christmas packages from over seas this year. DHS Janet Napolitano ordered on Nov. 17th 2010, that all incoming packages weighing 16 onces or less, without the proper identification -- WILL NOT BE SHIPPED ! Now, whoever decides to ship you something for Christmas, that gift may personally be delivered to your door ... via DHS.(Nov 27 2010) - Oakland's ID card to double as debit card
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well, lets just break the bank in offering illegal immigrants a new debit card. Oakland - I just can't believe it - wants to give these law breakers banking cards. Being a sanctuary city, I suppose, just ain't good enough. It appears Oakland wants to be 'numero uno' in recruiting more illegal immigrants and illegal activity. Oakland's already laid off many police officers with homicides continuing to soar. And lest we forget, Oakland is FEMA Headquarters for REGION 9 and the last place Jerry Brown had control over. California is doomed :((Nov 25 2010) - Hungary Follows Argentina's Nightmare
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like the ax of austerity is chomping on another European country. Hungary, under the heavy hand of bond-holders, may take the Argentinian path of pilfering private pension funds, which in the short run may save a few jobs but in the long run they'll lose total control of their country. An idea which kings and corporations 'schedule' all the time. Will the newly elected congress encourage AUSTERITY to save America ? Don't play the 'Wait & See' game, get your money out of the banks now.(Nov 23 2010) - North Korea fires artillery barrage on South
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This ain't good folks. The order to attack South Korea may not have come from North Korea but the shells certainly did. China, butted up next to North Korea, is more than concerned and may be forced to take the blame for this attack, since they were caught testing their own missiles off the coast of California. Diversion ? Of course !!! But for who ? THE BANKS, as they loot what's left. People, get down to the banks and Pull Your Money Out NOW. A Banking Freeze is coming and an Economic Breakdown.(Nov 20 2010) - Patent to Suck the Aluminum from your Brain
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So you got a little aluminum on the brain - we got an 'AP' for that. How you got all that metal in your head is no concern to us. But we have a new patent pending device that will locate that metal in your head and suck it right out. We don't care if you got it while drinking from aluminum cans or just breathing your governments geo-engineered atmosphere. We will clean you right out ... yes in deedy.(Nov 19 2010) - Obama's Inmates are running the Joint
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Obama's inmates - CIA, NSA, TSA, DHS - are now running the joint. These secret agencies of protection, protect only their own special interests - in and out of office. In the case of the former Homeland Security Secretary, Michael Chertoff - who has a financial interest in these TSA security scanners - he's making money hand over fist selling his scanners to airports. Will Michael's maniacal machines make America safe or sick ? If you answered safe ... odds are you're already sick.(Nov 18 2010) - India, China buying U.S. coal mines
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I tell you what, this new congress better get on the stick 'PDQ' re: selling the few energy resources we have left - to those countries on the left ... like CHINA !!! What ever happened to our trading with the enemy act ? We war with these countries and then turn around and sell them our goods and services. Who the sam-whooie is running this county ? Or better yet ... do you even care ?(Nov 17 2010) - OBAMA'S : OPERATION CHURCH KILL
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You know that satan ain't gonna show his cards at the table and neither will his servants at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. That being said, you Pastors and Church leaders better read Obama's last executive order 13559 re: Faith-Based organizations which receive federal funding. Generically reading, this E.O. crusades for equality. Specifically reading, this E.O. targets the Gospel of Christ.(Nov 14 2010) - Plants to produce pharmaceutical drugs ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- When push came to shove - in this democratically controlled depression - I invested a portion of my earnings in gold and silver. As important, I've invested in info that will help me get through these terrible tribulation times. One item yet to be acquired is a handy-dandy mechanical food tester - one that'll reveal the true contents of store bought food products that are genetically modified or altered. Most Americans don't have access to science labs to test their foods and to trust what companies put on the labels of their jars, cans or boxes rarely reveal the contraindications of the combined consequences of GMO foods. So ... PRAY OVER YOUR FOOD !!!(Nov 13 2010) - Ah Sooo - Chinese to the Rescue Again
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yep, looks like barry's back-door boys from China will be bailing out General Motors. Soon in the side panels of these new chevy's it will say "Body by China" instead of "Body by Fisher". N.A.F.T.A., which stole General Motor jobs and gave them to lower paid commie's and third world countries, started this economic down-turn. Now the commies are bailing out the capitalists ... just like they planned, while the NWO satanists plan for the final days before anti-christ arrives.(Nov 13 2010) - IS THE UNITED STATES INSOLVANT ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Back in March of 2009, Mr. Paul Andrew Mitchell filed this DECLARATION of INSOLVANCY against the UNITES STATES. To that effect he states certain payable obligations the 12 Federal Reserve Banks has with the U.S. He also declared a stay against the Federal Reserve from collecting on the interest or principle on their Funny-Money. And believe-you-me, Mr. Mitchell isn't the only one who's served against the feds. Listen people, there's nothing left to sell to pay the feds. And soon there will be nothing left to buy. GOD - Wake Up Your People !!!(Nov 11 2010) - Elitists Chem-trail the Equator
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Talk about mad scientists gone wild. Now these environmental elitists want to geoengineer the equator with some magical mineral dust and no one really knows what the long term side effects will be. Complicit in all this is the main-spew media. Odds are they've already been 'sprinkled' by the Scottish Rites security squads and the CIA.(Nov 05 2010) - Feds Return to Jekyll Island this Weekend
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- As posted from their own web site in Atlanta Georgia, here's the Feds Agenda of things to discuss at Jekyll Island, where the banksters thievery all began. Will the main-spew media report the Feds final goal of complete take-over of America's money, land and sovereignty before the scheduled crash of 2012 ? No, their collective complicity and calloused hearts - which have been bought by these banksters - will continue their conspiratorial crime of silence. And that you can take to the bank !(Nov 04 2010) - Obama's Gag Order on 1st AMENDMENT
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Controlled Unclassified Information ? What in the name of Merrian Webster does that mean ? Basically, any alphabet soup agency can control {restrict} any unclassified information emanating from any part of the executive branch of government. They control "CLASSIFIED" info already and to control "UNCLASSIFIED" make little to no sense. Details of categories and subcategories are pending, but I can tell you this ... this is obama's incremental gag order on America and The First Amendment.(Nov 02 2010) - VOTE RIGHT : LIKE THE POST
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- As most already know, the primary is the real election for the people and the general - most of the time - is electing the lessor of two evils (***). This year - with the collective efforts of the Tea Party people - the primary candidates fair a bit better. However a few RINO's bought tickets to the dance so this Nov we hope you'll Vote Right Like the Post. GOD Bless ...(Nov 01 2010) - WHO'S WATCHING THE VOTERS ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- YOU ARE !!! And you can do it by simply downloading this VOTER FRAUD APP for your phone. Just follow the simple instructions and there you go. Thousands have already put this nifty application on their phones and hopefully we won't have any VOTER FRAUD like Congressman McCarthy's having in Kern County.(Oct 31 2010) - False Flages that go bump in the Dark
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Confirming what our on-line staff sniffed out re: cartridge-gate, barry-o's mid-term election plans are beginning to back-fire. Hoping to scare his demon-crats into the polls to finish off America, B.O. may default to PLAN B ... if PLAN A comes up short. PLAN B - Involves more false flag terror operations and multiple manufactured crisis, manipulating this nation into MARTIAL LAW before the newly elected 112th Congress gets sworn in January 2011. I hope to GOD I'm Wrong. I hope to GOD you VOTE !!!(Oct 30 2010) - Politicians share personality traits with Prisoners
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Lets go over this one more time, electors. Many of these politicians who manipulate the voters into believing it's essential they're re-elected share the same personality traits as prisoners. That's right, you got suckered into their scam and believed they'd put your interest above theirs. Once in office these megalomaniacs cling to that power and threaten you with reprisals if you do not agree with their self promoting political programs. It's time we put these personality disorders in the same unemployment lines they put us in.(Oct 29 2010) - FBI urges gunman in DC-area to surrender
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Isn't it amazing ? Washington has all this souped-up technology and they can't real in one of Q's rouge, albeit programmed Manchurian shooters ? You'd think that the main-spew media would be all over this story and give their Manchurian candidate - in the oval office - a reason to slam down the nation with Martial Law, forfeiting the November elections. But who are we to say that this shooters is one of theirs ? A better question would be, who stands to benefit if this loose cannon isn't captured and actually hits the target ? Yeah, our on-line staff had this one dialed in pretty quick.(Oct 28 2010) - U.N. : Freeze climate geo-engineering projects
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Did you notice the sky's yesterday and how many chem-trails covered the valley ? These geo-engineering jets blanketed Tulare County, criss-crossing GOD's blue skys all day long. If your allergies flared up you can blame it on the chemicals {aluminum & barium} they deployed. Official EPA studies have given this global-warming project a pass, at the expense of the people and plants. And BTW, bee colonies continue to collapse ... diminishing their cross pollinating our crops for a health food production.(Oct 29 2010) - Global Crops & Food Supplies Are In Danger
