Dear Editor, Surprisingly, Jesus Daily and The Bible are the two Facebook pages most visited in our global world.
Websites aiming at the promotion of prayer or teaching the content of the word of God get an average of 1.809.810 and 1.018.280 interactions and are at the top of the list against 591.682 hits for Lady Gaga or 608.900 for Justin Bieber, this in spite of their massive and free promotion.
Two other Christian websites: Jesus Christ and I'm proud to be a Christian are amongst the 20 most visited. Strange, isn't it?
Today, when post-modernity would claim that God is dead it would seem that He reappears with intensity in that Network available to people of every class and culture, setting Himself up as a real idol against all those other idols who appear but do not last.
Jesus shows the true reality of the essence of man and that is why He is always contemporary, at all times.
And we still wonder that there is a need to get to know Him and to love Him, because only his Truth frees and affords happiness to those travelling spirits who roam from one content to another until they find the God who chose to call Himself the Son of Man and who is today the essential idol, at least in the virtual, Anglo-saxon version of Facebook.
Thank You Very Much ... Eva N Ferraz from Barcelona Spain