Pastor Paulette Blaylock |
That little twelve year old girl had no idea what was in store for her when she gave her heart to the Lord that night long ago!
Her walk with the Lord has taken her through some tough times and to many places.
The Ministry, of which she was part, traveled throughout the country doing God’s work.
One day the woman, who was once that little girl, found herself back home in Porterville.
The Lord had given her a Vision.
The result of that Vision is Landmark Christian Center. The woman who guided the Vision is Pastor Paulette Blaylock.
So, “What is it like to be a Woman Pastor in Porterville?”
Here is what Pastor Paulette has to say about that:
“Porterville is a wonderful Christian community and an All American City. We, as the Church enjoy great freedom in our area.
I was born and raised here in Porterville and know many people in the community and I enjoy the mutual respect we share. I have no horror stories to share concerning my gender in Pastoring. It has been a wonderful twelve years.
Prior to Pastoring, I traveled extensively across the United States in fulltime ministry for ten years and I cannot recall one time that I have been confronted with any issue of prejudice or negativity concerning being a woman in ministry. For that, I am very thankful.
Even if someone were to take issue with it, I would still gladly answer my call. I paid a great price to be here, and besides that, God knew I was a woman when he called me.
I am very honored and humbled that He has entrusted me with this High Call on my life. I am also very thankful He has called me to my home town of Porterville. That is an added blessing and benefit for me.
I love Pastoring because I get to see the same people weekly and watch them grow as I minister week after week. I love seeing the educated and uneducated, the rich and the poor, the sick and whole, sinners and Christians, all coming together under the same roof to be changed if they need to be changed, healed if they need to be healed and to worship Christ together.
I am also thrilled to be a part of the many outreaches and events our Church offers our community as we reach outside our church walls.
Pastors around the world, whether male or female, face the same difficult tasks, but thank God for the Grace He gives us to do what we do.
Pastoring here in Porterville is an honor, joy and a wonderful experience for me.”
Thanks to Pastor Paulette Blaylock for her service to Church and community and for answering the question “What Is It Like To Be A Woman Pastor
In Porterville?”