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- For the LOVE of GOD people, please wake up. Time is a luxury no one has anymore. Looking the other way is self imposed blindness, and believing that America's economy will recover just because the economists and the name-it-and-claim-it's say so, is simple stupidity on steroids. GOD is calling on Christians to come together in America to pray for our church leaders, representatives and president to repent from their evil-doings. And if we don't pray and they don't repent ... then prophecy must be fulfilled. Come LORD JESUS !(Oct 22 2010) - California Bankruptcy Court WON'T Foreclose
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- WANT TO SAVE YOUR HOME ? Then take some time to read this article re: fraudulent foreclosures and what a California Bankruptcy Court ordered on May 20th 2010. Simply stated, if you can't produce the promissory note in court, then you can't foreclose on the mortgage. PERIOD ! Now you can obtain a "Temporary Restraining Order" against these fraudulent foreclosures and banks. Thank You JESUS !(Oct 20 2010) - Saving homes against Shawdowy Banking Systems
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Ok, so your not too sure if "part of the note" on your home may be held by a foreign investor, a MERS Mortgage or some shadowy banking system. Maybe, just maybe this web site can connect the dots so you can keep your home and avoid a long and drawn out process of foreclosure. The main-spew media is just beginning to report on this mortgage crisis and offer few solutions. However - thanks to our on-line staff for locating this web site - many in the Porterville area may get a fighting chance to save their homes for their family and their decedents.(Oct 19 2010) - Will Bankers go to Jail for Foreclosure-gate?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Since 1913 - when congress voted to give "their responsibility" and "Americans Rights" to the federal reserve - putting these federal bankers behind bars was a second option. Removing the feds and their power to regulate was always the primary goal. And believe-you-me American Presidents died trying. Now the main-spew-media espouses the second option, putting mortgage bankers in jail. This will only help the feds coalesce the remaining collateral {your property} for the Chinese, while manipulating banking stocks and bonds to monopolize worlds fiat currencies before 2013. Yep, that's their secret occult date they're pushing for - not 2012.(Oct 17 2010) - USMC Ordered Not to View Wikileaks
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Listen up Marines. You took an oath "To Protect and Defend the Constitution" from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. And if you were ordered to look the other way so the Military Industrial Complex can continue to protect their secret interests, then you've failed in your first mission. Will you also take a blind eye to Public Intelligence or Cryptome ? It's now up to us military old-timers to do your job. We know how to defend the Constitution, that defends the Rights of the People ... including your Rights. Many of GOD Almighty's sentries are on watch and vigilant against Freedoms Foes. Are you one ??? Will you Take a Stand ???(Oct 13 2010) - FRAUD IN AMERICA
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- What a savage mess !!! Listen people, your playing Russian Roulette with what little you and your family possess by playing the wait-and-see game. Whether it personal effects, property or pensions, these savage and greedy kings and corporations have soul-less soldiers who'll steal what little you have left - under the color of law. Waiting in the wings are a few more frauds and EVENTS (Project Blue Beam) - a created crisis' if you will - in which the public will demand more safety at the price of their own freedoms. In the next few weeks, Barry and the Boys, plan to unleash the hounds of hell. (ALERTS 1 | 2) GOD Help us all.(Oct 12 2010) - Microsoft issues its biggest-ever security fix
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- When will the world wake up. The biggest-ever security fix with MicroSoft needs to be Bill Gates. His middle name should be "swiss cheeze" - like those hackable holes in his software {AKA-Spyware}. But his "Geekness" gained him a giant bank account - mostly due his alliance with intelligence agencies from all over the planet. And believe-you-me, Gates' final target will be American Christians, because he's been ordered / paid / and programmed to do so. Kinda' like Meg Whitman being ordered to run for governor. She was not asked - she was told !!!(Oct 11 2010) - ANYONE CAN HACK THE VOTES !!!
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It's not who casts the votes who controls the election, but who counts the votes ... Stalin once said. And today he'd state "... it's who hack's the vote." Time and time again the people have asked for a PAPER VOTING BALLOT to secure their votes as the computer experts have validated their concerns. And why in-the-name-of-honesty hasn't the main-spew media covered this electronic election nightmare ? Because these corporate cartels want to count and control the vote using their consortium called - Voter News Service. Maybe some of these Michigan hackers could do a little looking around over at VNS.(Oct 11 2010) - Unilateral Geoengineering Breifing Notes
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This April 15 2008 confession {pdf} from the Council on Foreign Relations admits CHEMTRAILING The Planet may carry some risks. Ya don't say !!! Listen, once these chemicals are absorbed into your blood, they quickly find their way into your bones and eventually reside inside your brain. You have now become a walking chunk of metal that can be tracked anywhere on the planet. As frightening, the rates of spontaneous human combustion increase with these man-made metals and all it takes is a flip of the {Digital not Analogue} frequency switch and there you have, just like the BIBLE says in Rev. 8:7 ... "Fire mingled with Blood,". How long will ye wait ? Today is the Day to Accept JESUS CHRIST as Saviour.(Oct 10 2010) - Tracking devices used in school badges
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Let track this "Dumber-than-Dirt" device ... one more time. Many of the higher schoolers in the Porterville area that the Post talked with re: these tracking devices laughed, saying " ... we'd give these badges to our parents and then let the teachers track us back to our parents. If that didn't work, then we'd have one of their friends put it in their back-pack and take it for a ride, or "Jail-Break-It" {hack into it} and GPS it along side the teachers tracking device." The Post suggests that you mail it to Congressman Devin Nunes and suggest he wear one !!! That way we can track where he's at. Isn't he suppose to be our servant ??? Track the COWS Congressman - Not the People !!!(Oct 09 2010) - Barry & BOA Freeze California's Foreclosures
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So you Barny Frank lovers thought he'd cover your bad loans ? The only thing he covered was AIG's bad loans by allowing his own flunkies to give him bad advise re: AIG's scam on the public. Obama - who put a freeze on BOA's foreclosures - didn't do this to protect the public. Heavens No ! He's buying Wall Street time so thay can place more "puts" on the market, reduce the price of your foreclosed property even further, so CHINA can capture this collateral for chump-change and reimburse them for the GOLD that the Bush(s) & Clinton swapped & stole. Remember Fort Hood ???(Oct 07 2010) - FBI Wants it's GPS Tracking Device Returned ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Better check around your property and vehicles folks to see if any of these "Protection Agencies" have trespassed and attached any GPS devises in or around your sovereign area. The U.S. 9th District Court has ruled {article} that these agencies don't need a warrant to apply tracking devices on your property or vehicles. And if you locate one of these GPS gizmo's ... believe it or not, they're gonna want it back. So, to CYA, I suggest you snail-mail it to Congressman Devin Nunes. I'm sure he'll return it to the proper owners.(Oct 05 2010) - Tulare County D.A. on Veritas Initiative Report
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Tulare County's district attorney Phil Cline appeared on the Veritas Initiative Report for prosecutorial misconduct, according to the Los Angeles Times. In this 1986 murder case - failure to disclose "all the audio evidence" got Tulare County's D.A. into trouble and he was put on their list. Once this foe-paw was found, it was too late, the accused had died in prison. Was this prosecutorial misconduct by Phil Cline a mistake in misconduct or pattern of protection, because he's a freemason, like Ron Irish ... Porterville's mayor ? No one will surely know, unless the courts take a stand against these servants - not of the people - but of secret societies.(Oct 04 2010) - After Growth, Fortunes Turn for Monsanto
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The final goal of companies is to monopolize their products and gain a foothold in government to secure their success and avoid our anti-trust laws. Monsanto was warned that their genetically modified seeds couldn't compare to the real seeds. But, they turned a blind eye to the truth in pursuit of profits. Congress, which "footed the bill" in Monsanto's quest for DNA ownership and royalties from the GM seeds, should put a freeze on Monsanto's seeds and their revoke their rights of ownership. Or, we will re-label those genetically modified congressmen as FAKE REPRESENTATIVES and have them REVOKE !!!(Oct 04 2010) - (GM) Foods Kill Rats in 3 Weeks :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Thank GOD our bodies were created to tolerate a lot of man-made consumables. Many in the health food industries knew that one day we'd chomp into something that even the kings food-tasters would turn down - and their hunch was right. Splicing and dicing the DNA of food was suppose to be an answer to the dwindling food supply - initially that's what they said. However, the serious short range side effects of these (GM) foods {Killing Rats & Polluting Streams} are becoming apparent - begging the question ... what will be the long range side effects for the consumer and their unborn children ? Better PRAY over your food folks ...(Oct 03 2010) - Sharia Goal : Flag of islam over Whitehgouse
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Sunday, as I was watching this debate, re: islam's sharia law for America and the possibility of the flying the flag of islam over the whitehouse, I thought to myself, even if someone were to come back from the dead, they still won't believe. So, in this 2 minute video you'll see and hear Franklin Graham - son of Billy Graham - "RAISE THE DEAD" and acknowledge this radical islamic view and goal of forcing sharia law on America. ARISE FROM THE DEAD CHRISTIANS !!! Only you can prevent the islamification of America.(Oct 02 2010) - Higher Property Taxes for Obama's Voters
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's another illustration of democrat socialists stealing your Sovereign Right to own property. In this link you'll notice that the Top 10 States - in Median Real Estate Taxes for 2009 - had one thing in common, they all voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 election, and 9 of the 10 states with the lowest property taxes voted for John McCain. There goal, transfer the taxes to Big Brother, and transfer the property titles back to the Blue-Bloods.(Oct 01 2010) - Student badges equipped with tracking devices
