(Dec 31 2009) - Autism cluster linked to educated parents ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (San Diego Union) In the Occult world view, up is down, good is bad and right is wrong. And I have to tell you folks, this report regarding a link between Educated Parents and Autism is totally bass-ackwards. This Occult report should've been titled, Ignorant Parents and Autism. Just because you obtain a college degree, doesn’t mean you know what to do with it. Wisdom is a gift from GOD - knowing how to apply knowledge or that store bought degree.
(Dec 30 2009) - Postal Service to Deliver DRUGS after Bio-Attack ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (MSNBC) So, let me get this straight. Obama’s new Executive Order says the U.S. Postal Service - in the event of a “Biological Attack” - will continue to deliver whatever drugs and other medical aid Americans would need to survive. And this is the best this “CIA Spook” in the White Hose can come up with as a contingency plan for American’s. This is CRAZY ! WAKE UP AMERICA !(Dec 26 2009) - New Restrictions Quickly Added for Air Passengers :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (New York Times) Isn’t that just dandy ? The answer to terrorism isn’t to profile people - or a Bankers Boy - who look like terrorists or are on the NO FLY LIST, but to shake down GOD fearing Americans {Notice Pic}. How convenient for the NWO to use a second rate shoe bomber to shut down travel. And where the Sam-Hooie is the CIA ? Oh, that’s right, their locked up in Italy for kidnapping charges. Another read on why.(Dec 25 2009) - Is Father Christmas Russian ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (Moscow Top News) I found this article - from a Russian News service about their insights into the origins of Christmas and or santa clause - quite interesting. I thought our "Christian" readers would appreciate this info and maybe next year, if we make it that far, Christians should BOYCOTT the whole season by not participating the way the world does. Save your money folks. You're gonna need it in 2010.(Dec 16 2009) - We need 'Sex Education' for Animals :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Rumor has it, that Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog did a lot of overseas traveling in the early 80’s and 90’s. According to some barn yard cartoons, they were more than friends. Kermit, the Post was told, was seen with some Asia fowl one year after breaking up with Miss Piggy. She threw it back in his face with an on-again, off-again tryst with Porkie the Pig, at the same time was riding the goat, masonically speaking. Now, isn’t that more believable than these little viruses and germs getting together on their own with little to no help from basement bioengineers ?(Dec 10 2009) - POPULATION CONTROL called key to deal :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Come on people … get with the program. You should know the routine be now. Basically it’s gonna be pay up or find a way to get off the planet. These NWO megalomaniacs need you to believe that “People are the Problem”. Stop breathing and start digging. They’ll stop at nothing to “save their world” - including murdering millions, especially if they deem you unworthy for one of their special civilian inmate labor programs.(Dec 06 2009) - Professor helps illegals sneak into U.S. with phone app :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Of course you read about this all the time, how our government is tracking down all those computer hackers and internet terrorists. But some how one of these anti-American lefties – professor Ricardo Dominguez of UCSD - keeps alluding the authorities. {Where's ICE when you need them ?} World Net Daily reveals that this college professor continues to aid and abet illegal aliens with a new phone app. making it easier to illegally cross the boarder.(Nov 30 2009) - THE WHO'S NEW THE FLU ZOO :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Today I was sent a link to a web site that listed more than one type of H1N1 Flu. As a matter of fact this single page alone lists hundreds of variants of the H1N1 virus, leading me to ask, as well as the collector of this list … why isn’t the main stream media reporting this ? No wonder people are still getting sick and dying after taking the flu shot. WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!(Nov 29 2009) - THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- This week the Porterville Post celebrated two years of on-line news service – serving mostly those readers from the Porterville area. In the first year we relied mostly on word of mouth and by the start of the second year became well known in the area as a Christian Conservative on-line news service. Concurring with the Post’s desire to establish a partisan Christian & Conservative base, e-mails from all over America flooded in just to say “THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME”.(Oct 25 2009) - What they never never told us about VACCINES :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Tonight I talked with another parent who unknowingly allowed her child to be given the flu vaccine thinking this was the right thing to do. I shared with her important information - as did the medical person who was next in line at this local grocery store – only to be asked “Why didn’t they warn me about the side effects?” I can only PRAY that GOD will intervene and more parents will take a stand and say no to vaccines.