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Ed McKervey
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Print | THE PAPER BOY : Part X
Unalienable Rights© - Aug 07, 2024
with Ed McKervey : ed@portervillepost.com

UNALIENABLE RIGHTS © with Ed McKervey 1889 : THE PAPER BOY : Part X

The Paper Boy was essential…

The lockdowns really impacted the little guys trying to make it on their own and that is a stain on our history the world over. We are just beginning to take stock of the pain and misery that was caused by the overreach of government. I had read that 50% of the churches did not re-open their doors because they were no longer financially viable after the lockdown period. This really hurt our community. There is much to be discussed and written about here regarding our independent churches and their struggle to keep the doors open.

There were many small businesses that fell victim to the same as the churches. It didn’t help that our city used code enforcement to harass people trying to make a living and hang onto their small business. The barbers and hairdressers were severely impacted and many lost their properties and life savings as a result of the overreach. We have to take stock here and make sure when moving forward that ... ALL PEOPLE and ALL BUSINESS ARE CONSIDERED ESSENTAIL.


We experienced authoritarian fascism (AKA Socialism) right here in small town America. What a shame. A Crying Shame. We are still working feverishly to put Humpty Dumpty back together again after this socialist fever has passed. Hopefully folks have woken up to the reality now that we see rampant inflation as a result of this terrible period in our history.

It was senseless and heartbreaking. Reminds me of an unnamed person that made headlines after the murder of one of our deaf friends from the east side. Things happen and hopefully we can sort this out and face the tragedy of what happened. I never wanted to even think about that evil tragic event ever again that seems to be where we are mentally after the pandemic. We must face it, learn from it and deal with it properly.

Bullies that are never put in check properly thrive on the suffering of others. Sadistic is the only proper description. We are all essential but not according to the powers that be. Churches Small business and private industry were all deemed non-essential by an overreaching government.

My dad taught me and my little brother how to play chess when we were about 5 or 6 years old. The old man was brutal. The pieces flew off that table when they were captured. The old man never let us win he taught us the game but we had to learn how to win. That was a great lesson of my child hood. Winners were those who figured out how to overcome. But we were also taught quite clearly where the line was on right and wrong. Character counted. We were all essential and we did not pick winners and losers. Equal Justice is a merit based system.

We grew up in a world where you had to put your name on the things you did. In fact we used to tease each other about that at times if someone was coming up a little short we’d ask if they would put their name in it. We were taught ownership and accountability. The character of growing up in those days was clear you knew the boundaries and you had to pay the consequences if you crossed them. We learned hard work, responsibility and the satisfaction of accomplishment.

I was always a reader. In fact I was hooked on phonics. In the self-study SRA station I excelled. I have always enjoyed working independently and not being held back by the group. That is what breeds an entrepreneurial spirit. I remember Roche in the fourth grade Mr. Handley really did dance on his desk. He inspired us as he was tough and didn’t accept excuses. In short, he expected the best and for the most part he got it. I became best friends with his son Clay. They had me over for dinner once to enjoy the best chicken and dumplings I ever had.

When I started my executive career I took several correspondence courses.

I always learned more outside of the classroom than inside. Field trips, gardens, grandparents growing fruit trees and shop. Boy did shop help me. Wish we had more trades today. The independence drives mechanical learning and creativity to figure things out. Learning to weld in Jr high was cool. My dad was a machinist so welding at home was even more fun. Mini bikes and projects led to go carts and then small engines before high school and cars.

Our friend Chad Elder lived around the corner on Murray Street. Chad had the official Recorder route and the bundles of papers would be there after school and we would help him out so we would have more time to play together before it got dark. Miguel lived a few doors down toward Roche Ave School but he seldom helped with the route he was always helping his dad and helped support his family working in the fields. School and paper routes were a lot easier than working in the fields. Families were closer together out of necessity. You learned to get along from the times that you didn’t.

We grew up fast in those days and I remember Miguel driving us to school when he was still in Jr High. This was before mandatory insurance and not long after seat belts were made mandatory. We watched the freedoms get taken away and the money to get insurance became a freedom barrier. Freedom became more expensive for young people and a hindrance to growing up. Insurance was just wasted money 99% of the time. For young people it was an unnecessary burden and also for their families.

Many of our problems today that we willingly embraced, to the behaviorists delight, was the introduction of seat belt laws. Once everyone accepted the premise that the state could force you to do something for your own safety it opened up a whole new realm of behavioral change.

Not to mention that these mandated changes could also be revenue generators for someone else. Before you know it insurance was required. We had entered the stage where they could make you do all sorts of things for your own safety. The new weasel word is sustainability.

