Dear Editor,
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Great American Clown Show, where up is down, men are women, and your God-given rights are being replaced with arbitrarily defined civil rights—all dictated by an unelected mob that couldn’t define “woman” if their life depended on it.
Now, before some blue-haired activist clutches their pearls and faints into a gender-neutral fainting couch, let’s set the record straight:
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📢 Civil Rights = Rights determined by the People (usually by natural morality and law).
📢 Human Rights = God-given, immutable, untouchable rights that exist before any government ever did.
And here’s where the socialist takeover gets sneaky:
Yes, legislative bodies can define civil rights—we’ve done this before, in ways that actually made sense. But what’s happening today is a blatant power grab, using administrative force and judicial activism to manufacture “rights” that fundamentally contradict reality.
They’re not passing laws. They’re rewriting society—without your consent.
When Reality Becomes “Hate Speech”
Let’s cut through the insanity.Trans women do not exist.
There are males who identify as transgender, but there is no such thing as a biological male becoming a female because biology is not a democracy.
Now, before I’m accused of “violence” for stating scientific fact, allow me to remind you that truth does not require permission.
This ideological nonsense exists for one reason: To turn basic societal foundations upside down.
The Socialist Playbook: Same Scam, Different Era
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Every socialist takeover starts the same way.
🥀 Step 1: Market themselves as “caring” and “inclusive” against so-called “oppressors.”
🥀 Step 2: Redefine words, fabricate history, and demand compliance with their delusions.
🥀 Step 3: Silence opposition through censorship, demonization, and government force.
🥀 Step 4: Seize power, loot the wealth, and destroy all dissenters—including their own supporters.
And yet, despite history showing this pattern every single time, they still claim this time will be different.
The Bolsheviks said the same thing. The Maoists said the same thing. The Khmer Rouge said the same thing. And what happened?
Mass killings, oppression, and the collapse of civilization.
History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes.
The “Civil Rights” Scam: Manufacturing Power Through Fiction
If you’re paying attention, you’ll notice something interesting.
The state legislative bodies are creating new “civil rights” that directly conflict with pre-existing civil rights at the federal and state level.
So… which ones win?
👀 The ones with the most government power backing them up.
That’s why this is about power—not “inclusivity.”
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Think about it:
• You can’t just declare a new right that overrides existing rights. That’s tyranny, not law.
• You can’t force people to comply with an ideology just because it makes you feel good.
• You don’t get to erase actual women’s rights just to prop up a mentally ill man’s fantasy.
But that’s exactly what’s happening.
Why This Movement Is Anti-American at Its Core
This country was not founded on collective obedience to an ideological cult.
We are a nation of self-governing individuals—not bootlickers to the State.
But what happens when a population is psychologically manipulated into compliance?
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🤡 We get a world where misgendering is violence, but murdering the unborn is a fundamental right.
🤡 We get a world where free speech is “hate speech,” but mutilating kids in the name of gender ideology is “progress.”
🤡 We get a world where citizens must obey the State, instead of the State existing to serve the citizens.
It all starts with mass psychosis—a collective pressure to go along with the latest revolutionary movement, no matter how insane it is.
Because here’s the thing: In a country with limited government intervention, this nonsense would never take hold.
You know why? Because when people have to survive on their own merits, delusions aren’t profitable.
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But give an activist class unlimited government backing, and suddenly:
🔹 Truth becomes illegal.
🔹 Dissent becomes “fascism.”
🔹 Sanity becomes a punishable offense.
Common Sense Will Win—If We Choose to Fight Back
Here’s the good news:
At the end of the day, reality doesn’t bend to ideology. No amount of propaganda can change biology, economics, or basic common sense.
But if we sit back and allow this takeover to happen—if we don’t push back at every level, from local government to national elections—then we are choosing our own enslavement.
🚨 What you are not changing, you are choosing. 🚨
Porterville, the clock is ticking. Are we going to be the generation that bows to madness or the one that fights for truth?
You should weigh in on the subject Tuesday, March 4th at 6:30pm during (public comments) - Porterville City Hall ; 291 North Main Street, Porterville, CA 93257.
Respectfully, Josh Flowers From Porterville, CA.