1142 : AMERICA RISING : Part I
“Those Claiming NOT to be Political are the Most Political of all”
This was a quote from my book America on Trial. Feel free to use it you might need it in this hyper
politicized landscape. There is no such thing as a “Preemptive Pardon.” Everyone can see this political
move for what it is. Nobody is fooled by it and if you support the political pardons of the past
administration and reject the genuine pardons of the current administration that too is political.
Progressivism uses the manipulation of language (spin) to drive a political narrative. Progressivism
changes the meaning of things for a political end. The Title IX language change did not make it past the
Supreme Court as an example which is akin to sorcery, witchcraft or pharmakeia.
Progressives tried to change the language so they did not have to change the law. No, you can’t have your own truth !!! The ends don’t justify the means.
~ The Ends Don’t Justify The Means ~
We are suffering today in America not just from the latest
progressive onslaught of “Woke
Progressive Ideologies” but we have to admit we participated in the lies. These lies have come to saturate every
aspect of our culture and our government and became a phalanx protecting
progressive corruption in all
of our institutions. The trust that we all shared in our institutions is gone and we are returning to the era
of my childhood where
Reagan taught us
“Trust but Verify”.
Today Trump is showing us in MAGA 2.0 that it is now “Verify then Trust.” Trust must be earned plain and simple. We simply cannot give the benefit
of the doubt to people incapable of virtue.
We might zoom out and look at this simply as the politicization of everything reaching apogee in the last
administration infecting everything. It’s only fitting to use a rocket metaphor when you consider the man
leading the effort to disinfect our institutions has just shown us he can land a rocket in reverse saving
untold billions. When audits cause gnashing of teeth we are not in Kansas anymore. The man behind the
curtain was not elected and is not all powerful despite all of the parlor tricks. All it took was a little dog named Toto to expose the truth.
All It Took Was a Little Dog Named Toto to Expose The Truth
Watching a man beat a woman to a bloody pulp in a boxing ring shook people awake as we watched
men dominate women’s sports and steal their future. Protect our girls was just a tweet and a slogan that
never went anywhere and was as empty as the rest of the progressive rhetoric. Protecting our girls is the
most important thing we can do on this earth as our girls are the guardians of life and civilization itself.
We saw progressive churches embrace doctrines of a modern Sodom & Gomorrah. No wonder folks
stopped going to church it was no longer preaching the unvarnished truth. Non Governmental
Organizations (NGO’s) posing as “Church” organizations raked in millions to promote social justice and
further water down our churches. Progressive Christianity is Gnosticism and simply stated is the
politicization of the church. Bonhoeffer was right and warned us all nearly 100 years ago. A charity is not a church and a church is not a charity.
A culture that stopped going to church finally woke up when they saw the embrace of progressive sports.
Taking a knee was akin to bowing to small g god’s. The real war on women as it turned out it was
democratic and completely political.
The full embrace of the politics of progressivism and the allies of the “Sodom Mafia” became clearer the more destruction we saw. The scales on our eyes began to fall off watching the destruction of our children in the womb and the child mutilation that followed in the name of healthcare.
The Psychological Projection of a Narcissist Knows No Bounds
The psychological projection of a narcissist knows no bounds. The soft tyrannical language like “Kind of”
OR “sort of” is language of temptation with no accountability or consequences. The scales began to fall
off when people started to be hurt by these delusional gnostic ideologies.
We the People are waking up at a rapid rate now.
The presstitutes are being defunded and exposed in the USAID debacle. Joe Rogan
aptly dubbed the direction of the democrat party as a buffalo drop. At least Trump, Elon, Tulsi and
others walked away from the progressive left and chose to stand up for We the People and freedom.
It wasn’t enough that Matt Taibbi began exposing all of the alphabet agencies in 2022. He exposed the
controlling, extorting and coercing of the legacy media to censor political enemies. Matt Testified before Congress this past week.
Looking back both press secretaries openly lied to our faces regularly in the last administration which
arguably was Obama’s 3rd term. The media was completely corrupted for a political purpose as well as
complicit and compliant in the false narrative where we were all told that lies were truth and truth were
lies for a political cause. Link
The D.O.G.E. organization just exposed the social engineering in the press showing that centralized
American media was on welfare and unable to stand on its own. Centralized media and all of their social
media holdings more resembled (Russian) Pravda than a free press.
Now we see more clearly than ever why the first amendment is the FIRST AMENDMENT. Without free speech there is no free preach.
Without a free press to be check on government we lose our freedom and our country. Progressive Presstitutes are American Pravda.
~ President John F. Kennedy Created USAID ~
Through Executive Order 10973, which was signed on Nov 3, 1961.
Two years later he was assassinated and
this uniparty slush fund has been operating ever since. Many have opined that this is the preeminent
money laundering vehicle for gangster government. Funds that make their way around the world
supporting woke ideologies, the press that supports the uniparty, and money that finds its way into
political organizations and NGO’s fleecing the people.
The presstitues of the legacy media continue to try and spin the uncovering of corruption as a bad thing
which will be their continued undoing. The culture war has shifted and the ruse to call good evil and evil
good as in the warnings of the prophet Isaiah 5:20-21 is bringing the woe to the materialists.
Many are waking up now saying woe, woe we can’t continue to charge forward over this progressive cliff like a
bunch of lemmings. But it seems that there is no turning back for those that went all in because their
conscience is seared by the love of money. See also the culture war madam who sang of the material
world back in the 1980’s who said she felt like blowing up the white house. Remember when exposing corruption was a good thing?
~ Remember When Exposing Corruption Was a Good Thing? ~