“It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.” ~ Mark Twain
A very dark conversation is brewing. MIHA or LIHA? Did you/they “let it happen” or did you/they “make
it happen?” Both are shades of darkness. The echoes of democide and shades of criminal activities
between those that “made it happen” or the parasites that just “let it happen.”
The accountability that
will be coming next after the damage assessment is necessary for reconciliation. It is a reckoning of
biblical proportions.
Did people pull the trigger or were they just loading the gun? Did you rob the store or were you just the
getaway driver? Were you a perpetrator or an accomplice? There is a real dilemma here as we seek
justice in our currently very weak culture.
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Repentance Is The Only Path To Mercy
Repentance is the only path to mercy and that requires humility and real change. Defiance does not lead to mercy. Defiance is the opposite of repentance and
the continued embrace of pride, vanity and vainglory. Mercy does not mean there is no accountability
but a change of heart, forgiveness and penance.
Real progress can only be found in those that are truly
humble enough to admit what they have done and make honest changes. Real mercy requires a change
of heart where you accept you were wring and accept accountability for what you have done. Mercy to
the guilty is cruelty to the innocent takes on a whole new meaning. Real victims are ignored in favor of
our mascot victims where Real virtue is traded for (fake) virtue signaling and emotionalism.
Everyone talked about government reform for years to get elected. The mantra for cutting spending and
eliminating waste fraud and abuse was a great political tag line for generations. Enter Trump and his
penchant to do what he promised not only makes him real and popular but also hated by the parasites
living off of the rest of the country.
Now that Trump is eliminating waste fraud and abuse there are many that are really mad at him, but that
just shows how fake they are and how political they are. Here is a link to an excellent address from years
ago when the campaign to cut waste in government ( DOGE 1.0 ) was launched. Turns out it was very
weak and ineffective just political rhetoric. In short is was a political slogan like “people over politics.”
You shall know them by their fruits. Remember the talking heads blowing hot air in this video?
The new administration seems to be committed to a systemic approach to transparency and
accountability. DOGE 1.0 said it was about reform as it spent us into Oblivion more than doubling our
national debt. DOGE 2.0 is off to an excellent start in reducing waste fraud and abuse. There is a still a lot
of work to do but it has eclipsed all past efforts save for Calvin Coolidge. Everyone talked about cutting
spending and rooting out waste fraud and abuse. We finally get a president that is doing what he
promised and the left is freaking out. In fact the real base of the left is so radical their terrorism is
Growing up in Porterville our schools were some of the best around because they still had local control
where parents and teachers worked hard to educate our children and teach them critical thinking. We
had shop in JR high and kids learned skills including the difference between right and wrong. Oh yes, the
good ole days. I learned more about history, philosophy and the ism’s in an elective class called “Wars” in one semester at Bartlett Jr high more than my whole educational career from Mr. Sewel. What a great
teacher. I will always cherish my time in Jr High in Porterville.
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Schools Should Be Focused On Learning
When Jimmy Carter created the department of education nobody thought it would become the
department of indoctrination. If there are things going on in our schools that go against the constitution
and are hurting our kids that can be entered here in a database for collation and possible action.
Was the pandemic deliberate deception and destruction, or mindless group think. Virtue signaling is
cruelty to the victims and cruelty to society in general because it is the promotion of lawlessness through
fake virtue and there is no change or accountability. This means that the perpetrators will do it again
because they are unrepentant and they profited from others misery (Sell Outs).
In short real mercy requires repentance and doling out fake mercy for the unrepentant is cruelty to the innocent.
The list of corruption and evil from the “love of money” is growing as truth comes to light. Transparency
reveals all that was once hidden (Luke 12:1-3 and Ephesians 5:11). I highly recommend you read all of Luke 12 and all of Ephesians 5 in your truth seeking for times like these.
We are beginning to see that USAID was the vehicle for regime change around the world. The most
visible example Ukraine. Our own government is behind this unjust war using the people’s money for
evil. There are many rumblings about money laundering and even child and organ trafficking in Ukraine
under the guise of humanitarian efforts. For example: the crocodile tears from Johns Hopkins having to
furlough or layoff 2000 people around the world after 800 Million was cutoff ignores the 13 Billion dollar
endowment at Hopkins which grew by 2.5 Billion last year alone.
Victoria Nuland leveraged USAID funds going back before 2014 to oust duly elected leaders in Ukraine
installing a puppet government. How evil? You be the judge after millions have been killed? Even
earlier the PREP act in 2005 was the beginning stages of DOD funding for international biolabs. Money
from USAID was used to coerce Ukrainian officials to fire a prosecutor that was exposing the corruption.
All is being revealed and it’s hard at times to keep up with the flood that will likely persist for the
foreseeable future as we recover from years of graft and corruption. Incompetence breeds corruption
and corruption breeds incompetence. It’s a vicious cycle and a downward spiral every time you turn
away from God. The opposite is also true.
Imagine how bad it would be here now if Trump had not won the election to expose all of this
generational graft and corruption in USAID. Why is the legacy media not reporting on this? We now see
entered into the record that USAID money was used to go after TRUMP through media the world over.
The consensus building propaganda of the legacy media was very powerful before the USAID swamp was
drained. This was illegal until the Obama administration updated the Smith Mundt Act.
Another shocking revelation that has come to light in the new administration. USAID money was used
both to fund the Wuhan Lab gain of function research that likely led to the global pandemic. USAID funds
were then also used to convince all of us all through media payoffs that it wasn’t. Then USAID money
was used to convince us we had get a mandatory medical treatment that caused more problems than it solved. It would seem that USAID waste fraud and abuse would be important to the left but they are censoring or omitting this from their reporting undermining public discourse.