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Print | Protesters Welcome Boxer to Fresno
Post Letter to the Editor - Aug 23 2010
by Post Editor : letters@portervillepost.com

Dear Sir, On Monday, approximately 60 Central Valley Tea Party members lined Shaw Street in Fresno to protest Barbara Boxer as she attempted to boost her slipping poll numbers with a fundraising event at the Ramada Inn. Outside the weather was hot but the crowd was energized as drivers fueled the cheers by honking and waving. With an almost constant stream of cars passing, it was apparent by the thumbs up and smiles that the majority of people who drove past were pleased with the protest.

Inside, Boxer stated that she has "a lot of support in the valley," and that it's "great to be here." Where is here? In the company of elitists who believe they know best for the rest, or outside where people are asking about jobs and water.

Since she did not have any new ideas or a performance record to share, let's take a look at her plans.

The last time Boxer was here, she was promoting her jobs for California tour. The first item on the agenda is the make California a clean energy hub. Does California need more energy regulations to create jobs? Need I say more?

The next item is to end tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. One might argue that reducing regulations and taxes on businesses might achieve better results. How many companies do you know that ship jobs overseas?

Then, a crackdown on Wall Street speculation; instead lend to small businesses. She claims that Wall Street cost Americans their jobs, not the failed policies of the liberals running Washington.

Next, she wants to invest in infrastructure and create new jobs. Senator Boxer, are these the same type of "shovel ready" jobs in the stimulus package? Our state cannot afford any more waste.

Last on her list for California jobs is to reduce the deficit by "smart budget choices." Here are a few of her previous smart budget choices; She voted yes on a pay raise (July 2009), voted yes on continuing federal funds for declared "sanctuary cities" (March 2008), yes to the entire stimulus package (Sep 2008, Feb 2009, May 2009, July 2009), and Obamacare. (http://www.ontheissues.org/Senate/Barbara_Boxer.htm) I'm sure that if she gets to make these choices, there will be less public safety and more prisoners released.

Water became a national issue last year as Sean Hannity from FoxNews taped his nightly show on a fallowed field in Huron, CA. The Department of the Interior has created a man made drought by shutting of the pumps from the Sacramento Delta. Farms are fallowed and the water tables are sinking causing 40% unemployment in the region. Boxer did not fight for her constituents, but instead voted against the water bill.

Boxer's elitist attitude has surfaced several times during senate hearings. She decided that the Chairman and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Congress, Harry C. Alford, needed to hear the opinions other black groups for no apparent reason. As Chairman Alford contested the relevance of these resolutions, Boxer just kept talking over him. General Michael Walsh was instantly reprimanded for calling her ma'am instead of senator. Luckily for Boxer, the general was gracious.

Boxer has not stood for her constituents but rather for her friends in Washington and the privileged. California cannot afford Boxer anymore.

Tim Watson -- watsonts@earthlink.net

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