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Print | Obama's ineligibility to serve as POTUS
Post Letter to the Editor - Jul 14 2011
by Post Editor : letters@portervillepost.com

Dear Editor, this is the message I sent to our Congressman Devin Nunes. I'm not sure it will do any good as he has bought the phony birth certificates in the past.

Dear Devin,

Evidence mounts daily that Obama is not eligible to serve as POTUS. Experts have proven that the two birth certificates submitted are phony. I do not understand why Congress totally ignores this. It's as if there is a conspiracy to keep him in office.

Even Donald Trump seems to be a part of the conspiracy. He is the only one of note who asked Obama, "Where's the birth certificate?" and when Obama produced yet another phony one, Trump is satisfied.

Obama wants to increase the debt ceiling to keep spending and bankrupt our country. It looks like the old line of Republicans will give him anything he wants. Are you one of them?

If Congress has the guts to impeach Obama and prove he is not eligible to serve as POTUS all the problems are solved, no Obamacare and all the dirty deals he has made will be gone!

You and I both know, along with the majority of Americans, that Obama was not vetted at all. I had to have a background check to be a reserve police officer and Obama can't pass one of these. Obama has access to ALL of America's secrets and we know nothing of his background!

Shame on you and all of Congress!

Thank You Very Much ... Bob Inabinette bobeye@hughes.net from Springville, CA.

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