PORTERVILLE, CA -- The Federal deficit is reaching critical mass, the State cannot balance their budget and now the Porterville Unified School District is asking each and every homeowner within their reach to pay a new and additional TAX for an upwards of $100 million dollar bond issue on the November ballot. Have they lost their minds? The absolute arrogance of the PUSD governing board members and superintendent really knows no bounds. Make no mistake about this bond, it is a new TAX on every homeowner whether you have a child in the district or not. PORTERVILLE, CA -- What an incredibly horrible day for what one media outlet referred to as the Porkerville Unified School District Distrustees. The announcement that 21 certificated employees will be terminated by June 30 due to the extremely difficult state budget is a devastating event to the employees involved. This event not only affects the employees involved but also the students that they serve. Add these terminations to the already long list of district reductions in student services. PORTERVILLE, CA -- Since I appeared in the articles in the Porterville Recorder and on KTIP Radio concerning the financial abuses that are rampant by the PUSD Board of Trustees at the expense of our students & teachers, I have been shocked by the support that I have received from the community. I knew that people were fed up with these "City of Bell" types of boondoggles; I just did not expect to receive 100% support from the community (outside the current trustees & superintendent of course). PORTERVILLE, CA -- Frustration does not begin to describe the feeling that I and other families felt seeing the current PUSD Governing Board members continue to eliminate student & teacher services. As a volunteer coach at Monache High School, I saw firsthand what little support that activities such as athletics, band, FFA, etc received from the school district under the guise of a difficult State budget.
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