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"Letters to the Editor"

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Print | Dominion Theology
Post Letter to the Editor - Jan 13 2010
by Post Editor : letters@portervillepost.com

Dear Editor, I think this article may be of interest to you and your readers.

Do you think you know the history of 'Dominion Theology'? To some, 'Dominion Theology' might be a standard heresy, as for most of the twentieth century the prevailing eschatology (doctrine of the end times) is premillenialism (teaches that the second coming will take place before, not after, the thousand year reign).

Is it time to rethink this? I urge you to take a close look at this article: a compelling and brief study as to how we, as Christians, are called upon to have an active role to usher in God's kingdom.

Cities can be transformed, a spiritual awakening is afoot; are you being called in to service, to be a part of this social transformation? From Taking Over by Eddie Long, "Jesus took away Satan's keys and power at Calvary, and it is up to us to come along behind and subdue and have dominion over every evil work and every servant of evil."

Jesus is to come to earth expressly to take away Satan's dominion. The first Adam lost dominion; the second Adam (Jesus) will regain it. However, many more battles still need to be fought until Satan is finally defeated.

It is now up to us, empowered by the Holy Spirit, to fight the battles needed to finish the work of the second Adam (Jesus).

Respectfully submitted for your review,

Naomi Settle -- nsettle1@yahoo.com

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