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Ed McKervey
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Unalienable Rights© - Sep 25, 2024
with Ed McKervey : ed@portervillepost.com


Merit is our Strength 2 of 4

The honor and respect for America and its constitution is waning as our kids are not being taught the constitution and the virtues of our republic. Adults who have recently passed their immigration and naturalization tests to become American’s are in stark contrast to both the current “immigrant” crisis and the curriculum in our Marxist school systems.

A paper boy knew all of this instinctively. In past generations everyone pledged allegiance in school every day to the flag, and new the Patriotic American anthems. There is a simple thoughtful test for the uninitiated to why America is great. America has gates and walls to keep people out. This is to protect our country and our culture and our economy. Remember also heaven has a gate and requirements to get in.

Remember Also HEAVEN Has A Gate
~ And Requirements To Get In ~

The opposite is true of socialism the world over. Socialist countries have gates and walls to keep people in, not to keep people out. The Berlin Wall was the best recent example. East Berlin had to keep people in as they were not free to leave. Don’t forget the socialist war manual where prisons are always emptied in advance of political and material advances outside of their borders. The immigration crisis the world over is being fueled by the internet and perverse incentives enriching NGO’s in bed with government through perverse grants.

We are paying for our own destruction, go figure. This takes the burden off of bankrupt socialist countries because they are not great and they are broke. Did you tell anyone you were moving to Canada? American’s are all free to leave and yet those who hate our country never leave they just militate against her and work to destroy her. We are becoming Venezuela as a result.

We are living in a very strange time because the Civil Rights Success of the 1960’s was also at the same time a monumental Civil Rights Failure of the 1960’s. Let me explain. While the country was celebrating the Civil Rights movement the courts were dismantling the core of the American Experiment when they ruled against prayer in school. That generation began the slow death march of removing God from all of our institutions. The most important part of the Civil Rights movement that we are all created equal was destroyed while we endured the destruction of the social contract.

In other words the premise that all men are created equal, and had to earn it, was traded for all men must have equal outcomes even those that didn’t earn it. This 1960’s celebration is playing out in a perverse way as it takes pride in destroying the foundations of the social contract.

Didn’t Earn It (DEI) was born of the affirmative action quota’s and social justice that followed and reached apogee in recent decades. In short the tether to truth and reality was severed when we removed God. The ethical boundaries were removed in what was celebrated as a liberation from the moral constraints of our founding that had been in place for nearly 200 years.

A New Constitution of Feelings over Facts ???

You might think about it as a new constitution of feelings over facts. You might understand this through the song by The Who that celebrated in the culture signing about tipping a hat to the new constitution and we should all bow to the new revolution. That Song is a great ballad for liberation but it’s a false liberation if the new constitution is not the one ratified in 1788. The embrace of Cultural Marxism in the 1960’s as the new constitution rings true in hindsight. Ironically, we got fooled again but not in the way the song portrays.

When you zoom out and look at this through the lens of real history it starts to come into focus. Our country was taken off the Gold Standard and we began to reward the “woke ethic” and discard the “work ethic” of the past. Cultural Marxism became the new constitution of the left and the promise of social justice was born because we had the wealth, through borrowing power, to experiment on our culture without the constraints of merit. In other words we were so well off we began to borrow from the real equity of the past generations to squander it on the current generations. We began using the collateral of the future to begin installing socialism and social studies in the present.

The paper boys that helped grow the circulation of the Porterville Recorder were bilingual and genuinely cared for the hard working spanish speaking friends and neighbors here that were assimilating and becoming American’s. This is completely the opposite of the multicultural messaging that is taught today that seeks to divide. Cultural Marxism was hidden under the guise of multiculturalism which began displacing the American melting pot that was built on merit. The left embraced privilege points in affirmative action as the new constitution and began to march through the institutions. That was not the culture in Porterville until the late 1980’s or early 1990’s.

Cultural Marxism is not the real constitution but that is the constitution the left embraced. Once God was removed from the institutions the moral and ethical boundaries became cultural and progressively worse. In life the most committed win and the Cultural Marxists were committed to the new constitution where feeling don’t care about the facts. Were social justice was more important than equal justice.

This embrace was regional and was not implemented in all jurisdictions at once but could be deployed in experiments all over the country mostly in our cities. The experiments began and when you hear the left claiming “democracy this is the battle cry to hold fast to the Cultural Marxism fully embraced as the new constitution. In reality this is simply emotionalism and rejection of the REAL CONSTITUTION.

The churches stood by silenced by Lyndon Johnson in his regulatory capture of churches as charities that would lose their tax exempt status if they talked politics. This neutralized the churches in the culture war elevating the culture above the church. Before the 1960’s Cultural Revolution the culture was below the church.

This inversion was the beginning of what we see today. We are now bankrupt both financially and morally as a result. The experiment is coming to an end and it is not going to end well.

When the government treats the church of Satan as equal to the Christian church we know we have a problem. EQUITY? This is not progress.

"Multiculturalism" Is A Weapon Of "Mass Destruction"
That was detonated inside our country a generation ago that seeks division not unity

Multiculturalism is a weapon of mass destruction that was detonated inside our country a generation ago that seeks division not unity. It’s an endless seeking of the new and discarding the old with no boundaries or constraints. We traded the melting pot of assimilation and unity for the academic idea of multicultural enclaves and division. Simply put one leads to unity the other division. Let’s seek unity again and the melting pot.

Patriots are not radicals they are American’s that fight and die for our freedoms selflessly. We should never throw the baby out with the bathwater. The melting pot is focused on Freedom and Patriotism that unifies the country and the culture for common God and a common goal.

I firmly believe this is why the left hates patriotism so much. The unity of the spirit of America like any other county is about loving your country and your neighbors. When you take out patriotism or water it down you destroy the country. This is necessary for Cultural Marxism to flourish because the new constitution of the Cultural Marxists is to throw out the old ways no matter what. To remove the burdens of the past. To reject the founding of our country. This is the premise that needs to be discussed. We must do the opposite if we are to restore common sense in our country.

Diversity, Inclusion & Equity (DIE)
It Does Not Seek Unity ~ It Seeks Division and Political Power

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE) does not seek unity it seeks division and political power. It is not merit based. Its best described as Didn’t Earn It.” Today’s kids are no longer taught about the melting pot of assimilation that leads to unity. Multiculturalism eschews the melting pot promoting group identity over American identity of past generations.

Patriotism is focused on individuals not groups.

Patriotism is focused on God, honor, virtue, achievement and merit.

When we are unified we are great and many today posit erroneously that America was never great which is deceitful and destructive.


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Part 1 • 08/16/23
Part 2 • 08/23/23
Part 3 • 08/30/23
Part 4 • 09/06/23
Part 5 • 09/13/23
Part 6 • 09/20/23
Part 7 • 09/27/23
Part 8 • 10/04/23
Part 9 • 10/11/23
Part 10 • 10/18/23
Part 11 • 10/25/23
Part 12 • 11/01/23
Part 13 • 11/08/23
Part 14 • 11/15/23
Part 15 • 11/22/23
Part 16 • 11/29/23
Part 17 • 12/06/23
Part 18 • 12/13/23
Part 19 • 12/20/23
Part 20 • 12/27/23


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