Dear Editor :
Normally I would not stick my nose into Porterville City business since I don't live there. The invitation came to me when it was disclosed that the $550,000 cost is funded by state and federal funds. I contribute, un-voluntarily, to both of these funds. The other point you may ponder on is that both our state and federal government is bankrupt! Well shucks, that is easily solved! We can raise the debt ceiling and borrow some more money from China!
The other thing that amazes me is the city had to hire a consulting firm from Visalia to figure out how to make it more comfortable for the city to pay people to ride the buss! Since I passed basic arithmetic I figured out that it will only cost the taxpayer $4.93 for each rider on the Industrial Park route!
Now here is the best part. The Tule Indian Tribe has had their own busses for years picking up suckers, oops, I meant clients, from as far away as Bakersfield. They decided that it made more sense to put a park-and-ride lot in at Highway 190 and Reservation Road for the convenience of their "clients" and save them some money. I wonder if they had to hire a consulting firm to figure that out?
The city of Porterville decided that the Tribe needed some help in transporting their clients out to the casino. This will make it more convenient for clients to donate their social security money, welfare money, child care money and food stamp money to the casino which makes a huge profit, thanks to their generous clients.
Doing the math again I figured out that we will only have to pay each "client" only $8.78 to make the trip for their benevolent donation! I think that this is very generous of us taxpayers to do this when you consider the huge profits the casino yields and the hundreds of thousands of dollars that the Tribe gets from our federal government. Oh yeah, in case you think I forgot it, the casino officials do hand out some thousands of dollars to curry favor with the city and county. Isn't that kind of like buying votes?
I thank the local newspaper for the story about my book, "TOTALLY PISSED OFF at our Corrupt Progressive Unconstitutional Government." It exposes things like the situation described above and much more. Perhaps the City Council should read it. A few people I have discussed the book with said, "Well I am not interested in politics." To these people I say that you are the major problem! By letting the other people do all the research, if any, and then do the voting, you get the government you deserve but you have no right to dump it on the rest of us who do our home work!
Sincerely ... Bob Inabinette from Springville, CA.