(Nov 16 2009) - Dollar falls, sending gold to record high :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It's time to 'Cow Boy Up' ... as they say, and prepare for one hell-of-a' ride. Inflation, either way you deal with it, is eatting up what's left in the stock yards. Today's GOLD prices took another jump {$1,133.20} and empty pay-back promises from politicians {Obama} can't stop it even if they wanted. Remember : "It's GOD, Gold and Guns. Get the first one right or the other two won't matter."(Oct 13 2009) - Will American's be Surveyed and Tracked by IBM :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yesterday, one of our on-line staff members e-mailed the Post a video which horribly documents IBM’s past relationship with NAZI Germany. In this five part video series, you will see and hear for yourself the evil aim of those who still do not have the best intentions for the average individual. We can only surmise what the NWO will do with IBM’s data.(Nov 12 2009) - Hell’s Bell’s to be Rung for Obama at Copenhagen :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Of all the stupid symbolic jesters that liberal Churches use to validate their compliance with the world, rather than their compliance with Scripture - ringing Hell’s Bell’s from their own bell towers is akin to a symbolic satanic kiss on the cheek. Where’s the outcry from Christian’s ? Where are the Pastors ? And why is the Porterville Area Ministerial Association silent in this ungodly alignment ?(Nov 11 2009) - One World Government at the Capitol :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
WASH D.C. -- (Washington Post) The New World Order came into being at 4:25 Tuesday afternoon. It arrived at the Capitol, until that moment the seat of American government, in the form of the stooped and bespectacled figure of Ban Ki-moon, who as U.N. secretary general is the de facto leader of what conspiracy theorists call the One World Government. One floor beneath the Senate chamber, Ban, a South Korean national, took his place behind a lectern bearing the Senate seal and spelled out his demands. "I would certainly expect the Senate to take the necessary action; that's what I have encouraged the senators," he told reporters as a trio of lawmakers stood at his side.(Nov 11 2009) - 2012 - THE MOVIE :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
HOLLYWOOD, CA -- Ok, Hollywood (SONY Pictures) has a great reputation when it comes to "Special Effects" and they can surely get folks to fork over their bucks for a movie with a "Special Message" - especially an END OF THE WORLD kinda' message. But here's some questions to consider. Will Christians flock to this film ? You bet they will. Will they use it to re-inforce what the BIBLE says ? Let's hope they do or better yet, let's start today ... GOT JESUS !(Nov 11 2009) - Veterans Will Protect and Defend To The Very End !
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- On Veterans Day - all across the U.S.A. – millions come together to say thanks to Veterans who put their lives on the line to “Protect and Defend” America’s Freedoms. Previous to that defense, "WE" took an oath promising to protect the Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic -- which for many of us veterans; that means for life. On a few occasions we kept that oath to protect and defend against “domestic enemies” and if necessary will keep that promise to protect ... AGAIN ! Just ask any Vet !(Nov 08 2009) - Christian Men Need to Act Like Real Men :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Sunday, I came across an article called “They Don’t Even Look Like Men” by Coach Dave Daubenmire and I said to myself, “Ain’t that the Truth”. Most of my time I’ve spent in Church I’ve had to listen to second hand sermons suggesting second hand solutions. That’s not to say these pastors weren’t trying. I believe they were. But we as Christian Men need to act like Real Men – not Churchified Men.(Oct 31 2009) - Don’t you just love all the double-speak ?
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Well in Sacramento the state decided to go out trick or treating with California’s tax payers. Staring today, your withholding taxes will be increased to 10% to help “front-load” the states treasury. Meaning the state will get a quicker an earlier treat of your taxes. Don’t you feel so patriotic ???(Oct 25 2009) - What they never never told us about VACCINES :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Tonight I talked with another parent who unknowingly allowed her child to be given the flu vaccine thinking this was the right thing to do. I shared with her important information - as did the medical person who was next in line at this local grocery store – only to be asked “Why didn’t they warn me about the side effects?” I can only PRAY that GOD will intervene and more parents will take a stand and say no to vaccines.(Oct 13 2009) - Will American's be Surveyed and Tracked by IBM :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Yesterday, one of our on-line staff members e-mailed the Post a video which horribly documents IBM’s past relationship with NAZI Germany. In this five part video series, you will see and hear for yourself the evil aim of those who still do not have the best intentions for the average individual. We can only surmise what the NWO will do with IBM’s data.(Oct 08 2009) - What You Were Never Told About Vaccines :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- PAY ATTENTION PARENTS – Just because the person who has a medical title in front of their name, doesn’t exempt them from practicing bad medicine with bad scientific information. Why do you think they have to carry Malpractice Insurance ? Please – {I beg you} - read this article and you will be convinced that taking the H1N1 Swine Flu Shot will cause irrefutable harm to your child and possibly you.