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Ed McKervey
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Unalienable Rights© - Feb 19, 2025
with Ed McKervey : ed@portervillepost.com


“Progress to What?” - Ed McKervey

It’s refreshing to see real and accelerated change as we start 2025. The immediate rejection and removal of the politicization (DEI- CRT-BLM) of our culture foisted on us by our own institutions. With the Internet we are truly more equal now and we the people are the voice of reason in a completely decentralized media environment that emerged in response to American Pravda. The myriad Marxist ideologies that have laid waste to an entire generation turning kids into activists and teaching kids to feel and not to think is now under review and there is a flag on the field.

We Are Far From Being Out Of The Woods ~ But Off To A Good Start

The shift to transparency that will lead to accountability and restoring trust
and objective truth is a rising tide that raises all boats

I want to go back to the origins of this progressivism in the early 20th century.

In reading REAL original source history we see clearly the “accomplishments” of Woodrow Wilson our first progressive president.

Wilson ushered in the progressive tax code, re-segregated the military and held the premier of the racist film “birth of a nation” at the white house.

Wilson is easily the worst president in history and everyone should read about this so we know what not to do.

The worst thing about Wilson is his disdain for the Declaration of Independence which is arguably the most important American Founding Document.

The worst thing he did in my opinion was to destroy the way law was taught and operated in our country while he was the chancellor at Princeton. He changed the way law is taught and practiced from constitutional law to case law which began to move the law away from the original constitutional founding (progressivism). We have been “progressing” away from the constitution ever since. Its past time to return to first principles and constitutional law.

Wilson also lead globalism in his day establishing what would become the UN. After he campaigned on not entering the Great War he then immediately after being elected entered the Great War to end all wars.

Wilson abused his executive power showcasing his progressivism and penchant for power and his disdain for his own country. Reminded me a lot of Obama claiming we live in the greatest country in the world so let’s go out and change it fundamentally. Obama’s spent our country into oblivion expanding the bureaucracy like a nuclear explosion of spending and calling it progress as we lurched towards insolvency. The gangsters in government and the evil that ensued, fueled by the love of money, like all of the progressives before him.

What is Progress? by Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) – Reprinted from The U.S. Constitution

There was another president after Wilson that I really admire and his name was Calvin Coolidge. A faithful man and a president that arguably understood the constitution very well. In fact he studied the constitution and one could argue easily he was an originalist and sought to keep our country close to its Christian founding. In fact the other thing I admired about Coolidge besides his principled Christian Faith was what he accomplished. Silent Cal they called him was able to cut the government in half in his tenure leading to great prosperity and freedom for our country.

Why doesn’t our progressive education system teach kids about Calvin Coolidge?

We seem to be on the Coolidge track again and I can’t wait to see how much reform Trump can bring to our great country restoring common sense. He will have to slap down the progressive Lawfare traps that have been laid by Soros and company and paid for by USAID.

Remember the Supreme Court establishes lower courts to handle caseloads and the inferior courts are set about in districts. These district judges are acting as if they have more power than the president and that must be addressed.

The balance of powers does not give the judicial branch more power than the executive and a lessor court has no standing against the President. That’s an illusion, that’s more Lawfare and interference in the duty of the Executive branch.

The people Elected the president not a judge and this constitutional crisis we are in started with Woodrow Wilson and his delusions of progress. The democrat presstitues act like the judges have more power than they do in the politicized media.

Imagine the first pardons in American History were made by men that founded this country.

When George Washington Pardoned those who took part in The Whiskey Rebellion it was textbook how pardons were to be done. Read Article 2 Section 2 of the constitution for the plain language that a pardon had to be for someone who committed crimes against the United States. It’s not complicated.

You can read more about why pardons are in the constitution in federalist 74. Some good reading here for the original founding of our republic. WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY !!!

~ Full Text of The Federalist Papers ~

You see the original source documents are very important just as learning to write and read cursive are the bedrock of our founding. Pardon was a special power meant to heal the country in times of trial and rebellion. The Jan 6th riot was built up in the media as an insurrection and did great damage to our country for political end fueled by corrupt media.

The Pardon of these individuals mirrored the original George Washington application in the whiskey rebellion despite the progressive media spin. The power of the pardon and its original use is very important for context and proper understanding of our constitution and its framework of justice and mercy.

The way the pardon power has been abused in recent years is outright immoral and unconstitutional. The power has been abused by many presidents in this progressive era. All things considered when all is said and done the politicization of pardons and the weaponization of government is itself tantamount to treason and led to this rebellious time.

Time will tell how much accountability we will see in the coming years but one thing is for sure pardoning your political associates and your own family is not what the pardon power is for.

I would implore you to read the constitution and the federalist papers because our country will not survive let alone thrive if we don’t understand our constitution. More importantly I would ask you to read and understand the Declaration of Independence and the Bible so we all clearly understand our founding as we approach our 250th anniversary in 2026.

Remember we all cry for justice and in this progressive era and many have been captured by fantasies of social justice. The American People have rejected that notion soundly and recognize that mercy greater than justice. There is no such thing as social justice that’s political justice.

The Good Book teaches mercy which is greater than justice.

Mercy properly understood is what the pardon power should reflect, mercy not politics.


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Part 1 • 08/16/23
Part 2 • 08/23/23
Part 3 • 08/30/23
Part 4 • 09/06/23
Part 5 • 09/13/23
Part 6 • 09/20/23
Part 7 • 09/27/23
Part 8 • 10/04/23
Part 9 • 10/11/23
Part 10 • 10/18/23
Part 11 • 10/25/23
Part 12 • 11/01/23
Part 13 • 11/08/23
Part 14 • 11/15/23
Part 15 • 11/22/23
Part 16 • 11/29/23
Part 17 • 12/06/23
Part 18 • 12/13/23
Part 19 • 12/20/23
Part 20 • 12/27/23


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