(Jan 31 2009) -
Flowers and Trees for Vincent Steen :
Letter to the Editor from
Debbie Johnson :
Dear Editor - {Gentle Giant, Go Time#72 and The Lumberjack} I have been friends with the Connor/Steen family for 36 years. Vincent believed in God and had a reverence for nature. I invite all of you to plant flowers or a tree in rememberance. I think this will in a small way help with the grief of loss. He was a brother, son, grandson and nephew. He was also a friend to many. If you would like to share a thought or memory you can email me at
debjohnson1977@yahoo.com. Thanks ... Debbie Johnson

(Jan 24 2009) -
The Steen/Connor family wishes to thank everyone :
Letter to the Editor from
Debbie Johnson :
Dear Editor - The Steen/Connor family wishes to thank everyone for the outpouring of sympathy and support during our recent loss of Vincent. Your prayers, thoughts, financial assistance, flowers, gifts, kind words and deeds are greatly appreciated. Many of you also attended his memorial service to help us remember and celebrate Vincent's life. He was a blessing to his friends and family. We are grateful he touched so many lives. Your thoughts and prayers will continue to help us through this difficult time. With appreciation -- Family of Vincent Steen

(Jan 14 2009) -
PETITION | The Badge is Not A License To Kill :
Letter to the Editor from Shawna Coleman :
Sunday night Jan. 10, 2010 around 7:30 pm, two Porterville Police Officers shot and killed an unarmed 26 year old young man in his own home after they harassed him while riding his bike, and supposed traffic violation!
They tazered him, he ran into his mother’s house, Three officers entered the home and tazered him again, once again he evaded the police into his kitchen because they were hurting him, two of the three police officers pulled their guns shooting him 3 times in the chest which resulted in a fatal outcome, while in the presents of his mother and younger brother.
This is not the first time that the Porterville Police Officers has gone overboard and not followed protocols that are set in place by the people of the state of California... but this is where it ends!