(Oct 05 2009) - ONLY $1,000 FOR A HOME IN DETROIT :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Out of sight – out of mind … Right ? Well, until you lemmings see it for your selves, you'll continue to believe that America is not in a DEPRESSION. You say that because you don’t want to believe it can happen to you. That’s what they used to say in Detroit. Pictured are home’s that you can now buy for only $1,000 bucks. Will that happen in California – time will tell. SO GET PREPARED !(Oct 03 2009) - Here's a Video of Your Brain on Drugs - MERCURY :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- (Video) Look, I’m not a chemical engineer or a microbiologist and I can’t speak with that authority but when you deposit a man made substance like mercury into a human being; you end up with something different than GOD’s original design or purpose. Injecting germs or viruses into people, let alone children, to assist a supposed deficient immune system to ready it for a possible flu virus is maddening. And I still refuse to take the H1N1 shot !(Oct 03 2009) - NASA Crashes into Moon - Looking for Water :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here’s a load of ignorance gone to seed. Let’s ram a multimillion dollar object into the backside of one of the moons craters to prove some unproven scientific data – like discovering more moon water. How about launching a multimillion dollar probe up some politicians backside to see if there’s any sign of intelligence ? HEY ! The VALLEY FARMERS at this time need earth water more than NASA needs moon water. It’s just that simple !!!![]()
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Here it is kids, in black and white. There’s just too many people on “their planet” and someone has to postulate a plan to cause millions of useless eaters to jump off terra firma – earth. Their “Soylent Green Solutions”, I’m-here-to-tell-ya, may position you on their carte du jour. On one end, they’re worried about not having enough vaccine to save your life from the swine flu and yet on the other, they’re worried they might save too many lives. SYNTHESES – Make people choose death as something honorable, you know … to save the planet.(Sept 27 2009) - Unemployment at 52% for Ages 16-24 :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- How do you like your hope now ? Today the New York Post disclosed this unbelievable percentage of unemployment amongst 16 to 24 year olds. As high as this number is – and by the looks of this economy it could get higher – these increased numbers will eventually lead to higher crime rates … in this same age bracket. Now’s the time for Christians in the Church to show the world in whom to HOPE – JESUS CHRIST !(Sept 26 2009) - WHY VOTE FOR SOMEONE WHO DIDN’T VOTE :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Some months back, while attending the California Republican Assembly Convention as a Senate District Director and Board member, the CRA had one of the first “Meet and Greets” with the top three Republican candidates for Governor. Of those, Steve Poizner, California Insurance Commissioner scored well. Tom Campbell left with few supporters, while Meg Whitman snuck around privately avoiding questions which concerned conservatives, such as her voting record of not voting or switching political parties at the last minute. So, why vote for someone who didn’t vote for 20 years ? Same questions at CRP Convention(Sept 21 2009) - BUCKLE UP FOR SWINE FLU BRACELETS :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Just in case you didn’t know, back in November of 2008, the Boston Globe ran an article called “Boston launches flu tracking” - basically saying that the Boston Public Health Commission was going to create a citywide registry of everyone who has had a flu vaccination and apply an “Information Bracelet” -- so they can track you better !!! (URGENT UP-DATE) It looks like VeriChip will get two(2) patent licenses {story} to produce an inplantable CHIP that will detect a virus in a human. Time to GET RIGHT with GOD ...(Sept 19 2009) - SWINE FLU MANDATES AND POSSIBLE DATES :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- What would you do if stopped by the CHP at an intersection - along with either the guard or military and were told that traveling any further down the highway was prohibited unless you displayed some “Official” document stating you’d been vaccinated with the H1N1 Swine Flu vaccination? If you haven’t determined what you’re going to do; believe-you-me, these NWO “Zero Population Freaks” have and it’s coming real soon - according to this online video. Thanks for the link(s) General ... (Washington Post : 09-19-09)(Sept 11 2009) - The New World Order is "Communism"
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- It’s time to cut to the chase Christians ! For too many years you’ve allowed secularism to sneak into your soul - causing the HOLY SPIRIT to become quenched in your life, thus incrementally reducing your ability to hear from GOD or Biblically divide TRUTH. Yes, your Pastors are partially responsible for the truth they preach, but you - in the end - are utterly accountable. So, either get to work and alert your family, flocks and friends about the NWO or quit claiming you’re a Christian and get out of the way.(Sept 06 2009) - Depression + Inflation = One year Away ???