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It's 10:00 at Night. Do you know where your kid is ? We see this info-mercial all the time, but tracking the children is the parents responsibility, or is it ? As many researchers know, the Blue-Bloods have always backed Big Brother(s). Their fear is the public may one day awaken, so they must be controlled and or corralled. To be honest, tracking our kids has very little to do with their safety. It has more to do with covering the corruption of kings and corporations. That's why you and your child's "Constitutional Rights as Sovereigns" are being challenged, controlled and eventually cancelled.(Sep 30 2010) - CHEMTRAIL INFO & LINKS GALORE :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Again, I need to thank my on-line staff for locating this great web page called the Agriculture Defense Coalition. This page alone has more info re: chemtrails then I've seen in a while. And, it's a great place to start if you're looking for high-flying facts. Even as I write, they're back to Chemtrailing California at break-neck speeds, or should I say Geo-Engineering Mother Earth. For a while, Congressman Kevin McCarty's "SECRET SPRAYERS" - out of Mojave - were in the Gulf. But now their back home, dumping more aluminum and barium in our skies ... to protect us from Mr. Sunshine.(Sep 29 2010) - RFID Technologies takes foothold on infants
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Another "Mark-of-the Beast" application gains a foothold {literally} on America's children, while Christians - who are suppose to be our first line of defense - are asleep at the switch. Daily the Porterville Post informs it's readers that the New World Order is real and there's still time to turn some of these draconian devices back on the devil. But action is required !!! Please, pray and ask GOD what HE wants you to do. Please ...(Sep 29 2010) - Gangs Infiltrating Law Enforcement and Correctional Agencies Post Opinion : Post Editor A.L. LUCKY Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Bill Wittman who ran against Butch Coley for Tulare County Sheriff knew that having paid civilian informants was becoming a problem for the Visalia Police and he was questioned by many from his sector in north Visalia when he campaigned. Nothing has changed since those early days and Wittman still know this is a problem. Now the NGIC has confirmed what most in Tulare County and Porterville already knew. Secretly paying civilian informants compromises the departments and the safety and security of the resident's. I only hope that our MEASURE H MONEY isn't used in this secret program. If it is ... it needs to STOP NOW !!!(Sep 29 2010) - Gulf Coast Spill Up-Dates
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This web site "Florida Oil Spill Law" is possibly the elites worst nightmare re: the Gulf Oil Spill and the side-effects from BP's spraying and dumping toxic chemicals on the ocean and residents. People who were employed by BP and the feds for the clean up have contracted so many medical complications, doctors are being warned not to attribute their findings - specifying links to the toxic dispersant's. Local residents (and e-mails from Florida) want the rest of the world to know, the Gulf Coast, the fish and the people are dying and it's not safe. And the main stream media is silent, except for the Post ...(Sep 28 2010) - Counter-Terror Operation Stops Trucks On I-20
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- What {in-the-name-of-freedom} is going on with these agencies. Now they {DHS, DT & TSA} need to conduct mock-exercise road blocks along interstate I-20 in Georgia ... for what ??? If these free-wheeling feds can't practice these procedures on their own property, then - by default - their practicing these procedures on the public to de-synthesize them for the final take over ... and for the new "Lords of the Land". Wake Up Pastors and start Preaching the TRUTH !!!(Sep 25 2010) - 10,000 TSA employees get secret clearances
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's another good reason why not to fly - besides creating a new generation of x-rated voyeurs. Now TSA's employees, "past practice of legal-but-immoral voyeurism" may soon qualify for top security clearances, to assist in their search for counter-terrorism. QUESTION : Since the CIA and many of our intelligence agencies already have access to this security info ... what make's TSA think that'll do a better job than those who already have it ? EQUALLY IMPORTANT : How can probing into the publics background stop the CIA's "past-practice" of state sponsored terrorist ??? Yeah, we know what's coming down the pike, and so does GOD. Start Praying people ... and I mean NOW !!!(Sep 23 2010) - National Guard Domestic 'Rules of Force' Changes
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here's the deal - Neal. A great percentage of America's local police - who have taken oaths to protect the people - have taken these oaths quite serious. And Washington's concerned re: this loyalty and morality. That's why the feds changed the rules of engagement and rules of force for the National Guard, just in case the local cops side with the people or do not show up. See Level Five - Temporary Incapacitation ... "prior to arrival of the police."(Sep 16 2010) - U.S. Has an Appointment with Austerity
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- In my last speech that I gave at the 2009 annual convention of the California Association of Psychiatric Technicians re: the outcome of this economy, I said ... "In this order, you must follow - GOD, Gold and Guns ... if you don't apply the first and second to your life, GOD help you if you're forced to apply the last." Listen folks, the gold - that suppose to shore up our dollars and economy - is gone, or it's been moved to a safer place to ride out the depression. American Austerity - the final looting of the remaining resources - is coming. Some have suggested {article} as soon as the spring of 2011. So get ready and Get Right with GOD !(Sep 15 2010) - Chase Site Still Crippled; Users Vent on Twitter
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here we go again, another false flag operation. This time the CIA Hacker's opened up a few back doors in a few major banks to let the outside hackers ... have at it. In doing this - for their NWO Masters - the CIA can now present to the congressional banking committees that there's a new on-line banking crisis and Barry "O" needs to shut down some banking sites to protect {steal} the people's money and possibly shut down the internet all together ... to save the world. Give me a break !(Sep 14 2010) - U.S. Faces Threats from Indigenous Muslims
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yes, by all means you should be keeping a list of those who are threatening your liberty. Especially if the government's keeping a list of extremist Islamics. BTW, Muslims, who claim to be liberal, moderate or secular have the same fear, that one day they'll be under sharia law and lose more than their liberties - quite possibly their heads. So in America, acclimation is the key. If you don't see "any immigrant" with any intention to acclimate ... put them on your list. Why ? Because when a crime is committed the authorities will come knocking on your door asking you, "What did you see ?" At that point ... give them the list. That's how you protect your liberties against un-American activities !(Sep 13 2010) - FDA set to approve GM salmon
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Talk about letting "The Big One" get away. This FDA Fish story has animal genocide written all over it. What if these GM Fish "accidentally" escape the "regulated-fisheries" and hook-up with the normal little fishy's in the open waters and seas ? Don't think that could happen ? Well it did with those genetically modified monsters from Monsanto. Many of their GM seeds somehow spread into the local farms and it now takes a court action to separate natural from man-made. And here's part of the elite's hidden population reduction agenda. If you illegally consumed GM Salmon - without paying for the extra royalties - you'll be forced to pay or your going to the hole : AKA Debtors Jail.(Sep 10 2010) - Letter from the President on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Will someone please take that "National Security" ink pen away from Barry ? Or is this the plan of the New World Order Neo-Cons in Washington to keep America in a state of perpetual war ? My insiders tell me that the CIA cover banks and corporations are retaliating against the crowns. If America wants to regain it's sovereignty, staying in a state of war is not the answer - revoking the Charter of the Federal Reserve Bank is.(Sep 09 2010) - Hacking : By a Mason - For a Mason
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- As many are aware, the final framework of the New World Order is littered with the filth of freemasons. Their occult axiom of "Order out of Chaos" would be thoroughly accepted, except that these higher-ups in this secret society of slime are the ones who are creating all this chaos. So, in order to shut down the TRUTH at this News Service these local masonic hackers sent / pushed a major packet attempting to flood our connections. IT DIDN'T WORK ! At this point, I want to express my gratitude to these admin idiots for leaving such a long IP: trail. If in fact this local ISP has a lot of money in the bank and needs to give some of it away, please ... push another packet my way. Thank you !Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The more foreigners we have here in the U.S. the better: Right ? It appears that way with this foreigner in the Whitehouse. Back in December of 2009, Obama amended Executive Order 12425, allowing INTERPOL free access into the U.S. -- plus international immunity, protection that local cops do not have. So this September, INTERPOL will be calling the shots in America and not in Afghanistan. Is this making any sence ???(Sep 04 2010) - GUILTY : Portugal's high-society paedophile ring
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Now, you'd think that the main stream media in America would be all over this six year investigation into an elite paedophile ring in Portugal - especially when one of the main abusers was one of their top news people ... Carlos Cruz. But NOOOOO !!! American's are lead to believe that our news people are above that kind of immoral behavior. And the CIA - through OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD - made sure of that ... or did they ??? All the while, the Pentagon refuses to probe hundreds of child porn purchases - made from work. Hey, Congressman Nunes (559) 733-3861, how about looking into this waste of tax dollars ???(Sep 03 2010) - FOX POLL : 78 % Favor TERM LIMITS on Congress
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The idea of term limits for Congress has been around for some time. In the last election cycle in Tulare County and in Porterville, the Post asked several online readers the same question and our results mirrored Fox News. "People are sick and tired of the lies," said Mary M. of Strathmore, CA. " ... and if the money's all gone then take away their checkbooks, send them all home or lock them up. I can't afford this kind of representation anymore and neither can our country." What Say You ?(Sep 01 2010) - VIDEO Hillary for President : 2012
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You knew she was coming back ... and you knew she'd re-stake her claim. From the eternal annals of truth, this woman has veered oppositionally. Murder became her middle name when she FOSTERIZED one of her closest friends in the Whitehouse. To be sure, your silence shall falsely entitle her to enslave America - further than this foreigner who's there now. WAKE UP AMERICA !!!(Sep 01 2010) - Mystery over Russian general dead ...
