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Print | THE PAPER BOY : Part XV
Unalienable Rights© - Sep 11, 2024
with Ed McKervey : ed@portervillepost.com

UNALIENABLE RIGHTS © with Ed McKervey 1292 : THE PAPER BOY : Part XV

The Woke Supremacy 2 of 2

Work ethic is not what it used to be and that’s a shame.

The work ethic of the paper boy and the kids that helped support families that worked in the fields still exists but less and less. Some of those kids back in the day would help me cover routes that were abandoned. Some of those kids would work to expand the reach of their routes. Kids used to collect and control money as part of their responsibility. Kids used to participate in contests to earn prizes and more money.

To win and to compete was to be part of the meaning and purpose of the social contract. Competition makes you better and in the words of Mike Baxter, in gest: “hurting people’s feelings is how you build a polite society.”

~ The Idea of being offended likely never crossed our minds back in the 1980’s. ~
~ To be offended meant it was probably true & you couldn’t handle the truth. ~

Making America Great simply means loving your country and acting on it. The unity of purpose that Americans are free is what unites us all. At the end of the day we should all be united on the basic premises of Liberty and Freedom that our country was founded on.

Free Speech leads to freedom. There is no forced freedom. There is no forced fun. There is no forced happiness. There is no forced joy. Woke seeks to use guilt to persuade folks without merit which is un-American.

Americans pledge allegiance to this idea with a hand on our heart facing our American Flag. “One Nation under God, with Liberty and Justice for all.” Without a common God we can have no common sense. We must all pursue happiness exercising our freedoms to be a free country. In the Words of Larry Arn “To be a right, a right must lead to like advantage to every other.” Civil rights are immutable and innate never woke.

Competition helps you recognize your shortcomings and helps motivate a person to work harder, practice more and get better. This is why we love sports so much it’s a contest. Participation trophies do the opposite, don’t hurt your arm patting yourself on the back. No reason to compete if there is no incentive to winning. We can all be equally miserable together is the natural outcome to today’s woke zealots. If you don’t keep the score you may be woke and there will be few if any spectators. Privilege points are not real points if you are awake.

~ We have to discriminate between good & evil, success & failure, right & wrong ~

To Make America Great we have to discriminate between good and evil, success and failure, right and wrong as well as the simple smart over stupid so we can choose the better continuously. Choice is freedom, freedom is choice. If you choose to do good things it leads to good things. The opposite is also true. What one man can do, another can also.

Schools are now teaching that it’s ok to let biological males participate in female sports because they pretend to be females. Males are biologically bigger and stronger so this only leads to conflict and injury in the real world. Not only physical but mental abuse is now being celebrated and that is not a social good. That is not safe. That is not secure. That is not going to make America great. Maybe we need to teach biology as a foundation of science and put social studies in their proper place, social studies are not scientific.

The participation trophy is all that matters to the equity zealots not winning just participating. It’s a shame to see biological males destroying women’s sports crushing the hopes and dreams of young women who work and train hard to win only to be abused by the woke supremacy.

This is the REAL WAR ON WOMEN !!!

Never mind the incentive structures for scholarships because the “merit” of your pretended status was enough even if you didn’t win. Talk about privilege, those barking loudest about privilege are installing privilege and destroying REAL EQUITY while they lift up FAKE EQUITY. The idea of real competition is removed along with it our desire to get better and our desire to win.

We must ask ourselves a question: “if we are all winners aren’t we also then all losers?”

Seems to me this is a WAR ON CHILDREN and our future. Woke is a war on merit itself. Are the kids today going to strive to get better and compete when they see the woke abuse of those who trained their whole lives, only to have their dreams crushed by the powers that be in the name of equity? This is unsustainable and leads to misery and despair as it destroys the social contract.

We are leaders, all of us.
The question is not about titles it’s about integrity.
The operative question is always “What does it lead to?”
America is great when it focused on the virtues of honor and beauty.
America is great when it pursues and rewards truth and integrity.
America is great when even at a young age male or female you can lead others.
America is great when it is based on merit, optimism and good sportsmanship (integrity).

The girls that used to throw papers were fewer than the boys because of physical strength but the girls that threw papers were tough, resilient and tenacious rising to the challenges every day. Those girls became the role models for their families and their siblings. Those girls were leaders in their own right. America is great when it recognizes that girls/women are the guardians of life. America is great when it recognizes that boys/men are to be the protectors and guardians of girls/women. If you don’t know what a woman is, let me remind you: “IT’S YO MAMA!!”

The culture in my childhood was one of honor and respect for your elders. It was one of honor and respect for the truth and a hard day’s work even for young Kids. That culture sought and honored real beauty. The kids I led and mentored had a deep respect for truth and what was right and what was wrong. Those kids even taught me some great lessons about what was right and wrong as I got to know them and their families. Freedom was in the DNA of the generation I grew up in and it was still alive and well in the 1980’s.

America Will Never Be Perfect
~ But it is at its best when it is focused on honor and beauty ~

America will never be perfect but it is at its best when it is focused on honor and beauty. Humbly accepting that values, ethics, morality and fairness flowed from our creator and our founding. America was designed for a moral and religious people and becomes dysfunctional without those foundations. The woke supremacy seems to be aimed at installing a new social contract incompatible with the old. We have some choices to make, all of us.

In the 1980’s America was united in purpose.
America had just won the cold war and Reagan worked hard to tear down the dividing Wall in East Germany. It was a time of renewal and the policies of the 1980’s created the greatest peace time wealth creation in the history of the world.

When Reagan was governor of California it was known as the golden state as it thrived and grew in this marvelous resource rich moderate climate. California was known as a land of golden opportunity, hope and abundance. What happened to us?

The golden state is but a memory now ...
And I’m sure we all hope to restore our California to that time of unity and prosperity. We will have to pull together and restore a hopeful vision of abundance and unity required for all of us to thrive. We must pull together and reject the woke supremacy fallacies of scarcity and decline that eschew merit. We must love our neighbors again and discard the envy of the woke supremacy that only seeks to divide and devour.

Who doesn’t want California to be great again
Or America to be great again?


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Part 1 • 08/16/23
Part 2 • 08/23/23
Part 3 • 08/30/23
Part 4 • 09/06/23
Part 5 • 09/13/23
Part 6 • 09/20/23
Part 7 • 09/27/23
Part 8 • 10/04/23
Part 9 • 10/11/23
Part 10 • 10/18/23
Part 11 • 10/25/23
Part 12 • 11/01/23
Part 13 • 11/08/23
Part 14 • 11/15/23
Part 15 • 11/22/23
Part 16 • 11/29/23
Part 17 • 12/06/23
Part 18 • 12/13/23
Part 19 • 12/20/23
Part 20 • 12/27/23


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