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- In the last few weeks many economists became aware that the Federal Reserve was “printing money again” to buy them selves out of a hole. Needing quick cash to buy back unwanted toxic bonds and derivatives, the Chinese caught the Feds and warned them "If you keep printing money to buy bonds it will lead to inflation, and after a year or two the dollar will fall hard.”(Sept 06 2009) - CAMP FEMA : Military Internment Specialists Video Ad :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- So ... let me get this straight. Just in case we run out of reasons or places to lock people up for breaking the law or misbehaving - we might need new places and we might need new “Military Internment Specialists” for those who might commit some terrorist type act, according to Obama ? Indefinite Detention, as far as I’m concerned, is necessary for politicians {like Obama} who fear corporate law instead of Constitutional law. Wake Up America !!!!(Aug 31 2009) - V.A. won't care for G.I. harmed by vaccination :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- There comes a time when you must put the brakes on, say no - and if necessary say it very, very loud – especially dealing with an unresponsive government agent, officer, bureaucracy or administration. This latest read regarding one of America’s valiant should upset the very core of all who call themselves Vets. At the very least, call your representative's and tell them to BACK OFF on this H1N1 vaccination until thorough studies are complete … or else !!! Doctors and nurses won't take them and insurance companies won't cover them. What's else is there to say ...(Aug 29 2009) - Hell Bent on H1N1 Hell on Earth :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- What in tar-nation is the legislature in Massachusetts thinking ? Are they that hell bent on creating hell on earth with forced vaccinations ? Apparently so – as NaturalNew.com reports, “ … a new "Pandemic Response Bill 2028" suspending virtually all Constitutional rights of Massachusetts citizens and forces anyone "suspected" of being infected to submit to interrogations, "decontaminations" and vaccines - with fines up to $1,000 per day for anyone who refuses to submit to quarantines, vaccinations, decontamination efforts or to follow any other verbal order by virtually any state-licensed law enforcement or medical personnel.”(Aug 28 2009) - FOX News Polls Vaccination Concerns :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- FOX News is in the process of polling folks with their vaccination concerns. The question posed is … “Which do you think is a greater risk: taking the fast-tracked H1N1 vaccine or not being vaccinated?” So far 50% of those who did participated said the greater risk was in taking the vaccine. What do you think ? VOTE HERE.(Aug 23 2009) - CIA Spook in the White House Loosing Ratings :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Talking out of both sides of your mouth is easy for the main stream media - entertaining enough for an Emmy, some espouse. The public, historically, complains simply by changing the channel - lowering the ratings. Rasmussen records ratings as well … Presidential Rating and the CIA Spook in the White House is loosing credit from all sides, because he’s getting caught talking out of both sides of his mouth. And American’s are mad because they can’t change this channel for 3 ½ more years.(Aug 22 2009) - Live in Georgia ? 100 Banks going down :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Once the FDIC notifies the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Goverment that they are broke - Kattie bar the door ! People will make a run on the banks ! And that's what the 'owners of the Federal Reserve' want, so they can institute a "banking holiday" - closing banks to keep the people from withdrawing funds. It's up to you folks. You can pull your money out now or wait until the Fed's say you can only have what they say you can have. [Up-Date] [Up-Date] [Up-Date](Aug 13 2009) - WHO really knows what’s in those VACCINES :
Post Opinion by Post Editor : A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA -- As much as it’s in me to give the other fellow or business the “Benefit of the Doubt” or a “Fighting Chance” – latest scientific findings ruins this line of reasoning when infectious and nefarious evidence appears. Again … Baxter International research lab is caught splicing and dicing germs and viruses, all the while injecting them into untested vaccines and innocent people.(Aug 10 2009) - OBAMA CAUGHT LYING ABOUT LOBBING PHARMA :
Post Opinion by Post Editor : A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA -- Health care reform, according to this CNN video, needs more transperancy. As you will see and hear for yourself, Obama gets caught by CNN lying about campaign promises and health care - cutting back-room deals with big PHARMA. American's are honestly upset with their Representatives for being dishonest. And the main stream media is starting to get it.(Aug 05 2009) - Who’s monkeying around with viruses and vaccines
Post Opinion by Post Editor : A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA -- Once in a while snippets of truth sneak out of labs and or lab rats. In this case, the lab rat happened to be a lab monkey from Africa – a green African monkey. NaturalNews.com reports too many coincidences coming from these labs, in particular one that’s attached to a private military corporation called “DynCorp”. If nothing else, they’ve done some great research and I for one will refuse this vaccine for religious reasons. {Read more} {YouTube}.(Jul 25 2009) - TURN OFF YOUR TV – TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE :
Post Opinion by Post Editor : A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA -- Turn off your TV and take back your life, your family, your home, your neighborhood and your future. At first it’s going to be hard but it can be done. Thousands, if not ten-of-thousands, have accomplished this feat. Many report having extra time in the day to spend with the family and their friends. Neighbors eventually talk to each other and start neighborhood watches to reduce crime on their streets. Who would’a thought ? “That’s easier said that done,” one of my friends told me. He said “his T.V. is like a member of the family and we wouldn’t know what to do if we didn’t have one. It brings us the latest news from all over the world and entertains us when we are overworked or overstressed. Without our T.V., we just couldn’t function.” Ain’t that the truth !