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looks like these spy agencies are covering up their tracks and their tricks. One day they kill Gareth Williams - a British M16 agent on August 15th and the next they kill a Russian General by the name of Yuri Ivanov on August 16th. In the mean time, these double agents for the corporations are in hiding and the devils who've been blackmailing America's banksters have teamed up with the final false flaggers for Israel - promoting the Samson Option - if America doesn't defend Jerusalem against Iran. There's no way out for Israel. GOD will put a hook in the jaws of the Kings of the North -- Ezekiel 38:4, while the Bloodlines start the final Bloodbath.(Aug 28 2010) - Israeli mind-scanner may take over US airports
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The history of your thoughts may one day send you to the slammer. Laugh if you will, but your thoughts could very well be used against you as sufficient evidence as a possible threat to the government - leading the judge or jury to convict you of "THOUGHT CRIMES". In your defense you state, "Your honor, I know that's what I thought, but that's not what I meant." Judge, "Too late, only government officials are cleared for free thinking." Bailiff , harness this offenders head with our "Government Issue Thought Resistor" and make sure you decrease his free thinking frequencies by 50% before he's paroled. Now take him away.(Aug 27 2010) - China plants flag beneath South China Sea
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Something a little deeper is going on here kiddies. Planting flags is an "Old World Order" game and to say that the Chinese now control these seas because their flag is the deepest sounds a little childish ... unless their signaling the British - who for years admiralty controlled and commandeered those seas. Basically their are saying, any vessel which enters into these waters must adhere to the new "Law of the Sea", which is connected to China's "Law of the Land" - and not the Vatican/British/Washington corporate empires.(Aug 24 2010) - Ron Paul Calls for Audit of US Gold Reserves
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I can just hear the Feds saying to those who guard the gold reserves, "Quick, get those bricks over there and paint them gold. Those stupid members of congress won't know the difference." Truth be told, that's kinda what they've done already, in gold-plating bars of tungstun. As long as the Feds can silence congress re: this secret shell game, then the publics trust can be extended. And then Wall Street can auction off these Un-American antics as well. Wake up Congressman Nunes ! You can be replaced !(Aug 23 2010) - Watsonville cited for not fluoridating water
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Who cares what the people want ! Just find a "Johnny-come-lately-judge" who'll side with an immoral government and rule against the legal rights of the electorates. If the people legally say no and a judge says yes, then the people must file a complaint with the Commission on Judicial Performance. Forcing people to consume a substance - fluoride, which has been demonstrated to have side effects - is a kin to when Hitler {Video} forced flouride on his own people in Germany.(Aug 22 2010) - Lockerbie is about HEROIN ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This little article connecting the CIA's involvement in bringing heroin into the U.S. is a good primer for those who refuse to see - let alone believe. I, for-one, know that you cannot haul that much heroin anywhere unless you have deep insider connections to Britains drug lords {M16} and the CIA's blessing. Facts, being what they are, rarely see the light of day when classified. And when their exposed, the public should be outraged. But they're not - because they too are part of the problem of this supply and demand drug. Wake up people ... please, in JESUS's Name I'm asking you. Mexico, as I write, is turning into a narco-state, while America is turning into a socialist state. Maybe it's time for me to run for office. What do you think ???(Aug 21 2010) - Scientists Hack Into Cars' Computers
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- A unnamed source from DefCon told the Post some time back that, "if it has a computer, it can be hacked - even if it's in a car." Well that truth is now coming to light according to ABC News. I can just see the court rooms awash with reckless drivers saying, "Your Honor, I'm innocent ! Someone was trying to hack into my cars computer and I needed to speed away to protect me and my family." Judge : "And who do you think was trying to control your vehicle ?" Defendant : "The police."(Aug 20 2010) - Voter Fraud : Simple, Easy and Undeniable
Political News & Views : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
TULARE, CA. -- Last night, somewhere around 140-150 Tea Party Patriotsand participants from Fresno, Kern, Kings and Tulare County assembled in the City of Tulare to hear former 30th Assembly Candidate Dean Gardner (R) of Kern County talk about the horrors of voter fraud and how simple, easy and undeniably rampant it is. In 2002 Dean Gardner - a local Kern County businessman - entered into the 30th Assembly District race, believing that he could make a difference in Sacramento. With many in Kern and Tulare County supporting his bid for the district ... the race was on. Little did the Gardner's know, that politics is dirty and to win - at any cost - means just that.
(Aug 18 2010) - N.Y Mosque Imam gets Free Ride ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hey, what a great idea. Let's send this state department muslim - Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf - overseas to the middle-east to explain why he wants to build a mosque so close to ground zero. That way he can personally convince the other muslim nations to let the U.S. build Christian churches or buildings in their countries. We'll even pay for his trip and when he gets back, the great imam in the Washington will give him a security wavier so he can work even closer with the CIA. Yep, it's probaly a cover story. All the while, St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church which was near ground zero and destroyed - can't even get any help to rebuild.(Aug 17 2010) - American Thinker : Understanding Austerity
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Defining austerity in America is simple for Conservatives - don't spend more than you take in. Defining it for liberals - on the other hand - means, don't spend liberals money ... spend what the conservatives save. And so it goes all across America. Ever since congress silently signed the federal reserve act in 1913, austerity {depressions} in America came and gone at secretly selected times - we've discovered. To be sure, 100 years later - 2013 - just may be the final act of austerity for America. BANKERS BEWARE - GOD know what you're planning and so do millions across the globe. Got Jesus ?(Aug 16 2010) - Confidence in newspapers, TV remains a rarity
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Survey after survey - resulting in the same analysis - has the main stream corporate media concerned. It's not the death-nail for their news agencies ... yet - but the hammer has been dropped. They're aware they've lost the publics trust and the only way they can compete with other news services is to either obtain a bail-out from congress or to have them investigate or outlaw "unregistered" news services. I bet at this moment Walter Cronkite, the "Most Trusted NWO News Man in America" and "Freemason" and voice of the Occult Owl from the "Bohemian Grove" - is probably begging from the pits of HELL for another chance at reporting the TRUTH. Such will be the fate of those in the corporate media who continue reporting their lies. Rev. 22:15 ... "And That's The way It Is".(Jul 08 2010) - Costa Rica to Allow US To Send Troops
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Wait just a minute !!! You military guys are going past the Arizona border. We need you on the American side of the border to protect Americans - not in Costa Rica ! This doesn't make any sense, unless of course there's a secret mission about to kick off. In that case {since it's over seas} their mission is to protect someone's secret interests - mostly corporate interests. So, Arizona, will have to get in line, like the rest of us. Enter ... the Militia. GOD Please wake up the American people !!!(Jul 07 2010) - Tolerating The Cultivation Of Opium Poppies
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I have to hand it to FoxNews and good ole' Heraldo Rivera for reporting a better look at WHY WE DON'T WANT TO WIN THE WAR IN AFGHANISTAN {video}. It's the drugs - the CIA's Taliban grow them and the military protects these undocumented farmers and farms. And to be fair and balanced, many banks, at home and abroad, assists in this economic venture {video}. Somebody's making a lot of money, while the end product is slammed into the veins of countless American's. GOD Forgive us - For the Greatest of these SINS ... is continuing to look the other way.(Jul 06 2010) - DOOMSDAY FOR THE GULF COAST ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- ALERT ALERT : The above link highlighting what could happen in the Gulf of Mexico if the oil leak and methane leak continues - could lead to an apocalyptic end for the Gulf Coast area. To be sure, other countries are on the alert in the event the sea floor collapses - triggering tsunamis and earthquakes. NEWS BLACKOUT : Since it's now a crime to video this Gulf coast area or conduct interviews, the Post can only surmise the worst of possibilities. Please, people ... pray like you've never prayed before.(Jul 04 2010) - THE U.S. IS STILL A BRITISH COLONY
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- In many peoples minds they believe that we live in an independent nation. That believe is far removed from the truth - meaning England never ceased to re-colonize America after the war for independence. Knowing that incremental congressional concessions would re-captured the colony, the King sent secret agents to the new world, setting up new agreements and treaties. And it worked. So go and play with your little fire crackers. I apologize for upsetting your ignorance. No not really. WAKE UP !(Jun 29 2010) - California Notified Of Gulf Evacuation Plans
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Contingency plans, gotta have them folks ... your god-forsaken government has them and like I reported on June 24th are making contingency plans to evacuate many residents from the gulf states. Please view the following report as a possibility, only because there are other states that could absorb the evacuees. But if California is FEMA's first choice, then Arnold is using this card to receive federal funding to stave off the debt. Question is, where will he put the evacuees ?(Jun 26 2010) - Gov' forms volunteer disaster-response corps
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Look kids, if you don't want to fish or cut bait ... then get out of the way. California, is a few clicks away from debt default and the Governor knows this. That's why Arnold's forming another federalized volunteer group to help in the up and coming crisis' - natural or MAN-MADE. So, get prepared - first by accepting JESUS CHRIST as your Saviour and Lord. Second - by volunteering friendship with your neighbors.(Jun 24 2010) - Plans to evacuate Tampa Bay area are in place
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- {WASH POST} Wow !!! Now we have a real emergency where FEMA can come in and evacuate entire cites, but to where and how long ? Maybe, just maybe, another executive order will come from that CIA Spook in the White House mandating every under-occupied home or property {thanks to the census} take in these evacuees. Then, that under-occupied home or property will come under the direct authority & ownership of the government. We better send in real American help before it's too late.(Jun 23 2010) - Dearborn Police: Defending Islam in Michigan
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Last week, GOD used me to share the Gospel at least 5 times with 5 different people. I also had a chance to warn a few new mothers about the dangers of forcing untested vaccines on their newborns. All were very appreciative. By weeks end, I shared important information with many of the local youth's about the New World Order, as they never heard of such a thing. And now I must WARN my brothers and sisters in the LORD. You better get out there and share your Faith, or Porterville will fall victim to more cults and worse yet ... Muslims. Look what's happened in Michigan.(Jun 22 2010) - Could Porterville's city council fire it's workers ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Many have asked, when push-comes-to-shove, could Porterville's city council actually lay-off the cities employees and all of their emergency back up if they continue to run up the debt and lose their insurance and or become a bad credit risk ? Answer - Yes !!! This is what happened recently in another city in souther California. To be sure, many city councils are watching the results of what took place in Maywood and when they shut down on July 1st 2010.(Jun 20 2010) - Mayor puts town under Martial Law
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- For the life of me, I can't see how a mayor is imposing MARTIAL LAW on it's citizens - just because their cops can't do their job. Law enforcement, as-a-rule, enforces the law. They rarely jump in front of bullets or blades to save people. Making it a crime to be out and about in an area that's locked down, only makes criminals out of it's citizens, as everyone knows. Now, instead of paying the cops overtime to penalize the people, why not pay the people bounty for information leading to the capture and conviction of real criminals ?----------------------------------------- (Aug 05 2010) - GM announces millions for Mexican auto plant
