1993 : America On Trial – Bye Bye Great Reset : Part 6
Indictment II: America and truth itself are on trial. We have embraced
artificial intelligence and discarded real intelligence. Remember America is
founded on the fundamental truths in the Declaration of Independence that refer
to the transcendental truth within us all.
As is made clear in several verses of the bible and we all know these truths
to be self-evident. Jesus asks what good is it for a man to gain the whole world
and lose his soul. Progressives love artificial intelligence and aim to change the
definitions using “artificial” intelligence in their own image not God’s image.
One can simply look at body language for instance, which cannot lie, as a
reflection of what lay beneath the veil. Even a nine month old child understands
humor before he even understands language because the idea of a centerline is
inborn and innate. Our being itself knitted together in your mother’s womb by our
We all know what right and wrong is and therefore truth at a very
fundamental level from the day we are born. Truth is written on our hearts minds
and souls. This can be problematic for folks in denial of that fundamental truth
but this is no accident or random chance. We are all more than the sum of our
parts despite the scientism that points to the THEORY of evolution. Evolution is a
modern idol reflecting the ancient pagans.
Fire is the devil’s only friend and it’s never a pursuit of truth and always a
pursuit of power. The devil is the accuser. When groups ran around our country
burning things down and calling them good it was shocking how the media
declared these riots were mostly peaceful.
As long as they were against order they were protected by the media.
Leftwing politicians even fomented the violence in the name of change. They
were showing us they had sold their souls and embraced evil as good inverting
truth itself. More than 400 riots during the last administration and no arrests. The
captured media called them mostly peaceful because it served the agenda.
Destruction under the cloak of goodness is a great evil unleashed on “We
The People”. They have already told us it was all for the greater good to take a
knee and obey baseless mandates in the name of safety. They told us our
compliance with tyranny would lead to freedom. Why did so many go along with
this obvious lie? The trust initially and the benefit of the doubt is somewhat
understandable. Fool me once they say shame on you.
Fool me twice they say shame on me. If we go along with this a second
time without questioning we no longer yearn to be free and have lost our
American Identity forever. Blind obedience is not an American value. Once the
trust is lost we must no longer yield the benefit of the doubt. Trust must be
The never ending conflict of Marxism cannot be ignored anymore as the
lunatics in our “education” system introduce Marxist math this fall. The
“education” system no longer educates it indoctrinates. Creating an activist
generation of degenerates taught to hate objective truth is not education.
Equity is a lie and trying to teach that 2+2=5 is child abuse. The conflict
being set up when you hate truth cannot be resolved without truth. Claiming
power is truth is the essence of tyranny. There is no spoon.
We all struggle with our perceptions with reality because we experience
reality through the 5 senses which act as a filter. We actually don’t see reality
completely so we are relegated to the abstract. Temple Grandin makes an
excellent case for this in her book Animals in Translation illustrating that the
abstract Is simply an incomplete picture of reality. The salient point here is that a
woman with Autism is making more sense about reality than our current power
seeking culture.
Contrasting the autistic image oriented perception of reality versus the
learned behaviors of language illustrates the abstract thinking in humans. We
limit our understanding of things trading the deep complete thought for the
shallow abstract thought or conclusion. Political slogans are abstract.
Humans have a complete visual view of the world as children
understanding body language and humor before we understand language or how
to speak. This is trained out of us as we are taught to think in the abstract without
critical thinking skills. I think they call it higher education because of all of the
cannabis. Dude where’s my car?
Babies interpret the world through imagery and body language
understanding truth in a visceral way. This is similar to animals and autistic
humans. Body language is truth. Seeking the face of your parents is innate just as
seeking the face of the lord.
The simple observation is how effective face emoji’s are in today’s abstract
communications. Faces are on the short list of things that get our attention like
someone calling your name. Understanding our narrow perceptions illustrates
how we can easily be distracted and led away from truth.
We often tell each other to look at the big picture to understand better
what is going on. We know instinctively that the abstract eschews truth, unity,
purpose and meaning and reality if we let it. Do we just accept what the TV tells
us? I think the new motto must be don’t trust, until you verify.
The abstract takes us away from truth if we allow it to replace a complete
work or thought. When we say get a grip we mean touch the thing and make sure
it’s real. Is truth within our grasp? We must be seeking truth to be seeking
reality. The opposite is also true.
