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Ed McKervey
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Unalienable Rights© - Oct 02, 2024
with Ed McKervey : ed@portervillepost.com


Merit is our Strength 3 of 4

The moral authority of paper boys and girls of yesteryear now thwarted abused and neglected. The culture that tries to claim love your neighbor as a moral imperative, while ignoring the first part of the greatest commandment, to love God first, is flailing and failing. It’s weird to see so many failing upward? That’s not true merit that’s the opposite of merit.

How do you know what love is if you don’t love God first with all your heart mind soul and strength? America was founded by and designed for a moral and religious people. A free society cannot function without those virtues. John Adams wrote about this in Federalist 55. Why is this not taught in school anymore?

~ Remember This Biblical Precept ~
If You Hate Your Neighbor You Hate God

Remember this biblical precept. If you hate your neighbor you hate God. We must take stock here and remember to love our neighbors. We must reconcile the basic premise that God is Love so that we understand properly what love is so we can repair the damage the Cultural Marxists have wrought on our country. The results of this grand experiment that started in the 1960’s are in and they are horrible.

The left has reached most of its goals to discard the old ways of America and equal opportunity while embracing the “New” pagan ideologies of power control and the always elusive equal outcomes. Interestingly enough these are the same goals of the communist party USA. Go check out their website. This materialist equal outcome looks nothing like the former equal opportunity because the merit has been removed.

We are faced with a generational task as there are so many in places of power in our institutions that have embraced this ideology. The Left is now abusing its power and the law to punish its political enemies undermining the rule of law.t looks as if the Left will defend its power to the death no matter if it hurts our country and our families.

I have seen more lawfare in this generation than ever before to protect this woke ethic that it boggles my mind as to how we got here. The wind is blowing for sure but it cannot move the mountain. Truth will out as Shakespeare opined. We made our bed and now we have to lay in it.

This is not the end but the beginning of a reversal where truth must become ascendant again and we must fight for the next generation to enjoy the freedoms we all enjoyed in the past. Cultural Marxist are working hard to destroy the real constitution and discard it as racist, misogynist or whatever destructive ideology they embrace next in their “new constitution.”

"Let’s Bring Patriotism Back"
Let’s Put God Back At The Center of American Culture

How could the most diverse, and successful country in the history of the world be derided so, and by so many? Let’s bring patriotism back. Let’s put God back at the center of American Culture and embrace the Declaration of Independence in the next generation for the sake of our posterity and merit itself. Let’s stop progressing away from the constitution and start progressing back towards it together.

Reminds me of a Bible Verse in Second Corinthians Three Seventeen.
Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”

Technology can be used for good or evil it is just a tool. The corrupt tech oligarchs of today make your search for original writings difficult as they bury it deep in your search results and make it hard to find.

Why do the search engines of today point this John Adams quote proclaiming the American Republic only works for a moral and religious people (Federalist 55) to a militia reference? It is criminal intent and greed by search engines to de-rank American founding documents and promote things that earn themselves revenue and political favor. CRIMINAL.

Dismissing the first condition of the greatest commandment has destroyed a generation through neglect and omission of God and perverting love itslef. This neglect undermines the ethical and moral edifice that once was a thriving United American Culture. Why are we no longer united in Liberty and Freedom?

American unity needs to be restored. America is already the most diverse, inclusive and equitable nation on earth when we embrace our American identity we are unified. This is a focus on what we have in common not what our differences are.

We are free to choose. Let’s choose Liberty and Freedom and reject all this perfectionism and secularism that is destroying REAL VIRTUE. The woke ethic does not lead to virtue its leads to vice. The work ethic is where merit and virtue can be found.

Based In Merit Aligned by Liberty & Freedom

Everyone benefits in a system based in merit aligned by Liberty and Freedom. When everyone is working we all thrive. Freedom is earned and the country thrives when people with better skills get ahead and are rewarded by hard work. A rising tide floats all boats. When we are focused on Liberty and Freedom we all rise together. Even if you are not a religious person virtue emerges when we are all seeking truth with integrity.

• Kids used to care more about their neighbors.
• Kids used to have more responsibility.
• Kids used to work to help neighbors learn English.
• Kids were more engaged in the community focused on freedom and less focused on safety because naturally freedom is based on responsibility. We are seeing what happens when you take out responsibility, we are less free and more dependent.

When I was a kid the meme of the boy scouts was helping the little old lady across the street which depicted the morality of the time. The paper boys that made sure the older folks got their newspaper on their porch or in a specific place echoed that sentiment. It was responsibility that lead to meaning and purpose through merit.

Expanding the newspaper circulation in the small towns and labor camps of the past was a noble enterprise. Expanding the paper to reach more of the community was part of the social contract that we all had the right to be informed and the paper was a great vehicle for that. Research when I was a kid was simply called reading.


Today the progressives try to tell you not to read or do your own research. This is what slave masters do to keep their slaves ignorant. This is what socialist’s do to control their populations. This is why censorship is so dangerous. Ignorance is not bliss.

Freedom requires responsibility and merit.


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Part 1 • 08/16/23
Part 2 • 08/23/23
Part 3 • 08/30/23
Part 4 • 09/06/23
Part 5 • 09/13/23
Part 6 • 09/20/23
Part 7 • 09/27/23
Part 8 • 10/04/23
Part 9 • 10/11/23
Part 10 • 10/18/23
Part 11 • 10/25/23
Part 12 • 11/01/23
Part 13 • 11/08/23
Part 14 • 11/15/23
Part 15 • 11/22/23
Part 16 • 11/29/23
Part 17 • 12/06/23
Part 18 • 12/13/23
Part 19 • 12/20/23
Part 20 • 12/27/23

In my Paper Boy Column on <------ October 2nd : 2024 I mistakenly attributed a John Adams Quote to Federalist 55. The quote was correct but the reference to Federalist 55 was wrong. The entire quote from John Adams is: ------>
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
from a letter written On October 11, 1798, to the Massachusetts Militia. Many thanks to the reader that pointed this out so we could correct the record.


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