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- MADE IN MEXICO and financed by American tax payers. Obama - why am I not surprised - is allowing his new car company, "Government Motors" to waist $500,000,000 American tax dollars in Mexico to expand GM's operation. This, to say the least is, just wrong and possibly illegal. Where is the outrage from the main stream media ??? Please contact Congress Devin Nunes (559) 733-3861 re: this crime. For sure, congress is responsible for watching over our monies and we can only hope that a press release will be forth coming re: this theft. BTW, the Post did contact Congressman Nunes office in Visalia and we expect a reply soon.(Aug 05 2010) - CRYPTOME : US Government File Spying Series
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- All to often, government agencies are chided for not cooperating with each other. As concerning are those policing agencies that are commissioned to protect the Constitution that protects the rights of the people and their lack of inter agency cooperation. Their answer to this problem is to spy on each other, which lowers the bar for spying on the people - reducing the assembled trust all around. And yet, the government continues to by-pass their own anti-spying laws. Here's a few examples from Cryptome.(Aug 05 2010) - Judge Who Struck Down Prop. 8 is Homosexual
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- The fog is lifting friends. Somehow homosexuals are better at tolerating and judging issues without any bias ??? Get real !!! Hollyweird and many other hetero-haters spew their bias across our television screens hourly with a biased idea that eventually the world will accept them as normal. Ain't gonna happen, unless they legally force normal folks into drinking their cool-aid. And that's what happened in a California court when a homosexual judge ruled against Prop 8.(Aug 02 2010) - Mail carriers to dispense anti-terror drugs
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- What do drug cartels and drug companies have in common ? Drug mules; carriers if-you-will. Both produce a product; both have supply routes and both will fail if the carriers do not deliver. Enter the U.S. Postal Service - the carrier for the drug companies. For-the-life-of-me, the idea of mailing drugs to American's to preserve life, just in case there's an anthrax scare, reeks of another end-around by Big-Phama to force their untested products down the throats of unsuspecting citizens. Wake America. Death may not be at your door step, but in may be in your mail box.(Aug 01 2010) - Is Your Detergent Stalking You ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- CAUTION : The Product you are buying may contain a GPS tracking device. Please do not remove this device. Please dispose the container according to the laws in your state, county and or according to the the environmental code(s) of your city. This product or GPA device may not be in placed in the possession of another consumer, unless express consent has been authorized by this company. You can bet this will be the end-game for consumers, not to mention Christians. Rev. 13:16-18.(Jul 29 2010) - Sec of AG NOTICE : Select Agent & Toxin List
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Forget about farming and ranching in America. Looks like the Dept of Agriculture "MIGHT" be taking over more family farms, under the auspices of bio-protection. Reading through this notice of proposed rules changes, you can see where the Sec. of Ag. "MIGHT" quarantine your animals or agriculture if he thinks that ... "select agents or toxins whose misuse 'MIGHT' result in public panic or other social or economic disruption;" Say good by to your victory garden(s) and say hello to the Department of "False Flag Farming".(Jul 28 2010) - Mexican Officials to Patrol Staten Island ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This story makes little to no sense at all - allowing illegal's to patrol our streets to protect illegal's. Is New York really hurting that bad for cops, where they say and do nothing ? First impression tell me this has a lot more to do with gang activity then hating illegals. Gangs rival each other, attack and kill each other. Somethings phony about this story, especially when they bring in Curtis Sliwa, founder of the Guardian Angels and good friend of mine who helped me establish Gang Watchers.(Jul 26 2010) - WikiLeaks : One of the Finest in the 5th Estate
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Looking for the devil down range was not a priority for the main stream media. Duplicity was their objective ... per this administration. It took the first amendment freedom fighters of the fifth estate - America's alternative media to dislodge their dishonesty. I for one commend the spirit of WikiLeaks and what they revealed. I only hope other nations view what WikiLeaks revealed was a practice by the NWO elite and not by peace loving American's. This is why more American's get their news - not from ABC but the web. Stay tuned ... as WikiLeaks unloads on them.(Jul 25 2010) - Hand over the Milk -- Or Else
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yep, it kinda went down like that. Officers were dispatched to a natural food store in Venice in search of raw milk. The evil behind this unprocessed food substance - as all could attest - may one day lead the world health organization to mandate more vaccines, protecting us against ... who knows ? Any way, you know what they say, "It's not nice to fight against Mother Nature, but you can regulate what she produces for more money." You laugh now, but wait till they take down unprocessed breast milk. Don't think they haven't thought about it ...(Jul 24 2010) - GULF CHEMICALS KILLING HUMANS ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Let's get moving people. The Gulf Coast population needs our help. They need to move out of this TOXIC AREA NOW ! This article, I'm sorry to say, says it all. There are forces deep behind the scenes {video} that planned for this disaster and are preparing to steal these folks away to other countries. You heard me right ... the Gulf area will be evacuated. These folks have a chance to leave freely now, or they'll be evacuated or relocated, on someone else's terms. PLEASE GOD ... Wake up YOUR people !!!(Jul 23 2010) - Investigations link military workers to child porn
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It's amazing that few in the media have really "fleshed out" why many secret agencies allow this type of conduct. WHY ? It's very lucrative and those black-op agencies do this stuff all the time. Second, they do this to blackmail politicians and power brokers. And three, they like kiddie and snuff porn. A better question would be - since they know how to track people and boot them off of Facebook / YouTube web sites - are these porn sites really that tough to take down ? Or, is there another agenda ???(Jul 22 2010) - H1N1 Flu Expo Using Military Drones ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It would seem that the our secret national defense departments - supposedly a party to the Geneva Convention - have found a way to nullified the "Grave-Breaches" violations by outsourcing the "biological experiments" part of the agreement. Now they'll be able to load up their new and improved "Fort Detrick Flue Bugs" onto drones, bypassing a bunch of war crimes. Don't you just love all this progress ?(Jul 20 2010) - Scientists call on Obama to stop chem-spray
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Listen folks ... petitioning Obama in the White House to stop spraying toxic chemicals over the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf states, is like asking the Lockerbie Bomber to tell the truth about his deathly illness - ain't gonna happen. Besides, if Obama does stop the spraying, then all those chemical dumping jets and planes will come back to finish their Chem-trailing operations in California. Haven't you notice how clear the skies been lately ?(Jul 20 2010) - Hearings called re: Google's ties to CIA & NSA ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So that's why China had it bad for Google. It's now coming out that Google did in fact share tracking and mapping info with the CIA and NSA ... {besides the DoD, ISI, DVD, PAWA, M16 and lest I forget, the MOSSAD}. Eventually the truth about outsourcing this intel industry will bring the whole house of cards down - possibly on Obama's watch. Maybe that's part of the plan ? What do you think ?(Jul 19 2010) - Krista Branch sings 'I AM AMERICA'
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Maybe, just maybe this music video will cause the politicians, pastors and people of Porterville to Repent from their evil slumber and get RIGHT with GOD. The power brokers from Kern County have their sites on depressing Tulare County even further than it is already. This Kern-County-Cartel wants to control our economy, land and water use. If we had honest city councilmen who would protect the people's interest, instead protecting the special interests of RINO's or secret societies, then the people would be free ...(Jul 18 2010) - Social Security Will Go Bust in 2010 ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It's always been a shell game - Social Security. Quite like the wall-street-gamers, who deposited the least first and benefit the most, congress sold this Ponzi scheme as a supplement {shell-game} to retirement. Those who had no job or money thought this shell game was a great idea, until the facts of who had to pay for this wealth-distribution scheme was brought to light ... initially unnerving the new middle class. Now, obama's money grabbers want to increase the minimum retirement age to 70, maybe raise the S.S. Taxes, or just as bad ... covert private 401{k) retirement plans into another government agency.(Jul 17 2010) - McDonald Exposes the NWO before Death
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Back in '83 Congressman Larry McDonald - Georgia (D) appeared on Pat Buchanan's Crossfire and basically severed both heads - from the left and right. Many believed it was this T.V. video that scared the NWO Elite into downing flight KAL 007. McDonald's death briefly silenced the patriots as the NWO blinded the next generation. As it stands right now, the elite are monitoring the lukewarm churches demagoguery of the Christian / Patriot leaders. Once these church leaders wake up, then Big Brother will yank their 501(c)3 non-profit. Porterville's pastors - I am told - want to be more active but their "neutral congregations" don't. Dang those high-maintenance tares in the wheat ...(Jul 13 2010) - 1000's of laptops stolen during 9-hour heist
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here ya go kiddies. Another false flag operation underway. How in the name of common sense can anyone believe this major heist happened - stealing that many computers - without having insider info ??? Really, folks ! I can hear it now from all of those internet-haters in congress ... "this is why we need to have restrictions and kill switches on the internet."(Jan 11 2010) - Fake gold bars in Bank of England and Fort Knox
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- What can I say ? The cat is out of the bag and the gold is all but gone. And who did the U.S. Government run this scam on ? China. And let-me-tell-you-what, the Chinese are hugely upset and a few months ago slapped a lien on the U.S. treasury. They came with reams of paperwork, boxes of documents, collection dates for bonds and orders for delivery. They also came with orders to arrest from the World Court, World Bank, IMF and to enforce it with INTERPOL.(Jan 09 2010) - E Howard Hunt's 'DEATH BED CONFESSION' about JFK :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (Video) The controversies or conspiracies surrounding the JFK assassination - most assuredly � will continue until our shadow government and secret societies say �enough already.� And believe-you-me, they�ll reveal �who and what� as soon as they can make a buck, or better yet, when they take down another �president� with another �patsy� - NAMELY YOU PATRIOT !!! Better start Praying for America Christians, the time is at hand.(Jan 08 2010) - Martial Law vs. Christian Responsibility :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (Campaign for Liberty) Look alive Christian ! If there�s one thing you do this new year, you must read this article by Robert Hawes. It�s more than another side to the equation of evil and unruly politicians, it�s the framework and argument our founding pastors and founding fathers crafted and drafted for our liberties �UNDER GOD - Theism� � not �Under Man � Deism�.(Jan 08 2010) - 6 Million Americans on Food Stamps :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (Global Research) What a crying shame, knowing that 6 million Americans live only on food stamps. Many of these folks at one time were very productive. But from here-on-out that productivity will cease, possibly forever. The goods and services surrounding that productivity will eventually vanish, only to show up in an underground economy. And yet, we look the other way and remain silent. GOD Forgive us all.(Jan 08 2010) - Obama's Boy Breaks Golden Rule
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (Market Watch) Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner should heed the lessons of Martha Stewart and Richard Nixon: It's not the crime, it's the cover-up. Now, emails gathered by Rep. Darrell Issa, the ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, suggest that Geithner played an even more sinister role: pressuring AIG not to disclose how and to whom CDS payments would flow.
