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Print | Letter To Former President Trump
Post Letter to the Editor - Jun 12 2024
by Post Editor : letters@portervillepost.com

Dear Editor, Here's a Letter to Former president Trump.

You had four years to lead the United States and failed us by your own choosing. Whether it be in foreign policy or domestic policy, you did not protect the United States as commander in chief.

We the American people have finally borne witness to what happens when they place an incompetent business man into the Oval Office. Especially one who had everything handed to him.

Quality of life is not a business decision, sir. But rather, it is a humane choice to be empathetic to those who cannot help themselves. This is why government exists.

Now comes the jury’s decision making you a convicted felon. Have you no shame and decency sir? As was said about former president Richard Nixon, jail to the chief.

All you do is complain and moan about what others have done to you. However by all accounts you put yourself in precarious situations and are now facing the consequences.

MAGA has become a dog whistle for NAZI. Your followers would have made great “Brown Shirts” in Hitler’s Germany. They demonstrated their loyalty to you on January 6, 2021. An event you instigated.

As for inflation somebody encouraged Corporate America to gouge us at the grocery stores, gas stations and pretty much everywhere at the point of purchase.

Because of your words and actions many now prefer the “old man” over the felon.

Respectfully, Joe Bialek From Cleveland, OH.

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