“What’s the difference between a warmonger and a peace monger?” ~ Answer: Nothing
The growing alliance for peace being crafted by Putin & Trump are being reported as bad in the legacy
media. Why is the pursuit of peace considered bad? Is it because of who is doing it?
Most Americans are sick and tired of this useless Vietnam like war draining our treasury destroying the lives of Ukrainians.
The division over this manufactured war in Ukraine seem very strange. This unjust war has killed untold
millions of innocent people. Are we finally waking up to the profit and control agenda of the Ukraine
war? Obama’s CIA removed duly elected Ukraine officials in a 2014 Coup. Is a coup democratic?
~ Is A Coup Democratic ??? ~
How is it
that the media paints Trump and Putin as the worst people in the world while they try to stop the killing
and turn off the wicked money machine killing so many?
Is the world so helplessly lost they have now embraced the depopulation agenda and foment war to
prop up their economies. It is a crying shame that so many in our world are standing for war as a social
good and wanton murder as good for the planet? The solution is “Home Rule” in every country through
national sovereignty that respects each individual country.
When EU, UN, and NATO globalists never even consider peace we are living in an inverse and perverse
time. The US taxpayer is the Money supply for all three. The EU now wants to go it alone as Trump pulls
back in some kind of Thelma and Louise compact. These organizations were sold to us as peacekeepers
and protectors of freedom. Now they are looting the treasuries of the world and fomenting war to reach
their utopian goals of a new world order. Looks to me like the so called leaders in these organizations
have been compromised.
Even Judges are compromised as they protect the money machine.
Money changes everything. The
Judge trying to protect USAID received 128 Million for his NGO. Turns out the judge should recuse
himself at minimum for his conflicts of interest but his political views and activism may warrant
The root of all kinds of evil is the love of money. No wonder so many on the left are upset about
exposing government waste fraud and abuse they are the ones on the receiving end. I would wager
99.9% of USAID funds would not pass a basic audit. Even the money deployed for so called “good
causes” was wrapped in fraud, waste and abuse. Corruption breeds incompetence and incompetence
breeds corruption.
The Speaker of the House Nany Pelosi received 14 Million USAID dollars for ExperiMENTAL farming at her
vineyard. The corrupt clowns in our government got rich off of the people and now they are mad that
Trump for exposing it to the light of day. These are criminals who have been caught with their hand in
the cookie jar.
The cabal media is now falling as the funds are being cut off. The links to judges and
NGO’s are being exposed as money laundering operations for political purposes through the dismantling of USAID. Let the hearings begin we need accountability for this evil enterprise called USAID. The billion
dollar EPA heist shows the political connection from USAID to Stacy Abrams NGO. (X)
Globalist Foreign Policy Is Also Being Exposed
Globalist foreign policy is also being exposed as international media slush funds are flowing from the
USAID grift. The international landscape is changing rapidly now that USAID is being dismantled. Nobody
knew it was this bad, and most of us are still in shock. After one month of Trump we are beginning to
see the graft and corruption being exposed to the light of day.
The road to World War that was being laid
by progressives in America and supported by Europe is paved with our own money. It’s refreshing to see
the Soros exposure and the world waking up to this sinister trajectory fueled by American taxes and
American DEBT on the backs of our children.
Looks like the Associated Press was on welfare also taking 37 million from USAID. No wonder the press
always wrote news (political) articles spun in one direction. It’s amazing how deep this rabbit hole goes
watching our bought and paid for political press still digging their own grave. Yes it is true the press
claiming they were not political were completely political and here in lies the fruit of the poison money
tree. Don Surber lays this out very well in his recent piece.
This segment in the manufactured consensus narrative to support another unjust war is astonishing as
we look back just 1 year. The “Talking Heads” and the press all marketing the party line “it’s not about
NATO” as they fuel the war machine.
Now that this is being exposed the “free press” is working hard to
silence the truth. This compilation from Matt Orfaela captures the absurdity of all this expansionism that
is enriching government as they make money of the blood and misery of Ukrainians.
~ It’s Not About NATO, It’s Democracy? ~
What exactly does democracy mean if we are supporting dictators
that cancel elections? That’s not democracy, never was, but the play book is always the same and
somehow war is peace and peace is war. Dictatorship is branded and marketed as democracy. Lord help
us, we have a huge mental health crisis on our hands.
Looks like we really are close to a world war for profit and all those going along with it and promoting it are “War Pigs”.
This is real Ukraine diplomacy by a great leader and the tone and tenor is refreshing as Jeffrey Sach’s
speaks truth to power and says knock it off you morons speaking directly to the EU.
The Adult in the Room:
The best segment I have ever watched for perspective on America since 1947 and the creation of the
CIA. I referenced this in my book as the start of the problems in our modern republic.
Well Worth your Time. This should be taught in schools.
~ The People’s Press Room ~
“Our New Press Secretary ~ Karoline Leavitt ~ Is Awesome”
Truth is getting its pants on and we are living in time of great peril if we do not
wake up from our decadent slumber. The clowns in the legacy media that I like to call American Pravda
will not stop this relentless political pursuit against the most popular leader of our time.
Trumps popularity continues to increase the more he is attacked for doing what needs to be done to
restore our country and our world. Stephen Miller is very effective at teaching civics from the White
house press podium in the face of the media cabal politicizing everything to their own demise. Miller
excoriates the Anti-American political press core: (X) Here is another recent example of Miller “Clowning the Clowns”
Now that the worm has turned America is rising again.
~ Stand Up and Be Counted. ~