(Jan 07 2010) - Villaraigosa announces anti-gang academy :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (L.A.Times) Well, here�s another dumber-than-dirt, albeit answer to gangs in the southland. Let�s re-educate past gang members to the tune of $200,000 dollars a year so they look like interventionist, but in reality become nothing more than information collectors for cops. Yes that's needed, but more importantly, who�s gonna tell them about GOD and how to stay out of gangs and make it to Heaven ??? Gangs are territorial and spiritual injunctions must be used by Churches and Christians in target areas to keep rival gangs out. JESUS IS THE ANSWER � Not Academies !(Jan 01 2010) - And So It Grows � The War for DRUGS :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (Global Research) Here�s one of the best articles that I�ve read highlighting why America's involved in Afghanistan�s Opium War {Golden Crescent} and why the CIA is still running cover for this lucrative "Underworld Banking Business". The delusional conclusion is apocalyptically prophetic. Enslave the masses with drugs or eliminate the masses with drugs. Better Get Right With GOD !(Jun 16 2010) - CRYPTOME : ONLINE SPYING GUIDE UPDATE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just when you thought our government was closing in on terrorism, out jumps more spying tools for these NSA / CIA spook agencies to use. No doubt they've scoured the remaining countries for Osama bin laughin' and now they need to see if he's holding up inside your home and using your computer. Thanks to CRYPTOME, you can see which "Lawful Spying Guide" they'll use to catch OBL ... who's hiding out in your home.(Jun 12 2010) - False Flag Agents Gone Wild on T.V.
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I have to say, this was possibly one of the best YouTube.con video's that says it all about False Flag Agents. As well, I want to say thanks to one of our on-line reseachers, Mr. Bob Inabinette, who found this gem. It's Patriots like Bob who I really admire. There not afraid of the truth. Are you ??? BTW - make sure you watch this video all the way through. Thanks Bob !!!(Jun 12 2010) - Obama Issues Order to Modify Your Behavior
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Time to behave kids - Obama just signed a new executive order saying you better or else ! That's right, obama wants to make sure you have an established diet, exercise when you're suppose to and express yourself, when their "Stake-Holders" say it's appropriate. Their "lifestyle behavior modification" in subsection {c} states this. Here's the problem - many unwise Christians who voted for this CIA spook will continue to follow and listen to him ... instead of GOD ! {Rom. 1 vs 18-32}(Jun 11 2010) - FAA Says No Flying Over Gulf of Mexico
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just when I thought it would be a good day to fly over the Gulf of Mexico to look at the oil spill, the FAA says I can't. Maybe I can call the white house and board one of obama's flights of transparency. They seem to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Now the last time the FAA informed pilots they couldn't fly in certain areas - except for Area 51 - was on 911. Maybe I'll stay home this weekend.(Jun 07 2010) - Are the Bilderbergers Coming Clean ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here you go kiddies. These Bilderbergers or should I say ... "Keepers of the Planet" have actually created their own web site - just so they can say they have nothing to hide. The only problem is, they still hide their true agenda - setting public policy. I think my readers need to go over their membership list, which includes GOOGLE, and contact these new and improved New World Order devils. You know ... they need JESUS too !(Jun 07 2010) - Military holds soldier in classified video leak
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Over the years, many in the military have attempted to comply with unlawful and immoral military orders, only to find out later - protection starts at the top, rarely at the bottom. Under the guise of National Security, military personnel are told they must obey or be court marshaled. But in that same court, that same military person, in his own defense will be asked by a military judge, "if you knew it was unlawful, then why did you follow that order ?" Basically they're damned if the do or damned if they don't - a dilemma for those defending our nation. Please PRAY for our Soldiers, here and abroad. They deserve it !!!(Jun 01 2010) - More Millionaires in China than France ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just the other day I spoke to a small group of young men playing basketball in one of Porterville's parks. I asked them if they had ever heard of the New World Order, and if they did, could they describe what it means for American's. Only one raised his hand but couldn't define it. I explained briefly, it's another way to transfer wealth and freedom from those who possess it to those who don't. Since they didn't possess knowledge of the NWO, freedom for them was as good as gone. And their wealth, it's not balanced by gold or silver, it's bonded with foreigners - like the Chinese . That's history too.(Jun 01 2010) - Google Drops MicroSoft Windows :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Ok folks, this one's real simple. If Google's dropping MicroSoft Windows and wants it's staff to use Mac or Linex operating systems, them we should follow their lead - not because we like Google, it's because Windows is filled with all kinds of back doors for all kinds of hackers. Believe-you-me, my sources tell me something wicked this way is coming. Worse than Bill's back doors, is his conference statements {video} of using VACCINES to depopulate the planet. Time to BOYCOTT BILL before he boycott's your babies !!! Maybe it's time to Trust JESUS CHRIST as your LORD and Saviour.(May 26 2010) - Not the Time, Nor the Place :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Good GOD Almighty !!! Has New York's eastern establishment lost it's marbles ? Building a Islamic Mosque anywhere near the Twin Towers will not build closer relations with American's, not to mention Christian's or Jews. As you can tell by this story from the New York Post, nothing but deep seated anger arose from those in New York. Anger, in my opinion, should be directed towards the eastern media magnets who formed this anger on their front pages in the first place - of course ... with the help of the CIA. Maybe, just maybe, their collaborating again ???(May 17 2010) - New TV's Watch You While You Sleep :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yes, the Post saw this technology coming. These new T.V.s will eventually scan and map your brain while you are sleeping - best time to import info - and you'll be none the wiser. You'll wake up feeling addictively great, start a new mission for the day - and of course - tell all your friends about this new technology and how everyone can be wonderfully connected at night. Your brain-less brains - at that point - will be copied righted and owned. If you decide to use your NWO brain - for what ever reason and without authority - you'll be GPS'ed, fined and or arrested for unauthorized use of their BRAIN Technology.(May 15 2010) - POLITICIANS HAVE PERSONALITY DISORDERS :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- You see their political commercials on T.V. and hear their adds on the radio, but how well do you know that person running for office. Even though that commercial sounds great, odds are that politician remade himself into that commercial politician ... until he's elected. As important, campaigns count on the electorates self-justifying laziness to elect their psychopathic politician. Do your homework folks. Turn off the T.V. and attend political meetings and functions before their outlawed. In the coming days the Post will tell you The RIGHT Way to Vote.(May 14 2010) - Google Says It Mistakenly Collected Data :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Googleocracy vs Theocracy : How big is too big ? When your business can overtly and covertly confront or corrupt governments - that is too big. Kings and Queens of the past dreamed of having this kid of control that Google has and uses. Knowing all and seeing all, is a God-Complex of men whose desire is nothing less than demonic. Listen people, your just a half a click away from Rev. 13:16. Please, take the time to Get Right with GOD or you will be forced to get in line ... with Google.(May 11 2010) - BETTING ON LOOSING :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- {Video} Wall Streets language has finally been decoded. In order to make a profit, you must bet the farm will not making a profit. In other words the stock market now bets on loosing. Why wait for the company to do good and show a profit. Why not speculate it won't, drive the market down, buy at the bottom and sell it back to the business you just busted. All you have to do is fluctuate the facts and the formula and bang, instant increases. To be sure, most are betting against California.(May 06 2010) - Spying, Lying, Dying and Buying :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- In a matter of moments it was almost all gone. Some suggested computers took over the high frequency trading which lead to the massive losses on Wall St. Other suggested that it was someone who traded billions for "Protor and Gamble" in stead of millions and yet additional on-line reports link Obama's words of war with "Proctor and Gamble" and a possibly DHS computer spy for Obama who caused the near death of P&G ... in order to buy controlling interest - at a discount price. Listen people !!! The DHS Computer Hackers have the same {SAMSON OPTION} orders as Isreal. And they will crash the system very soon. GET OFF THE GRID NOW !!!(May 05 2010) - Discrimination Against USA Flag T-Shirts :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Alright High schoolers, here's one you can jump on. It's time to show your pride in America and unplug that X-Box and those Ear-Phones. Your fellow high schoolers across America need you now ... like never before. If there was ever a time to PROTEST in high school it's NOW !!! So get out your Patriotic T-Shirts, wear them to school - Stand Up and Stand Out !!! That's an ORDER !!!(May 01 2010) - Obama Gives Priority to Bioweapons Research :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Time to start preparing for bugs and bacteria gone wild. Most of the Post's readers are well aware that the NWO elites bio and geo-engineering departments are flush with cash and will create more bugs and bacteria - than you can count. Let me be very clear about this - DEPOPULATION is their Goal !!! The so-called Keepers of the Planet are under orders to thin out the heard for the Kings of the Planet. It's gonna get BIBLE BAD real soon and this end-time-ride will take many straight to hell. GOT JESUS ?(May 01 2010) - Obama sends SWAT TEAMS to Oil Rig ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here we go again. Just yesterday I commented to a close friend about how assets within agencies go silent real quick when they are the ones creating the chaos and or False Flag opperation. The main stream media knuckles under with what they know or until these agencies tell them what to propagandize the public with. In the case of that oil spill, there was too much silence which lends itself to an inside job. And Obama's must now send in his SWAP TEAM to collect and cover up their crime.(Apr 26 2010) - Feeding the Hungry or Population Control ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Let's look a little closer. If I eat Genetically Modified Food now, I could possibly endanger my future generations ability to reproduce ? How convenient for the corporate kings and the elite. They save the planet from useless eaters by reverse soylent-greening their off-spring through sterilization. The population is reduced, according to THE PLAN, and the kings and queens expand their large land Holdings.(Apr 19 2010) - Communists Sue Dem's For Stealing Platform :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So that's where the democrats got their ideas ? Someone better call the main stream media 'real quick' before these "Enemies of the State" fool the masses and get some fascist / commie elected : ops -- too late. The enemies of the state have now become the "Rulers of the Estate." I can't wait to see how this law suit plays out.(Apr 17 2010) - Unemployment Numbers in Tulare County :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- One of the basic questions folks typically ask candidates running for office is, "What will you do about the unemployment in our city?" Answer(s) If they're a Democrat, they'll lean towards bigger government, increase taxes - if Republican, less government and lower taxes. A BETTER ANSWER : Create a two tier system of taxation, one to tax the democrats more for their government needs and less for republicans who don't need the governments help at all. I knew you'd like this line of reasoning.(Apr 16 2010) - Chem-Trailing Congress about Geo-Engineering
