“War is peace ~ Freedom is slavery ~ Ignorance is strength”
George Orwell, 1984
The Munich speech (by Vice President JD Vance) reminds me of Reagan at the Brandenburg gate. Tear down your censorship industrial complex that leads to tyranny, death and destruction.
Remember this simple axiom: “If you can be told what so say you can be told what to
think.” Our allies’ reaction to this speech about freedom tells us a lot about where our relationships
really are. Our so called allies are still on the globalist path and they are upset that we are taking them
off welfare.
Why should we support our allies financially if they are now standing firmly against freedom
of speech and the ethical foundations of western civilization? Orwell made a bold prediction that seems
prophetic in its accuracy describing the stinking carcass of totalitarianism.
Why is American Pravda saying things like free speech caused the Holocaust?
The reaction to this excellent speech shows
that many in the audience and the media really do want totalitarianism. The issue of freedom of speech
is no longer a value with our allies and has become politicized. How did we get to a place where
inclusion requires censorship? Isn’t censorship exclusionary?
Europe literally breaks down crying for censorship as the media works to censor the Vance Speech to
loud applause. We just reaffirmed our Declaration of Independence from Europe as they commit suicide.
~ Orwell Was Right Again ~
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
The Babylon Bee brought some excellent satire in response to the European situation.
If the “free press” Is against free speech it has become so political it is now a criminal operation violating
all ethics and many campaign finance laws. The hubris of the swamp rats to use our own tax money for
political purposes boggles the mind. No wonder the narrative shifted to “constitutional crisis” the media
wants to destroy the first amendment that is the bed rock of western civilization. They are moving from
presstitutes to reprobates that look to me like criminals spewing hatred of truth.
This is the very definition of tyranny where power equals truth.
America and the land of liberty was
founded on truth being power. Freedom and a free society requires a RED PILL which is truth seeking.
The BLUE PILL delusions enable blatant power seeking through mental sedation.
Ramones - "I Wanna Be Sedated" - Road to Ruin
The truth is not something that you can claim and possess it is something we must all seek. When we
seek truth we seeking reason it’s not a feeling (Jeremiah 17:9-10). Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life
that western civilization was founded on. Only a tyrant would claim that they could possess truth and
make themselves into a god.
Liberty and Freedom require responsibility, accountability and the courage
to seek and speak the truth. We all want Jesus to stand up for us but we must stand up for him or we
lose our souls. Courage is the virtue from which all virtue flows and the courage of our Lord and Savior is
the greatest example in the greatest story ever told.
We need to be careful not to rush to judgment even when we are surrounded by systemic evil, we need
to be more inclusive they say. Tolerance becomes indifference in a culture that embraces moral
relativism while rejecting reason.
It’s no surprise that folks that hate truth want censorship this is exactly
the conversation between Jesus and Pilot before the Crucifixion. There will be despair and there will be
gnashing of teeth as the lies, deception and murderous outcomes are revealed.
We need to understand
better the size and scope of this tyranny and all of its deceptions so common sense and the rule of law
and sanity itself can be restored.
We are seeing what happens when you worship idols like money and power. Humanism and the love of
money creates the parasitic class reminding us all of us that blood suckers are real. When they started
making movies about vampires and they became popular I knew we were in big trouble. They even
added love stories and the power to be in the light in the modern depictions. The entertainment media
today is so demonic that it openly celebrates evil and the rejection of God. We are seeing the result of
this programming and it’s miserable.
Here are roughly 20 million examples.
We may have a glimpse of some potential voter fraud in this fraudulent Social Security information. Time will tell but this is all bad and should have been reformed long ago.
How did we come to have a popular culture today that is openly anti-Christ?
Everyone knows the story
of Sodom and Gomorrah and how that ended. Many may refer to this as the worst example of a city and
a society that embraced evil and the outcome. But when you study the good book you realize that there
are stories in the bible that illustrate even worse examples of a fallen culture and a fallen world when the
laws dictate you comply with evil. Much worse where the societies where the law itself promoted evil in
the “High Places” of these ancient societies. The true nature of “High Places” can’t be adequately
described without complete revulsion and horror. The solution is in the tearing down of strongholds (
2 Corinthians 10:3-6).
If you have ever been in courtroom or watched court TV the horror of humanism and evil plays out
regularly. The unrepentant criminal gets the worst judgment. This is how it is with our souls as well.
Though we operate courts in the material world the spirit of law and justice are ever present. If you
throw yourself on the mercy of the court and are truly repentant as you are being held accountable, the
judge and jury may have mercy on you in your sentencing. If you are not repentant you are still at the
mercy of the court but likely will have harsher punishment. If you are defiant and unrepentant there
may be no mercy and you will pray God has mercy on your soul. Even those who don’t believe begin to
reflect as they face consequences of reality.
~ We Are In A Lawless Period ~
And we all have been living in this hell in the name of special interest for many years
The hard working people have been oppressed by many unjust laws and unfounded taxation.
When folks have to support evil in the law the times are clearly more evil and destructive than Sodom
and Gomorrah.
California has many of the leading examples of laws that coerce people to do things
against their conscience. These destructive strongholds must be torn down to protect our future and life itself.
The preamble of the California State Constitution gives thanks almighty God for our freedom and
securing the blessings of liberty. The laws passed in our state legislature in this one party state clearly
violate the fealty and spirit of the state constitution in many areas. Sanctuary status is in direct conflict
with the Federal Constitution.
There is a real Constitutional Crisis brewing in California and it was created by the democrat party plain and simple. Federal funding may soon dry up.
We honor God in all 50 States preambles.