(May 18 2009) - California's becoming increasingly un-employable
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- California, according to the Bureau of Labor's latest unemployment statistics, shows our state near the bottom of their list -- with South Carolina, Oregon and Michigan at the very bottom. And the answer to this "Federal Banking Fiasco" is to lay off more workers ? Or, to shut down some of the dealerships ? Are you nuts Obama ? Why don't you listen to the people and shut down the Federal Reserve bank and return America back to it's Constitutional banking practices ? Or are you just another "Economic Girlie-Man" -- like Arnold ?(May 17 2009) - U.S. high-containment "KILLER VIRUS" labs located
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA -- To kill a bug or not to kill a bug ... that's the 5.4 Billion Dollar question. Most folks are purposely unaware that the government is in the business of creating virus' and bio-bugs in search of some rare antidote -- that they may or maynot disclose to the public. According to the L.A. Times, the U.S. government now has 15 of these bio-bug boon-doggels and LORD only knows what chemicals they're cooking up in there. Here's where they're located ...(Apr 25 2009) - Shriners may shut some hospitals; Sac likely safe :
by Post Editor - Freemason Researcher : A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA -- Isn’t it amazing when those pious protectors of the NWO, who clown-around in those monkey mobiles, cry foul when they’re black-balled by their buddies ? For years the shriner’s have been getting away with gutting the gifts from those who donate to the shriners hospitals. Many assumed, that most - if not all of their donations, would be given to these hospitals. Not the case ! Thanks to the efforts of investigative journalists Sandy Frost and others, the insiders are now outsiders and the mess that these masons left will cause undue hardship on those hospital employees and those who need the services of those hospitals. (SacBee)(Apr 12 2009) - BULGARIAN DIRTY BOMBS FOUND BY MEDIA :
Post Opinion : by Post Editor A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA. -- Ok, while we're overzealous in bailing out banks and bureaucracies, maybe we should give a little of this maddening money to non-mainstream journalists who can locate just about anything and anyone on the planet, including those who actually know where Osama Bin Ladin is and where to go to buy – on the black market – dirty bombs. After viewing this on-line video, I have to say … my sense of security is not in those who are paid to protect me and American’s like me, but in the One who Paid the Ultimate Price - Namely JESUS CHRIST. I pray you make HIM your SAVIOUR today ... while you still can !(Feb 15 2009) - Spray Can Criminals Can Be Caught
Post Opinion : Post Editor - A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA -- Saturday, while driving home from Bakersfield on highway 190 to Porterville, I noticed that a couple of advertisement signs had been vandalized by spray-can-criminals. As you can see from the two pictures displayed, these taggers cared less for the content of the advertisement. All they wanted to do is display their disdain for private property. From what I could tell, these graffiti taggers are from this area and have demonstrated their non-compliance with the law for some time now. I have pictured and documented on Gang Watchers web site, what the difference is between gang tags and these “SPRAY-CAN-CRIMINALS”. I for one view these graffiti guys as unrepentant and should be held accountable for their crimes.
(Feb 08 2009) - Pay Attention Porterville - Is this How It's Going to End ?
Post Opinion : Post Editor - A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta
PORTERVILLE, CA -- Pay attention Porterville and look all around. We are losing our jobs, our homes, our stores, our banks and pretty soon we'll be losing our town. I'm sorry, but that's the truth ! Our town is our town and we should behave like it's our town. And in our town, we better start behaving like neighbors real quick ... our we'll all be dumpster-diving at dinner time. Over the years Porterville has seen many businesses come and go. We've seen a lot of small time businesses start right here in Porterville and become a huge success and we have seen a few who did not perform as well. Those who didn't make it here in Porterville, went out of business, most of the time because the product they produced and or sold wasn't what the public demanded. So that business either eliminated that inventory or re-tooled, re-developed and re-supplied. Now that was how every business did it. They changed their supply for the demand or moved to another location to sell to another area.- 2008 PORTERVILLE POST ISSUES -
The Porterville Post : Post Office Box 925 Porterville CA. 93258
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