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Come on folks, what's in the sky is a lie ! Congress should have those who are chem-trailing the country put in jail instead of putting them in control. The real stakeholders are the American people not the NWO elitists. These covert chemicals in the sky could have internal life threatening effects on the people when these NWO stakeholders flip the switch at HAARP {Video}.(Apr 16 2010) - Reverse Evolution : Human DNA with Animals
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Lets see what happens when we put human DNA into animals. Do you think in about 20 years they'll be more like us or will they sue us for tampering with their off-spring ? Will these Man-imals petition congress demanding equal rights or will they evolve into a higher form of a democrat ? The one's we have now surely need their DNA checked.(Apr 14 2010) - NATIONAL DO NOT CALL REGISTRY :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Like most on-line news services, we receive many informational e-mails from folks near and far. One of the Post's local on-line researchers and contributors wanted us to remind the people of Porterville to register with the National DO NOT CALL Registry, so you won't end up on some telemarketers' phone list. Thanks Marti ...(Apr 13 2010) - Polluting the Planet to Save the Planet ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (VIDEO) Have your thoughts been a little scattered lately ? Are your children exhibiting more development issues ? And have you noticed you're developing more allergies ? These are a few symptoms that are on the rise because of what's dumped into our skies. You - along with the air that you breath - are being geo-engineered / chem-trailed by the NWO, supposedly to save the planet with poisonous pollutants. WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!
(Apr 10 2010) - Was Poland's President off'ed by the NWO ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- All you half to do is connect the dots with Russia's cover story(s) and how the controlled corporate media is covering for those covert agencies and their New World Order agenda. People in Poland are claiming this is the second major massacre that Moscow ordered against them. Will time tell the tale ? Or will the truth be jailed - again ?(Apr 09 2010) - WHO OWNS THE WORLD ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- If you follow the Blood-lines and the Money, you�ll see that the Queen of England currently owns more than an inherent interest of the Earth. Next, follow those secret agents / societies from those countries she owns / controls and you�ll notice an end game scenario. Third, if the Knights Templar �James the Just� Blood-lines are linked with hers, you�ll see a Third Temple built in Jerusalem over night � once she passes. And this, my friends, is the final occult secret, that � � the meek shall INHERIT the Earth� {Psalms 37:11} to become King of the World.(Apr 04 2010) - Eugenics Re-Emerges Down Under :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here�s Australia�s conundrum � Do they stop illegal immigration or do they make populating illegal ? The answer from the people�s side of this equation is easy, �Let us live and stop illegal immigration.� From the elite�s side, �Let�s reduce the population to a sustainable 500,000 million.� GOD � please open Christians eyes to see what�s coming. We don�t have much time left.(Apr 03 2010) - Elite�s Population-Phobias Sanction Policies of Death :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (Spinola.com) Since you won�t believe what the world�s elite say about population control, let alone what the Bible says about end-times, DO NOT READ this Jan 27th 2010 article by Deanna Spingola, called �Depopulation by Government Edict�. If you do, then you will know what the end game is for you and your family. �PLAN A� now has to be � surrendering to JESUS CHRIST as Lord and Savior. GOT JESUS ?(Apr 02 2010) - County Sheriff Can Bust Big Brother :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here�s an interesting question that the public is entitled to ask our incumbent Sheriff Bill Whitman. Will he use his Constitutional authority to Bust Big Brother when they come into Tulare County unannounced ? Will he perform his duties to protect the public as did Sheriff Dave Mattis did in Wyoming ? If not, then why are we re-electing him ?(Apr 01 2010) - The War for Drugs in Afghanistan and America :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (RawStory.com) Just the other day I question a returning G.I. who served in Afghanistan regarding this supposed war on terror. I stated a few facts from what I was told by other military personnel about the WAR FOR DRUGS and this G.I.�s body language and facial reaction spoke louder than her silence. And the best we can do is bribe the Taliban with gold or give the Afghan farmers food seeds - hoping they�ll have a change of heart. I think we need to send Christian Missionaries, first to the White House and then to Afghanistan.(Mar 30 2010) - Paranoid Police in New York are Half-Cocked :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (NewYorkPost.com) Paranoid police in New York with loaded machine guns have taken over the city and its subways, hoping to avert another Moscow-like bombing. But wait, that happened in another country, so why all the heavy-duty artillery ? Because the feds think that those terrorists fled Russia and are now in America ??? No -- Silly Rabbit !!! They just wanted you to get closer to Jesus Christ by the end of Easter Week.(Mar 30 2010) - GUAM MAY TIP OVER DUE TO OVER-POPULATION :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Seriously kids � this is what Representative Hank Johnson(D) from Georgia said at a recent hearing {YouTube.com}. He tied to convince a military official that his environmental concerns about over population could cause this island to tip over. For the-life-of-me, how in the world did this dumber-than-dirt-democrat get elected ? GOD deliver us from this evil ...(Mar 25 2010) - What in the World are they Spraying : Part II
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Michael J. Murphy from Truth Media Productions did some powerful research into those unsightly and unregulated chem-trails sprayed on Californians. For years we have seen and been exposed to these TOXIC SKIES. Please read and reprint his research - Part I and Part II. As well, reprint these U.S. Patients re: chem-trail (applications) (formula) and (U.S Senate Bill).(Mar 24 2010) - Are Bees Dying Because of Chem-Trails ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- By the time these environmental researchers figure out why the Bee Colonies are collapsing, the DoD will have �TOP SECRETED� all the evidence - especially the patents surrounding chem-trail formulas and applications. All you have to do is test the barium and aluminum from the chem-trails as possible triggers and there you have it. No Rocket Science needed !!!(Mar 18 2010) - IRS Out of Compliance with Security Operations :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- How in Blue-Blazes can the IRS claim the �Higher-Ground� in Tax Court, when they're out of compliance with securing the publics data and information. This newly released document {PDF} from Cryptome, reveals their slipshod security policies and procedures, not to mention their unsecured computer operations. I think it's time to audit the IRS, along with the Fed.(Mar 10 2010) - Department of Education Orders Shotguns
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Brainwashing our children in the public schools is one thing, but making them learn from the barrel of a gun has me a bit concerned. If the Department of Education is that frustrated with the results of their special �Outcome-Based Baloney� then maybe it�s time to change the education system � not reinforce it with Remington�s.(Mar 08 2010) - PULL YOUR MONEY OUT OF CITI BANK
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Good, GOD Almighty !!! Let me tell you folks something. If I had my money in Citibank and found out that they published my social security number on the outside of any document that the public had access to � I�d own that bank. The only way for the public to protest this harm is to pull your money out.(Mar 06 2010) - PROFILING AMERICANS FOR PRISON ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (The Atlantic.com) As many all know, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is under pressure {from multiple sources} to release �Non-Violent� criminals back into the streets � my guess is � to make room for �High-Value Detainees�. At any time, those military-types responsible for these �INDEFINATE DETENTIONS� could commandeer any CDCR prison or facility � as needed. Heads up America, Senators McCain and Lieberman are profiling you for prison.(Mar 04 2010) - Marine killed by opium-fueled private contractors ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- For the past year or so the POST has been tipped off regarding Washington�s so-called secret military mission�s in Afghanistan. Eventually, it was surmised, that the main-stream media would file a report concerning these drug wars and the new drug-lords. But they haven't, because the bottom line is money - any way they can get it. May GOD open the media�s eyes and hearts.(Feb 26 2010) - Cybersecurity bill gives president new emergency powers
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (TheHill.com) If it�s electronically made, it can be hacked. Kevin Mitnick proved this back in the 70�s and left a heritage of hacking. Not to be out-hacked, most governments recruited these up-and-coming Kevin Mitnick�s. The problem was, these bright computer hackers were now paid by our government to hack for uncle sam, creating false-flag scripts and virus�s. And now they need a cyber-security bill with emergency powers ? This won�t set well with the FREE HACKERS � in and out of NSA !!!(Feb 26 2010) - FDIC Begs Americans To Open Savings Accounts