It went from a small step over a long time of seat belts for your own safety to masks for the safety of others. While we were sleeping and trusting blindly they then told us that water conservation was required and they could tell you when and how to use something you buy, or else.

Our Property Rights Continue To Be Eroded
• • • Through Sustainability Nonsense and The Revenue From The Sustainability • • •
• • • Which Is Now Being Used To Offset The States Bankruptcy. • • •

Our property rights continue to be eroded through sustainability nonsense and the revenue from the sustainability is now being used to offset the states bankruptcy. Just another TAX. Furthermore they don’t even classify it as a tax which it clearly is recycling money back to the state. Based on all the rules and regulations today I don’t think we could even have latch key kids or paper boys because they would have to be covered in bubble wrap for their own protection.

Using your own money against us became a method of forcing and coercing your behavior, this is not freedom. Like the frog in the boiling water we have embraced the comforts of today at the expense of our freedom. Looking back I realize it was not a good trade off. But the kids today don’t know what they are missing so this likely happens in every generation, at least until we run out of other people’s money.

In socialism and communism freedom is not essential and God is not included.

In socialism and communism freedom is not essential and God is not included. In fact because our freedom comes from our creator he must be rejected. Nobody voted for this and governments are completely supporting this, they hate competition. However the reality is that “we the people” through our consent are enabling this.

The paper boy model is gone and we have entered a new realm. The local news is essential but it seldom reaches the people anymore. We no longer have paper boys and everyone is hypnotized by the propaganda media these days. Media today gets its ratings keeping everyone in fear or distracted so they don’t stand against the progressive onslaught that decides whose essential.

Looks a lot to me like modern day eugenics but just change the name and call it sustainability. Soylent Green will soon be a reality on the current trajectory. Vicious greed and avarice using your own money either through taxes or retirement accounts to control you.

You Have To Force Behaviours : Larry Fink
If you don't, whether its Gender, Race, or composition of your team ; you're going to be impacted

The paper route was cool because whether it took you one hour or two hours you got paid the same. So the incentive was to hustle. This was piece work. Work hard and fast and you make twice as much money. Same went for mowing lawns you bid the job and get them done quickly and make more money. There was no milking the clock ~ time was money and money was time.

Meritocracy as King and the wealth earned is now being distributed to people that did not earn it. Who decides who is essential? We are being swindled and abused by our own system that was designed to protect meritocracy, hard work and family values that are now deemed non-essential.

We needed to get done faster so we had more time to play. If you could get some of your friends to help fold and carry some of the weight it built empathy, loyalty and close relationships. Even if you didn’t make much money you were getting something done with your friends while riding bikes around the neighborhood. You had to earn it.

We used to get playing cards and clothes pins and put them in the spokes of the bikes and the bikes sounded like motor cycles. We would run around and pretend we were on motorcycles and going as fast as the motorcycle sound. Kind of like today when you see the “fast and furious” cars rolling down the street sounding like they are going 100 miles an hour and they are barely going 25.

What is it with the fast sounding cars, we always wanted fast cars, and loud sounds were secondary. When we see them pretending and we laugh out load. Some of those sounds are downright pitiful and make you wonder what in the world was that dude thinking?

I smile when I think about what we did for fun playing outside. It was a time of the boom box where the bigger the better. It was a time when break dancing was the fad and some kids were really good at it. The ones that weren’t pretended.

Let’s Protect the Innocence of Children Again
• • • Real Sustainability Is In The Nuclear Family Where The Next Generation Comes From • • •

This generation pretends to be things to and it’s a shame today what they are pretending to be. Let’s protect the innocence of children again. Innocence of children is essential for strong and healthy future. Real sustainability is in the nuclear family where the next generation comes from.

I look back fondly at the innocence of our childhood. Adults would work to protect that innocence but they would also encourage us to do things and not sit around and watch.

REMEMBER : There are people who make things happen, people that watch things happen, and still others that wonder what happened.


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Part 1 • 08/16/23
Part 2 • 08/23/23
Part 3 • 08/30/23
Part 4 • 09/06/23
Part 5 • 09/13/23
Part 6 • 09/20/23
Part 7 • 09/27/23
Part 8 • 10/04/23
Part 9 • 10/11/23
Part 10 • 10/18/23
Part 11 • 10/25/23
Part 12 • 11/01/23
Part 13 • 11/08/23
Part 14 • 11/15/23
Part 15 • 11/22/23
Part 16 • 11/29/23
Part 17 • 12/06/23
Part 18 • 12/13/23
Part 19 • 12/20/23
Part 20 • 12/27/23


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