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Ed McKervey
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Print | THE PAPER BOY : Part XVI
Unalienable Rights© - Sep 18, 2024
with Ed McKervey : ed@portervillepost.com


Merit is our Strength 1 of 4

The immigrants that I interacted with as a child loved America and its promise. The promise of equal justice and upward mobility through merit in the melting pot that is America. The city on the hill that Reagan spoke about invoked a hopeful vision. The golden state rang true to a certain extent even though that vision is always outside of the human grasp.

The city on the hill is a biblical reference. It was the goal, it was the ideal, and it remains a vision of hope and possibility. A vision that everyone in America had the opportunity of climbing ladders through merit and chasing their dreams.

It’s About "EQUAL JUSTICE" Not Equity
In short equity is socialism & antithetical to America as founded

America as founded is closest to that meritocracy and it’s about EQUAL JUSTICE not equity. In short equity is socialism and antithetical to America as founded. This is why people want to come to America. The progressive left will try and convince you, and our children, that America was never great and you can’t get ahead through merit. That’s a complete lie because merit is our strength not diversity in the modern vernacular. We all know this instinctively but the media, our universities and our government tries to convince you otherwise through bad messaging, bad policy and warped curriculum.

DEI is just the rebranding of affirmative action ... that has failed miserably and now being ruled illegal for good reason. DEI trades real merit in work ethic for the fake merit in the woke ethic. We see the corruption this has bred in our university system. Affirmative action is systemic racism and as it begins to collapse has to be rebranded as DEI. America is the most diverse and free nation in the world just look at the crowd at a football game or a baseball game as we celebrate together the competition of our best athletes. Why would anyone listen to, let alone accept, the false premise that America is not a diverse nation in the first place?

The mass migration of the early 1900’s actually built much of the infrastructure of our country and fueled the industrial revolution. Most of the immigrants did not speak the language but worked hard to learn it and assimilate joining the American experiment in self-government based in merit. Many came to America and always for the same reason, to have a chance at a better life for freedom and to earn it. Merit leads to meaning and purpose and real pride through ownership of private property in our country.

It’s also true ... that so many came that they had to stop immigration for a protracted period. Those that came needed time to assimilate in the American Melting Pot so our social contract is maintained. Our self-reliant independent freedom minded culture is diluted or watered down if there is too much too fast. The economy is disrupted when there are too many entrants all at once. Folks need time to assimilate into our American Culture so we all thrive together. Most of the world wants to take part of the American Dream. Would you be eating lunch on the 80th floor of a New York Sky scraper risking your life to live the American dream? That was the immigration of my great grandparents.

There's a big difference between what we called immigration then vs immigration now

There is a big difference between what we called immigration then vs immigration now. The dinner table conversations of my childhood were about how families had to pull together to buy things because immigrants in the early 1900’s were not given welfare or handouts they had to figure it out on their own. The incentive to assimilate and learn the language is a universal responsibility the world over. Woke destroys the incentive to assimilate. Some are coming today to take advantage of our generosity and our wealth through unearned benefits. We don’t need a wall if we reform the welfare state.

We studied Civics in High School in the 1980’s and learned ... the basics of being a good citizen. I’m afraid that is no longer a requirement or even taught properly as I engage folks today. The activist mindset of today is not a patriotic culture that loves its country like it was back then. We had to learn the constitution and we had to know it to get a passing grade and to graduate. That is no longer the case. In fact we are even failing at basic reading and math for far too many children today.

Today the average grades in University are all A’s because ... it’s no longer about seeking truth but about multiculturalism, inclusion and globalism. Why are 85% of all grades in university A’s now? Many of these A’s are not earned. If nothing is better than anything else we may as well give everyone an A. EQUITY? Besides you paid six figures for your education so you may not want to pay if you don’t graduate due to failing grades. Even worse the government is now taking from tax payers who earned and forgiving the debts of those that did not, in order to bail out a failing university system.

Most of the jobs available for the woke ethic are in government ... not in industry or the area of study. In fact less than 15% of those that graduate today have a job in their field of study. Can you say broken?


Throughout my adult life I encountered some outstanding American’s. The teams we developed in our Delano Operations for Sears were some of the greatest people I’ve ever known or worked with. Many of them had achieved citizenship after migrating to America and they were the most freedom loving patriotic American’s I have ever known. This reminded me of those paper boys of my youth. This is all merit driven.

The folks that are from here have become jaded and ignorant. Most of today’s native born Americans could not pass the citizenship test we give to immigrants. In fact the recent surges of “immigration” that look more like a manufactured invasion are obtaining a fast track to citizenship through asylum. This bypasses the requirements to learn the constitution that we have always used in the past. This is damaging our American culture and our social contract.

This Is Damaging Our American Culture
~ No wonder patriotism is waning, the schools are no longer teaching the fundamentals ~

No wonder patriotism is waning, the schools are no longer teaching the fundamentals.

Why are we no longer teaching kids to love their country and its founding?

That is a shame and in my view generational theft.

Today we are less patriotic and more ignorant of America’s founding values.

“We are all born Ignorant but you have to work really hard to remain stupid” in the words of Benjamin Franklin


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Part 1 • 08/16/23
Part 2 • 08/23/23
Part 3 • 08/30/23
Part 4 • 09/06/23
Part 5 • 09/13/23
Part 6 • 09/20/23
Part 7 • 09/27/23
Part 8 • 10/04/23
Part 9 • 10/11/23
Part 10 • 10/18/23
Part 11 • 10/25/23
Part 12 • 11/01/23
Part 13 • 11/08/23
Part 14 • 11/15/23
Part 15 • 11/22/23
Part 16 • 11/29/23
Part 17 • 12/06/23
Part 18 • 12/13/23
Part 19 • 12/20/23
Part 20 • 12/27/23


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