Porterville Post � - The Right News at the Right Time
Welcome to The Porterville Post -- A Christian Conservative publication. In the coming months we will be covering news from the local area and eventually expand with additional articles, writers and columnists. A.L."LUCKY" Lucketta : Editor
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The Porterville Post | On-Line News and Info | Humor : Dear Crabbie

(Nov 02 2013) - DEAR CRABBIE : Designed to Spread a Little Humor

Dear Crabbie: There's a national sporting debate going on right now because some people believe that the Washington Redskins is an offensive, insensitive name for a sports team. Shouldn't members of the team be ashamed that the name is still being used? - PC Smith

Dear PC: The team should be more embarrassed about having Washington in their name.

Dear Crabbie: Our eleven year old dog, Bruce, has not moved for three days. We love Bruce and want to know if he's okay. What should we do? - Mr. & Mrs. Bright

Dear Not-so-Bright family: Place a mirror near Bruce's nose. It will fog if Bruce is in the land of the living. I used this method on my late husband, a deep sleeper, for many years - mirror in one hand, life insurance policy in the other.

Dear Crabbie: I see disgraced ex-NY Congressman Anthony Weiner talked about his sexting exploits in a recent GQ magazine article. But do you think it's fair to compare him with other politicians and presidents who strayed in their marriage? - Weiner Watcher

Dear WW: Of course not. At least Kennedy and Clinton had the decency to cheat on their wives with real women.

Dear Crabbie: I read that Iran plans to send a monkey into space soon, but there is apprehension by other nations that the Iranian government will use the launch to develop warfare technology. Should I be concerned? - Restless at Night

Dear Restless: No. The US tried this in the 1950s. But no matter how many banana peels their cosmic chimps tossed out the spaceship onto major Russian cities, it caused no signification disruption.

Dear Crabbie: I was interested in this year's physics Nobel Prize, announced in early October. The winners had proposed a theory which was recently proven with that new Large Hadron Collider machine. Isn't that the instrument which, if it fails, could create a black hole in our society leading to universal disaster and the end of life as we know it? - Edgy Ed

Dear Edgy: No, you're thinking of Obamacare.

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The Right News @ The Right Time

Our second goal is to report above and beyond the main stream media.

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Our third goal is to politically inform and educate the public at lareg.

A Conservative Publication

The Porterville Post is a conservative publication and news service and when the Post makes a mistake in our reporting, we'll address it "Right Here" and if needed, with an appology. Please feel free to contact us with your comments or suggestions.

Writers | Columnists | Reporters

The Post, in the new few weeks, will be looking for new writers, columnists and reporters. We understand the need for new writers to have the chance of starting a new career and we'd like to offer a free internship at the Post.

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