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (FDIC.gov) On Feb 22 the bankrupt FDIC sent out a worthless press release asking American�s to participate in America Saves Week, basically opening up more savings accounts to help their failed banks rob you of more money. Now, if you�re dumbed-down enough you�ll open up another account. But if your smart you�ll pull it out before the Fed�s get it.(Feb 22 2010) - EXPLOSIVE : EXHUMING 911 EVIDENCE
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (WashingtonTimes.com) Lingering doubts about 911 and what really caused the twin towers to collapse has many forensic professionals questioning the governments� conclusions. From first responders to eye witnesses, the government�s reply has been to diminish their story and to erase the evidence. If the exhumed evidence enters the Supreme Court for a trial odds are those who are called to testify may not make it to Court. LORD Come Quickly !!!(Feb 21 2010) - Secret National Guard Fly Over
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just a little after 12:00 noon three National Guard helicopters flew in formation over the roof tops of Porterville. Not being the normal flight path that military aircraft take, the Post ventured over to the Porterville Airport to uncover the truth behind this secret mission. The Post was told this flight crew did stop at the airport restaurant and sequestered themselves in the foyer only to take wing as soon as the Post arrived. Pics [1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10](Feb 19 2010) - VIDEO : CIA Cover Up of Obama Revealed
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- A few weeks before the 2008 Presidential election, BigNews.biz uncovered a huge �Battle of the Banks� story revealing which banks backed McCain {Rothschilds} and Obama {Goldman Sachs}. This story was avoided like the plague by the main stream media, not because of their corporate ties to the banks, because of the CIA�s New National Security Bank Job - to crash the economy, start a few more wars, and establish martial law after they bury Obama � literally. GOT JESUS ?(Feb 18 2010) - IRS generates suicidal and homicidal citizenry
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here�s the 64 trillion dollar question : Why is it almost always the case that some poor fool has to suffer unduly because of an unjust bureaucracy, name the IRS. Countless transgressions have been documented regarding the IRS� malicious management and treatment of tax paying American�s. Washington better wake up and smell the T.E.A. because the party's over.(Feb 13 2010) - CIA Boys Meet to Steal Bonds for Queen ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Finally a little light on why China is gonna be upset if CIA Obama meets with CIA Dalia Lama. If you recall, the Chinese were jacked on the gold promised by the U.S. in lue of the billions of bonds they purchased over the years and now the Brit�s want their share of the lost money, property and gold from the Chinese. And that�s why their MI6 / CIA Dalia Lama will be coming to America to sign over some of those lost assets to CIA Obama, so the queen and her MI6 Drug Lords can steal the rest.(Feb 05 2010) - GOLD & SILVER : Legal Tender in South Carolina
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Hey Mr. Economic Girlie-Man ! Here�s an idea that many Counties and now States are re-thinking � re-positioning their economies on sound money � GOLD & SILVER. One of the best ways of securing California�s economic future is to allow Californian�s to utilize GOLD & SILVER, securing fiscal stability. It worked in the past and it will work in the future. But you govern like a SINR and want California to crash ?(Feb 02 2010) - Social Security out of Money this year ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (WashintonPost.com) Most of us knew, way-back-when, that the monies collected - albeit taxed - for social security were directed towards other government purposes and programs. We also knew that there would come a day when this collectivist concept would collapse and again the public would be asked for more and eventually receive less. The insanity of this sin was sequestered in the souls of lying politicians who created this un-social in-security.(Jan 31 2010) - Internet access and commerce controlled by NWO ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (NewsMax.com) Imagine, if you will, ignorance gone to seed � socialist seeds, that is. This usurper in the White House, looking for ways to up-grade socialism in the U.S. and to pay off the Chinese debt, has ceded more internet freedoms to his NWO socialists comrades or the Queen. Let me tell you folks something. Don�t think for one minute this new governing group won�t turn off the internet if they can�t tax you.(Jan 30 2010) - Removing the SIN from the Republican Party
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It�s high-time we Conservatives in the Republican party remove the SIN and SINR�s which beset and beguile true believers. Those SINR�s �Secret Interest Neo-Con Republicans� � WARMONGERS � if you will, must REPENT from their evil deeds or Conservativism, as we know it, will forever be condemned and conned as Congressman Ron Paul writes. Time for some MORE TEA !!!(Jan 29 2010) - Arizona Check Point gets Checked by Citizens
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Ok Kiddies, here's a YouTube Video of �The Use of Intelligence� at a U.S. Border Crossing that�s not located on the U.S. Boarder. The Past Practice of this Un-American and somewhat terrorist toll booth was to target U.S. Americans who asked one simple question, why is this �Border Check Point� located deep inside Arizona and not on the border ? Conclusion : It�s better to �Lock & Load a Camera than a Carbine.�(Jan 28 2010) - Hacker Breaks Into 49 House Sites, Insults Obama
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (ABCNews.com) Now I�ve just about heard it all. Here congress pays a lot of money to set up web sites so their constituents at home can read what�s going on in Washington. Now we find out that these �False-Flag Hackers� got into many of these �so-called secured web sites� and posted some vulgarities about Obama, while Homeland Security is prowling around small town Porterville. Go home DHS. GOD is watching you too.(Jan 27 2010) - Why the Gov Wants to Hijack Your 401(k)
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yes, I�ve been following this behind-the-scenes scam for some time. These folks believe they can openly steal your retirement and make you believe it�s for the good of the nation. I�m telling you people - OPEN YOUR EYES ! Do a little research yourself before your money and retirement is stolen. They�re going to test America again real soon !(Jan 25 2010) - Vatican bank charged with money-laundering
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well, well well. Looks like the New World Order (Templar/Masonic) banks are trying to shift the blame back onto the Old World Order (Vatican) Banks. It�s always been a war between old money and new money. Or as they use to say in the old Holy Roman Empire, �let the Kings kill the Kings, until the only king left � is gold.�(Jan 23 2010) - America's Impending Master Class Dictatorship
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- I have said many times privately, those so-called �Blood-Line-Baby�s� in the last generation, will in fact call in their bets from the world�s bureaucrat�s and bankers. And I�m sorry to say, that time has come. Nothing else makes sense. If you follow the �Blood� and the �Banks� then the final picture and the final game is revealed. Stewart Dougherty of Kitco writes a pretty good primer on this.(Jan 11 2010) - Fake gold bars in Bank of England and Fort Knox
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- What can I say ? The cat is out of the bag and the gold is all but gone. And who did the U.S. Government run this scam on ? China. And let-me-tell-you-what, the Chinese are hugely upset and a few months ago slapped a lien on the U.S. treasury. They came with reams of paperwork, boxes of documents, collection dates for bonds and orders for delivery. They also came with orders to arrest from the World Court, World Bank, IMF and to enforce it with INTERPOL.(Jan 09 2010) - E Howard Hunt's 'DEATH BED CONFESSION' about JFK :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (Video) The controversies or conspiracies surrounding the JFK assassination - most assuredly � will continue until our shadow government and secret societies say �enough already.� And believe-you-me, they�ll reveal �who and what� as soon as they can make a buck, or better yet, when they take down another �president� with another �patsy� - NAMELY YOU PATRIOT !!! Better start Praying for America Christians, the time is at hand.(Jan 08 2010) - Martial Law vs. Christian Responsibility :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (Campaign for Liberty) Look alive Christian ! If there�s one thing you do this new year, you must read this article by Robert Hawes. It�s more than another side to the equation of evil and unruly politicians, it�s the framework and argument our founding pastors and founding fathers crafted and drafted for our liberties �UNDER GOD - Theism� � not �Under Man � Deism�.(Jan 08 2010) - 6 Million Americans on Food Stamps :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (Global Research) What a crying shame, knowing that 6 million Americans live only on food stamps. Many of these folks at one time were very productive. But from here-on-out that productivity will cease, possibly forever. The goods and services surrounding that productivity will eventually vanish, only to show up in an underground economy. And yet, we look the other way and remain silent. GOD Forgive us all.(Jan 08 2010) - Obama's Boy Breaks Golden Rule
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (Market Watch) Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner should heed the lessons of Martha Stewart and Richard Nixon: It's not the crime, it's the cover-up. Now, emails gathered by Rep. Darrell Issa, the ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, suggest that Geithner played an even more sinister role: pressuring AIG not to disclose how and to whom CDS payments would flow.
(Jan 07 2010) - Villaraigosa announces anti-gang academy :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (L.A.Times) Well, here�s another dumber-than-dirt, albeit answer to gangs in the southland. Let�s re-educate past gang members to the tune of $200,000 dollars a year so they look like interventionist, but in reality become nothing more than information collectors for cops. Yes that's needed, but more importantly, who�s gonna tell them about GOD and how to stay out of gangs and make it to Heaven ??? Gangs are territorial and spiritual injunctions must be used by Churches and Christians in target areas to keep rival gangs out. JESUS IS THE ANSWER � Not Academies !(Jan 01 2010) - And So It Grows � The War for DRUGS :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (Global Research) Here�s one of the best articles that I�ve read highlighting why America's involved in Afghanistan�s Opium War {Golden Crescent} and why the CIA is still running cover for this lucrative "Underworld Banking Business". The delusional conclusion is apocalyptically prophetic. Enslave the masses with drugs or eliminate the masses with drugs. Better Get Right With GOD !- PORTERVILLE POST OPINIONS : 2009 -
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