Porterville Post � - The Right News at the Right Time

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Ed McKervey
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Unalienable Rights© - Mar 19, 2025
with Ed McKervey : ed@portervillepost.com


“People Saving Your Climate Habitat and Outdoors” ~ PSYCHO

Climate Eschatology is a form of Neo-Paganism. Earth worship has taken on a whole new meaning in this age. The fear based approach to all carbon always ignores the basic premise that carbon is life. Humans are carbon based life forms. Climate eschatology went from we need clean air and water to we need to reduce and sequester a basic building blocks of life or we all die. Extortion?

It is not reasonable at all to burden all of the people with these unfounded anti-life policies that make our lives less free. The freedom we are all losing from the burden on the economy is unsustainable and hurting the least among us the most.

Now that we see the money being wasted or used for political favor the folks are not happy. We saw initially that the EPA sent a grant of nearly 2 Billion to Stacy Abrams NGO which had no track record or experience. In hindsight this looks like a political payoff at best and a crime at worst.

Now we are seeing that the dollars for Stacy are closer to 7 billion as our children struggle to afford to live and may never be able to buy a house. The amount of money in this climate grift would have bought every veteran in our country a house and solved years of abuse of our veterans which is infuriating to all thinking and rational people. We all want clean water and clean air but Lucy pulled the football and tripped up Charlie brown again.

The New Direction of our Country is Refreshingly Simple

It is a people first agenda that will help all American’s with fewer regulations and affordable energy that will help everyone to thrive. Lowering energy costs will be a huge boost for our economy and restore our freedom from this economic tyranny. When we have a healthy economy we are better positioned to produce clean air and water at the industrial level. Lowering energy costs lowers prices and reduces inflation. This is a sustainable common sense pragmatic approach that benefits everyone. I am excited about the new direction of the EPA.

The largest deregulatory announcement in history will breathe life back into America. This is climate change I can get behind. I grew up in a freedom climate and that is what we are returning too under new leadership.

The Climate Religion is Being Exposed Simply As a Scam.

The globalist climate religion has been fleecing the people for far too long. It is refreshing to see America rising again and standing up for freedom and getting engaged in restoring common sense in our country.

The political media (American Pravda) has been providing cover for the tyrants that have been fleecing the people. That is now changing for the better in the new administration removing the state controlled politicized media welfare funding found within USAID. It’s very easy to see destructive motivations of the political media in press conferences.

People are beginning to see how desperately and hopelessly inured these agents of America Pravda have become. The Clowns in Action (cia) are screaming for their lost privilege and trying to assert false narratives over and over again but to no avail. With transparency America is rising.

America is Waking Up and With Truth Rising Again

America is waking up and with truth rising again America will rise again. God Bless all those in America standing up against all of this cosplay. The man behind the curtain has been exposed. The strangest observation is that those still hanging on to the cosplay are willing to commit suicide like Kamikazes in ​

WWII. Japan knew they would lose the war and were willing to destroy themselves and everyone else rather than humble themselves and accept defeat. The posers who use cosplay to create identity political narratives are now exposed as a mental health crisis in our country as the scales fall from our eyes.

It is refreshing to speak freely again and reject all of the political correctness. The tyrannical clichés and pronoun nonsense are being rejected by clear thinking again. Reminds me of King Théoden and the evil spell that was lifted from Rohan.

We are starting to remember who we are like Théoden being released from the spell of “Grima Wormtoungue” restoring the kingdom of Rohan. Here is a word jumble for you to ponder. Sometimes things are not what they seem. The names Malia and Natasha in a strange word jumble can reversed as ailam and ahsatan which seems innocuous enough. Then you capitalize some of the letters to get AiLam AHsatan. Separate the capital letters from the lower case and what do you see? Reminds me of my childhood and the backward masking of long play vinyl records claiming to have hidden meanings messages. Speculation for sure but amusing nonetheless.

The real climate change is our return to honoring our country and ALL the people in it. The real climate change is the rapid pace of change that will right size our bloated government.



The real climate change puts the people first not politics.
The real climate change is refocusing on merit, accountability and responsibility.
The real climate change is freedom of speech so we tell the truth boldly.
The real climate change that says merit and competition are how America was founded.
The real climate change that says we have charity for all and malice towards none.
The real climate change that says we must all humble ourselves and get busy doing the work that matters.
The real climate change that’s seeks peace & prosperity.
The real climate change that accepts failure with grace and celebrates those who overcome the failures as they grow up and mature in a free society.
The real climate change that we cheer on the underdogs and we don’t self-immolate and cosplay as victims “virtue signaling" to get ahead.
The real climate change that says if you work hard and put in an honest day’s work you can get ahead.

We need to get back to basics the rising tide of America through hard work and merit raises all boats. It will take longer than 15 minutes. It may take a few years to climb out of the debt hole we started digging with a steam shovel in 2008. It will be humbling for a while as we reset back to common sense and a less polarized culture. Turns out the great reset is not what we thought it was.

Instead of the path to one world government slavery and globalism, we have chosen sovereignty of our country and sovereignty of the individual. E Pluribus Unum.



The real great reset is restoring good leadership at every level on every board.
The great reset is restoring truth to its rightful place which is something outside of ourselves that is to be sought.
The real great reset is rejecting that you can possess your own truth.
The great reset rejects the vanity and self-centered narcissism that leads to mental illness.

Where there is Law there is Liberty where there is lawlessness there is tyranny.

Once the people decide we want to return to a more civil society, and form a more perfect union we will all be better off.

When folks are truly humble and trying to have a conversation that is not based in politics, but a search for truth, we will come together in unity of purpose and spirit.

Once we realign with the truth properly we will be unstoppable as a county and as a people.

The America People are, and the American Spirit is the most diverse, equitable, inclusive and thoughtful spirit on the face of the planet.


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Estab. Jan 2008

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Part 1 • 08/16/23
Part 2 • 08/23/23
Part 3 • 08/30/23
Part 4 • 09/06/23
Part 5 • 09/13/23
Part 6 • 09/20/23
Part 7 • 09/27/23
Part 8 • 10/04/23
Part 9 • 10/11/23
Part 10 • 10/18/23
Part 11 • 10/25/23
Part 12 • 11/01/23
Part 13 • 11/08/23
Part 14 • 11/15/23
Part 15 • 11/22/23
Part 16 • 11/29/23
Part 17 • 12/06/23
Part 18 • 12/13/23
Part 19 • 12/20/23
Part 20 • 12/27/23


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