It’s amazing how we all know the truth and spend much of our lives trying
to verify what we already know. We are all in the process of becoming and our
Identity is what we are today right now. It will not be the same tomorrow and in
the future.
The absurdity of the arguments today that your identity is fluid and
separate from the body are completely correct as far as perception and maturity.
Our minds don’t mature until about age 26. Our biology was determined at
conception. We are not amphibians despite what “highly educated” doctors
might be saying.
We cannot out love God. The day the music died was the day that a
generation embraced Marxism and traded vanity for truth. The day we deluded
ourselves trading the abstract for reality to serve our feelings and base
The Gnostic pride was born of an abstract reading of the bible. Love thy
Neighbor was enough
just ignore the condition that you are to love God with all
your heart mind and soul first
If you don’t Love God how do you know what love
is? You must understand the first condition to understand boundaries and
restraint. God is Love.
The mantra all I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten was popular
for a while. That phrase sums up the emotionalism of the embrace of Marxism.
The gnosis that the entire Bible could be summed up in a single abstract phrase
“Love they Neighbor” came into being. The conclusion by the Marxists and the
gnostics was that there was no need to read the bible at all.
A generation so smart they knew better than God and that love was really
just sex and feelings. The Religion of Revolution was born. A generation of youth
shaking their fists in fits of rage. The reference to the Satan spell in that great folk
song resonates today in hindsight.
No matter what oracles or idols you consult there is none better than God.
Satan refused to repent and humble himself and was cast out.
“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” After all being anti-Christ is a
religion for many now and even funded and supported by our schools in the after
school Satan programs. There is no humility in Satan only Pride.
Reality is not abstract and the complete command is to love God with all
your heart, mind, strength and soul so you know what love is that’s the first
commandment and is conditional. After the first commandment you to look to
the second part that is to love your neighbor as yourself
The gnosis that you
could embrace the abstract second commandment and discard the first was the
Marxist embrace.
That is the day the music died for many as they embraced a lie.
The lord admonishes all of us that if we love him we will keep his
commandments. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth AKA the BIBLE was
discarded for an abstract idea. No longer would we study to show ourselves
No longer would we go to church when we could just use one of our
lifelines when we got into trouble. We began to work out our salvation, but not
with fear and trembling with arrogance and pride that it was no longer important
and salvation became condemnation.
The vain, the gnostic, and the proud. Fully arrogant youth simply traded the
real for the fake and embraced the lie of Marxism. They discarded the first part of
the commandment as non-essential. Love was redefined and boiled down to an
abstract idea.
Hence the embrace of the shallow interpretation of the phrase love they
neighbor. The song describes the moment that the culture and the church began
to degenerate. The church became a club and was no longer an important
institution. God became someone you contacted when your life became
unmanageable and you needed a bailout.
The Marxists claimed that there was no truth only feelings and new age
spirituality would rule their souls whatever that meant. If it felt good do it. Love
conquers fear but if you don’t Love God you don’t know what love is. In fact you might say stupid things like “love is love” and take an abstract thought and make
it even more abstract and devoid of meaning.
Any honest reading of the word of God concludes that you must embrace
the whole counsel of God not just an abstract scripture you like. By definition
Marxists (Gnostics) have become wise in their own eyes and think everyone is evil
but themselves.
The arrogance of the current gnostic oligarchy that is our university
pretending to be the noble aristocracy with a French fragrance is an eminence
front. Why would we draw a false moral equivalency that gender is only a
construct in our minds that could override the real biology of our bodies?
Could it be that the university system is full of God hating Marxists? What
other explanation could we make to better understand the churning out of
activists demanding government bailouts for bad decisions?
What other conclusion might we draw from the pseudo aristocracy that
hates its own country and works to promote an agenda that is leading us to
mutilate our children? When did it become a social good to sexualize children?
Dressing up and pretending to be something your not was what we did at
Halloween and it was for fun not a lifestyle. We used to call fake people POSERS
we did not take them seriously.
Looks to me like ignorance aligned with a political agenda masquerading as
an infallible intellect or an idol of a small g god. When did our kids become
political pawns, slaves and guinea pigs? This modern slavery of the mind is really
just narcissism seeking to change reality that cannot be changed. There is nothing
new under the sun. John Bunyan called this simply VAINGLORY.
In a few choice words from the Declaration a clear contrast emerges. “When a long
train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design
to reduce them to absolute despotism”.