Dear Editor, my name is Katrina Huckabay and I am trying to get my friends story out into the public. We are asking or your assistance with getting them the help with a CPS case that is being wrongly portrayed.
Hi, my name is Destiny, my friends and family calls me Pork Chop. A lot of prayers have gotten me to where I am today; you see I am lucky to be alive.
I have been blessed with parents who love me dearly and have worked very hard to keep me safe, sadly the courts didnt hear what my parents were trying to tell them and while I was away visiting my biological mother I suffered "Sudden acceleration and deceleration", better known as shaken baby syndrome.
My biological mother brought me to the doctor's office and claimed I was sick. The doctor said I needed to be taken to the closes Children's Hospital for a CT scan, my dad picked me up from the doctor's office, I had been with my biological mother for the pasted 2 and 1/2 days and my parents drove me to the hospital.
When I got there I had a seizure and they rushed me into a CT Scan and that when they found the bleed in my head, my biological mother never bothered to show up at the hospital.
Since then I have been taken into CSW custody, along with my little sister because they say they don't know who shook me, they have over looked the fact that I was sick when my dad took me from the doctor's office, I dont think they order a CT Scan just for the fun of it?
Now they are trying to convict my parents and my biological mother for hurting me. There is a lot of proof that my parents didn't hurt me but they don't have the money for an attorney.
I want to go home and be with my family again. I'm doing great, my mom says I am her Christmas miracle because other than a shunt, you would never know I was hurt, but my little sister isn't doing so well. She had never been away from mom and dad like me, she is so sad now and she wants to go home.
Please help my parents bring us home, they love us with all their hearts, they are trusting God but they are very scared that we will never be a family again.
Thank you, Destiny Jackson and Katrina Huckabay --
From Porterville